Nautel NX 10
Nautel NX 10
Nautel NX 10
Contact Information
Nautel Limited
10089 Peggy’s Cove Road
Hackett’s Cove, NS Canada B3Z 3J4
Toll Free: +1.877.6NAUTEL (662.8835)
(Canada & USA only) or
Phone: +1.902.823.3900 or
Fax: +1.902.823.3183
Nautel Inc.
201 Target Industrial Circle
Bangor, Maine USA 04401
Phone: +1.207.947.8200
Fax: +1.207.947.3693
Description 3.1.1
Ac-Dc Power Stage 3.1.2
Exciter Stage 3.1.3
Control/Monitor Stage 3.1.5
RF Power Stage 3.1.7
RF Output Network 3.1.8
The NX10 features redundancy in the following key systems:
Exciters (optional)
RF power modules
Cooling fans
Ac Power Transformer
The NX10’s power transformer can be set to use a range of input voltages. See Section 2.4, “Connecting
Ac Power” on page 2.4.1 in the NX10 Installation Manual.
The B+ discharge relay, which is part of the B+ distribution assembly, opens when ac power is applied
and closes and ac power is removed, applying a high power discharge resistor across the B+ bus to
quickly discharge the voltage. When the discharge relay closes, a microswitch ensures the SCR rectifier
is immediately inhibited.
Exciter Stage
See 3.1.1 on page 3.1.4, Figure 3.1.5 on page 3.1.13and electrical schematic SD-2. The exciter stage
consists of digital AM exciter PWBs A (A5) and B (A6, optional) and control/interface PWB (A4). The
dual digital AM exciter PWBs provide two independent exciter sections (A and B), which can be
selected automatically or by local or remote control. The control/interface PWB acts as an interface
point for audio inputs and RF drive and PDM outputs.
Audio signals for analog AM modulation can be applied as balanced analog (600 ohm impedance) or
digital (AES/EBU format). All audio inputs are digitized and sample rate converted. A DSP provides
initial data conditioning, including the initial filtering and interpolation of incoming audio or digital
radio data.
An FPGA generates the digital PDM signals and synthesizes the carrier frequency RF drive signal. It also
performs digital up-conversion, reverse path demodulation and down conversion and B+ voltage
Analog/ Inputs RF Drive (A)
Digital Digital AM
PDM (A) RF Drive 1
Modulation Exciter A
To RF Power Modules
RF Drive 2
PDM 1/3/5
RF Drive (B)
Digital AM PDM 2/4/6
Exciter B PDM (B)
+15 V dc
-15 V dc
+5 V dc
The digital PDM component consists of six phased PDM signals, each separated by 60 electrical
degrees. These PDM drive signals determine the transmitter output power level as well as the output
modulation level. Three of these phases, each separated by 120 electrical degrees (e.g., 1, 3 and 5), are
applied to a given RF power module. To achieve optimal harmonic cancellation, three different phases
(e.g., 2, 4 and 6) are applied to the adjacent module.
Samples of the RF output voltage, RF output current, SCR rectifier temperature and RF power module
temperature are monitored. If a parameter exceeds an acceptable limit, the active exciter attempts to
compensate by decreasing its output power to restore the parameter to an acceptable level.
A sample of the B+ supply voltage is monitored. A B+ compensation circuit adjusts the PDM duty cycle
to compensate for variations in the B+ supply in order to maintain constant transmitter output power
and minimize hum.
A PDM inhibit (A or B) input is applied from the control/interface PWB to inhibit the PDM drive for a
specific exciter during certain alarm/fault conditions.
RF Drive Distribution
The control/interface PWB (A4) accepts the RF drive (+ and -) signals from the digital AM exciter PWBs
(A and B) and buffers the individual RF drive 1 and 2 outputs that are provided to the rack interface
PDM Distribution
The control/interface PWB (A4) accepts the six PDM (1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8) signals from the digital AM
exciter PWBs (A and B) and splits the active exciter PDM signals into two (+ and -) differential outputs
that are provided to the RF power stage.
Other Functions
The exciter stage interfaces with the transmitter controller to perform various other functions, including:
Provides an RF Drive Latch signal to the transmitter controller to inhibit the RF drive for a set
period of time during specific alarm/fault conditions.
Provides a PM Enable signal for the RF power modules to monitor the PDM cable status. This
signal is held “low” (0 V) by the exciter.
Provides real-time telemetry of exciter samples over a streaming bus to the transmitter
controller for use by various instruments on the remote AUI such as the spectrum analyzer,
Smith chart, signal constellation, audio levels, etc.
Accepts 10 MHz, 1 PPS and 1 kHz synchronization signals from the selected source (Ext 10
MHz, GPS Sync PWB or Combiner) for synchronizing the RF carrier frequency and phase.
Control/Monitor Stage
See Figure 3.1.5 on page 3.1.13and electrical schematics SD-2 and SD-3.
The control/monitor stage monitors critical signal samples and status/alarm signals from the exciter
stage, RF power stage, and ac/dc power stage. It also provides customer interfaces for monitoring
transmitter status and accepts customer inputs for distribution to other system components. The
control/interface PWB (A4) is the primary component of the control/monitor stage. It provides various
functions, including:
Accepts all analog and digital modulation inputs and synchronization signals (10 MHz, 1 PPS,
1 kHz) and distributes them, along with RF voltage and current samples, to the exciter stage.
Accepts +15 V from the rack interface to generate on-board power supply requirements.
Monitors the forward and reflected power samples from the directional coupler and initiates a
shutback when the reflected power exceeds the factory set threshold.
Amplifies the forward and reflected power samples for the RF monitor output.
Monitors shutback requests from the rack interface for arc detector and low B+ shutdown
Accepts customer D-sub connections for digital remote inputs, digital remote outputs and
analog outputs.
Accepts customer connections to complete the external interlock and transmitter (PDM)
inhibit circuits.
Accepts customer Ethernet connection to allow access to the transmitter’s remote AUI feature.
Accepts customer USB connections for audio playlist.
Contains a microcontroller that: manages presets, scheduler and exciter changeover; controls
RF on/off status, controls RF symmetry, controls RF monitor level, stores network settings;
manages the transmitter’s response to certain alarm/fault conditions.
Contains a CPLD that: performs basic logic operations on logic inputs to produce logic
outputs; latches off RF drive during certain alarm/fault conditions; routes program inputs and
synchronization signal to the exciter(s); muliplexes exciter A and B’s PDM outputs.
Contains an ARM processor (host) that: runs the operating system and server that provides
remote AUI functionality; accepts USB and Ethernet inputs.
The transmitter’s local interface is provided via the front panel UI display (U3) - a 4 x 20 graphic LCD
display - and its adjacent keypad. The front panel UI contains a menu-based series of pages that serve
specific functions. Similar interfacing, as well as more advanced functionality, is available on a remotely
accessed AUI. The AUI is a flash graphic that can be accessed via an Ethernet connection on any web-
based PC or handheld device.
The UI interface PWB (A3) provides an interface between the front panel display (U3) and the control/
interface PWB (A4). It also contains the pushbutton switches (RF ON, RF OFF and LOCAL/REMOTE)
and associated status LEDs that protrude through the front panel, below the UI.
RF Power Stage
See Figure 3.1.5 on page 3.1.13and electrical schematic SD-4. The RF power stage contains four RF
power modules (A12 through A15) four fan tray assemblies (A16 through A19), two power module
interface PWBs (A10 and A11), rack interface PWB (A9) and RF combiner transformer (A21).
Each RF power module accepts RF drive from the rack interface PWB through the power module
interface PWBs and PDM from the exciter stage. B+ and +15 V dc voltages are applied to the RF power
modules via the B+ distribution assembly, the rack interface PWB and power module interface PWBs.
+48 V dc voltage is applied to the fan trays via the rack interface PWB and the power module interface
PWBs. The output of each RF power module is applied to a primary winding of a series combining
transformer. The resultant combined output is applied to the RF output network.
RF Output Network
See Figure 3.1.2, Figure 3.1.5 on page 3.1.13and electrical schematic SD-5. The combined RF output is
filtered through an RF network consisting of two “T” networks with a shunt third harmonic trap, and
then provided to the antenna system. The RF output is monitored by an RF current probe, RF voltage
probe and directional coupler. Samples from these probes are provided for control and monitoring
purposes (see “VSWR Protection” on page 3.1.9). A static drain choke provides a dc short to ground to
dissipate static build-up on the antenna system, and an adjustable spark gap provides protection for
the transmitter output from lightning events on the antenna.
Voltage Probe
Surge Arrestor
RF 1 (-) RF Out
to Antenna
Part of A20 - Current Probe
E1 Spark gap
RF 2 (+)
A22 Static Drain
Shunt Capacitor Bank
RF 2 (-)
Forward Power
RF 3 (+)
RF Pwr Mdl 3
L Reflected Power
RF 3 (-)
RF Current Sample
RF 20 (+)
RF Pwr Mdl 4
RF 4 (-)
VSWR Protection
The transmitter uses an advanced DSP based VSWR protection system. Circuitry in the RF output
network (see 3.1.2 on page 3.1.8) samples the RF voltage and RF current at the input to the harmonic
filter. These current (I) and voltage (V) samples are applied to ADCs on the digital AM exciter PWBs. The
digitized I and V signals are used to calculate the impedance (Z) at the combiner output. An FPGA
performs high-speed calculations, so there is minimal response delay.
Fast VSWR protection is used to detect transient faults when the reflected power quickly increases due
to arcing, lightning or short circuits. The protection circuit is set at 1.5:1 at 10 kW plus 100% peak
modulation using the reflected power sample from the directional coupler (see 3.1.2 on page 3.1.8) and
triggers the controller’s Fast SWR Shutback alarm, designed to shutback PDM (reduce power to zero)
and disable RF drive in less than 100 ns. This protection ensures that the RF drive to the RF power
modules is disabled in less than one RF carrier period, preventing the amplifier from operating into a
potentially harmful load.
The peak reflected power calculated by the FPGA is supplementary to the fast SWR protection, allowing
the exciter to detect and control the response to the event. The peak reflected power limit - based on a
VSWR of 1.5:1 at rated power plus 100% peak modulation - is 16 % of the transmitter’s rated power
(i.e., 1600 W). If this limit is exceeded, the transmitter’s output power instantly reduces to 0 W. This
triggers the exciter’s SWR Shutback alarm.
Shutbacks can be caused by the following alarms: SWR Shutback (exciter), Fast SWR Shutback
(controller), Over-Current Shutback (exciter), Over-Voltage Shutback (exciter) and Arc Shutback
During a single shutback event (see Figure 3.1.3), the transmitter reduces the output power to
0 W, and remains in that state for 100 ms. This allows time for an arc or transient fault to
clear. After 100 ms, the output power exponentially ramps up (to the power set point or the
power limit set by the exciter, whichever is lower).
After 30 s, the transmitter returns to full power under control of the normal ALC. When a
shutback occurs, the cutback accumulator is set to a normalized value of 1. This value decays
at a rate of 1/60 of a second (0.0167 s) so after 60 s, the accumulator value returns to 0 and
the shutback event is no longer in memory.
A cutback occurs after multiple shutback events. When three shutback events occur within a 15 s
period, the cutback accumulator exceeds its threshold. The transmitter responds by limiting the output
power to 85% of the previous power set point or the power at which the shutback event occurred,
whichever is lower. When multiple cutback events occur, the output power is reduced by 85% of the
current level after each event. The minimum cutback power level is 25% of full carrier power. Further
cutbacks will not decrease the power beyond this point. When the transmitter is recovering from a
cutback event, the accumulator must first reach 0, which takes 60 s. After that, transmitter power is
gradually restored to full power according to the curve shown in Figure 3.1.4.
Every SWR event that occurs is stressful to the RF amplifier; the more events that occur, the more
chances there are for a power module to fail due to an SWR event. The purpose of the cutback routine
is to decrease the voltage being applied to the RF amplifier when multiple SWR events are occurring.
Doing so decreases the stress on the RF amplifier during each event, decreasing the probability of a
power module failure.
If the average reflected power, calculated over a nominal 5 s period, exceeds a limit of 4% of rated
power, the output power is gradually reduced in order to maintain a reflected power that is less than
this limit. This gradual reduction in power into high VSWR allows the transmitter to continue to operate
into VSWR levels as high as 1.5:1 at full carrier power and even higher VSWR levels when the carrier
power is reduced. This VSWR protection is intended to protect against short or open circuits when the
transmitter is turned on, as well as non-transient faults such as a poorly tuned antenna system.
USB +30V +15V
1kHz +15V
+15V +48V
AES 2 +48V
10MHz FAN TRAY 3 +15V
10MHz B+
B2120001 V3
– Viewing Real-Time Meters - using the Remote AUI - see page 3.2.48
– Viewing Real-Time Meters - Front Panel UI - see page 3.2.54
User Settings - see page 3.2.87, User Settings - Front Panel UI - see page 3.2.111
– Remote I/O Settings - Using the Remote AUI - see page 3.2.164
– Remote I/O Settings - Using the Front Panel UI - see page 3.2.169
– Monitoring Analog Outputs - see page 3.2.172
Preset Scheduler - see page 3.2.175
– Exciter Changeover Settings - Using the Remote AUI - see page 3.2.186
– Exciter Changeover Settings - Using the Front Panel - see page 3.2.187
Locally, using the front panel push-buttons (RF On, RF Off and Local/Remote, see Front Panel
Pushbuttons) and the front panel UI and its navigational buttons (see Front Panel UI, on page 3.2.9).
Remotely, via a LAN connection, using the advanced user interface (AUI) pages (see Advanced User
Interface (AUI), on page 3.2.15).
Remotely, via remote input/output (I/O) wiring connected to the control interface PWB (A4) (see
the NX10 Pre-installation Manual for I/O details).
SNMP, which is used to communicate transmitter control commands (e.g., RF on/off, main exciter,
active preset, power adjustments, etc.) as well as monitor data such as alarm states and meter
values. SNMP communication is configurable using the remote AUI (see SNMP Configuration, on
page 3.2.100 for more information).
See the complete menu hierarchy illustrated in Figure 3.2.1 and Figure 3.2.2 (for the local front panel
menu) and Figure 3.2.3 (for the remote AUI menu). When a user interfacing function can be performed
from both the front panel display and the remote AUI, both are described in this section.
Select Preset
(see 3.2.74)
Edit Presets
(see Sheet 2 of 2)
Reset Alarms
(see 3.2.84)
Factory Settings Audio Cal (see 3.2.151) Exciter Sync (see 3.2.142)
B+ Cal (see 3.2.153) RF Monitor (see 3.2.143)
RF Symmetry (see 3.2.156) Power Lockout (see 3.2.144)
Help SWR Thresholds (see 3.2.158) Power Thresholds (see 3.2.146)
Frequency (see 3.2.161)
Figure 3.2.1: NX10 Transmitter Front Panel Display Menu Tree (Sheet 1 of 2)
Select Preset to
Edit Presets Edit or Create
New Preset
(see 3.2.82)
Output Power
(see 3.2.76)
Mod Loss
Overall Mode (see 3.2.82) Enable
(see 3.2.76)
Configuration Action
(see 3.2.77)
Copy Another
Audio Options Preset
(see 3.2.77) AM Source
(see 3.2.84)
Level (depends on AM source)
Filter Type
**DCC Settings
(see 3.2.79) Mode
**DRM Settings
see 3.2.80)
** Screen is only displayed if the appropriate
AM source is selected.
**IBOC Settings
(see 3.2.81)
Figure 3.2.2: NX10 Transmitter Front Panel Display Menu Tree - Edit Presets (Sheet 2 of 2)
User Accounts
Create/Remove User
Presets (see page 3.2.123)
(see page 3.2.58)
Change Password
Analog Settings
Time Setup
Settings Reset NTP Servers
(see page 3.2.127)
Upgrade Software Nautel Phone Home
RF Monitor Level
AM-AM Correction
AM-PM Correction
Audio Player
Envelope Equalization (see page 3.2.180) Playlist
Configurations Streams
Exciter Synchronization
Status LEDs
RF On RF Off Local Remote
RF On - Press the pushbutton switch to turn on the RF power stage and cooling fans. The RF
On LED will be on (amber) when the RF power stage is on and the external interlock circuit is
intact. The transmitter will operate at the level stored in the selected preset.
RF Off - Press the pushbutton switch to turn off the RF power stage. The RF Off LED will
be on (amber) when the RF power stage is off.
NOTE: The RF On and RF Off LEDs may blink if there are alarms occurring that prevent the
transmitter from enabling the RF power stage (e.g., interlock open, combiner matching, etc.)
Local/Remote - Press the switch to toggle between “remote enabled” (Remote amber LED
on; local and remote control) and “remote disabled” (Remote LED off; local control only). The
transmitter’s local controls are always enabled so the Local LED is always on. In Local only
mode (Remote amber LED off), the front panel switches and UI control transmitter operation
and all of the remote controls (except the external interlock) are disabled. In Remote enabled
mode, control of transmitter functions is also provided to the remote (web-accessed) AUI or
remote input/output control on the control/interface PWB. The bottom of the remote AUI
home page will display the control status. When remote control is enabled, both the Local and
Remote buttons are green. When remote control is disabled, only the Local button is green.
Front Panel UI
The front panel UI is 4 x 20 character graphic LCD display (see Figure 3.2.5 on page 3.2.10). The UI can
be controlled by its adjacent keypad. The UI contains a menu-based series of pages that serve specific
functions. Similar interfacing, as well as more advanced functionality, is available on the remote AUI
(see Front Panel UI Screens, on page 3.2.12).
LCD Display
This display shows all the UI screens. The display’s home screen, used for viewing purposes only, is
shown in Figure 3.2.5.
LCD Display
Main Menu
This main menu is the starting point for navigating through the UI screens. See Table 3.2.1 on
page 3.2.12 for a list of screens and their basic functions.
Figure 3.2.6: Main Menu
Navigational Buttons
There are six push-buttons on the right-hand side of the LCD display that allow navigation through the
UI pages, as well as modifying selected settings.
Up and down - on menu and list screens, moves cursor up and down through the associated
page; on edit screens, increases and decreases the value of a parameter being modified.
Left - on menu and list screens, exits to the next higher level screen; on edit screens, moves
the editing cursor left, as applicable.
Right - on menu and list screens, enters the next lower level screen; on edit screens, moves
the editing cursor right, as applicable.
Checkmark - on menu screens, goes to the next lower level screen; on edit screens, acts as an
“accept” or “save” function; in some cases the display will prompt its use.
X - on menu and list screens, exits to the next higher level screen; on edit screens, acts as a
“cancel” function; in some cases the display will prompt its use.
Saving Settings
Many of the UI screens allow for modifying a selected setting. Use the checkmark button to save a
change. Use the X button to cancel a change and revert back to the previously stored value.
There are four LEDs on the left-hand side of the LCD display that provide the operational status of
various sections of the transmitter - Controller/Exciter, Power Amplifier, Output Network
and Power Supply (see Figure 3.2.6 on page 3.2.10). The LEDs can glow green, amber or red. Typically,
green indicates normal operation, amber indicates a warning, and red indicates a fault or error. Refer to
the Troubleshooting section for more detailed information on LED status.
Edit Presets - Output Power Edit the selected preset’s output power. page 3.2.76
Edit Presets - Overall Mode Edit the selected preset’s operating mode (Analog AM, IBOC, DRM, page 3.2.76
Edit Presets - Configuration Edit the selected preset’s pre-correction configuration. page 3.2.77
Edit Presets - Audio Options Edit the selected preset’s audio characteristics such as source, level, page 3.2.77
format, pre-emphasis and filtering.
Edit Presets - DCC Settings Edit the selected preset’s DCC mode and settings, if applicable. page 3.2.79
Edit Presets - DRM Settings Edit the selected preset’s DRM settings, if applicable. page 3.2.80
Edit Presets - IBOC Settings Edit the selected preset’s IBOC settings, if applicable. page 3.2.81
Edit Presets - AMSS Enable/disable AMSS operation in the selected preset. page 3.2.82
Edit Presets - Mod Loss Edit the selected preset’s modulation loss functionality, such as enable/ page 3.2.82
disable, setting threshold, setting timeout period, setting resulting
action and selecting a backup preset.
Edit Presets - Copy Another Copy the selected preset’s settings to another preset. page 3.2.84
Reset Alarms Initiate an attempt to reset all alarms controlled by latched protection page 3.2.84
View Status View various transmitter parameters (see other View Status options in -
this table).
View Status - View Alarms View all active transmitter alarms. page 3.2.30
View Status - View Log View the transmitter’s events log, including alarms, commands, etc. page 3.2.30
View Status - Clear Log Clear the transmitter’s events log. page 3.2.30
VIew Status - Exgine Statistics View Exgine-related statistics, if the optional Exgine PWB is installed page 3.2.57
and the AM source is IBOC or IBOC+AM.
User Settings Edit various transmitter user settings (see other User Settings options in -
this table).
User Settings - Set Clock Set precise time and date. page 3.2.105
User Settings - NTP Sync Enable or disable NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers to allow clock page 3.2.107
synchronization with all computers on the same network as the NX10.
User Settings - Network View and/or set network information such as MAC address (view only), page 3.2.90
Settings DHCP on/off status, IP address, netmask and gateway.
System Settings - Host Reset Initiate a reset of the exciter/control PWB’s host processor. page 3.2.136
System Settings - Host Enable, disable or force a reset of the host watchdog feature. page 3.2.137
System Settings - OS Recovery Initiate a recovery reset of the operating system in the event of a failed page 3.2.137
software upgrade.
System Settings - Firmware Check firmware versions for various sections of the transmitter and page 3.2.138
perform a software upgrade on the transmitter.
System Settings - LCD Settings Set the front panel display’s contrast, backlight and timeout. page 3.2.139
System Settings - Exciter Sync Set synchronization data for the active exciter. page 3.2.141
System Settings - RF Monitor Set the gain for the RF monitor sample and select the forward or page 3.2.143
reflected signal.
System Settings - Power Edit power lockout settings and select the active power lockout. page 3.2.144
System Settings - Power Set two distinct low forward power thresholds. page 3.2.146
System Settings - PM Inhibit Allows for local enabling or disabling of each RF power module. page 3.2.147
Changeover For dual exciters, controls the auto exciter transfer function. page 3.2.187
Remote I/O Configure the remote inputs, remote outputs and view analog outputs page 3.2.164
for the transmitter.
Factory Settings Sets critical thresholds, calibration values and operating values for key page 3.2.148
transmitter parameters. These settings are established at the factory and
do not normally require user adjustment (see other Factory Settings
options in this table).
Factory Settings - Audio Calibrate the analog audio input with a known source. page 3.2.151
Factory Settings - B+ Settings Set the B+ limit (for high voltage alarm) and calibrate the B+ level. page 3.2.153
Factory Settings - RF Edit the RF symmetry value for exciter A or B to minimize 2nd harmonic page 3.2.156
Symmetry content.
Factory Settings - SWR Enable/disable SWR protection and set protection thresholds for various page 3.2.158
Thresholds parameters (e.g., peak and RMS reflected limits).
Factory Settings - Transmitter Set the precise carrier frequency for the transmitter. page 3.2.161
Factory Settings - PDM Edit the PDM phase offsets and initiate a PDM minimization routine. page 3.2.163
Each remote AUI page provides information about a specific transmitter function. All navigation
through the remote AUI pages begins on the main screen (or Home page), shown in Figure 3.2.7 on
page 3.2.16.
Access the remote AUI’s login page by entering the IP address/port #. Any remote user can view the
transmitter’s remote AUI pages; however, only users with the appropriate permission level can access
functions that alter the transmitter control settings.
To log out of the remote AUI, or to login as another user, access the login menu by clicking the Log Out
button on the Home page.
NOTE: Depending on the connection speed, it may take some time to display the AUI login screen
remotely using a PC and a web browser. The amount of data that has to be transmitted is
approximately 14 MB. Therefore, if the connection speed to the transmitter is 1 Mb/s, it will take
approximately 2 minutes for the login screen to load.
Log Out
Bottom Banner
The top banner is permanent on all remote AUI pages and includes:
Nautel Logo: From any page, click the Nautel logo to log out and return to the login window.
Date & Time: Displays day, month, year and current time (see Setting the Clock, on page 3.2.103).
Active Preset: Displays the name of the active preset. Click to see a list of available presets and
change the active preset (see Managing Presets - Using the Remote AUI, on page 3.2.58). Above this
bar, the power set point based on the current forward and reflected power levels are shown, as
well as the operating mode and carrier frequency.
Active Exciter: Displays the active exciter (A or optional B). Click on the Active Exciter area to
shortcut to the Changeover page (see Changing Exciter Transfer Settings, on page 3.2.186).
Modulation Level: Displays the L+R modulation levels as well as the Envelope Magnitude, which
is PA V magnitude as a percentage of the B+ voltage. Each meter shows RMS (green),
instantaneous peak (yellow) and peak-hold (red) values.
The bottom banner is also permanent on all remote AUI pages and includes:
Activity Window: Displays various messages to reflect specific user interface commands, such as
RF on/off, local/remote control, or reset.
Menu: Click to open the Menu page, which allows navigation to various other pages (see Main
Menu on page 3.2.21).
Status: Click to shortcut to the Transmitter Status page (see Viewing Transmitter Status - Remote
AUI on page 3.2.85), which provides current alarm and status details for the transmitter. When the
Status button is red, one or more alarms of “high” severity is currently being reported and the
transmitter is in an ‘off-air’ state. When the Status button is amber, one or more alarms of
“medium” severity is currently being reported, but the transmitter is still ‘on-air’, possibly at
reduced power. When the Status button is green, the transmitter is operating normally. In this
case, either there are no alarms being reported, or there is an alarm reported that is not affecting
the transmitter’s normal operation. This page is also available through the Menu page.
Logs: Click to shortcut to the Transmitter Log page, which displays historical alarm and status
records for the transmitter (see Viewing Transmitter Log on page 3.2.22).
Local/Remote: Displays the operational control status of the transmitter. If Local is highlighted
green, only local control of the transmitter - via the front panel UI - is possible. If both Local and
Remote are highlighted green, both local and remote controls are enabled.
Reset: Click to reset protection circuits and restore any RF power modules (and associated power
supplies) that were inhibited, but are now alarm-free. Resets protection circuits that have latched
off the transmitter. To initiate an alarm reset from the front panel display, see Resetting Alarms, on
page 3.2.84.
Log Out: Click to log out of the remote AUI session and return to the login menu. To log in again,
use your remote PC’s keyboard to enter your Username and Password, then click the Submit
button. If you do not have a user account, see User Accounts, on page 3.2.123.
The displays between the top and bottom menus, contains user selected pages. These pages provide
access to a variety of remote AUI functions such as transmitter status and user settings, all described in
this section (see Remote AUI pages, on page 3.2.20).
2. On your router or firewall software, open ports 3501 and 80 and close (restrict access to) port 22. If
you are using SNMP, open ports 161 and 162.
3. Gain remote access to the transmitter by entering the IP address in a web browser’s address field.
Your login remains active until the browser is closed.
4. When properly configured, the login menu (see Figure 3.2.8) appears on the web browser. Your IP
address and any login messages appear in a box at the top, beside the logo, and the current
software version number appears along the bottom of the login window.
NOTE: Depending on the connection speed, it may take some time to display the AUI login screen
remotely using a PC and a web browser. The amount of data that has to be transmitted is
approximately 14 MB. Therefore, if the connection speed to the transmitter is 1 Mb/s, it will take
approximately 2 minutes for the login screen to load.
Supported languages
5. Log in to the remote AUI by entering the appropriate parameters in the login window.
– In Language field, click the down-arrow to review a drop-down menu displaying the available language
options, and select one.
NOTE: The remote AUI is factory configured with a default login username and password. Nautel
recommends that you change the password to improve overall system security. See “Changing the
Password” on page 3.2.125. Also, you should change the OS (operating system) password, which
was a factory set, unique password that is referenced on page 2 of your Proof of Performance
– Click Submit to accept your login parameters and display the remote AUI’s Home page (Figure 3.2.7 on
page 3.2.16). Note: The opening screen (the Home page) will have the layout from the previous login
NOTE: If you do not have a user account, it must be set up by an existing user with proper
permissions. See “Adding an Account” on page 3.2.124.
Menu - System Settings Perform remote AUI and exciter reboots, calibrate the exciter TCXO, perform page 3.2.127
software upgrades, configure the RF monitor output, power lockout settings
and power threshold settings.
Menu - Precorrection Set critical pre-correction settings such as mag-phase delay, B+ setpoint, as page 3.2.114
Settings well as perform AM-AM correction, AM-PM correction, envelope
equalization and exciter synchronization.
Menu - User Accounts Set user permission rights and define user account information. page 3.2.123
Menu - Changeover For dual exciter installations only. Set the main exciter and enable the page 3.2.186
automatic changeover function.
Menu - User Settings Set network information, configure email and alarm notification parameters, page 3.2.88
configure Exgine interface information, configure SNMP parameters, capture
transmitter critical parameters, set the system clock, manage NTP servers,
configure the Nautel Phone Home feature and set the station call sign/ID.
Menu - Remote I/O Define remote inputs/outputs and configure analog outputs. page 3.2.164
Menu - Scheduler Define a preset schedule for daily/monthly operation. page 3.2.175
Menu - Audio Player Manage audio playlists and stream sources. page 3.2.180
Main Menu
From the home page, click the Menu button to view the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.9). From this page,
you can select one of 11 sub-menus. See Remote AUI Pages on page 3.2.20 for a summary of each sub-
menu and to a cross-reference page for more detailed information.
Page number of
displayed page
Selects next
lower page
Selects next
higher page
Selects item at
bottom of current
The Logs page displays a “read only” chronological table of log events under the following column
headings (see Figure 3.2.10):
Device - identifies the origin device of the alarm (e.g., Controller, Exciter, or RF Module).
State - indicates whether the alarm state is active (red bell) or cleared (green checkmark) and in
some cases, indicates whether the RF was turned on or off. This column will also display which
control state (Local or Remote) the transmitter is in, which preset index was selected, and which
high power lockout index was selected.
Severity - indicates how seriously the alarm affects transmitter operation (see Figure 3.2.11).
Time of Event indicates the time and date that the event occurred.
The number of log matches displayed is shown below the Log Manager button (e.g., 157 Matches
Sorted by Time of Event). The columns in the display indicate specific information about the event. Click
a column heading to sort events by the values in that column. You can scroll through the list using the
scroll bar (if displayed) or the up and down arrow buttons to the right of the page. Up to 100 events can
be displayed per page. When there are more than 100 events, a Page #/# icon (e.g., Page 1/2) will
appear to allow viewing of further listings. In this case, click on Page #/#, select the desired page from
the Select a Page window, then click OK to view that page or Cancel to return to the Transmitter Log
page. You can also scroll through the pages using the appropriate arrow button on the right-hand side
of the display (see Figure 3.2.10 on page 3.2.22). Up to 20 pages (i.e., 2000 events, also called a ‘batch’)
can be viewed on the Logs page. A maximum of five batches (i.e., 10,000 events) are stored in the AUI
and can be viewed using the Log Manager. Older items are discarded.
You can manage the NX10 remote AUI’s events log by clicking on the Log Manager button (see
Figure 3.2.12 on page 3.2.24). The resulting screen (see Figure 3.2.12 on page 3.2.24) provides options
to perform various event monitoring operations such as filtering, copying, deletion and statistical
analysis. Click X to close this window.
See the NX10 Troubleshooting Manual to locate detailed information on a specific alarm.
The Log Manager window contains the functions that edit the logs listed in the Logs page. Click the
Log Manager button to open a configurable window with the following display options identified by
tabs across the top of the screen (see Figure 3.2.12):
Copy Logs: Click to copy the selected logs to the remote computer’s clipboard.
Statistics: Click to display statistical information about each event type present in the log.
Legend: The Legend tab opens a “read only” display of alarm symbols to help you interpret the
ones listed in the Logs page or in the Statistics window (see Figure 3.2.16 on page 3.2.28).
Each of these tabs changes the active window options to suit the tab function.
Device type
Filtering Logs
You can change which events are visible on the Logs screen based on the settings in the Filter Logs
tab in the Log Manager (see Figure 3.2.13).
Click the Select a Device drop-down arrow, and select the desired device type to restrict events shown
to only those originating from the selected device. Click the OK button or the Cancel button when
No selection - displays all transmitter events (shown as Select a Device)
Controller - displays controller events only
Exciter A or B - displays applicable exciter events only
Rack # - displays applicable Rack # events only
RF Module # - displays applicable RF Module # events only
Click the Get Next Batch radio button to display the previously logged batch of events (up to 2000
items) for the device type selected. Click the OK button or the Cancel button when done.
Click the Filter by Date radio button to filter events based on a selected date and time range, and the
device type selected. Click the OK button or the Cancel button when done.
Click the Select All radio button (default) to show all of the most recent events in the current ‘batch’ for
the device type selected. A maximum of 2000 items (in 20 pages) can be displayed per ‘batch’. Click the
OK button or the Cancel button when done.
Click the Cancel button to close this window and discard changes.
By Date/Time
Copying Logs
You can create a copy of all the logs in the selected list (copied to the remote user’s computer clipboard)
by clicking the Copy Logs button in the Log Manager (see Figure 3.2.14). You can paste the tab-
delimited text copy of the logs into a text editing program such as Word, Excel, Notepad, etc. Click OK
or Cancel to close this window and return to the Transmitter Log.
Deleting Logs
You can delete all events or a selection of events by clicking the Delete button in the Log Manager (see
Figure 3.2.15).
Delete by date - activates the date and time selection (24-hour clock) where users can click the
arrows to establish a date and time. Log events older than this date will be removed from the
events list.
Click OK to accept the configuration or click Cancel button to close this window and return to the
Transmitter Log.
You can view statistical information on the events being displayed by clicking the Statistics button in
the log manager (see Figure 3.2.16).
NOTE: Only events subject to the filtering parameters are displayed on the Statistics screen.
The Statistics screen displays the number of occurrences of each event type that is present within the
filtered period as well as the time and date of the earliest and latest event occurrence for each. You can
move through the list using the scroll bar (if applicable) or the up and down arrow buttons to the right
of the scroll bar. Click OK or Cancel to close this window. The columns in the display indicate specific
information about the events:
Device - refers to the device (Controller, Exciter, Rack, RF Module) from which the event originated.
Severity - identifies the seriousness of the alarm (see Viewing the Legend, on page 3.2.29).
# Events - reveals the number of occurrences for that event during the filtered period.
Earliest - refers to the first time of an event, within the filtered period.
Latest - refers to the latest time of an event, within the filtered period. If an event has only one
occurrence (i.e., # Events column is 1), then the time in the “Earliest” column will be the same as
the time in the “Latest” column. If an event has more than one occurrence (e.g., # Events column
is 4), then the “Earliest” column reveals the time of the first event (back in time), while the
“Latest” column reveals the time of the last event (closest to the present).
Selects item at
bottom of current
Click the Legend button in the Log Manager (see Figure 3.2.17) to display a legend that describes the
symbols shown in the State and Severity columns of the Logs page. Click OK or Cancel to close this
window and return to the Transmitter Log page.
NOTE: This screen is for viewing purposes only and does not offer the same level of analytical features
as the remote AUI’s Logs page (see Figure 3.2.10 on page 3.2.22).
Event name
Event state
The View Alarms screen displays only the names of alarms that are currently active. The View Logs
screen shows a chronological list of all alarms (up to 2000) that have occurred since the last time the
logs were cleared. Older events are discarded.
Use the up and down buttons to scroll through the list of alarms or logged events.
Refer to the NX10 Troubleshooting Manual to cross-reference the alarm name to possible causes and
troubleshooting tips.
When you select and activate Clear Log from the View Status menu, you can delete all logged events.
Use the Reset Alarms command in the front panel UI’s Main Menu -> Reset Alarms screen to
attempt to clear any latching alarms that are holding the transmitter in an “off-air” or reduced power
state. If the offending alarm has cleared, the transmitter should resume operation. See Resetting Alarms,
on page 3.2.84.
Click on the desired instrument panel to display it. See Table 3.2.3 on page 3.2.32 for a description of
each instrument panel.
Spectrum Displays a spectrum analyzer, capable of monitoring the transmitter’s RF See page 3.2.35
output spectrum and the spectrum of the signal generated by the exciter.
EQ Frequency Response Displays the frequency response of the exciter’s EQ filter. See page 3.2.37
EQ Impulse Response Displays the impulse response of the exciter’s EQ filter. See page 3.2.38
EQ Filter Delay Displays the group delay of the exciter’s EQ filter across its bandwidth. See page 3.2.39
AM-AM Correction Displays the amplitude compensation being applied to the magnitude See page 3.2.40
AM-PM Correction Displays the compensation being applied to the phase signal. See page 3.2.41
Signal Constellation For IBOC mode only. Displays the phase and amplitude of the symbols See page 3.2.42
being modulated within an OFDM sub-carrier as dots on a cartesian
graph. Also displays timing and data carrier information.
Lissajous Plot Displays a Lissajous figure that represents the resultant vector See page 3.2.43
(magnitude and phase) for the applicable channels (either L and R or I
and Q).
Smith Chart Displays the impedance of the load as seen at the input to the See page 3.2.44
transmitter’s combiner.
Modulation Levels Displays L+R modulation, Envelope Magnitude and I/Q modulation. I/Q See page 3.2.45
bar graphs are relevant for DRM or IBOC mode only.
Audio Inputs Displays the program input levels. Bar graph labels indicate the source of See page 3.2.46
each display.
Power Distribution Plot Displays a CCDF plot that indicates the probability of exceeding a given See page 3.2.47
power level, based on the average power level. Aids in determining peak
power capability.
Maximize / Minimize
Zoom in
Zoom out
Each panel has a tool bar at the top of the display
To enlarge/reduce the instrument panel, use the maximize/minimize buttons. Some instrument
displays show more information when maximized (e.g., Signal Constellation, see Figure 3.2.30 on
page 3.2.42).
To display a cursor in the panel, which only applies to the Spectrum Analyzer, Smith Chart, EQ
instruments, AM-AM Correction, AM-PM Correction and Power Distribution Plot, click on the
instrument panel where you want the cursor (see Figure 3.2.21 on page 3.2.34). The cursor position
and value are noted in the upper, right-hand corner of the panel (e.g., frequency and amplitude for
the spectrum analyzer).
To make fine adjustments, use the backward and forward buttons (see Figure 3.2.20).
Maximize/Minimize buttons
Spectrum Analyzer
See Figure 3.2.23. The carrier level is normalized to its unmodulated level at 0 dB. The graph center is
always at the carrier frequency, as defined by the Exciter’s set Frequency value.
Masks are shown based on transmission mode and are defined by the following standards:
NOTE: Any spurious emissions that are displayed are a product of the spectrum analyzer and are not
actually present on the transmitter output.
Click on the panel to display a cursor on the trace in the approximate area. The cursor position
(frequency and amplitude) is shown in the upper, right-hand corner of the panel. The center frequency is
shown in the upper, left-hand corner of the panel. Click in other areas of the spectrum analyzer panel to
provide a coarse adjustment of the cursor position.
Use the left and right buttons to make fine adjustments to the cursor position.
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
Use the “peak” button to place the cursor on the next successive peak (moving left to right) in the
Use the “cog” button to gain access to spectrum settings (see Figure 3.2.24) such as:
Resolution Bandwidth: determines the FFT bin size or the smallest frequency that can be
resolved. Set between 90 Hz and 2500 Hz (default is 300 Hz). Decreasing this value provides better
frequency resolution, but will increase the sweep time.
Span: determines the start and stop frequencies of the analyzer with the carrier frequency always
at the center. Set between 20 kHz and 300 kHz (default is 150 kHz).
Averages: determines the number of averages that the analyzer performs per sweep. Set between
0 and 100 (default is 19).
Measurement Source: determines the source of the spectrum plot (transmitter output or internal)
that is being displayed. Selecting TX Output uses the exciter’s RF sample feedback signal to
display the RF output spectrum. Selecting Internal displays the exciter’s internally generated
Clear Averaging: resets the averaged signal shown on the spectrum analyzer.
Equalizer Screens
The NX10’s exciter includes a fixed equalizer to optimize audio and digital performance. There are three
menus available in the instrument panels - EQ Frequency (see Figure 3.2.25), EQ Impulse Response
(see Figure 3.2.26 on page 3.2.38) and EQ Filter Delay (see Figure 3.2.27 on page 3.2.39). Coefficients
are determined to compensate for the frequency response of the transmitter. All frequencies shown are
relative to the channel frequency.
EQ Frequency Response
See Figure 3.2.25. This panel displays the frequency response of the active exciter’s equalization filter. It
displays the gain of the filter versus frequency as it applies to the magnitude of the modulating signal.
A dashed line is displayed at the 0 dB level.
Click on the panel to display a cursor in the approximate area on the trace. The cursor position
(frequency and magnitude) is noted in the upper, right-hand corner of the panel. Click in other areas of
the instrument panel to provide a coarse adjustment of the cursor position.
Use the left and right buttons to make fine adjustments to the cursor position.
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
EQ Impulse Response
See Figure 3.2.26. This panel displays the impulse response of the modulator’s EQ filter.
Click on the panel to display a cursor in the approximate area. The cursor position (filter tap # and
magnitude) is noted in the upper, right-hand corner of the panel. Click in other areas of the instrument
panel to provide a coarse adjustment of the cursor position.
Use the left and right buttons to make fine adjustments to the cursor position.
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
EQ Filter Delay
See Figure 3.2.27. This panel displays the group delay of the modulator’s EQ filter across its bandwidth.
Click on the panel to display a cursor in the approximate area. The cursor position (frequency and delay)
is noted in the upper, right-hand corner of the panel. Click in other areas of the instrument panel to
provide a coarse adjustment of the cursor position.
Use the left and right buttons to make fine adjustments to the cursor position.
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
AM-AM Correction
This panel displays the amplitude correction being applied to the magnitude signal. The x-axis
represents the input signal amplitude and the y-axis represents the gain correction applied for a given
amplitude value.
Click on the panel to display a cursor in the approximate area on the trace. The cursor position (LUT
index and gain) is noted in the upper, right-hand corner of the panel. Click in other areas of the
instrument panel to provide a coarse adjustment of the cursor position.
Use the left and right buttons to make fine adjustments to the cursor position.
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
AM-PM Correction
This panel displays the phase correction being applied to the RF drive signal. The x-axis represents the
input signal amplitude and the y-axis represents the phase shift correction applied for a given
amplitude value.
Click on the panel to display a cursor in the approximate area. The cursor position (LUT index and
phase) is noted in the upper, right-hand corner of the panel. Click in other areas of the instrument panel
to provide a coarse adjustment of the cursor position.
Use the left and right buttons to make fine adjustments to the cursor position.
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
Signal Constellation
See Figure 3.2.30. In IBOC mode only, the exciter continuously measures the transmitter’s output signal
and performs basic demodulation of the digital carriers. The Signal Constellation panel displays the
phase and amplitude of the symbols being modulated within an OFDM sub-carrier group as dots on a
cartesian graph. There are separate screens for each sub-carrier group. You can select sub-carrier
groups by clicking on the carrier representation in the SubCarrier Group MER Spectrum chart, or by
selecting the desired subcarrier group from the SubCarrier Group Details list. Typically, the dots will
be grouped together around the ideal data points.
Sub-carrier group information is shown in the lower, right section of the screen. Displayed information
includes the sub-carrier group name, the bandwidth that the selected carrier group occupies and the
modulation error ratio (MER) for the selected carrier group. MER quantifies the performance of the
transmitted digital signal as the ratio between the RMS power of the ideal signal and the RMS power of
the received signal’s error vector. A higher MER value is characteristic of a smaller error, and therefore a
higher quality signal. The MER out of the transmitter is typically better than 20 dB, but can be
significantly affected by external influences such as antenna impedance and bandwidth.
NOTE: When subcarriers are turned off in the Exgine settings, they will still appear in this screen, but
the MER will be very high (i.e., 0 to 10 dB).
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
L and R mode
I and Q mode
Lissajous Plot
See Figure 3.2.31. This panel displays a Lissajous figure that represents either L (left) and R (right) audio
content or a representation of the digital modulation signal [I (in-phase) and Q (quadrature)]. I and Q
will be automatically selected unless you are operating in stereo mode or not operating digital. Left and
right audio content is displayed for all other audio sources.
The plot consists of a group of sequential samples to allow signal analysis. In L and R mode, the L+R
portion of the signal tends to dominate the plot, resulting in the majority of samples appearing in the
lower, left and upper, right quadrants. In I and Q mode, signals that are of equal frequency and 90
degrees out-of-phase result in a circular display.
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
Smith Chart
See Figure 3.2.32. The Smith Chart allows you to visualize the impedance of the transmitter’s load as
seen at the combiner, as a function of frequency. The impedance shown on the Smith Chart is
normalized to the combiner input impedance. The ideal load is therefore 1 +j0 ohms, which implies a
perfect 50-ohm load is being applied to the output of the transmitter.
Click on the panel to display a cursor in the nearest area on the trace showing the normalized
impedance plot line. The cursor position (impedance and frequency) is noted in the upper, right-hand
corner of the panel. Click in other areas of the instrument panel to provide a coarse adjustment of the
cursor position.
Use the left and right buttons as fine adjustments to the cursor position.
Use the zoom in (+) and zoom out (-) buttons to size the chart between 100% and 1000%.
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
Modulation Levels
See Figure 3.2.33. Bar graphs display the percentage of L+R modulation, PDM (magnitude) and I/Q
modulation for the transmitter. I/Q bar graphs will show levels in DRM or IBOC mode only.
The level shown in yellow represents the currently measured peak modulation level, with the RMS level
shown in green. An actual RMS value is displayed below the meter.
The red markers represent the most recently recorded maximum peak level. The actual peak values are
displayed in red below the meter. For L+R and I/Q modulation, both positive and negative peaks are
There are no interactive tools (cursors, fine/coarse adjustments) for this display.
Audio Inputs
See Figure 3.2.34. Bar graphs display the amplitude (in dB) of the audio inputs selected in the preset.
bar graph levels are relative to the input level specified in the preset.
The level shown in yellow represents the currently measured peak amplitude, with the RMS level shown
in green. An actual RMS value is displayed below the meter.
The red markers represent the most recently recorded peak level. The actual peak value is displayed in
red below the meter.
There are no interactive tools (cursors, fine/coarse adjustments) for this display.
Click on the panel to display a cursor in the approximate area on the trace. The cursor position (power
level and probability) is noted in the upper, right-hand corner of the panel. Click in other areas of the
instrument panel to provide a coarse adjustment of the cursor position.
Use the left and right buttons to make fine adjustments to the cursor position.
Use the up or down button to maximize (if it was minimized) or minimize (if it was maximized) the
panel size.
Buttons Save
– A parameter value in the green section of a meter bar indicates the parameter is within the range for normal
– A parameter value in the yellow section (as applicable) of a meter bar indicates the parameter is still within an
operational range, but is approaching design limitations.
– A parameter value in the red section of a meter bar indicates the parameter is outside normal operating conditions.
– To delete a meter from the Home page, click X in the upper, left corner of the meter to be deleted from the
Meters window (Figure 3.2.37).
– To review all the meter options, click the meter list view shortcut button (magnifying glass) at the top of the meters
panel (see Figure 3.2.37). This will open the Meter List View window.
– On the Meter List View screen users can see all relevant meters of a sub-device. Select the sub-device in
question under the Transmitter Layout column and the Relevant Meters column will be populated. The
desired Meters can now be selected by clicking the checkbox to the left of the meter name.
X to close/delete
(displays full Checkboxes
set of meters
for specific
2. To view the summary screen of each device type: Under “Transmitter Layout”, click the information
button (i) adjacent a device type (Figure 3.2.38 on page 3.2.50, Figure 3.2.39 on page 3.2.51,
Figure 3.2.40 on page 3.2.51, Figure 3.2.41 on page 3.2.52 and Figure 3.2.41 on page 3.2.52). The
summary screen shows all available meters in tabular format.
NOTE: When a meter value is updated, a blue box briefly appears around that value. Typically,
updates occur every one or two seconds.
3. To choose individual meters for display in the “Meters” section of the Home page: Select the
device type name in the Transmitter Layout panel and select the checkbox next to the desired
meters shown in the Relevant Meters panel. If the Relevant Meters panel contains more than
one page of information, then use the scroll bar (right side) to find the desired meter.
On the modules summary screen (Figure 3.2.41), meters for all four modules are shown on a page.
Individual power modules can be directly inhibited by pressing their Front Panel Inhibit button. this
button also displays the status of each RF power module. The status is indicated by the displayed text
and the colour of the button, which are controlled by three factors: the status of the software (enabled
or disabled), the status of the PDM cable (plugged in or unplugged), and the status of the module
(plugged in or unplugged), as follows:
Enabled and green: software is enabled, PDM cable plugged in, module plugged in
Enabled and red: software is enabled, PDM cable unplugged, module plugged in
Disabled and red: software is disabled, possibly PDM cable unplugged, module plugged in
N/A and red: software is enabled or disabled, possibly PDM cable unplugged, module
Open the Meter List Save window from the Home page using the floppy disk button (Figure 3.2.43).
Click Save As to save the currently displayed meters. Enter a name in the Layout Name entry
box and click OK.
Click Delete to discard the selected meter list.
Click Set Default to set the selected meter list as the default for the current user account. The
* symbol shows the default.
Click Save to overwrite the selected meter list with the currently displayed meters.
Click Load to display the meters saved under the currently selected meter list in the Meters
panel on the right-hand side of the Home page.
NOTE: The View Meters screens are for viewing purposes only and do not offer the same level of
analytical features as the remote AUI’s Meter List View page (see Figure 3.2.37 on page 3.2.49).
Use the up and down buttons to scroll through the meter sections. Press the accept (checkmark) button
to enter the meters screen for that section (see Controller example in Figure 3.2.44 on page 3.2.54). Use
the up and down buttons to scroll through the list of metered parameters, noting that the following
parameters are available for viewing:
Forward Power
RF Drive Duty
-15 V PS
-5 V PS
+3.3 PS
+1.2 PS
Rack 1:
AC Sample +15 V
DC Current -15 V
B+ Sample Combiner Fan 1 RPM
Rectifier Temperature PM Fan 1 RPM
+48 V PM Fan 2 RPM
+30 V
Module Stats:
Average PA Voltage Average B+ Voltage
Minimum PA Voltage Minimum B+ Voltage
Maximum PA Voltage Maximum B+ Voltage
Average DC Current Average PDM Duty
Minimum DC Current Minimum PDM Duty
Maximum DC Current Maximum PDM Duty
Average Temperature Average RF Drive (%)
Minimum Temperature Minimum RF Drive(%)
Maximum Temperature Maximum RF Drive (%)
Average Fan Speed Average +15V PS
Minimum Fan Speed Minimum +15V PS
Maximum Fan Speed Maximum +15V PS
Use the up and down buttons to scroll through the list of parameters, noting that the following
parameters are available for viewing:
RX Bytes
CRC Errors
Seq Errors
Clk Jitter
DPLL Error
MAC Address
NOTE: When asked to enter a value in a field, an error message may appear (red text at the bottom of
the screen) showing the limits of the requested value. Re-enter the desired value, ensuring it falls within
the limits shown. For example: Output Power - Valid values: 0.000kW to 11.000kW
When the Presets page (see Figure 3.2.48 on page 3.2.66, Figure 3.2.49 on page 3.2.66 and
Figure 3.2.53 on page 3.2.67) is opened from the menu, the Current Settings of the transmitter are
displayed. They define the current operational state of the transmitter. Current Settings can be edited
and then immediately activated by clicking the Save button. In the top banner, an asterisk (*) appears
next to the preset name when the Current Settings have changed since the last preset was loaded.
NOTE: Current Settings are not saved through an ac power cycle; when the transmitter recovers from
an ac power loss, it loads the preset that was last activated.
To edit a saved preset, you must load that preset from the Presets page (see Loading Presets, on page
3.2.60). If the edited preset was active before it was edited, saving the preset will update the preset,
but the Current Settings will not change. In this case, an asterisk appears next to the preset name in
the top banner. To update the operation of the transmitter, re-activate the preset through the top
banner (see Activating Presets, on page 3.2.60).
On the Presets page, an asterisk (*) appears next to the preset name in the header when there are
unsaved changes to the preset.
When changes are complete, click the Save button or press X to discard. If you are creating a new
preset, click the Save New button, enter a name for the new preset in the Save New prompt and click
Parameters that can be edited are discussed in detail in Understanding the Preset Tabs, on page 3.2.61.
To remove a preset, Load the preset and click the Delete button. Users cannot delete the current
"active" (operational) preset or any preset that is referenced in the Remote I/O menu as either a
remote input or output, referenced in the Scheduler or used as an audio loss preset. Those links in the
Remote I/O menu, Scheduler or audio loss preset must be deleted before the associated preset can be
deleted. Click Cancel to return to the Presets page.
NOTE: See Preset Examples - IBOC Preset, on page 3.2.68, Preset Examples - Analog Preset, on page
3.2.68, Preset Examples - IBOC Preset with Analog Backup, on page 3.2.69 and Preset Examples - DRM
Preset, on page 3.2.69 for sample presets for different transmission modes.
Loading Presets
When you enter the Presets page, the Current Settings of the transmitter are displayed. See Editing,
Creating and Deleting Presets, on page 3.2.59 for more information on Current Settings. If you do not
wish to change the current operational state of the transmitter, use the Load button on the left side of
the Presets page to display a window containing a list of other presets. Select the desired preset and
click the Load button to view or enable editing of the preset. Click the Cancel button to close this
Select the desired preset and click the Load button to view or enable editing of the preset.
Activating Presets
In the Transmitter block in the remote AUI’s top banner, click the bar that contains the active preset
name and the drop-down arrow (see Figure 3.2.47). The Activate Preset window will appear, which
contains a list of all saved presets. Click and highlight the desired preset and click the Activate button
to enable the preset as the transmitter’s active preset. Click the Cancel button to close this window.
The Presets page consists of tabs across the top with functions on the left-side and parameters
displayed in the center and right-side of the window. A separate display appears for each of the
following tabs:
Configuration - select the pre-correction configuration (see Precorrection Settings, on page 3.2.114)
NOTE: Available settings on the Analog Settings and Digital Settings tabs are shown/hidden based
on the Overall Mode setting. Not all settings are available in all modes.
Analog Settings
AM Source - select the audio source for the AM signal. Options are:
Balanced Analog (connector J9 on A4)
AES1 (connector J7 on A4)
AES2 (connector J8 on A4)
Audio Player: Plays the selected audio player playlist or stream
AES Input Level - Defines the AES input level (in dBFS) that will result in 100% modulation depth.
Set between -30 dBFS and 0 dBFS, according to the input signal level.
Balanced Analog Input Level - Defines the Bal Analog input level (in dBm) that will result in 100%
modulation depth. Set between -20 dBm and +12 dBm, according to the input signal level.
Audio Player Source - Selects the playlist or stream to be used by the audio player.
Audio Player Input Level - Defines the signal level from the audio player (in dBFS) that will result
in 100% modulation depth.
Filter Type - selects a filter to be applied to the input audio signal. Options are:
None: no filter is applied (default).
Brick Wall: applies a low pass filter with a very sharp cutoff and a 6 dB bandwidth defined by the Filter
Bandwidth setting (between 1 kHz and 10 kHz).
Minimum Overshoot: applies a Gaussian low pass filter with a very gentle rolloff and a 3 dB bandwidth of
5.13 kHz. Used to minimize ringing of the modulator filter with extremely high rate of change input signals (e.g.,
square waves). Typically used only for testing purposes.
NRSC-1 Preemphasis - applies a NRSC-1 pre-emphasis curve to the input audio signal. Default is
Dynamic Carrier Control - selects the DCC mode, as applicable. Options are None, AMC, EAMC,
DAM or DAM Full. Default is None. When a DCC mode is selected, a Max DCC Compression level
can also be entered. In addition, when the DCC mode is set to EAMC, the EAMC gain sets the gain
applied to the carrier power when no modulation is applied (maximum is 1.76 dB), and the Max
Carrier Timeout will cause the carrier power to drop to the setpoint after two (2) minutes with no
modulation applied. See Selecting the DCC Mode, on page 3.2.70 for more information on each
AMSS - Amplitude Modulation Signalling System. Allows low-bit rate data to be transmitted with
the Analog AM signal. Contact Nautel for assistance with using AMSS. Default is Disable.
NOTE: The AMSS field is displayed only when the Overall Mode is Analog AM or DRM+AM.
Digital Settings
(see Figure 3.2.49 on page 3.2.66 through Figure 3.2.52 on page 3.2.67)
Data Source - Select the source for the OFDM (digital) signal (AES1 or AES2).
AES input Level - Defines the full-scale AES input level (in dBFS) for the I/Q stream. Set between -
30 dBFS and 0 dBFS
DRM Bandwidth - Selects the bandwidth of the DRM signal to be transmitted. This setting only sets
the parameters of the mask shown on the spectrum analyzer. Transmitted signal bandwidth is set
at the I/Q source (DRM modulator). Select 4.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 9 kHz, 10 kHz, 18 kHz or 20 kHz.
Frequency Offset - Sets the frequency offset between the AM signal and the DRM carriers. Set
between -10 kHz and +10 kHz. In DRM mode, allows adjustment of the location of the OFDM
carriers with respect to the transmitter’s carrier frequency.
Power Differential - In DRM+AM mode only, sets the difference between the AM carrier power and
the RMS power of the DRM carriers. The level is approximately based on the input signal to the
exciter and may require adjustment to obtain the exact level. Set between 0 dB and 40 dB.
Envelope Conditioning - In DRM mode only, applies a proprietary correction to the envelope to
improve spectral performance, but will negatively affect MER.
Upper Primary Level Adjust - Adjusts the power level of the upper sideband within the range of
-30 dB and -+10 dB. Should be zero by default.
Lower Primary Level Adjust - Adjusts the power level of the lower sideband within the range of
-30 dB and -+10 dB. Should be zero by default.
Analog Gain - In IBOC mode only, selects a linear scale factor (between 0 and 4) that scales the
analog modulation level with respect to the carrier level. Normally set to 1.0 with a 0 dBFS audio
signal applied to the Exporter.
Audio Loss
Mod Loss Timeout - Determine if an action should be taken on the loss of a modulating signal.
Select Enabled or Disabled. Default is Disabled. If Enabled, the following sub-fields appear:
Action: select the action to take on the loss of a modulating signal. Select Alarm Only (no resulting action, but
will trigger the exciter’s Audio Loss alarm), Inhibit (inhibits the RF output, fans and B+ voltage until the audio
returns) or Change Preset (changes the active preset).
Mod Loss Preset: displayed only if Action is set to Change Preset. Select the preset from the drop-down list that
will activate upon the loss of a modulating signal.
Timeout Minutes: sets the delay, in minutes, between audio loss detection and the resulting action. Enter a value
between 0 and 255 minutes.
Timeout Seconds - sets the delay, in seconds, between audio loss detection and the resulting action. Enter a
value between 0 and 59.9 seconds
Threshold - sets the threshold for audio loss detection. Enter a value between 0 and 100%
2. Under Audio Loss, set Mod Loss Timeout to Enabled. Several other selectable fields will appear.
3. In the Action field, select Change Preset from the drop-down list. The Mod Loss Preset field will
4. In the Mod Loss Preset field, select the desired preset from the drop-down list. This is the preset
that will activate upon a modulation loss.
5. Set the remaining mod loss timeout fields. See Audio Loss, on page 3.2.65.
6. Save the preset with the desired name (new or existing). See Editing, Creating and Deleting Presets,
on page 3.2.59.
Once a DCC curve has been selected, the desired Max DCC Compression level can be entered. This
setting defines the maximum reduction in carrier (or carrier and sideband) power for a given curve.
Standard compression settings are as follows:
Observe the following guidelines when selecting the DCC mode for your application.
AMC mode (see Figure 3.2.54 on page 3.2.70) should work well for most broadcasters and is generally
recommended if you have an IBOC transmission. It has several advantages over the other modes:
It tends to save the most power when used with a heavily processed audio signal and
asymmetrical modulation.
It does not affect the modulation depths of the received signal, so the station’s sound should
not change.
It performs the reduction in power in such a way that it tends to be masked by the audio.
If AMC is not being used, consider DAM mode as a second choice, although the power savings will be
significantly less. If the station is operating with less audio processing, or has more silent periods, the
DAM algorithms will tend to save more power. However, the basic DAM characteristic will impact the
audio quality of the station. In IBOC mode, DAM will significantly reduce the audio quality of the
station as it will increase the impact of the IBOC on the analog. It may also make it more difficult for the
transmitter to meet the spectral mask, by making the transmitter operate at a much higher modulation
depth and effectively increasing the level of the digital carriers relative to the analog.
When you choose Select Preset from the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.59) you can select the active
preset for transmitter operation.
Use the up and down buttons to scroll through the existing presets. Press the accept (checkmark)
button to enable the preset as the transmitter’s active preset. Press the cancel (X) button to return to
the previous menu.
When you select User Settings -> Edit Presets from the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.60) you can
create up to 63 operating presets or edit existing presets.
Use the up and down buttons to scroll through the existing presets, or scroll to the bottom of the list to
Create New Preset (see Figure 3.2.61). Press the accept (checkmark) button to enter the editing menu
for that preset (see Figure 3.2.62 on page 3.2.75). Press the cancel (X) button to return to the previous
menu. When you create a new preset, the next available preset number is assigned (e.g., Preset 1).
Within the Preset Editing menu, use the up and down buttons to scroll through the options and press
the accept (checkmark) button to enter the selected editing menu/screen. Press the cancel (X) button to
return to the previous menu.
NOTE: Parameters that can be edited using the front panel UI are detailed in the following paragraphs.
These parameters can also be edited using the remote AUI, which are described in Managing Presets -
Using the Remote AUI, on page 3.2.58; see that section for more details on a specific parameter.
Output Power
When you select Output Power from the Preset editing options screen, you change the transmitter’s
output power (see Figure 3.2.63).
Use the up and down buttons to edit the output power (in 10 W increments, then press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. For analog only transmitters [FM (analog) mode only], the
maximum power setting is 11 kW. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the
previous menu.
Overall Mode
When you select Overall Mode from the Preset editing options screen, you can select the overall
operating mode of the transmitter (see Figure 3.2.64).
Use the up and down buttons to locate the desired overall mode - Analog AM, IBOC+AM, IBOC,
DRM+AM, DRM, then press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press the cancel (X)
button to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
When you select Configuration from the Preset editing options screen, you can select the desired pre-
correction configuration (see Figure 3.2.65).
Use the up and down buttons to locate the desired configuration - e.g., Default Config (1 of 2), My New
Settings (2 of 2), etc. - then press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press the cancel
(X) button to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
Audio Options
When you select Audio Options from the Preset editing options screen, you can edit various main
audio parameters (see Figure 3.2.66).
Use the up and down buttons to scroll through the audio options, then press the accept (checkmark) or
right arrow button to enter the selected editing screen. Figure 3.2.67 on page 3.2.78 shows the editing
screens for the Audio Options menu. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the
previous menu.
Use the up and down buttons to select the level for the
appropriate AM source displayed (AES 1, AES 2, Balanced
Analog, Audio Player. For AES 1, AES 2 and Audio Player, set
the level between -30 and 0 dBFS (in 0.5 dBFS increments).
For Balanced Analog, set the level between -20 and 12 dBm
(in 0.5 dBm increments). When complete, press the accept
Displays the appropriate level selection option for (checkmark) button to save the change. Press the cancel (X)
the AM Source selected (AES 1, AES 2, Balanced button to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
Analog, Audio Player, etc.)
Use the up and down buttons to select the format for the
audio source - Mono L+R, AM Carrier, Stereo C-QUAM,
Mono R or Mono L, then press the accept (checkmark)
button to save the change. Press the cancel (X) button to
discard changes and return to the previous menu.
DCC Settings
NOTE: This screen is displayed only when the Overall Mode is Analog AM, DRM+AM or IBOC+AM.
When you select DCC Settings from the Preset editing options screen, you can select the DCC mode,
as applicable (see Figure 3.2.68). Enter the Mode sub-menu and use the up and down buttons to select
the desired DCC mode - None, DCC1, DAM Full, DAM, EAMC or AMC - then press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. When Mode is set to a DCC option, more DCC setings options
appear. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
See Selecting the DCC Mode, on page 3.2.70 for more information.
Use the up and down buttons to set the level for the
maximum DCC compensation between 0 and 6 dB (in 0.01 dB
increments). When complete, press the accept (checkmark)
button to save the change. Press the cancel (X) button to
discard changes and return to the previous menu.
Use the up and down buttons to set the level for the
EAMC gain between 0 and 1.76 dB (in 0.01 dB increments).
When complete, press the accept (checkmark) button to save
the change. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes
and return to the previous menu. This screen is only displayed
when Mode = EAMC.
DRM Settings
NOTE: This screen is displayed only when the Overall Mode is DRM or DRM+AM.
When you select DRM Settings from the Preset editing options screen, you can select various
parameters for a DRM or DRM+AM preset (see Figure 3.2.70). Enter the desired sub-menu and use the
up and down buttons to edit the parameter setting or value, then press the accept (checkmark) button
to save the change. See Digital Settings, on page 3.2.64 for details on each DRM setting. Press the
cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
IBOC Settings
NOTE: This screen is displayed only when the Overall Mode is IBOC or IBOC+AM.
When you select IBOC Settings from the Preset editing options screen, you can select various
parameters for an IBOC or IBOC+AM preset (see Figure 3.2.70). Enter the desired sub-menu and use
the up and down buttons to edit the parameter setting or value, then press the accept (checkmark)
button to save the change. See Digital Settings, on page 3.2.64 for details on each IBOC setting. Press
the cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
AMSS Enable/Disable
When you select AMSS from the Preset editing options screen, you can enable or disable the
Amplitude Modulation Signalling System (see Figure 3.2.71).
NOTE: This screen is displayed only when the Overall Mode is Analog AM or DRM+AM.
Use the up and down buttons to select Enable or Disable, then press the accept (checkmark) button to
save the change. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
Mod Loss
When you select Mod Loss (modulation loss) from the Preset editing options screen, you can edit the
parameters related to a loss of modulation (see Figure 3.2.72).
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired mod (modulation) loss menu item and
then press the right button to enable editing of the item. Figure 3.2.73 on page 3.2.83 shows all the
editing screens for the Mod Loss menu. Within any of the editing screens, use the up and down buttons
to edit a parameter value, noting the minimum and maximum limitations indicated at the bottom of the
display (as applicable). When complete, press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press
the cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
When you select Copy Another Preset from the Preset editing options screen, you can copy the
settings from another preset into the preset that is being edited (see Figure 3.2.74).
Use the up and down buttons to select the preset that you wish to copy to the selected preset for
editing (e.g., Copy Active Preset, Copy Preset 2, etc.) or select Cancel. Press the accept (checkmark)
button to save the change. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the previous
Resetting Alarms
You can attempt to reset any latching transmitter alarms that are holding the transmitter in an “off-air”
state using the remote AUI’s Reset button (see page 3.2.17) or using the local front panel display (see
Resetting Alarms - Using the Front Panel).
Use the up and down buttons to toggle between Reset Alarms and Cancel. Press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. Press the cancel (X) button to return to the previous menu.
You can also use the local front panel UI to view active alarms (see Transmitter Alarms and Log - Using
the Front Panel UI, on page 3.2.30).
Device - identifies the alarms by their originating device (e.g., Controller, Exciter A, Rack, etc.)
NOTE: When viewing alarms, cross-reference the alarm name, (which appears in the Alarm column of
the Transmitter Status page) with Table 4.1.1 of the Troubleshooting Manual.
When the Status button is amber, one or more active alarms are indicating that the transmitter is
still ‘on-air’, but may be at reduced power.
When the Status button is green, no alarms are being reported and the transmitter is operating
Resetting Alarms
When an alarm is present, use the Reset button, at the bottom of any remote AUI page, (see
Figure 3.2.77) to clear any latching alarms that are holding the transmitter in an “off-air” state. If the
offending alarm has cleared, then the transmitter should resume operation.
User Settings
You can adjust various user settings using the remote AUI or using the local front panel UI.
The remote AUI’s User Settings page (see Figure 3.2.78 on page 3.2.88) allows operators to modify
various custom user settings such as network and email notifications. To view the User Settings page,
select User Settings from the Menu options. Click X in the upper, right corner to close this page and
return to the Home page.
*** NOTE: The front panel UI also has a User Settings menu, which contains similar functions to the
remote AUI (e.g., network setup, Exgine settings, setting the clock, etc.), which are also described in
this section.
There are additional user settings that are available through the front panel UI (see User Settings - Front
Panel UI, on page 3.2.111). In this section, unless otherwise noted, user settings are only available via a
LAN connection to the remote AUI.
Network Setup
You can configure network settings using the local front panel UI (see Network Setup - Using the Front
Panel UI or the remote AUI (see Network Setup - Using the Remote AUI, on page 3.2.92). If you change a
network setting on the front panel UI, it will also be reflected on the remote AUI, and vice versa.
NOTE: Nautel recommends that the following network settings be entered/vetted by a qualified
Network Administrator. If parameters are changed and the remote AUI is reset, record the new values
(or see the local front panel UI) to ensure you can log in after changes have been made.
One of the main decisions in configuring the network connection on your NX10 transmitter is whether
you enable or disable DHCP. If you are connecting to a network, consult with a network administrator
before connecting the transmitter to your network to determine whether to enable or disable the DHCP
When DHCP is enabled (default from factory), IP addresses are assigned automatically by the network
server. In order for this feature to function properly, you must have a network-viewable DHCP server on
your network.
If a DHCP server is not present, you (or your network administrator) must provide static addresses for IP,
netmask, gateway and nameservers (gateway and nameservers are optional). You must enter them
manually using the transmitter’s front panel. In this case, DHCP should be disabled.
From the transmitter’s front panel UI, you can set or change network settings. To view the Network
Settings screen, select User Settings -> Network Settings from the Main Menu. See Figure 3.2.79
on page 3.2.90 for details on setting each parameter.
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired parameter and then press the right
button to enable editing of the setting. Within any of the editing screens, use the left and right buttons
to select a character for editing and then use the up and down buttons to edit a setting. Press the
accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes and
return to the previous menu.
NOTE: A nameserver (also called a DNS) translates a host name (e.g., to an IP address
such as in configuring email (see Email Configuration, on page 3.2.93).
If you are using a laptop to connect to the NX10, see Connecting a Laptop Directly to the Transmitter, on
page 3.2.91.
Address that identifies the DNS host. The DNS (Domain Name
System) translates internet domain and host names to IP
addresses. DNS automatically converts the name typed into a
web browser address bar to the IP addresses of web servers
hosting those sites. If DHCP is set to DISABLE, specify the
address. If DHCP was set to ENABLE, this screen is for display
purposes only.
If connecting to the NX10 directly with a laptop, you must set a static IP address on the NX10 and your
1. From the front panel UI’s Main Menu, go to User Settings -> Network Settings and set the IP
address as follows:
IP Address:
NOTE: The following steps assume the operating system is Windows XP. Adapt as required for
computers with different operating systems.
4. In the Local Area Network Status, open the General tab and choose Properties. Scroll down and
highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Choose Properties.
5. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, select Use the following IP address.
NOTE: Nautel recommends that the following network settings be entered/vetted by a qualified
Network Administrator. Refer to Figure 3.2.79 on page 3.2.90 for detailed descriptions of each field.
By entering the NX10’s established IP address into an Internet browser’s address bar, and then logging
into the remote AUI, you can view and edit the network parameters (see Figure 3.2.78 on page 3.2.88).
You must be have remote control enabled to edit network settings using the remote AUI.
The MAC Address and Status fields are read-only; they cannot be edited.
You must select Static IP to be able to edit the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and
Nameserver fields. If you are in DHCP mode, these fields will be assigned automatically.
Email Configuration
NOTE: This function is only available via the remote AUI.
The Email Configuration page (see Figure 3.2.81) allows you to configure email parameters (e.g., email
server and port number), and is required if the notification feature is used (see Notifications, on page
NOTE: Nautel recommends that the following settings be entered/vetted by a qualified Network
2. Select the Email Configuration option (left-side of the screen) (see Figure 3.2.81) to display
related information and associated parameters on the right-side of the screen.
NOTE: The email server’s domain (e.g., “.com”, “.ca”, “.info”, etc.) must be two (2), three (3),
four (4) or six (6) characters in length. Other character lengths are not accepted.
Port Number: This logical connection end point uses a number to identify the type of process
to which an internet or other network message is to be forwarded to when it arrives at a
server. Typically, this is set to 25 for unencrypted SMTP systems and 843 for encrypted email.
Transmitter Name: Set to a name that associates to the transmitter such as station
identification (e.g., NX10_WXYZ). This name will be included in notification emails.
Sender Email Address: Enter as a standard email address (e.g., This will be the
sender address that notification email recipients will see. Free web-based email service
accounts (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo mail etc.) are acceptable here.
NOTE: The sender email address’ domain (e.g., “.com”, “.ca”, “.info”, etc.) must be two (2),
three (3), four (4) or six (6) characters in length. Other character lengths are not accepted.
Authentication Required: If your email server requires authentication to send emails, select the check
box and enter the appropriate Username and Password to allow this. If the check box is not selected,
the Username and Password fields do not appear.
Username: Enter the username for your outgoing email server.
Password: Enter the password for your outgoing email server.
NOTE: The transmitter will automatically handle encryption if the associated mail server requires it.
4. When complete, select Apply or Cancel to restore the previous setting. Use the Test button to
enter an address to which an email will be sent to verify your settings. Enter the recipient address
and click the OK button to send the test email or click the Cancel button to return to the Email
Configuration page.
NOTE: This function is only available via the remote AUI.
The Notifications feature (see Figure 3.2.82) provides a means for the transmitter to issue emails or
texts (SMS messages) triggered by user defined alarm events. If you use this feature, you must also
configure an email (see Email Configuration, on page 3.2.93).
2. When you click Add or Edit, the screen in Figure 3.2.83 will appear. This screen allows you to add
or edit a Notification Name, Recipient Email, and define the alarm list by Device type
(Controller, Exciter A or B, Rack #or RF Module #). Add or remove alarms by moving them (using
the >> and << arrow buttons) from the Available Alarms list to the Selected Alarms list. An email
is issued when any alarm in the Selected Alarms list is active.
In the Recipient Email field, you can enter a standard email address to initiate an email or your can
enter a mobile phone number and SMS gateway to initiate a text (SMS message). The email-to-
3. When complete click the OK button to accept changes or the Cancel button to discard changes
and return to the Notifications page.
NOTE: Nautel recommends that the following network settings be entered/vetted by a qualified
Network Administrator. If parameters are changed and the remote AUI is reset, record the new values
(or see the local front panel UI) to ensure you can log in after changes have been made.
From the transmitter’s front panel, in local mode, you can set or change Exgine settings. To view the
Exgine Settings screen, select User Settings -> Exgine Settings from the Main Menu. See
Figure 3.2.84 on page 3.2.98 for details on setting each parameter.
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired parameter and then press the right
button to enable editing of the setting. Within any of the editing screens, use the left and right buttons
to select a character for editing and then use the up and down buttons to edit a setting. Press the
accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes and
return to the previous menu.
NOTE: Nautel recommends that the following Exgine settings be entered/vetted by a qualified Network
SNMP Configuration
The SNMP configuration page (see Figure 3.2.86) provides a means to configure the SNMP agent and to
enable and configure traps.
NOTE: The passwords entered in the Read and Write Community fields must be identical with those
used in your SNMP Client or MIB browser.
2. Click the Enable Traps check box to allow the SNMP agent to send trap notifications and to
display two additional fields associated with traps. Enter the two additional fields as follows:
Trap Receiver IP: Enter the IP address of the computer to which the SNMP agent will send
trap notifications. The computer must be running an SNMP application that is configured to
receive traps. The SNMP agent will send trap notifications to at most one receiver.
Trap Receiver Port: Enter the UDP port where the SNMP agent will send traps. The default
setting is 162.
3. When complete click Apply or click Undo to restore the previous settings.
You can capture critical parameter data for the transmitter’s current state using the remote AUI’s
Critical Parameters page (see Figure 3.2.87). To view this page, select Critical Parameters from the
User Settings page. From this page, you can click Capture Meters (reads all meter values), Capture
Alarms (reads all active alarms), Capture Presets (reads current preset) and Capture Settings (reads
current settings, e.g., active exciter, threshold settings, scale factors, etc.). Once you click the Capture
button, you can click the associated Copy button to copy the data to your remote PC’s clipboard. The
data copies in a tab-delimited format and is ideally suited for pasting into a spreadsheet program. Click
X in the upper, right corner to close this page and return to the home page.
You can set the date and time using the remote AUI (see Setting the Clock - Using the Remote AUI) or
using the local front panel UI (see Setting the Clock - Using the Front Panel, on page 3.2.105). If you
change the clock setting on the front panel UI, it will also be reflected on the remote AUI, and vice
versa. If the NTP feature is enabled (see Enabling NTP, on page 3.2.107), the clock will set automatically
and cannot be manually adjusted.
You can remotely set the NX10’s time and date using the remote AUI’s Time Setup page (see
Figure 3.2.88) by selecting Time Setup from the User Settings options. The date and time setting is
displayed in the upper, left corner of the remote AUI.
The Time Setup option allows users to set the exact time and date information as well as regional and
timezone settings for a transmitter location. All data received from the AUI server (i.e., logs) are time-
stamped in UTC time. Setting the time zone information allows this timestamp to be adjusted for the
user-specific time zone, and ensures the clock will adjust automatically for daylight savings time (if
applicable). Set the time and date as follows:
1. Select the Time Setup option from the left-side of the User Settings page to open a related
window on the right-side of the page.
2. Enter Time and Date parameters and click Apply. Click Cancel to discard changes. Please note
that Time and Date cannot be set via this menu if NTP is enabled (see Enabling NTP, on page
Time - enter the hour (24-hour clock), minutes (up to 60), and seconds (up to 60).
Date - select values from the drop-down menus beside Day, Month, and Year.
3. Enter the following location parameters and click Apply. Click Cancel to discard changes:
Timezone - automatically set based on Region, Country and Zone selections.
Region - select the appropriate region from the drop-down menu.
Country - select the appropriate country from the drop-down menu.
Zone - select the appropriate zone from the drop-down menu.
The Time Setup page contains editable fields for the time (hours, minutes and seconds), date (day,
month and year) and time zone (region, country and zone). The clock is displayed in 24-hour format.
Use the drop-down menus to select the desired value for a specific field. Click the appropriate Apply
button to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.
When you select User Settings -> Set Clock from the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.89) you can set the
current time and date. The time appears on the top line of the top level screen (see Figure 3.2.5 on page
To change the time or date, use the right and left arrow buttons to move the cursor to the desired field
(hours, minutes, seconds, year, month, day), and use the up and down arrow buttons to increase or
decrease the value of the selected field as desired. When complete, press the accept (checkmark)
button to save the change. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the previous
The time zone offset line (e.g., GMT-03:00) appears only if the Timezone has been established in the
remote AUI’s Time Setup page.
You can configure one or more NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers to allow clock synchronization with
all computers on the same network as the NX10. To view the remote AUI’s NTP Servers page (see
Figure 3.2.90), selecting NTP Servers from the User Settings options. There are several functions
available on this page - enabling NTP, monitoring NTP server status and managing servers.
NOTE: The accuracy of the NTP synchronization is related to the distance to the server. For this reason,
Nautel recommends that you choose servers in the same country as the equipment. If this is not
possible, attempt to connect to servers from the same continent.
NOTE: The NTP clock synchronization polling interval varies between 64 and 1024 seconds. To minimize
network traffic, the interval will change depending on how much error is accumulated between polling
events and will be increased if the remote NTP server becomes unreachable. The polling interval is also
randomized slightly to avoid the situation where a large number of requests are always arriving at the
NTP server at the same time.
Enabling NTP
From the remote AUI, verify that Timezone has been established under Time Setup page (see
Figure 3.2.88) prior to enabling NTP. This ensures NTP time (which is always UTC) will properly offset for
the region in which the transmitter is located and the clock will adjust automatically for daylight
savings time (if applicable). Enable the NTP function by selecting the Enable NTP checkbox. Disable by
de-selecting the Enable NTP checkbox. Click the Apply button to activate any change.
From the front panel UI’s User Settings -> NTP Sync screen (see Figure 3.2.91), enable the NTP
function by setting NTP Sync to ON. Disable by setting NTP Sync to OFF. To change the setting, use the
up and down arrow buttons to toggle between ON and OF (default is OFF). Press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes and return to the
previous menu.
The NTP Server Status section displays tabular information on the NTP servers connected to the
network. The table includes remote name, IP address, delay, offset and jitter.
Remote Name: Displays the host name of the referenced time source. An asterisk (*) in the
first column marks the reference time source that is currently preferred by the NTP daemon. A
‘+” character in the first column marks high quality candidates for the reference time that
could be used if the currently selected reference becomes unavailable.
IP: Displays the IP address associated with the Remote Name. In some cases the Remote
Name could be the IP address.
Delay: Displays the round-trip delay (in ms) of the time queries.
Offset: Displays the difference (in ms) between the reference time and the system clock.
Jitter: Displays the magnitude of jitter (in ms) between several time queries.
The Manage Servers section displays the NTP server files that have been added. You can Add to the
list of NTP servers (see Figure 3.2.92) or Delete a selected NTP server from the list.
If you are enabling the Phone Home feature, you can set your serial number/call sign and contact email
(optional) to identify your transmitter to Nautel Customer Service. To view the remote AUI’s Nautel
Phone Home page (see Figure 3.2.93), select Nautel Phone Home from the User Settings options.
If desired, click the Enable Participation in Phone Home checkbox to enable participation.
This will prompt you to enter two more fields - Serial Number/Call Sign (required field) and
Contact Email (optional). Click Apply to save the changes. Click Cancel to return the fields to
their previous setting. if you click Apply, Nautel will receive notification of your participation
and begin to monitor your transmitter with read-only access.
The Transmitter ID and Model fields are auto-filled and cannot be edited.
IMPORTANT! Only click the Allow Remote Service checkbox if requested by a Nautel
Customer Service representative. This increases the permission level and allows user to have
Full Control (see “Setting User Permission Level” on page 3.2.124 for details on user
You can set a name that identifies the transmitter on the remote AUI. To view the remote AUI’s Call
Sign/ID page (see Figure 3.2.94), select Call Sign/ID from the User Settings options. This
identification will be displayed in brackets on the top transmitter banner of the remote AUI and also be
included as a header in any Critical Parameter data copied and pasted to a spreadsheet program (see
Capturing Critical Parameters, on page 3.2.102).
Enter the call sign or ID in the field (e.g., WXYZ) and click Apply (maximum 15 characters in length).
Call Sign/ID
Network Settings: see Network Setup - Using the Front Panel UI, on page 3.2.89 ***
Exgine Settings: see Exgine Settings - Using the Front Panel UI, on page 3.2.97 ***
Configure Test Signal Generator: see Configure Test Signal Generator - see page 3.2.112
Scheduler: see Enabling the Scheduler - Front Panel UI, on page 3.2.179 ***
*** NOTE: The remote AUI also has a User Settings menu, which contains similar functions to the
front panel UI (e.g., network setup, Exgine settings, setting the clock, etc.). In this case, refer to User
Settings, on page 3.2.87 for information on the front panel UI settings. Additional user settings,
available only through the front panel UI, are described in this section.
From the front panel UI, you can configure the test signal generator output of the NX10. Note that a
different menu will appear depending on the currently configured test signal type. To view the Signal
Gen screen, select User Settings -> Signal Gen from the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.95).
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired line item and then press the right
button to enable editing.
Figure 3.2.96 on page 3.2.113 shows all possible editing screens for the Signal Gen menu. Within any
of the editing screens, use the up and down buttons to edit the setting. Press the accept (checkmark)
button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
Precorrection Settings
You can control various critical parameter functions using the remote AUI’s Precorrection page (see
Figure 3.2.97), which you access from the Menu page.
NOTE: These settings will normally be generated at the factory, based on the desired modes of
operation, and should not require user adjustment.
To use this page, select an item from the list on the left-side of the page to open related information on
the right side of the page.
Mag-Phase Delay
The remote AUI’s Mag-Phase Delay page (see Figure 3.2.98) allows for setting the difference in delay
between the magnitude (PDM) path and phase (RF drive) path in the exciter. Changing this delay can
help to level out and minimize spectral regrowth, providing improved spectral performance and
increased margin under the mask. Typically, the delay is set between 0 and 1 us. Use the spectrum
analyzer instrument panel displayed in this section to verify applied changes are satisfactory.
The value is factory set and changes are not typically required unless the antenna (load) network has
changed. Minor adjustments may be required to optimize IBOC or DRM spectral performance. If so,
enter the Phase Delay value (between -10 us and +10 us) and click Apply.
Jump close
one step zoom-in/
one step
B+ Setpoint
The remote AUI’s B+ Setpoint page (see Figure 3.2.99) allows you to identify the B+ Setpoint
(nominally 400 V). This value does not normally require user adjustment.
AM-AM Correction
The AM-AM Correction page (see Figure 3.2.100) allows you to load or capture a set of AM-AM
correction curves. You can Load or Delete curves in this list; you can also capture a curve. When you
select Capture, the AM-AM Correction window is displayed. Click Done to capture the curve, type a
name for the curve, then click Save (or Cancel).
CAUTION! Making changes to the AM-AM Correction curves automatically places
the transmitter in analog AM mode, with full-scale sine-wave modulation. To avoid
undesirable output or possible antenna damage, it is highly recommended that you
perform these calibrations while operating the transmitter into a test load.
Value changes are not typically required. Up to three curves can be saved in memory.
AM-AM curves correct for a type of non-linearity where a change in input amplitude does not cause a
linearly proportional change in output amplitude. By applying a test signal and monitoring the output
of the transmitter, the exciter will generate a table of values describing the required gain versus input
signal level in an attempt to find the inverse curve to the AM-AM non-linearity, and provide a more
linear amplifier. Applying the proper AM-AM correction will result in lower audio distortion and better
spectral performance in digital modes of operation.
AM-PM Correction
The AM-PM Correction page (see Figure 3.2.101) allows you to load or capture a set of AM-PM
correction curves. You can Load or Delete curves in this list; you can also capture a curve. When you
select Capture, the AM-PM Correction instrument panel is displayed. Click Done to capture the curve,
type a name for the curve, then click Save (or Cancel).
CAUTION! Making changes to the AM-PM Correction curves automatically places
the transmitter in analog AM mode, with full-scale sine-wave modulation. To avoid
undesirable output or possible antenna damage, it is highly recommended that you
perform these calibrations while operating the transmitter into a test load.
AM-PM curves correct for a type of non-linearity where a change in input amplitude causes a change in
phase. By applying a test signal and monitoring the output of the transmitter, the exciter will generate a
table of values defining the required phase offset versus input signal level in an attempt to find the
inverse curve to the AM-PM non-linearity, and provide a more linear amplifier. Applying the proper AM-
PM correction will result in better spectral performance in digital modes of operation.
Envelope Equalization
The Envelope Equalization page (see Figure 3.2.102) allows you to load or capture a set of envelope
equalization curves. You can Load or Delete curves in the list; you can also capture a curve. When you
select Capture, the EQ Frequency Response window is displayed. Click Done to capture the curve, type
a name for the curve, then click Save (or Cancel).
CAUTION! Selecting the Wide Band Noise training signal (see Figure 3.2.102)
applies full-scale white noise modulation. To avoid undesirable output or possible
antenna damage, it is highly recommended that you perform these calibrations
while operating the transmitter into a test load.
Envelope equalization curves correct for the frequency response of the magnitude path, dominated by
the response of the modulator filter. By applying a test signal and monitoring the output of the
transmitter, the exciter will use an LMS (Least Mean Squares) algorithm to generate a filter in an
attempt to find a complementary response to the frequency response of the magnitude path (out to
approximately 70 kHz). Applying the proper equalization curve will result in a flatter frequency
response, and improved spectral performance in digital modes of operation, where the frequency
content of the magnitude signal can be significant, as far out as 100 kHz.
The Configurations page (see Figure 3.2.103) allows users to group the parameters that appear within
the Precorrection Settings menu.
Once a configuration is created, it can be used in a preset. This allows the user to change the pre-
correction settings based on the operating mode via the preset. Configurations are normally established
at the factory, based on customer operating modes, and do not require adjustment.
2. Any existing configurations (e.g., Default Config 1610 kHz) will appear in the list. The active
configuration, if applicable, is highlighted in green. You can view or edit existing configurations by
clicking Edit, if available. You can also create a new configuration by clicking Add or remove a
configuration by clicking Delete. You must have Administrator user account permission to edit,
add or delete configurations.
3. If you click Edit (View) or Add, the Configuration Details window appears (see Figure 3.2.103
on page 3.2.120). In this screen you can enter or select the appropriate parameters for your desired
configuration, including Name, Mag-Phase Delay, B+ Level, AM-AM Curve, AM-PM Curve and EQ
Curve. When you are finished editing or creating the configuration, click OK to save the
configuration or click Cancel to return to the Precorrection Settings page. Your new
configuration should appear in the Configurations list.
2. Click the Load button to select the preset that you want to edit.
3. In the General tab, select the Configuration field’s drop-down menu and select the desired
configuration for that preset. Click Save to overwrite the existing preset or Save New to create a
new preset. NOTE: you can edit a preset without making it active (see Editing, Creating and
Deleting Presets, on page 3.2.59).
Exciter Synchronization
The Exciter Synchronization page (see Figure 3.2.104) displays correction curve and configuration
settings stored on each exciter and allows users to synchronize the settings between exciters A and B.
When AM-AM correction, AM-PM correction and EQ curves and configurations are created, they are
stored in the active exciter. It may be necessary to copy these settings to the standby exciter, or in some
cases to an exciter that has been replaced.
Items in green indicate the correction curve or configuration is identical for both exciters.
Items in red indicate a difference or a correction curve or configuration that is on one exciter only.
User Accounts
NOTE: This function is only available via the remote AUI.
Depending on user permission rights, you can set up accounts to allow certain users to access and
control features of the remote AUI using the User Accounts page - see Figure 3.2.105. To view the User
Accounts page, select User Accounts from the Menu options.
NOTE: Depending on the permission level assigned to a given user, some features shown in
Figure 3.2.105 may not be displayed or available.
The NX10 contains a default user account when it leaves the factory. This account appears as Nautel
(Auto) in the List of Users and has Super User permission level. The default Username is “Nautel”. The
default Password is blank (i.e., no password). Nautel recommends that you delete this account once you
create the desired user account(s) (see First-Time Login, on page 3.2.126).
View Only: Can monitor equipment data only. No administrative or control functions.
Full Control: Can monitor and control equipment, with no administrative functions.
Administrator: Can perform all functions. Administrator is the only permission level that allows
addition, removal or modification of users.
Custom: Administrator can customize the user permissions by manually selecting the permission
2. Click Add (bottom of the screen) to open a small Add User window.
3. Beside Username, enter a name that identifies the new user, and click OK.
5. Beside User Type, click the arrow to reveal a drop-down menu and select a type of user. If you
select Custom as the type of user, then go to the Permissions section of the screen and mark
individual permissions (see Changing Permissions, on page 3.2.125).
6. Click Apply to confirm your entries and create a new user or click Cancel to ignore your entries
and exit the small window without creating a new user.
To edit an existing user account, click on the desired user in the Users list on the left-side of the remote
AUI. The Settings for that user will be displayed on the right-hand side of the remote AUI. You can edit
the Password, User Type (see Setting User Permission Level above), Auto Login status and
To change your password, click the Change Password button. A menu appears that prompts you to
enter the old password, new password and confirmation of the new password. Click Apply to save or
Cancel to exit this menu (see Figure 3.2.106 on page 3.2.126).
When checked () the selected user account will be automatically logged in to the transmitter with all
the rights and privileges that have been assigned to that user. There may only be one auto login user at
any given time; when the Auto Login check box is selected for one user account, it is automatically
cleared on all other users. When not checked, the transmitter will not login automatically and will
instead prompt for username and password when it boots up. It should be noted that only accounts
with Administrator level permissions can set or remove Auto Login status.
Changing Permissions
All users have permission to change their own username and password. You can customize the
permissions assigned to a user or simply pick a predetermined set of permissions based on the user
2. Select a user from the Users list to display the permissions for that user in the center of the
Permissions window. The permissions associated with the selected user are identified with a
checkmark ().
3. Click User Type to reveal a drop-down menu and select a new type of user.
4. If the user type in step 3 is Custom, set individual permissions. Under Permissions, place a
checkmark () beside each permission that you want to associate with the user. The boxes work
like a toggle - select the checkbox to place a checkmark and select again to remove the checkmark.
Choose one or more of the following options:
Activate/Modify Preset - Allows the user to modify presets and change the active preset.
Power Control - Allows the user to change the power set point of the transmitter..
Delete Logs - Allows the user to remove log entries.
Removing an Account
To remove a user account, select the desired user from the Users list and click the Delete button. A
verification prompt will appear. Click Yes to proceed or No to cancel the deletion.
NOTE: Do not delete the SNMP_User account from the list of users.
First-Time Login
When you enter the User Accounts page for the first time, it is recommended you create an account
and then delete the default Nautel account, as follows:
1. Log in to the remote AUI using the default Username (“Nautel”) and Password (blank).
2. Set up your own Administrator account, with your desired Username and Password.
3. Log out of the remote AUI, then login to your new Administrator account.
The remote AUI’s System Settings page (see Figure 3.2.107) is accessible from the Main Menu options.
It contains the following options:
The Reboot page (see Figure 3.2.108) allows users to reboot two items - the remote AUI and the active
To reboot the remote AUI, click the Reboot AUI button. This will function with remote control
enabled or disabled. After the reboot delay, you must log in to the remote AUI again.
To reboot the active exciter, click the Reboot Active Exciter button, if the button is available
(highlighted). NOTE: If the active exciter reboots, a brief interruption in transmitter operation will
Click X in the upper, right corner to close this page and return to the Home page.
Upgrade Software
The Upgrade Software page (see Figure 3.2.109) allows for uploading a suite of software upgrade files
(.tgz files) via remote connection. Navigate the page as described below. For additional information on
loading software, see Upgrading Software, on page 3.3.1.
Select the Upgrade Software option from the left side of the System Settings page to open a related
window on the right side of the page. the page consists of the following sections and buttons:
Current Version: indicates the current software version.
Select Upgrade File: displays the available upgrade files uploaded to the transmitter.
Details: opens a window containing information about the installed software. If an upgrade file is
selected, the screen shows a comparison between the installed version and the selected upgrade
by component. Identical versions are shown in green; different versions are shown in red. You can
also view the details of the previous upgrade by clicking the View Last Upgrade checkbox.
History: displays a window containing a history of the upgrades to the software. Click the +
button to maximize the details of the software. You can save this information to disk as a .txt file
from the remote AUI.
Start Upgrade: begins to upgrade the current software with the selected upgrade file.
Manage Files: opens a window displaying the files you can upload to upgrade the software. You
can add or delete files from this list using the Browse, Upload and Delete buttons in the window.
NOTE: Before performing a software upgrade, maximize the host’s disk space by deleting the old .tgz
files. Click the Manage Files button to display the Upload Files window, select the file(s) to delete,
and click the Delete button.
The exciter clock may also be synchronized to a reference source, either an external 10 MHz reference
connected to J1B of the control/interface PWB, a Nautel optional GPS sync PWB, or a combiner, as
applicable. The exciter reference will lock to the external source frequency within 10 MHz (0.01 Hz)
using the 10 MHz sync input, to within 2 MHz (0.002 Hz) using the GPS sync PWB without an antenna,
and to within the quality of the GPS system when using the GPS sync PWB with an antenna.
If None (default) or 10MHz Sync Source is selected, no other settings are required.
If GPS Sync Card is selected, the Antenna Present drop-down field is also dis-
played (select Yes or No)
If Combiner is selected (for combined systems only), the Phase Offset field is also
NOTE: The remote AUI’s Scheduler button will not display when the Sync Source is set to
Combiner. Use the associated combiner cabinet’s AUI Scheduler button to configure the
system schedule.
None: the exciter will work entirely with its internal frequency reference.
4. Select Apply to activate the selection.
RF Monitor Level
The RF Monitor Level page allows you to set values for the Gain at Full Power (in dB) (see
Figure 3.2.111) on the amplifier that drives the RF Monitor output as well as determine the RF monitor
source (forward or reflected power). The RF monitor is factory set to provide a level of 5 V rms into 50
ohm (27 dBm).
The Current Gain value is shown for reference. Increase the gain to increase the RF monitor output
level; decrease the gain to decrease the RF monitor output level. The transmitter will attempt to
maintain this level at all power set points.
NOTE: You can achieve an RF monitor level of 5 V rms for power levels as low as 10% of rated power.
Below 10% rated power, the maximum achievable RF monitor level may be lower than 5 V rms.
3. Observe the Current Gain value and its corresponding RF monitor level (measured). Enter the new
Gain at Full Power value to increase or decrease the RF monitor level.
4. Click Apply. Verify the measured RF monitor level is as desired. Readjust as necessary.
Power Lockout
The Power Lockout page (see Figure 3.2.112) allows you to set a high power limit for the transmitter.
There is provision to set up to eight different limits (which can be used to accommodate daytime/night-
time patterns or different antennae), but only the selected limit is active. You can also select a high
power limit using a digital remote input (see Remote Inputs - Remote AUI on page 3.2.165).
The transmitter power cannot increase beyond the active limit. For analog and hybrid modes of
operation the displayed power limits represent carrier power. For DRM mode, the displayed power limits
represent RMS power. If the active preset set point is greater than the active lockout limit, a High
Power Lockout alarm will appear on the Transmitter Status page.
For basic transmitter operation, you must configure and enable at least one of the eight high power
limits. Max Power Lockout 1 is factory set for the transmitter’s maximum output power. Set up a power
lockout using the remote AUI as follows:
1. Select Power Lockout from the left side of the System Settings page to open a related
window on the right side of the page.
2. Select the desired Active Power Lockout (Max Power Lockout 1 through 8) from the drop-down
3. Enter the desired Power Lockout level for each of the eight lockout options, noting it will
represent the maximum allowable power level.
Power Thresholds
The Power Thresholds page (see Figure 3.2.113) allows you to set two distinct low forward power
thresholds the transmitter. These thresholds are for monitoring purposes only. The transmitter will not
shut back if these thresholds are crossed, but alarm notifications are generated for each of the two
thresholds (Low Forward Power Threshold 1 and Low Forward Power Threshold 2) on the Transmitter
Status page.
1. Select Power Thresholds from the left side of the System Settings page to open a related
window on the right side of the page.
2. Enter the desired low power threshold level for each of the two options, noting the level represents
the percentage of the normal operating setpoint. The default settings for Low Forward Power
Threshold 1 and 2 are 50% and 25%, respectively.
Changing selections in the Console Select
menu is not normally required and should only
be performed by trained personnel. Information
on this sub-menu is not included in the manual.
If necessary, contact Nautel for assistance
*** NOTE: The remote AUI also has a System Settings menu, which contains similar functions to the
front panel UI (e.g., host reset, firmware update, RF monitor level, etc.). In this case, refer to System
Settings - Remote AUI, on page 3.2.127 for information on the front panel UI settings. Additional user
settings, available only through the front panel UI, are described in this section.
Host Reset
NOTE: A host reset can also be performed from the remote AUI, using the Reboot AUI button on the
Reset page (see Reboot, on page 3.2.128). Once the host is reset, all users that were remotely
connected (logged in) will be logged out.
From the front panel UI, you can reset the host on the control/interface PWB. To view the Host Reset
screen, select System Settings -> Host Reset from the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.115).
Use the up and down buttons to toggle between Force Host Reset and Cancel. Press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. If a reset is selected, it will occur immediately. Select Cancel or
press X to abort the reset and return to the previous menu.
From the front panel UI, you can enable or disable the host watchdog feature. This feature, when
enabled, monitors communication between the host processor and the DSP processor on the control/
interface PWB. If communication is lost for more than one minute, the transmitter will initiate an alarm
and reboot the host. To view the Host Watchdog screen, select System Settings -> Host Watchdog
from the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.116).
Use the up and down buttons to toggle between ON (enabled) and OFF (disabled). Press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the previous
OS Recovery
NOTE: An OS recovery reset can restore the transmitter’s operating system. It should only be required if
a problem occurs during a software upgrade. This feature is only available using the front panel UI.
From the front panel UI, you can perform a recovery reset of the operating system (OS). You will also
need to install a flash drive, provided by Nautel, in one of the two USB ports (J3B and J3C) on control/
interface PWB (A4). To view the OS Recovery screen, select System Settings -> OS Recovery from the
Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.117).
Use the up and down buttons to toggle between Force OS Recovery and Cancel. Press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. Select Cancel or press X to abort the recovery and return to the
previous menu.
Updating Firmware
NOTE: A firmware update can also be performed from the remote AUI, using the Upgrade Software
page in the System Settings menu (see Upgrade Software, on page 3.2.129).
From the front panel UI, you can update firmware used in the transmitter. To perform a firmware
update, select System Settings -> Firmware from the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.118).
In the FW Version screen, use the up and down buttons to scroll through the list of existing firmware
versions installed in the transmitter (Ctrl, CPLD, ExA, etc). Press X to return to the Firmware menu.
In the Update FW screen, use the up and down buttons to select the desired firmware for updating,
and press the accept (checkmark) button to initiate the update. Press X to return to the Firmware
From the front panel UI, you can configure the LCD display’s contrast, brightness and backlight settings.
To view the LCD Settings screen, select User Settings -> LCD Settings from the Main Menu (see
Figure 3.2.119).
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired display setting and then press the right
button to enable editing of the setting. Figure 3.2.120 on page 3.2.140 shows the editing screens for the
LCD Settings menu. Within any of the editing screens, use the up and down buttons to edit a setting.
Press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return
to the previous menu.
To view the front panel UI’s Run TCXO Cal screen (see Figure 3.2.121), select System Settings -> Run
TCXO Cal from the Main Menu. The calibration routine will begin when the external 10 MHz source is
Exciter Synchronization
NOTE: Exciter synchronization settings are only available using the front panel UI.
From the front panel UI, you can configure synchronization settings for the active exciter. Note that a
different menu will appear depending on the currently configured source type. To view the Exciter Sync
screen, select User Settings -> Exciter Sync from the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.122).
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired line item and then press the right
button to enable editing.
Figure 3.2.123 on page 3.2.142 shows all possible editing screens for the Exciter Sync menu. Within
any of the editing screens, use the up and down buttons to edit the setting. Press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the previous
RF Monitor Settings
NOTE: You can also adjust the RF monitor gain using the remote AUI (see RF Monitor Level, on page
The RF Monitor menu allows you to set values for the Gain at Full Power (in dB) on the amplifier that
drives the RF Monitor output. The RF monitor is factory set to provide a level of 5 V rms into 50 ohm
(27 dBm). From the front panel UI, you can establish the full-scale monitor gain and the power
parameter (forward or reflected power) for monitoring. To view the RF Monitor menu, select User
Settings -> RF Monitor from the Main Menu (see Figure 3.2.124).
NOTE: You can achieve an RF monitor level of 5 V rms for power levels as low as 10% of rated power.
Below 10% rated power, the maximum achievable RF monitor level may be lower than 5 V rms.
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired line item and then press the right
button to enable editing. Figure 3.2.125 shows the two editing screens for the RF Monitor menu.
Within either of the editing screens, use the up and down buttons to edit the setting. Press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the previous
The Power Lockout menu (see Figure 3.2.126 on page 3.2.144) allows you to set a high power limit for
the transmitter. There is provision to set up to eight different limits (which can be used to accommodate
daytime/night-time patterns or different antennae), but only the selected limit is active. You can also
select a high power limit using a digital remote input (see Remote Inputs - Remote AUI on page 3.2.165).
The transmitter power cannot increase beyond the active limit. For analog and hybrid modes of
operation the displayed power limits represent carrier power. For DRM mode, the displayed power limits
represent RMS power. If the active preset set point is greater than the active lockout limit, a High
Power Lockout alarm will appear on the Transmitter Status page.
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired line item and then press the right
button to enable editing. Figure 3.2.127 shows the two editing screens for the Power Lockout menu.
Within either of the editing screens, use the up and down buttons to edit the setting. Press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the previous
For the selected active power lockout, select the high power
limit for the transmitter between 0 and 11 kW, in 0.01 kW
increments. Press the cancel (X) button to discard changes
and return to the previous menu.
For basic transmitter operation, you must configure and enable at least one of the eight high power
limits. Max Power Lockout 1 is factory set for the transmitter’s maximum output power. Set up a power
lockout using the front panel UI as follows:
1. Select Active Lockout from the Main Menu -> System Settings -> Power Lockout screen.
2. Select the desired Active Lockout (Power Lockout 1 through 8). Press the accept (checkmark)
button to save the change. Press X to return to the previous menu.
3. Enter the appropriate Power Lockout # screen for the active lockout selected in step 2. Select the
desired high power limit for the active lockout, noting it will represent the maximum allowable
power level. Press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press X to return to the
previous menu.
The Power Thresholds menu (see Figure 3.2.128) allows you to set two distinct low forward power
thresholds the transmitter. These thresholds are for monitoring purposes only. The transmitter will not
shut back if these thresholds are exceeded, but alarm notifications are generated for each of the two
thresholds (Low Forward Power Threshold 1 and Low Forward Power Threshold 2) on the Transmitter
Status page.
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired threshold and then press the right
button to enable editing. Figure 3.2.129 shows the two editing screens for the Power Thresholds
menu. Within either of the editing screens, use the up and down buttons to edit the setting. Press the
accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the
previous menu.
PM Inhibit
NOTE: You can also enable and disable RF power modules using the remote AUI (see Figure 3.2.41 on
page 3.2.52).
The PM Inhibit menu allows the user to locally disable any of the four power modules in the transmitter.
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired power module and then press the right
button to enable editing. See Figure 3.2.130. Use the up and down buttons to select Enable or Disable.
Press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return
to the previous menu.
Factory Settings
Values for various critical parameters (audio input levels, B+ voltage settings, SWR thresholds, carrier
frequency, PDM settings, etc.) can be set using the front panel UI’s Factory Settings menu or the
remote AUI’s Factory Settings page (see Figure 3.2.131).
WARNING! Factory settings are established at Nautel and should not require
adjustment. These settings affect critical system protections. Making changes to
these settings may void your warranty. Contact Nautel before making changes.
For future reference, record a parameter value before and after making a change.
Remote AUI
NOTE: Most factory settings can be adjusted using either the front panel UI or the remote AUI. Where
applicable, this section describes both methods. There are additional factory settings that are available
only through the remote AUI.
The remote AUI’s Audio Inputs page (see Figure 3.2.132) displays the measured level of the Balanced
Analog source (in dBm). The Balanced Calibration field allows for establishing a reference from a
known source. Once a calibration value has been determined and entered, click the Apply button to
save the changes.
The front panel UI’s Audio Cal screen (see Figure 3.2.133) displays the level of the analog audio source
(in dBm).
Use the up and down buttons to increase or decrease the audio calibration level between -10 and
12 dBm (in 0.01 dBm increments). Press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel
(X) to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
B+ Voltage Calibration
You can calibrate the B+ voltage using the remote AUI (see Calibrating B+ Voltage - Using the Remote
AUI) or the local front panel UI (see Calibrating Audio Inputs - Using the Front Panel UI). If you change a
setting on the front panel UI, it will also be reflected on the remote AUI, and vice versa.
WARNING! Factory settings are established at Nautel and should not require
adjustment. These settings affect critical system protections. Making changes to
these settings may void your warranty. Contact Nautel before making changes.
For future reference, record a parameter value before and after making a change.
The remote AUI’s B+ Calibration page (see Figure 3.2.134) displays the measured B+ levels, and a B+
Calibration Value field. The calibration field allows you to enter a measured B+ voltage to calibrate the
B+ based on an externally measured B+ level. Save changes to the B+ Calibration Value by clicking the
Apply button.
The front panel UI’s B+ Cal menu (see Figure 3.2.135) allows for setting of the B+ calibration. The
calibration field allows you to enter a measured B+ voltage to calibrate the B+ based on an externally
measured B+ level.
Use the up and down buttons to increase or decrease the B+ calibration value, from a known measured
source, between 0 and 450 V in 0.1 V increments. Press the accept (checkmark) button to save the
change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
The remote AUI’s Forward/Reflected Power page (see Figure 3.2.136) allows the forward/reflected
power to be calibrated based on the filter lag, the ideal PA impedance (magnitude and phase), the test
load impedance and the measured RF current. Nautel sets these values at the factory. Value changes
are not typically required unless you are performing a frequency change.
WARNING! Factory settings are established at Nautel and should not require
adjustment. These settings affect critical system protections. Making changes to
these settings may void your warranty. Contact Nautel before making changes.
For future reference, record a parameter value before and after making a change.
Attempting to turn off (Disable) the SWR Protection will display the following WARNING, prompting
you to confirm your selection.
RF Symmetry Adjustment
You can adjust RF symmetry values using the remote AUI (see Adjusting RF Symmetry - Using the Remote
AUI) or the local front panel UI (see Adjusting RF Symmetry - Using the Front Panel UI). If you change a
setting on the front panel UI, it will also be reflected on the remote AUI, and vice versa.
WARNING! Factory settings are established at Nautel and should not require
adjustment. These settings affect critical system protections. Making changes to
these settings may void your warranty. Contact Nautel before making changes.
For future reference, record a parameter value before and after making a change.
The RF Symmetry page (see Figure 3.2.137) allows entering RF symmetry values for exciter A or B to
attempt to minimize second harmonic content when operating on each exciter. Values are factory set
and should not require adjustment.
The front panel UI’s RF Symmetry menu (see Figure 3.2.138) allows entering RF symmetry values for
exciter A or B to attempt to minimize second harmonic content when operating on each exciter. Values
are factory set and should not require adjustment.
Use the up and down buttons to select the desired exciter (A or B) for RF symmetry adjustment.
Figure 3.2.139 shows the editing screens for the Exciter A menu. Within this editing screen, use the up
and down buttons to edit the setting. Press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press
cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
The remote AUI’s SWR Thresholds page (see Figure 3.2.140) displays the threshold values for Peak
Reflected Limit, RMS Reflected Limit, Peak RF Current Limit, Peak Reflected Scale and Fast SWR
Shutback. The peak reflected scale value has an associated calibration routine, which is initiated using
the Start button. Value changes and calibrations are not typically required.
Attempting to Start the peak Reflected Scale Calibration routine will display the following WARNING,
prompting you to confirm your selection.
The front panel UI’s SWR Thresholds menu (see Figure 3.2.141) allows the enabling/disabling of the
SWR protection circuitry and the setting of various SWR threshold levels. Value changes are not
typically required.
WARNING! Attempting to disable the SWR protection or start the reflected scale
calibration routine will display a screen prompting you to confirm the selection.
Transmitter Type
NOTE: This setting is displayed on the NX10’s remote AUI, but is not user adjustable. It is set at the
factory during testing.
Transmitter Frequency
You can adjust the transmitter’s carrier frequency using the remote AUI (see Adjusting Transmitter
Frequency - Using the Remote AUI) or the local front panel UI (see Adjusting Transmitter Frequency - Using
the Front Panel UI, on page 3.2.161). If you change the frequency on the front panel UI, it will also be
reflected on the remote AUI, and vice versa.
WARNING! Factory settings are established at Nautel and should not require
adjustment. These settings affect critical system protections. Making changes to
these settings may void your warranty. Contact Nautel before making changes.
For future reference, record a parameter value before and after making a change.
Do not change the carrier frequency unless you are performing a frequency change procedure.
The remote AUI’s Transmitter Frequency page (see Figure 3.2.143) displays the precise carrier
frequency of the transmitter. Click the Apply button to save changes.
The front panel UI’s Frequency screen (see Figure 3.2.144) displays the precise carrier frequency of the
Use the up and down buttons to increase or decrease the carrier frequency between 520 and 1710 kHz
(in 1 Hz increments). Press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to
discard changes and return to the previous menu.
PDM Settings
You can adjust the transmitter’s PDM settings using the remote AUI (see Adjusting PDM Settings - Using
the Remote AUI) or the local front panel UI (see Adjusting PDM Settings - Using the Front Panel UI). If you
change the frequency on the front panel UI, it will also be reflected on the remote AUI, and vice versa.
WARNING! Factory settings are established at Nautel and should not require
adjustment. These settings affect critical system protections. Making changes to
these settings may void your warranty. Contact Nautel before making changes.
For future reference, record a parameter value before and after making a change.
The remote AUI’s PDM Settings page (see Figure 3.2.145) displays the selected PDM settings. The
selection is based on the PDM configuration of the transmitter and is set at the factory during product
testing. PDM Phase Calibration may be required after replacing or moving RF power modules. See the
“Replacing a Power Module” section of the NX10 Troubleshooting Manual for more information.
Attempting to Start the Minimization Routine will display the following WARNING, prompting you to
confirm your selection.
The front panel UI’s PDM Settings menu (see Figure 3.2.146) displays the selected PDM settings. The
settings are based on the PDM configuration of the transmitter and are set at the factory during product
testing. PDM phase calibration may be required after replacing or moving RF power modules. See the
“Replacing a Power Module” section of the NX10 Troubleshooting Manual for more information.
Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired item and then press the right button to
enable editing. Figure 3.2.147 shows the two editing screens for the PDM Settings menu.
Within the PDM Offset screen, use the up and down buttons to edit the setting. Press the accept
(checkmark) button to save the change. Press cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the previous
Within the Minimization screen, press the accept (checkmark) button to begin the minimization routine.
Perform this routine after any PDM offset changes.
Refer also to the NX10 Pre-installation Manual for information on remote inputs and outputs and their
factory default settings.
Click the Remote Inputs (see Remote Inputs - Remote AUI, on page 3.2.165) or Outputs (see Remote
Outputs - Remote AUI, on page 3.2.167) tab to view or edit detail on the remote inputs or outputs.
Using the Remote Inputs tab (see Figure 3.2.148 on page 3.2.164), you can configure up to 10 digital
inputs that allow you to remotely control various operational characteristics of the transmitter. Unless
otherwise noted, these inputs are only accepted by the transmitter if the remote/local status is set to
remote enabled (i.e., local plus remote). That setting can only be made by a local user using the front
panel pushbutton.
Nautel sets digital input defaults prior to shipping. See the NX10 Pre-installation Manual for details. If
necessary, re-configure the digital inputs as follows:
Exit page
Input tab
logic level
1. On the left side of the page, select the desired digital input (1 through 10) from the list. Note: you
can configure digital inputs 1 through 10 for one of a variety of control inputs.
2. On the right side of the page, assign a name to the digital input by clicking the Channel bar and
selecting one of the following options:
– Not Assigned - has no effect on transmitter operation, regardless of logic level.
– RF On/Off - tells the system to provide RF power, if possible (same as selecting RF On or If Off on the
remote AUI).
– Reset - causes a system reset.
– Inc/Dec RF Power - tells the system to increase (if possible) or decrease output carrier power.
– Main Exciter - selects the main exciter to operate the transmitter.
– Auto Changeover - sets the exciter changeover function to operate automatically.
3. The Level bar displays the input’s current logic level (1 or 0).
4. Configure the active/inactive control for each of the 10 digital inputs. Click the arrow beside the
Control bar to display the following drop-down menu options:
– Rising Edge, Turn On/Reboot/Set To A/Set To B. Logic ‘1’ (high or rising edge) activates the
input (or causes a reset, as appropriate).
– Falling Edge, Turn On/Reboot/Set To A/Set To B. Logic ‘0’ (low or trailing edge) activates the
input (or causes a reset, as appropriate).
– Rising Edge, Turn Off. Logic ‘1’ (high or rising edge) de-activates the input.
– Falling Edge, Turn Off. Logic ‘0’ (low or trailing edge) de-activates the input.
– Falling Edge, Toggle. Logic ‘0’ (low or trailing edge) de-activates the input; next logic ‘0’ (low or trailing
edge) activates the input.
– Rising Edge, Toggle. Logic ‘1’ (high or rising edge) activates the input; next logic ‘1’ (high or rising
edge) de-activates the input.
– Rising Edge, Turn On/Set To B. Falling Edge Turn Off/Set To A. Logic ‘1’ (high or rising edge)
activates the input; logic ‘0’ (low or trailing edge) de-activates the input.
– Falling Edge, Turn On/Set To B. Rising Edge Turn Off/Set to A. Logic ‘0’ (low or trailing edge)
activates the input; logic ‘1’ (high or rising edge) de-activates the input.
– Active High, Increase. Logic ‘1’ (high) causes a power increase or turns on the feature.
– Active Low, Increase. Logic ‘0’ (low) causes a power increase.
– Active High, Decrease. Logic ‘1’ (high) causes a power decrease.
– Active Low, Decrease. Logic ‘0’ (low) causes a power decrease.
– Active High, Turn On. Logic ‘1’ (high) activates the input.
– Active Low, Turn On. Logic ‘0’ (low) activates the input.
5. When the input settings are complete, click Apply to accept and activate these changes or click
Cancel to cancel them and return to the previous settings.
NOTE: If you save a change to a digital input via the remote AUI, it will also be displayed on the front
panel UI.
Using the Remote Outputs tab (see Figure 3.2.150 on page 3.2.167, you can configure up to 16
outputs that indicate either the presence of various alarms or the status of operator controlled circuits.
Nautel sets digital output defaults prior to shipping. See the NX10 Pre-installation Manual for details. If
necessary, re-configure the remote outputs as follows:
logic level
1. On the left side of the page, select the desired remote output (1 through 16) from the list. Note:
you can configure remote outputs 1 through 16 for one of a variety of monitoring outputs.
2. On the right side of the page, assign a name to the remote output by clicking Channel and
selecting one of the following options:
– Not Assigned - No alarm or status parameter is monitored.
– Remote Enabled - Active logic level indicates remote control is enabled (i.e., local plus remote).
Inactive logic level indicates the transmitter is in local control.
– RF On/Off - Active logic level indicates the transmitter’s RF power stage is on (enabled). Inactive logic
level indicates the transmitter’s RF power stage is off.
– Active Exciter - Active logic level indicates that exciter A is active. Inactive logic level indicates that
exciter B is active.
– Auto Changeover - Active logic level indicates that the automatic exciter changeover function is
enabled. Inactive logic level indicates that the function is disabled.
– Main Exciter - Active logic level indicates that exciter A is selected as the main exciter. Inactive logic
level indicates that exciter B is selected as the main exciter.
– Scheduler On/Off- Active logic level indicates that the automatic mode scheduler is enabled or
– Various Alarms - Active logic level indicates that the selected alarm is occurring. Any transmitter alarm
can be selected as a digital output. Refer to the NX10 Troubleshooting Manual for a description of each
– AUI Watchdog - Active logic level indicates that a watchdog reset is occurring, due to an error in
communication between the host processor and the DSP processor on the control/interface PWB. The reset is
configured using the front panel UI’s System Settings -> Host Watchdog screen.
– Max Power Lockout 1 - 8 - Active logic level indicates that a power lockout has been enabled, either
through the remote AUI’s System Settings page or by a remote digital input.
– Remote Input - Mimics the logic of the associated remote input selection. Example: If Remote Output 5
is set to Remote Input, it will mimic the logic received on remote input pin 5. This is typically used for
debugging remote inputs.
– Invalid Preset - Active logic level indicates the current active preset is not a saved preset.
– Preset: (name) - Active logic level indicates that the associated preset is active.
3. The Level bar displays the input’s current logic level (1 or 0).
4. Configure the active/inactive control for each of the 16 digital outputs. Click the arrow beside the
Control bar to display the drop-down menu options that are appropriate for the selected Channel.
6. When the output settings are complete, click Apply to accept and activate these changes or click
Cancel to cancel them and return to the previous settings.
Use the up and down buttons to select Remote Inputs (see Remote Inputs - Front Panel UI, on page
3.2.169), or Remote Outputs (see Remote Outputs - Front Panel UI, on page 3.2.171) to view or edit
detail on the selected inputs or outputs.
Using the Remote Inputs screens (see Figure 3.2.152 on page 3.2.170), you can configure up to 10
digital inputs that allow you to remotely control various operational characteristics of the transmitter.
Unless otherwise noted, these inputs are only accepted by the transmitter if remote control is enabled.
That setting can only be made by a local user using the front panel UI.
Nautel sets digital input defaults prior to shipping. See the NX10 Pre-installation Manual for details.
Use the up and down buttons to select the desired digital input (1 through 10) from the list. Each screen
shows the current digital input parameter (e.g., RF On/Off), as well as the polarity (e.g., Falling edge RF
On) and current state (e.g., HIGH, LOW) of the corresponding input pin. Use the right-arrow button to
enter the Selection/Polarity screen for the selected input to allow editing of the selection or the
polarity. Press cancel (X) to return to the previous menu.
If you save a change to a digital input via the front panel UI, it will also be displayed on the remote AUI
NOTE: The selection and polarity options for digital inputs are the same as described in Remote Inputs -
Remote AUI, on page 3.2.165.
Using the Remote Outputs screens (see Figure 3.2.153 on page 3.2.171), you can configure up to 16
digital outputs that indicate either the presence of various alarms or the status of operator controlled
Nautel sets digital output defaults prior to shipping. See the NX10 Pre-installation Manual for details.
Use the up and down buttons to select the desired digital output (1 through 16) from the list. Each
screen shows the current digital output parameter (e.g., RF On/Off), as well as the polarity (e.g., RF
On = Low) and current state (e.g., HIGH, LOW) of the corresponding output pin. Use the right-arrow
button to enter the Selection/Polarity screen for the selected output to allow editing of the selection
or the polarity. Press cancel (X) to return to the previous menu.
If you save a change to a digital output via the front panel UI, it will also be displayed on the remote
AUI page.
NOTE: The selection and polarity options for digital outputs are the same as described in Remote
Outputs - Remote AUI, on page 3.2.167.
Select the Analog Outputs tab to view the analog outputs (see Figure 3.2.154 on page 3.2.172) for the
pre-determined parameters. There are columns that list the Sample Full Scale voltage and
corresponding Meter Full Scale value as well as the current Sample Voltage and corresponding
current Meter Value.
NOTE: The Sample Voltage reading reflects the value that can be measured at the associated remote
analog output pin for the given Meter Value. See the NX10 Pre-Installation Manual for actual remote
analog pin assignments.
NOTE: Figure above shows NX5 AUI for reference only - Meter Full Scale values will differ for NX10.
The values associated with Forward Power and Reflected Power are of a square law nature so that
changes made to the Sample Full Scale field (allowable range is 1-10 V, default values shown in
Table 3.2.4) will be reflected in the other fields according to the following equation:
The values associated with B+ Voltage and Total B+ DC Current are of a linear nature so that changes
made to the Sample Full Scale field (allowable range is 1-10 V, default values shown in Table 3.2.4)
will be reflected in the other fields according to the following equation:
B+ Voltage 6.75 V
To change the scaling, select the applicable meter value from the Sample Full Scale column in the AUI
(see Figure 3.2.154) and enter the new desired value noting the allowable range is 1-10 V. Press Apply
to activate changes. Press Cancel to discard changes.
NOTE: The Total B+ DC Current default Sample Full Scale value exceeds 10 V and once changes are
made the user cannot return to the original default value.
Using the Analog Outputs screens (see Figure 3.2.155), you can view the levels of four pre-defined
analog outputs that are representative of critical transmitter parameters.
Nautel sets analog output defaults prior to shipping. There are no configuration options. In the front
panel UI, they are for monitoring purposes only. If you wish to adjust the scaling, it must be done
through the AUI (see Analog Outputs - AUI, on page 3.2.172).
Use the up and down buttons to select the desired analog output (1 through 4) from the list. Each
screen shows the analog output parameter (e.g., Forward Power, Reflected Power, B+ Voltage or Total
B+ DC Current), as well as the meter reading (actual and full-scale) and the output pin voltage (actual
and full-scale). Press cancel (X) to return to the previous menu.
NOTE: The analog output’s Output voltage reading reflects the value that can be measured at the
associated remote analog output pin for the given Meter value. See the Pre-Installation Manual for
actual remote analog pin assignments.
Preset Scheduler
If the scheduler is enabled (see Enabling the Scheduler on page 3.2.179), you can program a yearly
preset schedule for the transmitter. Use the Scheduler page (see Figure 3.2.156) to set the dates and
times at which presets take effect. You can define up to 63 scheduler rules. To view the Scheduler
page, select Scheduler from the Menu options.
NOTE: The remote AUI’s Scheduler button will not display when the System Settings -> Exciter Clock
Calibration -> Sync Source is set to Combiner. Use the associated combiner cabinet’s AUI Scheduler
button to configure the system schedule.
The left-hand side of the Scheduler page displays a monthly calendar (e.g., April 2015). Use the << and
>> buttons to navigate between months. Use the |< and >| buttons to navigate to the beginning and the
end of the schedule.
The right-hand side of the Scheduler page contains a Rules section and a Daily Events section. All
programmed rules are displayed in the Rules section. Clicking on a specific date in the monthly calendar
displays the rules, as applicable for that day, in the Daily Events section.
NOTE: It is not possible to schedule an RF OFF state through the scheduler. However, it is possible to
“simulate” an RF OFF condition by creating a preset with a 0W setpoint. Once the 0W preset has been
activated, after 10 seconds, the transmitter will shut down the RF power modules, fans and B+ power
supply, emulating an RF OFF state, but the transmitter will still indicate RF ON. When a new preset is
later activated with a non-zero power setpoint, the transmitter will resume operation as specified in the
active preset.
When you click in the Rules list, you have the option to edit or delete an existing rule, or to create a new
rule. Click the New or Edit button to display the Rule Explorer window (see Figure 3.2.157). Click
Delete to remove a rule from the list.
Translation: Every Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday between March 3 and April 7 of
any given year, this rule will take effect. On Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays
and Saturdays, the rule will not take effect. At 6:15 in the morning, the pre-
set will change to Preset 1.
Translation: Every Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday between March 3 and April 7 of
any given year, this rule will take effect. On Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays
and Saturdays, the rule will not take effect. At 6:15 in the morning, and
every 12 minutes and 34 seconds thereafter, until 15:12 in the afternoon,
the preset will change to Preset 1.
Enable or disable the scheduler by clicking the Scheduler button in the Date & Time section (see
Figure 3.2.158).
When Scheduler: ON appears, the transmitter will follow the Scheduler settings.
When Scheduler: OFF appears, the transmitter will stop following the schedule and the active preset
will be the preset that was operating when the scheduler was disabled.
To view the Scheduler enable/disable screen (see Figure 3.2.159) on the front panel display, select User
Settings -> Scheduler from the Main Menu.
Use the up and down buttons to select ON (enable) or OFF (disable). The default setting is OFF. Press
cancel (X) to return to the previous menu.
Audio Player
The built-in audio player (see Figure 3.2.160) can use a file playlist, Livewire or Shoutcast as an audio
source. These sources must be configured before they can be used. This section describes how to
configure audio player sources. To view the Audio Player page, select Audio Player from the Menu
options. The Audio Player page has two selectable tabs:
The playlist (or Shoutcast/Livewire stream) is typically used as an audio loss backup. For example, the
user may operate with Preset 1 using one of the standard audio sources. Preset 1 can be configured to
switch to another preset (e.g., Preset 2), which uses a playlist or stream, if Preset 1 loses its audio. See
Changing the OS Password, on page 3.4.4 for more information.
Playlist/stream presets can also be activated by the Scheduler (see Preset Scheduler, on page 3.2.175).
The Playlist tab (see Figure 3.2.161) displays the audio files and sequence that currently make up the
playlist. Only audio files that are supported (e.g., .wav or .mp3 files) will be played. For .mp3 files, using
files with bit rates equal to or less than 96 kbps achieves best audio results. Also, you must activate a
preset that has Audio Player/AES1 or AES2 selected in the Analog Settings -> AM Source in the
Presets page. There are three sections in the Playlist tab - Playlists, Playlist Contents and Available Files
on USB.
NOTE: You should not change an active (playing) playlist nor should you attempt to delete or move a
song that is currently playing. To make changes to the playlist, the audio player must be off (inactive) -
or at least not being used as the active preset’s source.
The Playlists section is used for adding (Add button) and deleting (Delete button) playlists.
The Playlist Contents section is used for inserting jumps (Insert JMP button) and deleting playlist
contents (Delete button). The Insert JMP button allows the user to set up a playlist that can jump to an
item in another playlist. You can drag files up and down the Playlist Contents list and you can drag
files from the Available Files on USB list to the Playlist Contents list.
The Available Files on USB section is used for adding audio files to the playlist (Add Files button) or
refreshing the playlist (Refresh button). Audio files must be stored on an external USB device plugged
into the USB-A (A4J3B) or USB-B (A4J3C) connector on the rear of the controller; they are not stored in
the transmitter. Only the audio files stored in the root directory of the most recently connected USB
device appear on the playlist. The list will be empty if no USB device is connected. The USB drive must
be formatted with a FAT32 file system. Click the Refresh button to force an update of the list of files on
the mounted USB.
NOTE: MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
The audio player supports only one USB device at a time. If multiple USB devices are connected, only
the most recently connected USB is recognized as the active USB drive. If multiple USB devices are
connected and one is removed, both devices are unmounted.
The Manage Files button displays a pop-up window that allows the user to Browse for files and
Upload them to the USB or Delete them from the USB. You should not delete files that are part of
more than one playlist.
The NX10 is capable of playing audio streams in either Shoutcast or Livewire format.
The audio player supports Shoutcast playlists and IP addresses for audio streams. For a Shoutcast
playlist enter the URL for the station. For an audio stream, enter the URL for that stream.
For Livewire, enter the channel that contains the desired audio.
Shoutcast Type
Livewire Type
2. Use the drop-down menu to select the desired Type of audio stream - Shoutcast or Livewire (see
Figure 3.2.163).
3. Enter the appropriate information for the audio server (Name and URL for Shoutcast; Name and
Channel for Livewire). Make sure the NX10 can access the location.
2. If you are editing an audio stream, enter the appropriate information for the audio server (Name
and URL for Shoutcast; Name and Channel for Livewire). Make sure the NX10 can access the
3. Click OK to either edit or delete the audio stream, or click Cancel to discard changes.
Active Exciter - indicates the exciter that is currently active (also displayed in the top, right
corner of the remote AUI).
Main Exciter - indicates (in green) which exciter is considered to be the primary exciter.
Select A or B. The default exciter is A if the Standby Exciter is set to No. NOTE: Changing
the setting may change the active exciter.
Auto Changeover - indicates (in green) if automatic exciter changeover is enabled. Select
Yes if automatic changeover is desired or No if user selected changeover is desired. NOTE:
you cannot change the setting if the Standby Exciter is set to No.
Standby Exciter - identifies whether or not a standby exciter is available. This is factory set
and only requires adjustment if an exciter is removed or not functional. Yes indicates that a
standby operation is available or desired. No indicates that a standby operation is not
available or desired.
This menu has four sub-menu options. Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor to the desired
display setting and then press the right button to enable editing of the setting. Figure 3.2.166 on page
3.2.188 shows the editing screens for the Changeover menu. Within any of the editing screens, use the
up and down buttons to edit a setting. Press the accept (checkmark) button to save the change. Press
cancel (X) to discard changes and return to the previous menu.
Upgrading Software
Periodically, enhancements or improvements to the operating system are identified and made available.
Perform a software upgrade as follows:
As required.
Preliminary Checks
1. Determine the current software revision installed using the front panel UI’s Main Menu -> User
Settings-> Firmware -> FW Version screen or the remote AUI’s Menu -> System Settings ->
Upgrade Software page. Select the *.tgz file in the Select Upgrade File list (should highlight in
blue) and click Details. Note the current software revision for Audio Player, AUI, Controller, Exciter,
Rack and PM.
Transmitter IP Configuration
1. Go to the network settings page using the local front panel UI (Main Menu -> User Settings ->
Network Settings) or the remote AUI (Menu -> User Settings -> Network Setup).
2. Record your current network settings (IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway).
3. If connecting to the transmitter directly with a laptop, you must set a static IP address. Set as
Disable DHCP: From the remote AUI, press the Static IP radio button. From the front panel UI,
enter the DHCP sub-menu and set to DISABLE.
Set the IP Address:
Set the Netmask:
4. Set the transmitter for Remote enabled control (i.e., local plus remote).
Laptop IP Setup
The following steps assume the operating system is Windows XP. Adapt as required for computers with
different operating systems.
1. On the laptop go to Start Menu/Control Panel/Network Connections/Local Area Network.
2. In the Local Area Network Status, open the General tab and choose Properties. Scroll down and
highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Choose Properties.
3. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, select Use the following IP address.
2. If using a network computer, open Internet Explorer and search for the IP address recorded in
Step 2 of “Transmitter IP Configuration” on page 3.3.2. The transmitter login screen should appear.
4. Navigate through the remote AUI to Menu -> System Settings -> Upgrade Software, select the
Manage Files button and press Browse. Locate the software update *.tgz file stored on the
laptop or network computer, and press Upload to load the file into the transmitter upload file list.
Allow this operation to complete.
2. Go to the AUI Menu -> System Settings -> Upgrade Software screen and select the update
*.tgz file from the Select Upgrade File list (should highlight in blue) and press Start Upgrade.
CAUTION! Do not leave this page until the flash process is complete.
3. After a successful load (status is 100% complete and a message indicates a successful load), cycle
the ac power (turn off, then on) on the NX10.
4. This completes the software upgrade. Restore the former network settings on the transmitter and
laptop as required (see Step 2 of “Transmitter IP Configuration” on page 3.3.2).
NOTE: Make sure to clear the cache of every web browser used to remotely connect to the transmitter's
AUI to ensure that the remote AUI displays correctly after the software upgrade.
5. Login and repeat Step 1 of “Preliminary Checks” on page 3.3.2 to determine if the current version is
the same as the upgrade version - this confirms the upgrade was successful.
6. If the upgrade was not successful, repeat Step 1 through Step 5. If still unsuccessful, contact
Scheduled Maintenance
Scheduled maintenance consists of performing a visual inspection of the NX10 at scheduled intervals.
The recommended minimum time between scheduled maintenance visits is three months. Local
operating and environmental conditions may dictate more frequent visits, while in remote sites less
frequent visits may be acceptable. Experience and system reliability will determine the most practical
schedule for a specific installation.
At a minimum, follow the cleaning procedures listed below.
NOTE: A site located in a dirty area using open-air cooling requires more extensive cleaning than a site
located in a clean area using closed-air cooling.
1. Check the air filters, noting there is one in the transmitter’s rear door. Remove the air filter, inspect
it. If the air filter is clean, re-install it. If an air filter is dirty or damaged, replace it as soon as
possible. See “Replacing the Air Filter” on page 3.3.6.
2. Clean the NX10 using a vacuum cleaner and a soft-bristle brush to remove loose dirt. Clean, damp
rags should be used to remove dirt that cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Never use
compressed air to clean the NX10.
Checking Hardware
Check all hardware at least once a year. Thermal cycling from turning the NX10 on and off will require
more frequent checks.
To prevent damaging the hardware, ensure that the proper sized tools are used. In most cases,
hardware is metric.
A mounting surface or terminal that has changed colour indicates a loose hardware connection.
Battery Replacement
The NX10's control/interface PWB contains a battery backup circuit that provides a memory of alarm
occurrences during ac power failure. See “Replacing the Control/Interface PWB Battery” on page 3.3.9.
As required.
Take the following steps to replace an NX10 air filter:
1. Order a new filter, as necessary. You can order a standard sized filter from Nautel (Nautel Part #
HR142) or from the manufacturer (18” x 24” x 2” American Air Filter PerfectPleat HC M8 MERV 8
or equivalent) or obtain one from any local supplier of HVAC supplies.
3. Remove the old or damaged filter by loosening the four (4) quarter-turn fasteners securing the
filter bracket to the rear door (see Figure 3.3.1 on page 3.3.7). Remove the filter bracket and
remove the air filter.
4. Insert the new air filter into the bracket, noting the air flow direction is from back to front. Reinstall
the filter bracket by tightening the four (4) quarter-turn fasteners to secure the filter bracket to the
rear door.
Bracket 4 quarter-turn
(filter behind fasteners to
bracket) remove filter bracket
Every 12 months, or as required by law.
1. Monitor the transmitter signal to identify any problems:
Use a high quality receiver to monitor audio quality.
Check the spectral output of the transmitter using the remote AUI’s spectrum analyzer.
Take a portable receiver to different locations in your coverage areas to identify any problems
with the antenna pattern or areas of localized interference.
Every 12 months.
Perform the following steps to replace the battery:
1. Ensure ac power is being applied to the transmitter.
2. Open the front door to access the control/interface PWB (A4), which is located on the exciter panel
(see Figure 3.3.2 on page 3.3.10).
5. Check for any alarms on the front panel UI or the remote AUI.
J9 J8 J7
(UPPER) R158
R9 R31 R57
R153 R152 R151
R131 R130 R129 R128
C56 C55
E1 1
U32 R179
R84 R83
CR3 C23 U38
C95 R198
C3 C5
C1 C6 R37 R47 R50 R54 R149 R155 R161 R171 R174 R185 R189 R194
R207 R206
L7 R124 C64 R113
C60 R115 R114 C58
R134 R133
R86 C43 C42
R146 TP10
C32 C31
C74 C73
C35 R76
CR12 CR36
U21 R111 C59
R163 R180
R164 R181
RT9 1 C65
TP4 C91
U14 U23 R157
U5 U8
R13 C7
R125 TP48
R15 R40 U4
Every 6 months.
Perform the following steps to test the lightning protection systems:
1. Test the continuity between ground available at your lightning arrestor and ground available on
various pieces of equipment connected to the transmitter. Ensure that there is no resistance (0
2. Physically inspect the lightning arrestor to ensure that all connections are tight. Also look for any
sign of scoring or burning (indications of possible damage from earlier lightning strikes).
3. Using binoculars, visually inspect the hardware on the tower. Look for charred, broken or frayed
connections and corrosion.
Shutback. A complete loss of RF output power, caused by any one of a variety of faults, including high
VSWR, low B+ voltage, high RF current, RF drive failure, external interlock or spark gap.
SNMP. Simple network management protocol. A method of communication via web browser between
the transmitter and remote computer using specific agent software (in the transmitter) and client
Surge protection board. An electrical panel that protects equipment from electrical surges in the
ac power supply, antenna or site ground caused by lightning strikes.
VSWR. Voltage standing wave ratio. This is an expression of the ratio of forward voltage to reverse
voltage on the feedline and antenna system. An ideal VSWR of 1:1 provides maximum transmitter-
antenna efficiency.
Document: NHB-NX10-OPS
Issue: 2019-06-01
Nautel Limited
10089 Peggy’s Cove Road
Hackett’s Cove, NS Canada B3Z 3J4
Toll Free: +1.877.6NAUTEL (662.8835)
(Canada & USA only) or
Phone: +1.902.823.3900 or
Fax: +1.902.823.3183
Nautel Inc.
201 Target Industrial Circle
Bangor, Maine USA 04401
Phone: +1.207.947.8200
Fax: +1.207.947.3693