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NCM 102

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La Consolacion University

Malolos City, Bulacan
College of Allied Medical Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
SY 2019-2020

II. COURSE TITLE: Nursing Care Management 109 - Care of Mother, Child at Risk or with Problems (Acute and

III. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the concept of disturbance & pre-existing health problems of
women and the pathologic changes during intra-partum period. These disturbances are
emphasized to facilitate the early recovery of clients. Likewise, this course further deals with
the common problems occurring during infancy to adolescence stage.

IV. PREREQUISITE: NCM 105, NCM 106, NCM 107, Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology

V. CREDIT UNITS: 6 units lecture, 6 units Related Learning Experience (RLE)


PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

Creative Critical Demonstrate beginning professional competencies in the LO1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding on the
Thinker following: principles and concept nursing practice
LO2. Identify and apply methods and procedures in the
1. Nurse’s Role on Client Care the Care of Individuals and Families(Maternal and Child Health)
2. Nurse’s Role on Management and Leadership LO3. Analyze and critically evaluate information in the Care of
3. Nurse’s Role on Research Individuals and Families(Maternal and Child Health)
Transformative 1. Apply a process of lifelong learning in the development of LO4. Apply the different intervention for the management in
Lifelong one's self, nursing practice, and the profession. the care of Individuals and Families(Maternal and Child Health)
Learner LO5. Appreciate the role of a nurse in the Care of Individuals
and Families(Maternal and Child Health)
Socially 1. Promote care and service that recognize the uniqueness L06. Explore and evaluate available resources in
Responsiv and diversity among individuals based on Catholic— rendering care of Individuals and Families(Maternal and Child
e Augustinian spirit. Health)
2. Develop a deeper awareness of his/her rights, duties and LO7. Show the attributes of an excellent and effective allied
responsibilities to God, country and the world; health care professional providing nursing care.


 Orientation to the course  Show awareness on Week 1 *Setting of Expectations * Appreciation  Statement  Expectations
a. course outline content and the different from the course * Organization of stated
b. requirements requirements for the * Open   Course
c. grading system course. *Presentation of Course * Communication Expectations syllabus with
Objectives and contents, * Honesty  Review of all the rubrics
Course requirements and Course Contents, for
Activities Objectives, assessment
Activities and reviewed.
*Review of Policies on Assessment Tools
Absences, Tardiness,
Examination, Grading

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

A. National Health situation Given relevant questions, the
focusing on Maternal and student will be able to
Child Health Week 1 Present the national  Sensitivity  Presentation of  Result of
health situation focusing  Appreciate research about Quiz
1.Review the National Health on maternal and child roles and statistics.
B. Statistics on Maternal and Situation focusing on health responsibilities  Group Sharing  Result of
Child Health Maternal & Child Health  Responsibility  Quiz on the topic Rubrics of
C. Maternal mortality and 2. Explain the implications *Philippine Health and discussed individual
morbidity rates of the health situation to the Situation Report commitment sharing
care of mothers and children Evocative discussion  Faithfulness in
D. Infant Mortality and *Film Showing one’s duty
morbidity rates * Updates on
E. Other important statistics mortality and
rates Infant
mortality and
PART I — Care of the Sick Given an actual pregnant
Mother client at risk or with problems,
the student will be able to:
II. NURSING CARE OF THE Week 2 PowerPoint Presentation  Sensitivity  Quiz on the  Result of
HIGH RISK PREGNANT 1.Apply knowledge of and Discussion on:  Appreciate topic discussed Quiz
CLIENT normal pregnancy, Anatomy roles and
A. Assessment of Clients at and Physiology and * High Risk Pregnant responsibilities  Grade  Result of
risk begins with the 1st assessment techniques in Client  Responsibility recitation Rubrics of
prenatal visit .and continues caring for clients. and commitment reflective
through the 2. Assess the health status of Film Showing:  Faithfulness in  Reflective journals
puerperium. . a pregnant client at risk or. Documentary Film about one’s duty journal regarding
with problems. high risk pregnant film showing.
B. Risk factors includes 2.1. Conduct a health history women.
physiological, socio and Functional health Status.
Demographic, psychological 2.2.Perform systematic and
environment Comprehensive physical f
assessment to validate
C Vulnerable groups are assessed data
pregnant women with 2.3.1nterprets deviations
1 physiologic problems such from normal findings in

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

as concurrent illness with the physical assessment,
malnutrition diagnostic and laboratory
2. mothers who are too examinations
young, too old, pregnant too 3. Utilize assessed data in
frequently order to prioritize nursing
3. presence of physical 4. Plan care of clients
deformity utilizing evidence-based
nursing research.
4. psychological/mental 4.1. achieve the best
illness/mental retardation clinical outcomes
utilizing ethico-moral
5. marginalized because of and legal principles
• poverty 4.2. plan effective care
• unemployment 5. Implement individualized
• lack. of education nursing care safely and
• exposure to teratogens due knowledgeably
to occupation 5.1. administers
• victims of abuse or Prescribed medications and
domestic violence, rape, treatments including
incest alternative complementary
• single or separated. therapy
Mothers 5.2. participates in
planning and coordinating
D. Medical conditions culturally sensitive inter-
affecting pregnancy disciplinary care
outcomes ( Pre-gestational 5.3. provide appropriate
Conditions) such as client education and health
1. Rheumatic heart disease, maintenance and family based
2. Diabetes mellitus care
3. Substance abuse, 5.4. efficiently and effectively
4.HIVJAIDS utilize available resources in  PowerPoint
5 Rh Sensitization the care of clients to achieve Presentation and  Quiz on the  Results of
6 Anemia Etc outcomes Discussion on Medical topic discuss. Quiz
5.5.Maintain confidentiality and Conditions affecting
E. Gestational Conditions protect client’s privacy. pregnancy and  Individual
affecting pregnancy, 6. Evaluate effectiveness of gestational conditions presentation of  Rubric results
outcomes such as: ‘nursingncare, revising the affecting pregnancy. their Interview for individual
1. Hyperemesis pursing care plan as needed to presentation.

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

Gravidarum promote, maintain or restore  Allow student to
2 Ectopic Pregnancy functional health status of develop nursing
3 Gestational Trophablastic c1ients with reproductive and diagnosis.
disease (H-mole) sexual disorders.
4. Incompetent Cervix 7 Accurately reports and  Interview a
5 Spontaneous Abortion documents findings in clinical mother who experience
6 Placenta Previa practice such conditions and
7. Abruptio Placenta allow students to
8. Premature Rupture of develop nursing and
membranes nursing management.
9. Pregnancy-induced
III. NURSING CARE OF THE Given an actual pregnant
HIGH RISK PREGNANT client at risk or with
CLIENT DURING LABOR problems during labor and
AND DELIVERY delivery, the student will be
able to:
A. High-Risk factors related
to 1. Asses the health status Week 3  Active  Organization  Quiz on the  Result of
1. Passenger or fetus performing systematic and lecture-discussion  Understanding topic discussed Quiz
2. Passage way or pelvic comprehensive physical  Deep sense of  Rubrics
bones and other pelvic assessment.  Discussion on their responsibility  Individual results for oral
structure experiences in the  Acceptance discussion of presentation.
3. Powers or uterine 2. Interprets deviations from community/ clinical  Understanding student’s
contractions normal findings in the physical area.  Discipline experiences.
4. Clients’ psyche or assessment, diagnostic and  Honesty
psychological state laboratory examinations.  Self-confidence

B. Specific Problems of the 3. Utilize assessed data in

Passenger order to prioritize nursing
1. Fetal Malposition diagnosis.
2. Fetal Malpresentation
3. Fetal Distress 4. Plan care of clients utilizing
4. Prolapse umbilical cord evidence-based nursing
C. Problems with the 4.1. achieve the best clinical
Passageway outcomes utilizing ethico-moral
1. Abnormal size or shape of and legal principles
the pelvis

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

2. Cephalopelvic 4.2. plan effective care
disproportion Implement individualized
3 .Shoulder Dystocia nursing care safely
4.3. considers culturally
D. Problems with the Powers sensitive inter-disciplinary
1. Dystocia or difficult labor care.
2. Premature labor
3. Precipitate labor and birth 4.4.provide appropriate client
4. Uterine prolapse education and
5. Uterine rupture

E. Problems with the Psyche.

CLIENT Given an actual postpartum Week 4 • Active – Lecture  Cooperation  *Quiz on the  Result of
client at risk or with problems , discussion  Deep sense of topic discussed. Quiz
A. Postpartal Hemorrhage the student will be able to: responsibility  Rubrics result
1. Early Postpartal • Research Activity:  Appreciation  Discussion on for nursing
Hemorrhage: 1. Apply knowledge of normal Submit research or  Teamwork their research journals.
2. Late Postpartal anatomy and physiology of the nursing journals on journal.
Hemorrhage male and female reproductive issues on high-risk
B. Postpartal Puerperial system in assessing postpartum client.
Infection deviations.
C. Thromboembolic disorder 2. conduct a health history and
D. Postpartal Psychiatric functional health assessment
disorder 3. Interprets deviations from
normal findings in the physical
assessment, diagnostic and
laboratory exams
4. Utilize assessed data in
order to prioritize nursing
5. Plan care of clients utilizing
evidence- based nursing
research and ethico-moral and
legal principles
6. Implement individualized
nursing care
7.Evaluate effectiveness of

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

nursing care
8. Accurately reports
and documents
findings in clinical
Part II — Care of Clients with
Sexual Disturbances

. Nursing Care of Clients with 1.Demonstrate knowledge and Week 5 • Active – Lecture  Deep sense of  Quiz on the  Result of
General Disturbances in understanding on the discussion responsibility topic discussed. Quiz
Reproduction and Sexuality principles and concept  Caring  Rubric result
1. Infertility nursing practice  Individual reporting.  Compassion  Individual for individual
2. Sexual Dysfunctions  Belief in the reporting. report.
3. Cancers 2. Identify and apply methods dignity and
4. Infections and procedures in the worth of each
care clients with person
VII. Nursing Care of Clients disturbance in
with Specific Health reproduction and
Problems related to sexuality.
Reproduction and Sexuality
1. Infant and child 3. Analyze and critically
- Altered Reproductive evaluate information in
Development the care clients with
2. Adolescent and Young disturbance in
Adult reproduction and
3. Adult Woman . sexuality.
4. Adult Men
4. Apply the different
intervention for the
management in the care
clients with disturbance in
reproduction and sexuality.

5. Appreciate the role of a

nurse in the care clients
with disturbance in
reproduction and
Part IIl — Care of the Sick Given an actual client, the

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

Child students will be able to:

I. Care of the Sick Child 1. Discuss the principles in Week 6 • Active – Lecture • Deep sense of  Quiz  Result of quiz
Applying Integrated IMCI process. discussion using the responsibility on the topic  Result of IMCI
Management of Childhood 2. Assess and classify sick IMCI Flipchart. • Service to discussed. worksheet
Illnesses (IMCI) child appropriately on others  IMC output.
A. Review of Overview of Major Symptoms. • Practice application • Understanding I application using
Integrated Management. 3.Identify problems on of IMCI using IMCI hypothetical
of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) immunization and Vitamin A worksheet. situation.
Process. status
B. Management of Sick Child 4. Assess sick young infant for
Aged 2 months Up To 5 problems related to diarrhea,
Years. possible bacterial infection
Feeding Problem and Other
Case Management Process problem
-Assess and Classify. 5. Provide necessary
• Danger Signs treatment for sick child
• When to Refer Urgently and sick young infant
• Assess and Classify the 6. Identify the different feeding
Sick Child for Major recommendations and care for
Symptoms development appropriate for
- Cough or Difficult the age of the child.
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Ear Problem
- Malnutrition and Anemia
• Check for Immunization
and Vitamin A Status
• Assess other Problems

C. Management of Sick
Young Infant Aged 1 Week
Up to 2 Months
Case Management Process
-Assess and Classify
 Check the Sick Young Given a sick child, the Week 7 • Active – Lecture • Deep sense of • Quiz on the topic  Result of quiz
Infant for Possible students will be able to: discussion responsibility discussed.

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

Bacterial Infection • • Caring  Result of
• Assess for Diarrhea 1.Describe illness and hospital Practice application of • Understanding • IMCI application IMCI
• Assess for Feeding experience as they must IMCI thru Activity sheet using hypothetical worksheet
Problem or Low Weight appear to children situation. output.
 Check for 2. Assess the impact of
Immunization Status illness/hospitalization on a
• Assess other Problems child
3. Formulate nursing diagnosis
D. Identify Treatment related to the stress of illness
in children
E. Treat The Child 4. Plan nursing care to reduce
1. Select and Give the stress of illness/
Appropriate Oral Antibiotics hospitalization
2. Advise the Mother How
to treat her Child At Home
with the following conditions
• Local Infection
• eye Infection
• mouth Ulcers/Thrush.
• Skin Pustules/ Umbilical
Cord Infection,
• Soothe the throat.
• Diarrhea.
 low Blood Sugar

F. Counsel the Mother

1. feeding
2. Care for Development
3. Signs of When to return
4.Schedule of Follow
visits/next well child visit

G. Follow-up
II. Nursing Considerations for
the Hospitalized Child Given a sick child with
alterations in health patterns,
1.Nursing Care of the Sick the students will be able to:

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

Child and Family

2. Effects of Illness and 1. Describe the unique Week 8 • PowerPoint • Compassion • Quiz on the topic • Result of
Hospitalization on the characteristics of pediatric Presentation and • Caring discussed. Quiz
Children and Families anatomy and physiology Discussion on the • Respect for the
2.Assess the following data: care of a hospitalized value of life • IMCI application • Result of
3. Preparation and 2.1. subjective data through child. • Belief in dignity using hypothetical IMCI
Adaptation to Hospitalization history taking and worth of a situation. worksheet.
2.2. objective data collated • Research Activity: person • Reflective journal
4. Preparation for Long-Term from physical examination and submit research/ :Evidence based
Care and Home Care diagnostic tests and nursing journal research on
procedures related to care pregnancy
the of the
3. Analyze/formulate hospitalized
appropriate nursing diagnosis child.
as to priority Discuss the
patho-physiology and clinical
manifestations underlying
the major alterations in health
4. Plan health promotion
and health maintenance
5. Evaluate the effectives of
6. Record and report
pertinent findings

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

III. Nursing Care of a Child
Undergoing Diagnostic
Techniques and other
Therapeutic Modalities
1.Demonstrate knowledge and
1. General Concepts Related understanding on the Week 9  Active Lecture  Deep sense of • Quiz on the topic • Result of
to Pediatric Procedure principles and concept discussion responsibility discussed. Quiz
2. General Hygiene and Care nursing practice  Understanding
3. Safety  Submit Research  Compassion • Reflective journal • Result of
4. Positioning for Procedure 2. Identify and apply methods journal related to  Caring writing. IMCI
5. Collection of Specimen and procedures in the care of different diagnostic  Respect for the worksheet.
6. Alternative Feeding a child undergoing diagnostic techniques and value of life
Techniques techniques and other therapeutic modalities
7. Procedures related to therapeutic modalities.
8. Alleviation of fear and 3.Analyze and critically
anxiety evaluate
IV. Nursing Care of the Child information in the care of a
Undergoing Medicationr child
Administration and IV undergoing diagnostic
Therapy techniques and
other therapeutic modalities.
V. Pain Management in
Children 4.Apply the different
- Neurophysilogy intervention for the
of Pain management in the care of a
- Child child undergoing diagnostic
Development techniques and other
- Pain Assessment therapeutic modalities.
- Management of
acute and 4.Explore and evaluate
Chronic Pain available
resources in rendering in the
care of a child undergoing
diagnostic techniques and
other therapeutic modalities.
VI. Caring for Children with
Alterations in Health Status

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

A. The Child with Alterations
in Activity- Exercise Patterns 1.Demonstrate knowledge and Week 10  Active  Compassion • Quiz on the topic • Result of
understanding on the Lecture discussion  Caring discussed. Quiz
1. Anatomy and Physiology of principles and concept  Respect for the
Pediatric Differences nursing practice  Sharing of their value of life • Individual sharing • Rubrics result
experiences related  Belief in dignity of experiences. for oral
2. Nursing Process Overview 2. Identify and apply methods to respiratory and worth of a presentation.
for Care of the Child with and procedures in the disorders. person
Respiratory Disorder. Care a child with • Rubrics for case • Rubric result
alterations in activity- • Case analysis. analysis. for case
A. Upper Respiratory Tract exercise patter. analysis.
1. Acute Nasopharyngitis
2. Pharyngitis 3. Analyze and critically
3. Tonsillitis evaluate information in
the care clients with
B. Lower RespiratoryTract disturbance in
1. Bronchitis reproduction and
2. Influenza sexuality.
3. Asthmaticus
4. Pneumonia 4.Apply the different
5. Cystic Fibrosis intervention for the
management in Care a
child with alterations in
activity-exercise patter.
Child Health)

5. Appreciate the role of a

nurse in the care a child
with alterations in activity-
exercise patter.

6. Explore and evaluate

available resources in
rendering care a child with
alterations in activity-
exercise patter.

7. Show the attributes of an

excellent and effective allied

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

health care professional
providing nursing care.
C. The Child with Alterations
in Oxygenation: Cardiac and 1. Demonstrate knowledge
Tissue Perfusion and understanding on the
Principles and concept nursing
1. Anatomy and Physiology of practice
Pediatric Differences 2. Identify and apply methods Week 11 • Active Lecture • Kindness • Quiz on the topic • Result of
and procedures in the discussion • Gentleness discussed. Quiz
2. Nursing Process Overview care a child with • Individual reporting of • Sensitivity • Individual
for Care of the Child with alterations in cardiac and topic assigned to • Respect reporting.. • Rubrics result
Cardiovascular Disorder. tissue perfusion students. • Tolerance • Rubrics for for individual
3. Analyze and critically • Nursing journals • Patience reflective journal. reporting.
Cardiovascular Alterations evaluate information in related topic. • Sense of
• Congestive Heart Failure the care a child with responsibility • Rubric result
• Congenital Heart Defects alterations in cardiac and for individual
• Defects with Increased tissue perfusion reporting.
Pulmonary Blood Flow 4. Apply the different
• Defects that Obstruct Left intervention for the
Ventricular Outflow management in the care
• Acquired Heart Disease a child with alterations in
- Acute Rheumatic cardiac and tissue
Fever perfusion
- Kawasaki Disease 5. Appreciate the role of a
nurse in the care a child
with alterations in cardiac
and tissue perfusion
6. Explore and evaluate
available resources in
Rendering care in a child with
alterations in cardiac and
tissue perfusion
7. Show the attributes of an
excellent and effective allied
Health care professional
providing nursing care.
C. The Child with Alterations
in Oxygenation: Transport

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

1. Assessment 1 .Demonstrate knowledge Week 12 • Active – Lecture • Caring and • Quiz on the topic • Result of
and understanding on the discussion • Compassion for discussed. Quiz
2. Nursing Process Overview Principles and concept nursing others • Individual
for Care of the Child with practice • Individual reporting of • Courage reporting. • Rubrics result
Alteration in Oxygen 2. Identify and apply methods topic assigned to • Rubrics for for individual
Transport and procedures in the students. reflective journal. reporting.
• Iron deficiency Anemia care of a child with
• Pernicious Anemia alterations in • Nursing journals • Rubric
* Folic Acid deficienc.2. oxygenation. related topic. result nursing
* Neutropenia 3. Analyze and critically journals.
• Neutrophilia evaluate information in
* Leukemia the care a child with
• Hemophilia alterations in the care of a
. child with alterations in
4. Apply the different
intervention for the
management in the care
of a child with alterations
in oxygenation.
5. Appreciate the role of a
nurse in the care of a
child with alterations in
6. Explore and evaluate
Available resources in the care
of a child with alterations
in oxygenation.
7. Show the attributes of an
excellent and effective allied
health care professional
providing nursing care
D. The Child with Alterations
in Nutrition Metabolism 1. Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding on the
Responses to Altered Principles and concept nursing
Nutrition practice Week 13  Active Lecture • Deep sense of • Quiz on the topic • Result of
1. Assessment 2. Identify and apply methods discussion responsibility discussed. Quiz

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

2. Nursing Process Overview and procedures in the • Caring • Individual
for Care of the Child with care of a child with  Nursing journals • Compassion reporting..
Alteration in Nutrition alterations in nutrition related topic. • Belief in the • Rubrics for • Rubric result
metabolism dignity and reflective journal for nursing
Metabolism 3. Analyze and critically worth of each journal.
• Hypertrophic Pyloric evaluate information in person
Stenosis the care of a child with
• Cleft lip and Cleft Palate alterations in nutrition
Lower GIT Alterations metabolism.
• Intussusceptions 4. Apply the different
• Hirschprung’s disease intervention for the
• Anorectal malformation management in the care
• Constipation of a child with alterations
• Appendicitis in nutrition metabolism.
• Celiac Disease 5. Appreciate the role of a
nurse in the care of a
child with alterations in
nutrition metabolism.
6. Explore and evaluate
Available resources in the care
of a child with alterations
in nutrition metabolism.
7. Show the attributes of an
excellent and effective allied
health care professional
providing nursing care
E.Responses to Altered
Endocrine Function 1. Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding on the
1. Assessment principles and concept
nursing practice Week 14 • Active – Lecture • Serving other • Quiz on the topic • Result of
2. Nursing Process Overview 2. Identify and apply methods discussion people discussed. Quiz
for Care of the Child with and procedures in the • Compassion • Individual
Alteration in Endocrine care of a child altered • Individual reporting of • Caring reporting.
Function. endocrine function. topic assigned to • Respect for life • Checking of NCP • Rubric result
* Disorders of the 3. Analyze and critically students. • Honesty for individual
Posterior evaluate information in reporting.
Pituitary the care of a child altered • Formulation of
* Disorders of the endocrine function.. Nursing Care Plan • Result of

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

Thyroid 4. Apply the different formulated
* Disorders of the intervention for the nursing care
Adrenal management in the care plan.
Gland of a child altered
* Disorders of the endocrine function.
Pancreas 5. Appreciate the role of a
nurse in the care of a
child altered endocrine
6. Explore and evaluate
available resources in the care
of a child altered
endocrine function.
7. Show the attributes of an
excellent and effective allied
health care professional
providing nursing care data.
F. The Child with Nutrition —
Elimination Patterns 1. Demonstrate knowledge
Alterations and understanding on the
principles and concept  Patience • Quiz on the topic • Result of
1. Assessment nursing practice Week 15 • Active – Lecture  Respect discussed. Quiz
2. Nursing Process Overview 2. Identify and apply methods discussion  Tolerance • Checking of NCP
for in the Care of a Child with and procedures in the  Empathy • Reflective journal • Rubric result
Fluid and Electrolyte and care of a child with • Let students do  Trust for on nursing for individual
Genitourinary Alterations altered nutrition nursing diagnosis  Sensitivity journals. reporting.
1. Electrolyte Imbalances elimination pattern. and nursing
 Appreciate
• Sodium Imbalance 3. Apply the different management on a • Result of
• Potassium Imbalance intervention for the given situation. formulated
and responsibilities
• Chloride Imbalance management in the care nursing care
 Responsibility
• Respiratory Acidosis of a child with altered • Nursing journals plan.
and Alkalosis nutrition elimination related topic.
• Metabolic Acidosis pattern.
and Alkalosis 4. Appreciate the role of a  Faithfulness in
* Acute Gastroenteritis nurse in the care of a one’s duty
* Edema child with altered nutrition
* Burns elimination pattern.
2. Genitourinary 5. Explore and evaluate
Alterations available resources in the care

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

* Urinary Tract Infections of a child with altered
* Enuresis nutrition elimination
* Structural Defects pattern.
* Acute 6. Show the attributes of an
Glomerulonephritis excellent and effective allied
health care professional
providing nursing care
E. The Child with Cognitive-
Perceptual Patterns 1. Demonstrate knowledge
Alterations and understanding on the
Nursing Process Overview principles and concept Week 16 • Active Lecture • Value for health • Quiz on the topic • Result of
for in the Care of a Child with nursing practice discussion • Respect discussed. Quiz
Cognitive -Perceptual 2. Identify and apply methods • Individual reporting. • Caring • Individual
Patterns Alterations. and procedures in the • Make a care plan for • Love Reporting. • Rubric result
• Visual Impairment care a child with alteration these children using • Concern for • Checking of for individual
• Hearing Impairment in cognitive-perceptual the nursing process other people reflective journal. reporting.
Cognitive Alterations pattern. and integrating the
•Mental Retardation 3. Analyze and critically principles safe and • Result of
• Down Syndrome evaluate information in quality practice formulated
autisms the care a child with nursing
alteration in cognitive- care plan.
perceptual pattern.
4. Apply the different
intervention for the
management in the care
a child with alteration in
5. Appreciate the role of a
nurse in the care a child
with alteration in
6. Explore and evaluate
Available resources in the care
a child with alteration in
7. Show the attributes of an

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

excellent and effective allied
health care professional
providing nursing care
G. The Child with Altered •
Integument Structure and 1. Demonstrate knowledge
Function. and understanding on the
Principles and concept nursing
Nursing Process Overview in practice Week 17 • Active – Lecture  Respect for • Quiz on the topic • Result of
the Care of a Child with 2. Identify and apply methods discussion individual rights discussed. Quiz
Altered Integument Structure and procedures in the  Respect for the • Individual
and Function care of a child with  Individual reporting: value of life Reporting. • Rubric result
1. Bacterial Infections a altered integument presentation of report  Compassion  Sharing of for individual
- Impetigo Cellulitis structure. thru museum walk.  Love research journal. reporting.
2. Fungal Infections 3. Analyze and critically  Research/journal  Kindness
-Candidiasis evaluate information in related to alteration in  Deep sense of • Rubric
-Tinea Infections the care of a child with integument structure responsibility result of
3. Viral Infection alteration in activity- and function.  Acceptance nursing
- Verrucae exercise pattern.  Understanding journal.
- Herpes Simplex Virus 4. Apply the different  Teamwork
Type1 intervention for the  Partnership
4. Infestations management in the care
- Pediculosis of a child with alteration in
- Scabies activity-exercise pattern.
5 Inflammatory Disorders 5. Appreciate the role of a
- Atopic Dermatitis nurse in the care of a
- Diaper Dermatitis child with alteration in
- Seborrheic Dermatitis activity-exercise pattern.
- Contact Dermatitis 6. Explore and evaluate
- Acne available resources in the care
6. Bites and Stings of a child with alteration in
- Animal Bites activity-exercise pattern..
- Insect Bites and Stings 7. Show the attributes of an
7. Sunburn excellent and effective allied
8. Other Disorders health care professional
- Folliculitis providing nursing care
- Furuncles and
F. The Child with Activity-
Exercise Patterns Alterations

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

Nursing Process Overview in 1. Demonstrate knowledge Week 18 • Active – Lecture • Deep sense of • Quiz on the topic • Result of
the Care of a Child with and understanding on the discussion responsibility discussed. Quiz
Alteration in Activity-Exercise principles and concept • Understanding • Individual
Pattern. nursing practice • Interview a child with • Compassion reporting. • Result of
1. Musculoskeletal Injuries problem on alteration • Caring individual
• Sports Injury 2. Identify and apply methods in activity- exercise • Respect for the interviews
• Soft-Tissue Injuries and procedures in the patter. And make a value of life with
• Dislocations care of a child with NCP • Belief in dignity formulated
• Fractures alteration in activity- and worth of a nursing care
2. Infectious Disorders exercise pattern. person plan.
• Septic Arthritis
3. Congenital Disorders 3. Analyze and critically
• Clubfoot evaluate information in
4 Growth Related Disorders the care of a child with
• Scoliosis alteration in activity-
• Kyphosis exercise pattern..
• Lordosis
5. Other Musculoskeletal 4. Apply the different
Disorders intervention for the
 Osteogenesis management in the care
Imperfecta of a child with alteration in
 Slipped Capital activity-exercise pattern.
Femoral Epiphysis
5. Appreciate the role of a
nurse in the care of a
child with alteration in
activity-exercise pattern.

6. Explore and evaluate

available resources in the care
of a child with alteration in
activity-exercise pattern.

7. Show the attributes of an

excellent and effective allied
health care professional
providing nursing care data:

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

1. Active participation during the lecture discussion
2. Submission of Projects
3. Attendance
4. Individual /Group Reporting
5. Research Work
6. Passing the three major Examinations and Quizzes


Pilliteri, A. ( 2017) Maternal and Child health nursing: Care of Childbearing family. Philadelphia: Lippincott


Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation (2014). Neonatal nurses need more training to support parents. Australian Nursing &
Midwifery Journal, Vol. 21 Issue 10, p29-29. Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=108&sid=cf2f3f91-

Busse, M. (2013). Parents' Responses to Stress in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Nurse, Vol. 33 Issue 4, p52-60.
Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=95&sid=cf2f3f91-9dd9-4811-a867-446e4561daee

Kadir, R. et al. (2013). Pregnancy complications and obstetric care in women with inherited bleeding disorders. Haemophilia
Supplement 4, Vol. 19, p1-10. Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=76&sid=cf2f3f91-9dd9-4811-a867-

Joseph, R. (2015). Neonatal Care. Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation: Challenges to Nurses and Outcome in Extremely Preterm
Babies. Critical Care Nurse, Vol. 35 Issue 4, p58-66. Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

Issue 2, p12-15 Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=99&sid=cf2f3f91-9dd9-4811-a867-446e4561daee

Martin, M and Haines, D. (2016). Clinical Management of Patients With Thalassemia Syndromes. Clinical Journal of Oncology
Nursing, Vol. 20 Issue 3, p310-317. Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=97&sid=cf2f3f91-9dd9-

McDougall, R. (2013). Pediatric emergencies. Anaesthesia Supplement, p61-71.. Retrieved from


Ramjattan, K. and Allen, P. (2013). Pulse Oximetry Screening for Critical Congenital Heart Disease in the Newborn. Pediatric
Nursing. Vol. 39 Issue 5, p250-256. Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=102&sid=cf2f3f91-9dd9-

Midwifery Journal, Vol. 24 Issue 6, p42-42. Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=111&sid=cf2f3f91-

Tatsuya F. et al. (2016). Assisted reproductive technology pregnancy complications are significantly associated with endometriosis
severity before conception: a retrospective cohort study. Reproductive Biology & Endocrinology, Vol. 14, p1-5. Retrieved from

Wallace, J. et al. (2016). Inter-Pregnancy Weight Change and the Risk of Recurrent Pregnancy Complications. PLoS ONE, Vol. 11
Issue 5, p1-14. Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=115&sid=cf2f3f91-9dd9-4811-a867-

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

Midwifery Journal, Vol. 24 Issue 6, p42-42. Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=111&sid=cf2f3f91-

 Philippine Journal of Nursing
 American Journal of Nursing
 Clinical Nursing Research
 Nursing Outlook
Computation of Grades: Class Standing 60% + Major Exam 40% = PG/MG/FG

FINAL RATING = Prelim + Midterm + Final Grades


Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:


Officer-in-Charge Vice-President for Academic Affairs

PRE-VPAA –FO–001 (006)

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