Report on the investigative forensic audit to identify the fabricated loans sanctioned against TDR
by ABC Bank.
As per our engagement letter dated 15 October 2019, Syx and Company, Chartered Accountants, Nashik
has performed the investigative forensic audit to identify the fabricated loans sanctioned against TDR by
ABC Bank between April 2018 and September 2019.
Yours faithfully
Chartered Accountants
Executive Summary
Background :
The miscreant pretended to the Corporate as representative of a Bank and to the Bank as
financial advisor of some Corporate, brought bulk deposits to the branch of different
He kept the original TDRs issued by the branches with them and submitted fake copies to
the depositors.
They had siphoned off the money through RTGS in his various associate accounts with
different banks.
The deposits were canvassed by the branch manager through a private person and
mobilized bulk deposits of about Rs. 604.33 crore through the private person from the
seven Corporate.
Term deposits accounts were opened at the branch after obtaining KYC documents from
the concerned organization. The KYC documents were received through the private
person. Term deposit receipts (TDR) were delivered on the basis of the Corporate
authority letters.
Later on the private person submitted application for loan, purportedly made by
Corporate holding deposits with branch for loan / overdraft against TDR.
The loan applications accompanied with original TDR receipt, duly discharged by the
signatories who had signed the documents earlier submitted to the branch. The
sanctioning authority, after completing the necessary formalities, sanctioned the loan /
While disbursing the loan amount, letters of request for RTGS transfer to parties or
cheques duly signed by the authorized signatories were received from the Corporate.
Executive Summary :
In Oct 2019, Syx and Company initiated a forensic audit of ABC Bank. The purpose of the audit
was to identify fabricated deposits and loans.
The audit proceeded in two stages. Where the documentation supporting the transactions was
complete and deemed to be valid and was not subject to further analysis.
On the other hand, where the documentation supporting transactions was either insufficient or
questionable, it was subject to further examination.
Methodology :
A team comprising forensic accountants and investigators was formed to perform the initial
desk-based review of the vouchers and accounting records of the transactions.
In addition, the first round of field work was performed in November 2018 to validate the
assumptions and findings arising from the initial desk work and to gain a greater understanding
of the actual operations of the bank at district and community level.
Contact was also made with various third parties to attempt to verify certain transactions.
Our team designed the field work to validate a number of transactions as well as the assumptions
underlying the desk-based review.
When the desk review found that the documentary evidence supporting various transactions was
incomplete or was suspected to be inaccurate or not genuine, samples of those transactions and
their supporting documents were subjected to an in-depth analysis.
This deeper analysis frequently included field work, during which the authenticity of the
documents was tested against other documentary records (including records held by third
parties) and the roles of specific individuals in handling those records was determined to the
extent possible.
On completion of the desk review, field work and verification through third party records,
transactions were categorized provisionally as being either
(i) eligible or
(ii) questionable or
(iii) both questionable and suspected to be fraudulent.
Observations were captured for each transaction that was deemed either questionable and or
suspected to be fraudulent, to justify the analysis, ensure consistency of approach amongst the
forensic auditors, assist readers of this report, and identify recurring behaviors evidenced.
Once this provisional categorization had been made, our team provided a schedule of payments,
in order to provide an opportunity for further explanation for the transaction. Responses, which
in some cases included the provision of additional documents not previously provided, were
Findings :
The private persons with assistance of other unknown persons falsely represented
themselves to the Corporate as representative of bank and to the bank as financial
advisors of Corporate.
While collecting the KYC documents from the Corporate presumably retained the
original documents with them and generated fake documents of KYC, signatures, stamps,
letter heads etc, purported to have been prepared by concerned Corporate and handed
over to the banks.
After collecting the original TDR receipts from the banks, private persons presumably
retained them and handed over photocopies to the concerned Organizations/Corporate.
To avail a loan against original TDR retained by them, they presumably created
fabricated documents on the basis of the documents submitted to the banks earlier.
Original TDR duly discharged by the authorized signatories accompanied the loan
The branch managers without assessing the genuineness of these apparently looking
genuine documents acted on the mandate and sanctioned loan against TDRs and also
remitted the money to various accounts in several banks as per the mandate.
RTGS for opening TDR accounts were sent by the Corporates to the banks but they
declined having ever applied for loan/ overdraft availed. It also transpired that the private
persons presented themselves as representatives of bank and collected various
papers/documents from Corporates.
It is also suspected that current accounts were also opened at the branches in the name of
Corporates where funds by way of RTGS were received and disbursed by RTGS transfer
to various other banks.
Conclusion :
No proper due diligence and precautions taken by the branches while dealing with the
bulk deposit accounts opened in the names of organization.
The branch managers without assessing the genuineness of these apparently looking
genuine documents acted on the mandate and sanctioned loan against TDRs and also
remitted the money to various accounts in several banks as per the mandate.
While collecting the KYC documents from the Corporates ,precautions not taken
regarding signatures, stamps, letter heads, etc. Documents submitted are not cross
checked with original ones.
This shows weakness in internal control system of banks that leads to fraud.
Recommendations :
Proper due diligence and precautions should be taken by the branches while dealing with
the bulk deposit accounts opened in the names of organizations, corporate and public
sector undertaking etc. The bank’s systems and procedures should not be diluted.
Branches, on receipt of bulk term deposits of Rs.1.00 crore and above should report the
complete details of such deposits to Treasury Management Department. In the said report
branch should also confirm that KYC guidelines have been complied with.
Controller should critically go into on the quality of business booked by branches and
sudden spurt, if any, observed in business growth should be thoroughly investigated.
Branch manager should enquire about customers’ requirement and brief them about the
details of Loan/overdraft schemes such as rate of interest, maximum eligible amount of
loan, requirement of signatures, KYC documents etc.
Bank should not depend on private person for accepting the bulk deposits. Officers to
verify details of Corporate and verify the signature of all the joint holders as per bank
Bank officer should obtain requisite documents executed in person from the applicant and
enter the proposal in loan sanction register along with original TDR.