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CpE 321 CAD

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Engineering
Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Second Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

a. Enhance competency development, commitment, professionalism,

A trailblazer in arts, science and technology in the region. unity and true spirit of service for public accountability,
transparency and delivery of quality services;

UNIVERSITY MISSION b. Provide relevant programs and professional trainings that will
respond to the development needs of the region;

The University shall primarily provide advance instruction and c. Strengthen local and international collaborations and partnerships
professional training in science and technology, agriculture, fisheries, for borderless programs;
education and other related field of study. It shall undertake research and
extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its area of d. Develop a research culture among faculty and students;
e. Develop and promote environmentally-sound and market-driven
knowledge and technologies at par with international standards;
f. Promote research-based information and technologies for
To produce graduates with excellence and dignity in arts, science and sustainable development;
g. Enhance resource generation and mobilization to sustain financial
viability of the university.
Program Objectives and its relationship to University Objectives:
A graduate of BS in Computer Engineering can:
a b c d e f g
a. act as an innovative engineer utilizing his knowledge of arts, sciences and engineering concepts;
b. perform planning, designing, developing, managing and maintaining of computer systems;
c. manage human, financial and physical resources efficiently;
d. conduct research in computer engineering fields; and
e. link with various industry based institutions/establishments, government and non-government
organization on access to best computer engineering practices.
f. demonstrate high ethical standards and social responsibility
g. internalize the significance of environmental conservation and protection.

1. Course Code : CpE 321

2. Course Title : Computer Engineering Drafting and Design
3. Prerequisite : None
4. Credits : 1 Unit
5. Course Description:
Concepts of computer – aided drafting (CAD); Introduction to the CAD Environment; Terminologies; and the general operating
procedures and techniques in entering and executing basic Cad Commands

6. Course Learning Outcomes and Relationships to Program Objectives

Course Learning Outcomes Program Objectives
At the end of the semester, the students can: a b c d e
a. Identify the different commands of AutoCAD
b. demonstrate the used of the commands
c. demonstrate the parts and its context
d. identify the command under the file, edit, view and dimension menu
e. setting up the working area, setting up units and setting up drawing limits
f. demonstrate the different parts of the plan
g. draw selected working drawing requirements of a simple one storey structure.
7. Course Content
Outcomes-Based Course
Course Objectives, Desired Student Evidence of Program Values
Assessment (OBA) Learning
Topics, Time Allotment Learning Outcomes Outcomes Objective Integration
Activities Outcomes s
Topic: SKSU VMGO, Classroom Policies, Course Overview, Course Requirements, Grading System (2 hours)

1. Discuss the VMGO of 1.1 Student can be aware Value of

of and appreciate of Individual participation Group and individual appreciation
the university,
the university’s VMGO, in class discussion and discussions
classroom policies,
classroom policies, group presentation
scope of the course,
course requirements course overview,
and grading system requirements and
grading system.

Topic: 2D AUTOCAD (6Hours)

2.1 Identify the different 2.1 Students can identify Individual Tasks/ hands- Individual output a,c a, c Value of
types of commands the use of the different on participation

2.2 Identify the different 2.2 Students can identify

Individual Tasks/ hands- Individual output Value of
usage of the the different usage of
on actual
command the command
while doing
2.3 Demonstrate the 2.3 Students can
parts and its context demonstrate the parts Individual Tasks/ hands- Individual output Value of
and the uses of on participation
Topic: AUTOCAD 2D (6Hours)

3.1 Setting up the 3.1 Students can Individual Tasks/ hands- Individual output b,d,e a,b, c Value of
working area understand the setting on actual
of the working area. learning
while doing
3.2 Identify the 3.2 Students can identify
commands under the Individual Tasks/ hands- Individual output Value of
the command under
file, edit, view and on Hard work
the different views
dimension menu

3.3 setting up the units 3.3 Students can

demonstrate on Individual Tasks/ hands- Individual output Value of
setting up the units on participation

Topic: AUTOCAD 2D (6Hours)

4.1 Identify and draw 4.1 Students can identify Individual Tasks/ hands- Individual output b,d,e a,b,c Value of
different part of a the different parts of a on actual
structure to include plan learning
its details while doing

Topic: AUTOCAD 2D (6Hours)

5.1 draw working drawing 5.1 They can make a one Individual Tasks/ hands- Individual output b,d,e a,b,c Value of
requirements of a one storey structure on actual
storey structure. learning
while doing

8. Course Evaluation
Grading System:
Exam -25% Exam -25%
Course Requirement -40% Course Requirement -40%
Attendance -15% Attendance -15%
Quizzes/Project -10% Quizzes/Project -10%
Performance -10% Performance -10%
100% 100%

Schedule of Examination:

Midterm - January 24-26, 2018

Final Term - March 24, 26-28, 2018
Classes End - March 29, 2018

Simple AutoCAD 1 for Beginners (Joshua A. Barba)
Computer Aided Drafting and Designing (Prof. Michael Art R. Napoles)

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Faculty Program Chairman, CpE Dept.

Recommending Approval: Approved:


Dean, College of Engineering Campus Director, Isulan Campus

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