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Junior High School Students of San Marcelino School UNIFORMS

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Background of the Study

Uniforms have been a staple component of private schools for many years, but have

increased in public schools. School uniforms are sometimes viewed as an oppressive way

of reducing student freedom. Brunsma & Rockquemore (1998) cited that some critics

suggest that school uniforms may lower students’ creativity and affect their ability to

properly express themselves. School uniform policies are designed to foster student


According to Bruchey (1998), these increase in school uniform programs

implementation may not be fully based on evidence from empirical studies demonstrating

that school uniforms work in fostering student outcomes. The proponents of school

uniforms believe that the uniform requirement helps create that necessary positive school

environment. Creating a sense of order, uniformity, and a positive school environment are

essential elements in a successful educational environment. School uniforms attempt to

foster equality through dress in student populations, which might be a possible way to

address and possibly lower the prevalence of clothing related bullying.

Students have valuable insights into the pros and cons of the school uniform used.

Recent graduates from schools both with and without school uniforms can offer insight as

to why they are in favor of dress codes being implemented, why they might be opposed to

them, and the reasons behind these feelings. It is important to document the perceptions of

these students. Students close to the issue can empathize with the school-aged population
and identify with their feelings on the issue. It is students who can better describe how a

dress code might affect their education positively or negatively.

Padgett (1998); U.S. Department of Education (1996) stated that those who

have mandated such policies have done so in an effort to enhance the learning environment.

The learning environment in influenced by the attitudes of the students, teachers, and staff

members and it is created through the interaction of human relationships, physical setting,

and psychological atmosphere (Cube, 2006). The enhancement of this environment

includes increasing academic engagement while decreasing disciplinary problems.

Students engaged in academics work hard and perform at high levels of academic

achievement (Voelkl, 1995). In doing so, they are unlikely to cause disciplinary problems.

Disciplinary problems such as violence, gang affiliation, and acts of bullying create an

unsafe learning environment and pose a threat to the learning environment.

In the Philippines, school uniforms are not mandatory while identification cards

(IDs) are free of charge to all public school students nationwide. This is stipulated in the

Department of Eduaction (DepEd) Order 65 s.2010 or the “General Guidelines on the

Opening of Classes, Including Collection of School Contributions, Enrollment, student

Uniforms, and Release of MOOE”. According to the Order, the wearing of a school

uniform shall not be required in public schools. Students with existing uniforms may

continue using these uniforms, if they so desire, in order to avoid incurring additional costs

for new attire. The DepEd reiterated its “no uniform” policy and clarified what constitutes

“proper school attire”- that is, clothes that encourage respect for the school as an institution

for learning. Former DepEd Secretary Jesli Lapus said that a student’s right to study and

learn is paramount importance and should be respected and promoted at all times. He,
however, warned that attires should not be the cause for discrimination particularly against

poor students in keeping with these guidelines.

Most of the public schools do not require the students to wear uniforms because not

all families can afford to buy them. However, the students here in San Marcelino National

High School are required to wear the school uniform because it is their responsibility as

the students. But there are still students who did not wear their respective uniforms because

of some sort of reasons. First, because they are not comfortable with it. Second, they are

lazy and many more. In this school, there is a specified day when students can wear civilian

clothing and it is Wednesday.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perceptions of San Marcelino National High

School students on school uniform.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the perceptions of school uniforms held by students who participated in

school uniform policies?

2. What are the effects of school policies to student?

3. What are the possible effects of school uniforms on attendance, standardized test

scores, and discipline referrals in San Marcelino National High School?

Significance of the Study

Any investigation made is done for some reasons. The results of this study

significantly benefit the following group of people:

Students. The San Marcelino National High School Junior High School students

as the primary group that will benefit from the results of this study will determine the

different perceptions of students on school uniform.

Teachers. The given data will guide the teachers on what the students believe

regarding on school uniform. The teachers will be able to understand on why some students

do not wear their school uniforms.

Parents. Like the teachers, the parents too will understand why their children skip

in wearing a school uniform through the given data. The given data will help them

formulate some preventive measures to help their children from skipping to wear uniforms.

School Administrators. The San Marcelino National High school administrators

will gain insights and will be able to develop policy to enlighten the problems of students

on their school uniforms.

Future Researchers. This result of this study will enlighten the mind of other

researchers and enrich their understanding of students’ beliefs and could be a great help to

them when they conduct studies in related issues.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is only limited to the perceptions of students in one high school located

in the Barangay San Marcelino, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. The participants in this study are

the Junior High School students. The research sample is composed of 50 students. The

primary data gathering method used was questionnaires to determine the children’s

perceptions on school uniform.

Definition of Terms
The significant terms are hereby operationally defined to give the readers better and

clearer understanding of its concepts

Perception. This pertains to the belief of students regarding on school uniforms.

Policy. This deals to the plan of action and it is a way of management.

School Uniforms. In this study, this refers to distinctive garments worn by student; the

uniform that is compulsory for school children to wear.

Academic engagement. This relates on task behaviors that signal a serious

psychological investment in class work.

Students. This refers to the Junior High School students of San Marcelino National

High School during the academic year 2017-2018.



The literatures and studies cited in this chapter provide the different concepts,

understandings, generalizations or conclusions and different developments related to the

study of the perceptions of students on school uniform. These serve as the researchers’

guide in developing the paper. Those that were also included in this chapter help in

familiarizing information relevant and similar to the present study.

Related Literatures

Schools claim that when students come in uniforms, it improves discipline and

leads to academic gains. However, such mandatory policies that decide what students can

or cannot wear to schools, have led to free speech violations lawsuits. Students allege such

policies are unconstitutional, as they restrict their freedom of expression. A school uniform

policy defines what clothes must be worn to school.

An example of student and parental reaction to school uniforms is found in New

Hampshire Pinkerton Academy, a private secondary school, considered adopting a

“uniform dress code” (a school uniform). Students in an online protest wrote:

A school uniform take away individuality. Also, it will not change study

habits of students. it means to much money needs to be spent for each child.

Parents do not have the type of money, especially in this economy. We

have the right to freedom of expression and would like to keep it that way.

And “its sic my right to wake up in the morning and have my own unique

Definition of School Uniforms

Uniforms show that you are a part of an organization. Wearing it says we’re all in

this together. A school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their

appearance. Howlette says: “Uniforms help students to prepare for when they leave school

and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform”. Claire Howlette, an English teacher also

agrees: “Uniforms give students a sense of belonging to a particular school and create an

identity for the school in the community”. A shirt, tie and blazer may not be the ingredients

for our favorite outfits, but we would not throw away the idea of school uniform. Wearing

a uniform is a badge of pride, creates an identity for a school and is an important part of

being a school student.

School Uniform Policy

In accordance with Duterte’s stance on easing the burden for ordinary Filipino

citizens, he is set on implementing a “no school uniform” policy. Duterte hopes the move

will decrease the money parents need to shell out every school year with at least two sets

of uniforms per child, excluding uniforms for physical education and scouting. School

shoes, too, both rubber shoes and leather, are an additional burden. Duterte does not have

to create a new policy abolishing school uniforms. The policy is actually an already existing

policy of the Department of Education. According to a report by Janvic Mateo in The

Philippine Star, as early as 2008, former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ordered then

the former secretary Jesi Lapus to issue 2 department orders abolishing the mandatory

requirement of school uniforms in all public schools. The orders also allow students to

wear any footwear to school. Below are details of Mateo’s report.

“A student’s basic right to go to school, study and learn is of paramount importance

and should be respected and promoted at all times. A student’s attire should reflect respect

for the school as an institution for learning,” states DepEd Order No. 46, Series 2008.

“A student’s attire should not become a cause for discrimination particularly for

students belonging to a lower socio-economic status. Promoting physical hygiene and

proper school decorum is part of the teaching- learning process in schools, thus a student’s

attire and physical appearance should manifest learnings from this process,” the order also


Benefits of School Uniforms

There are many benefits of not wearing school uniforms. First, students can learn

to adapt. Students who choose their clothing each school day learn to adapt to shifting

social standards and contexts-skills that will serve them well aa adults. According to a 2007

article published on the Fresno Pacific University website, students will need to know how

to make appropriate choices and uniforms do not facilitate. After all, uniforms provide a

cookie-cutter, conformist solution, while workplaces and social situations demand diverse

standards. In addition, teens forge independence by living with the consequences of trial

and error. Second, it encourages independent thinking. Children and teens that confront a

range of clothing styles at school also confront a range of visible social groups, economic

classes and ethnic or religious traditions. They can also inspire kids to appreciate diverse

points of view and engage in critical thinking. Lastly, it monitors gang affiliations

(Murdock, 2001). When students wear their own choice of clothing, teachers,

administrators and law enforcement possess a potential cue for monitoring gang

membership, because gang members often wear particular affiliation symbols or colors.
Parents and school officials often argue that uniforms put brake on gangs by removing this

subtle communication method. However, uniforms do not eliminate gangs, and in fact,

standard issue clothing can potentially make symbolic gang clothing more difficult to

identify or interpret reinforcing a false sense of safety (Murdock, 2001).

Advantages of School Uniforms

According to GreenGarage (2015), one of the most obvious advantages of wearing

school uniforms is the fact that all students would looked the same. Those who do not have

sufficient means to buy fashionable and expensive clothing can surely benefit from this,

and parents can also save a bit of money from not having to buy trendy clothes for their

children, school uniforms also show a form of unity at the school, wherein students wear

the same outfits that give them a single identity that distinguishes them from other school.

One aspect that many researchers agree upon is that introducing a school uniform policy

can lower the stress among students who are struggling with choosing what to wear each

day-some of them strive to look in different way, while others worry about being judged.

By wearing a school uniform, a student may feel proud that they are belongs to a certain

school. Just doing this (especially if it is with a logo) will allow them to talk about their

education with peers and even with other people.

Disadvantages of School Uniforms

If there are advantages of school uniforms, there are also disadvantages. One huge

disadvantage of school uniforms is that students will not be able to show their personality

through clothing GreenGarage (2015). Students cannot demonstrate their personal sense of

style. For fashionistas, wearing a school uniform will suppress their freedom and passion

to express themselves-this clothing prevents them from wearing the clothes they want.
Some students are also uncomfortable with uniforms, as they cannot just pick up from their

closets. Moreover, children often dislike school uniforms because they feel that this pieces

of clothing are not as flattering as other garments, which can make them more conscious

about their image. A school uniform could prove as an academic destruction, especially

when your child is dealing with things, such as garments rigidness, tightness, and itchiness.

Also, students do not feel right in their own skin when they are forcefully instructed to

wear something they do not like.

Related Studies

According to Gregory (2013) in his research paper entitled Perceptions of High

School Students of the Impact of a School Uniform Policy, students cannot learn well and

are not likely to behave well in negative school environments. Likewise, teachers will not

teach well in such environments. In negative school environments, students rarely

experience success in school (CUBE, 2006). These environments do not promote student

development and learning. Negative school environments not only lack mutually

respectful relationships among students and staff, but they are not physically or

psychologically safe environments (Johnson, 20009). According to Van Acker & Wehby

(2000), school uniform policy believes that requiring students to wear uniforms enhances

the learning environment by increasing academic achievement while minimizing

behavioral problems. They assert that students will spend less time concentrating on trends

and fashion and more time engaging in academics. Students who are academically

successful have little impetus to engage in disruptive behavior such as fighting, bullying,

and gang activity. Students in effective schools feel that they are valued participants

working toward meaningful goals (McEvoy & Welker, 2000). They seem to respond more
positively to schooling when they are treated as individuals. Interpersonal relationships

between teachers and students can promote such an environment by increasing

achievement while decreasing behavioral problems (CUBE, 2006; McEvoy & Welker,

2000). As cited by McEvoy and Welker (2000), research by William Glasser documented

the transformation of an inner-city low achieving school where antisocial behavior was

prevalent among its students. Positive changes in academic achievement and pro-social

behavior were possible because of a systematic change in the rapport between students and

teachers (McEvoy & Welker, 2000).

Padgett (1998) conducted a survey to determine whether or not teachers at a central

Georgia elementary school believed that a strict dress code or a student uniform policy was

needed to improve student behavior. He found a positive correlation between the uniform

policy and academic performance. The results of his research indicate that teachers believe

that students would behave better and work harder on academics if they are dressed

professionally. Similar results were reported in the LBUSD school district. More than 78%

of the administrators surveyed noticed an increase in work ethics. Similarly, 81.7% of

parents surveyed believed that uniforms reminded children that they are going to school to

learn (Stanley, 1996). Further support for the notion that uniform policies have a positive

effect on student achievement was found in Albuquerque Public schools. As a result of

parent initiative, a uniform policy was implemented at John Adams and Truman Middle

schools in Albuquerque Public Schools, Albuquerque, New Mexico in the fall of 1998.

Within the first year of its implementation, Elder (1999) administered surveys to the

students, parents, and staff members of both schools to gather perceptions of the impact of

the policy. A majority of the parents surveyed believed that wearing school uniforms
causes their child to have positive feelings about their school and it promotes a positive

school climate (58.5%, 74.7% respectively). Moreover, 70.2% believe that school

uniforms help their children focus on their education. Further insights concerning the

impact of the policy were obtained by analyzing data on discipline referrals and number of

students achieving honor roll status. When comparing the percent of students who earned

honor status in both the first and second quarters of the 1997-1998 school year to those in

the 1998-1999 school year, the percentage of students who made the honor roll increased

at John Adams from 31.4% to 43.3%.

All in all, wearing school uniform could be a requirement of their school that they

should comply. However, they detest doing it, it is imperative to follow their school’s

policies and regulations.



The research design, locale of the study, population and sampling procedure, data

gathering procedure, research instrument, and statistical treatment are presented in this


Research Design

This study used a survey research design to answer the questions and the purposes

of the study. The survey research is a commonly used method of collecting information

about a population of interest. Survey is a type of research to obtain information by

gathering data from a particular sample of a given population, through personal or

impersonal means, to study its characteristics (Farooq, 2015).

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at San Marcelino National High School which is located

at Barangay San Marcelino, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. As of school year 2017-2018, the school

has a student population of 500 students-300 from junior high school and 200 from senior

high school.

Population and Sampling Procedure

The data gathered from this study where obtained from the Junior High School

students. Fifty (n=50) Junior High School students from San Marcelino National High

School were randomly selected to participate in this study. The students were not asked to

indicate their gender or any other background information other than their participation

history with a school uniform policy.

Convenient and random sampling

Data Gathering Procedure

Research Instrument

Statistical Treatment

Implementation of school uniform policies in public education is often met with

both acceptance and opposition. The research discussed in the literature review suggests

that there may be some positive effects attributed to implementation of school uniform

policies. A positive perception of school uniforms might be that they create a sense of

unity between students and might contribute to a more positive behavioral climate in

student populations. A negative perception of school uniforms might be that uniforms

restrict a student’s freedom of expression and lower a student’s creative potential. The aim

of this research was to examine the attitudes about school uniforms held by students who

were directly affected by these policies. The attitudes of two populations of students, those

of have participated in a school uniform policy and those who have not, were compared to

examine the differences in perceptions of school uniforms between these two populations.

The purpose of this study was to determine what effect participation has on perception or

attitude about uniform policies in education.


Fifty (n=50) Junior High School students from San Marcelino National High

School were randomly selected to participate in this study. The students were not asked to

indicate their gender or any other background information other than their participation

history with a school uniform policy.


The questionnaires were created to measure student perception and attitude about

school uniform policies and the effectiveness of these policies in improving education.

The survey consisted of ten questions that were answered using a 4 – point Likert Scale

measuring the students‟ level of agreement with the statement provided. The scale’s four

points ranged from lowest level of agreement to highest level of agreement in the following

levels: (1) Disagree, (2) Somewhat Disagree, (3) Somewhat Agree, and (4) Agree.


The experiment used a between-subjects design. The independent variable was

student participation history in a school uniform policy. Subjects responded as either

having participated in a school uniform policy during their education or never having

participated in a school uniform policy. The dependent variable was the subjects’ score

on the survey.


Questionnaires were randomly distributed to Junior High School students in

classroom settings at San Marcelino National High School. Fifty (n=50) total

questionnaires were completed and analyzed. The survey recorded the subjects’ school

uniform participation history and requested a response to ten statements regarding school

uniform use. Participants listed their level of agreement with the statements using a 4 –

Point Likert Scale ranging from (1) representing disagreement, and (4) representing

agreement. Each subject’s responses were added up to reveal their overall attitude

regarding school uniforms and their effectiveness on a scale of “0 – 40,” with zero

representing the lowest possible score and forty representing the highest possible score. A
higher score indicated a more positive perception of school uniforms and their


It is our genuine gratefulness and warmest regard that we dedicate this work to our

Almighty God for giving us strength, and guiding us to overcome pressure while doing this


We would like to dedicate this research to our parents. We are so graceful with

them for trusting us that we would do a good job in the campus, and letting us come to

achieve a higher education. And our brothers and sisters who is a pillar of our strength in

our lives.

We dedicate this to our friends and classmates for their cooperation while

conducting the study.

We dedicate this dissertation to our aunts and uncles who have supported us

throughout this process. We will always appreciate all they have done for us. These family

members never allowed us to give up on the pursuit of our dreams.


The researchers wish to convey their sincerest gratitude and appreciation to all

those who unselfishly shared their precious time, guidance, supervision, and services for

this paper. This should not have been possible without the cooperation and endless support

of the following:

To Almighty God for the source of all knowledge in the world;

To Mr. Jerwin S. Reyes for unselfishly sharing his knowledge, immeasurable

assistance, and valuable support;

To the principal Mr. Daniel D. Tabili who gave the researchers the golden

opportunity to do this wonderful project; and

To their parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends for their love,

generous support and prayers.

San Marcelino National High School

Dingras, Ilocos Norte

Please select one:

Have you ever attended a school where uniforms were mandatory? Yes No

Please circle the number that best

Somewhat Somewhat
describes your level of agreement Disagree Agree
Disagree Agree
with the statement.

School uniforms boost school spirit

and increase the sense of a school 1 2 3 4


School uniforms are an effective

way of improving student academic 1 2 3 4


School uniforms improve student

focus by reducing in-class 1 2 3 4

School uniforms are an effective
1 2 3 4
way of improving student behavior.

School uniforms are an effective

way of reducing clothing related 1 2 3 4


School uniforms reduce the

prevalence of clothing related 1 2 3 4


School uniforms are an effective

way of reducing gang related 1 2 3 4

behavior in school.

School uniforms do not reduce

1 2 3 4
student creativity.

School uniforms are a cost effective

alternative to non-uniform student 1 2 3 4

school wardrobes.

Overall, I feel school uniforms are

an effective way to improve 1 2 3 4


Echaluce, C.C. (2017). DepEd: students’ uniform not mandatory in public schools.

Retrieved on February 26, 2018, retrieved at



GMA NEWS ONLINE. (2009, June 2). Deped: students’ uniform not mandatory in

public schools. Retrieved on February 26, 2018, retrieved at



GreenGarage. (2015). 13 Serious advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms.

Retrieved on February 28, 2018, retrieved at https://greengarageblog.org/13-


Gregory, S. (2013). Perceptions of high school students of the impact of a school uniform

policy. Retrieved on February 22, 2018, retrieved at


Mimmo, J. (2012). Student perceptions of school uniforms: a comparative study of

students participated in school uniforms and those who did not. Retrieved on

February 22, 2018, retrieved at


Murdock, K. (2001). Benefits of not wearing school uniforms. Retrieved on February

28, 2018, retrieved at https://classroom.synonym.com/benefits-not-wearing-


Sowell, R.E. (2012). The relationship of school uniforms to student attendance,

achievement, and discipline. Retrieved on February 22, 2018, retrieved at



Spencer, C. (2013). What's the point of school uniform?. Retrieved on February 28, 2018,

retrieved at



Wilde, M. (2017). Do uniforms make schools better?. Retrieved on February 26, 2018,

retrieved at https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/school-uniforms//.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Dingras, Ilocos Norte

March 1, 2018

Principal I
San Marcelino National High School
Dingras, Ilocos Norte

We, the Grade 12 students of SMNHS, are presently conducting a research titled
“Perception of San Marcelino National High School Students on School Uniform” in
partial fulfillment of the requirements in English for Academic and Professional Purposes

In this regard, may we request your good office to allow us to distribute questionnaires to
your students. rest assured that whatever answers gathered from your students will be kept
confidential and will only be used for research purposes.

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,









Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Dingras, Ilocos Norte

March 1, 2018

Dear Respondents,

Christian Greetings!

We, the Grade 12 students of SMNHS, are presently conducting a research titled
“Perception of San Marcelino National High School on School Uniform” in partial
fulfillment of the requirements in English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP).

In this connection, may we request you to accomplish the attached questionnaires.

Rest assured that whatever data gathered from you will be kept confidential and will only
be used for research purposes.

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,









Subject Teacher

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