I. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect.
II. Identify the given text and choose your answer from the choices below. Write the letter of your choice on the
space provided.
a. Cause and Effect
b. Compare and Contrast
c. Problem and Solution
d. Sequential
e. Description
1. ______
Popular Sports
Foot ball and baseball are two of the most popular sports in the country. They
have many things in common. For one, they are both team sports, and they
both require players to advance to an end or “home” point in the playing field.
However, football requires players to carry the ball to the end zone, whereas in
baseball, it is the defending team that controls the ball while it is in play.
2. _____
4. _____
5. _____
Being involved in the after-school sports and clubs is not a right. It is a privilege.
Therefore, students have to meet eligibility requirements. If students have any
“D”s or “F”s, they are not allowed to play. Also, if students have behavior issues
in class, they cannot be on the team or in the club. Lastly, students need to
keep good attendance. If students miss school, they most certainly cannot
come to practice. Being on a team is a lot of responsibility. If student are not
proving to be responsible, they will not be permitted to in clubs or teams.
III. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer and write it before the number.
For no. 32-34: Read the text below and answer the questions.
What kind of morning person are you? What are you like in the morning? How do you behave? You probably belong
to one of the following three types: those who hate mornings, those who sleep through them or those who like them.
Those who hate mornings are often called “grumps”. Grumps hate waking up in the morning and if you try to wake
them up, they complain and make you suffer. It’s good idea to stay as far away from a morning grump as possible,
unless you like punishment. The second type of morning person is the kind who always says, “give me just another
minute’ and then stretches ‘another minute’ onto 30 or 40 minutes with the help of the snooze alarm. She often
sleeps right through the morning and is late for everything. The last kind of morning person is the most annoying,
because he actually likes mornings. For him, there is no need for an alarm clock. He always gets up early, bright-eyed
and happy to face a new day. In fact, he usually finishes his morning tasks long before anyone else is even awake. This
is the kind of person who makes everyone else look lazy. So what kind of morning person are you? Are you a grump, a
“just-another-minute” sleepyhead or a bright-eyed ball of energy?
Adapted from Reading Skills for Beginners 1, Bar-llan University,1998
_____32. The text mentions 3 types of morning person, which of the following is not mentioned?
a. Those who hate mornings
b. Those who sleep through them
c. Those who greets with smile
d. Those who like them
_____33. What name is given to people who hate mornings?
a. Morning hater
b. Grumps
c. Bright-eyed
d. None of these
_____34. What is the writer’s aim in writing thee text?
a. To provide information
b. To convince reader about something
c. To suggest solutions to a problem
d. To motivate readers to change something (a call to action)
_____35. Identify which of the following is the thesis sentence of the selection “The Golden Age of Comics”.
a. The period from the late 1930s to the middle 1940s is known as the golden age of comic books.
b. Early comic books reprinted already existing comic strips and comic based on known characters.
_____36. These are types of language use peculiar to specific profession, which may be unintelligible to people not
belonging to the same profession. Such language use is also referred to as _______.
a. Law b. jargon c. medicine c. business
_____35. Which of the following are the similarities and/or contradictions in the definition and application of the two
concepts in the text “Competition and Cooperation”?
a. Competing teams act in harmony with each other
b. Agreeing in the terms of competition, the rules of the contest, the general conduct of the event.
c. Without cooperation, the competition will not achieve its goals.
d. All of these
____36. Even though you skimmed the questions before you began reading the story, you should
a. Not waste time reading it again
b. Work as fast as you can so you can take a nap
c. Draw designs around the answer
d. Read the entire question and all the answer choices
____37. Bob like to eat apples and go to the park. What does Bob like to eat?
a. Pie b. green beans c. apples d. candy
Alicia National High School
Paddad, Alicia, Isabela
Senior High School Department