xxxx xxxx xxxx 2562 Customer Service: 1-866-634-8379
Account Number
If you make no You will pay off And you will end
additional charges the balance up paying an
using this card shown on this estimated total
and each month statement in of ...
you pay ... about ...
As an Amazon Prime Store Cardholder, any 5% back rewards you may have earned in this billing cycle will be displayed in the
5% Rewards Earned line of the Rewards Summary section above. Not an Amazon Prime Store Cardholder? Visit to learn how to upgrade today.
Use your Amazon Prime Store Card to pay in more places! Amazon Prime Store Cardholders can now use their card to pay
for transactions with many merchants who offer Pay with Amazon. When using Pay with Amazon, select your Amazon Store
Card as a payment option once you've signed in using your Amazon credentials. Visit
to see eligible sites.
Important Changes to Your Account Terms
The following is a summary of changes that are being made to your account terms.
"We will charge this fee if we do not receive the total minimum payment due on your account by 5
p.m. (ET) on the due date. This fee is equal to:
1. $28, if you have paid your total minimum payment due by the due date in each of the prior six
billing cycles.
2. $39, if you have failed to pay your total minimum payment due by the due date in any one or
more of the prior six billing cycles.
The late payment fee will not be more than the total minimum payment that was due."
Minimum Payment Calculation: We are increasing the total minimum payment on your account.
The Minimum Payment Calculation terms in your credit card agreement will be replaced with the
Minimum Payment Calculation terms shown below. Please keep this important document for your