Design and Thermal Analysis of Steam Turbine Blade Using Fem Method
Design and Thermal Analysis of Steam Turbine Blade Using Fem Method
Design and Thermal Analysis of Steam Turbine Blade Using Fem Method
A turbine (from the Latin turbo, a vortex, FIG 1TURBINE
related to the Greek, meaning
"turbulence") is a rotary mechanical device 1.2 PRINCIPLE OF STEAM
that extracts energy from a fluid flow and TURBINE:
converts it into useful work. The work The steam energy is converted mechanical
produced by a turbine can be used for work. Expansion takes place through
generating electrical power when aby expansion through the turbine. series
combined with a generator or of fixed . In each row fixed blades
producing thrust, as in the case of jet (nozzles) and moving blades Blade and
engines. A turbine is a turbo machine with moving blade are called stage
at least one moving part called a rotor
is used for design of solid model and cycle costs, efficiency, and improve
ANSYS software for analysis for F.E. reliability Sanjay Kumar was investgated
model generated, by applying boundary on creep life of turbine blade. Inertia load
condition, this paper also includes specific is the constant load that will cause creep
post processing and life assessment of failure. Creep is a rate dependent material
blade. How the program makes effective nonlinearity in which material continues to
use of the ANSYS pre-processor to mesh deform in nonlinear fashion even under
complex geometries of turbine blade and constant load. This phenomenon is
apply boundary conditions. The principal predominant in components, which
aim of this paper is to get the natural exposed to high temperatures. By studying
frequencies and mode shape of the turbine the creep phenomenon and predicting the
blade. In this paper we have analyzed creep life of the component, we can
previous designs and generals of turbine estimate its design life. The main objective
blade to do further optimization, Finite is to predict the creep life of the simple
element results for free standing blades impulse steam turbine blade, and to give
give a complete picture of structural the FEM approach for creep analysis. The
characteristics, which can utilized for the analysis of turbine blade for different
improvement in the design and loads, which shows that the maximum
optimization of the operating conditions. stresses, induced in each case. These
stresses are within yield limit of the
Subramanyam Pavuluri, Dr. A. Siva material and will not undergo plastic
Kumar was investigated on design of high deformation during operationresult is
pressure steam turbine blade addresses the found that, creep life decreases as the
issue of steam turbine efficiency. A stress value increases. Hence, by
specific focus on airfoil profile for high- decreasing the stress value in the
pressure turbine blade, and it evaluates the component we can increase its creep life.
effectiveness of certain Chromium and This was be achieved by modifying the
Nickel in resisting creep and fracture in blade design. Avinash V. Sarlashkar,
turbine blades. The efficiency of the steam MARK L. Redding investigated on the
turbine is a key factor in both the architecture and capabilities of Blade Pro.
environmental and economic impact of An ANSYS based turbine blade analysis
any coal-fired power station. Based on the system with extensive automation for solid
research presented modifications to high- model and F.E. model generation,
pressure steam turbine blades can made to boundary condition application, file
increase turbine efficiency of the turbine. handling and job submission tasks for a
The results and conclusions are presented variety of complex analyses; the program
for a concerning the durability problems also includes turbo machinery specific post
experienced with steam turbine blades. processing and life assessment modules.
The maximum operational Von Mises Blade Pro is a cutting-edge example for
Stresses are within the yield strength of the vertical applications built on the core
material but the deformation is ANSYS engine using ANSYS APDL.
comparatively better for material CA-6 Examples of how the program makes
NM (Chromium Nickel). Modified effective use of the ANSYS preprocessor
solutions for Steam turbine blade values to to mesh complex geometries of turbine
machines to maximize their reduce life blade and apply boundary conditions are
presented using specific examples. A real modification to the butting area and
world application is used to demonstrate reducing the fillet radius. To conduct the
the pre-processing capabilities, static and sensitivity analysis for the fillet stresses in
dynamic stress analyses results, generation blade and disk using FEA.
of Campbell and Interference diagrams
and life assessment. The principal
advantage of Blade Pro is its ability to
generate accurate results in a short amount
of time, thus reducing the design cycle 3. 1 STEAM TURBINE
time. The good correlation achieved is a NOMENCLATURE:
testament to the accuracy of the ANSYS
solvers and validity of the modeling
techniques adopted in Blade Pro.
was work on the large variety of turbo-
machinery blade root geometries used in
industry prompted the question if an
optimum geometry could be found. An FIG 5 STEAM TURBINE BLADE
optimum blade root was defined, as a root NOMENCLATURE
with practical geometry which, when
loaded returns the minimum fillet stress 3.2 PROBLEM DEFINITION:
concentration factor. The present paper All modern steam power plants use
outlines the design modification for fillet impulse-reaction turbines as their blading
stresses and a special attention made on efficiency is higher than that of impulse
SCF of the blade root (T-root) which fails turbines. Last stage of steam turbine
and to guarantee for safe and reliable impulse-reaction blade are very much
operation under all possible service directly affect efficiency of plant with the
conditions. Finite Element Analysis is information that an understanding of the
used to determine the fillet stresses and forces and stresses acting on the turbine
Peterson’s Stress Concentration Factor blades is vital importance, in this work we
chart is effectively utilized to modify the will compute such a force acting on a last
blade root. The root modified due to the stage Low Pressure (LP) blade of a large
difficulty in manufacturing the butting steam turbine rotating at 3000 rpm in order
surface of the tang that grips the blade to to estimate the material stresses at the
the disk crowns A Review on Analysis of blade root. One such LP steam turbine
Low Pressure Stage of Steam Turbine blade is show in Figure 1. We studied
Blade with FEA (ANSYS Software) structural and themal analysis of blade
(IJSRD/Vol. 1/Issue 10/2013/0003) All using FEA for this work and by use of the
rights reserved by 2060 operational data have performed by using
having small contact area. Verify the same FEA (ANSYS) and This study work
using Finite Element Analysis for two involved the analyze blade and check FEA
cases with and without the tang in the data of std. blade with various material.
blade. Firstly, to study the fillet stresses
with tang and then Petersons chart is used
to reduce the peak stresses with the
Go to the sketcher workbench create 3. MODEL (APPLY MESHING).
profile blade shape by using spine and arcs
as below dimensions after go to the part
design workbench apply pad as shown 5. SOLUTION
below figure
7.3.1 Stress graph
7.3.5 Heat flux graph [2]Design and analysis of steam turbine blades
using FEM by K. Matta , R.B.Pothula, R.U. Rao
This graph shows the different heat
flux values in different materials, [3]Experimental investigation on design of high
pressure steam turbine blade by Subramanyam
chrome steel, hastelloy, and Inconel,
Pavuluri , Dr. A. Siva kumar
hastelloy has highest heat flux value