Start To Finish
Start To Finish
Start To Finish
Part 1: Before You Begin Writing Your Cut your writing teeth in an
Book environment like that, and anywhere
Part One: Before You Begin Writing
Your Book else seems glorious.
1. Establish your writing space.
2. Assemble your writing tools.
Step 2. Assemble your writing tools.
You’ll never regret—in fact, you’ll thank
yourself later—for investing the time
In the newspaper business, there was
necessary to prepare for such a
Part 2: How to Start Writing a Book no time to hand write our stuff and
monumental task.
then type it for the layout guys. So I
1. Break the project into small have always written at a keyboard and
pieces. You wouldn’t set out to cut down a
still write my books that way.
2. Settle on your BIG idea. huge grove of trees with just an axe.
3. Construct your outline. You’d need a chain saw, perhaps more
Most authors do, though some hand
4. Set a firm writing schedule. than one. Something to keep them
write their first drafts and then
5. Establish a sacred deadline. sharp. Enough fuel to keep them
keyboard them onto a computer or pay
6. Embrace procrastination running.
someone to do that.
7. Eliminate distractions. You get the picture. Don’t shortcut this
No publisher I know would even
8. Conduct your research. foundational part of the process.
consider a typewritten manuscript, let
9. Start calling yourself a writer.
alone one submitted in handwriting.
Step 1. Establish your writing space.
That may consist of three sessions of Successful writers make time to write. Maybe you’d rather schedule four off
two hours each, two sessions of three weeks over the next year. Or you know
hours, or six one-hour When writing becomes a habit, you’ll your book will be unusually long.
sessions—whatever works for you. be on your way.
Change the numbers to make it realistic
I recommend a regular pattern (same Step 5. Establish a sacred deadline. and doable, and then lock it in.
times, same days) that can most easily Remember, your deadline is sacred.
become a habit. But if that’s Without deadlines, I rarely get
impossible, just make sure you carve anything done. I need that motivation. Step 6. Embrace procrastination
out at least six hours so you can see real (really!).
progress. Admittedly, my deadlines are now
established in my contracts from You read that right. Don’t fight it;
Having trouble finding the time to publishers. embrace it.
write a book? News flash—you won’t
find the time. You have to make it. If you’re writing your first book, you You wouldn’t guess it from my 195+
probably don’t have a contract yet. To published books, but I’m the king of
I used the phrase carve out above for a ensure you finish your book, set your procrastinators.
reason. That’s what it takes. own deadline—then consider it sacred.
Something in your calendar will likely Tell your spouse or loved one or trusted
have to be sacrificed in the interest of friend. Ask that they hold you Don’t be. So many authors are
writing time. accountable. procrastinators that I’ve come to
wonder if it’s a prerequisite.
Make sure it’s not your family—they Now determine—and enter in your
should always be your top priority. calendar—the number of pages you The secret is to accept it and, in fact,
Never sacrifice your family on the altar need to produce per writing session to schedule it.
of your writing career. meet your deadline. If it proves
unrealistic, change the deadline now. I quit fretting and losing sleep over
But beyond that, the truth is that we all procrastinating when I realized it was
find time for what we really want to do. If you have no idea how many pages or inevitable and predictable, and also
words you typically produce per that it was productive.
Many writers insist they have no time session, you may have to experiment
to write, but they always seem to catch before you finalize those figures. Sound like rationalization?
the latest Netflix original series, or go
to the next big Hollywood feature. They Say you want to finish a 400-page Maybe it was at first. But I learned that
enjoy concerts, parties, ball games, manuscript by this time next year. while I’m putting off the writing, my
whatever. subconscious is working on my book.
Divide 400 by 50 weeks (accounting for It’s a part of the process. When you do
How important is it to you to finally two off-weeks), and you get eight pages start writing again, you’ll enjoy the
write your book? What will you cut per week. surprises your subconscious reveals to
from your calendar each week to ensure you.
you give it the time it deserves? Divide that by your typical number of
writing sessions per week and you’ll So, knowing procrastination is coming,
● A favorite TV show? know how many pages you should book it on your calendar.
● An hour of sleep per night? (Be finish per session.
careful with this one; rest is Take it into account when you’re
crucial to a writer.) determining your page quotas. If you
have to go back in and increase the write. Some carry a modest fee, others ethnically accurate character
number of pages you need to produce are free. names.
per session, do that (I still do it all the ● The Merriam-Webster
time). ● Freedom app Thesaurus: The online version
● FocusWriter is great, because it’s lightning
But—and here’s the key—you must ● StayFocusd fast. You couldn’t turn the
never let things get to where that ● WriteRoom pages of a hard copy as quickly
number of pages per day exceeds your as you can get where you want
capacity. to onscreen. One caution:
Step 8. Conduct your research. Never let it be obvious you’ve
It’s one thing to ratchet up your output consulted a thesaurus. You’re
from two pages per session to three. Yes, research is a vital part of the not looking for the exotic word
But if you let it get out of hand, you’ve process, whether you’re writing fiction that jumps off the page. You’re
violated the sacredness of your or nonfiction. looking for that common word
deadline. that’s on the tip of your tongue.
● Here you’ll
Fiction means more than just making
How can I procrastinate and still meet find nearly limitless
up a story.
more than 190 deadlines? information about any
continent, country, region, city,
Your details and logic and technical
town, or village. Names,
Because I keep the deadlines sacred. and historical details must be right for
monetary units, weather
your novel to be believable.
patterns, tourism info, and
Step 7. Eliminate distractions to stay
even facts you wouldn’t have
focused. And for nonfiction, even if you’re thought to search for. I get
writing about a subject in which you’re ideas when I’m digging here,
Are you as easily distracted as I am? an expert—as I’m doing here—getting for both my novels and my
all the facts right will polish your nonfiction books.
Have you found yourself writing a finished product.
sentence and then checking your
email? Writing another and checking In fact, you’d be surprised at how many
Step 9. Start calling yourself a writer.
Facebook? Getting caught up in the times I’ve researched a fact or two
pictures of 10 Sea Monsters You while writing this blog post alone.
Your inner voice may tell you, “You’re
Wouldn’t Believe Actually Exist?
no writer and you never will be. Who
The last thing you want is even a small do you think you are, trying to write a
Then you just have to check out that mistake due to your lack of proper book?”
precious video from a talk show where research.
the dad surprises the family by
That may be why you’ve stalled at
returning from the war. Regardless the detail, trust me, you’ll writing your book in the past.
hear from readers about it.
That leads to more and more of the
But if you’re working at writing,
same. Once I’m in, my writing is Your credibility as an author and an studying writing, practicing writing,
forgotten, and all of a sudden the day expert hinges on creating trust with that makes you a writer. Don’t wait till
has gotten away from me. your reader. That dissolves in a hurry if you reach some artificial level of
you commit an error. accomplishment before calling yourself
The answer to these insidious
a writer.
timewasters? My favorite research resources:
A cop in uniform and on duty is a cop
Look into these apps that allow you to ● World Almanacs: These alone whether he’s actively enforced the law
block your email, social media, list almost everything you need yet or not. A carpenter is a carpenter
browsers, game apps, whatever you for accurate prose: facts, data, whether he’s ever built a house.
wish during the hours you want to government information, and
more. For my novels, I often
use these to come up with
Self-identify as a writer now and you’ll Whatever your gut tells you your reader If you’re stuck because of the pressure
silence that inner critic—who, of would prefer, that’s your answer. of crafting the perfect opening line for
course, is really you. your book, you’re not alone.
Whatever will intrigue him, move him,
Talk back to yourself if you must. It keep him reading, those are your And neither is your angst misplaced.
may sound silly, but acknowledging marching orders.
yourself as a writer can give you the This is not something you should put
confidence to keep going and finish So, naturally, you need to know your off and come back to once you’ve
your book. reader. Rough age? General interests? started on the rest of the first chapter.
Loves? Hates? Attention span?
Are you a writer? Say so. Oh, it can still change if the story
When in doubt, look in the mirror. dictates that. But settling on a good one
Part Three: The Book-Writing Itself will really get you off and running.
The surest way to please your reader is
to please yourself. Write what you It’s unlikely you’ll write a more
Step 1. Think reader-first.
would want to read and trust there is a important sentence than your first one,
broad readership out there that agrees. whether you’re writing fiction or
This is so important that that you
nonfiction. Make sure you’re thrilled
should write it on a sticky note and
Step 2. Find your writing voice. with it and then watch how your
affix it to your monitor so you’re
confidence—and momentum—soars.
reminded of it every time you write.
Discovering your voice is nowhere near
as complicated as some make it out to Most great first lines fall into one of
Every decision you make about your
be. these categories:
manuscript must be run through this
You can find yours by answering these 1. Surprising
quick questions:
Not you-first, not book-first, not Fiction: “It was a bright cold day in
editor-, agent-, or publisher-first. April, and the clocks were striking
● What’s the coolest thing that
Certainly not your inner circle- or thirteen.” —George Orwell, Nineteen
ever happened to you?
critics-first. Eighty-Four
● Who’s the most important
person you told about it?
Reader-first, last, and always. Nonfiction: “By the time Eustace
● What did you sound like when
you did? Conway was seven years old, he could
If every decision is based on the idea of ● That’s your writing voice. It throw a knife accurately enough to nail
reader-first, all those others benefit should read the way you sound a chipmunk to a tree.” —Elizabeth
anyway. at your most engaged. Gilbert, The Last American Man
Most who fail at writing a book tell me Yes, it’s hard. It still is for me—every Agents and editors can tell within the
they give up somewhere in what I like time. But don’t panic or do anything first two pages whether your
to call The Marathon of the Middle. rash, like surrendering. Embrace the manuscript is worthy of consideration.
challenge of the middle as part of the That sounds unfair, and maybe it is.
That’s a particularly rough stretch for process. If it were easy, anyone could But it’s also reality, so we writers need
novelists who have a great concept, a do it. to face it.
stunning opener, and they can’t wait to
get to the dramatic ending. But they Step 7. Write a resounding ending. How can they often decide that quickly
bail when they realize they don’t have on something you’ve devoted months,
enough cool stuff to fill the middle. This is just as important for your maybe years, to?
nonfiction book as your novel. It may
They start padding, trying to add not be as dramatic or emotional, but it Because they can almost immediately
scenes just for the sake of bulk, but could be—especially if you’re writing a envision how much editing would be
they’re soon bored and know readers memoir. required to make those first couple of
will be too. pages publishable. If they decide the
But even a how-to or self-help book investment wouldn’t make economic
This actually happens to nonfiction needs to close with a resounding thud, sense for a 300-400-page manuscript,
writers too. the way a Broadway theater curtain end of story.
meets the floor.
The solution there is in the outlining Your best bet to keep an agent or editor
stage, being sure your middle points How do you ensure your ending doesn’t reading your manuscript?
and chapters are every bit as valuable fizzle?
and magnetic as the first and last. You must become a ferocious
● Don’t rush it. Give readers the self-editor. That means:
If you strategize the progression of your payoff they’ve been promised.
points or steps in a process—depending They’ve invested in you and ● Omit needless words
on nonfiction genre—you should be
● Choose the simple word over Look for someone widely-published Regardless whether you traditionally or
one that requires a dictionary who knows how to work with agents, self-publish your book, proper
● Avoid subtle redundancies, like editors, and publishers. formatting is critical.
“He thought in his mind…”
(Where else would someone There are many helpful mentors online. Why?
think?) I teach writers through this free site, as
● Avoid hedging verbs like well as in my members-only Writers Because poor formatting makes you
almost frowned, sort of Guild. look like an amateur.
jumped, etc.
● Generally remove the word Readers and agents expect a certain
Part 5: Publishing Your Book
that—use it only when format for book manuscripts, and if
absolutely necessary for clarity you don’t follow their guidelines, you
● Give the reader credit and Step 1. Decide on your publishing
set yourself up for failure.
resist the urge to explain, as in, avenue.
“She walked through the open
Best practices when formatting your
door.” (Did we need to be told In simple terms, you have two options
it was open?) when it comes to publishing your book:
● Avoid too much stage direction
1. Use 12-point type
(what every character is doing 1. Traditional publishing
2. Use a serif font; the most
with every limb and digit)
Traditional publishers take all the risks. common is Times Roman
● Avoid excessive adjectives
They pay for everything from editing, 3. Double space your manuscript
● Show, don’t tell
proofreading, typesetting, printing, 4. No extra space between
● And many more
binding, cover art and design, paragraphs
promotion, advertising, warehousing, 5. Only one space between
shipping, billing, and paying author sentences
For my full list and how to use them, 6. Indent each paragraph half an
click here. (It’s free.) royalties.
inch (setting a tab, not using
several spaces)
When do you know you’re finished 2. Self-publishing
7. Text should be flush left and
revising? When you’ve gone from ragged right, not justified
Everything is on you. You are the
making your writing better to merely 8. If you choose to add a line
publisher, the financier, the
making it different. That’s not always between paragraphs to indicate
decision-maker. Everything listed
easy to determine, but it’s what makes a change of location or passage
above falls to you. You decide who does
you an author. of time, center a typographical
it, you approve or reject it, and you pay
for it. The term self-publishing is a bit dingbat (like ***) on the line
Step 2. Find a mentor. 9. Black text on a white
of a misnomer, however, because what
you’re paying for is not publishing, but background only
Get help from someone who’s been 10. One-inch margins on the top,
where you want to be. bottom, and sides (the default
in Word)
Both avenues are great options under
Imagine engaging a mentor who can 11. Create a header with the title
certain circumstances.
help you sidestep all the amateur followed by your last name and
pitfalls and shave years of painful the page number. The header
Not sure which direction you want to
trial-and-error off your learning curve. should appear on each page
take? Click here to read my in-depth
other than the title page.
guide to publishing a book. It’ll show
Just make sure it’s someone who really
you the pros and cons of each, what
knows the writing and publishing
each involves, and my ultimate
world. Many masquerade as mentors
and coaches but have never really
succeeded themselves.
Step 2: Properly format your