SUMMARYofTalkonGayatriMantrabyDr JaiPaulDudejaattheInternationalConferenceRohtakOct29-312018
SUMMARYofTalkonGayatriMantrabyDr JaiPaulDudejaattheInternationalConferenceRohtakOct29-312018
SUMMARYofTalkonGayatriMantrabyDr JaiPaulDudejaattheInternationalConferenceRohtakOct29-312018
The Mantra:“Om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dheemahi dhiyo yo
nah prachodayat” (ॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐ
ॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐ ॐॐ ॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ), is known as the ‘Gayatri
Mantra’. Gayatri Mantra finds a frequent mention in the ancient Hindu scriptures like Vedas,
Upanishads, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Manu Smriti, Satyarth Prakash etc. Gayatri is considered
the Vedasara, “the essence of the Vedas”. It is the only mantra that is mentioned in all the
four Vedas viz., Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda.“Gayatri Veda-Janani
Gayatri Braahmanna-Prasuuh” (ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ
ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ). It means: Gayatri is the mother of four Vedas and it is,
therefore, called by many as Vedmata. Besides this, the Gayatri is worshipped as Devmata
because She helps in the manifestation of Divine Virtues (Gunas), action (Karmas) and the
nature (Swabhav) of Devatas (gods) in Her devotees. Gayatri is also revered as Vishwamata
as She gives inspiration for the establishment of a universal family (Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam, ॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ); that is every human being in the world is a
part of one family. The ancient Rishis herald that: “Gayatryastu param japyam; na bhutam
na bhavishyati.” (ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐ ॐॐॐॐ ॐ
ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ). That means: There is nothing superior to the Gayatri, neither in the
past, nor in the future. Gayatri Mantra is an imperishable eternal light which guides the
pilgrims travelling on the path of enlightenment. Gayatri Mantra is unique in the sense that it
has three dimensions: praise, meditation, and prayer. Chanting of Gayatri Mantra removes all
the obstacles in our path, thereby increasing our wisdom, spiritual growth and development.
Righteous wisdom starts emerging after Japa (recitation) of the Gayatri Mantra.“Gayantam
Trayate Yasmaat Gayatritvam Tatah Smrita” (गगगगगगग गगगगगगग
गगगगगगग ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐ l). Meaning: Those (Sadhakas) who
sing the Gayatri or do its chanting, Gayatri protects them.
The twenty four syllables of the Gâyatrî mantra (after Om bhur bhuvaha Swaha) are said to
positively affect all the chakras or energy centres in the human body. The vibrations of this
supreme mantra help the sadhakas in merging their individual souls with the Supreme Soul.
Gayatri mantra is essentially a mantra for self-realization. Gayatri eventually gives liberation
or emancipation from the wheel of births and deaths. It can even put one into Samadhi.
Gayatri mantra destroys all delusions, bestows longevity, energizes Prana and opens the
gates of enlightenment.
This is a summary of the talk which will be delivered at this International Conference.
* Talk based on the book titled: “Gayatri Mantra: A GPS to Enlightenment”. By Prof. (Dr.) Jai Paul Dudeja,
Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi. 2018 (ISBN: 9788184356038)