Ab6 Type Rating Training Guide Session C3: Index
Ab6 Type Rating Training Guide Session C3: Index
Ab6 Type Rating Training Guide Session C3: Index
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- Task sharing/crew coordination during
abnormal/emergency situations.
- Use of Emergency/Malfunction checklist FOM 3.2.2
- Emergency Situations FOM
- Abnormal starts general management -
Hung start.
- Spoiler jam during FLT control checks.
- Single engine flight profile and procedure
during takeoff, approach and go around
- Single engine operation.
- Single engine go around procedure.
- Rejected takeoff procedure.
- On ground emergency evacuation.
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file:///Users/Punn/Desktop/A300-600/ข้อมูลAB6จากกั๋ม/AB6 E-Documents/AB6 e Learning Document/AB... 1 2
This FBS session is the introduction for the use of ECAM procedure and Emergency/Malfunction checklist together with single engine operation. The session
will also related to several technical and operation of power plants, electrical system, hydraulic systems and flight control. During the session, trainees will
practice several ECAM actions together.
From this session onwards, there will be engine start malfunctions with most engine starts. Study engine start malfunctions in advanced. It is also
recommended that engine limitations such as maximum EGT, N1 rising time, minimum oil pressure, starter cooling time, etc., should be in minded.
The flight will operate from BKK to UBL with TOW 140.0 T. Before takeoff if any aircraft malfunctions should occur, complete ECAM action and/or
Emergency/Malfunction checklist then consult MEL on AOM VOL 2 3.1/1. Check if the flight is able to dispatch from departure AD with this malfunction. Even
the flight is already dispatched with malfunction in hold item referring to the MEL, it is recommended to always check the MEL because there might be some
operational restriction, limitation or pilot action required specified in the MEL.
After takeoff, climb on SID Grant2 departure SELKA transition. During climb pilot will then face with several aircraft malfunction (one by one) and have the
chance to practice ECAM action, use of Emergency/Malfunction checklist and task sharing.
Good crew coordination is seriously required during abnormal/emergency situation. Safety of flight depended on how good both pilots share their workload,
take care of his own part, assist each other, control stress, monitor the flight progress, maintain situation awareness, plan the flight and make the right
decision. Use CRM.
The most important point during emergency/malfunction is to have ONE PILOT FLYING THE AIRCRAFT or one pair of eyes on the instruments AT ALL
TIMES. So when PNF is doing ECAM action or checklist, PF shall concentrate on flying the aircraft as primary.
PNF, who acts primarily as safety pilot that should normally monitor the flight and assist PF still have to do the job. A good PNF should not just head down on
ECAM or paper checklist and ignoring flight progress. PNF should run the ECAM/checklist and at the same time continue monitoring the flight progress, give
warning and assist PF as much as he could. When the ECAM/checklist require decision or will affect aircraft performance/configuration PNF shall make sure
that PF aware of the situation.
Finally, the malfunction will end up with an engine failure. The flight will then be required to land at nearest suitable airport or return to AD of departure. You
may be radar vectored for single engine ILS automatic approach RWY21R at BKK.
Second flight will be the practice of single engine procedures. You will takeoff from BKK with engine failure at V +. Follow engine failure procedure after takeoff
or request radar vector back to land. If time permit, try to perform an engine restart in flight in order to recover the failed engine.
The third exercise will be rejected takeoff after engine fire before V . After rejected takeoff, if the fire is still persisted or if there is a risk of another fire,
Commander shall always order for On Ground Emergency Evacuation.
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