Florida Young Democrats Constitution: Preamble
Florida Young Democrats Constitution: Preamble
Florida Young Democrats Constitution: Preamble
In order to build political, business, and social connections between Democrats aged 40
years and younger; to encourage active participation in local, regional, and state
government; to promote the Democratic Party message and ideals; we, the Florida
Young Democrats, Inc. do hereby associate ourselves and establish this Constitution.
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Florida Young Democrats, Inc. and it may
hereinafter be referred to as the Florida Young Democrats, the FYD, or the
Section 2. The FYD shall develop leadership among people aged 40 years and
younger. The organization shall encourage members to become city/county board
members, candidates for office, or participants in the election process.
Section 3. The FYD shall make every effort to maintain and promote harmony within
the ranks of Democratic National Committee, the FDP, and local Democratic Executive
Committees, which may hereinafter be referred to as DEC.
Section 4. The FYD shall encourage members to join their local Democratic Executive
A. State Officers and committee chairs shall retain all the above materials generated
during their respective terms of office until the completion of their terms.
B. Upon completion of the term of office, each State Officer and committee chair
shall deposit accumulated records with the incoming President, who shall
maintain such files for the information of succeeding State Officers and
committee chairs.
C. Records shall be open to review by any member of the Florida Young Democrats
upon written request. Members must be advised that their contact information
may be shared. All records must be kept in, or transferred to, a digital format.
A. Active County Chapter Members: Shall consist of those who have not exceeded
the age of forty (40).
B. Active High School Chapter Members: Shall consist of any person actively
enrolled in a secondary educational institution.
C. Affiliate Membership: Shall consist of those who are over the age of forty (40).
Affiliate Members shall have the privileges of members but they shall not vote or
hold office. Affiliate Membership shall be granted by the individual chapters.
Affiliate Members shall not count for the purposes of Annual Convention delegate
D. Honorary Membership: May be conferred on any person who has rendered
service of an outstanding character in the advancement of the ideals and
principles of the Democratic Party and of this organization, by four-fifths (4/5)
vote of the Central Committee or the Convention. Honorary Members may attend
meetings, but pay no dues, may not make or second motions, may not hold
elective office within the FYD or its local chapters, may not participate in debate
unless an active member yields time to him/her, and may not vote. All city,
county, and state elected officials under the age of forty (40) will be recognized
as Honorary Members for the duration of their term in office. Honorary Members
shall not count for the purposes of Annual Convention delegate apportionment.
Local Chapters have the ability to confer Honorary Memberships per their
Constitution and By-Laws.
1. If a FYD Honorary Member becomes an Active Member of a local Chapter,
they shall have all participatory privileges of that chapter but shall not be
able to hold office.
2. If a Local Chapter Honorary Member becomes an Active Member of a
Local Chapter, they shall have all participatory privileges of that chapter
but shall not be able to hold office.
Section 3: Non Discrimination Clause:
The FYD nor its local chapters shall discriminate in any proceeding, charter,
Constitution, By-Laws, or vote on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability or past political activity.
Article V. Organization
Section 1: Chartering
A. Each Chapter shall re-charter annually by July 1.
B. Chartering Requirements:
a. Chartering Form: see Attachment 1 of the FYD Bylaws
b. Membership List showing at least 5 Active members. This list should
include: Name, Address, Phone Number, Date of Birth, Educational
Institution (if necessary) and Email (if available).
c. Copy of Constitution and By-Laws
d. Chapter Officer Roster with date of Election
C. County Chapters:
New County Chapters may organize and be chartered at any time. In an effort
to encourage direct communication with County DECs and to avoid the
submission of multiple Chartering Forms from a single county, Chartering Forms
require a signature from the County DEC Chair. A County Chapter may charter
directly with the FYD if they reside in a county with no active county DEC.
Chartering Forms must be authorized by the FYD President and the FYD
Executive Director.
D. High School Chapters
New High School Chapters may organize and be chartered at any time through
their local County Chapter. A High School Chapter may charter directly with the
FYD if they reside in a county with no active County Chapter. It is the
responsibility of the local County Chapter Chair to submit all High School
Chartering Forms to the FYD on a quarterly basis.
Section 2. Each county in the State of Florida shall be entitled to charter one County
Chapter and shall charter directly with the FYD.
Section 3. The minimum requirement for any County Chapter will be five (5) active
members, except for Chapters issued a conditional charter. County Chapters must have
a minimum of three officers: an elected President to preside over all meetings; an
elected Executive Vice President to preside over meetings when the President is absent;
and a State Committeeperson who will communicate with the County Chapters Chair. If
funds are raised locally, the County Chapter must also have a Treasurer. If a County
DEC recognizes the FYD County Chapter President as a member of its Executive
Committee, the FYD County Chapter Chair is expected to meet that county DEC’s
attendance requirements.
Section 4. Any Chapter having been either dormant/inactive or having less than five
(5) active members for over a twelve (12) month period may apply for a conditional
A. Conditional charters may only be issued for a period of one (1) year with
approval from the FYD President and Executive Director only when all
other credential and chartering requirements are in complete order.
B. Chapters holding conditional charters will receive one (1) vote on the
Central Committee and one (1) vote at the Platform Conference and the
Annual State Convention. At any time during the year the temporary
charter may be converted to a full charter in accordance with the FYD
Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 5. Each County Chapter shall be required to meet at least once each calendar
quarter and to hold elections at least once each calendar year.
Section 6. Each County Chapter shall be required to submit to the Secretary its date of
election of officers. A list of newly elected officers with their addresses, telephone
numbers, emails, and dates of birth shall be submitted to the Secretary within fifteen
(15) days after said election.
Section 7. County Chapter officers must permanently reside in the county their chapter
is located.
Section 8. Absence from any two (2) consecutive or any three (3) cumulative Central
Committee meetings between annual conventions by a representative of any County
Chapter may result in the suspension of that Chapter’s state charter. The FYD President
shall notify the suspended Chapter. A representative of the suspended Chapter must
petition the Central Committee to lift the suspension.
Section 9. No provision of the Constitution and/or Bylaws of any County Chapter may
conflict with the FYD Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 10. All County Chapters shall maintain permanent records as specified in
Article III, Section 5. Upon written request, all such records shall be made available
within fourteen (14) days to members of the County Chapter and State Officers of the
Florida Young Democrats. Members must be advised that their contact information may
be shared.
Section 11. Violations of the FYD Constitution or FYD Bylaws may lead to a suspension
of any County Chapter charter by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
Article VII. High School Chapters
Section 1. As an extension of the Florida Democratic Party, High School Chapters must
make every effort to work with the national party, the state party, their County DECs,
and their FYD County Chapters.
Section 2. FYD High School Chapters may be established at any secondary educational
institution. Membership shall be open to students actively enrolled.
Section 3. The minimum requirement for any High School Chapter will be five (5)
active members, except for Chapters issued a conditional charter. High School
Chapters must have a minimum of three officers: an elected President to preside over
all meetings; an elected Executive Vice President to preside over meetings when the
President is absent; and a State Committeeperson who will communicate with the High
School Chapters Chair. If funds are raised locally, the High School Chapter must also
have a Treasurer. The chapter must also have a school appointed Faculty Advisor.
This advisor shall sign the Chartering Form.
Section 4. Any Chapter having been either dormant/inactive or having less than five
(5) active members for over a twelve (12) month period may apply for a conditional
A. Conditional charters may only be issued for a period of one (1) year with
approval from their local County Chapter Chair and the FYD Executive
Director only when all other credential and chartering requirements are in
complete order.
Section 5. Each High School Chapter shall be required to meet at least once each
calendar quarter and to hold elections at least once each calendar year.
Section 6. Each High School Chapter shall be required to submit to the FYD Secretary
its date of election of officers. A list of newly elected officers with their addresses,
telephone numbers, emails, and dates of birth shall be submitted to the Secretary
within fifteen (15) days after said election.
Section 7. No provision of the Constitution and/or Bylaws of any High School Chapter
may conflict with the FYD Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 8. All High School Chapters shall maintain permanent records as specified in
Article III, Section 5. Upon written request, all such records shall be made available
within fourteen (14) days to members of the High School Chapter and State Officers of
the Florida Young Democrats. Members must be advised that their contact information
may be shared.
Section 9. Violations of the FYD Constitution or FYD Bylaws may lead to a suspension
of any High School Chapter charter by a majority of the Executive Committee.
Section 10. High School Chapter members may not hold a leadership position in a
County Chapter.
Article VIII: Credentials Policy
A. Each Chapter President shall submit an active membership list to the Credentials
Committee, via mail or email. This list shall include name, address, birth date,
phone numbers, e-mail addresses (if available) of each chapter member and
date of election for chapter officers. Credentials lists are due by 12:00 p.m.
seven (7) days prior to the convening of the meeting/convention. On this date, a
Credentials Committee meeting will be called to order. The Credentials
Committee shall review all lists and base the vote allocation on these lists.
1) In a situation where a person is a member of BOTH a County Chapter and
or High School Chapter, that person shall count towards the vote
allocation for each chapter (that they are a member of).
2) Failure to submit the appropriate Credential requirements by the deadline
will result in a one vote penalty. Each chapter will be allowed to cast at
least one (1) vote.
B. The Credentials Committee shall check for proper Florida residence or school
enrollment and date of birth showing proper age. Any person whose membership
has not been accepted by the Credentials Committee shall be granted
membership upon showing the following:
1) Proper Residence--Florida Driver's License, Voter Registration card or a bill
mailed to the person's residence within the last thirty days.
2) Proper Enrollment—The person’s current class schedule or the equivalent
from the corresponding institution.
3) Proper Age--Birth Certificate or government issued identification
C. Challenges
1) All challenges to any membership must be sustained by a majority vote of
the Credentials Committee members present.
2) Challenges to the Credentials Committee's report must be registered in
writing with the Credentials Committee Chair and the FYD President no
later than four days prior to the convening of the Convention.
D. Upon the close of delegate registration, the Credentials Committee shall meet to
decide the final vote allocation using the lists of those registered. The Credentials
Committee will submit the final report to the State Convention for adoption.
Article IX: Central Committee
Section 1. The Central Committee shall consist of the voting FYD State Officers and
Committee Persons selected by the Chartered Chapters from among their membership.
Each Committee Member shall have one (1) vote
Section 2: Each member of the Central Committee and each Chapter Committee
Person shall receive a copy of the minutes of each Central Committee meeting.
Section 3. The Central Committee shall, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, set chartering fees,
grant hearings on Chapters with suspended charters, and make amendments to the
FYD Constitution and FYD Bylaws.
Section 4. Chapters with suspended charters that are granted a hearing by the Central
Committee may, upon affirmative vote of four-fifths (4/5) of the Central Committee,
have their charter reinstated.
Section 5. The Central Committee shall advise and consent to all standing and special
Committee Chairperson appointments made by the President. Consent shall be given by
a majority of the Central Committee members present and voting.
Section 6. The Central Committee shall meet at least once per calendar year, the time
and place of the meeting to be fixed by the President. The President shall be required
to call a special meeting upon receipt of a petition signed by Twenty-Five (25) percent
of eligible committee persons.
Section 7. The Central Committee may choose to meet via teleconference and may
vote electronically. The FYD President shall notify State Officers and Chapter
Committee persons of the time and date of all meetings fifteen (15) days prior.
Section 8. Fifty percent (50%) of the present committee persons in attendance shall
constitute a quorum.
F. Should no chapter submit a bid, the COC is responsible for recommending a
site to the Executive Committee and, with the assistance of the County
Chapters Chair, shall be responsible for planning the state convention.
Section 4. The Host Chapter President shall notify all Chapter Presidents and
Committee Persons in writing of the date, place, program, housing arrangements, costs,
and other pertinent data at least sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Convention.
Section 5. The FYD President shall notify all Chapter Presidents and Committee
Persons in writing of the date, time, and place of State Officer elections at least sixty
(60) days prior to the Annual Convention.
B. The FYD President shall oversee the election of each State Officer positions. If
the FYD President is a candidate for an elected State Office, the FYD Executive
Vice President will preside.
C. Candidates may address Committee Persons for no more than three (3) minutes
just prior to the vote for their State Officer position. Voting for elected State
Officer positions will occur in the following order: President, Executive Vice
President; National Committeeman; National Committeewoman; County Chapters
Chair; Communications Vice President; Social Outreach Vice President; Issues
Outreach Vice President;
D. Committee Persons will vote by open ballot. Ballots will be counted by the
Credentials Committee. Credentials Committee members may not participate in
the counting process for a State Officer position in which they are a candidate.
Section 6. When the Annual Convention is in session, the affairs of this organization
shall be managed by the Central Committee.
Membership Committee Persons
005-050 2
051-150 3
151-250 4
251-350 5
351+ 6
Section 8: Each State Officer in attendance (as defined in Article XIII) shall have one
Section 9. Committee Persons shall be selected by the Chapter they represent. The
President of each Chapter may appoint alternate Committee Persons to represent
his/her Chapter. Chapter officers may also serve as Committee Persons. One person
may not be the committee person for two separate chapters.
Section 10. Fifty (50) percent of the registered Committee Persons at the Annual
Convention shall constitute a quorum.
Section 11. During the Annual Convention, the outgoing President, or any elected
Democrat delegated authority by the outgoing President, shall administer the oath of
office to the newly elected State Officers. In years when the FYD hosts the YDA
National Convention, the new State Officers will be sworn in during the YDA Convention
or Annual Convention. The oath shall be as follows:
I, (state your name), having been duly sworn, say that I am a member of the
Democratic Party; that I am qualified under the Constitution and Bylaws of the Florida
Young Democrats to hold the office to which I have been elected; that during my term,
I will faithfully execute the duties of my office; that I will support the election of
Democratic nominees; and that I will actively work to build connections between
Democrats forty (40) years of age and younger across the State of Florida.
Section 3. Each chartered Chapter which has mailed or emailed the required credential
materials to the Credentials Committee Chair at least seven (7) days prior to the first
general session of the Platform Conference shall be entitled to delegates per the
Credentials Policy Article IX of this Constitution. Each State Officer in attendance (as
defined in Article XIII) shall have one vote.
Section 4. The County Chapters Chair will serve as the Platform Conference Chair.
Section 5. Proposals must be passed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the
delegates at the Platform Conference.
Section 6. The FYD President may decide to publicly release the FYD Platform in part
or in its entirety.
A. Panhandle: Bay, Calhoun, Dixie, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Hamilton,
Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Okaloosa, Santa
Rosa, Suwannee, Taylor, Wakulla, Walton, and Washington.
B. North: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Citrus, Clay, Columbia, Duval, Flagler, Gilchrist,
Hernando, Levy, Marion, Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns, Sumter, Union, Volusia.
Section 5. State Officers shall assume office upon the adjournment of the convention
at which they were elected or upon the effective date of their appointment.
A. In the event that there is a vacancy in the office of President, the Executive Vice
President shall become Acting President. He/She shall convene a meeting of the
Central Committee to be held within 30 days of the President’s resignation, in
order to hold the election of the New President.
B. In the event of a vacancy in an elected office other than the President, the
remainder of the term shall be filled by the candidate receiving a majority vote of
the Central Committee at its next regular meeting. Fifteen (15) days written
notice to each Central Committee member shall be required. The President may
appoint a member to carry out the duties of the office on an interim basis until
the next Central Committee meeting.
Section 7. The duties of the State Officers shall be assigned by the Bylaws.
Section 8. Unexcused absence from any two (2) consecutive or three cumulative
Central Committee meetings between Annual Conventions by any State Officer shall be
treated as a voluntary resignation. The President shall have the authority to grant or
deny one (1) request per office for an absence not to be counted under the terms of
this section, subject to review by the Central Committee.
A. If an elected officer does not respond to a written request from the FYD
President within 15 days of such request, the Executive Board may convene and vote to
temporarily suspend the officer. The written request must be sent through certified
mail or read receipt email. This suspension shall last until the member is reinstated by
the President. All succession rules will go into effect at the time of suspension. If there
is no succession rule in place, the FYD President may appoint someone on an interim
basis to carry out the duties of the office.
Section 9. All State Officers of the FYD owe a fiduciary duty of trust and confidence to
the Florida Young Democrats.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice per calendar year, the
time and place of the meeting to be fixed by the President. The President shall be
required to call a special meeting upon receipt of a petition signed by a majority of the
Executive Committee.
Section 3. Two-thirds (2/3) of the voting State Officers in attendance shall constitute a
Section 4. Notice of any regular or special meeting of the Executive Committee shall
be given in writing to each State Officer and Chapter President fifteen (15) days prior to
such meeting. Any member of this organization shall, upon written request to the
Secretary, be entitled to receive such notice.
Section 5. A copy of the minutes of each Executive Committee meeting shall be made
available to all members.
Section 6. The Executive Committee may propose changes to the FYD Constitution
and FYD Bylaws to be voted on by the Central Committee.
Section 7. The Executive Committee may choose to meet via teleconference and may
vote electronically.
Section 2. No article, section or portion of the FYD Constitution or the FYD Bylaws may
be waived or set aside except by amendment as provided in this article.
Section 3. An amendment to the FYD Constitution or the FYD Bylaws shall become
effective immediately upon its adoption.
Section 4. All amendments shall be provided in writing to all delegates prior to voting
on said amendments.
Article XV. Removal of State Officers
Section 1. Any State Officer of this organization may be removed from office for
misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance of assigned duties. A signed petition of two-
thirds (2/3) of the members of the Central Committee specifying charges, shall be
necessary to initiate removal proceedings.
Section 2. Upon receipt of a petition initiating removal proceedings, the President (or
Executive Vice President in the case of an impeached President) shall call for a special
meeting of the Central Committee to consider the charges. A notice of the meeting shall
include a copy of the impeachment petition. Said State Officer shall be notified of the
charges against him/her by certified mail at least (20) days prior to said special
Section 3. After a hearing at which both sides shall have the right to be heard, the
Central Committee may, by two-thirds (2/3) vote, remove the State Officer in question
from office.
B. In the event that a chapter dissolves, all liabilities and obligations are the
responsibility of that chapter and its President. FYD will not assume any debt incurred
by the dissolving chapter.
AMENDED: June 25, 1989 ADOPTED: June 5, 1985