BSP - Monetary Board PDF
BSP - Monetary Board PDF
BSP - Monetary Board PDF
Circular No.926
Series of 2016
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section 3. subsection X398.5 is entirely amended to read as follows:
Section 4. Effectivity. This Circular shalltake effect fifteen (15) calendar days following
publication either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general
/ Governor
l7 September 2016
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Appendix 57
l. Coverage
il. Procedures
L. The LGU shall submit a written request to the Bongko Sentrol ng pitipinas
for MB opinion on the monetary and BoP implications of its proposed borrowing
prior to the loan release. The request shall be accompanied
by the required
documents and information listed in section llt of this Appendix.
once the LGU has submitted the complete set of required documents/information,
the matter shall be elevated to the MB for an opinion on the probable monetary
and BOP implications of the proposed loan.
4. The LGU shall be informed in writing of the MB's decision on its request
opinion and shall contain the following conditions:
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Appendix 57
c. The MB opinion is varid onry for one (1) year from the date
of issue. The
validity period refers to the time within which the proposed loan
is to be
released in part or in full. lt commences on the date of the
BSp letter
transmitting the said MB opinion on the monetary and Bop implications
of the
LGU's proposed loan;
d' The LGU shall submit to BSP a post-borrowing report on the final
terms and
conditions and on the utilization of the proceeds of the borrowing
within 30
days after the finar disbursement of the roan proceeds; and
5. No opinion will be issued bythe MB in case the LGU loan has already
been partially
or fully disbursed.
6. For LGU loans with amounts that exceed the borrowing capacity,
as indicated in
the certification on the borrowing and debt service capacity issued by
the Bureau
of Local Government Finance (BLGF), the MB opinion will refer only to the
that is within the borrowing capacity.
7. The LGU shall request a new MB opinion should there be any increase
in the loan
amount in excess of LO%, or a change in the manner of acquisition
of the project/s
to be funded (i.e., whether for importation or local purchase) after an MB opinion
has been issued; provided that no release has been made of the
LGUs that are unable to avail of their loan during the one (1) year validity period
shall request for a new MB opinion on their proposed loan. They
shall submit to
BsP the required documents and information under item 1
of Section lll of this
Appendix. However, the LGU would only need to submit the required
under items a to c of item 2 under Section lll of this Appendix to
the lending
institution if there are changes to the previously submitted documents.
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Appendix 57
iii. The names and signatures of the LGU's chief executive and the lending
institution's authorized representative.
a. ordinance approving the proposed loan terms and conditions as well as the
specific purpose and corresponding amount/s of the project/s to be funded
(sample copy attached as Annex 3);
b. other applicable requirements under Republic Act No. 71G0, such as the
provincial/city/municipal validation of the ordinance, as applicable.
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Appendix 57
The BSFts shatl
submit, through a letter addressed to the .pproprirt"
a"partment of the sEs,
within fifteen (15) banking days after every semester,
a duly notarized certification
on loan releases to LGUS signed by the president or
an ofiicer of equivalent rank
and the chief compliance officer. such certification
shall be considered as a
cotegory A-2 report for purposes of imposing fines
on the delayed submission of
required reports pursuant to existing regulations. (use
the prescribed form
attached as Annex 7).
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Annex 1
The Governor
Bangko Sentral ng pilipinas
A. Mabini cor. P. Ocampo Streets,
Malate Manila, Philippines 1004
Dear Governor:
Pursuant to Section L23 of Republic Act No. 7653 (The New Central Bank
Act), may we
request for the opinion of the Monetary Board (MB) on the monetary
and balance of
payments implications of our proposed loan, details of which are provided
d. Interest rate (in percent per annum) Please provide indicative rate ond indicote if
e. Term/tenor (in no. of
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For bond flototion:
1' Latest DoF-BLGF certification on the net debt service ceiling and borrowing
2' f nformation on the LGU's year-to-date
outstanding loans (use theform attached os
Annex 2, Appendix 57, of Circulor No. 926, s. 2016).
(Name of LGUI
Series of
' Based on the Local Government Code (e.9. Sections 305 (a) and SS (b)).
Secfions 296 and 297 of the Local Goveriment Code.
Ordinance No._, page 2 of 3
Item 1 or project A_ (description, amount)
Sub-item a-(description, sub_amount)
Sub-item b-(description, sub_amount)
Sub-item c-(description, sub-amountj
Manner of payment
Interest rate
Collateral/G uarantee/Secu rity:
Front-end Fee
Commitment Fee
Guarantee Fee
sinking Fund (if appricabre) or other Funding Arrangements
sEcTloN6' This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication and compliance
with all procedures required under Republic ncrr.rt.-7160
including the affixation of signatures orine sanjgrnian
of an oroinance for its validity,
Bayan rpr.rrrJsod / panlalawigan
members' in concurrence thereto, composing itleast
a m-ajority p,eieoi, out of the total of
members, on all the pages of this Ordinance._
Hon. Hon.
Hon. Hon.
Hon. Hon.
Hon. Hon.
SB/SP Secretary
Date Validated:
Provincial Governor
An ordinance passed by a municipality or component city has to be validafed as consisfent with taw thru a
review by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Sec. 56 of LGC). For such case, the ordinance should tikewise be
signed by the appropriate officers of the Sanguniang Panlalawigan on all pages, or otherwise vatidated
through a separate document. Similarly, Sec. 57 provides for the review of Barangay Ordinances by the
Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan. Other provincesissue a separate certification or reso-lution
on said provincial review, if applicable.
Annex 4
The Governor
Bangko Sentral ng pilipinas
Dear Governor:
This has reference to our request for the opinion of the Monetary
Board (MB) on the
probable effects on monetary aggregates, price level
and balance of payments of the
proposed borrowing amounting to by the province/city/Municipality
_ of
institutions with which we have transactions to disclose to the Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas (BSP) all information pertaining to the deposits, investments,
loans or other
transactions including the history or status of our dealings with said banks
or financial
institutions and for the BSP to make all inquiries as may be necessary
regarding the
same' The BSP is likewise authorized to disclose and share any such information
furnished or obtained from said banks or financial institutions to the Department
Finance in relation to the performance by said Department of its functions.
Thank you.
Name of Borrower
Monetary Board Resolution No.
Date of Monetary Board Opinion
Amount of Proposed Loan
Lending Institution
Final Terms and Conditions
Name of Facility
Actual Amount of Loan*
Interest Rate (Actual)
lf floating, please indicate base and spread
Avail ment/Drawdown date*
Term (ln Years)
Maturity Date
Grace Period
Interest Payment ( Frequency/Date)
Principal Payment (Freq uency/Date)
National Government Guarantee
Collateral Gua rantee/Security
Breakdown of fees and other related costs
Other relevant terms and conditions
Name of lssuer
Monetary Board Resolution No.
Date of MB Opinion
Amount of Proposed Bond Flotation
Final Terms and Conditions
Bond Name /Label
Amount of Bonds Actually Sold
Purpose of Bonds
lssue Price
Coupon Rate
Date of Flotation
Term (ln Years)
Maturity Date/Grace period
Medium of Sale
nterest Payment ( Freq uency/Date)
should at least include information on the maturity date, interest rate, and paym-nt terms.
(Name of BSF|)
I EXCEPT for loans in the attached list, loans released to LGUs were
covered with Monetary Board opinions on the borrowings,
probable effects on monetary aggregates, the price level and
balance of payments, pursuant to section 123 of Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 7653, otherwise known as,,The New Central Bank
Doc. No. _;
Page No. _;
Book No. _;
Series of _.
Check appropriate box
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Annex 7
(Nome of BSH)
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Appendix 57A
l. Coverage
il. Procedures
The term 'borrowings, shall include credit lines
'Goccs shall cover agencies/institutions
classified as such by the Gocc Governance commission
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Appendix 57A
The MB opinion is valid only for one (1) year from the date of issue. The
validity period refers to the time within which the proposed loan is to be
released in part or in full. lt commences on the date of the BSp letter
transmitting the MB opinion on the monetary and Bop implications of the
BGE's proposed loan;
The BGE shall submit to BSp a post-borrowing report on the final terms
conditions and on the utilization of the proceeds of the borrowing within 30
days after the full release of the loan proceeds or final availment of the credit
facility; and
d. The MB opinion should not in any way be construed as exempting the BGE
from the applicable requirements and/or prohibitions under existing laws,
rules and regulations.
5. No opinion will be issued by the MB in case the borrowing has already been partiatty
or fully disbursed.
The BGE shall request a new MB opinion should there be any increase in the loan
amount in excess of LO%o, ora change in the mannerof acquisition of the project/s
to be funded (i.e., whether for importation or local purchase) after an MB opinion
has been issued; provided, that no release has been made of the term loan/credit
line. The BGE shall likewise request for new MB opinion for the renewal of credit
7. BGEs that are unable to avail of their loan during the one (1) year validity period
shall request for a new MB opinion on their proposed loan. They shall submit to
BSP the required documents and information under item 1 of Section lll of this
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Appendix 57A
a. For GOCCs
b. For LWDs
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Appendix 57A
ii. Board Resolution approving the proposed loan, its purpose and terms and
conditions (pro-forma Board Resolution attached as Annex 2A) or
corporate secretary's certificate on the corresponding Board Resolution
(pro-forma corporate secretary's certificate attached as Annex 34).
ilt. Endorsement/clearance of the proposed loan from the Local Water Utilities
Administration (LWUA).
c. For SUCs
Letter from the sUC requesting for MB opinion on the proposed loan (use
the prescribed letter format attached as Annex 1A). The letter should
contain information on the following: loan amount; lending institution;
purpose with breakdown of specific project/s to be funded, cost, and
manner of acquisition (i.e., whether through importation or local
purchase); interest rate; term/tenor; fees and other charges; lending
institution's source of fund for the loan; name/s of designated contact
person/s responsible for coordinating with the BSp along with contact
information. The letter should certify that no disbursement, in full or
partial amounts, has been made on the loan.
Board Resolution approving the proposed loan, its purpose and terms and
conditions (pro-forma Board Resolution attached as Annex 24) or
corporate secretary's certificate on the corresponding Board Resolution
(pro-forma corporate secretary's certificate attached as Annex 3A).
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Appendix 57A
lV. Repoftorialrequirements
The BSFts
shall submit, through a letter addressed to the
.ppropri.te department of the sEg
within fifteen (15) banking days after every semester,
a duly notarized certification
on loan releases to BGEs signed by the president or
an officer of equivalent rank and
the chief compliance officer. such certification shall
be considered as a category A-2
report for purposes of imposing fines on the delayed
submission of required reports
pursuant to existing regulations. (use
the prescribed form attached as Annex 7A).
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Annex 1A
(Name of GOCC/LWD/SUC)
(Complete address)
(Contact number/s: telephone and facsimile)
The Governor
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
A. Mabini cor. P. Ocampo Streets,
Malate Manila, Philippines 1004
Dear Governor:
Pursuant to Section I23 ol Republic Act No. 7653 (The New Central Bank Act), may we
request for the opinion of the Monetary Board (MB) on the monetary and balance of
payments implications of our proposed loan, details of which are provided below.
d. lnterest rate (in percent per annum) Please indicote if fixed or flootino
e. Term/tenor (in no. of years)
f. Availability and expiry dates
g. Repayment terms and conditions
h. Lending institution's source of fund for the toan
" lnformation for items (d)to (g)should be validated wi0 the tendi"tfitinttit,,ti,rt
For term loon/s:
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Relative to this, we would like to certify that no disbursement, in part or
in full, has been
made on the proposed loan.
For GOCCs:
1. Board Resolution approving the proposed loan, its purpose, terms and conditions
(Annex 2A.Pro-forma Board Resolution) or Corporate Secretary's certificate
on the
corresponding Board Resolution (Annex 34.Pro-forma Corp Sec certificate);
2. Data on the year-to-date outstanding borrowings (Annex report on
outstanding loans);
3. Department of Finance (DoF) comments on the proposed loan; and
4. Endorsement/clearance of the proposed loan by the head of the line department or
government agency with oversight functions over the borrowing entity, as
For LWDs:
L. Board Resolution approving the proposed loan, its purpose, terms and conditions
(Annex 2A.Pro-forma Board Resolution) or Corporate Secretary's certificate on the
corresponding Board Resolution (Annex Corp Sec certificate);
2. Data on the year-to-date outstanding borrowings (Annex 4A.Pro-forma report on
outstanding loans); and
3. Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) endorsement/clearance of the proposed
For SUCs:
L.Board Resolution approving the proposed loan, its purpose, terms and conditions
(Annex 2A.Pro-forma Board Resolution) or Corporate Secretary's certificate on the
corresponding Board Resolution (Annex corp sec certificate);
2. Data on the year-to-date outstanding borrowings (Annex 4A.Pro-forma report on
outstanding loans); and
3. Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) endorsement/clearance of the proposed
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Also, please find below the name/s and details of our designated
contact person/s whom
you may coordinate with relative to this request for MB opinion:
Form No.
of legal age, after first being duly sworn in accordance with law,
hereby depose and state:
That in a special meeting of the said Board of Directors of the aforesaid office held at
on at which majority of the directors were
present and acted throughout, the following resolution was unanimously passed and
Interest rate:
Repayment terms:
Availability/expiry date:
(other items in the list of terms and conditions)
"RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the authority of the President and CEO to sign,
countersign, execute and deliver any and all documents or papers necessary in order to
effect the renewal of the aforesaid credit line be, as it hereby AppRovED."
t This sworn statement/certification executed by the approving members of the board should have
exactly the same provisions as the actual Board Resolution. The said sworn statement is not necessarv if a
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Annex 2A
Notary Public
Doc. No. _
Page No. _
Book No. _
Series of _
copy of the actual Board Resolution could be submitted which shows the orisinal signatures of approval of
the majority of the board members. ln any case, the document submitted should explicitly authorize the
borrowing transaction. lt should likewise declare the particular purpose/s and respective costs involved,
presenting these within the main body of the text of the document (not as attachments thereto) together
with the other items of the terms and conditions.
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Annex 34
Form lrlo.
Interest rate:
Repayment terms:
Availability/Expiry date :
(other items in the list of terms and conditions)
"RESoLVED, FURTHER, that the authority of the president and CEo to sign,
countersign, execute and deliver any and all documents
or papers necessary in order to
effect the renewal of the aforesaid credit line be, as it hereby
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Annex 34
Notary Public
Doc. No. _
Page No. _
Book No. _
Series of
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Annex 4A
For loans thot hove been fully releosed, please ottoch Post-Borrowing Report (use as
temptate Annex
5A, Appendix 57A, of Circulor No. 926, s. 2016).
Name of Borrower
Monetary Board Resolution No.
Date of Monetary Board Opinion
Amount of Proposed Loan
Lending Institution
Final Terms and Conditions
Name of Facility
Actual Amount of Loan*
Interest Rate (Actual)
lf floating, please indicate base and spread
Avail ment/Drawdown date*
Term (ln Years)
Maturity Date
Grace Period
Interest Payment ( Freq uency/Date)
Princi pal Payment (Frequency/Date)
National Government Guarantee
Collateral Guarantee/Security
Breakdown of fees and other related costs
Other relevant terms and conditions
* Please indicate if
on a staggered basis
Annex 64
For submission to the BSP, through registered mail to
the Director, Department of Economic Research, Bangro
Sentral ng Pilipinas, A. Mabini St. cor. p. Ocampo St.
Malate, Manila, 1004, or by electronic mail to
(Name of BSF|)
f, EXCEPT for loans in the attached list, loans released to BGEs were
covered with Monetary Board opinions on the borrowings,
probabre effects on monetary aggregates, the price
rever and tne
balance of payments, pursuant to section 123 0f Republic
(R.A.) No. 76s3, otherwise known as "The New
centrar Bank Act,,
Doc. No. _;
Page No. _;
Book No. _;
Series of
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Annex 7A
(Nome of BSFI)
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