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Sprint 06

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Sprint 6

DECLARATION Sprint 6 is simple. Simple by definition means ‘uncomplicated by design’ so it’s easy to learn, but

you will find it’s not easy to do.

The Accelerated Warmup kicks you into the Training zone with 2 sets of Power which get all
The Les Mills global family is made up of As a company that leads group fitness systems good to go!
16,000 fitness clubs, 100,000 instructors experiences for millions of people every
and millions of participants from 112 countries day, we walk a fine line between delivering We shift the focus to Pyramid Training which is a feature of this workout. We work up the Pyramid
around the globe. cutting-edge, innovative products and ensuring with a 30 second Sprint, Rest, 60 seconds of Power, Rest, and peak with 90 seconds of Strength
SEPARATED BY GEOGRAPHY, RELIGION, that accepted norms are upheld and respected. followed by a Rest. Then we go down the Pyramid with 60 seconds of Power, Rest, and a 30
RACE, COLOR AND CREED, WE ARE Choosing, licensing and matching second Sprint. We repeat the Pyramid one more time. Simple. The first Pyramid is a real challenge
UNITED IN OUR LOVE OF MOVEMENT, choreography to the right music is a huge so you can imagine what the second Pyramid is like.
MUSIC AND THE PURSUIT OF HEALTHY challenge! We screen the music we use and
LIVING, BOTH FOR OURSELVES AND OUR try to avoid language and references that may
PLANET. cause offense. If we can, sometimes there will We finish with an Extended Tabata. We have 50 seconds Work, 25 seconds Rest, and we do this 5
be an alternative track (at the bottom of the times. Simple. But let’s be honest, none of these are easy!
DIGNITY OF EACH INDIVIDUAL WITHIN track list) for you to use instead.
OUR COMMUNITY AND STRIVE TO WE EMBRACE OPEN COMMUNICATION The Flush & Stretch form an integral part of our workout so be sure to take full advantage of what
EXPRESSED, AND COMPROMISES This workout will maximally tax our aerobic and anaerobic systems burning a huge amount of
In our choice of role models, music and REACHED.
movements we understand that different people calories and getting us super fit in minimal time. The Pyramids and Tabata are done in 20 minutes!
and societies have different standards for dress, ABOVE ALL, WE ARE PASSIONATE
popular culture and dance. ABOUT DELIVERING LIFE-CHANGING Get into Sprint 6, and leave the workout bathing in the EPOC glow and burning calories for hours

Tell us what you think of this release.
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Program Director I Glen Ostergaard LOAD
Presenting Team I Glen Ostergaard & Khiran Huston L Light
Chief Creative Officer I Jackie Mills M Moderate
Creative Director I Lisa Osborne H Heavy
Technical Consultant I Bryce Hastings LPT Load, Position
Choreography Notes I Sarah Ostergaard and Training
Program Coach I Chris Richardson The Fine Print
Program Planner I Tenille Graham Les Mills' instructor resources (CDs, DVDs and choreography notes) are unique, valuable resources provided to you as a Les Mills' certified instructor to enable you to
learn each new release and teach it in Les Mills' licensed clubs only. Do not share these resources. Copying, burning, uploading files onto the internet or selling Les Mills'
instructor resources to other people is illegal, and rips off Les Mills, its distributors and other instructors. If you are engaging in any of these illegal activities, there may be
serious consequences for you personally including legal action, the suspension or permanent withdrawal of your Les Mills certification. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Les Mills Sprint 6 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

Abdominal fat: not only is it considered Results Choreography is the foundation of all LES MILLS programs. It’s what allows us to deliver safe and effective
undesirable but it’s also unhealthy. The results were impressive. While both groups saw classes, role-model great technique, coach, connect, and to create awesome fitness experiences every time!
a reduction in body fat, the HIIT group experienced
An increased waist circumference is strongly a much greater reduction in waist circumference It’s your job as the instructor to breathe life into the Program Director’s choreography. It’s a big responsibility,
associated with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and internal abdominal fat. They lost an average and one that requires you to learn new choreography every 3 months. If you teach more than 1 program, the
heart disease and hypertension. It’s even thought to of 0.86 inches (2.2cm) from their waistlines, and time spent learning choreography can add up FAST. Whether you’ve been a Les Mills Instructor for a long time
disrupt your hormonal balance. So, what can we do 2.2% of the fat from deep inside their abdomen; or just starting your journey, use the 5 tips below to help you memorize the choreography in record time.
to get rid of the dreaded abdominal bulge? this is the type of fat that causes serious health
New evidence has shown that 8 weeks of issues. The HIIT group also significantly increased Hot Tip #1 – Say No to Social Mark the moves the next time you need to learn
LES MILLS GRIT is the perfect way to carve their cardiorespiratory fitness, sprint speed and arm To learn choreography quickly, give it your a new release and feel how this allows your brain
inches off your waistline. strength. undivided attention – even if it’s for just 5–10 and body to connect. It’s not exclusive to learning
Conclusion minutes. Turn off anything that will distract you, dance; it works for any type of program.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) consists of
short, intermittent bursts of maximum-intensity This study proves that if you want to maximize such as email notifications or cellphones. Create Hot Tip #5 – Channel Your Inner Spock
exercise interspersed with periods of rest. the results of your training, all you need to do is an environment that will let you concentrate – A valuable way to help you to retain choreography
LES MILLS GRIT utilizes these training methods with replace two of your regular gym sessions with two away from your partner, kids and pets – and resist for the long term is to understand the logic behind
short but explosive workouts. 30-minute HIIT workouts. the urge to check social media! it.
Previous research has shown that these workouts Combining these two types of training will Hot Tip #2 – Become a Visual Learner For example, in a BODYPUMP Chest track we
deliver accelerated changes in body composition, increase your aerobic fitness, grow lean muscle Our visual senses are a powerful tool when it might have 16x Bottom Half Pulses, a Hold at the
aerobic fitness and strength. A research team from tissue and amplify fat burn – and this latest study comes to learning choreography. top for
the University of Nicosia in Cyprus wanted to know demonstrates that it will also carve inches off your Go to ‘audio settings’ on the Masterclass and turn 4 counts, then a 2/2 rhythm.
what effect combining LES MILLS GRIT Cardio waistline. off the Presenter's voice so that you watch the
with conventional training might have on our body
To make sense of this choreography: 16x Bottom
video with the music only. This will allow you to Half Pulses are meant to be challenging, which
composition and – in particular – that stubborn type focus solely on the movement and music, helping means you’ll need a break. The 4-count hold at
of abdominal fat that interferes with our health. you to absorb the choreography. the top provides that quick rest before moving
The Study Think you don’t need to watch the Masterclass? onto the next working phase – the steady 2/2
Two groups of adults participated in an 8-week OK, here’s your challenge! When you learn your rhythm.
intervention. One group performed four regular next release, watch the filming video first to Try to comprehend the logic behind the Program
workouts combining cardio and resistance training, engage your visual senses. You may be surprised Director’s choreography. Is it a specific training
while the other group replaced two of the cardio by how quickly and accurately you can learn the stimulus they’re trying to achieve, a story they
sessions with two LES MILLS GRIT Cardio workouts choreography, simply by watching the video. want to tell, or a feeling they want to convey?
– and kept the remainder of the training the same. If you can understand their intention, you’ve
Hot Tip #3 – Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Body composition and physical fitness tests were Listen to the music over and over again so you unlocked one of the most powerful tools to
performed at the beginning and end of the study. can identify the verses, the chorus and the bridge. memorizing choreography.
The more familiar you are with the music, the
easier you will find it to align the choreography
with it. Pay attention to the details! A cymbal Which of these tips do you already use?
crash, a catchy lyric, a sound effect… these are Which tip(s) are you willing to try for the first
all important ways to link the right moves to the time?
right parts of the music.
How will you use 1+ of these tips the next
Hot Tip #4 – X Marks the Spot time you are learning choreography?
Dancers have one of the best techniques when
it comes to memorizing choreography. It’s called
1. Warburton E C, Wilson M, Lynch M &



To mark a dance means to go through the motions Cuykendall S (2013). The cognitive benefits
of the dance in a minimized way. For example, of movement reduction: evidence from dance
instead of performing a pirouette, a dancer might marking. Psychological Science, 24(9):1732-9



mark the move with a twirl of their fingers in the PMID: 23863756.
direction of the turn. Marking isn’t just a way to
WAIST INTERNAL CARDIORESPIRATORY conserve energy while rehearsing: new research
CIRCUMFERENCE ABDOMINAL FAT FITNESS shows that marking makes it easier to learn it!

Les Mills Sprint 6 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

RPM and SPRINT. Two workouts on a bike which initially appear similar, but look more closely and they are TEACHING METHODS
quite different. Let's compare them. Let’s compare teaching methods using the ‘STATE SHOW SAY’ tool:

STATE is our State Of Mind; it’s the mindset that we bring to each class.
RPM is 45 minutes of Cardio Peak Training. SPRINT is 30 minutes of High-Intensity Interval SHOW is What We Show our participants in class; it’s how we ‘walk the talk’.
Moderate to high-intensity efforts with active Training (H.I.I.T). Participants spend up to SAY is What We Say to coach and enhance our participants’ experience.

recoveries. 20 minutes above 85% of their maximum

heart rate, and experience rapid shifts in body STATE In RPM we are “Leading a smooth ride over In SPRINT we are “Training with like-minded
Each effort blends into the next and we encourage composition and metabolic health. rolling terrain, where everyone finds their own people, focused on giving our absolute max to
constant motion. Three classes per week, as part
of a balanced training schedule, creates a leaner Each effort is followed by complete rest and place in the pack”. each interval”.
body shape and improvements in aerobic fitness participants are encouraged to stop moving. We SHOW In RPM we SHOW “Great cycling technique and In SPRINT, “We don’t ride. We work. We rest”.
and cardiovascular health. recommend no more than 2 H.I.I.T. workouts per enjoyment of the ride”.
SAY SAY in RPM is “Coached using P.R.P. and is In SPRINT, it’s coached with “L.P.T. Using
inclusive and fun”. enthusiasm and empathy”.
In this heart rate profile you can see the difference in duration and intensity between RPM and SPRINT.
We use different coaching tools in the two programs.
90-100% max
P.R.P. – Position, Resistance and Pace. L.P.T. – Load, Position and Training.
80-90% max
Position is our program-specific Positions such as Load is Light, Moderate or Heavy. We also refer
Ride Easy, Racing and Standing Climb. to it as “Weight”, but we avoid using “Resistance”
or “Gears” because we use these in RPM. We
Resistance is our Base, Racing, Attack and still use muscle pressure and breathing cues

70-80% max Climbing Resistances. These can also be referred but when we use visualization we refer to other
to as “Gears” but we avoid using “Load” or modes of training, eg “It’s like a heavy squat” or
140 “Weight” – these are reserved for SPRINT. We “Imagine someone pulling you back”.
describe how the Resistance feels by using
60-70% max
muscle pressure or breathing cues such as, Position is simply Sit or Stand, and we vary hip
“The legs are tight and strong” or “The lungs feel and hand positions.
full”. We also use visualization, eg “The climb is
getting steeper”. Training is Sprint, Power, Strength and Rest. The
50-60% max music is a guide and we can move off the beat:
Pace is Slow, Medium, Fast or On The Beat, and Sprints are as fast as possible, Power is on the
100 we use rhythm cues to enhance these tempos. beat or a bit faster, Strength is on the beat or a bit
slower, and when we Rest we stop moving.

So there you have it! Two programs that may appear similar but are in fact very different. The type of training,
KEY: teaching methods and coaching tools each serve to create the key differences between RPM and SPRINT.
RPM — SPRINT — Use these tools in your next class to ensure each program retains its unique essence.

Les Mills Sprint 6 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

Features at World Sports Medicine Conference
Les Mills research reached new heights in June when the results of one of our research projects were
presented at the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) World Scientific Congress in Boston, USA.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is riding a wave The team was split into two groups. The control
Bryce Hastings, LES MILLS International Head of Research presented the findings from the Group Fitness
of popularity in the fitness industry and has proved group kept their exercise regime exactly the same.
Instructor injury survey with Dr Jinger Gottschall, Professor of Kinesiology at Penn State University in
to be hugely popular with participants. The other group replaced one 60-minute session
with 2x 30-minute LES MILLS SPRINT classes, so
HIIT delivers two specific training benefits: that both groups completed the same number of Being accepted to present at this conference is deemed to be a huge accomplishment, with only the top
• Accelerated improvements in fitness training hours. research projects in the field of Sports Medicine making the grade.
• Rapid changes in body composition
This achievement is a testament to the dedication and expertise of Dr Gottschall and her team at Penn State,
The LES MILLS SPRINT group demonstrated
Those who participate in HIIT get fit and lose body and goes a long way towards showcasing LES MILLS programs on the scientific world stage.
significant improvements in just 6 weeks:
fat – fast. This method of training changes our • Cardio fitness increased by 9.7% We’ll keep you up-to-date about this research in future releases.
biochemistry and speeds up results. Your body • Body fat decreased by 5.8%
keeps working hard long after the 30-minute • Leg strength increased by 11.9%
workout has finished.
Improvements were also seen in blood pressure
LES MILLS GRIT™ has been scientifically designed levels and other factors that are predictors of
to deliver the benefits of HIIT and our research cardiovascular disease.
proves that it works: people get leaner, fitter, and
stronger. LES MILLS SPRINT is therefore a fantastic option
for High-Intensity Interval Training. It’s proven to
So why HIIT on a bike? generate great results in just 6 weeks, and is the
For many people, cycling is more manageable than perfect option for those who can’t lift weights or do
a LES MILLS GRIT workout. It requires less skill than high-impact exercise. Incorporating 2x 30-minute
lifting weights, and removes the impact generated classes into a weekly training plan is all that is
when we run or jump. required to get fit, burn fat, and build strength –
New research proves that LES MILLS SPRINT
delivers on the HIIT promise. For a full report on this study, visit :
Thirty-six active adults, aged 18 to 65 years, intensity-interval-cycling-improves-physical-151
participated in a study at Fitology in Penn State,
USA. All participants had cycling experience, and
were actively doing at least 3x 60-minute cardio
sessions per week.

Les Mills Sprint 6 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

1 Accelerated Warmup Funk With Me > 4:43 mins


Find intensity early by using LPT to prepare the body for the workout ahead. 2x Power efforts using Moderate – Heavy Load.

MUSIC INTERVAL LOAD POSITION TRAINING REPS • Use Layer 1 Setup cues to establish LPT: Load, Position, Training.
• Clarify how many reps are left, count them down.
0:05 INTRO Use this time to set up Moderate – Heavy Load

0:24 M-H Sit Power WORK 2

• Identical to the first set. Use Layer 2 cues to improve Technique and adjust Intensity. How can the
class get more out of this Accelerated Warmup?
0:41 M-H Sit Power Sprint • Lift the energy through your vocals and physical movement
• At the end of this interval Acknowledge everybody's Efforts and talk about what’s to follow.
Stand 6secs
1:04 M-H Power 5x
Sit 6secs
20 seconds Rest, then we do it again. Are you working at the correct • Encourage participants to hit this track hard. The warmer they are by the end of the warmup,the
2:08 REST intensity? more successful they will be in the rest of the workout.The key is to cue correct Load and Training
tempo, enabling your participants to hit the right training zone by the start of track 2.
2:28 WORK 2 Repeat WORK 1

4:12 REST Prepare for the next track.

Les Mills Sprint 6 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

2 Mixed Pyramid 1 GoGo!/Deeper Love/The Kingdom > 7:02 mins


Coach the difference between the three types of Training to create maximum intensity. Pyramid Training: 5x Work intervals with 30 seconds Rest between each set
1x 30-seconds Sprint effort using Light – Moderate Load
1x 60-seconds Power using Moderate – Heavy Load
1x 90-seconds Strength using Heavy Load
1x 60-seconds Power using Moderate – Heavy Load
MUSIC INTERVAL LOAD POSITION TRAINING 1x 30-seconds Sprint using Light – Moderate Load
Set up Light – Moderate Load. Explain focus: Sprint as fast as possible
0:00 INTRO with control for 30 seconds.
0:28 WORK 1 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint • Outline that Workout Plan with simplicity:Pyramid Training
• Explain the effort interval is a Sprint and they must move as fast as they can.
Set up Moderate – Heavy Load. Explain focus: 60 seconds. Power, Training • Use Layer 1 setup cues, coaching your class to Sprint with good Technique.
1:00 REST at a slower tempo with more Load.

1:31 WORK 2 M-H Sit 30secs Power WORK 2

Stand 30secs
• Explain Position and duration: 30 seconds Sit, 30 seconds Stand.
• Set up Load and Training. Cue Load first, then coach the Training tempo using rhythm cues.
Set up Heavy Load. Explain focus: 90 seconds Strength Training, on the
2:29 REST
beat or slower.

Stand 30secs WORK 3

2:59 WORK 3 H Sit 30secs Strength • Explain Position and duration: 30 seconds Stand, 30 seconds Sit and 30 seconds Stand.
Stand 30secs • Using Layer 1 cues, set up LPT: Load, Position and Training.
• This one will be challenging due to the length of the effort it's the peak of the Pyramid.
Set up Moderate – Heavy Load. Back to Power. Reinforce the tempo, on • Keep your cues positive and encouraging.
4:29 REST the beat or a bit faster. Nearly done, 2 more efforts to go!

WORK 4 Sit 30secs

4:58 M-H Power WORK 4
Stand 30secs
• We descend down the Pyramid. Back to Power, using Moderate – Heavy Load.
Set up Light – Moderate Load. Last effort as fast as we can, only 30 • Use this effort to Floor Coach. Choose Layer 2 cues that will help your participants to improve their
5:56 REST seconds left! You can do this. training. Use lots of praise and correct Technique if needed.

6:27 WORK 5 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint

• Continue to Floor Coach and motivate participants to Sprint as fast as they can.
• Create competition in the room by saying something like, Can you sprint faster than your neighbor?
• Use lots of encouragement to push your class to acheive maximum speed.

• The last two efforts are where your class will want to check out of the workout. Keep reinforcing
correct Load and Training tempo to make sure they are working hard!

Les Mills Sprint 6 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

3 Mixed Pyramid 2 GoGo!/Deeper Love/The Kingdom > 7:02 mins


Challenge your class to find maximum intensity in each Work interval. Pyramid Training: 5x blocks of Work intervals with 30 seconds Rest between each set
1x 30-seconds Sprint effort using Light – Moderate Load
1x 60-seconds Power using Moderate – Heavy Load
1x 90-seconds Strength using Heavy Load
1x 60-seconds Power using Moderate – Heavy Load
MUSIC INTERVAL LOAD POSITION TRAINING 1x 30-seconds Sprint using Light – Moderate Load

0:00 INTRO Set up Light – Moderate Load. Sprint as fast as you can.

0:28 WORK 1 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint

WORK 1 & 2
• Let participants know this is a repeat of the Pyramid and summarise the Workout Plan.
Set up Moderate – Heavy Load. This is not a Sprint, it's Power training, have • Offer different options for the Hand Position.
1:00 REST • Start each interval using Layer 1 cues for LPT. Then enhance the workout by using Layer 2 cues to
you got enough Load on?
adjust Intensity or improve Technique.
Sit 30secs
1:31 WORK 2 M-H Power
Stand 30secs
WORK 3 & 4
Set up Heavy Load. Dial it up to get stronger! Long effort for maximum • Keep it simple by using Layer 1 cues to start, then follow up with Layer 2 cues.
2:29 REST strength gains. • Give lots of references to time to help your class get through these longer efforts.
• This is where your participants need you the most, so keep your instructions positive and
Stand 30secs encouraging.
2:59 WORK 3 H Sit 30secs Strength
Stand 30secs

4:29 REST Back to Power, reduce to Moderate – Heavy Load. Remember, we are on the WORK 5
beat or a bit quicker. • Motivate and inspire your class physically and vocally during this last Sprint.

Sit 30secs
4:58 WORK 4 M-H Power
Stand 30secs
This is a repeat of Track 2, so you can consider spending more time Floor Coaching. Choose what you
Last Sprint. Set up Light – Moderate Load. You’ve got this! 30 seconds and
5:56 REST think the class needs most: you on or off the bike, more coaching or more motivation. Make sure you
we’re done!
are back on the bike for the final 2 intervals.
6:27 WORK 5 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint

Les Mills Sprint 6 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

4 Extended Tabata Emotional > 6:55 mins


Challenge your class to maintain maximum Intensity throughout the entire 50-second effort. 5x efforts using a Moderate – Heavy Load
50-seconds Power
25-seconds Rest


0:00 INTRO Set up Moderate – Heavy Load. Explain Workout Plan. • Use Layer 1 cues to setup LPT.
• Make sure participants hit the right tempo. Use rhythm cues to help them find the beat, or to go a bit
Stand 25secs quicker. Just remember, it’s Power not a Sprint.
0:28 WORK 1 M-H Power • Tabata is maximum effort Training, take it there!
Sit 25secs

Ask your class to self assess intensity. Do they need to work harder? Add
1:20 REST more Load or increase Training tempo?
WORK 2 & 3
Stand 25secs • Floor Coach these next two efforts.
1:45 WORK 2 M-H Power • Use Layer 2 cues to take the workout to another level. Adjust your coaching to what is happening in
Sit 25secs
the room.
2:36 REST 50 seconds is longer than you think! Work to the end of the effort. • The Load has to push back at you. Strong muscle tension. How fast can you turn the pedal with this

WORK 3 Stand 25secs

3:02 M-H Power
Sit 25secs
WORK 4 & 5
3:55 REST Are you feeling challenged? 2 to go! You’re nearly there. • Back on the bike for the final two efforts.
• Make sure your class keeps working throughout the interval and doesn’t stop too soon - unless they
WORK 4 Stand 25secs are absolutely fatigued. Use time references to help them get through.
4:19 M-H Power
Sit 25secs • I’m with you now, last two together! Let’s do this!
• Inspire your class by role modelling what it looks like is to challenge yourself. Use lots of motivation
5:10 REST Last effort of your workout, let’s make this interval the best one ever! and praise to get them to the finish.

WORK 5 Stand 25secs

5:36 M-H Power
Sit 25secs
6:27 REST You did it! Well done. Maintain enthusiastic connection with everyone in the room, at all times. Let your class know you’re in
this together. Show empathy and that you too are feeling it too! Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerable

Les Mills Sprint 6 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

5 Flush & Stretch The Greatest > 3:47 mins

Celebrate the amazing effort your class put into the workout!

Flush legs for 2-3 minutes.

Stretch out the Quads, Glutes and Hamstrings off the bike.

Les Mills Sprint 6 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

Funk With Me
1 2016 Les Mills Music Licensing Ltd.
Written by: Durand
White Walkers 4:43

2015 Lucky Me Records Beauer 1:03
Written by: Rodrigues

Deeper Love
2015 Monstercat Botnek & I See MONSTAS 1:30
Written by: Huntly, Muise, Christoper, Morris, Sandilands

2 The Kingdom
2015 Fool's Gold Records Alvin Risk 2:00
Written by: Unknown

Deeper Love
2015 Monstercat Botnek & I See MONSTAS 1:26
Written by: Huntly, Muise, Christoper, Morris, Sandilands

2015 Lucky Me Records Beauer 1:03
Written by: Rodrigues

2015 Lucky Me Records Beauer 1:03
Written by: Rodrigues

Deeper Love
2015 Monstercat Botnek & I See MONSTAS 1:30
Written by: Huntly, Muise, Christoper, Morris, Sandilands

The Kingdom
Alvin Risk 2:00
3 2015 Fool's Gold Records
Written by: Unknown

Deeper Love
2015 Monstercat Botnek & I See MONSTAS 1:26
Written by: Huntly, Muise, Christoper, Morris, Sandilands

2015 Lucky Me Records Baauer 1:03
Written by: Rodrigues

Emotional (MUST DIE! REMIX)

4 + (C) 2015 Circus Records
Written by: Steele, Koma
Flux Pavilion & Matthew Koma 6:55

The Greatest
5 2015 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited. Under license from Sony Music
Commercial Music Group, a division of Sony Music Entertainment.
Raleigh Ritchie 3:47
Written by: Anderson, Herman, Broad



Les Mills Sprint 4 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

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