Upscale Elevator Pitch Rubric
Upscale Elevator Pitch Rubric
Upscale Elevator Pitch Rubric
Target Market Target market, including Target market and Target market and
existing or potential competitors are partially competitors are largely
competitors, is identified identified and/or unidentified and not
and clearly explained insufficiently explained explained
Competition and Clear identification and Competition and USP is Description of the
Unique Selling explanation of identified but not compettion and USP is
competition and USP sufficiently explained significantly lacking
Proposition clarity and multiple
aspects are unexplained.
Viabiliy The business idea is The business idea may The business idea is not
clearly feasible with be feasible but requires interesting and shows no
limited additional additional elements to evidence of feasibility
development qualify as a potential
Pitch Quality Pitch is persuasive, Pitch provides good Pitch provides some
informative, and can information about the hints about the proposal
entice investors proposal but is not but is not particularly
persuasive or appealing informative and
to investors; audience is persuasion and
somewhat engaged engagement of the
audience is limited (e.g.,
eye contact is limited;
lack of speaker
Target Market
Pitch Quality