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The 21st century is called “century of the stress” because there will not be
single person without stress. From the little child to old person each one is having stress.
Stress is a nonspecific response of the body any demand. Stress is defined in terms of
physical and physiological effects on a person and can be psychological as well as
emotional too. It can be any situation or factor that can cause stress. Many factors are
affecting the stress from that personality is the one of the major factor. It depends upon
an individual how much stress he/she can sustain. It is also related to individual capacity
of adjustment also. The same situation can be differently tackled in different way by the
same person. That is why present study is conduct to know the inter effect of gender,
occupational status and occupational experience in relation of occupational stress.
The ambition of every human being is to attain the desired wealth and
luxury in their material life. To attain this wealth, they are engaged in various activities.
They constantly work hard mentally and physically. Due to the continual drive of
physical and mental energy, the human anatomy aligns, realigns which leads to illness
and diseases. In order to overcome, the status of illness in both physical and mental
forms, they need a system of cure. This system which evolved during various tenures is
collectively labeled as health care industry. The Health care industry or Health profession
treats patients who are injured, sick, disabled, or infirm. The delivery of modern health
care depends on the expanding interdisciplinary team of trained Professionals. Today the
health care industry is considered as one of the largest industry throughout the world. It
includes thousands and thousands of hospitals, institutions which will provide primary,
secondary and tertiary level of care. In order to deliver this care, these health care
industries require health care workers. Majority of these health care workers are nurses.
They are providing care to each and every patient in every aspect of treatment. It is seen
that, throughout the past decades the health care workers, especially nurses have
manually adjusted their personal activities to provide care to the patients. Service is a
continuum which is intangible in nature. Among the various service operations in real
life, hospital service is a prominent one because it is a pure service which requires
patience cum client support. The people employed in hospital sector have a mission to
serve the disabled. Among the various responsibility centers in hospital profession
ranging from doctors, nurses, lab technicians, patient care, reception, administration,
accounts and housekeeping, the occupation of nurses plays a significant role that leads to
the success of the service in hospital sector.
Shiji, Sequera and Mathew (2016), investigated stress and coping among
staff nurses using purposive sampling technique. The tools used for data collected were
developed by the researcher. The stress score was highest in the professional area and
overall stress score was moderate. The coping strategies used by the nurses included plan
full problem solving, self-control, and seeking social support.
Saini, Kaur and Das (2016), conducted study among 285 nurses working
in general and Intensive Care Units (ICU) at Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences,
Chandigarh, India. The data was collected using modified Work Stress Symptom Scale
(WSSS) .It was found that nurses working in ICU experience moderate level of stress
while nurses from general wards had high level of stress. Workload, role ambiguity and
less social support amounted for stress experience. The findings revealed that younger
nurses had higher level of stress and female nurses had more than males. Higher stress
was experienced by the married nurses.
aim was to identify the situations that contribute to work stress and coping strategies
used. Majority of nurses reported their work as stressful. The work stress was related to
supplies/equipment’s, staffing and workload, peer problems and relational problems
among medical and support staff. “Staff shortage” was main stressor for majority of
nurses. The coping strategies used were problem avoidance, Mental Disengagement,
Problem solving/planning, religious coping and social support.
Rawal and Pardeshi (2014), examined stress among 850 nurses
working in selected public hospitals and private hospitals in Pune, Maharashtra. Findings
revealed that interpersonal relationships issue such as conflicts with patients, doctors, and
colleagues frequently leads undesirable personal stress in the working environment.
Mohite, Shinde and Gulavani (2014), assessed job stress among nurses
working at the tertiary care hospital in Karad city, Maharashtra. The 100 nurses were
selected for the study using convenient sampling technique. The Expanded Nurses Stress
Scale (ENSS) an expanded version of the Nursing Stress Scale (NSS) widely used
measurement scale in nursing research across globe. The study also found that age, sex,
years of experience and professional education had no association to stress. The study
findings revealed frequent cause of stress among nurses were workload situations and
supervisors. The study concluded that measures need to be taken to decrease work load
and resolve conflict among nurse supervisors.
Stress Scale (NSS) and Ways of Coping Questionnaire was used to measure stress and
coping respectively. The results revealed majority of samples experienced low stress
followed by moderate and high stress. Sub areas of stress were death and dying and
workload whereas lack of staff support was least stressful. Positive reappraisal followed
by seeking social support was found to be most frequently used coping and accepting
responsibility was found to be least used. It was found that nurses with diploma
qualification, married and working in intensive care units experienced higher stress.
related to lack of recognition, insufficient equipment and work overload. Moderate stress
was reported by 40.6% of respondents towards fear of making mistakes and
unpredictable scheduling. The study also found other areas of stress for women nurses.
Sixteen problems were identified among which “conflict with team members” ranked
first followed by others such as “insufficient training shift duties”, “problems and lack of
security at workplace”.
their outcomes at various levels significantly differs. In this aspect, the continuity of
research is required to study the occupational stress among the nurses in private hospitals.
addresses the consequences of occupational stress on health related aspects. The final part
of study covers the support received by the nurses at family, social and organizational
levels to manage the occupational stress.
1. To identify the factors that causes stress among private hospital nurses.
2. To understand the consequences of stress and that effects both the personal and
professional life of nurse.
3. To identify the health related issues encountered by them due to occupational stress.
5. To study the support extended by respective organization, family and social network to
manage the occupational stress of nurses.
Primary data was collected first hand in raw form. Secondary data is the
data that have been already collected by and readily available from other sources. In this
study secondary data was collected from various sources like websites, published articles,
journals etc.. Data was collected through an Interview Schedule and the respondents were
interviewed on a random basis. The data was collected from two selected private
hospitals ie, Sahrudaya and Sanjos in Alappuzha. Total sample sizes of 30 respondents
were taken and simple random sampling method was adopted in the study.
Schuler (1980) defines stress “as a dynamic condition in which an individual is:
(a)Confronted with an opportunity for being/having/doing what he desires and/or
(b)Confronted with a constraint on being/having/doing what he desires and/or
(c)Confronted with a demand on being/having/doing what he desires and for
which the resolution often is perceived to have uncertainty, but which will lead (upon
resolution) to important outcomes”.
The factors causing stress in a person are called stressors. The common
stressors on employees may generate action from individuals, groups and organizational
sources. Individual, group and organizational stressors constitute work stressors, whereas
extra – organizational stressors refer to non-work stressors. Individual stressors depend
on personality traits and constraints of change Personality traits refer to the nature of the
individual. The change in the career and in the life of an individual is referred to
constraints change. Group stressors refer to poor relationship within groups and between
groups, lack of group cohesiveness, lack of leadership support lack of social support,
poor relationship with colleagues, superiors and subordinates, interpersonal conflict and
intergroup conflict. Organizational stressors consist of stress arising mainly due to role
factors, job factors and physical factors. Role factors refer to role ambiguity, role conflict,
role overload, role stagnation and inadequacy of role authority. Job factors consist of
difficulty in performing the job, feeling of inequity, that is, feeling of being poorly paid
and mismatch between the capability of the individual and requirement for the job. Noise
levels, temperature levels, poor lighting, ventilation, vibration and motion constitute
physical factors. Family problems, life crisis, financial difficulties, political, economic
and technological uncertainties, conflict of personal beliefs with those of the
organization, conflict of family demands with organizational demands constitute extra
organizational sources of stress. Sometimes the nature of the job, such as jobs involving
shift work, machine paced tasks or hazardous environment may result in more stress than
beliefs and moral values. Negative effects on health and performance can also have the
very low levels of emotional intensity. It is a fact that people are more efficient during
emotionally intense experiences that are faced as a "opportunities" or “challenges”. There
is indeed a critical boundary for each person beyond which, when emotional stimulation
extends, the efficiency of the individual decreases, feels unproductive and often is, to a
greater or lesser text, disorganized. The extent of disorganization varies from person to
person. If the duration of the stressors is extended and goes beyond the coping dynamic
of the individual, that leads the person to exhaustion and develops a susceptibility to
health conditions. Extended stress can also lead to mental disease, As the coping and
defense mechanisms strategies become ineffective, the individual may have difficulties in
his interpersonal relationships, problems at work and significant reduction of abilities for
addressing essential needs.
It has been agreed that, in the caring profession, nurses form the
largest group of which the principal mission is the nurturing of and caring for people in
the human health experience. They provide around-the-clock services to patients in
hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care facilities, visiting old age homes as well as to
clients using supportive and preventative programs and related community services. The
nursing profession follows a holistic approach, taking into account, the person in totality
in his or her environment. Nurses provide presence, comfort, help and support for people
confronted with loneliness, pain, incapacity, disease and even death. The fact that nursing
has been extensively and unfailingly recognized worldwide as a stressful job is therefore
not surprising.
Work load, shift work, overtime, and covering for absent colleagues were the
most common identified stressors. Workload has been demonstrated to be one of the most
frequent stressors. Excessive workload was the most frequently cited source of workplace
stress. This was a result of the nursing shortage with fewer nurses to care for more
patients. Organizational pressure and management issues are also causes for occupational
stress - perceived lack of organizational support, lack of resources, lack of autonomy,
lack of competence and confidence, lack of communication and guidance apart from low
salaries. Absence of reward systems tops it all. Personal responsibility, lack of
consultation, lack of materials or resources, inadequate manpower, and having to take
risks to complete tasks are sources of institutional stress. Working with different patients,
the nurses’ feelings about life, interpersonal conflicts, managing the patients’ pain and the
presence of the family also contribute to occupational stress. Ethical conflicts have also
been identified as sources of job related stress and anxiety.
Nurses are working around 6 to 8 hours but their salary is very low when
compared to other countries like US, UK, Canada. First few years of life as staff nurse in
private hospitals are very difficult to survive because what they earned is very less than
what they spend for their personal expenses.
Staff nurse are very low in number in most private hospital, even in multispecialty
hospitals, the numbers of staff nurse is very poor. Most staff nurse are carry out work of
two to three people, thus lead to stress and difficult to survive and focus on their personal
activities. If this trend is continuing, the condition of staff nurse will be very worst and
lead to mental stress.
Most private hospitals don’t follow regular working hours for nurses as the result
they need to spend little more time for hand over task to nurses, article check list etc. If
this is happening regularly, then their working hours may increase to 6 to 8 hours a day.
There should strict protocol about the nursing duties and responsibilities, otherwise
nurses need to suffer regularly.
Every private hospital has random way of assigning duties to nurses. If nurses are
interested to work on ICU but they are denied to work, instead they are allowed to work
in different departments. Every nurse has dream of working in particular department but
this is denied as the results they start to work as machine by sacrificing passion for the
particular department.
The human health and safety have become part of the economic wealth
and welfare. It is obvious that the physical well-being of every human being needed to be
taken care and maintained. Every stage of human life needs support of medicines,
treatments and health care. In order to provide these, a system of practice is required and
that should offer its services needed to every human being for different reasons. The
service centers are established in a common place and promoted by pure governing
bodies, private and their joint operations. The service center which provides health care
support and treatment with the presence of professionally qualified manpower resources
are collectively called as hospitals. The hospitals have become an indispensable part in
every human life irrespective of their age, background and physical composition. The
individuals approach hospitals in order to get solutions for their different health related
issues. In this aspect hospitals should provide the medical solutions through systemized
knowledge, skills and behavior support with the help of advent of technologies and
equipment’s. Today the functional morality of every hospital has been restructured. More
than medical solutions, hospitals are highly believed as the center of health care and are
also projected as solution providers for human health issues rather than providing health
treatments. In present day situations, hospitals are expected to be the place of human care
with multi-specialty service system.
A building in which the sick, injured, or infirm are received and treated; a public
or private institution founded for reception and cure, or for the refuge, of persons
diseased in body or mind, or disabled, infirm, or dependent, and in which they are treated
either at their own expense, or more often by charity in whole or in part; a tent, building,
or other place where the sick or wounded of an army cared for. Hospital is a formal
institutions developed by the society for patient care intended to meet the complex health
needs of its members individual-sick or injured and has access to centralized medical
The health of a nation can best be judged on health status attained by its
people. Historically speaking, at the time when India got its independence, the health
situation in the country was dismal. But considerable progress has been made over the
last five decades; Hospital services comprise medical care and public health services, and
are a function of the political system of a community. The hospitals constituted in Indian
health care system can broadly be divided into three types.
Primary health care centers constitute elementary medical and primary health care
at the village level. The primary health center is the peripheral institution from which
health services radiate to the rural community. It constitutes the embodiment of the new
concept of integration of preventive and curative care.
1. Government Hospitals
2. Local Bodies
3. Autonomous Bodies
4. Voluntary Organization
5. Private Hospitals
Hospitals providing medical and nursing care primarily for only one
discipline for a specialized disease/affection of one system. The specialized department
administratively to a general hospital and sometimes located in an annex or separate ward
may be excluded and their beds should not be considered in this category of specialized
hospital, viz. General – Teaching –Cancer – Cardiology – Dental – ENT – Ophthalmic –
Gynecology – Leprosy – Maternity –Neurology – Orthopedic – Pediatrics’ - Plastic
Surgery - TB & Chest Diseases – Burns – Urology - Infectious Diseases – multispecialty
like Oncology.
Most of the hospitals today are well equipped with the most advanced diagnostic
and treatment facilities. They try total healthcare, preventive and curative. Most hospitals
in India have grown to a truly world class statues over the years. Hospitals today offer the
following services.
1. Emergency Services
2. Ambulance Services
3. Diagnostic Services
4. Pharmacy Services
5. Causality Services
The Social Welfare and Society registered under the Charitable Society
ActXII/1995 was pioneered by Rev.Fr. Joseph Thumpayil, the Asst. Vicar of St.Michaels
Church, Thathampally on 25 July 1996 with the whole hearted support of the
parishioners. A Health Centre cum Hospital was started in 1967 with the active
participation of the Rev. Sisters of the Adoration Convent. In the initial stage, the Health
Centre cum Hospital functioned in a rented building near Thathampally Church. It was a
modest beginning with the help of a part time doctor and a few49 nursing staff. The
Health Centre was later renamed Sahrudaya Hospital. Now there are 250 staff members
working round the clock with full fledged hospital facilities which include 20 specialties
out of which six super specialties and 31 doctors. It is the only Private Hospital in
Alappuzha Town. For all the speculator developments of Sahrudaya Hospital over the
years, the hospital management and all its beneficiaries owe immense gratitude to the
Archbishop Mar Mathew Kavukattu, Cardinal Antony Padiyara and Rt. Rev. Dr. Peter
Chenaparambil. We are indebted to the parishioners of Thathampally and Pazhavangady
for their unstinted co-operation and generous contributions.
The transfer of the Social Welfare Society and its unit Sahrudaya
Hospital Management to the Archdiocese of Changanacherry, on January 8th 2012 is
greatly appreciated. The erstwhile President of the Social Service Society Dr. Abraham
Thayyil, his co-workers and all the members of the Society are highly commended for the
steps taken for this smooth transfer of management into the able hands of the
Archdiocese. Sahrudaya hospital is now efficiently managed by a 15 member
Administrative committee headed by the Proto-Syncellus as President, under the
Patronage of the Archbishop of Changanacherry. From the very beginning of its
inception Sahrudaya Hospital has been functioning with genuine commitment to society,
providing quality health service to the inhabitants of Alappuzha and its suburbs. Till the
year 1998, the hospital functioned, with the financial aid it mobilized from various
charitable sources. Now all types of foreign aid have ceased to exist and the hospital has
to find out other financial sources for its existence. As a Catholic hospital they cannot
earn any income resorting to unethical ways. But they are fortunate to receive the
generous blessings and co-operation from the well-meaning public of Alappuzha Forane.
They acknowledge the support they receive with deep gratitude. It is the whole hearted
and benevolent support that gives them the energy to go on. They believe that this noble
venture will brave challenges and continue to be the beacon of hope that it is now, in the
years to come too.
Every human person is an image of God which endows him/her with dignity and
honor. Healing ministry aimed at the promotion of human person and his/her dignity.
*General Medicine
*Pulmonary Medicine
*General Medicine & Diabatology
*General & Laparoscopic Surgery
*Pediatrics & Neonatology
*Urology & Anthology
*Dental & Facio Maxillary Surgery
*Gastro Entrolgy
*Oncology (Head & Neck)
*Clinical Psychology
*24 x 7 Emergency (Triage)
*24 x 7 Digital X-Ray & ECG
*24 x 7 3D Slice Whole Body CT Scan
*24 x 7 Pharmacy
*24 Hrs Casualty Service
*6 Bedded fully equipped ICCU & MICU with the Social Medical Services
*Operation Theater Complex
*Well equipped Labor Room & Labor Theater
Sanjos hospital, the one and only premium hospital for women and
children in Alappuzha. Alappuzha the Venice of the east is home to a population of 21
lakhs, more than half of which comprises of women and children. Sanjos hospital
established through the sheer determination and passion of 2 doctors. Sebastian and Dr.
Edna Sebastian aims at uploading their vision of providing ultra modern facilities to rural
areas. The hospital was started in 2016 for providing better treatment exclusively for
women and children; the hospital has established its name in a very short period by
touching lives of people through dedicated care and excellent quality. The Sanjos hospital
provides multispecialty services at an affordable price.
Providing ultra – modern facilities at an affordable price.
1. High risk pregnancy
2. Painless delivery
3. Free anomalies detection
1.Gynec oncology
2. Breast clinic
*Fertility/Reproductive medicine
1. IUI
2. IVF
3. Reproductive surgery
4. Embryology
5. Clinical psychology
6. Obesity clinic
* Laparoscopic surgeries
1. Level 3 Neonatal care
1. Pediatric ICU
2. Vaccinations
3. Developmental clinic
1. To identify the factors that causes stress among private hospital nurses.
2. To understand the consequences of stress and that affects both the personal
and professional life of nurses.
5. To study the support extended by respective organization, family and social
network to manage the occupational stress of nurses.
Based on the objectives, the following variable was taken into consideration for
collection of the data through a structured interview method:
4. Welfare measures
5. Stress in work
Out of the total population, 30 respondents were taken for the study because it
generalizes the whole population, Percentage method was applied for the purpose of the
Table 4.1
Male 0 0 0 0
20 – 30 9 60 8 54
31- 40 3 20 6 40
41 – 50 3 20 1 6
51 – 60 0 0 0 0
Married 11 73 13 86
Unmarried 4 27 2 14
BSC Nursing 3 20 4 27
MSC Nursing 3 20 2 13
GNM 8 54 9 60
Others 1 6 0 0
Trainee 6 40 2 13
Staff Nurse 8 54 12 81
Head Nurse 1 6 1 6
0 - 5 Years 6 40 15 100
5 - 10 Years 5 34 0 0
10 -15 Years 3 20 0 0
Above15 years 1 6 0 0
Interpretation: Table 4.1 shows personal profile of respondents, the sex wise
classifications of the respondents are as follows, the whole respondents from both
hospitals Sahrudaya and Sanjos were females ie, 100 percent.
Also the table indicates the age group wise classifications. Majority of the respondents ie,
60 percent in Sahrudaya and 54 percent in Sanjos falls under the category of 20-30. 20
percent in Sahrudaya and 40 percent in Sanjos belongs to the age group 31-40. 20 percent
in Sahrudaya and 6 percent in Sanjos belongs to the age group of 41-50 whereas in both
hospitals 0 percent falls under the category of 51-60.
The table also shows the marital status of the respondents. Majority of the respondents
ie, 73 percent in Sahrudaya and 86 percent in Sanjos were married whereas 27 percent in
Sahrudaya and 14 percent in Sanjos were unmarried.
The table also shows the educational qualifications of the respondents. Majority of the
respondents ie, 54 percent in Sahrudaya and 60 percent in Sanjos were GNM (General
Nursing and Midwifery) qualified nurses. 20 percent in Sahrudaya and 27 percent in
Sanjos were completed Bsc nursing.20 percent in Sahrudaya and 13 percent in Sanjos
were completed Msc Nursing.6 percent in Sahrudaya has other qualification than above
mentioned option.
The designation of the respondents was also included in the table. Majority of the
respondents ie,54 percent in Sahrudaya and 81 percent in Sanjos were staff nurses.40
percent in Sahrudaya and 13 percent in Sanjos were trainee nurses whereas 6 percent in
Sahrudaya and Sanjos were head nurses.
The table also indicates the experience level of nurses.40 percent in Sahrudaya and 100
percent in Sanjos have only experience below 5 years.34 percent in Sahrudaya have
experience in between 5-10 years.20 percent in Sahrudaya has experience in between 10-
15 years.6 percent of respondents in Sahrudaya have experience in the level of above 15
Table 4.2
Figure 4.1
6 6 permanent
2 contract
sahrdya sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.2 and figure reveal the nature of employment of the
respondents.40 percent in Sahrudaya and 33 percent in Sanjos were permanent nurses.20
percent in Sahrudaya and 53 percent in Sanjos were on yearly basis.40 percent in
Sahrudaya and 14 percent in Sanjos were in contract basis.
Table 4.3
Figure 4.2
10 9 Satisfied
8 Not satisfied
2 1
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.3 and figure reveal an opinion on the comfortability and
satisfaction with the job. Majority of respondents ie, 60 percent of the respondents in
Sahrudaya and 80 percent in Sanjos were satisfied with the job.40 percent in Sahrudaya
and 13 percent in Sanjos were only neutrally satisfied with their job and it is to be
mentioned that 7 percent in Sanjos were not satisfied with their job.
Table 4.4
Figure 4.3
Sahrudaya Sanjos
20 13 13
High 27 High
Moderate Moderate
Low Low
67 60
Interpretation: Table 4.3 and figure reveals an opinion of nurses about the stress
involved in the nursing profession. Majority of the respondents respond that the stress
involved in their job is moderate ie, 67 percent in Sahrudaya and 60 percent in Sanjos. In
Sanjos 27 percent of the respondents have a high stress while it is only 13 percent in
Sahrudaya.20 percent of respondents in Sahrudaya have low stress whereas in Sanjos it is
only 13 percent. Studies have shown that stress can lead to stimulation like frustration so
maximum steps should be taken by the management to reduce the level of stress among
Table 4.5
Figure 4.4
16 14
14 13
8 secured
6 not secured
4 2
2 1
sahrudaya sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.5 and figure reveals on the opinion about the job security during
the night shifts. In organization like hospitals there are frequent night shifts. So it is the
responsibility of the management to provide security during night shifts. Otherwise it
harms the life of an employee. Majority of the respondents ie 93 percent in Sahrudaya
and 87 percent in Sanjos responds that the management is providing security during the
night shifts while 13 percent in Sanjos and 6 percent in Sahrudaya responds that they
were not secured during night shifts.
Table 4.6
Figure 4.5
10 8
8 Satisfied
6 Neutral
4 2 2 Not satisfied
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.6 and figure indicates the satisfaction level of respondents on the
working hours. Majority of the respondents ie, 80 percent in Sahrudaya and 53 percent in
Sanjos were satisfied with their working hours while 13 percent in Sahrudaya and 34
percent in Sanjos were neutrally satisfied with their working hours.7 percent in
Sahrudaya and 13 percent in Sanjos were not satisfied with their working hours.
Table 4.7
Figure 4.6
Sahrudaya Sanjos
13 13
20 47
67 Neutral 40 Neutral
Not satisfied
Interpretation: Table 4.7 and figure depicts the opinion on the availability of rest hours
in work. Proper rest hours must be given during their work, Continuous working without
any rest hours may lead to lack of interest to perform the job. Majority of the respondents
ie, 67 percent in Sahrudaya and 47 percent in Sanjos were satisfied with rest hours
provided to them whereas 20 percent in Sahrudaya and 40 percent in Sanjos were
neutrally satisfied. In both hospitals 13 percent of the respondents were not satisfied with
the rest hours.
Table 4.8
Figure 4.7
Sahrudaya Sanjos
40 Satisfied Satisfied
Neutral Neutral
60 Not Satisfied Not Satisfied
Interpretation: Table 4.8 and figure depicts the response on the basis of canteen facility
provided to them. It is very important to provide canteen facility to the nurses as they
are working for the welfare and reputation of their hospitals Here 60 percent in
Sahrudaya were satisfied but it is only 20 percent in Sanjos. 73 percent in Sanjos and 43
percent in Sahrudaya were neutrally satisfied. 7 percent in Sanjos were not satisfied with
the canteen facility whereas in Sahrudaya there is nobody.
Table 4.9
Figure 4.8
8 7
6 Satisfied
6 5
2 Not satisfied
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.9 and figure depicts the satisfaction of nurses regarding the
provision of leave. Proper leave facility is needed to be provided to relax from the
stressful working environment. From the table it is clear that 67 percent in Sanjos were
satisfied but it is only 40 percent in Sahrudaya whereas 47 percent in Sahrudaya and 33
percent in Sanjos were neutrally satisfied .13 percent in Sahrudaya were not satisfied with
the provision of leave whereas in Sanjos there is nobody.
Table 4.10
Figure 4.9
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Yes Yes
No No
Interpretation: Table 4.10 and figure depicts the opinion about the balancing of family
life and working life. Now a day it is very hardly possible to balance the family life and
work life. The respondents in both hospitals states that they can balance their working life
and family life ie, 100 percent .It is a good indication that both working life and family
life can be maintained properly without any stress.
Table 4.11
Figure 4.10
8 7
6 5
4 Neutral
4 3
Not satisfied
2 1
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.11 and figure reveals the opinion about the rewards and
appreciation provided by the management. Proper rewards and appreciation is needed to
be provided in the form of bonus or other incentives in order to motivate them. Majority
of the respondents ie, 67 percent in Sahrudaya and 47 percent in Sanjos were not
satisfied. 27 percent in Sahrudaya and 33percent in Sanjos were neutrally satisfied. 20
percent in Sanjos and 6 percent in Sahrudaya were only satisfied with the rewards and
Table 4.12
Figure 4.11
10 9
8 6
5 Satisfied
2 Not satisfied
0 0
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.12 and figure reveals the opinion of the nurses to express their
grievances. A grievance simply means an official statement of a complaint over
something believed to be wrong or unfair .Majority of the respondents respond that the
management is not providing such opportunity .66 percent in Sahrudaya and 60 percent
in Sanjos were not satisfied whereas 40 percent in Sanjos and 33 percent in Sahrudaya
were neutrally satisfied. In both hospitals none of the respondents were satisfied with
the opportunity to express grievances. Proper measures should be adopted to improve
Table 4.13
Figure 4.12
15 13
4 NO
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.13 and figure indicates the response of nurses on troubles from
patients and bystanders. Majority of the nurses ie, 87 percent in Sahrudaya and 73 percent
in Sanjos states that they had faced difficulties from patients and bystander’s. whereas 13
percent in Sahrudaya and 27 percent in Sanjos responds they haven’t experienced any
difficulties from patients or bystanders.
Table 4.14
Figure 4.13
12 11
10 9
6 yes
4 No
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.14 and figure depicts the opinion about positive influence of
stress on job performance. Majority of the nurses ie 73 percent in Sahrudaya and 60
percent in Sanjos responds that stress has positive influence on job performance. While
40 percent in Sanjos and 27 percent in Sahrudaya responds that stress has no positive
influence on job performance. From the response it is clear that moderate stress can
positively influence the job performance.
Table 4.15
Figure 4.14
10 9
8 7
4 Yes
2 No
Interpretation: Table 4.15 and figure depicts the response on the health problems related
to stress at work. Stress that is not well managed can cause emotional and physical
illness. From the response it is clear that majority of nurses ie, 60 percent in Sanjos and
47 percent in Sahrudaya states that they have health problems related to stress. Whereas
53 percent in Sahrudaya and 40 percent in Sanjos responds that they have no health
related issues due to stress at work.
Table 4.16
Figure 4.15
Sahrudaya Sanjos
13 13
33 Satisfied Satisfied
Neutral Neutral
Not Satisfied Not Satisfied
54 47
Interpretation: Table 4.16 and figure depicts the co- operation and respect of
supervisors towards nurses all social being in our society deserves self respect from
others in respect of their social status or position. An employee working under the
supervision of a higher authority also requires co- operation and respect from them.
Among the respondents only a minor portion of nurses ie, 13 percent in both hospitals
were satisfied. 54 percent in Sahrudaya and 47 percent in Sanjos were neutrally satisfied.
The number of respondents who were not satisfied in Sanjos was 40 percent and 33
percent in Sahrudaya.
8 7
7 6
6 5 5
5 4 Satisfied
4 3 Neutral
Not satisfied
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.17 and figure indicates the opinion on career development and
training. Training is an important factor in every organization and it must be provided to
every employee for proper performance of the job. Among the respondents 40 percent in
Sahrudaya and 33 percent in Sanjos were satisfied with this. 47 percent in Sanjos were
neutrally satisfied whereas it is only 11 percent in Sahrudaya. 33 percent in Sahrudaya
and 20 percent in Sanjos were not satisfied with the opportunity of training and career
Figure 4.17
15 13
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4...18 and figure depicts the physical working condition of both
the hospitals .Physical working condition is an important factor which determines the
occupational stress of an employee. Majority of the respondents ie, 87 percent in Sanjos
and 100 percent in Sahrudaya responds that they have a good working condition whereas
13 percent in Sanjos comments that they have an average working condition. From this
researcher reveals that majority of the nurses have a good working condition.
Table 4.19
Figure 4.18
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Entertainme Entertainment
20 nt
40 Social support
Social network
53 support
network Others
Interpretation: Table 4.19 and figure depicts the response of stress relief method
adopted by nurses to reduce occupational stress. 40 percent in Sanjos and 20 percent in
Sahrudaya responds that entertainment is a stress relief method. 27 percent in Sahrudaya
and 13 percent Sanjos suggest social support network to reduce job stress. 53 percent in
Sahrudaya and 33 percent in Sanjos adopt other measures to reduce job stress.
Table 4.20
Figure 4.19
14 13
12 11
8 Satisfied
6 Neutral
4 Not Satisfied
Sahrudaya Sanjos
Interpretation: Table 4.19 and figure reveals the opinion on the respect for nursing
profession from society. Proper recognition can increase the motivation towards job.
Majority of nurses ie, 87 percent in sahrudya and 73 percent in Sanjos were satisfied with
the respect received from society towards nurses. 27 percent in Sanjos and 13 percent in
Sahrudaya comments that they are receiving only average respect from society. None of
the respondents have dissatisfaction on the opinion for the respect for nursing profession
from society.
Occupational stress is the essence to be met at any work place by the employees
in present day working condition. But the magnitude of occupational stress, its
influencing factors and consequences encountered on the dimensions of personal,
psychological, social, environmental, work related and family aspects significantly differ
among the individuals. The nature of job, status of individual at work places, experience
on the job avenues are also notable dimensions for occupational stress. Based on this
outlook the present study was conducted with necessary objectives and hypotheses. The
quantifiable data collected through structured questionnaire among the nurses working in
private hospital sector has been analyzed. The statistical inferences obtained through this
study helped the research to consolidate the findings. Following are some of the findings
and suggestions that hospital management should implement to reduce the occupational
stress among nurses in private hospitals.
* Out of the total respondent’s majority of the respondents belong to the female category
that is 100 percent in both hospitals.
* Majority of the respondents belong to the age group of 20-30 that is 60 percent in
Sahrudaya and 54 percent in Sanjos. Only 20 percent in Sahrudaya and 6 percent in
Sanjos belongs to 41-50.
* Majority of the respondents that is 54 percent in Sahrudaya and 60 percent in Sanjos
were GNM qualified nurses and 20 percent in Sahrudaya and 27 percent in Sanjos were
BSC qualified nurses.
* Out of the total respondents 40 percent in Sahrudaya and 33 percent in Sanjos were
permanent employees whereas 20 percent in Sahrudaya and 53 percent in Sanjos are on
yearly basis.
*From the analysis 60 percent in Sahrudaya and 80 percent in Sanjos opined that they
were satisfied with the comfortability of job whereas 40 percent in sahrudya and 13
percent in Sanjos opinioned that they had an average satisfaction.
* From the analysis 67 percent in Sahrudaya and 60 percent in Sanjos opined that stress
involved in their work is moderate whereas 13 percent in Sahrudaya and 27 percent in
Sanjos opined that is high.
*Out of the total respondents 93 percent in Sahrudaya and 87 percent in Sanjos opined
that they were secured while working in the night shifts.
* From the analysis 67 percent in Sahrudaya and 47 percent in Sanjos responds that they
were satisfied on the availability of rest hours in the work.13 percent in both hospitals
were not satisfied with this.
*Out of the total respondents 40 percent in Sahrudaya and 73 percent in Sanjos were
neutrally satisfied with the canteen facility whereas 60 percent in Sahrudaya and 20
percent in Sanjos were satisfied with this.
*Most of the respondents 40 percent in Sahrudaya and 67 percent in Sanjos were satisfied
with the provision of leave.47 percent in Sahrudaya and 33 percent in Sanjos were
neutrally satisfied with this.
*From the analysis 100 percent in both the hospitals responds that they can balance the
working life as well as family life.
*Most of the respondents that is 67 percent in Sahrudaya and 47 percent in Sanjos were
not satisfied with the rewards and appreciation from the management whereas27 percent
in Sahrudaya and 33 percent in Sanjos were neutrally satisfied.
*Among the total 100 respondents, 87 percent in Sahrudaya and 73 percent in Sanjos
responds that they had experienced troubles from patients and by standers.
*From the analysis 47 percent in Sahrudaya and 60 percent in Sanjos responds that they
have health issues due to stress.
*Majority of the responds that is 54 percent Sahrudaya and 47 percent in Sanjos were
neutrally satisfied with the co-operation and respect from superiors whereas 33 percent in
Sahrudaya and 40 percent in Sanjos were not satisfied with this.
*From the analysis 40 percent in Sahrudaya and 33 percent in Sanjos were satisfied with
the availability of career development and training whereas 33 percent in Sahrudaya and
20 percent in Sanjos were not satisfied with this.
*Majority of the respondents that is 100 percent in Sahrudaya and 87 percent in Sanjos
were satisfied with the physical working condition.
*From the analysis 20 percent in Sahrudaya and 40 percent in Sanjos responds that
entertainment is there stress relief method whereas 53 percent in Sahrudaya and 33
percent in Sanjos suggested other methods.
*Majority of the respondents that is 87 percent in Sahrudaya and 73 percent in Sanjos
were satisfied with the respect from society towards nursing profession.
1. The attitude of tenure stability (Loyalty towards Career) should be increased among
the new generation category of nurses.
2. Sharing of work place issues with the family members or friends help them to cope up
with occupational stress among nurses.
3. Special care should be given by nurses during the time of attending training
programmes in order to learn better way of managing work places.
5. The participative and collaborative approach towards work and work places are needed
among nurses to manage occupational stress.
6. The due importance should be given by nurses for physical exercises and mental
alignment in order to cope up with occupational stress.
7. The feeling of pride being an occupant of nursing community helps them to attain the
social image and that will help to establish the character of self-management.
.8. The consequences of overwhelming stress and issues of burnout as a self, part of
family and part of organization should be self-realized by nurses.
2. The frequent interaction and emotional sharing should be followed by family members.
4. Special care should be extended by the family members towards the health aspect of
women nurses.
5. The pleasing family environment helps the nurses to effectively concentrate at work
1. The job identity should be given for nurses in terms of job and role clarity and
2. The job place autonomy should be given for nurses that will make them to act with
identity at work places.
3. The suggestion schemes should be installed to share the feelings and complaints by
5. The friendly approach by top level teams and collaborative work culture helps the
nurses to gain confidences.
6. Flexible working hours with frequent job rotation help the women nurses to face work
7. Opinion sharing programmes may be done on group basis among nurses with the help
of mentoring activities during free hours.
8. The official tours may be organized for job sharing purposes for nurses.
9. Short term training and day out programmes help them to manage occupational stress.
11. In private sector the management should conduct regular professional updated classes
including usage of modern bio-medical instruments and need to provide information to
.12. The management should provide transportation and accommodation facilities for the
timely arrival of the employees.