Lethal Seas
Lethal Seas
Lethal Seas
Physical Science
1. How do oyster larvae that live in acidic water differ from those that live in normal water?
Oysters larvae that live in acidic water are deformed, pink and usually died.
4. About a quarter of the CO2 released by humans is absorbed into the oceans.
5. About 30 million metric tons of CO2 is dissolved into the oceans every day.
6. In the ocean, the CO2 combines with water to produce carbonic acid.
7. Coral reefs represent 1% of the ocean but provide homes to 25% of marine species.
8. What is unusual about the “bubbling” reefs near Papua, New Guinea?
The bubbles are made of pure carbon dioxide. Commented [1]: What effect does this have?
9. Why is it important to use DNA to study the effects of the decrease in pH on the diversity of
It is important to use DNA to study the effect of the decrease in PH to find what and how many
10. What are pteropods? Why are they essential for marine ecosystems?
Pteropods are tiny snails that are at the bottom of the food chain and they provide foods and
Massive volcanic eruptions and carbon dioxide levels increased too quickly which caused the
acidity to rise.
12. How does a decrease in the pH of water affect fish reactions to predators? Why does this
The fish that grew in lower PH don’t run away from predators and are more adventurous Commented [2]: pH
because of the lower PH affects their brain and their cognitive ability.
13. Why are the upwellings on the California coast a good place to study adaptation to climate
There is a seasonal change of PH because of the wind blowing up CO2 rich water and you
15. What effect does lowering pH of water have on the recruitment of coral polyps on reefs?
The lowering pH causes less coral recruits which means the reefs cant reproduce, making it
die out.
The coral all release on the lunar cycle, so the eggs are more likely to fertilize and there is also
more protection.
17. How much are the people of Papua, New Guinea responsible for climate change? How will
The people of New Guinea are not really responsible for climate change because they don't
have many carbon-emitting machines like factories or cars. They will be affected a lot because
their food supply will disappear and their coral reefs will also disappear.