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Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce 2019 Year in Review

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2019 Year in Review

Serving Canandaigua and
Ontario County Since 1910


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Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce 2019 Year in Review • canandaiguachamber.com • Page 2
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It has been my honor and privilege members of the executive committee.
to serve as your 2019 Canandaigua We were able to provide new and in
Chamber of Commerce President. touch educational sessions that were
Looking back on 2019, it certainly of timely importance to members
flew by due to all the exciting things and non-members. Such as the
happening in Canandaigua and in new state mandate for harassment
CHAMBER of Ontario County. I am pleased to training for all employers.
COMMERCE share that we made significant strides Events: The Chamber reinvigorated
with our goals and accomplishments. many of our events and award
The hard work from our member
3 driven Board of Directors and
focused committees has paid off
programs. alFrescoFLX was a new
event that was a huge success.
2020 President The annual dinner, business/
with significant progress on our milestone awards were refreshed.
4 goals. I want to thank each member of our board
and sub-committees for their contributions to
Our Canandaigua and County legislative events
were a big hit with all that is changing in Albany.
2019 Past President
our Chamber. Also, I want to thank our amazing The mixers each month were well attended and
6-7 Chamber staff for their tireless work in 2019. Our
Executive Director, Ethan Fogg, Communications
provided a wonderful opportunity for our current
and new members to meet.
2019 Officers, & Events, Elisha Everson and our Membership
Board of Directors Operations Coordinator, Chris Cole. These Communications: Made great progress and
Chamber Staff wonderful individuals have made the Canandaigua continue to do so in this area.
Chamber a driving force in our thriving business Our new website should be ready in April. A new
8-9 community. vendor for our Canandaigua annual publication
highlighting all our wonderful members. @113
Past Presidents Much of the work at the Chamber this past year
and Committees was setting up our 2-5-year strategic plan for email notifications that all members receive
growth and expansion. The development of our keeping members up to date on what’s happening
Lifetime Achievement
strategic plan was not something we took lightly.
The Board and Executive Committee spent
at the Chamber, its benefits and programs.
We welcomed 60 new members in 2019! Not
Award Recipient, many meetings discussing what the Chamber only within Canandaigua but county wide. In
Past Recipients could evolve into. The Board made sure to keep addition, 2019 welcomed visitors from all over the
at the forefront what it would mean to all 520 US, Canada, Europe and Asia. With the opening
11-13 Chamber members and making sure that all our
members continue to feel the value of continued
of Canandaigua’s new hotels in 2020, we will see
even greater visitor traffic. Canandaigua will be
2019 Year in Review an exciting place to be and our membership will
membership and engagement.

Some other noteworthy highlights from 2019
benefit from it.
In closing, I want to thank all our Chamber
Concept mapping - New LDC: The Chamber sponsors, including the Chamber Champions and
is very excited that the official formation of the members for their continued support, involvement
YPL Recipients
Canandaigua LDC was completed, and board and dedication to the Canandaigua Chamber of
and Past Recipients
meetings have begun. The collaboration between Commerce. Moving into 2020 we have a talented
16 the City and Town of Canandaigua on economic
development will help guide our community into
and committed board to see through our goals
and expectation. I wish Karen Dworaczyk, our
Business Award incoming President, the best of luck and want to
Recipients our future. The Chamber will be affiliated with
the LDC to provide insight and guidance for our thank her for her hard work in our planning. I feel

18-22 members and the entire community.

Educational and Professional Development: The
save with the Board we have in place to guide us
into the future. 2020 looks bright and I only see
Chamber Members greater success for our beautiful community and
Chamber re-energized this committee led my the Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce.
4 canandaiguachamber.com


I don’t have to tell anyone who lives or One - Leveraging our committee structure
works in Canandaigua how fortunate we for action to deliver more member value
are to spend our time in this beautiful to each unique segment of our chamber
vibrant community. Equally impressive is membership. Many of you participate
the way our business leaders work together in our committees such as Tourism and
to create the collaborative culture that is Hospitality, Manufacturing and Industry,
ever-present and beautifully represented in Public Affairs, Micro-business, Not-for-
the Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce Profit and more.
through its esteemed Board of Directors, Two - Leveraging our location in the heart
committees, members, staff and volunteers. of Ontario County — in the County Seat
Additionally, the Chamber owes a debt of — to provide a larger, stronger pro-business
gratitude to Chris Hubler, Principal of voice and resources. We are working in
Canandaigua Insurance and immediate Past partnership with Ontario County and
President, who in 2019 led the Chamber through one of other county-wide agencies to bring more value to our
its most successful years. Thank you, Chris. county-wide membership. For example, in April during
It is my honor to serve as your 2020 Chamber President. National County Government Month the Chamber
I am active in the Chamber, the Town of Canandaigua will host a panel of Ontario County officials in our
Economic Development Committee, and one of the Ontario County Event giving our members direct access
founding architects of the Canandaigua LDC over the to County officials and the County a podium to speak
past three years because I believe a healthy and growing directly to our businesses. This is a new County event and
local economy is essential to our collective prosperity an addition to the two others we traditionally host, the
and exceptional lifestyle. Our Canandaigua Chamber NYS Event with our local State Legislators and the State
is unique in many ways, including our location on the of Canandaigua Event with our Mayor, Town Supervisor
beautiful North shore of Canandaigua Lake, our area’s will include the new Canandaigua LDC. The Chamber
most important natural resource in terms of economic also works in partnership to produce the County Not-
health and growth. Without this asset (the Lake), for-Profit Summit and Leadership Ontario and more.
Canandaigua is simply another wide spot on NY 5 & 20. Three - We will leverage our assets for stronger pro-
Additionally, the Chamber is unique due to our location business impact. This includes our building and offices
in the heart of Canandaigua on Main Street in the center at 113 South Main Street — which we share with BID
of the City’s historic district and in Canandaigua, the (the Business Improvement District) and now the
County Seat. new Canandaigua LDC which through our work in
In 2020, the Canandaigua Chamber’s 110th year of partnership with the City and Town, will direct needed
serving our business community, our member-driven action for positive economic growth. Leveraging our assets
Board, member-centric committees, together with each also includes our human assets — our outstanding staff
of our over 520 member businesses and their employees, working to serve our members and the community, and
give Canandaigua Chamber the distinction of being the our online assets including our new website, launching
County’s largest business organization of its kind. this Spring, and newly invigorated social channels
2020 - What a year to look forward to! New LDC, New promoting our membership and our community all year
Mayor, New Performance Theater, New Hotels, New round.
Restaurants. The sun is rising on a new Canandaigua. As This is only a fraction of what we do, and we could not do
Chris Huber, noted, the Chamber also has a new strategic this without you — our valued members who volunteer
action plan and our new word for 2020 is “leverage”. The on the Board, committees and support events. I will stop
plan plots a course of action to leverage all of these new here for now and look forward to working with all of
elements and bring them together into the Canandaigua you throughout this year. Thank you for your continued
story so that they equal significantly more than the sum support of our local businesses. Whenever you have a
of the parts in terms of economic prosperity for our choice, choose to spend locally and thank you for making
businesses. This year our work falls under three overall our business community even stronger with your active
objectives that focus and direct our talent and energy for participation.
greater pro-business impact.
Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce 2019 Year in Review • canandaiguachamber.com • Page 5
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Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Weekends 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Ethan S. Fogg, MPA April - December
Executive Director 113 South Main Street
Elisha Everson, IOM Canandaigua NY 14424
Manager, Communications & Events 585.394.4400
Chris Cole canandaiguachamber.com
Manager, Membership & Operations
canandaiguachamber.com 7
Kari Buch Kurt Koczent
United Way UR Medicine
of Ontario County Thompson Health
Bethany DiSanto Louis Noce
Constellation Brands Finger Lakes
Jamie Farr Community College
Canandaigua City Tim Owens 
School District At Large
Jeff Friend Michelle Pedzich
Lyons National Bank Canandaigua National
Mandy Hagadorn Bank & Trust
New York Kitchen Carl Steinbrenner
Chris Hubler Steinbrenner Law Offices
Insurance Agency

Past President
Chris Hubler
Canandaigua Insurance Agency
Immediate Past President
Andy Griffith
Andy Griffith Team at RE/MAX Properties
First Vice President
Karen Dworaczyk
Second Vice President
Sal Pitti
The Pitti Group
Wealth Management
Kristina Stamatis
Mengel Metzger Barr & Co. LLP 

73 Buffalo Street
585.394.0770 • www.MPNnow.com
8 canandaiguachamber.com

2019 Chris Hubler 1990 Charles (Chip) Coe
2018 Andy Griffith 1989 Richard H. Hawks, Jr
2017 Lauren Kolb 1988 Linda Welch
2016 Paul Griswold 1987 George A. Park, Jr.
2015 Jodee Case Rizzo 1986 DeWayne C. Robertson CHAMBER of
2014 Randy Farnsworth 1985 Andrew M. Harkness COMMERCE
2013 Floyd Rayburn 1984 J. Boyd Patterson
2012 Bill Fuge 1983 Clifford E. Murphy, Jr.
2011 Russ Kenyon 1982 Richard E. Ogden 1961-62 Frederick A. McKechnie
2010 Jack Moran 1981 Richard T. Hildebrandt 1958-60 Walter C. Benham
2009 Linda Feltman 1980 Anthony Raguso 1958 Lester C. Boyce
2008 Chris Keys 1979 E. Gerald Case 1957 Robert V.Z. Keehn
2007 Scott Rankin 1978 William S. Adams 1956 William J. Mitchell
2006 Carol Urbaitis 1977 James W. Doran 1955 Robert O. Bullock
2005 Elaine Jackson 1976 C. William Johnston 1954 Stuart B. Patterson
2004 Daniel Fuller 1975 Victor Aronson 1953 Tom Sheavly
2003 Joni Tiller 1974 Bruce Kennedy 1953 Raymond A. Lake
2002 Frank Kerwin 1973 Robert J. Craugh 1952 C.E. Cooksey
2001 Barbara Natale 1972 Theodore D. Avery 1951 G.B. Tallman
1999 - 2000 Gail D. Love 1971 Bernard G. Hagerman 1950 Gordon McCuen
1998 John A. Schuppenhauer, Esq. 1970 Joseph M. Guattery, M.D. 1948-49 Frank P. Riley
1997 Stephen R. Martin 1969 Louis W. Kiesewetter 1947 Glen Lord, Jr.
1996 Joyce A. Ezrow 1968 Philip H. Fitzhugh 1945-46 Philip E. Thomas
1995 Stephen J. Uebbing 1967 George M. Ewing, Sr. 1944 L. M. Campbell
1994 E. Perry Hicks 1966 Willard B. Becker 1942-43 William L. Gates
1993 Nanci Arnold 1965 Burrall S. Case 1940-41 Albert C. Burke
1992 Raymond W. Henry 1964 Robert A. Hoekelman, M.D. 1934-39 Leon McCarthy
1991 Richard W. Appel 1962-63 Arthur S. Hamlin 1931-33 Leon VanDeusen
canandaiguachamber.com 9
Committee service provides members the opportunity to learn, return on their membership investment. Integral to the fabric of
lead and connect. Dozens of volunteers give of their time our community, our not-for-profit businesses enrich our region’s
and talent so that they, as individuals and professionals, can economy, diversity and quality of life. The committee is also
enjoy a greater return on their membership investment. Their instrumental in presenting the County’s Annual Not-for-Profit
efforts inform and enhance program development, community Summit. This committee is co-chaired by Kari Buch, United Way
engagement, advocacy and networking efforts. of Ontario County and Jasmine DeSalvo, Mercy Flight Central.
Ambassadors: Members of this committee serve as liaisons to the Tourism: Members of this committee identify and respond to
community at large. Their efforts extend the Chamber’s impact challenges facing members in the dining, lodging, transportation,
and afford new and long-standing members the chance to stay retail and entertainment sectors. The committee shares assets,
in touch, ask questions and seek support in casual, spontaneous information and inspiration in a seasonal market. This committee
ways. Membership brings with it many opportunities for growth, is co-chaired by Mandy Hagadorn, New York Kitchen, and
learning and connection, and part of an Ambassador’s role is to Kristen Harter, Nolan’s on Canandaigua Lake.
help members ‘unlock’ these opportunities. This committee is
chaired by Charlie Parkhurst, Lyons National Bank. alFrescoFLX: Members of this ad hoc committee come together
several times a year to engage current and aspiring actors in the
Community Affairs: Members of this committee examine issues Craft Food and Beverage market in the Finger Lakes. Presented
that face our members and our community, and bring together with support from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario
people and resources to address these issues. Members work County, the annual Symposium and other less formal gatherings
to define and articulate these issues and recommend actions or create new relationships between and among growers and
positions to the Chamber board. This committee is chaired by producers, wholesalers, retailers and support service providers.
Michael Mills, DestinationFLX.  This committee is co-chaired by Ethan Fogg, Canandaigua
Not-for-profit: Members of this committee identify and Chamber and Pilar McKay, Cornell Cooperative Extension of
develop opportunities for not-for-profit members to increase the Ontario County.
10 canandaiguachamber.com


For 50 years, the Chamber of Commerce has been honoring individuals for their
exemplary service to our community. Known to many as the Mr., Mrs., Ms. Canandaigua
Award, the name of the award has been changed to recognize the full and selfless lives
of its honorees. Candidates for this award have demonstrated a lifetime of service to
Canandaigua — beyond that which can be expected from one person — and they’ve done
it without expectation of financial gain. By engraving a new name on the customary silver
bowl, we are recognizing that a life spent in service to others is worthy of celebration.

2019 Richard McGavern 1999 Paul Kellogg
2018 Jack Schuppenhauer 1998 Judge Joseph Cribb
2017 Byron Delavan 1997 Frieda O’Hanlon
2016 Jack Moran 1996 George W.
2015 Benedict F. Gullo, Hamlin IV
DDS 1995 James Holden
2014 Ellie Fralick 1994 Buddy Rockmaker
2013 Richard Sands 1993 Tarry Shipley
2012 Linda Farchione 1992 Joseph Delforte
2011 Ralph Calabrese 1991 James Doran
2010 Randall Farnsworth 1990 Bernard Hagerman
2009 Robert “Bob” Sheridan 1989 Robert Craugh
2008 William B. Rayburn 1988 Marvin A. Rapp
2007 Earl Coleates 1987 Richard E. Ogden
2006 Ellen Polimeni 1986 George M. Ewing, Sr.
2005 Jane Stickler 1985 Alton U. Farnsworth
2004 Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. 1984 Ella Dunham
2003 Fred W. Sarkis 1983 Bruce M. Kennedy
2002 Richard Hawks, Jr. 1982 Marvin L. Sands 2019 Lifetime Achievement
2001 Richard W. Appel 1981 Anthony M. Symigs Award Recipient Richard McGavern
2000 Caroline A. Delavan 1980 William J. Mitchell
1979 Louis M. Kiesewetter 1969 Herbert J. Ellis
1978 James F. Kellogg 1968 Robert A.
1977 Rose Comella Hoekelman
1976 Richard H. Hawks, Sr. 1967 Collins W. Carpenter
1975 Isobel S. Sainsbury 1966 Albert A. Moore
1974 George G. Hayes 1965 Walter C. Benham
1973 Arthur S. Hamlin 1964 Arthur R. Munson
1972 Lester A. Boyce 1963 Burrall S. Case
1971 T. Hamilton Kennedy 1962 Howard J. Samuels
1970 Frank A. Baker 1961 William W. Muar
1960 Raymond A. Lake
canandaiguachamber.com 11

109th Annual Dinner

& Membership Meeting
Finger Lakes Community College welcomed more
than 250 of our guests for a delicious dinner, the
customary passing of the gavel and the recognition
of Richard McGavern as the 2019 Mr. Canandaigua.

Chamber Mixers
Eleven months a year, member businesses host,
cater and often provide entertainment at these
highly popular gatherings. Hosted at various
sites across the region, 50 to 100 guests
at each event gain familiarity with the host’s
operations while meeting new people and 109th ANNUAL DINNER
connecting with old friends.

Business Awards Luncheon

Over 200 members and guests gathered at the
Canandaigua Country Club to honor long-time
member businesses, including [milestones] and confer
our annual Business Awards. Honorees included
New York Kitchen, The Friend Team, Lazy Acre
Alpacas/Alpaca Country Store & Gifts and Finger
Lakes Extrusion. 2020 will bring the new Business
Inspiration Awards. Watch for details in @113!

Past President’s Picnic

In the style of a family reunion, recipients of
Mr./Mrs./Ms. Canandaigua and the ATHENA
Leadership Award joined past Chamber board MIXER
presidents for an evening of delicious food,
stimulating conversation and insights into the
Chamber’s plans for the future.

Community Guide
becomes ONCanandaigua
For 14 years, the Chamber has published an annual
magazine-style guide to the community. It combines
handy reference, general points of interest, affordable
advertising opportunities and a comprehensive
Chamber membership directory. We’re reimagining the
piece for 2020! Watch for its release in early May.

12 canandaiguachamber.com


Updated FindIt
Refreshed in 2019, FIND IT will transition in 2020
from a fold-out map to a pocket-friendly booklet.
The booklet is part of the Chamber’s response to an
identified community need: to connect downtown
to the waterfront. The pedestrian-friendly piece
will also focus on historic North Main Street and
Eastern Boulevard, and offer affordable advertising
for businesses and attractions looking to engage
travelers and tourists.

Ribbon Cuttings
Whether opening a new business, renovating a
current site or recognizing your new affiliation with
the Chamber, ribbon-cuttings are a very high-profile ATHENA LEADERSHIP AWARDS
way to meet new people and tell your story!

Chamber University
Delivering information and insights to our members
is a key component of what we do. Chamber
University is where we bring together businesses
that face skills and compliance gaps with subject
matter experts from within our membership to
deliver affordable, high-quality opportunities to
learn skills, develop talents and empower growth.

48th Annual Ralph Sheridan Golf Classic

For almost 50 years, members and friends of the
Chamber have supported the efforts of the Chamber
by sharing a day on the course with friends. CHAMBER UNIVERSITY
Spirited play, delicious food and the coveted
Corporate Cup making this the tournament of the
season! Thank you, Ravenwood Golf Club, for
making this event such a success!

Breakfast & Business

The name says it all. Several times a year, members
gather to hear from regional influencers on issues
that affect all of us — The State of the County, City
and Town … even our public schools, community
college and health system. It’s part of how we connect
the people and issues of Ontario County to share in
successes, identify common challenges and define a
common path forward.

canandaiguachamber.com 13

35th Annual Canandaigua

ATHENA Leadership Awards Dinner
Co-hosted with the Professional Women of the
Finger Lakes, the Chamber held its thirty-fifth annual
Canandaigua ATHENA Leadership Awards event in
November. Nearly 400 guests recognized nominees and
recipients of two awards; the prestigious Canandaigua
ATHENA Leadership Award and the ATHENA Young
Professional Leadership Award. This year’s recipients
were Margaret Somerset and Allison Hildebrandt,

Volunteer Investment
Part of the Chamber’s success in engaging travelers
and visitors draws on the strength of our corps of SPEED NETWORKING EVENT
volunteers. In our downtown Visitor Center and over
the phone, volunteers provide travelers, tourists and
patrons of CMAC with guidance for lodging, dining,
sightseeing (and in the case of CMAC, customer
support and lost-and-found).

Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce

Membership by Segment
Business & Telecom, Manufacturing Logistics
Professional Services IT, Utilities & Transportation
Banking, Education &
Finance & Law Government
Auto &

Civic & Faith Based
Lodging, Dining
& Gathering

Personal Services
& Specialty Retail

Real Estate,
Construction, Health Services
Renovation & Supplies GOLF TOURNAMENT
14 canandaiguachamber.com

Leadership Award

2011 2002
Barbara Risser Deborah Weymouth 2019 Canandaigua
President Emeritus, President & Chief ATHENA
Finger Lakes Executive Officer, Award Recipient
Community College HealthAlliance Hospital
Margaret E. Somerset
2010 2001
Lynne Erdle Valerie Knoblauch 1992
Retired Superintendent President, Finger Lakes Joyce Ezrow
Canandaigua Visitors Connection Retired Associate
City School District 2000 Professor of Business,
2009 Lauren Dixon Anne Arundel
2019 Virginia “Ginny” Clark CEO & Owner, Dixon Schwabl Community College
Margaret E. Somerset Executive Director, Advertising, Inc. 1991
Partner with Sands Family Foundation 1999 Linda Welch
Underberg & Kessler Law firm 2009 Gail D. O’Brien Retired Owner,
2018 Margaret & Randy Retired President, Canandaigua The Shopping News
Marjorie Donhauser Farnsworth Chamber of Commerce 1990
Nurse/Owner Owners, Randall 1998 Kay James
Donhauser Nursing Services Farnsworth Auto Group Sharon Pepper Retired City Manager,
2017 2008 Retired Senior Vice President City of Canandaigua
Terrie L. Meyn Deborah Denome of Senior Living Services, 1989
Executive Vice President/ Director, Seeking Thompson Health Lois Kozlowski
Chief Operating Officer, Common Ground 1997 Retired Owner,
Happiness House 2007 Teresa Hall Wizard of Clay Pottery
2016 Barbara Fuge President, TCHMED 1988
Ann Scheetz Former CFO, Consulting, Inc. Gail Herman
Executive Director, Genesee Regional Bank 1996 Director, Sales and Marketing,
Ontario ARC and Community Volunteer Ellen Polimeni Canandaigua
2015 2006 Former Mayor City of The Medicine Shoppe
Lauren Kolb Janet Tenreiro Canandaigua and Former 1987
Senior Wealth Advisor, Former Owner, Assistant Principle, Barbara Nelson
Tompkins Financial Advisors The Medicine Shoppe Canandaigua Middle School Former Executive Director,
2014 2005 1995 West Ontario County
Deborah Wilbur Rhoda Childs Gail D. Love Red Cross, American Red Cross
Retired Teacher, Former Managing Retired Owner, 1986
Canandaigua Schools Regional Director, Human Resource Associates Tarry Shipley
2013 United Way of Ontario County 1994 Retired Business Manager,
Stephanie Kunes 2004 Judith M. Stewart WCGR/WFLC
President and CEO Marci Diehl Retired Senior Vice President, 1985
National MS Society Owner, Double Vision Creative Canandaigua National Diane Reed
2012 2003 Bank & Trust Associate Professor
Sharon Gullo Karen Davison Blazey 1993 and Co-Director,
Retired Psychiatric Nurse, Executive Officer, Quantum Linda Farchione Hawks Graduate Educational
Canandaigua Lake Performance Group, Inc. Retired President and CEO, Leadership Program,
Counseling Services Thompson Health St. John Fisher College
canandaiguachamber.com 15

Canandaigua ATHENA
Young Professional
Leadership Award Recipients

Maureen Ballatori, Sarah Chilson, Chelsea Henderson, 2019 Canandaigua ATHENA

Allison Heldebrandt and Erica Wright are recognized by Young Professional Leadership
Randy and Alexandra Farnsworth as nominees for the Award Recipient
2019 ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award. Allison Hildebrandt

2019 2015 2012

Allison Hildebrandt Teresa Deacon Margaret “Maggie” Meyer
Volunteer and Community Family Assessment Assistant Vice-President
Outreach Coordinator, and Support Worker, Personal Banking and Insurance
Habitat for Humanity Child & Family Resources Service Manager,
of Ontario County Canandaigua National
2018 Bank & Trust
Nadia Harvieux
Jennie Erdle Conservation Outreach Educator, 2011
Director of Student Life, Muller Field Station and Tracey Fuller
Finger Lakes Community College Adjunct Faculty Member, General Manager,
2017 Conservation Department, Heiser Logistics and
Sayeh Rivazfar Finger Lakes Community College; L&J Fire Equipment
Investigator, Education Program Manager, 2010
New York State Police Finger Lakes Institute at Teresa Pare
Hobart and William Smith Colleges Owner, The Law Offices
Kimberly Sorel 2013 Erica Bapst of Teresa M. Pare
Assistant Vice President, Owner, Adorn Jewelry
Community Office Manager, & Accessories
Canandaigua National Bank & Trust
16 canandaiguachamber.com


For almost 20 years, the Chamber has conferred Annual
Business Awards in Tourism, Retail, Industry and Service
segments. Awards have been based on a firm’s outstanding
achievements, contribution to the business community, length
of time in business and depth and length of involvement with
the Chamber. Re-envisioned for 2020, the Business Inspiration
Awards will focus on firms efforts to protect the environment,
retain and create jobs, enhance worker and community quality
of life and the successful introduction or reinterpretation of
products and services for the Ontario County marketplace.
Tourism: New York Kitchen
Service: The Friend Team
Retail: Lazy Acre Alpacas/Alpaca
Country Clothing & Gifts
Industry: Finger Lakes Extrusion Business Awards Luncheon 2019 Milestones

2018 2014 2009 2004

Tourism: Break the Ice Media Tourism: Roseland Bowl Tourism: Granger Homestead Service: Ontario ARC/
Service: Care Net Pregnancy Family Fun Center Service: Mercy Flight Central Abbey Industries
Center of Canandaigua Service: Tall Trainer Retail: Canandaigua Carpets Retail: Mobile Music
Retail: Peacemaker Fitness Systems Industry: Constellation Brands Industry: Finger Lakes
Brewing Company Retail: Image Custom Technologies Group, Inc.
Industry: Canandaigua National Audio & Video 2008
Bank & Trust Industry: CB Craft Brewers Tourism: Arbor Hill Grapery 2003
Service: Patty’s Place Tourism: Canandaigua
2017 2013 Retail: Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery Inn on the Lake
Tourism: Finger Lakes Tourism: Sonnenberg Gardens Industry: Iversen Construction Service: Thompson Health
Visitors Connection and Mansion State Historic Park Retail: Sweet Expressions
Service: Wood Library Service: Nu-Look Collision 2007 Industry: Messenger Post
Retail: Canandaigua Federal Centers, Inc. Tourism: Bristol Mountain Newspapers
Credit Union #16176 Retail: Ryan’s Wine & Spirits Resort
Industry: JD Chapman Agency Industry: LaBarge Media Service: Kennedy & Son 2002
Funeral Home, Inc. Tourism: Bristol Valley Theatre
2016 2011 | 2012 Retail: Randall Farnsworth Service: The Eye Care Center
Tourism: Ontario County Tourism: Constellation Brands Auto Group Retail: G. Jones Furniture
Historical Society (Marvin Sands Performing Industry: Artizahn Dental Studio Industry: Canandaigua
Service: Greater Canandaigua Arts Center) Wine Company
Family YMCA Service: Park West Hair 2006
Retail: Habitat for Humanity Design & Spa Tourism: Finger Lakes Gaming 2001
of Ontario County, NY/ReStore Retail: Rockcastle Florists & Racetrack Tourism: AAA of Canandaigua
Industry: Halco Energy Industry: Rochester Gas & Service: American Red Cross - Service: Literacy Volunteers
Electric Corp. West Ontario Office Retail: The Country Ewe
2015 Retail: Crown Jewelers Industry: Pactiv
Tourism: Lazy Acre Alpacas/ 2010 Industry: Moore Printing Co.
Alpaca Country Clothing & Tourism: Miami Motel 2000
Gifts Service: Wood Lawn Cemetery 2005 Tourism: Canandaigua
Service: Finger Lakes Retail: Wick-edly Sent Soap Tourism: Captain Gray’s Inn on the Lake
Community College & Candle Company Boat Tours Service: Ontario County
Retail: Thompson Guild Industry: Patrick Constructors Service: Canandaigua Bus Tours Arts Council
Gallery Gift Shop Retail: Dick Anthony LTD Retail: Canandaigua Motors
Industry: Leonard’s Express, Inc. Industry: Commodore Machine Industry: Ultrafab
canandaiguachamber.com 17

Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce

2019 Membership Demographics

Other Ontario County
Monroe County
Schuyler & Yates Counties
Seneca & Wayne Counties
18 canandaiguachamber.com


1910 1977 1987
Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Canandaigua Carpets, Inc. Auto Wash
Kennedy Family Corporations EFPR Group, LLP Davie Kaplan, CPA , P.C.
1925 Wegmans Food, Pharmacy Five Star Bank
Messenger Post Media/Daily Messenger & Market Cafe Lake Country Physical Therapy
1978 & Sportscare, PC
1950 Mitchell Pierson Realtors
Davidson Shoes, Inc. Canandaigua Insurance Agency
City of Canandaigua Wood Library
Moore Printing Company, Inc.
Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. German Brothers Marina, Inc. 1988
Tim McKenna Construction, Inc. Curtis Locksmith Service
1952 Venezia & Associates
Kiwanis Club of Canandaigua 1980
Canandaigua Orthopaedic 1989
1956 Associates, PC Arbor Hill Grapery & Winery
Canandaigua Country Club Canandaigua Yacht Club, Inc. Geoffry E. Hallstead, DMD
Murphy’s Tire Service Crown Jewelers Granger Homestead Society, Inc.
1959 Rockcastle Florist Parkway Plaza Associates
Johnson-Kennedy Funeral Home, Inc. The Schuppenhauer Law Firm 1990
1960 Wolfe Insurance Agency Adecco Employment Services
Gullo Dental PLLC 1982 Finger Lakes Community College
1962 Andy Griffith Team Gorham Tax Service
Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack at RE/MAX Properties Ontario County Historical Society
Muehe Firm, PLLC Canandaigua Quickprint Young Explosives Corporation
UR Medicine Thompson Health Excellus BCBS 1991
Greater Canandaigua Family YMCA Casella Waste Services
1964 Kenyon & Kenyon
Canandaigua Chrysler Dodge Jeep Key Bank
Farnsworth Chevrolet 1983 Lacy Katzen LLP
Stewart Title Insurance Company Eighty Parrish Street Apartments SCORE Chapter #23
Finger Lakes Financial Services, Inc. 1992
1965 Lafayette Motel & Restaurant
Bristol Mountain Resort Arby’s Restaurant
Ontario ARC Beacon Farm Market
Constellation Brands Renaissance - The Goodie II Shoppe Canandaigua Federal Credit
1966 Tenax Town Cleaners Union #16176
Finger Lakes Radio Group 1984 Coordinated Child Development
Roseland Bowl Edelweiss Properties Realtors, LLC Program, Inc.
1967 Finger Lakes Visitors Connection Ontario Janitorial, Inc.
Ryan’s Wine & Spirits Freeland-Parrinello Land Surveyors Ontario Mazda
1970 Randall Buick-GMC-Cadillac Phelps Sungas, Inc.
Canandaigua City School District Thomas Estates Mfg.
Housing Community, LLC 1993
The Lake House on Canandaigua Canandaigua VA Medical Center
1971 1985 Greater Canandaigua Civic Center, Inc.
Myles Auto Parts Finger Lakes Lodge Manchester Inn
Parrish & Brassie, LLP Kellogg Computer Training & Solutions Sutter’s Canandaigua Marina, Inc.
Kelly Services
1972 LaBarge Media 1994
Fisher-Yates Communications, Inc. Reliant Community Credit Union Beryl Ann’s Unisex Salon
Sonnenberg Gardens & Mansion Canandaigua Cemetery
State Historic Park 1986
Centerpointe Country Club Association/Woodlawn
1973 Howard Hanna Real Estate Services Mobile Music
American Legion Post # 256 Victory Honda of Ontario Phalen Farms
Iversen Construction Corp. Steve A. Walker & Associates
1975 Tractor Supply Company
HEP Sales / North Main Lumber Velmex, Inc.
canandaiguachamber.com 19
1995 2000 Years Boundary
Better Business Bureau Abbott’s Frozen Custard
of Upstate New York Chesler Photography
C. A. Reed Associates Ferris Hills at West Lake
Canandaigua Veterinary Hospital
Genesee Valley Penny Saver Finger Lakes Animal Hospital
Finger Lakes Times
Shepard Bros., Inc. HealthWorks at Thompson Health
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church -
John Betlem Heating & Cooling, Inc.
1996 Stoddard Farms
Little Lambs Preschool
Bristol Woodlands Campground Lakeshore Family & Cosmetic
Tailored Events, LLC
Canandaigua The Medicine Shoppe Dentistry PC
The Eye Care Center
Democrat and Chronicle Media Group Lakewood Vineyards
The Salvation Army Canandaigua Corps.
First United Methodist Church Lattimore of Canandaigua
United Way of Ontario County
Mercy Flight Central, Inc. Physical Therapy
Paychex, Inc. 2001 Leonard’s Express, Inc.
Toshiba Business Solutions NY 1795 Acorn Inn Bed and Breakfast Lyons National Bank
Canandaigua Window Cleaning Phelps Cement Products
1997 IBA - Charlie Page Robert & Penelope Peterson
Byron Delavan Literacy Volunteers of Ontario County Rochester Home Building
Downtown Canandaigua Monroe Capital, Inc. Association, Inc.
Business Management Partnership for Ontario County, Inc. SkyPort-IT, Inc.
Eric’s Office Restaurant
FFTH Properties & Services, Inc. 2002 2006
Finger Lakes Hearing Center, Inc. Finger Lakes Monument Co., Inc. Bruce and Sharon Hall,
First Congregational Church UCC Kepner Equipment, Inc. Associate Member
FirstLight Morrell Builders Cheney & Blair, LLP
Horizons - A DePaul Creative Dimensions Marketing
Senior Living Community 2003 & Design
M. M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Comfort Keepers CSA Solutions
Ontario County Humane Society - KB Graphics Finger Lakes Shipping Outlet
Happy Tails Animal Shelter Municipal Solutions, Inc. Gerber Homes
Plant Health Ltd, Inc. Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery Jacquelyn M. Bell CPA, PLLC
Sweet Expressions Ravenwood Golf Club Jean Seligmann
Underberg & Kessler LLP Loria Nursing Service
1998 Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Center
Canandaigua Super 8 2004
1840 Inn on the Main Bed and Breakfast New York Kitchen
City Mini Storage, LLC Riester’s Appliances
Colb Heating Cooling & Refrigeration Anderson VanHorne Associates, Inc.
Canandaigua Sailboarding United Church of Bristol
Community Bank N.A.
Computer Obedience Training D.J. Beardsley & Sons, Inc. 2007
Finger Lakes Premier Properties Dolco Packaging LLC Chalet of Canandaigua Bed & Breakfast
Happiness House/ Elizabeth Watson Cheshire Community Church
Finger Lakes Cerebral Palsy F. G. Rayburn Mason Contractors, Inc. ESL Federal Credit Union
Lightland Farms, LLC Finger Lakes Railway Corp. Hunt Real Estate
Renovators Masters of Disasters LLC Geneva Insurance Agency, Joseph Hezel Johnson Excavating & Landscape, LLC
Seneca Lake Wine Trail Goodman Enterprises Middlesex Baptist Church
Sunny 102.3 Helen F. Mierzwa Qual-Tech Automotive
Joan L. Wellington Simply Crepes
1999 Lowe’s of Canandaigua Tall Trainer Fitness Systems
Drs Mark & Karen Blazey, McKenna Builders, Inc.
Associate Member Miami Motel 2008
Clark Manor House Ramada Plaza Geneva Lakefront Best Western Plus Victor Inn & Suites
Mayflowers Garden LTD The Pitti Group Wealth Management Brookside Apartments
Quail Summit UBS Financial Services - Care Net Pregnancy Center
Roseland Waterpark Rocco Pietropaolo of Canandaigua
Vision Hyundai of Canandaigua Walter J. Deck, DMD, P.C. Casa Italiana
20 canandaiguachamber.com
canandaiguachamber.com 21
Comfort Inn and Suites Cedar Lodge LLC Prosecco Italian Restaurant and Jazz Bar
Habitat for Humanity of Corby’s Collision Center, Inc. Rising Stowe Signature Kitchens
Ontario County, NY/ReStore Dixon Schwabl U.S. Small Business Administration
Keyser Computer Services Lazy Acre Alpacas/Alpaca Country Vision Kia of Canandaigua
Legacy at the Fairways Clothing & Gifts Vision Nissan of Canandaigua
Oakridge Landscaping Inc. Nolan’s on Canandaigua Lake Woodcliff Hotel and Spa
Professional Women of the Finger Lakes Patrician Allan
Rheinblick German Restaurant Smith Boys Jansen Marine 2015
Rotary Club of Canandaigua of Canandaigua American Red Cross
TCHMed Consulting, Inc. The Hammocks at Canandaigua BAD DOG Spa
The Villas at Canandaigua Bridges for Brain Injury
2012 Canandaigua Lake Counseling Services
2009 Adams Actuarial LLC CEC Remodeling
Bristol Creek Tourism Consulting, LLC Canandaigua Medical Group, PC Daniel Naples & Associates, LLC
Canandaigua Wine Trail Core Rhythm Pilates, LLC Family Counseling Service
CenterPointe Apartments & Townhomes Deanna Scanlon of the Finger Lakes
CMAC (Constellation Brands - Finger Lakes Extrusion Finger Lakes Food Tours
Marvin Sands Performing Arts Center) Heiser Logistics, Inc. Generations Bank
Finger Lakes Visiting Nurse Service Holiday Inn Express Canandaigua Genesee Country Village & Museum
Hood Contracting, LLC Lions Club of Canandaigua Mark’s Leisure Time Marine
Inspire Moore Winery & Vineyard Manufacturer Rep Network, LLC Mengel Metzger Barr & Co. CPAs
Judith M. Shea Mosaic Health Norry Management Corp.
P & L Trucking, LLC Perri’s Pizzeria PACTIV Corporation
Reidman Homes SG Security Systems Ray’s Restaurant
Theatrical Design Network Roseland Wake Park
The Country Vet 2013 Runnings #35
The Red Door Inn Allied Financial Partners Tornado T’s, LLC
Thomas R. Marafioti, Esq. Canandaigua Winsupply
Uptown Tire and Auto Service Cheshire Community Action Team 2016
Z2 Architecture, PLLC Coggno Bella Rose Bed & Breakfast
DiMarco Constructors Black Buggy Bulk Foods
2010 IL Posto Bistro Boylan Code LLP
Admar Supply Co., Inc. JD Chapman Agency, Inc. Break the Ice Media
Advio Macri’s Deli & Cafe Canandaigua Emergency Squad
Another World Bed & Breakfast Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham ChamberFest Canandaigua
Bristol Valley Theater Pinnacle North Charismatic Entertainment
Charlie Riedel’s Restaurant Susan Swanson County of Ontario
F. Oliver’s Oils and Vinegars The Friend Team Empower Federal Credit Union
Faro’s Pizzeria Town of Canandaigua Finger Lakes Photography Center
Hazlitt’s Red Cat Cellars House of John Inc.
Heron Hill Tasting Room 2014 Marks Engineering, PC
on Canandaigua Lake Bed & Breakfast at Oliver Phelps NOCO Natural Gas & Electric
Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning Brews & Brats at Arbor Hill Pioneer Library System
Just Right Carbines Bristol Mountain Aerial Adventures Sanford Industrial Contractors, Inc.
K3 Remodeling, LLC Canandaigua Lake SimcoHR, Payroll, Benefits, Risk
Monica’s Pies Watershed Association Management, Insurance Center
Pampered Parents LLC Chrisanntha Construction Corporation SimcoHR, Insurance Center,
Quinlan’s Medical Equipment & Supply Gell: A Finger Lakes Creative Retreat Risk Management
Ronald R. Cramer Hazlitt’s 1852 Guest House St. Benedict’s Parish - St. Mary’s
Viele, Solimano, Swagler & Chapman Light Hill (Canandaigua Comfort Care) Roman Catholic Church
CPA PC Massage Therapy of Canandaigua Steinbrenner Law Offices, LLC
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Sutherland House Victorian
2011 Upstate New York Chapter Bed & Breakfast
Aldridge Realty Ontario Insurance Company University of Rochester
Canandaigua Driving School Pat’s Taxi and Medical Transport Service Medical Faculty Group
22 canandaiguachamber.com


Woodforest National Bank Finger Lakes Bible Church Castle Harvester Company, Inc.
of Canandaigua Fleming Heating & Air Center For Disability Rights
Conditioning, Inc. Social Adult Day Program
2017 FLX Auto Group Chandeliers Boutique
Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb Future Funding Plans, LLC Child Advocacy Center
Barbara Hamlin Genesee Regional Bank of the Finger Lakes
Boccacino Heating & Air Conditioning Holiday Inn Express - Victor CH Insurance
BSNY Holiday Inn Express and Suites - CreekView Apartments
Cafe Sol Catering Geneva NY Dan’s Designs
Catalpa Farms Hope in Art Studio Dr. Ann Miller, DC, PLLC
Chosen Spot Chiropractic Insero & Co., CPAs, LLP Eagle Insurance
Community Health Magazine Irish Mafia Brewing Company Entrusted Care LLC
Cummings Nature Center Jeanne Beck Art Gallery & Studio Family Promise of Ontario County, Inc.
Dalai Java Kidd Media Productions Ferromano
Daydream Sailing, LLC Krossber Brothers Pool and Spa Finger Lakes Area Counseling
Empire Access Lincoln Hill Farms & Recovery Agency
Finger Lakes Opera, Inc. Living Well Companion Care Finger Lakes Wine Center
Finger Lakes Pet Resort Microtel Inn & Suites at Sonnenberg Gardens
Friedman & Friedman CPA’s PC by Wyndham - Geneva Fort Hill Performing Arts Center, Inc.
General Dentistry and Implantology Oxford Capital Mortgage Highway to Health
of Canandaigua Robert Dancause and Sons, Inc. Chiropractic & Wellness
Gleason Writes Rochester Area Community Foundation Homestead Crafters
INSIGHTOVATION® Consulting Rochester City Ballet Innovative Solutions
Migh Tea Boba RTS Ontario Keuka College
Mountain Horse Farm Signature Property Management Kidztown Fun Zone
North Star Coffee St. Mary’s School Lakeview Lodge
PMI Lake Country Thai by Night Laurie Mitchell Acupuncture
Priority Thinking, LLC The Cedar Bus Co. Life in the Finger Lakes Magazine
Quest Potential, LLC - The Finger Lakes Hotel Living the Life Guided Boat Tours LLC
Leadership Coaching The Mindful Leader LOCATE Finger Lakes, Inc.
Quilted Care Vibe Communications, LLC MRB Group Engineering,
Shangri-La Vineyards Liquor Inc. Architecture & Surveying, D.P.C.
Skip’s Custom Flooring Wine University Murphy’s Law Canandaigua
Sperano Appraisals, Inc. Wizard of Clay Pottery Next Phase Plan LLC
Spot On Cleaning Company - Wonder in Adagio Office Depot
A Division of Ontario ARC OPSIIX, LLC
The Ontario County Fair Society 2019 Owl Light News
Unique Toy Shop 29 Design Studio, LLC Pick’n Patch LLC
Vineyard Homes Abbott’s Frozen Custard Reed Homestead LLC
at Pinnacle North Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes, Inc.
2018 ADP
1837 Cobblestone Cottage Seager Marine Inc.
ADT Commercial Silver Peak Renovations
Bed & Breakfast Advanced Business Consulting
Allyson Adam-Anderson, Associate Spectrum Reach
A-Mae-Zing Mind Body Soul Center Square Knot Brewing
Broker for Keller Williams Realty Associate Member
Center for Dispute Settlements Taste NY Market at the
Aubergine Table Finger Lakes Welcome Center
Cobblestone Networks Ayers Massage
Cornell Cooperative Extension The Glennon Law Firm, P.C.
Benson Enterprises The Law Offices of Teresa M. Pare
of Ontario County Bond Benefits Consulting
DestinationFLX The Privateer
Bota Fitness The Strategic Agency
DeTomaso’s Pizzeria Canandaigua Local Development Corp.
Disabled American Veterans Touching Hearts at Home
Canandaigua Oral Surgery, PC Tranont
Chapter 4 Canandaigua & Finger Lakes Canandaigua Wellness
Enterprise Commercial Truck Rental Warm Hands Therapeutic Massage
Card Mart
Family Hair CareValue
Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce 2019 Year in Review • canandaiguachamber.com • Page 23
Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce 2019 Year in Review • canandaiguachamber.com • Page 24

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