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MFDS - Course Handout

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Part A: Content Design

Course Title Mathematical Foundations for Data Science
Course No(s)
Credit Units 4
Course Author G Venkiteswaran
Version No 2
Date 15.09.2019

Course Description
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic equations and their solutions; eigenvalues,
eigenvectors and diagonalization of matrices; graphs and digraphs; trees, lists and their uses; partially ordered
sets and lattices; Boolean algebras and Boolean expressions;

Course Objectives
No Objective- The course aims to

CO1 Introduce concepts in linear algebra and to use it as a platform to model physical

CO2 Provide techniques for analytical and numerical solutions of linear equations and introduce the
concept of convergence.

CO3 Utilize concepts of linear algebra and calculus in solving optimization problems.

CO4 Introduce some of the mathematical structures, concepts and notations used in discrete

CO5 Introduce some concepts from graph theory, partially ordered sets, Boolean algebras.

Text Book(s)
No Author(s), Title, Edition, Publishing House
T1 Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley India, 9 th Edition, 2011
T2 Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, 7th Ed.,

Reference Book(s) & other resources

No Author(s), Title, Edition, Publishing House
R1 K Hoffman and R Kunze, Linear Algebra, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2005.
R2 Kolman, Busby, Ross and Rehman, Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science,
Pearson Education, 6th Edition, 2017

Content Structure

No Title of the module References

M1 1. Matrices, System of equations, determinants and inverse of a matrix T1: Sec 7.1 –
7.3, 7.5, 7.8
1.1. Matrix Algebra-Row-reduced echelon form of a matrix, inverse of a matrix
1.2. System of linear equations, Consistency and inconsistency of system of linear

M2 2. Vector spaces and Linear transformations T1: Sec 7.4,

7.9, R1: Sec
2.1 Vector space, subspace and span of a set, Linear dependence and 3.2
independence of a set of vectors, basis and dimension
2.2. Linear transformation, rank and nullity

M3 3. Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and singular values T1: Sec 8.2,

8.3 and class
3.1. Eigenvalues notes
3.2. Eigenvectors
3.3. Singular value decomposition

M4 4. Numerical linear algebra T1: Sec 20.1

4.1. Gauss elimination with partial pivoting and scaling

4.2. Iterative methods for solving linear system of equations

M5 5. Matrix Eigenvalue Problems T1: Sec 20.3,

5.1. Eigenvalue problems in linear system of equations
5.2. Power method for finding the dominant eigenvalue
M6 6. Linear and non-linear optimization Class notes

6.1 Basics of calculus

6.2 Linear optimization using simplex method and sensitivity
6.3 Non-linear optimization

M7 6. Sets, Functions and Relations, Boolean Algebra T2: Sec 2.1,

2.2, 2.3, 7.1 –
6.1 Introduction to set theory, set relations, set operators, cardinality of sets, 7.6, 10.1, 10.2
Cartesian product of sets
6.2 Fundamentals of functions – range, domain, injection, surjection, bijection of
6.3 Fundamentals of relations, reflexive, symmetric and transitive properties in
relations, representing relations, applications of relations, equivalence relations,
partial order relations, lattices.
6.4 Boolean functions, representing Boolean functions

M8 7. Graph Theory T2: Sec 8.1-8.5

7.1 Introduction to graph theory, directed and undirected graphs, handshaking
theorem, special graph structures, graph representations and isomorphism of
graphs, connectedness, components, Euler, Hamilton paths and cycles

Learning Outcomes:
No Learning Outcomes

LO1 Students will be able to effectively use matrix algebra tools to analyse and solve systems of linear

LO2 Students will be able to use some numerical methods to solve linear systems of equations

LO3 Students would be able to use methods in linear algebra to solve linear programming problems
and methods in calculus to solve non-linear optimization problems.

LO4 Students will be able to work with some of the mathematical structures, concepts and notations
used in discrete mathematics

LO5 Students will be able to apply the concepts of sets, functions, relations and graph theoretic
concepts to problems in computer science

Part B: Contact Session Plan

Academic Term Semester II- 2019-20

Course Title Mathematical Foundations for Data Science

Course No DSEHLZC416

Lead Instructor Prof. G Venkiteswaran

Course Contents

Contact List of Topic Title Text/Ref

Hours Book/external

1 Introduction to matrices, row-reduced echelon form of a matrix, T1: Sec 7.1 – 7.3, 7.5,
Consistency of linear systems and matrix inversion 7.8
• Unary and binary operations and special matrices
(orthogonal matrix, upper and lower triangular, diagonal
and sparse)
• Row reduction and determination of rank. Comparison
to computation using determinants
• Use of rank in determining the consistency and
inconsistency of linear systems
• Row reduction to determine the inverse of the matrix
(the Gauss Jordan method) (this is to be used in Simplex
method later on)

2 Vector space, subspace and span, Linear dependence and T1: Sec 7.4, 7.9
independence, basis and dimension, Linear transformation, rank
and nullity and the rank nullity theorem R1: Sec 3.2
• Definition and examples of vector space (R^n, space of
polynomials of finite degree, n x m matrices etc.,)
• Determination of whether a non-empty set of a vector
space is a subspace or not
• Span of a finite set
• Linear dependence and independence (theory and couple
of examples)
• Basis and dimension of a finite dimensional vector space
• Linear transformation T: V à W (definition and a
couple of examples)
• Range(T) and Ker(T) as subspaces of W and V
• Rank Nullity Theorem (statement without proof) with

3 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix with applications T1: Sec 8.2 – 8.4

• Eigenvalues – definition and method of determination of

• Eigenvectors – definition and methods of finding the
• Greshgorin’s result on the bounds for eigenvalues
• Application in conic sections with examples
• Similarity transformation with examples

4 Singular value decomposition with examples (using MATLAB) Class notes

and applications (Face recognition with SVD)

• SVD of a matrix (derivation)

• Exemplify using matlab for a couple of matrices and
also show that the singular values are arranged in
descending order.
• Face recognition example.

5 Gauss elimination with scaling and partial pivoting; LU T1: Sec 20.1, 20.2
factorization and related methods
• Gauss elimination (with and without scaling and partial
pivoting). Take an example to shown the role played by
• LU factorization, Cholesky and Crout’s methods with

6 Iterative methods of solving linear systems; Matrix eigenvalue T1: Sec 20.3,
problems and Power method for finding the dominant eigenvalue 20.8
• Write Ax = b in the form (L+D+U) x = b and work out
the iterative scheme for Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel
• Introduce vector and matrix norms (row sum, column
sum and Frobenius norms) and work out a few problems
in Excel / Matlab
• Explain the power method and work out a couple of

7 -8 Application of linear algebra in optimization. Modelling linear Class notes

programming problem and the basics of Simplex algorithm and
sensitivity analysis.
• Model a LPP in construction of buildings.
• Model the currency conversion optimization problem.
• Work out the graphical method of solution in the case of
2 variable case
• Simplex method for simple cases
• Outline how Gauss Jordan produces the inverse matrix.
• Graphical sensitivity analysis (Change in objective value
coefficients and rhs of constraints)

9 Calculus of one and several variables; Limits, continuity and Class notes
differentiability; Maxima and minima of functions; Steepest
gradient method for finding the maximum. Constrained
optimization (Lagrange multipliers)
• Review limits, continuity and differentiability
(graphically and algebraically)
• Maxima and minima in one variable
• Steepest gradient method
• Lagrange multipliers (for more number of constraints)

10 Introduction to set theory, set relations, set operators, cardinality T2: Sec 2.1, 2.2
of sets, Cartesian product of sets

• Definition and examples of set and set operations

• Cartesian product of sets

11 Fundamentals of functions – range, domain, injection, surjection, T2: Sec 2.3

bijection of functions
• Definition and examples of functions
• Writing the range, domain and codomain for a few well
known functions (exponential, logarithmic and
trigonometric functions)
• One-one, onto and one to one relationship definition and
examples (algebraic and graphical)

12 Fundamentals of relations, reflexive, symmetric and transitive T2: Sec 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
properties in relations, representing relations and applications
• Definition and examples of relations
• Reflexive, Symmetric and Transitive properties and
• Closures of the above relations including Warshall’s
13 Representing relations, applications of relations, equivalence T2: Sec 7.4, 7.5, 7.6
relations, partial order relations, lattices.
• Representation of relations as matrices
• Applications of relations
• Equivalence relations with examples
• Partial order and well ordering
• Hasse diagrams
• Lattices with examples using lub and glb concepts

14 Introduction to graph theory, directed and undirected graphs, T2: Sec 8.1, 8.2
handshaking theorem, special graph structures, graph

• Directed and undirected graphs with examples

• Handshaking theorem connecting vertices and edges
• Graph representation as a matrix and paths.

15 Isomorphism of graphs, connectedness, components, Euler, T2: Sec 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
Hamilton paths and cycles

• Graph isomorphism definition and examples (how to

show two graphs are isomorphic / non-isomorphic)
• Connectedness in graphs and components
• Euler path and cycle (using degree of vertices)
• Hamilton path and cycle (using degree of vertices)

16 Boolean Algebra- Boolean Functions, Representing Boolean T2: Sec 10.1, 10.2
functions and functional completeness
• Definition and examples of Boolean algebras
• Representation of Boolean functions
• Functional completeness (Complement, union,
intersection) à (complement, union) {alternatively
(complement, intersection) à NAND, NOR as a single

# The above contact hours and topics can be adapted for non-specific and specific WILP
programs depending on the requirements and class interests.

Lab Details
Title Access URL
Lab Setup Instructions Not applicable

Lab Capsules Not applicable

Additional References Not applicable

Select Topics and Case Studies from business for experiential learning
Topic Select Topics in Syllabus for experiential learning Access URL
1 Assignment - linear algebra topics

2 Assignment- discrete structures topics

Evaluation Scheme
Legend: EC = Evaluation Component
Evaluation Name Type Weight Duration Day, Date, Session, Time
Component (Quiz, Lab, (Open book,
Project, Closed book,
Midterm exam, Online, etc.)
End semester
exam, etc)
Quiz-1 Online 5% 8/March/2020 (10:00 AM) to
12/March/2020 (10:00 PM)
Quiz-2 Online 5% 25/May/2020 (10:00 AM) to
29/May/2020 (10:00 PM)
EC - 1
Assignment-1 10% 07/Feb/2020 (10:00 AM) to
17/Feb/2020 (10:00 PM)
Assignment-2 10% 01/May/2020 (10:00 AM) to
11/May/2020 (10:00 PM)
EC - 2 Mid-term Exam Closed book 30% 90 minutes 28/March/2020 (10:00 AM to
11:30 AM)
EC - 3 End Semester Open book 40% 150 minutes 13/June/2020 (10:00 AM to
Exam 12:30 PM)

Note - Evaluation components can be tailored depending on the proposed model.

Important Information
Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Open Book): Topics in Weeks 1-8
Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics given in plan of study
Evaluation Guidelines:
1. EC-1 consists of either two Assignments or three Quizzes. Announcements regarding the
same will be made in a timely manner.
2. For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not allowed.
3. For Open Book exams: Use of prescribed and reference text books, in original (not
photocopies) is permitted. Class notes/slides as reference material in filed or bound form is
permitted. However, loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of calculators is
permitted in all exams. Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any
material is not allowed.
4. If a student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Exam due to genuine exigencies, the
student should follow the procedure to apply for the Make-Up Test/Exam. The
genuineness of the reason for absence in the Regular Exam shall be assessed prior to
giving permission to appear for the Make-up Exam. Make-Up Test/Exam will be
conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be announced later.
It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self-study
schedule as given in the course handout, attend the lectures, and take all the prescribed evaluation
components such as Assignment/Quiz, Mid-Semester Test and Comprehensive Exam according to
the evaluation scheme provided in the handout.

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