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All content following this page was uploaded by Tale Geramitcioski on 15 February 2017.
Abstract: Vibration produced by rolling bearings can be complex and can result from geometrical imperfections during
the manufacturing process, defects on the rolling surfaces or geometrical errors in associated components. Noise and
vibration is becoming more critical in all types of equipment since it is often perceived to be synonymous with quality
and often used for predictive maintenance. This paper shows the procedure for prediction of rolling bearings defect in
the motor-fan machinery used in Metal Smelter FENI Industry Kavadarci – Macedonia. Detecting the condition of
periodical measuring the vibration condition allows early detection and timely intervention renounced by replacing
damaged parts
Key words: Roller bearings, Defects, Prediction, Vibration signal, Signature analysis
vb = (ωi − ωc ) ⋅ ri (7) 3. The FTF or cage frequency is about 40% of unit speed
if the inner race is rotating and about 60% of unit speed
if the outer race is rotating.
where ri is the radius of the inner race. The ball angular
velocity or ball spin frequency is then 4. The BSF does not change regardless of which race is
rotating. At first, it seems the BSF should increase if
ri the outer race is rotating, because the cage speed
BSF = (ωi − ωc ) (8) increases. However, closer inspection indicates BSF must
rc remain constant if BPFO and BPFI do not change.
Tale Geramitchioski, Ljupco Trajcevski: Prediction of Rolling Bearings Defect in Motor-Fan Using Vibration Signal Analysis;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 211-216
Fig.2. Gear box calculator GBC ver.1.0 Fig.4. Real construction of Motor-fan assembly
Tale Geramitchioski, Ljupco Trajcevski: Prediction of Rolling Bearings Defect in Motor-Fan Using Vibration Signal Analysis;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 211-216
XMS (extended monitoring software) is the professional Permanent monitoring and measured results of the
software for optimum implementation of the concept vibrations (Fig.7,8) at the characteristic points in three
“condition-oriented machine maintenance” and provides directions showed that the rolling bearings SKF 6228
perfect support trough an intelligent database. By defined with the point 1 and 2 in Fig.3 are most sensitive
measuring the route covered all machines in the factory of the electric motor. The results of periodic measurement
(Fig.6). By measuring the vibrations in this program and of these points in the 2002-2011 periods were given in
register at the same time frequency analysis are too. Fig.7,8.
But if there's a problem of the machines are made more
frequent measurement to monitor the amount of vibration
and to determine whether resulting from lineups: Bad
bearings in electric motor or the working
circuit. Sometimes a problem with the clutch which can
be damaged by irregular lubrication of electric motor
with a working circuit, or by imbalances that may occur
with consumption of the fins from the working
circuit. Spending the fins can occur from hot air and dust
that is in him. To determine what caused the vibration, it
has been establish measurements and software through
the frequency analysis of all bearings, and it is seen from
the pictures ( Fig.9-). In images, if any of the peaks
coincided with the red vertical lines (1-5), who read part
of the slot is damaged, (read from right image) Fig.8. The max. peak in 2v/W point in period 2003-2011
Tale Geramitchioski, Ljupco Trajcevski: Prediction of Rolling Bearings Defect in Motor-Fan Using Vibration Signal Analysis;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 211-216
On the Fig.9 is given frequency when rolling bearing Two types of bearing defects, namely, rolling elements
analysis is in a good condition without any visible signs and cage defects were studied. Measurements were
of change of frequency and amplitudes of vibration. carried out on two sets of bearings. The defective bearing
Measurements of 18/02/2010 for the first time show was replaced by good bearing (Fig.14) after predicting the
problems in order to increase the amplitude rolling failure with vibration signal analysis.
elements (Fig.10), and already on 17.11.2010 (Fig.11) After dismantling the bearing, the photo showed the place
when happened a critical conditions of the rolling where it caused the failure of the bearing cage (Fig.13).
elements (point 3) and the bearing cage (point 5) because
the frequencies have been touched by a critical value
(vertical red line), and the amplitude past the allowable
limit of 5 mm / s.
Tale Geramitchioski, Ljupco Trajcevski: Prediction of Rolling Bearings Defect in Motor-Fan Using Vibration Signal Analysis;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No.3, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 211-216
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