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(IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 425) Yves Rybarczyk, Tiago Cardoso, João Rosas, Luis M. Camarinha-Matos (eds.) - Innovative and Creative Developments in Multimodal Interacti.pdf

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Yves Rybarczyk
Tiago Cardoso
João Rosas
Luis M. Camarinha-Matos

and Creative Developments
in Multimodal
Interaction Systems

9th IFIP WG 5.5 International Summer Workshop

on Multimodal Interfaces, eNTERFACE 2013
Lisbon, Portugal, July 15 – August 9, 2013

IFIP Advances in Information
and Communication Technology 425

A. Joe Turner, Seneca, SC, USA

Editorial Board
Foundations of Computer Science
Jacques Sakarovitch, Télécom ParisTech, France
Software: Theory and Practice
Michael Goedicke, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Arthur Tatnall, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Information Technology Applications
Erich J. Neuhold, University of Vienna, Austria
Communication Systems
Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
System Modeling and Optimization
Fredi Tröltzsch, TU Berlin, Germany
Information Systems
Jan Pries-Heje, Roskilde University, Denmark
ICT and Society
Diane Whitehouse, The Castlegate Consultancy, Malton, UK
Computer Systems Technology
Ricardo Reis, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems
Yuko Murayama, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Artificial Intelligence
Tharam Dillon, Curtin University, Bentley, Australia
Human-Computer Interaction
Jan Gulliksen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Entertainment Computing
Matthias Rauterberg, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
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Yves Rybarczyk Tiago Cardoso
João Rosas Luis M. Camarinha-Matos (Eds.)

and Creative Developments
in Multimodal
Interaction Systems
9th IFIP WG 5.5 International Summer Workshop
on Multimodal Interfaces, eNTERFACE 2013
Lisbon, Portugal, July 15 – August 9, 2013

Volume Editors
Yves Rybarczyk
Tiago Cardoso
João Rosas
Luis M. Camarinha-Matos
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica
Quinta da Torre, 2829-516 Monte de Caparica, Portugal
E-mail: {yr, tomfc, jrosas, cam}@uninova.pt

ISSN 1868-4238 e-ISSN 1868-422X

ISBN 978-3-642-55142-0 e-ISBN 978-3-642-55143-7
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-55143-7
Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2014936102

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
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This book contains the proceedings of the 9th International Summer Workshop
on Multimodal Interfaces (eNTERFACE 2013), which was held in Lisbon, Por-
tugal, during July 15th to August 9th, 2013. Following the tremendous success
of the previous eNTERFACE workshops (www.enterface.net) held in Mons, Bel-
gium (2005), Dubrovnik, Croatia (2006), Istanbul, Turkey (2007), Paris, France
(2008), Genoa, Italy (2009), Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2010), Plzen, Czech
Republic (2011) and Metz, France (2012), eNTERFACE 2013 aimed at contin-
uing and enhancing the tradition of collaborative, localized research and devel-
opment work by gathering, in a single place, leading researchers in multimodal
interfaces and students to work on specific projects for four complete weeks. In
this respect, it is an innovative and intensive collaboration scheme, designed to
allow researchers to integrate their software tools, deploy demonstrators, collect
novel databases, and work side by side with a great number of experts. It is thus
radically different from traditional scientific workshops, in which only specialists
meet for a few days to discuss state-of-the-art problems, but do not really work
In 2013, more than seventy researchers participated in eNTERFACE, which
confirmed it as the largest workshop on multimodal interfaces. The event was at-
tended by senior researchers, who were mainly university professors, industrial or
governmental researchers presently working in widely dispersed locations, and
junior researchers, who were mostly PhD students. In the first phase of the
workshop, a call for proposals was circulated, for which interested researchers
submitted project ideas. This was an international call, and it was widely circu-
lated in all related major scientific networks. The Scientific Committee evaluated
the proposals, and selected nine projects. In the second phase, a call for partici-
pation was circulated, in which the project leaders got to build their team. The
would-be participants sent in a CV and why they were interested in joining a
project. A small number of under-graduates were also selected, set on outstand-
ing academic promise. Graduate students familiar with the field were selected in
accordance with their demonstrated performance. This year, we have targeted
projects on Innovative and Creative Developments in Multimodal Interaction
All the eNTERFACE 2013 projects have tackled new trends in human-machine
interaction (HMI). The way in which the individual interacts with the devices
is changing, mainly because of the boom of the gaming industry. This change
encompasses two aspects. First of all, the user interfaces are more and more
natural; and the large number of projects using a Kinect is a good example
of this fact. The current HMI does not involve a single kind of input/output
anymore, but a sophisticate signal processing from a combination of sensorial
modalities and motor skills. Second, the development of applications based on
VI Preface

innovative scenario inspired from game concepts, for professional purposes (e.g.
serious games), has significantly increased during the last decade. To address
such a tendency, the studies presented in this volume have required a thin col-
laboration between computer scientists who have developed the prototypes, and
other parties who have asked the relevant questions (e.g. artists, psychologists,
industrial partners). The nine articles that compose this book are organized in
two topical sections. The first one presents different proposals focused on some
fundamental issues regarding multimodal interactions (i.e. telepresence, speech
synthesis and interactive agents modeling). The second is a set of development
examples in key areas of HMI applications (i.e. education, entertainment, and
assistive technologies).
We would like to thank the authors for their contribution and the Steering
Committee of eNTERFACE for the reviewing process of the articles, especially
Albert Ali Salah, Gualtiero Volpe, Igor Pandzic, Antonio Camurri and Olivier
Pietquin. We are also grateful to the sponsors of the event: Faculdade de Ciências
e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, UNINOVA, EUCog network and
IFIP. Finally, we also wish to express our thanks to Springer for making the
publication of this book possible.

January 2014 Yves Rybarczyk

Tiago Cardoso
João Rosas
Luis M. Camarinha-Matos

9th International Summer

Workshop on Multimodal
Lisbon, Portugal,
15 July – 9 August 2013

Workshop Chair
Yves Rybarczyk Portugal

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs

Tiago Cardoso Portugal
João Rosas Portugal

International Program Committee

Albert Ali Salah University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Antonio Camurri University of Genova, Italy
Benoı̂t Macq Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Bülent Sankur Bogazici University, Turkey
Christophe d’Alessandro CNRS-LIMSI, France
Gualtiero Volpe University of Genova, Italy
György Kovács MTA SZTAKI, Hungary
Igor Pandzic Zagreb University, Croatia
Luis M. Camarinha-Matos New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Miloš Železný University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Olivier Pietquin Metz Supélec, France
Peter Bertok RMIT University, Australia
Thierry Dutoit Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium
Yves Rybarczyk New University of Lisbon, Portugal
VIII Organization

Technical Sponsors

EUCog - European Network for the

Advancement of Artificial Cognitive
Systems, Interaction and Robotics

IFIP WG 5.5 COVE - Cooperation

Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprises
and electronic business

Organizational Sponsors

Organized by:
Department of Electrotechnical Engineering FCT/UNL
Table of Contents

Part I: Fundamental Issues

Body Ownership of Virtual Avatars: An Affordance Approach
of Telepresence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Tiago Coelho, Rita de Oliveira, Tiago Cardoso, and Yves Rybarczyk
Reactive Statistical Mapping: Towards the Sketching of Performative
Control with Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Nicolas d’Alessandro, Joëlle Tilmanne, Maria Astrinaki,
Thomas Hueber, Rasmus Dall, Thierry Ravet, Alexis Moinet,
Huseyin Cakmak, Onur Babacan, Adela Barbulescu,
Valentin Parfait, Victor Huguenin, Emine Sümeyye Kalaycı, and
Qiong Hu
Laugh When You’re Winning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Maurizio Mancini, Laurent Ach, Emeline Bantegnie, Tobias Baur,
Nadia Berthouze, Debajyoti Datta, Yu Ding, Stéphane Dupont,
Harry J. Griffin, Florian Lingenfelser, Radoslaw Niewiadomski,
Catherine Pelachaud, Olivier Pietquin, Bilal Piot, Jérôme Urbain,
Gualtiero Volpe, and Johannes Wagner
Tutoring Robots: Multiparty Multimodal Social Dialogue
with an Embodied Tutor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Samer Al Moubayed, Jonas Beskow, Bajibabu Bollepalli,
Ahmed Hussen-Abdelaziz, Martin Johansson, Maria Koutsombogera,
José David Lopes, Jekaterina Novikova, Catharine Oertel,
Gabriel Skantze, Kalin Stefanov, and Gül Varol
Touching Virtual Agents: Embodiment and Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Gijs Huisman, Merijn Bruijnes, Jan Kolkmeier, Merel Jung,
Aduén Darriba Frederiks, and Yves Rybarczyk

Part II: Key Applications

Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game . . . 141
João Gameiro, Tiago Cardoso, and Yves Rybarczyk
Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric Interactive Playground . . . . . . . . . 160
Robby van Delden, Alejandro Moreno, Carlos Ramos,
Gonçalo Carrasco, Dennis Reidsma, and Ronald Poppe
X Table of Contents

KINterestTV - Towards Non-invasive Measure of User Interest While

Watching TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Julien Leroy, François Rocca, Matei Mancas,
Radhwan Ben Madhkour, Fabien Grisard, Tomas Kliegr,
Jaroslav Kuchar, Jakub Vit, Ivan Pirner, and Petr Zimmermann

Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

João Rosas, Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Gonçalo Carvalho,
Ana Inês Oliveira, and Filipa Ferrada

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Part I
Fundamental Issues
Body Ownership of Virtual Avatars:
An Affordance Approach of Telepresence

Tiago Coelho1, Rita de Oliveira2, Tiago Cardoso1, and Yves Rybarczyk1,*

Electrotechnical Engineering Department, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Applied Sciences, London South Bank University, UK

Abstract. Virtual environments are an increasing trend in today’s society. In

this scope, the avatar is the representation of the user in the virtual world. How-
ever, that relationship lacks empirical studies regarding the nature of the inte-
raction between avatars and human beings. For that purpose it was studied how
the avatar’s modeled morphology and dynamics affect its control by the user.
An experiment was conducted to measure telepresence and ownership on par-
ticipants who used a Kinect Natural User Interface (NUI). The body ownership
of different avatars was assessed through a behavioral parameter, based on the
concept of affordances, and a questionnaire of presence. The results show that
the feelings of telepresence and ownership seem to be greater when the kine-
matics and the avatar’s proportions are closer to those of the user.

Keywords: Avatar, telepresence, ownership, affordances, natural user interface,

virtual environment.

1 Introduction

1.1 Telepresence and Ownership

Telepresence is the feeling of being present in a place where the person is not [1].
This feeling can be achieved while an individual is using a simulator or performing a
certain task in a virtual environment such as a game [2]. Another way this phenome-
non can occur is in teleoperation, in which the user remote-controls a robot with a
camera that provides the teleoperator with visual feedback from the working space
[3]. Telepresence is a critical mental process as it increases the immersion of the indi-
vidual within a certain task. Teleoperation and virtual environments are the most
common situations in which a feeling of telepresence may occur.
One of the most specific cases of telepresence is body ownership, in which the in-
dividual is so immerse in the teleoperation task he/she is performing that he/she

Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade
Nova de Lisboa, Quinta da Torre 2829-516 Monte de Caparica, Portugal
email: yr@uninova.pt

Y. Rybarczyk et al. (Eds.): eNTERFACE 2013, IFIP AICT 425, pp. 3–19, 2014.
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
4 T. Coelho et al.

believes the remote machine is part of him/her [4]. In an experiment carried out by
Sumioka et al. [5], subjects remote-controlled a human-like machine. They had a first
person view over the machine, which replicated every move of the individual. The
participant’s reactions were gauged by measurement of the skin conductance. The
results show that the participants seemed to feel the machine as it was their own body.
In addition, the feeling of ownership can also happen in other cases of mediated situa-
tions such as in virtual reality, in which the individual believes he/she is the avatar.
The study that revealed for the first time the phenomenon of ownership is the Rub-
ber Hand Illusion [6]. In this experiment, the participant’s hand is hidden and a rubber
hand is visible in its place. A tactile stimulation is applied simultaneously to both
hands. After a while, the individual has the feeling that the fake hand is his/her own.
A similar effect has also been observed in virtual reality [7, 8]. Ehrsson et al. [9]
recorded the brain activity of participants when they were submitted to the same
experiment. The results showed a significant activation of the parietal cortex only in
the presence of a synchronous and congruent visuo-tactile stimulation of the rubber
and the real hand. In addition, a positive correlation between the physiological and
ownership questionnaire data confirmed that the participants were considering the
rubber hand as their own hand.
It seems that the ownership feeling is not exclusive of the individual limbs and can
occur on the entire body. In Petkova and Ehrsson’s [10] experiment, participants wore
a head-mounted display and had a first person view over a body-sized mannequin.
They received visual and tactile stimulations over the whole body. In that condition,
the participants had the feeling that the mannequin’s body was their own. The owner-
ship feeling was measured through skin conductance, which can detect psychological
or physiological alterations. Authors stress the fact that a human-like representation of
the mannequin and a synchronous visuo-tactile stimulation were crucial to trigger the
ownership illusion.
A more surprising observation is the fact that body ownership may also occur in a
simple situation of tool-use. Studies showed that when individuals manipulate an
artifact, they consider it as an extension of their arm [11]. The initial study was per-
formed with non-human primates and their brain activity was measured by electrodes.
The results show that some specific bimodal neurons coding for the monkey’s hand
fire in a similar manner when a stimulus is applied to the hand or close to the tool
manipulated by the animal [12]. This is clear evidence showing that the artifact seems
to be integrated into the primate body schema.
Overall, these experiments showed that ownership occurs in the brain, after inte-
gration of multimodal information (vision, touch and proprioception) in order to build
a coherent representation of the body.

1.2 Methods for Measuring Telepresence

Questionnaires. There are several ways to measure telepresence. One way the evalu-
ation can be done is by questionnaire, in which the user answers a few questions in
order to express what they felt during the experiment. This is probably the most popu-
lar kind of presence assessment. A significant number of studies on telepresence or
Body Ownership of Virtual Avatars: An Affordance Approach of Telepresence 5

ownership ask their participants to fill a questionnaire when the experiment is over
[6, 9, 10, 13].
Questionnaires are mostly used because of the simplicity of their implementation
and the large range of possible questions. They are also a very quick and practical
way for people to express their feelings, on a numerical scale that allows quantifica-
tion and comparisons. Nevertheless there are some disadvantages, such as misinter-
pretation of questions, subjectivity of answers, the scale level number (odd vs. even)
or, since it happens after the experiment, participants might forget what they felt.
Another disadvantage is the number of questions: if there are too many, the partici-
pants may lose interest and answer randomly.

Physiological Parameters. Another way to gauge presence is by physiological

parameters such as heart rate, galvanic skin response, electromyography or electroen-
cephalogram. The galvanic skin response (GSR) measures the skin conductance of
electricity. The variation of skin conductance occurs by changes in the moisture of the
skin. Emotional stimulus triggers the sympathetic nervous system to increase the
activity of the sweat glands. Armel and Ramachandran [14] measured the skin
conductance in their rubber hand illusion experiment. They threatened to harm the
rubber hand. If the participant thought that the rubber hand was his/her own, the skin
conductance results showed signs of arousal.
The electromyography (EMG) measures the electric activity of activated muscles.
The signals can also be used to detect neurologic activity. Slater et al. [15] used this
technique during a rubber hand illusion experiment carried out in virtual reality.
When ownership was achieved, the virtual hand was twisted. The EMG showed the
twist induced a motor activity along the participant’s real arm.
The electroencephalogram (EEG) directly measures electric activity of the brain in
a non-invasive way. González-Franco et al. [16] showed that EEG can be used to
assess presence in a virtual environment. They conducted an experiment in which the
arm of the avatar was threatened. Results showed that when facing a threat, the partic-
ipants lowered their motor cortex activity.

Behavioral Assessment: Affordances. In this project, affordances are used as a

behavioral assessment to measure telepresence in a virtual environment. Affordances
are a concept first suggested in the literature by J.J. Gibson [17]. An affordance is an
action possibility whereby people perceive their environment and the objects within it
as possibilities of doing certain actions and not doing other actions. Affordances exist
where the characteristics of the object and the characteristics of the person match in a
particular way. For instance, most chairs will afford sitting to most adults, but will not
afford sitting to a 6-months baby, and might afford standing to someone making a
speech. This concept is also applicable to other animal species, like for example a tree
can afford nourishment to a giraffe but for a bird it can afford nesting. An affordance
is a combination of the physical characteristics of the object and the animal, the
knowledge about the object, and the needs to the animal at a particular time. In some
cases, the action possibility may be harmful, in which case the animal may choose not
to perform the action. For example a knife affords cutting into various surfaces
6 T. Coelho et al.

because it has a blade. If someone grasps it by the handle it affords cutting into bread
or cut through paper but it also affords injury if grasped by the blade. Another exam-
ple is about apertures. An aperture will only afford passage if it is wider than the indi-
vidual. If it is narrower it may afford passage if the individual rotates upon himself
[18]. Affordances are based on experience, in the sense that people learn to perceive
the relevant characteristics of the environment and objects within it. This means they
will be common to many individuals (e.g., passing through apertures which are large
enough) but different from one individual to another (e.g., a rugby player, a gymnast,
or a child will fit through different apertures). The link between perception and action
which guides people’s decision evolves over time through experience [19].
After the initial study by Warren and Whang [18] testing affordances, other
studies have followed which explore and test the notion of affordances, such as [20,
21]. One crucial finding was that the possibilities for action available to an individual
are scaled to the individual’s body. This scaling factor is important because it links
object properties and individual’s dimensions through an invariant value; this means
there is a lawful relation underpinning (at least some) affordances. Such lawful rela-
tions have been found in various animals. In human participants, this was found in
stair climbing where participants deem a stair climbable (without the aid of hands) if
the raiser is smaller than 0.88 their leg length [22]. This was also found to be the case
in passing through apertures where participants rotate their shoulders over their longi-
tudinal axis if the aperture is smaller than 1.4 the width of their shoulders [18].

2 Questioning and Prototype Solution

2.1 Problematic
The main purpose of this article is to evaluate the effect of an avatar on the feelings of
telepresence. Avatars are very common in virtual environments. They are the alter-
egos of users in the virtual world. The avatar is usually seen from a first or third
person perspective. Several aspects can be studied regarding the avatar, such as its
dynamics, morphology or physical appearance. In addition, aspects such as the cam-
era perspective or a visuo-motor feedback from hardware might change the ownership
feelings about the avatar. The physical user interface is an important parameter to take
into account because the control the user has on the avatar influences his/her behavior
[23]. All of these features may influence the way a person feels towards the avatar
[24]. Here, the avatar’s morphology and dynamics were studied when a human user
controlled it through a NUI.
The morphology of the avatar is an important feature in achieving body ownership.
For instance, Tsakiris and Haggard [25] carried out the rubber hand illusion experi-
ment with a fake hand and with a wooden stick. Their results showed that, with the
rubber hand, ownership was easier to achieve than with the wooden stick. Because
feelings of ownership happened with the hand, a similar result is expected if applied
on a larger scale to a scaled-to-user avatar. This was done by Petkova and Ehrsson
[10] in a study using a camera on a mannequin in the real world.
Body Ownership of Virtual Avatars: An Affordance Approach of Telepresence 7

The dynamics of the avatar may also help to induce the feelings of telepresence and
ownership on its user. If there is real-time congruence between the movements of the
user and the movements of the avatar, then the feelings of telepresence and ownership
should be greater than with incongruent movements. This is supported by the experi-
ment carried out by Kalckert and Ehrsson [26]. These authors showed that the rubber
hand illusion can be induced through a simple visuomotor correlation, without the
need for a tactile stimulation as had been used in the original study of Botvinik and
Cohen [6].
The study presented here is composed with two experimental conditions. In one of
the conditions, the avatars are morphologically proportional (similar) to each partici-
pant. It is possible to have a dynamic avatar fully proportional to the user thanks to a
full body motion capture. In the other condition, the avatar resembles the first one in
how it looks, but it is the same (standard) for every participant. In addition, the
movements of this standard avatar do not exactly match the participant’s movements,
as it only moves sideways and rotates upon itself. Aside from the avatar conditions,
there was also a speed condition: fast and slow.

2.2 Developed Tool

The ATTAVE (Avatar Telepresence Testing: Affordances in Virtual Environments) is
the name of the prototype developed. The ATTAVE is a virtual environment where
the avatars exist and where experiments using affordances are performed. This virtual
environment will be the same for both avatar conditions. Thus, the only parameters
that change in the experiment are the avatar’s characteristics. The design of the proto-
type is based on a study performed by Warren and Whang [18]. The authors evaluated
how people passed through apertures considering the shoulder width of the participant
and the ratio between the aperture and their shoulder width. The participants passed
through several apertures of various sizes and the degree of their shoulder rotation
was recorded. There were two speed conditions: a slow and a fast walking speed.
Results showed that the participants only walked frontally through the aperture when
the ratio between the aperture and the shoulders was smaller than 1.4. The present
study will be similar to the one performed by Warren and Whang [18], but will be
performed in a virtual environment. By replicating a study performed in the real
world, telepresence can be verified if the same behaviors that happen in the real world
also happen in the virtual environment.
The display of ATTAVE consists of a virtual scenario showing a long treadmill
moving towards a visible avatar (and also towards the participant). The avatar resem-
bles a wooden mannequin and is visible from head to knees, as the viewpoint of the
participant is 2 m behind the avatar. The treadmill is enclosed on the side by tall
walls. On the treadmill itself there are frontal green walls with an aperture on the left,
centre or right side of the wall. All surfaces have texture as can be seen in Figure 1.
The participants could control the translation and rotation of the avatars by physically
moving side to side and rotating their own shoulders. Shoulder rotation proportionally
slowed down the treadmill. The participants’ task was to avoid collisions and pass
through all doors as fast as possible.
8 T. Coelho et al.

Fig. 1. ATTAVE seen from above (this was not the perspective used in the study)

Fig. 2. Virtual avatar and environment viewed from the participants’ perspective

The software chosen for modeling the avatars was Blender. The final models resem-
bled a wooden mannequin (Figure 2). The software used to create the animation of the
(standard) avatar was iPi Recorder and iPi Mocap Studio (iPi Soft). This tool was
Body Ownership of Virtual Avatars: An Affordance Approach of Telepresence 9

chosen because it can record the movements captured by the Kinect and associate
those movements to the avatar. With this method, an animation was created of a
sidestep with a human model performing the action. This was the standard side-step
used by the avatar in the standard condition.
Unity 3d was the game engine chosen for designing ATTAVE and running the ap-
plication. The advantage of Unity 3d is its MonoDevelop IDE (Integrated Develop-
ment Environment) integrated in the software, which facilitates the scripting part of
the game. The scripting was made entirely in Java scripting language for Unity.
Another reason that led to the use of Unity 3d in the project was its easy integration
with the Kinect, which is made possible thanks to a framework called OpenNI
(Open Source Natural Interaction) provided by Primesense.
For the full body motion capture a Kinect NUI was used. This device uses an optic
technology that allows detection of the human body thanks to an infrared depth cam-
era. This choice was due to its ease to set up, as it can be ready to use in less than five
minutes, and also due to its low cost compared to other equipment of the same catego-
ry. Another advantage in using this system is the fact that the user does not have to
wear a specific suit and, consequently, he/she has full range of movement. In order to
provide the participant with audio-visual feedback, a noise and a flash next to the
avatar’s shoulders were displayed whenever there was a collision with a wall.
When the participant rotated the shoulders, the speed of the treadmill decreased in
proportion to the cosine of the angle between the shoulders’ axis and the avatar’s
translation axis, as described by the formula below.
current speed = set speed * (1 - 0.4 * sin(angle)) (1)

In (1), the value of the angle is taken as 0 if the individual is in a frontal position to-
wards the door and 90º if the individual is facing the side walls. The angles are in
absolute values from 0º to 90º. The speed decrease with rotation was introduced be-
cause it simulates a normal behavior observed in the real world. People usually reduce
their locomotion velocity when they have to pass through a narrow aperture. The
decreasing value of 0.4, used to calculate the current speed, was based on pilot trials.
Moreover, the correlation between rotation and speed was an incentive for partici-
pants not to rotate their shoulders unless there was a danger of collision, as the rota-
tion slowed down the treadmill and added to their total time on the task.

3 Experiment

3.1 Participants
Participants were 24 university students (18 male and 6 female, aged between 20 and
28), with normal or corrected-to-normal vision and varied experience in playing video
games. Half of the participants performed in two conditions (similar fast, similar
slow) and the other half performed in two other conditions (standard fast, standard
slow). This was done to enable the study of eventual learning effects under each speed
10 T. Coelho et al.

condition. The experiments were approved by the local ethics committee of the Nova
University Lisbon.

3.2 Setup
The experiment was conducted in a 3 × 3 m area. Participants stood 3 m away from
a 75 cm height table. On the table was mounted an off-the-shelf Kinect sensor
(Microsoft, for Xbox 360) and an 18" computer screen (1440 × 900 pixel resolution),
both connected to a PC. Three small marks on the floor indicated the positions aligned
with the three apertures on the display (see Figure 3).

Fig. 3. Physical setup of the experiment

3.3 Experimental Design

Participants performed 32 trials for each of 2 speed conditions and for each of 4 ses-
sions. Also, there were 2 avatar conditions; each used in a group of participants. The
32 trials consisted of apertures that showed in the central position with widths gradu-
ally increasing relative to the avatar’s shoulders from 0.7 to 2.2 and then gradually
decreasing from 2.2 to 0.7 (in steps of 0.1). When the avatar passed through each of
these apertures, the value corresponding to the angle between the shoulders was rec-
orded. These trials were alternated with 32 dummy trials with apertures of constant
size shown in the right and left side positions. These side apertures remained twice the
shoulder width of the avatar and were not used for data collection. Every aperture was
10 meters away from the next aperture. The two speed conditions were slow and fast
(respectively 5 and 10 Km/h). They were taken from the walking speeds reported by
Warren and Whang [18] and adjusted during pilot testing. The avatar condition con-
sisted of manipulating the morphology and movements of the avatar. In the similar
Body Ownership of Virtual Avatars: An Affordance Approach of Telepresence 11

avatar condition the avatar was anatomically proportional to the dimensions of the
participant and all segments were animated to mimic the natural movements of the
participant. In the standard condition the dimensions of the avatar were standard for
all participants and the avatar had only two degrees of freedom: translation sideways
and rotation upon itself (see arrows on Figure 3). An animation of a sidestep was
implemented on the avatar when the participant performed a sidestep. This animation
was recorded with a natural user interface and results from a sidestep performed by a
human being.
The ratio between each virtual door and the avatar’s shoulders width was the in-
dependent variable manipulated. The dependent variable was the angle between the
shoulders during the passage through each aperture.

3.4 Procedure
The experiment started with participants reading and signing the consent form. Then,
the Kinect was calibrated to the participants’ movements. Participants were instructed
to avoid collisions and complete the task in the shortest possible time, and were in-
formed that shoulder rotation proportionally decreased the speed of the treadmill. In
each session, participants completed the increasing-decreasing series in the slow con-
dition followed by the fast condition. Participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire
adapted from Witmer et al. [27]. Finally, the measure of participants’ height and
shoulder width was taken. In total, each session lasted about 20 minutes.

3.5 Results
Data Analysis. The main dependent variable was the critical ratio after which the
participant passed without rotation. Following Warren and Whang [18], the two val-
ues of the critical ratio of shoulder rotation from the increasing-decreasing series were
averaged. The critical ratio was that with an angle smaller than 16º and after which all
angles were smaller than 16º (one exception was permitted provided the angle was
smaller than 40º and the average angles remained smaller than 16º). A critical ratio
was calculated for each participant, condition, and session and these were used in the
data analysis.
To examine learning effects from session to session, the critical ratios were submit-
ted to a multivariate repeated measures analysis of variance (MANOVA) with the
factor session (4 levels), and using the 4 conditions as measures (slow-similar, fast-
similar, slow-standard, fast-standard). Based on the results of this analysis, the aver-
ages of the last 3 sessions were used in the remaining analysis.
To examine the effect of conditions on the critical ratios, the individual critical
ratios from the last 3 sessions were averaged and submitted to a repeated measures
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with factors speed (2 levels: slow and fast) and avatar
(2 levels: similar and standard). The same analysis was conducted for the total dura-
tions, that is, the time that the participants took to complete the task by going through
all the apertures. The same analysis was also used to test the effects on collisions.
12 T. Coelho et al.

To examine how participants felt regarding the experienced environment, the

scores for each dimension of the questionnaires were averaged and submitted to a
multivariate repeated measures analysis of variance (MANOVA) with factors avatar
(2 levels: similar and standard) and session (4 levels) and using the 5 dimensions as
measures (realism, possibility, quality, ownership, and self-evaluation).
Finally, Pearson’s r was used to test the correlation between critical ratios and the
dimension of ownership as measured by the questionnaire.

Learning of Critical Ratios. Overall, there was a significant learning effect on the
critical ratios, F(12, 86) = 6.85, p < .001, η2 = .49. This was reflected in the four con-
ditions: slow-similar, F(3, 33) = 17.74, p < .001, η2 = .62; fast-similar, F(3, 33) =
3.08, p < .05, η2 = .22; slow-standard, F(3, 33) = 8.74, p < .001, η2 = .44; and fast-
standard, F(3, 33) = 3.07, p = .05, η2 = .22.
Pairwise comparisons showed significant differences between the first and the last
three sessions which did not differ between them (see Figure 4).

Fig. 4. Average critical ratios for the four conditions over the four sessions

Critical Ratios. There was a strong tendency for an effect of critical ratio on avatar,
F(1, 11) = 4.62, p = .055, η2 = .30 (Figure 5), which was caused by participants rotat-
ing their shoulders at smaller critical ratios when the avatar was standard than when
the avatar was similar (standard M = 1.40, se = 0.05, similar M = 1.57, se = 0.07).
Body Ownership of Virtual Avatars: An Affordance Approach of Telepresence 13

Fig. 5. Effect of the avatar on the critical ratios

There was a significant main effect of critical ratio on speed, F(1, 11) = 5.13, p < .05,
η2 = .57 (Figure 6). This was caused by participants rotating their shoulders at smaller
critical ratios in the slow condition compared to the fast condition (slow M = 1.43, se
= 0.04; fast M = 1.54, se = 0.05).

Fig. 6. Effect of speed on critical ratios

14 T. Coelho et al.

There was no Speed × Avatar interaction, F(1, 11) = 2.51, however it is noteworthy
that the effect of speed was more marked when avatars were similar than when ava-
tars were standard (Figure 7).

Fig. 7. Effect of speed condition and avatar on the critical ratios in the four sessions (black bars
represent the similar avatar and grey lines represent the standard avatar)

Duration. The main effect of duration on speed, F(1, 11) = 7.07, p < .001, η2 = .99,
was caused by the condition itself (slow M = 476.5, se = 2.7; fast M = 248.3, se =
2.2). The main effect of avatar was not statistically significant, F(1, 11) = 1.93, al-
though participants took slightly shorter in the standard than in the similar condition
(standard M = 259.3, se = 4.06, similar M = 365.6, se = 1.6). There was a significant
Speed × Avatar interaction, F(1, 11) = 19.09, p < .001, η2 = .63. This was because in
the slow condition, participants performed slower with similar avatars (slow standard
M = 468.3, se = 5.03, slow similar M = 484.7, se = 2.05), whereas in the fast condi-
tion participants performed faster with similar avatars (fast standard M = 250.2, se =
4.42, fast similar M = 246.4, se = 1.32).

Collisions. There were no significant main effects of collisions on speed, F(1, 11) =
0.0, avatar, F(1, 11) = 2.19, and no significant interaction effect, F(1, 11) = 0.40. On
average there were 2 collisions on each session across conditions.

Questionnaire. Overall, there was no significant main effect of avatar, F(2, 7) = 1.83
or session, F(2, 7) = 0.93. However, there was a significant Avatar × Session interac-
tion, F(15, 80) = 1.87, p < .05, η2 = .24. This significant interaction was reflected in
Body Ownership of Virtual Avatars: An Affordance Approach of Telepresence 15

three dimensions: realism, F(3, 33) = 4.00, p < .05, η2 = .27; ownership, F(3, 33) =
3.93, p < .05, η2 = .26 and self-evaluation, F(3, 33) = 3.17, p < .05, η2 = .22. This
interaction occurred because feelings of realism, ownership and self-evaluation in-
creased in the similar condition and decreased in the standard condition (Figure 8).

Fig. 8. Questionnaires results for the three dimensions over sessions

Fig. 9. Scatter plot and Pearson’s r

16 T. Coelho et al.

Ownership and Critical Ratios. Overall, there was a small, positive correlation
between feelings of ownership and critical ratios, r = 0.36, n = 96, p < 0.05 indicating
that increases in one variable were accompanied by increases in the other variable
(Figure 9).

4 Discussion

The main objective of this research was to study whether the dynamics and the mor-
phology of an avatar would reflect on the feelings of telepresence and ownership of
the participant. Also, to know whether affordances were used in a virtual environment
the same way they are in a real environment. In order to perform the experiment, a
prototype named ATTAVE was developed. ATTAVE possess a virtual environment
where the participant’s avatar performs the experimental task. The user controlled the
avatar through a natural motion capture carried out by a Kinect NUI. There were two
avatar conditions to test: one morphologically proportional to the user and that repli-
cated his/her movements; and another with an avatar that was identical for every par-
ticipant, and exhibited limited mobility, as it could only rotate upon himself and step
The results show that participants adjusted to the virtual environment after taking
their first session. This learning effect is only significant in the first session, and the
other three sessions were similar to each other in a same condition. The learning
effect that occurred in the first session indicates that participants learned to use
appropriate information, provided by the virtual environment, to solve the problem of
passing through apertures. It is usual in Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) that users
take time to adapt to the artifact. For instance, Peters et al. [28] showed that six trials
on a teleoperated robotic arm are necessary to have an accurate representation of the
task. On the contrary to a simple tool held in hand, the remote or virtual interaction is
not straightforward and involves a specific design of the artifact to be ergonomically
adapted to the human user [29]. After learning, the critical ratios obtained in the vir-
tual environment (1.4 and 1.57) were very similar to those in the real environment
(1.4 reported by Warren and Whang [18]), which demonstrates that people perceive
similar body-scaled affordances in the virtual environment as in real environments.
The effect of the different avatars was significant. Participants with the standard
avatar had a smaller critical ratio than the participants with the similar avatar (1.4 vs.
1.57). It means that participants who controlled a similar avatar tended to keep a
greater safety margin between the body and wall, compared with a standard avatar.
This result can suggest a higher feeling of agency for the similar avatar by the indi-
vidual, who may care about his/her alter-ego and therefore make sure it does not
collide with the wall. In contrast, participant seemed less concerned regarding the
standard avatar. This interpretation is supported by the analysis of the correlation
between the ownership questionnaire and the critical ratios. There was a positive
correlation between these two variables, albeit small, which suggests that the rise in
the critical ratios is related with an increase in the feelings of ownership.
Body Ownership of Virtual Avatars: An Affordance Approach of Telepresence 17

The higher critical ratios in the similar condition compared to the standard condi-
tion could also be explained by distraction because the similar condition involved
seeing more of their own movements in the avatar’s movements. The amount move-
ments may have led the participants to attend to something other than the shoulders
and the apertures. The movements of the standard avatar were much more restricted,
which decreased the amount of cues available. In the standard condition, the partici-
pant’s body controlled the avatar as if it were a simple joystick. Consequently, this
condition can be interpreted in terms of a classical remote control of a teleoperated
machine. In a study carried out by Moore et al. [30], the user controlled a robot and
supervises the environment by means of a camera on top of the robot. The operator’s
task was to judge whether or not the robot could pass through apertures of various
sizes. The results indicate that the participants judged the robot could pass even when
it could not. Authors argued that the results might be influenced by structural and
morphological aspects. The same effect could explain the results of the experiment
presented here. The fact that the individual underestimates the aperture width could
signify that he/she considers the standard avatar as a machine-like character and, con-
sequently, he/she can hardly be engaged in an ownership process with it.
In addition, one aspect that can increase the immersiveness in a virtual envi-
ronment is the type of interaction between human and machine. If the interaction is
done through a classic controller such as a mouse or joystick, the users need to learn
the mapping between their own movement and its consequence in the virtual world
[31, 32]. On the contrary, the mapping is facilitated if the interaction is done through
a full motion capture. Research has shown that natural user interfaces, in which users
can recognize their own movements in the virtual environment, are more immersive
[33, 34]. It could explain why the similar avatar condition seems to bring a higher
feeling of ownership compared with the standard condition.
Analyzing the effect of speed on the critical ratios, it is observable that in both ava-
tar conditions the critical ratio is larger when the speed is higher. This happens be-
cause at higher speeds people leave larger safety margins. In the real world, when an
individual is confronted with an aperture, he/she will reduce his/her speed in order to
fit through without colliding. In this project, the only way to decrease the speed was
by rotating the shoulders, which resulted in a higher critical ratio. The relation
between speed and accuracy is well-known in the area of motor control and was
described for the first time in Fitts’ law [35]. The fact that the participants of this
experiment reproduced this natural motor control adaptation suggests their immersion
into the virtual environment (ATTAVE).
Finally, the questionnaire showed that the similar avatar elicited an increasing feel-
ing of ownership and realism over the four sessions. In contrast, the standard avatar
caused a decreasing feeling of ownership and realism from session to session. This
result means that an agency process in which the participants consider the similar
avatar as a natural extension of themselves seems to happen and to increase through
the interaction with the avatar. In contrast, with the standard avatar, participants may
have become bored due to the avatar’s movement not being as diverse as their own.
This lack of biological motion could lead the participants to act as if they were
controlling a machine instead of a virtual representation of themselves. Overall,
18 T. Coelho et al.

considering the questionnaire results and the affordances described through the criti-
cal ratios, it seems that an avatar with natural movements and tailored the morphology
of the user can significantly enhance the feelings of body ownership.

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Reactive Statistical Mapping: Towards the
Sketching of Performative Control with Data

Nicolas d’Alessandro1 , Joëlle Tilmanne1 , Maria Astrinaki1 ,

Thomas Hueber2 , Rasmus Dall3 , Thierry Ravet1 , Alexis Moinet1 ,
Huseyin Cakmak1 , Onur Babacan1, Adela Barbulescu2 , Valentin Parfait1 ,
Victor Huguenin1 , Emine Sümeyye Kalaycı1, and Qiong Hu3
Numediart Institute for New Media Art Technology, University of Mons, Belgium
GIPSA-lab, UMR 5216/CNRS/INP/UJF/Stendhal University, Grenoble, France
{thomas.hueber, adela.barbulescu}@gipsa-lab.grenoble-inp.fr
Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
r.dall@sms.ed.ac.uk, qiong.hu@ed.ac.uk

Abstract. This paper presents the results of our participation to the

ninth eNTERFACE workshop on multimodal user interfaces. Our tar-
get for this workshop was to bring some technologies currently used in
speech recognition and synthesis to a new level, i.e. being the core of a
new HMM-based mapping system. The idea of statistical mapping has
been investigated, more precisely how to use Gaussian Mixture Mod-
els and Hidden Markov Models for realtime and reactive generation of
new trajectories from inputted labels and for realtime regression in a
continuous-to-continuous use case. As a result, we have developed sev-
eral proofs of concept, including an incremental speech synthesiser, a
software for exploring stylistic spaces for gait and facial motion in real-
time, a reactive audiovisual laughter and a prototype demonstrating the
realtime reconstruction of lower body gait motion strictly from upper
body motion, with conservation of the stylistic properties. This project
has been the opportunity to formalise HMM-based mapping, integrate
various of these innovations into the Mage library and explore the de-
velopment of a realtime gesture recognition tool.

Keywords: Statistical Modelling, Hidden Markov Models, Motion Cap-

ture, Speech, Singing, Laughter, Realtime Systems, Mapping.

1 Introduction
The simulation of human communication modalities, such as speech, facial ex-
pression or body motion, has always been led by the challenge of making the
virtual character look “more realistic”. Behind this idea of realness, there are
inherent properties that listeners or viewers have learnt to expect and track with
great accuracy. Empirical studies, such as the Mori’s vision for robotics [1], tend

Y. Rybarczyk et al. (Eds.): eNTERFACE 2013, IFIP AICT 425, pp. 20–49, 2014.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
Reactive Statistical Mapping 21

to demonstrate that this quest for human likelihood is highly non-linear, encoun-
tering a well-known phenomenon called the uncanny valley, i.e. an unexpected
shift from empathy to revulsion when the response of the virtual character has
“approached, but failed to attain, a lifelike appearance” [2].

1.1 A Content-Oriented Approach of Expressivity

For the last decades, research fields like sound synthesis, computer graphics or
computer animation have faced this issue of the uncanny valley in their own ways.
However common trends can be highlighted. The primary goal in producing
artificial human modalities has always been to “preserve the message”, i.e. what
is heard or seen is at least understood correctly. In speech synthesis, this is
called intelligibility [3]. We can transpose this property to images or motion,
as it refers to the readability of what is generated: a smile, a step, a laughter
sound, etc. Later the target has evolved to “make it look more natural”. This
trend of naturalness is what has brought nearly everybody in these fields to
use recordings of actual human performances, thus moving beyond explicit rule-
based modelling. We can retrieve this concept in the development of non-uniform
unit selection in speech synthesis [4], giga-sampling in music production [5], high-
resolution face scanning [6] or full-body motion capture [7] in animation.
Nowadays the target is to bring expressivity and liveliness to these virtual
characters. This idea goes further than naturalness as it expects the virtual
character to display a wide range of convincing emotions, either automatically
or by means of some authoring. For at least a decade, the typical approach to
this problem has been to extend the amount and variability of the recorded data,
hoping to gather enough utterances of the expected emotions so as to encompass
what we perceive as human. If this idea is meaningful, one might conjecture
that the way of representing and using this massive amount of data is not very
lively nor flexible. For instance, non-uniform unit selection in speech synthesis
concatenates very long utterances from the original recordings [4] and static or
dynamic postures in animation are often blended from original sequences without
a deep understanding of the production mechanisms.

1.2 Performative Control and Machine Learning

Although the use of a large amount of data has clearly improved some aspects of
virtual human-like character animation1 , we could argue from the current results
that this approach on its own has not been able to fully climb the uncanny val-
ley. Indeed speech synthesis and face/body animation resulting from monolithic
transformations of original recordings keep having something inappropriate and
Our approach is really transversal to all the virtual character’s modalities: voice,
face and body. Therefore we tend to use the terms “rendering” and “animation” for
both sounds and visuals. This distinction is rarely done for sound, as “synthesis” is
often used for the whole process. Though a similar nuance can be found in speech,
when respectively referring to segmental and suprasegmental qualities [3].
22 N. d’Alessandro et al.

confusing [8]. In this research, we think that user interaction has a great role
to play in how a given virtual human-like character will be considered more ex-
pressive and lively. Indeed we agree that expressivity is a matter of displaying a
great variability in the rendered output, but we think that these variations need
to be contextually relevant. This “context” is a sum of elements surrounding the
virtual character at a given time and user interaction has a big impact on how
the rendering system should behave. Our way of reading the Mori’s law is that
a significant part of the perceived humanness sits in very subtle details. In this
work, we will focus on how the animation trajectories can reactively adapt to
the user interaction on the very short term, i.e. within milliseconds. We think
that there is a lack in the literature about how these trajectories should react
according to very short-term gestures, as most of the research is focusing on a
larger time window and the overall discussion of dialog systems.
Our approach towards bringing together large multimodal datasets and short-
term user interaction is to use machine learning. There is already a very large
body of literature on applying machine learning techniques in the fields of gesture
or voice recognition [9], gesture or voice synthesis [10], gesture or voice conversion
[11], and what is called implicit mapping, i.e. the use of statistical layers as a
way of connecting inputs to outputs in interactive systems [12]. Multimodal
animation of virtual characters brings two main constraints to take into account
when it comes to statistical modelling. On the one hand, dimensionality of the
data is very big (see Section 3 for details). On the other hand, we aim at creating
animation trajectories, which means that the temporal quality of the generated
outputs is crucial. Besides these specific animation-related constraints, we want
to enable short-term interaction with the virtual character. Therefore the way
of handling statistics in our system requires to be fully realtime.

1.3 A New Framework for GMM/HMM-Based Mapping

In this project, we have decided to investigate the use of Gaussian Mixture Mod-
elling (GMM) and Hidden Markov Modelling (HMM) as statistical tools to ab-
stract big collections of multimodal data, use such knowledge to animate virtual
characters in realtime and enable various kinds of user interactions to happen.
GMM/HMM offers great ability to cover complex feature spaces and HMM is
designed for taking care of the temporal structure of trajectories to be rendered.
Moreover the development of GMM/HMM-based machine learning techniques
has been greatly boosted by recent advances in speech technology research. Par-
ticularly the idea of HMM-based speech synthesis has emerged in the last decade
[10]. A synthesis system called HTS has become a reference in this field [13].
There are many pieces of innovative research surrounding GMM/HMM-based
generation. Three of them have particularly encouraged our team to envision a
new GMM/HMM-based framework for virtual character animation:

– the adaptation of the speech algorithms to motion capture data [14,15];

– the modification of the core generation algorithms to be fully realtime [16];
– the integration of mapping functions inside the HMM framework [17,18].
Reactive Statistical Mapping 23

As a result, we have decided to create a new framework that accepts and

decodes user interaction gestures in realtime, finds the appropriate statistical
context to apply mapping strategies and is able to generate new trajectories
to partially or totally animate a virtual character. In this work, this prototype
framework has been tested for a great amount of use cases, encompassing many
modalities: speech, singing, laughter, face and body motion.

1.4 Outline of the Paper

In this paper, we will first present a more detailed background theory on the
statistical models that are used in our system (cf. Section 2). In Section 3 we
describe the particularities of the datasets that we have been using: speech,
laughter, singing, facial and gait motion. Section 4 explains the various use cases
in which we enabled the realtime trajectory generation. Section 5 focuses on
use cases where mapping is the fundamental feature. Further details on the
architecture are given in Section 6. Finally we conclude in Section 7.

2 Statistical Feature Mapping: Theoretical Aspects of

GMM-Based and HMM-Based Mapping Techniques
The research described in this paper relies on a very specific use of machine
learning techniques based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) and Hidden
Markov Models (HMMs). The aim of this Section is to describe a set of back-
ground theories that are necessary to understand the following Sections. In the
next parts, we first recall the theoretical context of statistical feature mapping.
Then we give an overview on how to turn GMM and HMM into mapping layers.
We also give more details on how to generate the HMM-based trajectories in
realtime, as it is required for building an interactive system.

2.1 Statistical Feature Mapping

The problem of feature mapping refers to the prediction of a vector of target
variables ŷ (also called target features), from the observation of an unseen vector
of input variables x. This problem can be divided into three categories:
– regression, also referred to as continuous mapping, i.e. the case where both
y and x will comprise continuous variables;
– classification, i.e. the case where y will represent a discrete set of class labels
while x will comprise continuous variables;
– generation, also referred to as synthesis, i.e. the case where x will represent
class labels and y the continuous variables we want to estimate.
The feature mapping problem can be viewed from a probabilistic viewpoint.
It consists in finding the vector of target variables ŷ which maximises the con-
ditional probability p(y|x) of y given x, such as:

ŷ = arg max{ p(y|x) } (1)

24 N. d’Alessandro et al.

In supervised machine learning, this conditional probability is estimated dur-

ing the training phase from a dataset x = [x1 , ..., xN ] comprising N observa-
tions of x together with the corresponding observations of the values of y =
[y1 , ..., yN ]. Two types of approaches can be envisioned to estimate this condi-
tional probability: the discriminative or the generative approach.
In a discriminative approach, this conditional probability distribution (also
referred to as the posterior probability distribution) is estimated directly from
the training data. In other words, such an approach provides a model only for
the target variables conditional on the observed variables and does not provide
a complete probabilistic model of all the variables (observed and hidden ones).
Examples of discriminative models include Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA),
Conditional Random Fields (CRF), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), etc.
In a generative approach, the conditional probability is not estimated directly,
but derived from the joint probability distribution p(x, y) using Bayes’ theorem:

p(x, y) = p(y|x)p(x) = p(x|y)p(y) (2)

where p(x|y) is the likelihood function, p(y) the prior probability – i.e. the
probability of y before seeing x – and p(x) is usually viewed as a normalisation
constant. Note that the joint probability p(x, y) can be either modelled explicitly
or implicitly via the separate estimation of the likelihood function and the prior
probability. Examples of generative models includes GMMs and HMMs.

Using Generative Models. Generative and discriminative approaches have

their own advantages and drawbacks. An extensive discussion about which ap-
proaches would be more suitable for addressing a specific application is far be-
yond the scope of this paper. However we focused on generative models for two
main reasons.
The first advantage of the generative approach is that the inclusion of prior
knowledge arises naturally. This may be extremely convenient to address prob-
lems, considered as ill-posed, for which there is no clear one-to-one mapping
between input and target feature spaces. Furthermore, as prior probabilities do
not depend on the input observation x, they may be estimated on a much larger
dataset than the training set. Prior knowledges can be used to constrain the map-
ping process to generate acceptable outputs (as in speech recognition, where a
language model gives the probability of having a specific sequence of words in a
specific language, independently from the observed acoustic signal).
The second advantage is its flexibility. Estimating the joint probability distri-
bution over input and target variables p(x, y) allows to address several mapping
problems with the same model. As an example, let us consider a mapping prob-
lem between a continuous feature space x and a discrete space of k classes Ck .
The same approach which aims at estimating p(x, Ck ) could be used to address
both the related classification problem by deriving the conditional probability
p(Ck |x), and the symmetrical problem of trajectory generation, by sampling the
conditional probability p(x|Ck ) – i.e. the likelihood function.
Reactive Statistical Mapping 25

However we have to keep in mind that generative approaches are known to

require a lot of training data. In fact, the dimensionality of both input x and
target observations y may be high, and consequently a large training set is
needed in order to be able to determine p(x, y) accurately.
In this project, we focused on two generative approaches, which are GMMs
and HMMs. The theoretical aspects of these two techniques are mainly pre-
sented in the context of regression, plus a specific focus on realtime generation
and the Mage framework. Indeed more general aspects of GMM/HMM-based
classification [9] and generation [10] have already been extensively described.
From now on, sequences of input and target feature vectors are noted respec-
tively x and y, and are defined as: x = [x1 , .., xt , ..., xT ] and y = [y1 , .., yt , ..., yT ],
where xt are yt are respectively Dx and Dy dimensional vectors of input and
target features observed at time t (T is the sequence length).

2.2 GMM-Based Mapping

During the training phase, the joint probability density function (pdf) of input
and target features is modelled by a GMM such as:


p(z|λ) = p(x, y) = αm N (z, μm , Σm ) (3)

  xx xy 
μxm Σm Σm
z = [x, y], μm = , Σm = (4)
μym yx
Σm yy

where λ is the parameter set of the model, N (., μ, Σ) is a normal distribution

with mean μ and covariance matrix Σ, M is the number of mixture compo-
nents, and αm is the weight associated with the mth mixture component (prior
probabilities). Given a training dataset of input and target feature vectors, the
parameters of a GMM (weights, mean vectors and covariance matrices for each
component) are usually estimated using the expectation-maximisation (EM) al-
gorithm. The initial clustering of the training set can usually be obtained using
the k-means algorithm.
In the mapping phase, a conditional pdf p(yt |xt , λ) is derived, for each frame
t, from the joint pdf p(xt , yt ) estimated during training, such as described in
Eq. 5 to 9. The mathematical basis of this derivation can be found in [19].


p(yt |xt , λ[xy] ) = p(cm |xt )p(yt |xt , m, λ[xy] ) (5)

where λ is the model parameter set. The posterior probability P (cm |xt ) of
the class cm given the input vector xt , and the mean and covariance of the
class-dependent conditional probability P (yt |xt , m, λ[xy] ) are defined as:
26 N. d’Alessandro et al.

αm N (xt , μxm , m )
p(cm |xt ) = M (6)
αp N (x, μxp , p )


p(yt |xt , m, λ[xy] ) = N (yt , E(m,t) , D(m,t) ) (7)

E(m,t) = μym + Σm
yx xx
Σ m (xt − μxm ) (8)

yy yx xx xy
D(m,t) = Σm − Σm Σ m Σm (9)
Two approaches can then be envisioned to address a regression problem with
a GMM. In the first one, referred here to as the MMSE-GMR for “Gaussian
Mixture Regression based on the Minimum Mean Square Error Criterion”, the
target feature vector ŷt estimated from the given source vector xt observed at
time t, is defined as ŷt = E[yt |xt ] (where E means expectation) and can be
calculated by solving Eq. 10. In particular, this approach has been described in
[20] and [21] in the context of statistical voice conversion.
ŷt = p(cm |xt )Em,t (10)

The second approach, proposed by Toda et al. [22], is here referred to as

MLE-GMR, for “Gaussian Mixture Regression based on Maximum Likelihood
Criterion”. The target feature vector ŷt is defined as the one which maximises
the likelihood function such as:

ŷt = arg max{ p(yt |xt , λ[xy] ) } (11)


and can be estimated by solving Eq. 12:

−1  M

 y y
ŷt = p(cm |xt )D(m,t) p(cm |xt )D(m,t) E(m,t) (12)
m=1 m=1

Trajectory GMM. The MLE-GMR approach is commonly combined with a

constraint on the smoothness of the predicted trajectories. The GMM is then
referred to as a trajectory GMM. In that case, each target feature vector yt of
the training set is augmented by its N-order derivatives such as Yt = [yt Δyt ]
(the method is here presented with N = 1). The joint probability distribution
p(Y, x) is modelled similarly to the MLE-GMR approach. However the map-
ping process is done differently. The sequence of target feature vectors is not
Reactive Statistical Mapping 27

estimated on a frame-by-frame basis as in previous approaches, but rather “all-

at-once”. The estimated sequence of target feature vectors is defined as the one
that maximises the likelihood of the model, with respect to the continuity of its
first N derivatives:

Ŷ = arg max{ p(Y|x, λ[xY] ) } (13)


which can be estimated by solving the closed-form equation in Eq. 14:

−1 T −1
ŷ = W T Dm̂ W W Dm̂ Em̂ (14)
where W is a [2Dx T × Dy T ] matrix representing the relationship between
static and dynamic feature vectors (Fig. 1) and m̂ = [m̂1 , .., m̂t , ..., m̂T ] is the
sub-optimum sequence of mixture components defined as:

m̂ = arg max{ p(cm |x, λ) } (15)


and determined using the Viterbi algorithm (in our experiment, and similarly
to what was reported in [22], similar results were obtained using a forward-
backward approach which takes into account in a probabilistic manner the con-
tributions of all mixture components).

Fig. 1. W is a [2Dx T × Dy T ] matrix representing the relationship between static and

dynamic feature vectors. It is used in the computation of output trajectories of Eq. 14.

2.3 Realtime Trajectory Generation

If the “all-at-once” approach suggested by Eq. 14 can guarantee smooth trajec-
tories, it prevents these trajectories to be generated in realtime, and therefore
the system to be interactive. In Section 1, we have claimed that interactivity
was a required property for our system, in order to produce expressive virtual
characters. For the last few years, Astrinaki et al. have worked to find a new
trade-off between the smoothness and the system-wise reactiveness of generated
28 N. d’Alessandro et al.

trajectories [16,17]. The idea of finding the Maximum Likelihood (MLE) over
the whole sequence as required to fill the whole W matrix in Eq. 14 has been
replaced by finding a sub-optimal version of the ML on a sliding window. This
new algorithm, called Short-Term Maximum Likelihood Parameter Generation
(ST-MLPG), enables the trajectory generation process to start when the system
receives the first class label and not at the end of a full sequence of class labels.
The ST-MLPG is a key feature of the open-source library called Mage [23].
The Mage software actually enables to create interactive systems that generate
smooth trajectories in realtime, which is the main reason why this software is
the trajectory generation engine in this project. However the Mage library was
very tied to the HMM-based approach – explained in the next part – and the
HTS architecture when we started the project, which explains why we have
significantly modified its architecture along the way (see 6 for details).

2.4 HMM-Based Mapping

Hidden Markov Modelling has been used for a long time in temporal pattern
recognition, as for instance in automatic speech recognition (ASR), handwriting,
or gesture recognition. More recently HMM has also been successfully used for
parameter generation, such as in HMM-based speech synthesis [10]. HMM can
be considered as a generalisation of GMM where the latent variables – i.e. the
hidden states – are derived from a Markov process rather than being indepen-
dent from each other. Latent variables are controlling the mixture component
to be selected for each observation. As HMM aims at representing explicitly the
temporal evolution of features, it is adapted to model data that can be clustered
not only by its distribution but also by its temporal evolution.
Due to this temporal structure, achieving a regression task (or mapping) with
a HMM requires a more complex framework. The algorithm proposed in [18]
combines a HMM-based classification and a HMM-based parameter generation,
from the same trained models. The mapping operation can therefore happen
within the HMM currently in use and “passed” from the classification to the
generation operations. This process is illustrated in Fig. 2. We traditionally as-
sume that sequences of feature vectors which constitutes the training set are
temporally segmented and labeled. This segmentation can be obtained by an-
notating the data, either manually, or by using an initial set of already-trained
HMMs and a forced-alignment procedure.
In the training phase, sequences of input and target feature vectors (completed
with their first N derivatives) are modelled jointly, for each class, by a “full-
covariance” HMM, i.e. an HMM for which the emission probability distribution
is modelled, for each state q, by a normal distribution with a full-covariance ma-
trix, as defined by Eq. 3 (with M = 1). After initialisation, models are typically
trained using the following standard procedure: models are first trained sepa-
rately, using the standard Baum-Welch re-estimation algorithm and then pro-
cessed simultaneously, using an embedded training strategy. Since input/target
features are often sensitive to context effects (for instance, co-articulation and an-
ticipation in speech), context-dependency is often introduced in the modelling.
Reactive Statistical Mapping 29

Fig. 2. Summary of the framework required to achieve a HMM-based mapping: HMM-

based classification of input features, query of models based on obtained class labels,
mapping routine from models and input features and generation of target features

Context-dependent models are created by adding information about left and

right contexts to the initial models. A tree-based state-tying technique is then
eventually used to tackle the problem of data sparsity (context-dependent mod-
els having only a few occurrences in the training dataset).
In the mapping phase, the sequence of target feature vectors ŷ is estimated
from the sequence of input feature vectors x such as:

ŷ = arg max{ p(y|x) } (16)



p(y|x, λ) = p(Y|λ, q, x).p(λ, q|x) (17)

with Y = W y (see Fig. 1), λ the parameters set of the HMM and q the HMM
state sequence. Eq. 17 is the product of two conditional probability terms which
can be maximised separately:

1. p(λ, q|x) which is related to the classification stage which aims at estimat-
ing the most likely HMM (or sequence of concatenated HMMs) λ̂ with the
corresponding sequence of states q̂ such as:

(λ̂, q̂) = arg max{ p(λ, q|x) } (18)


using the Viterbi algorithm. Using Bayes’ theorem, we obtain p(λ, q|x) =
p(x|λ, q).p(λ, q) and see that this classification stage allows the introduction
of external knowledges, via the use of prior probabilities on class sequences,
which could be used to constrain the mapping (in speech recognition, this
term would be related to the language model).
2. p(y|λ, q, x) which is related to the synthesis stage and could be maximised
similarly to as the GMM-based mapping technique, using Eq. 14. This is
similar to the trajectory GMM technique, but here a continuity constrain is
imposed on the estimated feature trajectories. The corresponding HMM is
thus often referred to as a trajectory HMM. The modification proposed in
the short-term MLPG can also be applied at this level.
30 N. d’Alessandro et al.

2.5 Classification vs. Mapping: A Modelling Trade-Off

The integration of HMM-based classification, mapping and generation within the
same framework gives us a chance to discuss about a specific modelling trade-off.
Indeed from the same feature space (input and target features), various modelling
strategies can be applied. On the one hand, we can create a large amount of small
clusters. In that case, the labelling is very precise, the classification task needs to
be very discriminative and the parameter generation has a very narrow area from
which to get its target values, limiting the influence of the mapping. On the other
hand, we can create a small amount of large clusters. In that case, the labelling
is looser, discrimination between classes is easier and the parameter generation
has a wide area from which to get its target values, hence much more relying
on the mapping to browse the subspace. A summary of this trade-off is given in
Fig. 3. The two approaches will lead to very different kinds of applications.

Fig. 3. Explanation of the modelling trade-off between classification, mapping and

generation. We can choose between many small clusters where mapping is limited or
few big clusters where mapping is primordial to browse the subspace.

3 Description of Data Types Used for Modelling

One main objective of this project was to design and develop a framework where
GMMs and HMMs can be applied to a very great variety of data types. In this
Section, we give a more exhaustive description of the data types that we have
addressed and the databases that we have used. It gives a solid ground for
understanding the feature spaces that we are manipulating.

3.1 Speech
The voice models that we used for speech are either identical or similar to the
ones found in the HTS software [13]. Indeed our work with the speech databases
has mainly used standard HTS training but it has also aimed at retraining some
Reactive Statistical Mapping 31

voices, such as the ones used by the incremental speech synthesis application
detailed in Section 4.1. For practical reasons, during development we generally
work with the standard voice model from HTS demo scripts which is SLT, an
American English female speaker from the CMU ARCTIC database [24], sam-
pled at 48 kHz, 16-bit PCM. The training parameters for these models are the
default ones in HTS for a sampling rate of 48 kHz. The input audio signals are
split into 1200-sample long frames with a frame shift of 240 samples. For each
frame, a parametric representation is extracted. The vocal tract is modelled by
a 35-order MLSA filter [25] whose parameters are α = 0.55 and γ = 0, whereas
the glottal source is described by a voiced/unvoiced decision and a pitch value,
if any. On a higher level, each file from the training dataset has a phonetic
transcription, from which phoneme duration models are trained, as well as ad-
ditional information about syllables, words, sentences, accentuations, etc. [26].
For each parameter, this contextual information is used to train binary decision
trees whose leaves are Gaussian models of the parameter.

3.2 Singing

Many similarities exist between speech and singing voice, though the differences
are significant, especially for analysis and modelling. Some of the more promi-
nent phenomena specific (though not necessarily exclusive) to Western classical
singing2 in contrast to regular speech are the higher voiced/unvoiced ratio, vi-
brato, higher range of loudness and pitch, singer’s formant and modification
of vowels at high pitches [27]. These and other differences between speech and
singing voice lead to some challenges in analysis modelling of singing.
The assumption of a decoupled source-filter is reasonably accurate especially
for speech, but source-filter interactions are known to occur in various situations.
For example, coupling effects increase by high pitch or high-impedance vowels
like [u] [28]. Another challenge is that speech analysis algorithms such as pitch
or Glottal Closure Instant (GCI) estimators often do not work as intended and
this results in loss of performance [29,30]. Finally prosody models based on
linguistic and phonetic information are almost never applicable due to the nature
of singing. Instead different prosody models that take musical gestures and score
information into account may be necessary.
In order to capture these singing-specific stylistics, we designed and recorded
a new singing database for our purposes. The main challenge was to define the
stylistic space in a meaningful manner. After consulting different systems of
categorising singing voice, we decided that our approach is to set a cognitive
target for the singer. Consequently we only specified more abstract stylistic in-
formation in the database design and aimed to capture the singing phenomena
as they occur naturally. We contracted a professional female singer, EB, and
the recordings were done in a professional recording studio. Seven pieces were
recorded with multiple renditions in three different styles: neutral, classical and
In our work we constrain our domain to Western classical singing, because it is
well-formalised and a sizeable amount of previous technical work exists.
32 N. d’Alessandro et al.

belting. Since naturalness was high priority, the pieces were chosen from EB’s
repertoire of jazz, classical, folk and contemporary music, which she was com-
fortable and confident in performing. A limited amount of pure-vowel recordings
were also done, consisting of some selected pieces and specific pitch gestures
such as flat and constant ascent/descent. Contemporaneous electroglottography
(EGG) recordings were also made, in order to establish ground truth for pitch
and enable GCI-synchronous analysis methods. The resulting database is more
than 70 minutes long, containing a rich variety of singing samples.

3.3 Audio-Visual Laughter

For addressing laughter modelling, the AV-LASYN database was used. The AV-
LASYN database is a synchronous audio-visual laughter database built for the
purpose of audio-visual laughter synthesis. The next paragraphs give an overview
of the recording pipeline. Audio data was recorded at high sampling rate (96kHz)
for eventual study of the impact of sampling rate on audio synthesis results.
However, since it is a higher sampling rate than what common applications
and research such as the present work need, we downsampled to 44.1kHz. Visual
laughter was recorded using a marker-based motion capture system commercially
available and known as OptiTrack. A set of 6 infrared cameras were used to track
at 100 fps the motion of 37 markers glued on the subject. A seventh camera was
used to record a grayscale video synchronised with all others. Among the 37
tracked markers are 4 markers placed on a headband. These helped to extract
head motion from face deformation and make both available independently. After
this separation process, we end up with 3 values for each facial marker (xyz
coordinates) which corresponds to 99 values at each frame as well as 6 values at
each frame that represent head motion (xyz coordinates and rotations around
the same axes). This makes a 105-dimensional vector to represent overall face
motion for a given frame. Neutral pose and the whole set of data corresponding
to visual motion have been saved in the Biovision Hierarchy (BVH) format . The
final corpus is composed of 251 segmented laughs. This corresponds roughly to
48 minutes of visual laughter and 13 minutes of audible laughter. For each laugh,
the corpus contains: an audio file [44.1kHz, 16 bits], a BVH motion file that can
be loaded in common 3D software (with the neutral pose, 6 channels for head
motion, 3 channels for each of 33 facial markers), a binary motion file containing
the same data as in the BVH to make it easier to load, a HTK label file containing
phonetic transcriptions and temporal borders for each laughter phone.

3.4 Audio-Visual Affective Speech

Experiments were conducted on the BIWI 3D Audiovisual Corpus of Affective
Communication [40] comprising a total of 1109 sentences (4.67 seconds long on
average) uttered by 14 native English speakers (6 males and 8 females). The
dense dynamic face scans were acquired at 25 frames per second by a realtime
3D scanner and the voice signal was captured by a professional microphone at
a sampling rate of 16kHz. For the voice signals, fundamental frequency, signal
Reactive Statistical Mapping 33

intensity and segment duration are also provided. Along with the detailed 3D
geometry and texture of the performances, sequences of 3D meshes are provided,
with full spatial and temporal matching across all sequences and speakers. For
each speaker 80 utterances are recorded, half in a personal speaking style and
half in an “emotional” manner, as they are asked to imitate an original version
of the performance.

3.5 Stylistic Gait

In this work, we also used the Mockey database [31] as our stylistic gait motion
capture database. This database was recorded using a commercial inertial mo-
tion capture suit called IGS-190, from Animazoo [32]. This motion capture suit
contains 18 inertial sensors, which record the angles between “body segments”
corresponding to a simplified human skeleton representation. The output of the
motion capture suit are these angles, expressed in the Euler angle parameter-
isation, and the calculated 3D position of the root (hips), which is computed
given the angles and the lengths of the leg segments. In the database, the walk
of a professional actor impersonating different expressive styles was recorded.
The eleven styles represented in the database were arbitrarily chosen for their
recognisable influence on walk motions. These styles are the following: proud,
decided, sad, cat-walk, drunk, cool, afraid, tiptoeing, heavy, in a hurry, manly.
Each walk style is represented by a different number of steps in the database,
ranging from 33 to 80 steps. Fig 4 gives an overview of these walking styles.

Fig. 4. Generic skeleton frames extracted from the Mockey database [31] and corre-
sponding to different styles of gait, here: sad, afraid, drunk and decided

The Mockey mocap sessions are recorded in the Biovision Hierarchy (BVH)
format. The skeleton from the Animazoo software is defined by 20 body seg-
ments, and each data frame hence contains 66 values. Three of the segments are
in fact only added to make the simplified skeleton look closer to a real skeleton
but have no degree of freedom in the motion capture. There are hence finally
57 values to analyse and model in our data, among which 54 joint angle values
and 3 values for the skeleton root Cartesian coordinates. Since the Cartesian
34 N. d’Alessandro et al.

coordinates of the root are calculated a posteriori from the joint angles, we only
took into account the 54 joint angle values in our models. Furthermore, since the
Euler angle representation is seldom optimal, we converted it to the exponential
map angle parameterisation, which is locally linear and where singularities can
be avoided. The Mockey database has been recorded at a rate of 30 frames per
second. The walk sequences have been automatically segmented into left and
right steps, based on the evolution of the hip joints angles.

4 Realtime and Reactive HMM-Based Generation

The first step in creating our new framework was to validate the adaptation of
the realtime HMM-based parameter generation – such as described in Section 2
and implemented in Mage – to the new data types described in Section 3. It
brought us to implement a series of prototypes that are described in this Section.

4.1 Incremental Speech Synthesis

In several applications of Text-To-Speech (TTS) it is desirable for the output
to be created incrementally. Such applications include reactive dialogue systems
and speech devices for disabled people. However current TTS systems rely on full
pre-specified utterances provided before the synthesis process begins, severely
limiting the reactivity and realtime use of speech synthesis. While Mage is
capable of realtime synthesis, it is reliant on linguistic context labels which are
computed offline prior to synthesis. This means the utterance to be synthesised
is fixed and cannot be changed at run-time except to other pre-computed context
labels. There is, however, nothing to prevent Mage from synthesising from an
incrementally created set of labels. Hence a new realtime linguistic front-end was
created in order to allow for continuous incremental creation of the linguistic
context labels for synthesis. A new front-end was chosen as current front-ends
are simply nowhere near fast enough for realtime analysis – e.g. Festival takes
over 1000ms to process an utterance (even a single word) and MARY-tts slightly
above 200ms [33] – and they assume the full utterance is present at analysis time.

Linguistic Analysis. The standard full-context labels used by the HTS engine
includes a large amount of varying contexts used in the decision tree context
clustering process. Many of these do not lend themselves to incremental pro-
cessing as they rely on the presence of the full utterance. Therefore a reduced
context set was decided upon based on the standard HTS set [34]. Any contexts
related to the full utterance or phrases were removed as these are not available.
Contexts regarding future syllables are included ‘if available’ and the system re-
quires two future phones. The decision to retain two future phones, making the
system in effect lagging two phones behind realtime, was made as informally lis-
tening to the speech when no future phones were included resulted in a significant
degradation of the speech intelligibility. The resulting context labels included 23
contexts down from 53. Informally no noticeable drop in quality was perceived
Reactive Statistical Mapping 35

on a voice re-trained on the reduced context set compared to a voice trained

on the standard HTS contexts. The system works with word-sized chunks, such
that every time a user inputs a complete word the system will provide the labels
necessary to synthesise the word, with a minimum of two phonemes. The words
are looked up in the CMUDict 0.4 dictionary from which stress patterns, syl-
lables and phones are retrieved and the labels created. No letter-to-sound rules
are included. If a word is not be in the dictionary, a filled pause is introduced
instead (“uh”).

Typing Interface. A simple typing interface was implemented which allows a

user to type in the string to be synthesised. It is however incredibly difficult to
type as fast as the synthesis speed, so synthesis was slowed by a factor of 2.5 to
allow a skilled typer to type fast enough. To further enhance the ability of the
typist to type quickly, simple word prediction was added allowing the user to
press the F1 to F5-keys to instantly insert a word predicted by the system.

4.2 Reactive Control of Audio and Visual Laughter

In this part we explain how the modelling of the laughter has been approached
with HMMs, both for the sound and the face motion. Then we give a first
description on how we turned these two processes into an interactive application.

Reactive Acoustic Laughter Synthesis. HMM-based acoustic laughter syn-

thesis is a problem that has been addressed recently [35,36]. The same pipeline
has been applied in this work to train an acoustic model of laughter using
the AV-LASYN database described in Section 3.3. We have extracted 35 Mel-
cepstral coefficients and log F0 as features to represent the acoustic signal. We
used STRAIGHT [37] for this extraction process. Then, five-state, left-to-right
HMMs were trained to model a set of laughter phones (see [35] for more informa-
tion). From the synthesised F0, an excitation signal was derived and modified
by DSM [38]. Finally synthesised MFCC trajectories and modified excitation
signal were used to feed a source-filter model and generate the corresponding
waveforms. With the acoustic models obtained as explained above, we were able
to integrate acoustic laughter into Mage. Although there is still room for im-
provements, we have shown that reactive acoustic laughter synthesis is feasible
through Mage. Further investigation is needed to have a better understanding
of the behaviour of Mage for the synthesis of the specific signal of laughter, and
this work will serve as a basis for further studies.

Visual Laughter Synthesis. A similar process has been applied to visual data
contained in the AV-LASYN database. As a reminder of Section 3.3, the visual
data consists of facial points trajectories. Thirty-three markers on the face repre-
sented at each frame by 3 spatial coordinates are used. Six other values represent
the head motion. The features that we used to train the HMMs were obtained
36 N. d’Alessandro et al.

Fig. 5. Illustration of the reactive control of laughter intensity by having a Mage

application to send trajectories to the 3D face model in Blender through OSC

as follows. First we subtracted the neutral face from each frame so that the data
represents only the facial deformation. Then a PCA analysis was performed and
showed that 97% of the variability in the data is contained in the 4 first principal
components. We hence decided to reduce the dimensionality of the data to 4.
However the PCA analysis did not include the 3 values representing the head
rotation for a matter of consistency of the data on which PCA was applied. We
thus end with a 7 dimensional feature space to represent visual data, instead
of the 105 dimensional original space. In order to train the HMMs, annotations
are needed. First the acoustic annotations provided in the AV-LASYN database
were used but we quickly came up with the conclusion that annotations based
on audio are not suitable for visual modelling. We then tried to annotate manu-
ally a subset of the database based on the visual behaviour. Three classes were
used: laugh, smile and neutral. The results of the training based on these new
annotations gave much better results. Since annotating manually is a highly time
consuming task, we have tried to do it automatically, using clustering techniques.
Gaussian Mixture Models were used for this purpose. A GMM was fitted to the
whole visual data and each frame was classified among 3 clusters based on this
fitting. From this classification, we derived visual annotations to be used in the
HMM training. The resulting trajectories appeared to be plausible facial laugh

Reactive Visual Laughter Synthesis. As we did for audio, we then tried

to integrate these models into Mage to be able to synthesise facial motion
reactively. Therefore we had to add a module to Mage so as to be able to project
back the synthesised trajectories into the high dimensional original space. After
this projection, the data is available in a format which may be retargeted on a
3D face model. This was done by using Blender in which we loaded an already-
rigged 3D face model. Data is sent trough OSC from Mage to Blender where it
is read and applied to the 3D face with a python script. As a proof of concept,
we decided to synthesise a succession of neutral and laughing faces in a loop.
We also added a control parameter that allows to change the intensity of the
visual laughter in realtime. This control parameter amplifies or attenuates the
Reactive Statistical Mapping 37

generated trajectory dynamics. An illustration of the reactive visual laughter in

Blender is given in Fig. 5.

4.3 Reactive Exploration of a Stylistic Gait Space

Motion style is something difficult to capture since it is hardly describable. Our
human expertise enables us to decode effortlessly the emotion, quality or style
conveyed in otherwise functional motions. However it is almost impossible to
formally describe the alterations which, once applied to the functional basic
motion, give it its specific style. Furthermore, making the distinction between
the variability of human motion execution and the style of the motion itself is
an additional difficulty when aiming at modelling the style of a motion. Indeed,
when performing twice the same motion with the same style, the execution of the
movement will always slightly vary. In this work we implemented a framework
for stylistic exploration of motion, using the expressive walk case study as a
proof-of-concept. Our approach is to foster the generative exploration of styles,
from statistical models, as a way of highlighting their implicit properties.

Stylistic Gait Modelling and Synthesis. The statistical nature of HMMs

enables them to take into account the intrinsic variability of execution of human
motion. Both the duration variation and the execution variation are modeled,
and a HMM trained on stylistic mocap data becomes a summary of that partic-
ular style. Using the Mockey database as training data, the walk was modelled
by one five-states left-to-right HMM per step (left and right), following the ap-
proach presented in [14]. In a first phase, a global model was trained using all
the database. In a second phase, an adaptive training was conducted in order
to adapt the generic walk model to each one of the eleven styles present in
the database, giving a total of eleven style-specific walk models and one neu-
tral global model. Such an approach corresponds to the left side of Fig. 3, as
described in Section 2. In these models, a diagonal covariance matrix is used
when modelling the pdfs of the observations, hence not taking into account the
interdependency existing between the different body joints motions. Each one of
these models can be used to synthesise new walk sequences of any chosen length,
and the generated walk sequences will display the style of the models from which
they have been generated.

Continuous Stylistic Gait Synthesis. However in addition to style and mo-

tion variability, the alterations of the functional motions not only convey the
style of the motion, but also the intensity of expression of that specific style.
Since that intensity can vary continuously, it is impossible to capture the whole
range of intensity during motion capture sessions, even for one single style. With
our twelve gait models, we are able to generate walk sequences which display
the same styles as the ones present in the training database, plus one “neutral”
style trained on all the styles. However since all of our models present the same
structure, as they have all been adapted from the same generic model, we can
38 N. d’Alessandro et al.

take advantage of this alignment in order to produce new walk styles which have
not been recorded. The model parameters space (mean and variances of output
and duration pdfs) is considered as a continuous stylistic space, where the val-
ues corresponding to each recorded style can be viewed as landmarks which tag
the space. Through interpolation and extrapolation between these landmarks,
we are able to obtain new walk style models. The intensity of each style can
be controlled by interpolating between the original style and the neutral style
parameters, also enabling the production of exaggerated and opposite styles.
Completely new walk styles can also be built by combining any of the existing
styles, enabling the free browsing of the complete stylistic walk space. This ap-
proach has been validated in [39]. However in this work both the control of the
style and the walk synthesis were implemented as offline processes, preventing
the desired free interactive user exploration.

Fig. 6. Illustration of the application for gait style exploration: the Mage application
sends trajectories corresponding to interpolated gait models to Blender through OSC,
where the 3D character is animated. The Mage interface gives one slider per style.

Reactive Stylistic Gait Synthesis. In the current work, we implemented a

reactive gait style exploration application, enabling the user to reactively control
the style of the synthesised walk thanks to Mage, and to visualise the resulting
motion sequence in realtime. In this application, the user browses this stylistic
space in realtime, through a set of sliders controlling the influence of each original
style, as illustrated in Fig. 6. These stylistic weights are sent to Mage, which
synthesises an infinite walk sequence (a loop of left and right steps), and the walk
model is adapted in realtime with the weights corresponding to the sliders, hence
modifying the style of the synthesised walk. The synthesised walk trajectories
are sent to Blender through OSC, where it is displayed in realtime on a virtual
Reactive Statistical Mapping 39

3D character. The user is hence given interactive control of the walk of a virtual
character, as he manipulates sliders to control the style, and can see the influence
of these stylistic modifications on the walk of the Blender virtual character. This
proof of concept application opens the doors to many possibilities as the size of
motion capture databases nowadays explodes and more and more applications
seek new possibilities for exploring motion style or compare motions.

5 Realtime HMM-Based Continuous Mapping

The second step in creating our new framework was to validate some mapping
strategies within the HMM-based approach – such as described in Section 2.
Therefore we have developed a few use case prototypes where the user control
was captured and decoded gestures. This Section explains these applications.

5.1 Audio-Visual Face Retargeting

Speaker identity conversion refers to the challenging problem of converting mul-
timodal features between different speakers so that the converted performance
of a source speaker can be perceived as belonging to the target speaker. We
addressed the problem of speaker conversion using audio and 3D visual infor-
mation. The speech signal and the 3D scans of a source speaker for a certain
utterance will be modified to sound and look as if uttered by a target speaker.
The speaker-specific features are mapped between a source and a target speaker
using GMMs, as described in Section 2.
In the offline version, the 3D BIWI dataset [40] is used to train the GMM
model between any two speakers. The training is done on 40 utterances per-
formed in a neutral manner by both speakers. Spectral features are extracted at
a segmental level using the STRAIGHT vocoder [37] which decomposes speech
into a spectral envelope without periodic interferences, F0 and relative voice ape-
riodicity. From the spectral envelope, we use the 1st through 24th Mel-cepstral
coefficients, a widely made choice in voice conversion and voice synthesis/analysis
systems. The speaker-specific facial articulation features are captured from a
dense mesh of 3D data. From the dataset, 7 speech and expressive movement
components are extracted following a guided PCA method [41]. As the mouth
opening and closing movements have a large influence on face shape, the first
jaw component is used as a first predictor, iterative PCA is performed on resid-
ual lips values and the next 3 lips components are obtained. The second jaw
component is used as the 5th predictor and the last two parameters are ex-
tracted as expressive components and represent the zygotic and eyebrow muscle
movements. These features are computed at the original video frame rate and
are later oversampled to match the audio frame rate. Both visual and spectral
features are concatenated with their first derivatives in order to be used for the
MLE-based mapping approach.
With the purpose of creating an interactive scene in which virtual actors are
able to interact in realtime as guided by a director, we are looking into the pos-
sibility of a realtime conversion framework. For this framework, a new system
40 N. d’Alessandro et al.

setup is used, involving a Primesense Carmine 1.09 camera to capture close-

range face expressions and a microphone for audio signal acquisition. Also new
approaches are needed for extracting relevant audio-visual features. Therefore
the Faceshift software [43] is used to generate a realtime 3D face mesh while
a speaker performs in front of the camera. For each frame, 48 parameters that
control different face movements (jaw opening, eye squint, puff, sneer etc) are
also generated. They are called blendshapes and can be used with the associ-
ated mesh of the user or retargeted to an existing mesh. In the case of audio
features, a realtime version of the SPTK tool and MLSA filter are implemented
for extracting MFCC coefficients and audio synthesis.
The GMM models are trained offline on a database composed of recorded
audio signals of two speakers and the associated blendshapes generated from
Faceshift. The converted blendshapes can also be sent to Blender to create a
realtime face animation using the 3D mesh of the target speaker. The communi-
cation between the different softwares in realtime is done in Max. Like the SPTK
and MLSA realtime tools, GMMmap is a module for gaussian mixture model
regression using the MMSE method implemented in Max. It uses the models
that were trained offline and saved in a suitable format and the audio-visual
features that are extracted in realtime to estimate the converted features.

5.2 Realtime Stylistic Full-Body Gait Reconstruction

In our application for exploring the stylistic gait space described in Section 4.3,
the ongoing motion is created by the linear combination of the twelve distinct
stylistic walk models, according to the weights given to each style on the GUI.
Such an approach requires that the stylistic space is explicitly tagged accord-
ing to the names used in the training database and proposes a vision of the
continuum between styles based on linear interpolation.
However considering that the various styles can be named and interpolated
within the feature space is a strong design decision. Many use cases might ben-
efit from more implicit approaches towards stylistic exploration. Particularly we
wanted to give the user the ability explore the stylistic space through HMM-
based mapping between his/her input gestures and the corresponding output.
With this idea, we refer to the right side of Fig. 3 where mapping plays the
important role in browsing the feature space, as described in Section 2.
In order to validate that the inherent style of a motion can be determined
from a subset of its dimensions and remapped in realtime on the remaining di-
mensions, we have built a prototype that will reconstruct the gait (step sequence
plus style) from the upper to the lower body. It means that each 54-channel (18
nodes, each with 3 angles) feature vector from the Mockey database is actually
split into inputs and outputs. We consider that the 36 channels corresponding
to the upper body (from head to hips) are inputs. The other 18 channels cor-
responding to leg joints are considered as outputs. They will be animated in
realtime by the system. The whole process is illustrated in Fig. 7.
To achieve the regression between upper and lower body dimensions, we im-
plemented a HMM-based mapping as explained in Section 2. The sequence of
Reactive Statistical Mapping 41

Fig. 7. Illustration of the overall process used in the gait reconstruction example: con-
tinuous inputs are decoded with a realtime Viterbi algorithm. This decoding generates
a ongoing state sequence that is used for synthesis of the outputs. Before pdfs are used
for synthesis, means are modified by a mapping function based on covariance.

inputs x are the channels of the upper body and the sequence of target feature
vectors ŷ to be estimated are the channels of the lower body. The gait models
used are trained on all the styles with full covariance matrices in the pdf repre-
sentation of the observations. We have a HMM for the right step and a HMM
for the left step. Each HMM owns four states.
The first stage in this process is the decoding of the input sequences. The
implemented solution for the decoding uses the HTK software toolkit [45]. A
realtime data stream is simulated by sending the input data with a specified
frame rate to the HRec algorithm, a HTK module that applies the Viterbi
algorithm. We added, in the pdfs of the observations, a mask vector to inhibit
the channels corresponding to the outputs of the mapping process. This decoding
stage provides the most likely HMM λ̂ that is being played by the streamed
data and the current state for this model. To ensure that this stage works in
realtime, we extract the partial results given by the Viterbi algorithm without
being sure to have the realisation of the complete states sequence for a given
model. Moreover, for a given frame xt , only its past [x1 , .., xt−1 , xt ] is taken
into account to establish the current state qt . It appears that it could be more
accurate to compute this state by introducing a delay in order to get some
information about the future of each sample to choose the best states sequence.
Once the decoded state is available, it can be used to query the HMM database
of the upper body dimensions so as to build the state sequence for the synthesis
stage. Before the stack of pdfs is accumulated for synthesis, the means of each
state are extracted and corrected according to the mapping function described
in Section 2. This process tends to influence the means so as to move within the
model and react to the covariance information which is expressed between the
input and output dimensions. As a result, the statistical properties of the state
sequence get modified. When this modified state sequence enters the synthesis
42 N. d’Alessandro et al.

stage, it reflects the stylistic influence of the inputs on the outputs. It means
that the style of the upper body transfers to lower body trajectories.

6 Architecture and Software

Based on the reactive properties of HMM-based speech synthesis framework,
as described in [26], we built a new speech synthesis library, called Mage [23].
Mage is based on the HMM-based parametric speech synthesis system (HTS),
which it extends in order to support realtime architecture and multithreaded
control. As it is based on HTS, it inherits its features, advantages and drawbacks
[26]. The contribution of Mage is that it opens the enclosed processing loop of
the conventional system and allows reactive user control over all the production
levels. Moreover, it provides a simple C++ API, allowing reactive HMM-based
speech synthesis to be easily integrated into realtime frameworks [46,47].

6.1 Threaded Architecture of MAGE

One important feature of Mage is that it uses multiple threads, and each thread
can be affected by the user which allows accurate and precise control over the
different production levels of the artificial speech. As illustrated in Fig. 8, Mage
integrates three main threads: the label thread, the parameter generation thread
and the audio generation thread. Four queues are shared between threads: the
label queue, the model queue, the parameter queue and the sample queue.

Fig. 8. Mage: reactive parameter generation using multiple threads and shared queues

The label thread controls the phonetic labels, by pulling the targeted phonetic
labels from the label queue and pushing the corresponding models into the model
Reactive Statistical Mapping 43

queue. It is responsible for the contextual control of the system. The parameter
generation thread reads from the model queue a model that corresponds to one
phonetic label at a time. For that single label / model the speech parameters
are generated (static and dynamic features), which are locally-maximised using
only the current phonetic label / model (and if available, the two previous la-
bels). In other words, for every single input phonetic label, the feature vectors
are estimated by taking into account the HMMs of that specific label. The gen-
erated speech parameters are stored in the parameter queue. Finally, the audio
generation thread generates the actual speech samples corresponding to the in-
puted phonetic label and store them in the sample queue so that the system’s
audio thread will access them and deliver them to the user. Further details of
the Mage reactive parameter estimation can be found in [49].

6.2 Reactive Controls

Accessing and controlling every thread has a different impact over the synthe-
sised speech, as illustrated in Fig. 9. The label thread can provide contextual
phoneme control. Indeed, the context of the targeted output can be easily ma-
nipulated in realtime by simply controlling which of the available phonemes for
processing will be inputed into the system and in which sequence.
The parameter generation thread can reactively modify the way the available
models are used for the parameter sequence generation [49]. The user can re-
actively alternate between the available models, or interpolate between models
with different interpolation weights among the various feature streams. It is also
possible to manipulate the mapping between different feature streams, i.e. how
a given stream influences another [17].
Finally the audio generation thread manipulates reactively the vocoding of
every sample, resulting in prosody and voice quality controls. The delay in ap-
plying any received user control varies between a single speech sample and a
phonetic label depending on the thread that is being accessed. For every thread
it is also possible to enable the logging functionality, described hereafter, to store
the applied user controls as well as its generated output.

6.3 Reactive Control through Regular Expressions

One new feature added in Mage is the support of regular expressions. As ex-
plained in [26], in order to describe a phoneme, additional linguistic specifica-
tions have to be taken into account. Therefore, every phonetic label in addition
to phoneme information, uses various linguistic contexts such as lexical stress,
pitch accent, tone, and part-of-speech information for the context-dependent
modelling. An example of the format of the phonetic labels can be found in [13].
Until now, it was possible to control the sequence of the labels inputed to
Mage be synthesised. However, there is need for more accurate and specific
control over the targeted context. In order to achieve that we use regular expres-
sions that describe the phonetic labels. The integration of regular expressions
44 N. d’Alessandro et al.

Fig. 9. Mage: reactive user controls over the multiple threads

“allows the user to query” every imputed label and accordingly to apply certain
controls, on every production level of the artificial speech.
For example, when it comes to the contextual control, that occurs in the label
thread, if the current phoneme is “ 6 ” the synthesis of that phoneme can be
skipped. Another example, while controlling the models themselves through the
regular expressions, a control that occurs respectively at the parameter genera-
tion thread, if the next phoneme is “ @ ” we want to interpolate speaking style i
with speaking style j using interpolation weight vector y . Finally, while control-
ling the actual generated speech samples, accessing the audio generation thread,
if the phoneme is stressed then the pitch can be shifted, etc.

6.4 Reactive Mapping Control

In previous versions of Mage, the granularity of the controls that the user can
access for the parameter generation stopped at the model level. Indeed, through
the API, a user could only push left-to-right HMMs into the model queue and,
from there, compute the duration of each state and the sequence of corresponding
observations. This constrains the use case into a left-to-right pattern that does
not allow integration of the mapping control detailed in Section 5. Therefore, we
added a state queue into Mage as an alternative to the model queue.
While the model queue is usually filled with sequences of states corresponding
to models selected to match the labels in the label queue, the state queue is
fed directly with one state at a time. Each state corresponds to one frame of
observations and, as such, has a duration of one. If the system must remain
in a state for N frames, that state is simply pushed in the queue N times.
This enables arbitrary patterns and number of states for the HMMs and thus
overcomes the limiting effect of the model queue.
Reactive Statistical Mapping 45

As for the short-term computation of observation frames from the state queue,
it is achieved almost as for the model queue. The most significant difference is
that one can set M , the number of frames to be computed whereas in the model
queue the frames are computed for one complete model at a time, and the
number of frames generated is equal to the duration of that model. The context
for the short-term parameter computation is set in the same fashion as for the
model queue, except that the user sets a number of states to be considered before
and after instead of a number of models. This notably allows to always use a
constant amount of contextual information, for instance 17 states in the past
and 3 states in the future of the M states that correspond to the M frames
to be computed. This contrasts with the model queue for which the amount of
contextual information is the sum of the durations of each model used as context
and thus can change at every step. Using the state queue with M = 1, one can
even make the computation for one state at a time. In other words, one can
generate one frame at a time, while still using surrounding states as the context
for the short-term parameter computation.

6.5 Logging of User Actions and Generated Output

One of the major complications when working with reactive applications is that
of detecting and explaining unexpected situations. Indeed, every action from the
user can cause an instant, or not so instant, reaction from the system. Depending
on many factors (which Mage’s thread it is applied to, OS process scheduling
policy, etc.), both the reaction and its time delay after the action occurs can
be different, even if the user reproduces the same set of interactions. Therefore,
when something unusual happens it can be very difficult to, first, realise it and
then reproduce it to eventually pinpoint the cause of the event. It could simply
be a normal, albeit surprising, answer to a one in a million combination of user
commands but it might as well be a bug in the application or in the core Mage
library. Added to this is the problem of detecting exactly when it happened.
In order to make it easier to solve these issues, we introduced a simple logging
system in Mage, as illustrated in Fig. 9. If enabled, it records the sequences
of controls sent to Mage by the user such as the labels, pitch, α, interpolation
weights, etc. Each of these values is recorded with a timestamp corresponding
to the index of the first sample to which it is actually applied inside of Mage.
Besides, the logging system also saves the evolution of the inner state of Mage.
This is currently limited to the content of the frame and sample queues but
could easily be extended to the model and state ones.

7 Conclusions

In this project we have gathered different approaches and backgrounds, with

the common aspect of being interested in applied statistical modelling, and we
have created a unified framework. This framework is based on trajectory GMMs
and HMMs and use a newly-created gesture recognition tool and a new version
46 N. d’Alessandro et al.

of Mage in order to enable the development of mapping strategies. The idea

of HMM-based mapping has been formalised and generalised to any kinds of
input and target stream of features. Such a reflexion had a significant impact
in how we were envisioning the use of generative models in this work. Therefore
we have been able to create a first set of new prototype applications to assess
our approach of parameter generation. Indeed we have created an incremental
speech synthesiser, generating speech audio right when the user is typing with
a limited delay. The current incremental synthesis system allows for a simple
analysis relying on a lexical look-up to provide simple lexical analysis and word
prediction. This sufficiently demonstrates the possibility of realtime incremental
TTS. Many possible future directions can be perceived, such as the implemen-
tation of better user interfaces for faster input to the system, the utilisation of
Mage’s realtime speech modifications capabilities (e.g. to adjust synthesis speed
to user input speed) and the prediction of future phones (and other contexts) to
allow the system to be truly realtime without a significant loss of synthesis qual-
ity. Also in the parameter generation improvements, we have created realtime
exploration of mocap-based trajectories. This idea has been applied to face and
body. For the face, it gave the first realtime audio and visual laughter prototype.
For the body, we created a new application for exploring the stylistics of gait
by blending together various identified one-style models and enable inhibition
and exaggeration of those styles. The second step in our work has been to de-
sign and assess more implicit statistical mapping applications, where the input
is a natural gesture. There we have developed a audio-visual speaker retargeting
prototype, where the expressive multimodal speech gestures of a given speaker
are remapped on another one in realtime. Also we have created the first gait re-
construction application, where the upper body gait (balancing arms and torso)
triggers the parameter generation corresponding to the lower body motion (legs)
in realtime. This prototype demonstrates that that HMM-based recognition of
stylistic data, its mapping and the corresponding parameter generation can be
achieved in a realtime scenario. Finally most of these developments have helped
the Mage software to head towards its third major release.

Acknowledgement. N. d’Alessandro is funded by a regional fund called Région

Wallonne FIRST Spin-Off. J. Tilmanne and T. Ravet are supported by the Eu-
ropean Union, 7th Framework Programme (FP7-ICT-2011-9), under grant agree-
ment no 600676 (i-Treasures project). M. Astrinaki and O. Babacan are supported
by a PhD grant funded by UMONS and Acapela Group. H. Çakmak receives a PhD
grant from the Fonds de la Recherche pour l’Industrie et l’Agriculture (FRIA), Bel-
gium. The work of Adela Barbulescu has been partially supported by the LabEx
PERSYVAL-Lab (ANR-11-LABX-0025).

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Laugh When You’re Winning

Maurizio Mancini1 , Laurent Ach2 , Emeline Bantegnie2 , Tobias Baur3 ,

Nadia Berthouze4 , Debajyoti Datta5 , Yu Ding5 , Stéphane Dupont6 ,
Harry J. Griffin4 , Florian Lingenfelser3 , Radoslaw Niewiadomski1 ,
Catherine Pelachaud5 , Olivier Pietquin7 , Bilal Piot7 , Jérôme Urbain6 ,
Gualtiero Volpe1 , and Johannes Wagner3
InfoMus - DIBRIS, Università Degli Studi di Genova, Viale Francesco Causa, 13,
16145 Genova, Italy
LA CANTOCHE PRODUCTION, Hauteville, 68, 75010 Paris, France
Institut für Informatik, Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstr. 6a, 86159 Augsburg,
UCLIC, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT,
United Kingdom
CNRS - LTCI UMR 5141 - Telecom ParisTech, 37-39 Rue Dareau, 75014 Paris,
TCTS Lab, Faculté Polytechnique, Université de Mons, Place du Parc 20, 7000
Mons, Belgium
SUPELEC / UMI 2958 GT-CNRS, Rue Edouard Belin, 2, 57340 Metz, France

Abstract. Developing virtual characters with naturalistic game playing

capabilities is an increasingly researched topic in Human-Computer
Interaction. Possible roles for such characters include virtual teachers,
personal care assistants, and companions for children. Laughter is an
under-investigated emotional expression both in Human-Human and
Human-Computer Interaction. The EU Project ILHAIRE, aims to study
this phenomena and endow machines with laughter detection and
synthesis capabilities. The Laugh when you’re winning project, developed
during the eNTERFACE 2013 Workshop in Lisbon, Portugal, aimed to
set up and test a game scenario involving two human participants and
one such virtual character. The game chosen, the yes/no game, induces
natural verbal and non-verbal interaction between participants, includ-
ing frequent hilarious events, e.g., one of the participants saying “yes” or
“no” and so losing the game. The setup includes software platforms, devel-
oped by the ILHAIRE partners, allowing automatic analysis and fusion of
human participants’ multimodal data (voice, facial expression, body
movements, respiration) in real-time to detect laughter. Further, virtual

Y. Rybarczyk et al. (Eds.): eNTERFACE 2013, IFIP AICT 425, pp. 50–79, 2014.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
Laugh When You’re Winning 51

characters endowed with multimodal skills were synthesised in order to

interact with the participants by producing laughter in a natural way.

Keywords: HCI, laughter, virtual characters, game, detection, fusion,


1 Introduction

Computer-based characters play an ever-increasing role in Human-Computer

Interaction, not only for entertainment but also for education, as assistants and
potentially in healthcare. Such emotionally complex interactions demand avatars
that can detect and synthesise emotional displays. Laughter is a ubiquitous and
complex but under-investigated emotional expression. The Laugh when you’re
winning eNTERFACE 2013 Workshop project builds on the work of the EU
Project ILHAIRE1 and on the previous eNTERFACE projects AVLaughterCycle
[52] and Laugh Machine [33].
The project consists of an avatar actively participating in social games, in
particular the yes/no game scenario. The avatar capabilities developed for game
playing will have many applications beyond simple entertainment. The complex
human-avatar interaction of a game demands considerable behavioural natural-
ness for the avatar to be a credible, trustworthy character. The avatar responds
to user laughter in a highly customised way by producing laughter of its own.
Laughter detection and analysis among the speech, noise and body movements
that occur in social games is achieved through multimodal laughter detection and
analysis of audio, video, body movements and respiration. Laughter decisions
integrate output from a module that drives mimicry behaviour, in response to
the detected parameters of users’ laughter, e.g., intensity.
The close interaction of a game scenario, proposed here, demands precise
laughter detection and analysis and highly natural synthesised laughter. The
social effect of avatar laughter also depends on contextual factors such as the
task, verbal and nonverbal behaviours beside laughter and the user’s cultural
background [2,3]. In addition social context and emotional valence have been
shown to influence mimicry [5]. Therefore, in a game scenario with both positive
and negative emotions, laughter and mimicry must be well-implemented in order
to enhance rather than inhibit interaction.
In the last part of the report we present an experiment, carried out during
the eNTERFACE 2013 Workshop, which assesses users’ perception of avatar
behaviour in the direct interaction involved in the game scenario. The level of
emotional response displayed by the avatar is varied: no response, responsive,
responsive with mimicry. Measures of users’ personality are analysed alongside
short-term measures, e.g., user laughter, and long-term measures of engagement,
e.g., mood, trust in the avatar. This spectrum of measures tests the applicability
of an emotionally sensitive avatar and how its behaviour can be optimised to
52 M. Mancini et al.

appeal to the greatest number of users and avoid adverse perceptions such as a
malicious, sarcastic or unnatural avatar.

2 Background
The concept of a game playing robot has long intrigued humans, with examples,
albeit fake, such as the Mechanical Turk in the 18th century [38]. Games are
complex social interactions and the possibility of victory or defeat can make them
emotionally charged. The importance of emotional competence (the ability to
detect and synthesise emotional displays) has therefore been recognised in more
recent human-avatar/robot systems. Leite et al. [25] describe an empathic chess-
playing robot that detected its opponent’s emotional valence. More children
reported that the robot recognised and shared their feelings when it displayed
adaptive emotional expressions during games.
Laughter often occurs in games due to their social context and energetic, ex-
hilarating nature. Recognising and generating laughter during games is therefore
vital to an avatar being an engaging, emotionally convincing game companion.
In addition, a trend for gamification - “the use of game attributes to drive game-
like behavior in a non-gaming context may increase emotional expressions, such
as laughter, in serious or mundane tasks” [35]. Thus an emotionally competent
avatar developed for a game situation may well have value in situations such as
education, exercise or rehabilitation.

3 State of the Art

3.1 Laughter Installations
Previous laughter detection and response systems have generally used a limited
human-avatar interaction. Fukushima et al. [15] built a system that enhanced
users’ laughter activity during video watching. It comprised small dolls that
shook and played prerecorded laughter sounds in response to users’ laughter.
AVLaughterCycle aimed to create an engaging laughter-driven interaction
loop between a human and the agent [52]. The system detected and responded
to human laughs in real time by recording the user’s laugh and choosing an
acoustically similar laugh from an audiovisual laughter database.
The Laugh Machine project endowed a virtual agent with the ability to laugh
with a user as a fellow audience member watching a funny video [53,33]. The
agent was capable of detecting the participant’s laughs and laughing in response
to both the detected behaviour or to pre-annotated humorous content of the
stimulus movie. The system was evaluated by 21 participants taking part in one
of three conditions: interactive laughter (agent reacting to both the participant’s
laughs and the humorous movie), fixed laughter (agent laughing at predefined
punchlines of the movie) or fixed speech (agent expressing verbal appreciation
at predefined punchlines of the movie). The results showed that the interactive
agent led to increased amusement and felt contagion.
Laugh When You’re Winning 53

3.2 Laughter Detection

Laughter has long been recognised as a whole-body phenomenon which pro-

duces distinctive body movements. Historical descriptions of these movements
include bending of the trunk, movement of the head and clutching or slapping
of the abdomen or legs [40]. The distinctive patterns of respiration that give
rise to the equally distinctive vocalisations of laughter also generate movements
of the trunk. An initial rapid exhalation dramatically collapses the thorax and
abdomen and may be followed by a series of smaller periodic movements at
lower volume. Fukushima et al. used EMG signals reflecting diapragmatic activ-
ity involved in this process to detect laughter [15]. These fundamental laughter
actions also drive periodic motion elsewhere in the body. Motion descriptors
based on energy estimates, correlation of shoulder movements and periodicity to
characterise laughter have been investigated [29]. Using a combination of these
measures a Body Laughter Index (BLI) was calculated. The BLIs of 8 laugh-
ter clips were compared with 8 observers’ ratings of the energy of the shoulder
movement. A correlation, albeit weak, between the observers’ ratings and BLIs
was found. This model is used in the current project (see Section 6.2).
A body of work on recognition of emotion from body movements has ac-
cumulated in recent years [20,21,9,4,30]. Some of this work has concentrated
on differences in movements while walking. Analysing the body movements of
laughter presents a contrasting challenge in that, unlike walking, its emotional
content cannot be modelled as variations in a repeated, cyclical pattern. Fur-
thermore, body movements related to laughter are very idiosyncratic. Perhaps
because of this, relatively little detection of laughter from body movements (as
opposed to facial expressions) has been undertaken. Scherer et al. [43] applied
various methods for multimodal recognition using audio and upper body move-
ments (including head). Multimodal approaches actually yielded less accurate
results than combining two types of features from the audio stream alone. In
light of these results there is obviously considerable room for improvement in
the contribution of body-movement analysis to laughter detection.
Discrimination between laughter and other events (e.g., speech, silence) has
for a long time focused only on the audio modality. Classification typically
relies on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) [47], Support Vector Machines
(SVMs) [47,19], Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) [22] or Hidden-Markov Mod-
els (HMMs) [8], trained with traditional spectral and prosodic features (MFCCs,
PLP, pitch, energy, etc.). Error rates vary between 2 and 15% depending on the
data used and classification schemes. Starting from 2008, Petridis and Pantic
enriched the so far mainly audio-based work in laughter detection by consulting
audio-visual cues for decision level fusion approaches [36]. They combined spec-
tral and prosodic features from the audio modality with head movement and
facial expressions from the video channel. They reported a classification accu-
racy of 74.7% in distinguishing three classes: unvoiced laughter, voiced laugh-
ter and speech [37]. Apart from this work, there exists to our knowledge no
automatic method for characterizing laughter properties (e.g., emotional type,
arousal, voiced or not). It must also be noted that few studies have investigated
54 M. Mancini et al.

the segmentation of continuous streams (as opposed to classifying pre-segmented

episodes of laughter or speech) and that performance in segmentation is lower
than classification performance [37].

3.3 Laughter Acoustic Synthesis

Until recently, work on the acoustic synthesis of laughter has been sparse and
of limited success with low perceived naturalness. We can for example cite the
interesting approach taken by Sundaram an Narayanan [44], who modeled the
rhythmic energy envelope of the laughter acoustic energy with a mass-spring
model. A second approach was the comparison of articulatory synthesis and
diphone concatenation done by Lasarcyk and Trouvain [24]. In both cases the
synthesizd laughs were perceived as significantly less natural than human laughs.
Recently, HMM-based synthesis, which had been efficiently applied to speech
synthesis [46], has advanced the state-of-the-art [49].

3.4 Laughter Synthesis with Agents

Few visual laughter synthesis models have been proposed so far. The major one is
by Di Lorenzo et al. [13] who proposed an anatomically inspired model of upper
body animation during laughter. It allows for automatic animation generation
of the upper-body from a preregistered sound of laughter. Unfortunately it does
not synthesize head and facial movement during laugh. Conversely, a model
proposed by Cosker and Edge [11] is limited to only facial animation. They built
a data-driven model for non-speech related articulations such as laughs, cries
etc. It uses HMM trained from motion capture data and audio segments. For
this purpose, the number of facial parameters acquired with and optical motion
capture system Qualisys was reduced using PCA, while MFCC was used for the
audio input. More recently Niewiadomski and Pelachaud [32] have proposed a
model able to modulate the perceived intensity of laughter facial expressions.
For this purpose, they first analysed the motion capture data of 250 laughter
episodes annotated with 5-point intensity scale and then extracted a set of facial
features that re correlated with the perceived laughter intensity. By controlling
these features the model modulates the intensity of displayed laughter episodes.

4 Innovation: Multimodality

As already explained, the Laugh When You’re Winning project builds upon
the Laugh Machine project that was carried out during eNTERFACE’12. The
major innovations with regards to Laugh Machine or other installations are the
following (these innovations will be further detailed in Sections 6 and 7):

– The laughter detection module has been extended to take multimodal deci-
sions: estimations of the likelihoods of Smile, Speaking and Laughter like-
lihoods result from analyses of audio, facial and body movements, while in
Laugh When You’re Winning 55

Laugh Machine there was simply a laughter/no-laughter detection based on

audio only; in addition, the intensity estimation module has been improved
(a neural network was trained under Weka).
– Several modules exchange information in real time for detection and analysis
of laughter: the master process is Social Signal Interpretation (SSI) but some
computations are outsourced to Eyesweb and Weka.
– The new game scenario, which can foster different types of emotions and
involves 2 users simultaneously taken into account by the system; an ad hoc
game engine has been developed to manage this specific scenario.
– The integration of laughter mimicry, through modules that analyse some
laughter properties of (one of) the participants (e.g., shoulder movements pe-
riodicity) to influence the laughs displayed by the agent (shoulder periodicity
and rhythm of the acoustic signal are driven by the measured properties).

5 Social Signal Interpretation (SSI)

The recognition component has to be equipped with certain sensors to capture
multimodal signals. First, the raw sensor data is collected, synchronized and
buffered for further processing. Then the individual streams are filtered, e.g. to
remove noise, and transformed into a compact representation by extracting a
set of feature values from the time- and frequency space. In this way the pa-
rameterized signal can be classified by either comparing it to some threshold or
applying a more sophisticated classification scheme. The latter usually requires
a training phase where the classifier is tuned using pre-annotated sample data.
The collection of training data is thus another task of the recognition compo-
nent. Often, activity detection is required in the first place in order to identify
interesting segments, which are subject to a deeper analysis. Finally, a meaning-
ful interpretation of the detected events is only possible in the context of past
events and events from other modalities. For instance, detecting several laughter
events within a short time frame increases the probability that the user is in
fact laughing. On the other hand, if we detect that the user is talking right now
we would decrease the confidence for a detected smile. The different tasks the
recognition component undertakes are visualized in Figure 1.
The Social Signal Interpretation (SSI) software [54] developed at Augsburg
University suits all mentioned tasks and was therefore used as a general frame-
work to implement the recognition component. SSI provides wrappers for a large
range of commercial sensors, such as web/dv cameras and multi-channel ASIO
audio devices, or the Microsoft Kinect, but other sensors can be easily plugged to
the ystem thanks to a patch-based architecture. It also contains processing mod-
ules to filter and/or extract features from the recording signals. In addition, it
includes several classifiers (K-nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machines, Hid-
den Markov Models, etc.) and fusion capabilities to take unified decisions from
several channels.
56 M. Mancini et al.

offline anaysis
saw a

logging learning

pipeline heard a

saw a
smile =

sensory processing detection fusion

communication network

Fig. 1. Scheme of the laughter recognition component implemented with the Social
Signal Interpretation (SSI) framework. Its central part consists of a recognition pipeline
that processes the raw sensory input in real-time. If an interesting event is detected
it is classified and fused with previous events and those of other modalities. The final
decision can be shared through the network with external components.

In this project, SSI was used to synchronize the data acqusition from all
the involved sensors and computers, estimate users’ states (laughing, speaking
or smiling) from audio (see Laugh Machine project [33]) and face (see Section
6.1, as well as fusing the estimations of users’ states coming from the different
modalities: audio, face anlysis and body analysis ((outsourced to Eyesweb, see
Section 6.2).

6 Multimodal Laughter Detection

6.1 Face Analysis
Face tracking provided by the Kinect SDK gives values for 6 action units (AUs)
that are used to derive the probability that the user is smiling (in particular
position of the upper lip and lip corners). In our tests we selected 4 of them as
promising candidates for smile detection, namely upper lip raiser, jaw lowerer, lip

Fig. 2. Promising action units for smile detection provided by Kinect face tracking,
namely upper lip raiser, jaw lowerer, lip stretcher, lip corner depressor
Laugh When You’re Winning 57

upper lip raiser



smile smile smile smile smile smile smile

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
jaw lowerer




smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
lip stretcher



smile smile smile smile smile smile smile

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
lip corner depressor




smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
0 5 10 15 20 25
30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 3. Correlation between the measured action units and periods of laughter (green)

stretcher, lip corner depressor (see Figure 2). In order to evaluate these features
test recordings were observed and analysed in Matlab.
Plots of the features over time are visualized in Figure 3. Laughter periods are
highlighted in green. We can see that especially the values received for upper lip
raiser (1st graph) and lip stretcher (3rd graph) are significantly higher during
laughter periods than in-between laughter periods; lip corner depressor, on the
other hand, has a negative correlation, i. e. values decrease during periods of
In order to combine the action units to a single value we found the following
formula to give reasonable good results:

psmile = upper lip raiser × lip stretcher × (1 − lip corner depressor) (1)
In order to filter out natural trembling we additionally define a threshold
Tsmile . Only if above the threshold, psmile will be included in the fusion process
(see Section 6.3). In our test Tsmile = 0.5 gave good results.
As a second source of information Fraunhofer’s tool SHORE [42] is used to
derive a happy score from the currently detected face. Tests have shown that
the happiness score highly correlates with user smiles. Including both decisions
improves overall robustness.

6.2 Body Analysis

Real-time processing of body (i.e., trunk, shoulders) features is performed by
EyesWeb XMI [27]. Compressed (JPEG) Kinect depth image streams captured
58 M. Mancini et al.

by SSI are sent on-the-fly via UDP packets to a separate machine on which
EyesWeb XMI programs (called patches) detect shoulder movements and other
body-movement measures, e.g., Contraction Index. Additionally, color-based
tracking of markers (green polystyrene balls) placed on the user’s shoulders is
performed by EyesWeb XMI and the resulting recognition data is sent back to
SSI to be integrated in the following overall laughter detection and fusion process
(Section 6.3).
The body detection algorithms we present in this report are an improvement
and extension of the techniques developed for the Laugh Machine (eNTER-
FACE’12) [33]. In particular, the previously described Body Laughter Index
(BLI) is computed as a weighted sum of user’s shoulders correlation and energy:

BLI = αρ̄ + β Ē (2)

where the correlation ρ is computed as the Pearson correlation coefficient

between the vertical position of the user’s left shoulder and the vertical position
of the user’s right shoulder; and kinetic energy E is computed from the speed of
user’s shoulders and their mass relative to body mass.
We also validate the BLI by the user’s shoulder movement frequency: if fre-
quency is included in an acceptable interval [2, 8]Hz then the BLI is valid. The
interval is motivated by psychological studies on laughter by Ruch and Ekman
In this report we introduce a new information for the body (i.e., trunk, shoul-
ders) modality: laughter intensity. When a laughter event is detected by using
the BLI, the FFT of the Y component of shoulders and trunk is computed along
the entire event length (events lasted from 1 second to 9 seconds). The two most
prominent peaks of the FFT, max1 (the absolute maximum) and max2 (the
second most prominent peak) are then extracted. These are used to compute
the following index:

max1 − max2
R= (3)

Basically, the index will tend to 1 if just one prominent component is present;
it will tend to 0 if two or more prominent components are present. Thus, periodic
movements, i.e., those exhibiting one prominent component, will be characterized
by and index near 1, while the index for non-periodic movements will be near 0.
Figure 4 shows two examples of such computation: on the left, one peak around
1/3 Hz is shown, probably related to torso rocking during laughter, and the
index tends is close to 1, indicating a highly periodic movement; on the right,
many peaks between 1/3 Hz and 1.5 Hz are shown, and the index is close to 0,
indicating a mildly periodic movement.
Laugh When You’re Winning 59

Fig. 4. FFT computed on the shoulder Y coordinate. On the left a prominent compo-
nent is present and the index tends to 1. On the right many prominent components
are present and the index tends to 0.

A test carried out in the past months on 25 laughter events annotated for in-
tensity by psychologists [28], showed that R can successfully approximate laugh-
ter intensity. Significant correlations between R and the manually annotated
intensity values were found for both shoulders (r = 0.42, p = 0.036) and trunk
(r = 0.55, p = 0.004).

Table 1. Correlation between body indexes and annotated laughter intensity

Index Correlation p-Value

Rs 0,4216 0,0358
Rt 0,5549 0,0040
Rd 0,1860 0,3732

Table 1 reports correlation and p-values for shoulder/trunk indexes and anno-
tated laughter intensity. Rs is the index computed only on shoulder movement;
Rt is the same index computed only on trunk movement; Rd is the index com-
puted on the difference between shoulder and trunk movement (that is, shoulder
movement relative to trunk position).

6.3 Detection and Fusion

During fusion a newly developed event based vector fusion enhances the decision
from the audio detector (see [33]) with information from the mentioned sources.
Since the strength of the vectors decays over time, their influence on the fusion
process decreases, while they still contribute to keep recognition stable. The final
outcome consists of three values expressing probability for talking, laughing and
The method is inspired by work by Gilroy et al. [16] and adapted to the
general problem of fusing events in a single or multi-dimensional space. A main
difference from their proposed method is that a modality is not represented by a
single vector, but new vectors are generated with every new event. In preliminary
experiments this led to much more stable behaviour of the fusion vector, since
the influence of false detections is lowered considerably. Only if several successive
events are pointing in the same direction is the fusion vector dragged into this
60 M. Mancini et al.

Cough sound t [s] Laughter
Shoulder movement
5.0 no
Smile 6.0 unlikely

7.0 likely

t [s] Event 8.0 likely

5.4 Cough 9.0 very likely

sound EventFusion
10.0 very likely
6.2 Shoulder
movement 11.0 unlikely

8.1 Smile 12.0 no

Fig. 5. Example of event fusion

The algorithm is illustrated in Figure 5. In the example three successive events

are measured: a cough sound, a shoulder movement shortly after that and, after
a small delay, a smile. Each event changes the probability that the user is laugh-
ing. When the first event, the cough sounds, arrives it is still unlikely, since,
although it is a vocal production, coughing differs from laughter. However, a
shoulder movement is detected shortly after, laughter becomes more likely and
the laughter probability is increased. And when finally a smile is detected the
laughter probability becomes even more likely. Due to the decay function that
is applied to the event vectors the probability afterwards decreases over time.

Intensity Model

Audio VAD

Active MQ Sender

Event Fusion



Depth AU Smile



RGB Silhouette

Fig. 6. The final detection system

Thanks to the fusion, performance in terms of reliability and robustness has

clearly been improved compared to the previous system. A schema of the final
detection system is shown in Figure 6.
Laugh When You’re Winning 61

7 Multimodal Laughter Synthesis

7.1 Dialogue Manager
The original objective of the project was to train a dialogue manager from human
data; however, this component could not be built within the time constraints
of the project. To allow for the interaction to take place, a rule-based dialogue
manager with empirical thresholds was designed. It follows simple rules to decide
when and how (duration, intensity) the agent should laugh, given the state of
the game (game in progress, game finished) and the detected states of the two
participants (speaking, laughing, smiling or none of these). The implemented
rules are presented in Table 2. Empirical thresholding on the speaking, laughing
and smiling likelihoods was used to determine the state of each participant.
The implemented rules are symmetric with respect to the two participants (no
difference is made between speaker and observer, the same rules apply if the
participants are switched).

Table 2. Rules for determining when and how the agent should laugh. The imple-
mented rules are symmetric (Participant1 and Participant2 can be reversed). If several
rules are met (e.g. likelihoods for Laughter and Speech of Participant 1 both reach the
defined thresholds, the highest rule in the table receives priority.

Participants states Laughter decision Participants states Laughter decision

P1 P2 Intensity Duration P1 P2 Intensity Duration
Laugh Laugh High High Speak Smile Low Low
Laugh Speak Low Low Speak Silent / /
Laugh Smile Medium Medium Smile Smile Medium Medium
Laugh Silent Medium Medium Smile Silent Low Low
Speak Speak / / Silent Silent / /

The dialog manager also considers the game context, which is obtained thanks
to mouse clicks send by SSI. A click on Mouse 1 signals the start of a yes/no
game. A click on Mouse 2 tells that the speaker has lost the game (by saying
“yes” or “no”). Thanks to these clicks, the dialog manager can determine at
every moment the state of the game, which can take 4 different values: game
not started yet, game on, game lost, game won2 . This information on the game
state is further transmitted to the laughter planner.

7.2 Laughter Planner

Laughter Planner controls the behavior of the agent as well as the flow of the
game. It decides both verbal and nonverbal messages taking into account the
In our case, the game is won if the speaker manages to avoid saying yes or no during
1 minute, so the dialog manager puts the game status to game won one minute after
the game started (click on Mouse 1), if there was no click on Mouse 2 (game lost)
in the meantime.
62 M. Mancini et al.

Table 3. Laughter Planner Inputs (DM = Dialog Manager; MM = Mimicry Module)

Name Description Values Sender

LAUGH DUR Duration of the laugh to be displayed by the agent R+ DM
LAUGH INT Intensity of the laugh to be displayed by the agent [0, 1] DM
MIMICKED AMP relative amplitude of human laughter [-1, 1] MM
MIMICKED VEL relative velocity of human laughter [-1, 1] MM
SPEECH P SPR probability that the speaker is currently speaking [0, 1] SSI
SPEECH P OBS probability that the observer is currently speaking [0, 1] SSI

verbal and nonverbal behavior of the human participants of the game, who are
denoted the speaker (SPR; the person that is challenged in the game) and the
observer (OBS; i.e. the second human player that also poses the questions),
and the rules of the game. Laughter Planner receives continuously the inputs
presented in Table 3.
The main task of Laughter Planner is to control the agent behavior. The
details of the algorithm are presented in Figure 7. Laughter Planner generates
both the questions to be posed by the agent to the human player as well as
laughter responses.
The game context is also taken into account: the agent is only allowed to ask
questions when the game is on; when the game is won, the agentinforms the
participants (e.g., “Congratulations, the minute is over, you won!”); when the
game is lost, the agent laughs in the laughter conditions, or says something in
the no-laughter condition e.g., “Oh no, you just lost”).
The questions are selected from the pre-scripted list of questions. This list
contains the questions that were often used by humans when playing the game
(e.g. MMLI corpus [31]). Some of the questions are independent of others while
others are asked only as part of a sequence e.g. “What’s your name?”... “Is that
your full name”... “Are you sure?”. The questions in sequence should be displayed
in the predefined order, while the order of other questions is not important.
Additionally, Laughter Planner takes care not to repeat the same question twice
in one game. Each question is coded in BML that is sent at the appropriate
moment to any of two available Realizers (Greta, Living Actor). The Planner
poses a new question when neither of the human participants speak for at least
5 seconds. If the observer starts to speak, he probably poses a new question or a
new sequence of questions. In that case, Laughter planner abandons its sequence
of questions and starts a new one in the next turn.
Also the set of laughter is predefined. The laughte episodes (audio and facial
expressions) are pre-synthesized off-line (see Sections 7.4 and 7.5 for details)
from the available data (AVLC corpus). Only the shoulder movements are gen-
erated in real time. For each episode of AVLC corpus, five different versions
were created, each of them with different laugh burst duration and consequently
also different durations. Thus each original sample can be played “quicker” or
“slower” and also corresponding lip movement animation and shoulder move-
ment animation are accordingly modified. All the pre-synthesized laughs are
Laugh When You’re Winning 63

divided into 3 clusters according to their duration and intensity. Additionally

each cluster is divided into 5 subclusters according to the mean laugh burst
velocity. While the choice of the episode is controlled with 2 input parameters
sent by Dialog Manager (see Table 3), the 2 parameters sent by Mimicry Module
are used to choose the correct velocity variation of the episode. In more details,
the values of LAUGH DUR and LAUGH INT are used to choose a cluster of
laugh episodes. Next, mimicry parameters are used to choose a subcluster of this
cluster of episodes, i.e. a set of laughs of laugh bursts corresponding to the value
sent by mimicry module. Finally, the laugh episode is chosen randomly from the
subcluster and BML messages containing the name of episode as well as BML
tags describing the animation over different modalities are sent to the Realizer.






 1 +(




1  "
  "  ' 



  "  "

Fig. 7. Laughter Planner

7.3 Mimicry
The mimicry module has the task of deciding how the agent’s expressive be-
haviour should mimic the user’s one. The Greta agent has the capability to
modulate its quality of movement (e.g., amplitude, speed, fluidity, energy, etc)
depending on a set of expressivity parameters.
As illustrated in Figure 8, the mimicry module receives a vector of the user’s
body movement features X (see Section 6.2) as well as laughter probability
(F LP ) and intensity (F LI) resulting from the modality fusion process (see Sec-
tion 6.3).
The mimicry module starts to work in non-laugh state. When F LP passes
a fixed threshold T1 , the mimicry module enters the laugh state and starts to
accumulate body features in XE . In order to avoid continuous fast switching
64 M. Mancini et al.



  !"  !"

& %( )* +&+/)+'.*

,%-   +'&+'.'

'& %( )*




Fig. 8. Mimicry module

between laugh and non-laugh state, F LP is then compared against a second,

lower, threshold T2 . When F LP goes under this threshold the mimicry module
goes back to the non-laugh state. This means that the laughter event ends and
a few operations are performed:
– the vector of the laughter event mean body features is computed as the
ratio between XE and the duration, in frames, of the event countE ;
– the duration of the event, in seconds, dE is computed;
– the overall mean body features vector XA is computed as the incremental
mean of XE ;
– the overall mean event duration dA is computed as the incremental mean of
dE ;
– the mean body features vector XE and the event duration dE are stored into
a file for later offline use;
Finally, the overall mean body features vector XA and event duration dA are
sent to the Laughter Planner (see Section 7.2) where they will contribute to
modulate the agent’s laughter duration and body expressive features.

7.4 Acoustic Laughter Synthesis

Acoustic laughter synthesis technology is the same as presented in [50]. It relies
on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) trained under HTS [34] on 54 laughs ut-
tered by one female participant of the AVLaughterCycle recordings [52]. After
Laugh When You’re Winning 65

building the models, the same 54 laughs have been synthesized using as only
input to the phonetic transcriptions of the laughs. The best 29 examples have
been selected for the current experiments (the other 25 examples had disturbing
or badly rendered phones due to limited number of the corresponding phones in
the training data).
To increase the number of available laughs and the reactivity of the system,
phonetic transcriptions of laughter episodes composed of several bouts (i.e., ex-
halation parts separated by inhalations) have been split into bouts by cutting
the original transcription at the boundaries between inhalation and exhalation
phases. This indeed increases the number of laughter examples (for example one
episode composed of three bouts will produce three laughter segments instead of
one). This method also increases reactivity of the system - which is limited by
the impossibility of interrupting currently playing laughs - as shorter laughter
segments are available: instead of the original episode of, for example, 15s, the
repository of available laughter now includes three bouts of, for example, 6, 4
and 5s, which would “freeze” the application for a shorter time than the initial
To enable mimicry of the rhythm in the application, several versions of the
laughs have been created: laughs are made rhythmically faster or slower by
multiplying the durations of all the phones in the laughter phonetic transcrip-
tion by a constant factor F . The laughs corresponding to the modified phonetic
transcriptions are then synthesized through HTS, with the duration imposed to
respect the duration of the phonetic transcription (in other words, the duration
models of HTS are not used). Laughs have been created with this process for
the following values of F : 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1 (original phonetic transcription),
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.
Finally, the acoustically synthesized laughs are placed in the repository of
available laughs, which contains for each laugh: a) the global intensity of the
laugh, derived from the continuous intensity curve computed as explained in
[48]; b) the duration of the laugh; c) the audio file (.wav); d) the phonetic
transcription of the laughs, including the intensity value of each phone; e) the
rhythm of the laugh, computed as the average duration of “fricative-vowel” or
“silence-vowel” exhalation syllables of the laugh.
The first two pieces of information are used for selecting the laugh to play
(using the clustering process presnted in section 7.2). The next two (audio and
transcription files) are needed by the agent to play the selected laugh. Finally,
the rhythm of the laugh is used to refine the selection when mimicry is active
(only laughs within a target rhythm interval are eligible at each moment).

7.5 Greta

Facial Animation

As for the audio signal (Section 7.4), our work is based on the AVLC data set
[52]. 24 subjects (9 women and 15 men) were recorded while watching humor-
ous videos. This corpus includes 995 laughter examples: video, audio and facial
66 M. Mancini et al.

motion capture data. Laughs were phonetically annotated [51]. Automatic land-
mark localization algorithm was applied to all the laughter example videos for
extracting the trajectories of Facial Animation Parameters (FAPs) (see [39]).
In our model we use 22 lip FAPs as lip motion features, 3 head rotation FAPs
as head features and 8 eyebrow FAPs as eyebrow features. Therefore, we have
the lip, head and eyebrow motions and phonetic information of all the laughter
examples included in AVLC.
Lip movements play an important role in human voice production. They are
highly synchronized with spoken text, e.g., phoneme. Humans can easily per-
ceive whether spoken text and visual lip motion are synchronized. Therefore,
virtual agents should be capable of automatically generating believable lip mo-
tion during voice production. Phonetic sequences have been used to synthesize lip
movements during speech in previous papers [6,10,7,23,14,12,26], most of which
use the mapping between lip form (visual viseme) and spoken phoneme. To our
knowledge, no effort has focused on natural synthesis of laughter lip motions.
One of our aims is to build a module that is able to automatically produce lip
motion from phonetic transcriptions (i.e., a sequence of laughter phones, as used
for acoustic synthesis). This work is based on the hypothesis that there exists
a close relationship between laughter phone and lip shape. This relationship is
learned by a statistical framework in our work. Then the learnt statistical frame-
work is used to synthesize the lip motion from pseudo-phonemes and duration
We used a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to learn the relationship between
phones and lip motion based on the data set (AVLC). The trained GMM is
capable of synthesizing lip motion from phonetic sequences. One Gaussian dis-
tribution function was learnt to model the lip movements for each of the 14
phonetic clusters used for laughter synthesis. Therefore, the trained GMM was
comprised of 14 Gaussian distribution functions. For synthesis, one phonetic se-
quence including the duration of each phone is taken as the input, which is used
to establish a sequence of Gaussian distribution functions. The determined se-
quence of Gaussian distribution functions [45] is used to synthesize directly the
smoothed trajectories. Figure 9 shows an example of synthesized lip motion.

Fig. 9. Lip motion synthesized from a phonetic transcription

Head and eyebrow behaviours also play an important role in human commu-
nication. They are considered as auxiliary functions of speech for completing
the human expressions. For example, they can convey emotional states and in-
tentions. Humans are skilled in reading subtle emotion information from head
and eyebrow behaviours. So, human-like head and eyebrow behaviour synthesis
is necessary for a believable virtual agent. In consequence, we wanted to syn-
thesize head and eyebrow motion in real time from the phonetic sequences. The
Laugh When You’re Winning 67

proposed approach is based on real human motions recorded in the database. All
the motion data sequences in the database were segmented according to the an-
notated phonetic labels. The motion segments were categorized into 14 clusters
corresponding to the 14 phonetic classes.
We developed a new algorithm for selecting an optimal motion segment se-
quence from the 14 motion segment clusters, according to the given phonetic
sequence. In the proposed algorithm, one cost function is defined to evaluate
the costs of all the motion segments belonging to the cluster corresponding to
the given phonetic label. The cost value consists of two sub-cost functions. The
first sub-cost called duration cost is the difference between the motion segment
duration and the target duration; the second sub-cost called position cost is the
position distance between the value of the first frame of the motion segment and
the value of last frame of the previously selected motion segment. The motion
segment with the smallest cost value is selected.

Shoulder Movement
Previously the analysis of the motion capture data of the Multimodal Multi-
person Corpus of Laughter in Interaction (MMLI) [31] has shown regularities in
the shoulder movements during the laughter. In more detail, 2D coordinates of
the shoulders’ positions were processed using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
The results showed peaks in the frequency range [3, 6]Hz. Interestingly, from the
analysis of acoustic parameters we know that similar frequencies were observed
in audio laugh bursts [1,40]. Both these sources of information were used to gen-
erate shoulder movements that are synchronized with the synthesised audio (see
Section 7.4).
The shoulder movements in the Greta agent are controlled by BML tags sent
by Laughter Planner. The tag shoulder specifies the duration of the movement
as well as its two additional characteristics: period and amplitude. These pa-
rameters are chosen by the Laughter Planner (see Section 7.2). In particular the
period of the movement corresponds to the mean duration of the laugh burst in
the laughter episode to be displayed. The amplitude of the shoulder movement
corresponds to the amplitude of the movements detected within the Mimicry
Module. If the detected movements are large then also the amplitude of the
agent movements is higher, and conversely. Next, the shoulders’ BML tags with
all these parameters are turned into a set of frames. The vertical position of the
shoulder joints is computed for each frame by using the following function:

X(t) = Amplitude ∗ cos(2 ∗ P I ∗ f requency ∗ t − 75.75) (4)

where the amplitude and frequency are parameters of the BML.

7.6 Living ActorTM

The Living ActorTM module includes a 3D real-time rendering component using
Living ActorTM technology and a communication component that constitutes
68 M. Mancini et al.

the interface between the Living ActorTM avatar and the ActiveMQ messaging
system. This version is based on sample animations created by 3D artists and
combines “laughter” faces (facial expressions associated with visemes that are
mouth movements corresponding to synthesized laughter sounds), “laughter”
body animations corresponding to several types of movements (backward bend-
ing, forward bending, shoulder rotation) and “laughter” intensities. The main
animation component is related to the trunk and arms that are combined with
additional animations of head and shoulders.
The prepared trunk animations are later connected to form a graph so the
avatar changes its key body position (State) using transition animations. The
states in the graph (see Fig. 10) correspond to different types of laughing atti-
tudes (bending forward, bending backward, shoulder rotations). Head and shoul-
der back-and-forth movements are not part of this graph; they are combined with
graph transitions at run time. Some low amplitude animations of the arms are
added to trunk animations so the avatar does not look too rigid.

Fig. 10. Sample laughter graph of animation

Living ActorTM software is originally based on graphs of animations that are

combined with facial expressions and lips movements. Two main capabilities
have been added to this mechanism:

– combine several animations of the body (torso, head, shoulder)

– use special facial expressions corresponding to laughter phones

The software is now able to receive data about phones and laughter intensity
in real time. Depending on the received laughter intensity, a target state is
chosen in the graph and transitions are followed along a path computed in real
time. The input data, that include specific types of ”laughter” movements, like
bending forward or backward, are taken into account to choose the target states.
Otherwise, one of the available types of movements is chosen by the avatar
module, depending on intensity and random parameters.
Laugh When You’re Winning 69

The animations triggered by the graph traversal are combined with head and
shoulders back-and-forth movements that make the avatar “laughter” animations
more realistic and avoid the perception of repetition when the same state is tar-
geted several times in the graph. The data received from synthesized phonemes
in real time are used to add facial morphing and lips movements.
When there is no instruction, the 3D real-time rendering component auto-
matically triggers “Idle animations, so the avatar breathes, glances, or moves
slightly and is never static.

8 Experiment
A preliminary experiment was run with the aim of evaluating the integrated
architecture and the effect of the mimicry model on the participants. The avatar
Greta was used for this experiment.
Eighteen participants (12 male, average age 26.8 (3.5) - 5 participants did
not report their age) from the eNTERFACE workshop were recruited. They
were asked to play the Yes/No game with the avatar in pairs. In the game,
participants take turns in asking questions (observer) with the aim of inducing
the other participant (speaker) to answer “yes” or “no”. Each turn lasted a
maximum of 1 minute or until the participant answering the questions said
“yes” or “no”. The avatar always played the role of supporting the observer by
asking questions when a long silence occurred.

Fig. 11. Setting of the experiment. The participants are filling in an in-session ques-

A within-subjects design was used: participants were asked to play the game
in three different conditions: avatar talking but without exhibiting any laugh-
ter expression (No-Laughter condition), avatar exhibiting laughter expressions
70 M. Mancini et al.

(Laughter condition), avatar with laughter expression and long term mimicry
capabilities (Mimicry condition). In all three conditions the avatar had laughter
detection capabilities. In both the Laughter and the Mimicry conditions, the
laughter responses were triggered by the detection of the laughter or smile in
at least one of the participants (see Section 7.1). The order of the conditions
was randomized. Each condition involved two turns of questioning, one for each
The setting of the experiment is shown in Figure 11. The participants and the
avatar sat around a table as shown in the figure. Each participant was monitored
by a Microsoft Kinect and two webcams placed on the table. They were also asked
to wear a custom made respiration sensor around their chest and a microphone
around their neck.
Before the experiment, the participants had the game explained to them and
were asked to sign a consent form. They were also asked to fill in a set of pre-
experiment questionnaires:

– “PhoPhiKat-45”: this provides scales to quantify levels of gelotophobia (the

fear of being laughed at), gelotophilia (the joy of being laughed at), and
katagelaticism (the joy of laughing at others) [41]. Questions are answered
on a 4-point scale (1-4) and a person is deemed to have a slight expression of
gelotophobia if their mean score is above 2.5 and pronounced gelotophobia
if ther mean score is greater than 3.
– A Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI): this measure is a 10-item ques-
tionnaire used to measure the five factor personality model commonly known
as the “big five” personality dimensions: openness to experience, conscien-
tiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism [17].
– Current general mood: cheerfulness, seriousness and bad mood rated on a
4-point scale.
– Avatar general perception: this questionnaire measures the level of famil-
iarity with, and the general likeability and perceived capability of avatars
through a 8-item questionnaire.

After each condition, the participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire

to rate their experience with the avatar (in-session questionnaire [18]). . This
questionnaire is a revised version of the LAIEF-R questionnaire developed for
the evaluation experiment run at eNTERFACE’12. The new version includes
questions about mimicry and body expression perception and is hereafter called
At the end of the experiment, the participants were also asked to provide
comments about the overall system [18]. Each experiment lasted about 1 hour.
A second round of four games was then played in one of the two remaining
conditions (randomly assigned), followed by the same questionnaire answering.
Then, a last round of four games was played in the remaining condition. Fi-
nally, the participants filled the interaction questionnaire as well as a general
Laugh When You’re Winning 71

Fig. 12. (Top) Personality trait scores and (Bottom) current mood scores. X-axes
indicate the participant number. Participants 9 and 10 did not fill in the personality
traits questionnaires (Top). All participants filled in the current mood questionnaire

Figure 12 (top) shows the participants’ personality traits in terms of gelotophobia
and of extroversion, agreeableness, consciousness, neuroticism, and openness.
Only 2 participants scored above the threshold for gelotophobia (P HO > 2.5).
The general mood (Figure 12 - bottom) was also measured as it could have an
effect on the perception of the avatar during the experiment. The figure shows
that the participants were overall in a good mood with only three participants
scoring high in bad mood.
Figure 13 shows the level of familiarity with and the general likeability of
avatars reported by our participants before starting the experiments. We can
see from the boxplot for Q4 that our participants present a quite varied level of
familiarity with avatars with most of them scoring in the lower part of the scale.
The scores for the other questions are also quite low. Only Q2 (“Generally,
I enjoy interacting with avatars”) and Q5 (“Generally I find interacting with
avatars aversive”, score inverted for reporting) obtained quite high scores. This
shows that, in general, our participants did not dislike interacting with avatars
but they had a low confidence in the capabilities that avatars can exhibit when
interacting with people.
In order to identify possible effect of laughter expression on the perception of
the avatar, the questions from the in-session questionnaires were grouped into
three factors: competence, likeability, naturalness. Naturalness was also sepa-
rately explored with respect to: naturalness of the non-verbal expressions (ex-
cluding laughter-related questions) and of laughter expressions. The grouping of
the questions was as follow:
72 M. Mancini et al.

Fig. 13. General familiarity with and perception of likeability and competence of
avatars. (Left) scores organized by question; (bottom-right) Q1-Q7 questions. “notQ5”
indicates that the response has been inverted for reporting.; (top-right) average scores
over the 7 questions for each participant.

– Competence: Q11, Q13, Q14, Q15, Q17, Q21, Q39

– Likeability: Q12, notQ16, Q18, notQ19, Q20, Q23, Q26, Q27, Q32, Q34,
Q35, Q36
– Naturalness: Q22, Q25, Q31, Q37, Q38, Q40, Q41, Q42, Q47, NV, LN (ex-
cluding Q24, Q28)
– Non-verbal expressions (NV): Q29, Q30, Q40, Q41, Q42
– Laughter naturalness (LN): Q24, Q28, notQ43, Q44, Q45, Q46

Q24 and Q28 were excluded from the Naturalness factor since many partic-
ipants did not answer these two questions for the no-laughter condition. These
questions were however included in the laughter naturalness factor and a base-
line value of 3.5 (middle of the scale) was used when the participant’s score was
The list of questions can be seen in [18]. For each of these factors the scores
were normalized. The differences between the laughter condition scores and the
no laughter condition scores are shown in Figure 14. The data show high vari-
ability between participants’ scores. However, some trends can be identified. In
particular, the avatar was perceived as a more competent game player in the
control conditions than in any of the two conditions with laughter expressions.
In the case of likeability, there is a clear split in the participants’ reaction to the
avatar with many participants reporting greatly increased or decreased liking
of the avatar in the laughter conditions compared to the control conditions. A
more positive effect is observed in term of naturalness of the avatar.
Laugh When You’re Winning 73

Fig. 14. Comparison of in-session scores between conditions. X-axes indicate partic-
ipant number; Y-axes indicate the differences between scores obtained in either the
laughter condition or the mimicy conditions with respect to the control condition.

A repeated-measures test was run to investigate if there were any significant

difference between the three conditions. Mauchly’s test indicated that the as-
sumption for sphericity was violated for naturalness (χ2 (2) = 13.452, p < .01),
non-verbal expression naturalness (χ2 (2) = 19.151, p < .01) and laughter nat-
uralness (χ2 (2) = 9.653, p < .001). Therefore a Greenhouse-Geiesser correction
was applied for these three factors. No significant effects were found for the per-
ception of competence, likeability and laughter naturalness. However, significant
effects were found for overall naturalness (F (1.178, 21.675) = 3.978, p = .05, μ2 =
.190) and of non-verbal expression (F (1.376, 23.4) = 4.278, p = .039, μ2 = .201).
Post hoc comparisons for overall naturalness show that the laughter condition
received higher scores than the other two conditions but these differences only
approached significance (vs. no-laughter: p = .15; vs. mimicry: p = 1.24). Post
hoc comparisons for non-verbal behaviour show a significant difference (p =
0.019) between the no-laughter and mimicry conditions. Figure 15 shows the
scores for each of the five questions forming the non-verbal expression factor. We
can see that slightly higher scores were obtained for the laughter and mimicry
condition with respect to the no-laughter condition. We can also observe higher
scores for Q30 for the mimicry condition than for the laughter condition. It is
possible that the greater amount of body behaviour (observed in the mimicry
74 M. Mancini et al.

Fig. 15. Boxplots of scores of the questions forming the non-verbal expression factor

condition) may have resulted in the avatar being perceived as more alive. It is
also possible that the fact that, in the mimicry condition, the body behaviour was
mimicking the body movement of the participants may have captured more their
attention. However, only five participants reported feeling that the avatar was
mimicking them and only 2 participants correctly indicated in which section the
avatar was mimicking and which of the participants was mimicked. In addition,
only one person reported that the avatar was mimicking their body movement.
The results of this first evaluation showed that laughter added some level
of naturalness to the avatar; however, the evaluation also highlighted impor-
tant technical and experimental design issues that will be addressed before run-
ning the full evaluation. In particular, because of the open audio production the
avatar detected itself laughing and was unable to distinguish this from partici-
pant laughter, it then used this as a cue for generating ever-increasing laughter
resulting at times in perceived random or hysterical laughter.
Some technical issues with the synthesis were also identified that need to
be addressed to increase naturalness and facilitate communication (e.g., speech
synthesis software). Comments from the participants were also very useful and
highlighted different problems and solutions to address them. The scenario needs
to be slightly redesigned to make sure that the position of the avatar in the triad
is more central and participants do not exclude it from the game). Some Wizard
of Oz techniques will be used to specifically evaluate individual modules of the
laughter machine architecture (e.g., the mimicry module) to avoid the effect
being masked by other technical issues (e.g., imperfect recognition of laughter,
or lack of natural language understanding).

9 Conclusions
The Laugh when you’re winning project was designed in the framework of the EU
Project ILHAIRE, and its development took place during the eNTERFACE 2013
Laugh When You’re Winning 75

Workshop, where several partners joined to collaborate for the project setup.
Further, the participation in the eNTERFACE Workshop allowed researchers to
recruit participants for the testing phase. Tests showed that virtual characters
laughter capabilities helped to improve the interaction with human participants.
Further, some participants reported that they perceived whether the virtual
character was mimicking their behavior.
Several critical points emerged from the project set up and testing and will be
addressed in the future:

– the fused detection module is more robust than the one developed in eNTER-
FACE’12, but on the other hand its reaction time is slightly longer (1-2s)
which can cause disturbing delays in the agent’s actions; in particular, the
agent should not speak simultaneously to the participants but would do so
due to the introduced delay; this will be adressed in the future by consulting
a low-delay voice activity detection feature when to decide if the agent can
– the cheap microphones used were insufficient for the desired open scenario
(agent audio rendered by loudspeakers), which created long laughter loops by
the agent; high-quality directional microphones must be used in the future,
or the audio of the agent should be rended through headphones;
– the open-source speech synthesis system used with the Greta agent was not
intelligible enough, which, in addition to bad timing of some reactions, lead
some users to neglect the agent; a professional speech synthesis system will
be used in the future to limit this problem;
– more voice/face/body features must be detected or improved; in parallel,
the detected features should be synthesised by the virtual character;
– analysis of mimicry during human-human interaction is in progress on the
data corpora recorded in the framework of the EU Project ILHAIRE; results
will contribute to improved human-virtual character interaction.

Acknowledgments. The research leading to these results has received fund-

ing from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)
under grant agreement n◦ 270780.

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Tutoring Robots
Multiparty Multimodal Social Dialogue with an Embodied Tutor

Samer Al Moubayed1, Jonas Beskow1, Bajibabu Bollepalli1,

Ahmed Hussen-Abdelaziz5, Martin Johansson1, Maria Koutsombogera2,
José David Lopes3, Jekaterina Novikova4, Catharine Oertel1, Gabriel Skantze1,
Kalin Stefanov1, and Gül Varol6
KTH Speech, Music and Hearing, Sweden
Institute for Language and Speech Processing- “Athena” R.C., Greece
Spoken Language Systems Laboratory, INESC ID Lisboa, Portugal
Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK
Institute of Communication Acoustics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
ahmed.hussenabdelaziz@rub.de, mkouts@ilsp.athena-innovation.gr,
zedavid@l2f.inesc-id.pt, j.novikova@bath.ac.uk,

Abstract. This project explores a novel experimental setup towards building

spoken, multi-modally rich, and human-like multiparty tutoring agent. A setup
is developed and a corpus is collected that targets the development of a dialogue
system platform to explore verbal and nonverbal tutoring strategies in multipar-
ty spoken interactions with embodied agents. The dialogue task is centered on
two participants involved in a dialogue aiming to solve a card-ordering game.
With the participants sits a tutor that helps the participants perform the task and
organizes and balances their interaction. Different multimodal signals captured
and auto-synchronized by different audio-visual capture technologies were
coupled with manual annotations to build a situated model of the interaction
based on the participants personalities, their temporally-changing state of atten-
tion, their conversational engagement and verbal dominance, and the way these
are correlated with the verbal and visual feedback, turn-management, and con-
versation regulatory actions generated by the tutor. At the end of this chapter
we discuss the potential areas of research and developments this work opens
and some of the challenges that lie in the road ahead.

Keywords: Multiparty, Multimodal, Turn-taking, Tutor, Conversational Do-

minance, Non-verbal Signals, Visual Attention, Spoken Dialogue, Embodied
Agent, Social Robot.

Y. Rybarczyk et al. (Eds.): eNTERFACE 2013, IFIP AICT 425, pp. 80–113, 2014.
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
Tutoring Robots 81

1 Introduction

Today, advanced, reliable and real-time capture devices and modeling techniques are
maturing and becoming significantly more accessible to researchers. Along with that,
new findings in human-human conversations shed more light on the importance of
modeling all the available verbal and non-verbal actions in conversations (in addition
to the stream of words) and on how these are required in order to build more
human-like dialogue systems that can be used by avatars and robots to exhibit natural
behaviors (e.g. [1,2]). With these developments, research has been moving towards
analyzing multiparty, multimodal conversations with the aim of understanding and
modeling the structure and strategies with which interlocutors regulate the interaction,
and keep their conversations rich, fluent, and successful.
Building socially aware and affective spoken dialogue systems has the potential of
not only providing a hands-free interface for information input and output, but perhaps
even more importantly, in many applications, the ability of using speech to provide a
human-like interface that can understand and communicate all the subtle non-verbal
signals that accompany the stream of sounds and provide significant information about
the state of the user and the interpretation of the users verbal actions. These signals
become even more central in scenarios where affective and social skills are essential
for the success of the interaction (such as learning, collaborative task solving, games,
and commerce [3-5]). Although the challenges and potentials of such social and affec-
tive technology are far from explored and understood, thanks to the recent availability
and robustness of capture devices (e.g. microphone arrays, depth sensors), modeling
techniques (e.g. speech recognizers, face tracking, dialogue modeling), and flexible
and human like synthesis devices (e.g. avatars and humanoid robots), several recent
projects are targeting the potential of different applications and high-end effects of
modeling social and affective spoken interactions (e.g. Collaborative task solving in
[6]; Education in [7]; Child therapy in [8]).
One major obstacle in the face of exploring the effects of spoken social and affec-
tive behavior of artificial embodied entities lies in the multidisciplinary nature of
these setups and in the limitations of the different technologies that they involve. For
example, while these applications aim at stimulating natural, fluent and spontaneous
spoken behavior from the users, yet Automatic Speech Recognition systems (ASRs)
still suffer a very limited power in handling such spoken conversational utterances,
acoustically and grammatically. Another important challenge is how to keep these
setups noninvasive, without hindering the fluency and spontaneity of the interaction
(avoiding the use of cables, headsets, gaze trackers that dictate very little movement
space in order for them to robustly function, etc.).
In this project, we target the development of a relatively natural, spoken, spatially
and socially aware embodied talking head paying special attention to the aforemen-
tioned criteria.
The experimental design in this project is targeted towards multiparty collaborative
task-solving, a research application that we expect to be central to the use of these
technologies in the future. Such an application area is also rich with non-verbal and
conversational variables that go beyond the meaning of words the users are using, but
82 S. Al Moubayed et al.

extends to measuring other variables that play an important role in the interaction
strategies and regulatory actions the agent should take into account, such as attention
and conversational dominance.

2 Overview: The Moon-Survival Multiparty Tutor

Our work attempts to address interactional skills required by an embodied dialogue

system to control the interaction flow as well as to boost and balance the engagement
of the participants in the task they are involved in, while at the same time mitigating
dominant behavior and encouraging less involved interlocutors to equally participate
in the interaction. The task and the setup chosen in this work are considered as first
steps towards understanding the behavior of a conversational tutor in multiparty task
solving setups, as an example of a setup that can be used for applications in group-
collaboration and negotiations, an activity that is highly dependent on the affective,
and social behavior of the interlocutors [3]. Another main criterion that is taken into
account when developing this setup is the ability to move directly from the models
learnt from the annotations and analysis of the corpus, into an implementation of mul-
tiparty multimodal dialogue system, using the robot head Furhat [9], and the newly
developed IrisTK dialogue platform [10] both developed and utilized in multimodal
multiparty embodied spoken dialogue systems.
The interaction setup in this work consisted of two users and one tutor sitting
around a round table. The two users’ task is to discuss and negotiate the importance of
certain objects and arrive to a decision on ordering them in terms of priority. The task
was based on a shortened version of a “NASA Exercise: Survival on the Moon”. Dur-
ing this exercise participants have to imagine that they are members of a space crew
originally scheduled to rendezvous with a mother ship on the lit surface of the moon.
However, due to mechanical difficulties, their ship was forced to land at a spot some
200 miles from the rendezvous point. During reentry and landing, much of the equip-
ment aboard was damaged and, since survival depends on reaching the mother ship,
the most critical items available must be chosen for the 200-mile trip. Two partici-
pants were presented with six cards with the pictures of six items left intact and un-
damaged after landing, as shown in Figure 2.
The tutor’s task was to present the game, control its flow, and guarantee a high and
balanced level of involvement between the two users and a collaborative decision
process regarding the importance of the cards.
The remaining of the book chapter describes the project design and implementation
that was done during the eNTERFACE2013 Workshop, that utilizes the Moon Sur-
vival Setup, as well as the requirements and development of the different technologies
required to build a completely autonomous embodied dialogue system that could play
the role of the tutor in similar setups. We firstly present a corpus collection study of a
human-human setup, the design decision taken to reflect some of the affective and
higher level conversational features that are present in collaborative task-solving, and
outline some preliminary analysis of the data. After that, we describe a dialogue sys-
tem setup where the human-tutor is replaced with the Furhat embodied talking head.
Tutoring Robots 83

We also discuss the limitations of the work done, and possibilities for future research
in this young and challenging area.

3 Experimental Setup

─ Physical setup: Consists of a tutor and two participants, sitting at a round table,
shaping an equilateral triangle.
─ Visual tracking: Both subjects are tracked using two Kinect1 sensors. The sensors
are intended to capture the head-pose, facial expressions, and skeletal movement of
both interlocutors. The Kinect sensors are placed at about 1.5 meter distance and
outside the space of the interaction to limit the interference of the sensor on the in-
─ Auditory tracking: Instead of using head-held close-range microphones (commonly
used in dialogue recordings to limit the influence of overlapping speech); in this
recording we took advantage of the Microcone™2 multichannel microphone array -
by Dev-Audio. Microcone™ consists of 6 channel microphone (over 360 degrees)
that provides high quality far-field speech input, along with activation values for the
different microphones, allowing for the detection of multiple speakers, and hence
overlaps and speakers locations. Microcone™ was designed for automatic annotation
of roundtable meetings and it provides a measure of the microphone activity at 20fps.
This means that the device is able to infer the speakers location (even in cases of
overlap), and would provide raw audio signal for all six microphones with a reliable
beam-forming and noise suppression. The choice of a table-top microphone array
over a headset is made for two reasons: if people eventually address a dialogue
system using a headset, the speech might be highly different from addressing a
human (e.g. in terms of loudness). Also, avoiding cables and invasive attachments to
the users might limit the influence of the experimental setup on the naturalness of the
behavior, and the interaction might reflect patterns similar to that of a non-rigged
natural interaction.
─ Two high definition video cameras were used to record the setup and the interlocu-
tors from two different angles, for future use and for annotation purposes. These
cameras were used for (a) capturing tutor’s behavior and (b) the entire scene.
─ Six rectangular cardboard cards are designed and used as part of the game. The
design of the cards was strategic in that it was made also to provide the dialogue
system with context, and lower the demand for very robust speech recognition to
infer the context of the game (e.g. When using vision-based card tracking, a system
can infer the card under discussion, and provide spoken content related to it, with-
out the need to understand what the users are saying).

Figure 1 shows a sketch of the physical setup to the left, and a snapshot of it with
real users to the right.

84 S. Al Moubayed et al.

Fig. 1. Sketch (ttop) and a photo (bottom) of the experimental setup

Fig. 2. Six cards with pictures of objects for the task

The participants were asked d to discuss each of the six cards and rank them in terms of
importance. The motivation n behind this task was to socially interact, exchange inffor-
mation, and collaboratively y find a solution for the set problem. The members of eeach
team collaborate together to t solve the task. The tutor leads, coordinates, and giives
comments to the team mem mbers while solving the tasks using several real-time straate-
gies, e.g. using a neutral or active tutoring approach.
Tutoring Robots 85

The described survival exercise was used for two reasons:

1. Groups first had to make descriptive judgments regarding the "value" of each item;
and then they had to make judgments about the relative value of each item to their
survival chances. Thus, both members of a group had to collaboratively participate
in the conversation.
2. An important issue was the ability to compare participants’ results with a right an-
swer for the task, which was published by the Crew Equipment Research Unit at
NASA. Group effectiveness was measured as a simple inverse function of the unit
weighted sum of the absolute differences between the ranks assigned and the cor-
rect ranks. As we used a simplified version of the task, the overall performance of
each group was evaluated in terms of time of task completion, in addition to the ef-

4 A Corpus of Multiparty Tutoring Behavior

Recently, the research community has witnessed the birth of several large efforts to-
wards the creation of large-scale multimodal corpora [11-15], promising that model-
ing verbal and visual signals in dialogue will not only advance the understanding of
human-human language exchange, but also allow for the development of more intelli-
gent and aware dialogue systems to be used by digital entities (such as ECAs and
robots). However, there exist a multitude of design decisions (such as the dialogue
task, the spatial setup, the captured signals) that limit the ability to easily move from
human-human dialogues to human-machine dialogues. For example, dialogue tasks
that heavily depend on the semantics in the speech signals (the content of the spoken
interaction) will demand high requirements on speech understanding systems that can
deal with conversational speech – a technology that has not yet been matured.

4.1 Users and User Setup

Before the recording session, participants were asked to complete a Big Five perso-
nality test [16]. The Big Five personality traits are five broad domains that are used to
describe human personality. The Big Five factors are 1) openness to experience, 2)
conscientiousness, 3) extraversion, 4) agreeableness, and 5) neuroticism. Openness
reflects the degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty and
variety. Conscientiousness shows a tendency for self-discipline. Extraversion is the
personality trait of seeking fulfillment from sources outside the self or in community.
High scorers in extraversion section tend to be very social while low scorers prefer to
work on their projects alone. Agreeableness reflects a tendency to cooperate and ad-
just behavior to suit others. Neuroticism is the personality trait of being emotional and
refers to a degree of emotional stability. We used the personality test because research
indicates that personality traits and variables like self-efficacy self-esteem, locus of
control, emotional stability, extraversion, conscientiousness, positive affectivity, neg-
ative affectivity, optimism, proactive personality [17], highly impact human work
86 S. Al Moubayed et al.

results and performance. In addition, such factors as low neuroticism in combination

with high extraversion characterize work engagement [18].
For the experiment the groups were formed according to participants’ personality-
test results, so that one of two team members scored high on extraversion and the
other one scored low. The average difference between participants on the extraversion
dimension was 28 points.
The human tutor was instructed to behave in a neutral way with four out of eight
groups. A neutral tutor had to deliver material in a clear and concise manner so that
participants could understand what they were required to do. However, a neutral tutor
didn’t need to make his/her communication either interesting or enjoyable. A neutral
tutor had to answer all the students’ questions, coordinate their activity and explain
what to do next, but a neutral tutor didn’t have to try to engage students and motivate
them. A neutral tutor did not need to be friendly, supportive or welcoming. For the
latter four groups, the tutor was asked to behave in a way that best represents the ap-
proach of an active tutor. An active tutor had to be dedicated to a student’s success,
had to deliver material in an interesting manner so that students could enjoy it. An
active tutor had to be supportive, friendly and welcoming and always providing a
positive feedback to the student.
Eight recording sessions were performed; each session resulted approximately in
10-15 minutes conversation. Afterwards the participants were asked to fill in a Tutor
Assessment Questionnaire. The assessment questionnaire was based on the User Ex-
perience Questionnaire UEQ [19] and it consists of twenty four pairs of contrasting
characteristics that may apply to the tutor. The numbers between the characteristics
represent gradations between the opposites. A seven-step Likert scale is used for gra-
dation in order to reduce the well-known central tendency bias for such types of
items. Please refer to Appendix A for the full questionnaire.
Twenty four characteristics were organized into groups, suggested by [19]. These
groups were Attractiveness (examples for items: pleasant, enjoyable), Perspicuity
(clear, easy to understand), Efficiency (fast, organized) and Dependability (suppor-
tive, meets expectations). We also had an additional group called Tutoring with items
specific to the tutoring approach, e.g. motivating, holding the attention, giving feed-
back on the work’s quality.
Validity of the used questionnaire was tested by measuring the consistence of each
group, as proposed by the original UEQ [19]. The Cronbachs Alpha-Coefficient [20],
for Attractiveness, Efficiency, and Perspicuity and Tutoring groups was between 0.72
and 0.95. There is no generally accepted rule on how big the value of the coefficient
should be, however many authors assume that a scale should show an alpha value
>0.7 to be considered as sufficiently consistent. Based on the high value of the Cron-
bachs Alpha-Coefficient we assume that the given groups of items in the question-
naire were consistent and that our participants in the given context interpreted the
items in an expected way.
The data collected after 8 sessions (four groups with an active human tutor and
four – with a neutral one) with 16 subjects an average assessment results were higher
for an active tutor in all the assessment sections – attractiveness, perspicuity, efficien-
cy, dependability and tutoring, as shown in Figure 3.
Tutoring Robots 87

Fig. 3. Differencess in tutor’s assessment for an active and a neutral tutor

Fig. 4. The relation between differences

d in personalities and an overall task score in the casse of
active and neutral tutoring app
88 S. Al Moubayed et al.

Although differences between active and neutral tutoring approaches didn’t influence
significant differences in tutor’s assessment results, these two different tutoring ap-
proaches caused different overall performance for the groups of subjects with differ-
ent personalities. Figure 4 shows that in case of active tutoring, when the average
personality difference between group members is high, the overall task score is low,
which means that the performance of that group is better. On the contrary, if the aver-
age personality difference between group members is low, the overall task score of
that group is high, which means that the performance of that group was worse. In case
of neutral tutoring, however, there was no such an inverse dependency between per-
sonality differences and overall task score: the more different are the group’s mem-
bers according to their extraversion the lower is their task performance.
Thus, according to the presented data we can argue that active tutoring eliminates
differences in personalities and helps groups with higher personality gaps achieve
better results in a collaborative task.
The recorded corpus was named the Tutorbot Corpus.

4.2 Corpus Description

The eNTERFACE’13 Tutorbot corpus is of approximately 82 minutes overall dura-
tion and it consists of 8 sessions between a human tutor and two human participants.
As described in the previous section, it includes equal samples of experimental condi-
tions, i.e. 4 sessions of active tutoring interactional behavior and 4 of neutral. The
tutor was the same subject in all sessions and was trained to express and prompt the
appropriate conversational behavior according to each experimental condition. The
participants, different in each session, were not informed about the task nor the goal
of the experiment (participants of other projects in the eNTERFACE workshop). De-
pending on the availability of subjects, pairing subjects aimed at maximizing cover-
age in terms of personality traits (with a focus on the extraversion dimension) and
gender. Details on the corpus are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The Tutorbot corpus description

Session Participants Duration Tutor scenario Extraversion Task
(Male/Female) diff. Score
1 M-M 13.28 Active 37 4.56
2 M-M 15.44 Active 44 0.66
3 F-F 07.08 Active 5 2.30
4 M-M 10.43 Active 21 6.45
5 M-F 07.15 Neutral 9 0.30
6 M-M 09.39 Neutral 74 2.40
7 M-M 08.07 Neutral 13 2.34
8 M-F 10.05 Neutral 21 0.42
Tutoring Robots 89

4.3 Annotation Process

The data collection was manually annotated with regards to the conversational beha-
vior of the tutor. Since the goal is analyze multimodal strategies employed by the
tutor to manage the conversation, the annotation was focused on describing the form
and functions of the related verbal and non-verbal signals employed.
Multimodal interaction in both its two-party and multi-party dimensions is substan-
tially related to the functions of feedback and turn management. Turn-taking mechan-
ism has been thoroughly studied in terms of modeling the organization of turns in
conversation [21], non-verbal cues such as gaze and gesture regulating turn taking in
interaction [22], as well as the relationship between turn-taking and attention [23].
Multiparty turn-taking in dialog systems has been addressed with regards to the de-
velopment of computational frameworks able to handle multiparty floor coordination,
continuations, etc. [24]. The above studies focus on ways in which turn allocation is
performed, rules that apply in transition-relevant places as well as aspects of collabor-
ative and non-collaborative interactions such as interruptions and overlap resolution
devices, both from verbal and nonverbal perspectives.
Communicative feedback gives evidence of the collaborative nature of dialogue
while the participants give verbal and non-verbal signs that they follow the flow of
the discussion; they perceive, understand, agree or not with the message conveyed;
they might express the willingness to take the turn or give support to the speakers to
go on with their turn. Feedback has been addressed in its linguistic dimension through
a robust theoretical framework [25] and from a multimodal point of view with an
emphasis the investigation of the effect that a combination of cues (e.g. morphologi-
cal categories, prosody, gaze) might have on the production of feedback [26]. Moreo-
ver, there are attempts to describe feedback in different social activities or other
contexts or model it for purposes of behavior simulation [27].

4.4 Annotation Scheme

The annotation of the recorded video sessions was performed in ELAN 3 [28]. An
annotation scheme was employed to cater for all the features that need to be
represented for the task at hand. The scheme is heavily based on widely-used labeling
sets used for annotating multimodal interaction [29, 30], and was tailored to the needs
of the task. Specifically, the goal of the annotation was to account for multimodal
behavior including verbal and nonverbal signals as well as conversational structures
and functions expressed in a multimodal way. Signals that have a clear communica-
tive function are included in the annotation scheme as follows:

Speech Activity. The tutor’s speech was transcribed with the goal to export
utterances that the robot would use to manage the interaction. A comparison of the
transcriptions was also planned, to distinguish patterns of verbal content when refer-
ring to specific subtasks in the discussion, i.e. in introducing the task, giving hints,

ELAN (http://www.lat-mpi.eu/tools/elan/).
90 S. Al Moubayed et al.

instructing the participants to order cards, etc. as well as to discover substantial differ-
ences of verbal content in active and neutral tutor scenarios. This level includes also
the transcription of verbal back-channeling (grunts such as “yeah”, “ehm”, “aha”) the
tutor may express.

Dialogue Acts. The tutor’s speech activity was attributed a label of a dialogue act
describing the communicative action which the tutor performs. The purpose is two-
folded: (a) to identify dimensions of interaction that dialogue acts may address and (b)
to functionally segment the dialogue. Since in this experimental setup the identifica-
tion of the addressee is of primary importance, the information-seeking functions (i.e.
questions) are categorized not in terms of question types (e.g. yes/no question, wh-
question), but in terms of addressee: questions to speaker, listener, or both partici-
pants. A crucial part of this scenario is the cues that the tutor provides to help the
participants elaborate on the cards description and their importance (i.e. hint). Intro-
ductory parts where the tutor asks the participant to perform an action or clarifications
given throughout the discussion are labeled as Instruction/Request. Finally, the
scheme caters for answers that the tutor gives to the participants or utterances of
agreement or disagreement with them.

Turn Management. Values in this level describe the way the tutor regulates the inte-
raction by taking, holding and assigning the turn. Again, the values apply to both
verbal and non-verbal behavior of the tutor. Different values exist for normal transi-
tion of turns (take, accept, complete, offer), as well as for phenomena related to aber-
rations from the turn-taking rules, such as interruptions and overlapping talk (i.e.
grab, yield, hold). A distinct value of backchannel is also included to differentiate
backchannel cues from content utterances.

Feedback. Labels related to feedback are attributed horizontally to cover both functions
of verbal and non-verbal attestations of feedback, i.e. either through back-channeling
and expressing evaluations, or through head movements and facial expressions such as
nodding and smiling. The set consists of labels describing whether the tutor gives or
elicits continuation, perception and understanding, and whether he/she agrees or not
with what the participants say.
A large part of the annotation scheme is related to the annotation of the non-verbal
modalities. Since the goal of the annotation is to identify important features and pat-
terns to be modeled in the robot, the modalities in question are restricted to descriptive
and functional values of the head movements, facial expressions and facial gestures,
cues that are considered of high importance to the regulation of the interaction as well
as the expression of feedback. Each non-verbal signal of the ones listed below is first
identified on the time axis and it is marked according to its form. Subsequently, the
functions of each identified signal is marked, i.e. whether it has a feedback or a turn
management purpose.
Tutoring Robots 91

General Facial Expression. The tutor’s facial expressions are indicative of his/her
state of mind towards the speakers as well as of the level of perception of the discus-
sion. Smile and laugh are employed to show agreement, encouragement and satisfac-
tion, while scowling denotes doubt, disagreement or unpleasantness.

Head Movement. The form and the direction of the head movement are important for
establishing feedback and turn regulating functions. For example, head nodding may
have an acknowledgement function, by providing support to the speakers that their
contribution has been perceived and that the conversation may proceed. Head turn is
always linked with gaze to determine attention and speaker turn assignment. Shaking
is a sign of disagreement or doubt, while tilting the head or moving it forward and
backward may be signals reinforcing the tutor’s message.

Gaze. The identification of gaze direction is of primary importance since it defines

the addressee of the tutor, the goal of his/her attention and can be a clear indicator of
turn assignment. The scheme distinguishes between attentive gaze of the tutor to the
speakers on the left and on the right respectively. Such values may be attributed i.e.
when the tutor gazes at the speaker to provide feedback, but also towards the listener
in an attempt to elicit feedback or to offer the turn. Attentive gaze at the objects
(cards) is also substantial, since it indicates the tutor follows the task process. Non-
communicative gaze shifts can be labeled as glances.

Eyes. Variations in eye openness may indicate surprise or enthusiasm (wide open), as
well as contemplation, interest, attention or disagreement (semi-closed, blink).

Eyebrows. Raising eyebrows is often employed to show involvement, encourage-

ment, attention and surprise, whereas frowning may denote doubt, disagreement or

Mouth. An open mouth is annotated as a sign that the tutor is attempting to take the
turn when a participant has the floor. A closed mouth with protruded lips may func-
tion as a feedback signal for agreement, together with head nodding.

Cards. Finally, a dedicated layer to the id of cards that are being discussed is included
in the annotation scheme, so that the boundaries of each card object are clearly identi-

A tabular representation of the scheme may be found in Appendix B, Table 4. Figure

5 also shows a snapshot of the annotation program and process showing the tutor in
the video.
92 S. Al Moubayed et al.

Fig. 5. A screenshot of the annotation software. The video in the frame shows the tutor, along
with the manual annotations over time.

4.5 Data Analysis and Conversational Management Strategies

The data collected by all devices together with the manual annotation were analyzed
to model the conversational management strategies employed in both conditions of
active and neutral tutor. A set of different parameters was examined to attest the inter-
relation of low-level signals such as voice activity, gaze, facial movements etc. and
their timing with functions of turn management and feedback. Furthermore, differ-
ences in the tutor’s dialogue acts and turn management behavior (in terms of frequen-
cy and different values employed) were investigated.
Our results indicate that turn management behavior conveys essential and richer
information compared to the dialogue acts types used, i.e. the timing and the conver-
sation managing action of what is said matters more than the actual content per se.
For example, the number of turn offers as well as turn accepts is relatively higher in
the active tutor condition than in the neutral one (42 vs. 8 and 33 vs. 13 respectively).
We also hypothesized that: (a) the number of dialogue acts such as hints or instruc-
tions the tutor gives will be higher for the active tutor condition than for the neutral
one and (b) the tutor will employ more turn management features in the active tutor
condition than the neutral tutor condition. Concerning hypothesis a) we found a
Tutoring Robots 93

difference in the number of hints between active and neutral tutor condition (29 vs. 27
hints) and concerning hypothesis b) we also found that the number of turn grabs is
higher in the active than in the neutral tutor condition (13 vs. 8 turn grabs).
Overall, an important finding derived from the corpus verifying our hypotheses
with regards to the experiment design is that almost all feature cases account for the
expected interactional behavior in an active or a neutral tutor. A sample of statistics
calculated on features is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Statistics of features presented in the following order: mean (standard deviation)

Feature Active tutor Neutral tutor

Avg. time of all conversations 11.76(3.69)min 8.77(1.3)min
Avg. time on each card 1.29 (0.66)min 0.85 (0.49) min
No. of hints in all conversations 7.25(2.06) 6.5 (1.91)
No. of agreements 2 (1.82) 2.5(1.91)
No. of disagreements 2 1
No. of instruction/request 4.25 (0.95) 3.25 (0.5)
No. of turn grabs 3.25 (2.06) 2.25(2.06)
No. of turn offers 10.5 (8.38) 4.5 (5.74)

5 Building the Embodied Tutoring Agent

5.1 The Furhat Robot Head

The embodied agent used as the tutor in this project is the Furhat robot head [9]. Furhat
was built to study and evaluate rich and multimodal models of situated spoken dialo-
gue. Furhat is a robot head that consists of an animated face that is projected using a
micro projector on a three dimensional physical mask that matches in design the ani-
mated face that is projected on it. The state of the art animation models used in Furhat
produce synchronized articulatory movements in correspondence to output speech
[31], and allow for highly accurate and realistic control of different facial movements.
The head is also supported with a 3DOF neck for the control of its head-pose.
The solution to build a talking head using the technique used in Furhat is superior
in that: 1) Using a three dimensional head allows for situated and multiparty interac-
tion that is not possible to establish accurately with avatars projected on two
dimensional surfaces, thanks to its ability to eliminate the so-called Mona Lisa gaze
effect – an effect that results in a loss of the orientation of 2D portrait in physical
space, resulting in that a viewer of a 2D face perceives the face rotated in the same
angle no matter where the viewer is standing in relation to that portrait [32,33], and 2)
The use of facial animation instead of other mechatronic solutions to build robot
heads enables the use of highly advanced and natural dynamics that are not so easily
possible with mechanical servos and artificial skin, thanks to the advanced in facial
animation techniques [31]. Furhat, in addition to being a platform to implement mod-
els of spoken human-human interaction, has become a vehicle to facilitate research on
human-robot interaction, such as studying the effects of gaze movements in situated
94 S. Al Moubayed et al.

Fig. 6. Snapshots of Furhat4 in close-ups

interaction [34], audio-visual intelligibility of physically three dimensional avatars

[35], and effects of head-pose on accuracy of addressee selection [36]. Figure 6 shows
some snapshots of the Furhat robot head.

5.2 The IrisTK Multimodal Multiparty Authoring Platform

To orchestrate the whole system, the IrisTK dialogue platform was used [10]. IrisTK
is XML based dialogue platform that was designed for the quick prototyping and
development of multimodal event-based dialogue systems. The framework is inspired
by the notion of state-charts, developed in [37], and used in the UML modeling lan-
guage. The state-chart model is an extension of finite-state machines (FSM), where
the current state defines which effect events in the system will have. However, whe-
reas events in an FSM simply trigger a transition to another state, state charts may
allow events to also result in actions taking place. Another notable difference is that
the state chart paradigm allows states to be hierarchically structured, which means
that the system may be in several states at the same time, thus defining generic event
handlers on one level and more specific event handlers in the sub-state the system is
currently in. Also, the transition between states can be conditioned, depending on
global and local variables, as well as event parameters. This relieves state charts from
the problem of state and transition explosion that traditional FSMs typically leads to,
when modeling more complex dialogue systems.
IrisTK is based on modeling the interaction of events, encoded as XML messages be-
tween different modules (a module can be a face tracker that transmits XML messages
about the location of the face of a user). The design of module based systems is crucial
in this system and in other multimodal dialogue tasks. Such systems are multidiscipli-
nary in nature and researchers typically working on one of the technologies involved in
such a system can be isolated from the details of the other technologies. This increases
the need for the development of higher level, technology independent dialogue man-
agement that can allow for the communication of the different tools and technologies
involved (Automatic Speech Recognizer - ASR, Text-To-Speech systems - TTS, Face

For more info on Furhat, see http://www.speech.kth.se/furhat
Tutoring Robots 95

Tracking, Facial Animation, and Source Localization). These technologies can be

(and are, in this project) run on one or several machines.
IrisTK comes with several tools that support the communication of XML events in
between programs, and over a network. This would allow the dialogue management
to rely merely on XML events, while being able to be completely blind to the differ-
ent programs that generate and consume these events. This also allows for the
replacement of one or more program, or technology, without the need for any custo-
mization of the dialogue flow.
Relying on the principles of modular design and XML event communication pro-
tocol, we describe in the following the different sensory technologies that generated
events, which in turn are consumed by the dialogue management flow (See Section 8
for design of the dialogue flow).

5.3 Modeling of Sensory Data

Voice Activity Detection with the Microcone™. In addition to providing audio, the
Microcone™ also provides a stream of the current microphone activation status for
each of its six audio channels. We used this stream to implement a voice activity de-
tector (VAD) module for the system, by mapping microphone activation status transi-
tions to start and end of speech.
The devised module generates a message when a subject starts speaking and when
a subject stops speaking. Each message contains information about which subject
triggered the message, and the amount of time passed since the previous transition,
i.e. the length of silence before start of speech, or the length of the utterance at end of
speech. Example XML events are presented below. Each event has a name, and a set
of typed parameters. The following example shows two different events - a speech
onset and speech offset time, providing parameters on which subjects is concerned
with this event.

<event xmlns="iristk.event" name="sense.speech.start”>

<string name="location">Left</string>
<float name="silence">4.5</float>
<event xmlns="iristk.event" name="sense.speech.end>
<string name="location">Right</string>
<float name="length">2.25</float>

As the experiment setup has the participants in fixed locations, the identity of a
speaker can be mapped to an audio channel. The module keeps track of the current
activation state of each channel in use, and creates events on activation state transi-
tions, provided the state has been stable for a tunable time period. The tunable thre-
shold allows for brief moments of silence in continuous utterances, and prevents short
isolated sounds from triggering start of speech detection.
96 S. Al Moubayed et al.

Visual Tracking. The behavior of the subjects was tracked partly using Kinect sen-
sors (“Kinect for Windows”). In the experiment setup, one sensor was used for each
subject and each sensor was placed in front of the subject it was monitoring. The in-
tention was to have the subject facing the sensor, keeping the expected head pitch and
yaw angles between +/-30 degrees.
The physical locations and orientations of the subjects’ heads, as well as parame-
ters describing the facial expressions, were tracked using the Microsoft Face Tracking
SDK (“Face Tracking”). Data from the head tracking allowed the system to have
Furhat to direct its gaze at subjects, and to estimate the visual attention of the subjects.
In addition to the tracking of heads, the poses of the subjects’ upper bodies were
tracked as well, using the Kinect for Windows SDK skeleton tracking in seated mode
(“Tracking Modes”). Skeleton data with ten tracked upper-body joints for each sub-
ject was collected for future use.

<event xmlns="iristk.event" name="sense.head">

<string name="sensor">kinect_left</string>
<string name="agent">Left</string>
<float name="position.x">1.2</float>
<float name="position.y">2.345</float>
<float name="position.z">3.45678</float>
<float name="rotation.x">1.2</float>
<float name="rotation.y">2.345</float>
<float name="rotation.z">3.45678</float>
<float name="au.lipstretcher">-0.2</float>

Visual Attention Estimation with Kinects. We wanted to provide the system with
information about the subjects' visual focus of attention, which can be inferred from
gaze direction. Complete gaze direction is, however, not available in the case of our
setup, so an alternate method is required. One way of estimating the visual focus of
attention without gaze is to use head pose information as a surrogate. This alternative
was explored in [38], who in a round-table meeting scenario with four participants
show an average accuracy of 88.7% for the estimation of focus of attention from head
orientation alone. The contribution of the head orientation to the overall gaze was on
an average 68.9%. A study in [39], expanded the meeting scenario with additional
targets for visual attention, and found that the different targets for visual attention
need to be well separated in order to achieve good estimation performance. In our
experiment setup the potential targets for a subject's attention is the tutor, the other
subject, or the card on the table. The low target count, combined with the constraints
of the experiment setup, suggest that we can use head poses as a good estimate for
subjects' visual focus of attention in our experiment, similar to a setup in [40].
The devised visual attention module for our setup accepts head tracking data from
the Kinect sensors and generates one message whenever the estimated visual attention
target of a subject has changed. The message, illustrated below, contains information
about which subject the message refers to, the direction of the subject’s head and the
estimated target of the subject’s visual attention. Before the target is considered
changed and a message is sent, the estimated target must be stable for a tunable period
of time.
Tutoring Robots 97

<event xmlns="iristk.event" name="sense.attention">

<string name="agent">Left</string>
<string name="direction">left</string>
<string name="target">Right</string>

Since the physical setup ensures that each Kinect sensor is covering exactly one sub-
ject, the identity of detected heads could be derived from the sensor detecting it. The
target of visual attention of a subject was estimated based on the pan and tilt of the
subject’s head. Each possible target was specified as a region defined by minimum
and maximum angles to the target relative to the Kinect sensor located in front of the
subject. The region boundaries for visual attention targets were calibrated manually
for this experiment, a method we believe to be rather reliable for the current purpose
due to the well-structured physical setup. We do, however, intend to improve the
boundary definition by using more data driven methods for clustering in the future.
Combining the microphone array and the visual attention classifier, the system can be
informed about the speaker and the addressee at any given point in time. Figure 7
shows a visualization of the system in action, showing Speaker Left speaking to Sub-
ject Right, while subject right is looking at the tutor.

Fig. 7. A visualization of the perceived activity of the situated interaction. The figure shows the
tracked horizontal head rotation (pan) of each subject, and the voice activity detection (hig-
hlighted by an image of a speaker). The figure shows that the subject (left) is currently speaking.
98 S. Al Moubayed et al.

Acoustical Prominence Detection. In addition to the Speech Activity, and the Visual
Attention modules, a prosodic analysis module was developed to estimate important
segments in the users input using their prosodic features. Information about prosodic
prominence can in principle enhance the speech recognizer by conditioning the syn-
tactic parsing. In addition to that, it can also give important information to the agent,
which in turn can show more contextually aware gestures in relevance to the users’
prosodic contours [41]. In this work, we wanted Furhat to generate nonverbal gestures
(as eyebrows raises) in response to prominent segments in the users speech, in order
to show attentive behavior (such strategies have been shown to be functional in active
listening experiments, c.f. [42]).
Acoustical prominence is perceived when a syllable or a word is emphasized so
that it is perceptually salient [43]. Detecting the acoustical prominences can be very
useful in Human-Robot interaction (HRI) scenarios. For example, the salience of the
emphasized words uttered by human beings can be used as cues for triggering feed-
back signals generated by robots. The feedback signals can be acoustical by saying
yeah or mmm, visual by raising eyebrow or smiling, or multimodal [44]. These feed-
back signals make the interaction between humans and robots more natural and in-
crease humans’ engagement in the conversation. Moreover, in multiparty dialogues,
the frequency of the detected prominences can be used as a reasonable feature for
detecting and balancing the conversational dominance of the dialogue participants.
In order to automatically detect acoustical prominences, some low level acoustic
prosodic features should be first extracted. Features like F0, energy, and duration have
shown a good success in automatic prominence detection [43]. Mapping these ex-
tracted prosodic features to the acoustical prominence, which is mostly defined based
on linguistic and phonetic units, is conventionally done using annotated databases and
supervised machine learning algorithms like neural networks (NN) [43], and hidden
Markov models (HMM) [45]. In this work, however, we have used a modified version
of the unsupervised statistical method applied in [46]. The main idea of this method is
developed based on the prominence definition introduced in [47].
In [47], prominence is defined as the speech segment (syllable or word) that stands
out of its environment. In order to realize this definition, we define a relatively short
moving window in which the current speech segment (e.g. syllable) lies and another
longer window for its preceding environment. We can simply detect the salience of
the current speech segment by calculating a discrimination distance between the pro-
sodic features that lie in it and those located in its preceding (environmental) window.
Prominence is then detected if the distance is larger than a pre-defined threshold,
which means that the current segment is salient and stands out of its environment.
The discrimination distance can be deterministic such as the Euclidean distance be-
tween the prosodic features’ mean vector of the current and the environmental win-
dow, or probabilistic to take into account the uncertainty (covariance) of the feature
vectors. A good candidate for the probabilistic discrimination distance is the Kull-
back-Leibler (KL) divergence [48]. By assuming that the prosodic feature vectors in
the current local and the past global window are modeled by Gaussian distributions,
the KL divergence can be computed via [49]:
Tutoring Robots 99

1 det Σ
N0||N1 tr Σ Σ Σ log (1)
2 det Σ

where , , Σ and Σ are the mean feature vectors and the covariance matrices of
the current local window and the past global window, respectively. In (1.1), k is the
feature vector dimension.
However, one problem of applying the KL divergence here is the difference in the
estimation reliability of the global and the local window parameters. This difference
arises due to the convention of choosing the local window length shorter than that of
the global window. For that reason and the fact that the KL-divergence is non-
symmetric, we have used instead a modified version of the Hotteling distance:

N0||N1 Σ , (2)

where and are the length of the local and the global window and Σ is the
covariance matrix of the union of the samples of the local and the global windows.
The main function of the added weight matrix here is to give prosodic features
different importance. However, if all the prosodic features are of the same importance
then the weight matrix will be the identity matrix I and the Hotteling distance
in (1.2) reduces to its standard form in [50].

Implementation aspects.
The prosodic features used in this experiment are the fundamental frequency F0 and
the energy E. To extract these features, we have implemented a real-time multi-
channel prosodic feature extractor module. This module extracts the short time energy
in dB via

10log , (3)

where the , is the th sample of the th frame and K is the frame length. The
F0 in this module is extracted according to the pitch tracking algorithm YIN [51] (e.g.
see Figure 8). The prosodic features are extracted from short time frames of length 50
ms with 50% overlap between consecutive frames. In order to compensate the out-
liers, the output of the pitch tracker is applied to a median filter of length three.
In [52], it has been shown that the average duration of vowels in heavily stressed
syllables is between 126 and 172 ms. Thus, the length of the local window has been
tuned in this range so that the performance of the prominence detector is optimized.
The length of the global window that models the environment of the current acoustic-
al event is chosen to be seven times larger than the length of the local window length.
The feature vectors used to calculate the Hotteling distance in (2) are the feature
vectors extracted only from voiced speech.
100 S. Al Moubayed et al.

Fig. 8. (a) Exemplary input signal to the real time F0 tracker. (b) The estimated F0 using the
YIN algorithm.

Visual Tracking of Game Cards. To allow the dialogue system to infer the status of
the game, without the dependency on interpreting spoken content from the users, the
game design employed six cardboard cards on each one of which an object was
shown. Since the design of the game and the setup was not mandated by technical
limitations, this allowed for flexibility to design and color the cards to maximize the
accuracy of a card tracking system that is not sensitive to lighting changes. The design
of the table and the game was also flexible, thus the game was designed so that sub-
jects would place the cards in certain dedicated spots and with a certain orientation.
Detection, recognition and tracking of an arbitrary object in video stream are inhe-
rently difficult tasks. Most of the problems stem from the fact that light conditions
change over time. Furthermore, abrupt motion, changes in shape and appearance and
occlusions make the tasks more challenging. There is tremendous amount of research
targeted at tackling these problems and many algorithms have been proposed in the
literature [53].
The main requirement for the developed system is to have real-time response.
There are computationally feasible methods, which can compete with the more com-
plex ones, given a set of assumptions [53]. Since we can design the game and the
flow, we can safely assume that light condition will not significantly change during
the game and the shape and the appearance of the tracked objects is constant.
The dialogue system was conditioned by input from the card tracking about the
timing and an identity of a new card (whenever users flipped a new card to discuss it).
Another requirement from the card tracking system was that whenever the users flip
all the cards and put them in order, the card tracking system needs to inform the di-
alogue system that a new order has been established (the tracking system should also
inform the dialogue system whenever a new order is in place – this could happen if
the users discuss further the cards and change their agreement).
The cards are designed so that each one has a distinct color. This enables the sys-
tem to differentiate the cards by comparing their color histograms. This type of com-
parison is convenient because the color histogram does not change significantly with
translation and rotation.
The card tracking system accepted a video stream from a video camera that is di-
rected towards the table (Figure 9). The system allowed the experiment conductor to
initialize the templates of the cards whenever needed. This is assumed to be important
Tutoring Robots 101

by the beginning of each interaction, as lighting changes might happen over large
periods of time. In order to initialize the system, the user is required to define two
regions of interest in the video. The first one is the region at the bottom of the table
where the card under discussion resides (users were asked by the tutor agent to flip
open a card and place it in the dedicated spot before they start discussing it). The
second is the region in the middle of the table where all cards reside – this region of
interest is used to track the order of all the cards whenever the cards are all flipped
open at the end of the discussion. Figure 9 shows an image from the video stream of
the camera used for the card tracking system, and illustrates a selection of the active
card region of interest.

Fig. 9. Active card ROI

In order to recognize the card at the bottom of the table, first a contour detection is
performed on the whole region of interest. All contours are then approximated with
polygons and then each polygon is described by its bounding box. After filtering the
resulting bounding boxes through predefined threshold (removing small false detec-
tions) the smallest bounding box is selected as the target object. The histogram of the
crop of the target is calculated and the correlation between the target histogram and
all template histograms is calculated. The closest template is chosen as the recognition
result. If the recognition does not change for a predefined number of frames, the sys-
tem broadcasts this decision to the dialogue manager.
After all the cards are discussed, the participants need to agree on order of relev-
ance. This is done following the same algorithm used to track an active card. The
cards are then sorted with respect to the top-left corner coordinates of their bounding
box. Thus, we obtain the relevance information for each of them (e.g. the left most
being the most important). Figure 10 illustrates real-time tracking and the pipeline of
the implemented system.
102 S. Al Moubayed et al.

Fig. 10. Card tracking pipeline

6 Dialogue System

In this project, the IrisTK framework [10] for multimodal spoken dialog system is
used to author the dialogue system, and in turn to control the Furhat robot head. This
framework allows the incorporation of a series of modules and facilitates a standar-
dized event-based communication between them. These events can represent input
data (Sense), something that the system should do (Action) or feedback-loop sensa-
tion about a certain action to infer the physical state of the system (Monitor). The
system architecture was designed to accommodate different setups according to the
The sensory modules collect information from the environment:
─ The card-tracking module is responsible for two different tasks: track the card un-
der discussion and, when the discussion ends, provides the system with the card
order. The details of how the card tracking is performed are detailed in the pre-
vious section.
─ The two Kinects which track the orientation of the heads in order to infer visual
attention. With the head position, the system can be informed about the location of
the speakers (which would help the system establish mutual gaze when needed),
and with the orientation, the system can track where the speakers are focusing their
attention, and who they are addressing (for details about the visual attention mod-
ule, please refer to Section 5.3)
─ Finally, to combine the visual attention with the verbal activity, the setup employs
one microphone array (Microcone™), composed of six microphones positioned
around a circle covering in total 360 degrees. The microphones are used to perform
Voice Activity Detection (VAD) for each of the participants in the dialogue.

The actuating modules perform the visible actions. The Furhat module is responsible
for managing the agent’s face, gaze, gestures and speech synthesis tasks. The Neck
module performs head movements mainly by directing attention to the speakers, using
input from the Kinect face tracking modules. Figure 11 shows a flow chart of the
main modules of the dialogue system.
Tutoring Robots 103

Fig. 11. An overall chart view, showing the flow of information in the system. Each circle
represents an independent Module that communicates with other modules using events encoded
as XML messages. Sensory modules are mainly responsible for providing input events to the
system. Processing modules are responsible for modeling the dialogue using sensory events and
internal state definitions. Actuating modules are responsible for activating the robot head.

6.1 Conversation Dynamics

Conversation Dynamics is a key module for Furhat’s tutoring task since it computes
figures in real time (updated every 1ms) that relate to conversational properties of the
interaction. Such events can be looked at as the main drive that will decide when the
tutor should intervene in the dialogue. The principle behind supporting the dialogue
manager with a “conversational dynamics” module is to build an up-to-date model of
the interaction. Such model allows the dialogue manager access to high level states of
the interaction, instead of calculating them as part of its dialogue state design. This
will remove the need on the dialogue system to contain dedicated States for each and
104 S. Al Moubayed et al.

every possible combination of sensory input and context. Since the task of the system
is to infer higher level conversational parameters and act on them (such as dominance,
low levels of engagement), the conversational dynamics is responsible for containing
variables about the verbal activity of each participant, their current visual target, and
other long-term parameters, such as the percentage of silence a certain user has been
in since the beginning of the dialogue. This allows the dialogue manager to access
these parameters on demand. The conversational dynamics module is also responsible
for firing events related to the interaction between users, for example, if users are
silent for more than a specific threshold, the conversational dynamics module can
send an event called “low engagement”, which the dialogue flow in turn can respond
to by taking the initiative and directing a question to one of the participants.
─ Verbal activity is computed for both speakers. For each of them a vector with the
frames where each of them spoke in the last 200ms is computed, based on the
Voice Activity Detection performed by the microphone array. These vectors are
used to compute the dominance that relies upon the difference in the verbal activity
between the two speakers over a longer period of time. Measuring dominance is a
research topic by itself and has received considerable attention, where most work
has targeted the offline annotation of meeting corpora. In [54] for example, Sup-
port Vector Machines (SVMs) were used for a posteriori classification of domin-
ance in meetings. In our scenario, we needed a real-time dominance classifier. The
solution adopted was a rule-based decision, using a threshold on the difference of
verbal activity between the two speakers inspired by the analysis of the recorded
corpus, using the timing of tutor interruption and turn management as thresholds. If
the difference in the verbal activity is above that threshold, a dominance event will
be generated. The verbal activity values are reset once the card under discussion
─ Conversation dynamics also computes the silence information for each of the
speakers separately and joint silences for all participants (including Furhat). The
period since speakers started speaking is also computed for each of them. The
combination of speaking times results in the overlap speech period. Both are com-
puted since the conversation started and since the card under discussion changed.
─ This module also tracks the duration of the current card discussion and total dis-
cussion times. If these reach the thresholds set, events are generated to make the
system suggest a change in the card under discussion or, in case of ordering, to
suggest the end of the discussion.

6.2 Flow Description

The dialogue manager is specified using a state chart-based framework defining the
flow of the interaction (IrisTK flow [10]). In our experiment two different flows were
created, one for the Neutral tutor and another for the Active tutor. These tutors try to
map the characteristics revealed by the different tutor behaviors in the sessions with
the human tutor. The complete diagram flow is shown is Figure 12. The difference
between the tutors is not the flow itself, but the way the states are implemented.
Tutoring Robots 105

The first state defined in the flow is the Game state, a general state. All the other
states in the flow will extend the specifications of this state, which means that the
behaviors specified within this state would be available in every state that extends this
one. These behaviors correspond to actions that the head must perform. The following
bullets explain the structure of the dialogue system in terms of the states it occupies
over time, and in relevance to the flow of the dialogue.

Fig. 12. Flow chart of the dialogue system states. VAD: Voice Activity Detection. VAL: Visual
Attention of Left speaker. VAR: Visual Attention of Right speaker. CD: Conversational Dy-
namics. CT: Card Tracking input.

─ The “Start” state is the initial state in the dialogue. In this state, the system greets
the users for the first time and waits until both of them are detected to move on to
the next state. This detection is performed either using visual cues (collected from
Kinect) or audio cues (collected from the microphone array). If only one of the us-
ers is detected, the system informs her/him that they should wait for the other user
to be detected in order start the discussion. Once both users are detected the flow
goes to “Intro” state.
─ In the “Intro” state, an explanation of the moon survival task is given to the user.
After this explanation, the dialog proceeds to the “Card” state.
106 S. Al Moubayed et al.

─ The “Card” is just a step to check that the users are ready to play the game. The
system checks that they are ready by detecting them using voice activity detection
and visual attention state of both of them, and then moves the flow to the “Select
Card” state. If they remain silent above the threshold silence time, than the system
prompts a sentence to make the users speak and move to the “Select Card”.
─ The “Select Card” state waits for a sense.card event generated from the card track-
ing module. The event contains the card id of the identified object. Until the id is
valid or the users keep the silence the system is going to push them to select a valid
─ If the valid id is detected the “Discuss Card” state is activated. In this state, the
system manages the card discussion. The discussion management is different be-
tween the two types of tutor. In both of them silent periods are tracked.
─ If the users have been silent for a specific time (a threshold is reached), the system
is going to evaluate the user’s attention. In the human tutor dialogs, if both users
were looking to the tutor and one of them asked something to the system, they are
both waiting for an answer. The tutor should address both speakers and use one of
the hints transcribed for this type of behavior. The hints for the objects are loaded
as a stack. Once the hint is used it is popped out of the stack. It might occur that the
hints for the object under discussion were all popped from the stack. In that case
the system will encourage the users to pick another card.
─ If only one of the users is looking at the tutor, and she/he was the last to talk, the
tutor only addressed this user when answering. The same behavior was imple-
mented, having the tutor answering towards the last user who talked and using one
of the hints transcribed in the corpus for the object under discussion.
─ The system is also measuring the total silence time. If the threshold is reached, the
system should use one of the prompts that were used by the human tutor whenever
there were long silences. These prompts should encourage the users to continue the
─ There is also a timeout and minimum time for a card discussion. When the timeout
is reached the system suggests the users to flip over a new card. If card event
(change of card) is detected before the minimum discussion time is reached the
system gives a hint about the card that was being discussed before the card event
was detected, in order to make the users continue the argument about the card that
they have decided to change. These thresholds were set based on the data collected
in the human tutor corpus. Thus different thresholds were used for the Neutral and
Active tutor flows.

─ Another difference between the two configurations is how they deal with a domin-
ance event generated by the Conversation Analysis. The Active tutor grabs the turn
from the dominance speaker whenever the Conversation Dynamics module has
generated the dominance event, whereas the Neutral tutor does not interrupt the
discussion when there is a dominance event. An example scenario would be that
one of the speakers has been speaking continuously reaching a threshold, without
any interruption by the other participant. Whenever this turn length reaches a set
threshold (estimated from the human recording data), the tutor interrupts the
Tutoring Robots 107

speaker by saying something like “But what do you think”, or “have you though
that the moon does not have a magnetic field”, while turning the head towards the
silent participant.
─ Once all the cards are individually discussed, the Card Tracking module detects a
final order of the card and generates a “cards ordering event”, moving the flow to
the Order state. This state simply informs the speakers that they should start order-
ing the cards and moves to the Check Order state. When the system is in this state,
silence periods are measured. If they reach the threshold, the system verifies if the
order is correct. If the order is correct the system goes to the Confirm Order state
and explicitly confirms if the final order has been reached and if both participants
agree on the order the game ends. The Confirm Order state is the only state in the
dialog that does not extend the behaviors of the Game state. The confirmation is
made using speech recognition with a simple yes/no grammar. If the order is not
correct, the system gives a transcribed hint that the human tutor used in this con-
text. In this state, when the order timeout is reached, the system recaps the current
order and goes to the Confirm Order state to explicitly confirm if that is the final
order. This system will repeat these steps until the users agree on the order.
─ Similar to discussing the cards, the Active tutor performs the behaviors imple-
mented in the Neutral tutor and above described, with two new features. Domin-
ance is detected as described for the Discussion state and there is also a minimum
ordering time threshold, that is, the tutor encourages the speakers to continue the
ordering discussion if their discussion time is too short.

7 Discussion and Future Work

In this work, we presented a novel experimental setup, and corpus collection, and the
design details of a complex multiparty dialogue system. One of the main criteria that
dictated the design of the system is to keep the experimental setup as natural as possi-
ble, in order to allow users to employ natural behaviors common in human-human
conversations. We also chose a task that would give the system a special role rather
than trying to simulate a task-independent human-human multiparty dialogue. The
choice we took in this project is to design a task that enforces certain restrictions on
the interaction in a way that would give benefit to the technology employed rather
than limit the interaction. The tutoring setup was set in a way to allow the tutor to
give any type of information, or to choose to be passively monitoring the interaction,
lowering the expectations of the users on the “apparent intelligence” of the tutor. The
design of the task also employed the use of physical objects that could be tracked
reliably using computer vision. This would produce solid pieces of information re-
garding the content of the dialogue, allowing the system to produce context-specific
and information-rich content (such as giving hints about a specific card, whenever
users are silent for a specific period of time).
The design of the dialogue system is also novel in several aspects. The system
can handle two users at the same time, and take their visual and verbal activity into
account. The choice of building a Conversational Dynamics component of such
108 S. Al Moubayed et al.

interactions, we believe, is valid for a large set of face-to-face multiparty human-

machine dialogues. Such setups target the development of human-like behaviors that
will need to depend on large and long-term contexts and variables (such as domin-
ance, involvement and engagement, etc.). Such modeling of high level conversational
variables cannot be a simple extension of dialogue states.
From pilot tests with users, the system shows great potential. The ability of the sys-
tem in knowing the addressee of a certain utterance produced by a user enhances the
interaction significantly. We intend to carry a large user-study to evaluate the system
thoroughly, in regards to conversational management strategies, using the Active and
Neutral tutoring patterns and actions found in the corpus, which practically will tune
the thresholds for different regulatory actions done by the robot.
The work established in this project can be regarded as a research platform to ex-
plore the effects of different conversational strategies on users. One can, for example,
control certain parameters in Furhat’s behavior, and tune them systematically to study
large effects on the conversation, in an unprecedented way. The system for example,
can attempt to bond with one user over the other by control of agreement, facial ex-
pressions, verbal and nonverbal feedback, and support with hints. The platform can
also be used to study verbal and nonverbal alignment and entrainment in multiparty
dialogue, where certain parameters (such as loudness, pitch, emotions, speech rate)
can be controlled, and manipulated differently for each user.
The area of face-to-face multiparty dialogue is highly rich and unexplored, com-
pared to its dyadic-dialogue counterparts. We think of this work as an attempt to de-
sign an experimental setup where different behaviors in face-to-face socially aware
multiparty conversations can be studied.

Acknowledgements. This project was carried out at as part of the eNTERFACE’13

Multimodal Interfaces Workshop in Lisbon, Portugal. The project members are thank-
ful to the organizers for providing the space and resources. Samer Al Moubayed was
partly funded by the KTH Strategic Research Area - Multimodal Embodied Commu-
nication. Jekaterina Novikova is funded by the University of Bath and her participa-
tion was partly funded by the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and
Simulation of Behaviour. The authors would also like to thank the reviewers for their
constructive comments, and the eNTERFACE participants for taking part in the data

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Heidelberg (2006)
112 S. Al Moubayed et al.

Appendix A
Table 3. Tutor Assessment Questionnaire

Tutor Assessment Questionnaire

For the assessment of the tutor, please fill out the following questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of pairs of contrasting characteristics that may apply to the
tutor. The numbers between the characteristics represent gradations between the opposites. You can express your agreement with the characteristic by ticking the
number that most closely reflects your impression. Sometimes you may not be completely sure about your agreement with a particular attribute or you may find
that the attribute does not apply completely to the particular tutor. Nevertheless, please tick a number in every line.
Please decide spontaneously. Don’t think too long about your decision to make sure that you convey your original impression.
It is your personal opinion that counts. Please remember: there is no wrong or right answer!
Name/Nickname (for identification):

I think that the tutor is...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 annoying enjoyable
2 unfriendly friendly
3 bad good
4 unpleasant pleasant
5 does not meet expectations meets expectations
6 socially obstructive socially supportive
7 unpredictable predictable
8 slow fast
9 inefficient efficient
10 cluttered organized
11 confusing clear
12 complicated easy
13 not understandable understandable
14 acts as if he/she does not know what to do acts as if he/she does know what to do
15 doesn't care to hold our attention holds our attention
16 doesn't give us feedback on the quality of our work gives us feedback on the quality of our work
17 doesn't help us with our task helps us with our task
18 doesn't realise when we fail to agree realises when we fail to agree
19 hesitant never hesitates
if I have something to say, the tutor will
if I have something to say, the tutor won't listen
20 listen
21 impatient patient
22 not consistent in his/her behavior consistent in his/her behavior
23 not motivating motivating
24 passive active
Tutoring Robots 113

Appendix B
Table 4. The annotation scheme employed for the manual analysis of the tutor conversational
Annotation layers Values
Speech_activity Free text

Dialogue acts Take, Accept, Grab, Offer, Complete, Yield, Hold, Back-

Turn management Take, Accept, Grab, Offer, Complete, Yield, Hold, Back-

Feedback Perception/Understanding (Give-Elicit)

Accept (Give-Elicit), Non-accept (Give-Elicit)

Verbal_feedback Free text

Face_general Smile, Laugh, Scowl

Functions_Face Feedback, Turn Management

Head_movement Nod(s), Shake, Jerk, Tilt, Turn, Forward, Backward

Functions_ Head_movement Feedback, Turn Management

Gaze Attention_Person_Right, Attention_Person_Left, Atten-

tion_Object, Glance
Functions_Gaze Feedback, Turn Management

Eyes Wide_open, Semi-closed, Wink, Blink

Functions_Eyes Feedback, Turn Management

Eyebrows Raise, Frown

Functions_Eyebrows Feedback, Turn Management

Mouth Open, Closed

Functions_ Mouth Feedback, Turn Management

Cards Card id
Touching Virtual Agents:
Embodiment and Mind

Gijs Huisman1 , Merijn Bruijnes1 , Jan Kolkmeier1 , Merel Jung1 ,

Aduén Darriba Frederiks2 , and Yves Rybarczyk3
Human Media Interaction Group, University of Twente
Digital Life Centre, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
New University of Lisbon

Abstract. In this paper we outline the design and development of an

embodied conversational agent setup that incorporates an augmented
reality screen and tactile sleeve. With this setup the agent can visually
and physically touch the user. We provide a literature overview of
embodied conversational agents, as well as haptic technologies, and argue
for the importance of adding touch to an embodied conversational agent.
Finally, we provide guidelines for studies involving the touching virtual
agent (TVA) setup.

Keywords: Embodied conversational agent, Touching virtual agent,

Simulated social touch, Haptic feedback, Augmented reality.

1 Introduction
Embodied conversational agents (ECA) attempt to approximate human
face-to-face communication through the use of, for instance, facial expressions,
vocal expressions, and body postures. Different communication channels are
used to give the virtual agent a more lifelike appearance. For example, an
ECA can display realistic listening behavior by using head nods and vocal
utterances (e.g. “uhuh”) while listening to a user telling a story [57]. Other
examples include the use of facial expressions to express the agent’s emotional
state [68], and the use of laughter by an agent to appear more human-like
[93]. All of these signals affect the way users interact with the virtual agent
[3]. However, one communication modality that is known to have strong effects
on face-to-face communication between two human conversation partners, and
that has been largely overlooked in ECAs, is touch [4]. Though social touch
occurs less frequently between co-located individuals than other forms of social
communication (e.g. head nods), it can have profound effects on the interaction
[22][28]. For example, touch affects compliance to requests [34], can reduce stress
[18], and can be used to communication discrete emotions [42][43]. These effects

Y. Rybarczyk et al. (Eds.): eNTERFACE 2013, IFIP AICT 425, pp. 114–138, 2014.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
Touching Virtual Agents 115

are strongly dependent on the context in which the communication takes place
[12], such as the relation between conversation partners [11], the body location of
the touch [46], the type of touch [24], and the communication partner’s culture
[67]. Effects can range from very positive affective responses, such as in the case
of receiving a hug from a loved one, to very negative, for example when standing
shoulder-to-shoulder in a busy train. Here we present a project in which we
developed an ECA that has the capability to touch the user, while displaying
a number of realistic touch behaviors (e.g. body posture, hand movement, and
tactile sensation): a touching virtual agent (TVA). We will refer to any system
which uses some form of virtual representation of an agent, in combination with
social touch capabilities by the agent, as a TVA.
The goal of the here presented project is twofold: first, by adding the
tactile modality to an ECA we extend the communicative capabilities of
the agent. We take another step towards ECAs that can display all the
communicative subtleties of human-to-human communication, in an attempt
to make communication with ECAs more lifelike. This has benefits for the use
of ECAs in a range of scenarios such as training, therapy, and entertainment
[13]. Second, a TVA (an ECA with social touch capabilities) would allow for
the controlled study of tactile social behavior. Social touch by the agent could
be studied in conjunction with other communication channels, such as facial
expressions, and vocal utterances. The advantage of studying social touch using
a TVA platform is that each communication channel can be minutely controlled,
allowing for studies that disentangle the role of social touch in relation to other
communication channels. This could provide valuable insights into the role of
social touch as it occurs between co-located individuals, as well as social touch
by virtual agents and social robots.
In the next section (Section 2) we outline related work on ECAs. We provide
a brief overview of research into communication channels used in ECAs and
describe different application areas. Furthermore, we outline research on the
neurophysiology of touch, especially it’s relevance for social touch. Next, we
provide an overview of work on the effects of social touch. Finally, we outline
research on touch mediated by technology and early attempts of introducing
touch to virtual characters. In Section 3 we describe our proposed TVA system.
We outline design decision based on literature, and describe the features of the
system, and potential application areas. Section 4 contains a detailed description
of all the technical components of the system. In Section 5 we provide guidelines
for experiments to be conducted with our TVA system. Section 6 conclude
the paper, and provide suggestions for improvements of the system and future
research directions.

2 Related Work

In this section we provide an overview of research on ECAs, dealing with specific

communication modalities (e.g. facial and vocal expressions), effects of agent
behaviors on communication with the agent, as well as examples of applications
116 G. Huisman et al.

of ECAs. In addition, we describe research on haptic perception, specifically

dealing with social touch, effects of social touch on behavior, we give a brief
overview of existing devices that mediate touch, and finally describe early work
on TVAs.

3 Embodied Conversational Agents

Embodied (virtual) conversational agents should be able to display behaviors

and skills similar to humans to be considered human-like. To accomplish this,
they should meet the following six requirements as mentioned in the literature
[25][47]. Social agents should be able to:

1 Express and perceive emotions;

2 Communicate with high-level dialogue;
3 Learn and recognize models of other agents;
4 Use natural cues (gaze, gestures, etc.);
5 Exhibit distinctive personality and character;
6 Learn and develop social competencies.

However, it is important to recognize what the agent will be used for. An agent
that is to autonomously interact with humans (e.g. a receptionist) requires a
bigger skill-set than an agent that is used in a controlled lab-experiment. In
a lab setting, it is common that an experimenter controls the behavior of the
agent through a “Wizard of Oz”-like setting and the agent only generates the
behaviors selected by the experimenter.
In this chapter we focus on an agent for controlled experiments. However,
to provide some more background on ECAs, we give a brief overview of the
components required for an autonomously interacting agent.

3.1 Complete the Loop

A human-like autonomous agent needs at least three general components: 1)

some form of sensing. For example, sensing the environment and the (social)
signals in this environment that are relevant. 2) mechanisms and models that
can reason about the (social) environment and the role the agent has in this
environment in order to come to goals the agent wishes to accomplish, and 3) a
way to interact with the environment to attain its (social) goals. The actions by
the agent influence the environment which leads to a new loop of perceptions,
reasoning and actions by the agent.

Perception. An effective agent can perceive and comprehend its environment

and interactants at a level that compares to that of real humans. This means
that all human modalities need to be sensed by some sensor (e.g. camera for
vision, microphone for sound, or a touch sensor for touch) and interpreted by
some system.
Touching Virtual Agents 117

Computer vision can provide object recognition [65] which can give the agent
the ability to discuss the environment and make its conversational contributions
grounded in the environment. Also, computer vision can give information about
the social interaction itself, for example by recognizing human actions [80],
detecting emotions from facial expressions [21], or recognizing the person that
the system is engaged with [92].
Speech recognition can provide the agent with an understanding of the words
or utterances made by the user, what the words (literally) mean, and what is
meant with the words [75][82][91]. For example, if the agent requests something
of the user and the user responds with the positive word “Sure”, it makes a
world of difference whether the user responds with sarcastic or enthusiastic tone
of voice.
Speech and visual recognition are two important modalities for virtual
(conversational) agents to perceive but there are of course more. This chapter
focuses on touch, but there is little work on agent perception of touch. Some
preliminary work has been done by Nguyen et al. [74] where the hand of a user
is detected in relation to a virtual agent’s body and the agent could give an
(arbitrary) emotional response to a touch. Another example of a (robotic) agent
that detects touch is [89], where a robotic pet can distinguish between different
types of touch. The perception of touch by a TVA might be important for an
autonomous agent, however the interpretation of the touch as well, would be
paramount for meaningful tactile social interactions between an autonomous
TVA and a user.

Integration and Reasoning. Hearing a string of words, seeing a set of objects,

or feeling pressure on ones arm does not make a meaningful interaction. An agent
needs to integrate the information from its different modalities and reason about
the world around it to determine how to interact with the world.
The information that comes from different senses needs to be represented in
some ‘world representation’, an information state [60]. Relating different ‘pieces’
of information is crucial to understand the world. The linking of information
can have profound consequences. For example, the sound of a voice and the
movements of lips are likely related, meaning that the words said by this voice
are uttered by the person with the moving lips. The consequence is that this
person is responsible for the content of the message and any appraisal of this
message can be attributed to this person. So, if the system likes the message it
could decide to like the person. Attributing words to a person and having an
appraisal on what is said is not enough. Humans check if they understood the
other and if they themselves are understood. The process of constructing a shared
understanding is called “grounding”. Only when an interaction is grounded it
becomes social as both parties are talking about the same thing, their utterances
are influencing and interacting with each other in a meaningful manner [16].
In social interactions, humans have an understanding of the beliefs, intents
and desires of the other. This theory of mind [81] can inform the appraisal of
the other’s actions or lack of actions. For an agent it is important to have some
118 G. Huisman et al.

form of appraisal of the other’s actions to maintain a consistent and human-like

Theories on how to model social interactions in agents often come from
psychology. For example, Leary’s interactional stance theory [61] describes the
interaction between dominance and affiliation and how interactants influence
each other on these dimensions. This theory has been used for modeling and
motivating the social behavior of an artificial agent [9][10]. An agent that has
emotions and a personality, that has an understanding of the world around it,
and that can reason about this world is a more believable agent [3].

Behavior Generation. Once an agent ‘has made up its mind’ on what to say or
do, it should have some way of expressing itself through its embodiment. A wide
variety of agent embodiments exist ranging from very abstract (e.g. text-only
dialog systems) to photo-realistic avatars with speech recognition, text-to-speech
and real-time turn-taking [54].
The human communicative repertoire uses all the affordances of the human
body. For example, we use our prehensile hands to gesture and touch, our
eyes to (not) gaze at each other, our facial features to convey emotion, and
modulate our voice to emphasize or clarify what we say [13]. An agent can but
does not necessarily have to use the same repertoire when interacting. It might
use text or abstract symbols to convey its message, it might use more realistic
representations of these human communicative channels, or use a combination
of abstract and realistic ways to communicate (for example text-to-speech and
subtitles). For an agent to engage in social touch behavior however, it would need
some way of ‘reaching out’ of the virtual world and entering a user’s personal
space, in order to deliver a touch.
In this chapter we discuss adding the touch modality to the behavioral
repertoire of an agent. The limited amount of work on TVAs shows that users are
able to interpret the agent’s touch in terms of affect arousal and affect valence.
Although other modalities are dominant, an agent that can touch can lead to a
better relationship with the user [4].

3.2 Agent Frameworks

Several open-source frameworks are available to generate virtual human’s
including their visualization, behavior and voice. It is becoming more and more
easy to tailor these frameworks to specific needs. For example, Virtual Human
Toolkit [40], ASAP [96], and using crowd sourcing [84]. In this chapter we discuss
a touching virtual agent where the agent embodiment (upper body, head and
voice) is generated using the ASAP framework [96]. The ASAP behavior realizer
(a SAIBA compliant BML 1.0 realizer [87]) is capable of incremental behavior
generation, meaning that new agent behavior can be integrated seamlessly with
ongoing behavior.
Touching Virtual Agents 119

3.3 Application Areas

ECAs are being used in many areas, ranging from training and coaching [10][40],
to adherence to therapy [55] and social training [13], to receptionist tasks [58].
The very first ECA (a chatbot named ELIZA) had a therapeutic role that was
intended to be a parody of an actual therapist [95]. It is clear that ECAs are
broadly deployable. Research into new abilities of ECAs can result in ECAs being
applied in new scenarios and for new purposes. In the current work we integrated
the tactile modality into the communicative repertoire of an ECA, creating a
TVA. In combination with other communication modalities, a TVA could be
more successful in certain therapy settings. For example, a TVA could enhance
expressions of empathy [4]. Furthermore, a TVA might be used in therapy with
people suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder who experience anxiety being
in close proximity to, or being touched by others [26].

3.4 Touch: Tactual Perception

The sense of touch as it is employed in, for example, the exploration of objects
with the hands, or when giving someone a hug, is comprised of different sensory
sensations that, combined, are referred to as tactual perception [64]. Tactual
perception can be functionally divided into cutaneous perception (also called
tactile perception) and kinesthetic perception (also referred to as proprioception)
Kinesthetic perception refers to the awareness of the relative position of
one’s limbs in time and space, as well as one’s muscular effort [37][64] which
mainly draws on information from mechanoreceptors in the skin and muscles, as
well as from motor-commands executed in the brain [37]. Through kinesthetic
perception, a person can, for example, get information about the size and weight
of an object.
Cutaneous perception pertains to sensations that are a result of stimulation
of different receptors in the skin. The human skin contains thermoreceptors that
sense temperature, nociceptors that sense pain, and mechanoreceptors that sense
deformations of the skin [37][51][64]. Relatively recent findings demonstrate that
the hairy skin, such as that found on the forearm, contains a type of receptive
afferent (i.e. nerve carrying information to the central nervous system), called
C Tactile afferent (CT afferent), which is not found in the glabrous, or hairless
skin, such as that found on the palms of the hand. These CT afferents respond
particularly strongly to gentle, caress-like touches, resulting in a positively
hedonic, pleasant perception [5][62][63]. Furthermore, CT afferents offer poor
spatial and temporal resolution [5][76]. This has lead researchers to propose
the social touch hypothesis, which states that the caressing touches to which
CT afferents are sensitive, are particularly pertinent in affiliative interactions
with other humans [5][62][63][76]. This may be especially the case between
mothers and infants. Furthermore, CT afferents have not been found in genitalia,
supporting the distinction between CT afferent touches and sexual functions [62].
Considering social touch, these findings are important in that they highlight
120 G. Huisman et al.

aspects of cutaneous perception that play a vital role in social interactions.

CT afferents might serve as a “filter”, that operates in conjunction with other
mechanoreceptors in order to determine if a certain touch has social relevance
or not [70].
It has to be noted here that because cutaneous perception, in the form of
mechanoreceptive sensations during, for example skin stretch, also plays a role
in kinesthetic perception. Therefore cutaneous and kinesthetic perception can
only be distinguished functionally, and not mechanically [64]. Indeed, situations
where both cutaneous and kinesthetic perception play a central role are more
common. This combination of cutaneous and kinesthetic perception is referred
to as haptic perception [37][64].
Haptic perception is vitally important for the forming of one’s “body schema”
which refers to a postural model that is continuously modified and updated
whenever the body moves or adopts a new posture [27]. As the body schema
is important in the organization of movement, it must integrate information of
cutaneous (e.g. information from skin receptors) and kinesthetic (e.g. position of
limbs) perception. In order to integrate information from the surface of the skin
(i.e. cutaneous perception), with kinesthetic information, stimuli presented on
the body’s surface must be transformed from locations on the body to locations
in external space [27]. Moreover, multisensory integration (i.e. integration of
information of other senses such as vision) can occur before the haptic sensation
becomes conscious. This may either facilitate or impair one’s perception of
the haptic stimulus, depending on the spatial localization [27]. A well known
example of this is the ‘rubber hand’ illusion [6]. In this illusion, participants
see a rubber hand in front of them that corresponds to their own left or right
hand. When the participants’ hand is hidden, and the rubber hand as well as
the hidden hand are stroked at the same time, and with the same velocity, most
participants will experience the rubber hand as their own hand. When asked
to point towards their hand participants who experienced the illusion will point
more towards the rubber hand, an effect known as proprioceptive drift [6]. This
finding lends strong support to the notion that the rubber hand is incorporated
in the participants’ body schema. Important in the triggering of the illusion
are congruent mulitmodal cues (i.e. tactile and visual) and prior internal body
representations [66]. The strength of the illusion is strongly dependent on a
first person perspective, synchronous stimulation, and an anatomically believable
rubber hand [66].
These findings are highly relevant considering the multimodal nature of the
TVA setup presented in this chapter. The augmented reality setup might be used
to elicit visuotactile illusions similar to the rubber hand illusion. Here the question
would be, to what extent participants experience their own arm, as viewed through
the augmented reality setup, to be touched by the virtual character.

3.5 Touch: Social Touch

As was outlined in Section 3.4 the human skin contains specialized receptors
that serve a selective function in distinguishing social touches from all other
Touching Virtual Agents 121

kinds of touch. This highlights the importance of touch as a modality in social

communication. Social touch has been found to play a role in the communication
of support, appreciation, inclusion, sexual interest, affection, playfulness, and
attention getting [52]. Moreover, a large body of experimental research in
psychology has demonstrated a number of effects of social touch on social
One of the most thoroughly researched effects of social touch, pertains to
compliance to requests [28][44]. The general premise is that when a person
requests something from another person, while at the same time briefly touching
the other person’s arm, hand, or shoulder, the receiver of the request is more
likely to comply to the request than when the request would be made without a
touch. This effect has been demonstrated in numerous ecologically valid settings,
and with recipients being either aware or unaware of the touch. One of the first
studies on the role of touch in compliance found that when touched, uninformed
participants were more likely (51%) to return a lost dime in a phone booth,
than participants that were not touched (29%) [56]. Moreover, a different study
found that a brief touch on the customer’s forearm by the waitress, would
increase the amount of money left as a tip by the customer in a bar [34].
Similar effects have been found in a restaurant, where a touch by the waiter
or waitress to the customer’s forearm increased the customer’s compliance to
menu item suggestions by the waiter or waitress [35]. Furthermore, a brief touch
to the forearm increased the chances that people would spontaneously help a
confederate to pick up dropped diskettes [33], and increased the chances that
students would volunteer to write down an answer on the blackboard during
class [31]. In addition, touch increases the duration that participants are willing
to spend on a repetitive task, such as filling out bogus personality questionnaire
items [78], or giving an opinion on difficult social issues [73]. In most of the cases
described thus far, the touches were applied to the arm of the participant. Indeed,
touches to the arm, and particularly the upper arm, may yield the strongest
positive effect on compliance, though this effect may be mediated by the gender
of the toucher and receiver of the touch [79]. Moreover, the type of request may
be important in gaining compliance [98]. Touch may have little effect on requests
that require psychologically more costly behaviors, such as signing up for blood
donations [32].
In medical settings research has shown that a touch by a medical practitioner
increased the chances that a patient would adherence to their medication [36].
When touches given to elderly clients by caregivers in an elderly home were
combined with verbal encouragements, calorie and protein intake by the elderly
increased [20]. Touch by a nurse prior to a patient’s surgery, can decrease
a patient’s stress level, both measured through self-report and physiological
measures [19][97]. Similar effects of touch on the reduction of stress in patients’
in intensive care units have been observed [41]. Beneficial effects of touch in the
alleviation of stress in health care settings, may be stronger for more intense
types of touch. Message therapy has been found to be both successful in the
release of pain, as well as the improvement of the mood of cancer patients [59].
122 G. Huisman et al.

For a more complete overview of the effects of message therapy the reader is
referred to [23].
The effects of social touch, as outlined above, are numerous, and occur
in diverse contexts. However, the exact nature of the underlying mechanisms
responsible for these effects of social touch, are still unclear [28][44]. One
explanation is that the touch signals to the recipient that the toucher likes,
and trusts him/her. The perception of need, or the elicitation of positive feelings
would in turn increase compliance [28][78]. However, this does not explain those
situations in which the recipient is unaware of being touched. An alternative
explanation is that the positive effects of social touch are related to the sensing
of pleasant touch by CT afferent nerves and the encoding of social touch in the
posterior insular cortex [28][69][70]. Still, contextual factors such as the relation
between the recipient and the toucher, could play a vital role. Indeed, whereas
touch in collaborative settings enhances helping behavior, touch in competitive
settings can reduce helping behavior [12].
Finally, touch does not only communicate positive or negative affective
states, but the nature of the touch itself can be used to communicate discrete
emotions. Studies have shown that participants in Spain and the United States
could decode certain discrete emotions communicated to them solely through
touches to the forearm [43]. Participants could decoded anger, fear, disgust, love,
gratitude, and sympathy at above chance levels, whereas happiness, surprise,
sadness, embarrassment, envy, and pride were decoded at less than chance levels.
Accuracy ranged from 48% to 83% which is comparable to the decoding accuracy
of facial expressions. Specific touch behaviors were observed for communicating
distinct emotions. For example, anger was mostly communicated by hitting,
squeezing, and trembling, whereas love was mostly communicated by stroking,
finger interlocking, and rubbing. Moreover, when the encoders of the touches
were allowed to touch the decoders of the touches anywhere on their body, an
additional two emotions, namely happiness and sadness, were decoded at above
chance level [42]. However, in a recent reanalysis of the arm-only experiment [43]
it was found that some of the recognition rates were dependent upon specific
gender combinations in the encoder-decoder dyads [45]. This again indicates the
importance of contextual factors in social touch.

3.6 Mediated Social Touch

Since two decades, researchers have attempted to communicate a sense of touch at

a distance, using haptic feedback technology. This can be referred to as remote, or
mediated social touch [37]. Mediated social touch can be defined as “the ability of
one actor to touch another actor over a distance by means of tactile or kinesthetic
feedback technology” [37, p. 153]. Generally speaking reasons to add touch to
remote communication are, that the communication itself becomes richer through
the addition of an extra modality [8][14], that touch is particularly well suited for
intimate communication [77], and that touch can be used in situations where other
modalities might be inappropriate or overly distracting [29].
Touching Virtual Agents 123

With these reasons in mind, numerous devices have been constructed that
allow for two or more people to touch each other at a distance. For example
inTouch consists of two devices of three rollers each. When one person
manipulates the rollers on their device the rollers on the second device move
accordingly. The idea behind inTouch was to offer people separated by a
distance a playful interaction possibility [8]. ComTouch was conceived as a
way to add tactile communication to telephone conversations. A force sensitive
resistor would communicate the finger pressure on a mobile phone to vibrotactile
feedback on a second phone. This way the tactile channel could be used for
turn-taking, mimicry, and adding emphasis during a phone conversation [14].
Similarly, the Poke systems augments a mobile phone by adding an inflatable
air bladder to the front and back of a mobile phone. During a phone call, force
exerted on one bladder, results in inflation of the bladder on the other phone,
which ‘pokes’ the cheek of the recipient. In a long-term study with couples in
long-distance relationships, the Poke system was found to enhance emotional
communication, and to add a sense of closeness to the partner [14]. Other
systems that aim to provide a sense of closeness through mediated social touch
are for example ‘hug over a distance’ [71], and ‘huggy pajama’ [90]. Both systems
consists of a vest that allows a person to receive a hug at a distance from another
person. A more general approach was taken with the design of the TaSST (Tactile
Sleeve for Social Touch). The system consists of two sleeves each with a force
sensitive input layer, and a vibration motor output layer. Touches to the input
layer of one sleeve are felt as a vibration pattern on the second sleeve. The idea
behind the TaSST was that it would allow users to communicate different types
of touch at a distance [49].
Though many of the devices aimed at mediated social touch are promising,
there has been a lack of empirical research into the effects of mediated social
touch [37][48][94]. Still, studies have shown that mediated social touch, in the
form of vibrotactile stimulation of the upper arm during a chat conversation, can
have effects on compliance, that are similar to those in unmediated situations
[38]. Using a similar ‘haptic messenger’ where participants could be touched
on different body locations by either a same, or different gender conversation
partner, it was found that mediated social touch was perceived as inappropriate
when applied to certain body locations such as the stomach. Dyad composition
in terms of gender did not have any effect [39]. Similar to studies on the tactile
communication of emotions in co-located space [42][44], some studies have found
that haptic feedback can be used to communicate diffuse affective states [88], or
even discrete emotions using a force feedback joystick to simulate a handshake
[2]. Moreover, the way people think about expressing emotions using mediated
social touch, is relatively similar to what they would do to express those emotions
in unmediated situations [50].
Mediated social touch is often used in conjunction with other communication
channels, such as the visual and auditory channels. In a study, where mediated
social touch in the form of a squeeze to the upper arm was used in conjunction
with a verbal story, it was found that touches applied during emotional stories
124 G. Huisman et al.

enhanced feelings of closeness to the storyteller [94]. However, in a replication

study investigating the effect of mediated social touch, at emotional and random
moments during a verbal story on perceived social presence of the story teller,
no effects of the touches were found [53]. Others found that touch applied in
an immersive collaborative virtual environment did not enhance compliance
to the request to sing [7]. Although this may be due to the psychological
demanding nature of the request [32]. Conversely, a number of studies that
used force feedback joysticks in collaborative virtual reality settings, found that
the addition of haptic feedback of another person’s actions enhances feelings of
presence [15][30][85][86].

3.7 Touching Virtual Agents

The previous section outlined work on social touch mediated through haptic
feedback technology. In most cases communication took place between dyads of
participants, or participants were led to believe that they were communicating
with another participant. However, the Media Equation theory suggests that
humans interact with a perceived intelligent system as if the system is a human
social actor [83]. Indeed, research into ECAs suggests that humans can engage in
lifelike communication with virtual characters. Following this line of reasoning,
touches applied by a TVA could be perceived by the user as social touches.
Potential effects of co-located [28][44], and mediated social touch [37] might also
apply here.
Some evidence for the notion that people indeed engage in realistic social touch
behavior with virtual humans was found in a study into the way people touch
digital objects [1]. Participants were tasked with brushing off ‘dirt’ from a virtual
object using a force feedback joystick. Participants were presented with virtual
humans, who would have dirt on their torso or face, and non-human objects such
as geometric shapes. Results showed that participants touched virtual humans
with less force than non-human objects, and that they touched the face of a
virtual human with less force than the torso. Moreover, male virtual humans
were touched with more force than female virtual humans [1].
In another study a TVA with a partially physical embodiment had the
capability to squeeze a participant’s hand through an air bladder system [4]. The
TVA’s face was displayed on a computer monitor situated on top of a mannequin
body. The hand of the mannequin enclosed the participant’s hand allowing the
agent to squeeze it. In a series of experiments it was found that participants could
perceive squeezes as expressions of affective arousal and valence by the agent.
However, facial displays dominated the perception of affect. In an experiment
where the agent expressed empathy for the participant, touches were found to
enhance perceptions of the relation with the agent, but only for participants that
felt comfortable being touched by others.
Social touch by ECAs, might be especially beneficial for interactions with
physically embodied agents, such as social robots. In a study where participants
observed videos of tactile interactions between a human and a social robot,
it was found that social touch made the robot seem less machine-like and
Touching Virtual Agents 125

Fig. 1. The components of the TVA setup. The monitor displays the agent’s upper
body, allowing the agent to gaze at, and talk to the user, as well as show body
movements in accordance with the touch. The tablet computer displays the agent’s
hand touching the user. The user wears a vibrotactile sleeve to generate a tactile
sensation in accordance with the agent’s touch.

more dependable [17]. Other research, in which a social robot actually touched
participants, found that social touch by a robot can enhance compliance
to requests. After having their hand stroked by a robot, participants spent
significantly more time on a repetitive task, and performed significantly more
actions during the task [72].

4 Innovation
In the Section 2 we provided an overview of work on ECAs, and what is required
to make them autonomously engage in human-like interactions. We detailed the
concept of tactual perception, indicated that humans have specialized receptors
for detecting social touches, and highlighted the importance of multimodal
integration for haptic perception. In addition, we outlined some of the main
effects social touch can have on interactions between co-located individuals.
We drew parallels between social touch in co-located space, and social touch
mediated through technology. Finally we described some early work on TVAs.
In this section we built on the thus far discussed literature, to outline our TVA
The TVA setup consists of three components (see Figure 1) that are used
in the social touch behavior of the agent. First, a visual representation of the
upper body of the TVA. Second, using an augmented reality application, a visual
representation of the hand of the TVA touching the user. And last, a tactile
sensation that matches the location of the TVA’s touch. To our knowledge, this
is the first augmented reality TVA setup.
126 G. Huisman et al.

Where others have opted for a mannequin to represent the agent’s body and
extremities [4], our setup combines an augmented reality display showing the
agent’s hand with a monitor showing the agent’s body. This setup allows for
animated movements of the agent’s body, arm, and hand to create a more
realistic touching illusion. Moreover, by using a virtual representation of the
agent rather than a physical representation, such as a social robot [72], we
can incorporate more sophisticated facial facial expressions, as well as more
easily manipulate the appearance of the agent. Also, the technical components
required, are less cumbersome than those typically used in virtual reality [7],
which requires a head mounted display and head tracking. As physical simulation
of the agent’s touch we opted for a vibrotactile display, attached to the forearm.
Vibrotactile stimulation is often used in mediated social touch devices [14][49],
and has been found to have the potential to elicit effects similar to co-located
social touch [38][39]. We chose to apply the touches to the forearm because
it is an appropriate location for social touch to occur [79]. Moreover, we did
not want the user to be focussed on the touch in itself, as is the case with,
for example, a handshake [2] which is a very conscious and deliberate touch.
A touch to the forearm may be less obtrusive than a handshake, potentially
allowing for the study of the effects of touches of which the recipient is unaware
[28]. In addition, touches to the forearm might be more appropriate as a form of
affective expression [43]. Finally, the combination of visual and tactile feedback
was considered to be important in creating the illusion of the agent touching
the user. Research suggests that for, for example, the rubber hand illusion to
occur congruent multimodal cues are important [66]. While the illusion created
by the touching virtual agent system does not pertain to body ownership per se,
congruent feedback from both the visible agent’s hand, and the tactile sensation
might be important in creating a believable illusion of the agent’s touch.
In the next section we outline the technical architecture of the system, and
provide technical details of all of the system’s components.

5 Technical Architecture

Building a TVA requires a virtual agent and a haptic device that can deliver
the touching sensation. However, for the touch sensation to be believable, the
integration of the the virtual world where the agent lives and the physical world
where the user lives, is important. Specifically, the touch should consistently be
attributed to the agent. This requires building consistent and believable agent
behavior so that the touch is supported by the rest of the behavior (e.g. eye-gaze).
Also, the setup of the entire agent system should allow for a believable presence
of the agent. It should feel like the agent is actually there (albeit virtual).

5.1 A Virtual Touch

The agent’s touch illusion is created using the setup depicted in Figure 1. A
user that is interacting with our TVA wears a vibrotactile sleeve on his/her left
Touching Virtual Agents 127

Fig. 2. An overview of the system components

forearm. This arm is placed under a tablet, meaning the user sees his/her arm
‘through’ the tablet. The virtual agent is displayed on a computer screen placed
behind and above the tablet. The tablet and the computer screen are aligned
so that, for the user, the shoulder of the agent lines up with the user’s arm as
seen on the tablet. When the agent touches the user, the agent first looks at the
‘to-be-touched’ area. Next, the shoulder and arm of the agent (on the computer
screen) rotate and move forward towards the user’s arm. At the time that the
agent’s virtual hand would reach the tablet’s view, a virtual hand and arm enter
the tablet’s screen. When the virtual hand reaches the user’s hand, it stops and
hovers for a moment before going in for the touch. At the moment of contact
between the virtual hand and the user’s arm, the vibrotactile sleeve vibrates.

5.2 Components

The TVA system consists of four main components: a tablet computer, a

vibrotactile sleeve, a virtual human, and a controller program. The components
communicate over an ActiveMQ message broker (Figure 2).

Controller. The controller times and sends the commands to the different
components for each agent action. Timing is important to create and maintain
the illusion of a virtual presence that can touch the user. The controller is set up
for easy manipulation of the timings of messages to different components. For
example, if the tablet is moved further away from the computer screen the virtual
hand should take slightly longer to reach the user, as the distance between the
agent’s hand and body becomes longer. Thus the timing of the touch should be
altered accordingly.
128 G. Huisman et al.

Fig. 3. The vibrotactile sleeve with 12 vibrationmotors

Vibrotactile Sleeve. To generate the tactile sensation of the agent’s touch

we used an Elitac Science Suit.1 The Elitac Science Suit is a modular system
consisting of several eccentric mass vibration motors that can be attached to
elastic bands of different sizes using Velcro. The intensity of vibration of each
vibration motor can be individually controlled, with four levels of vibration
intensity available. We attached 12 vibration motors to an arm-sized elastic
sleeve, with approximately half a centimeter spacing between each motor,
creating a high resolution tactile display (Figure 3).

Virtual Hand. The tablet (iPad, 4th Generation, Apple Inc., Cupertino,
California) runs a Unity project that can track the position of the user’s arm
and the position of the tablet relative to the table, and thus where the screen
with virtual human is, using visual markers. Next, an augmented reality overlay
is used to display a virtual hand and a shadow of this hand. The position of the
tablet provides the information necessary to determine the starting point for the
virtual hand. The position of the user’s arm determines the target location for
the virtual hand. Also, to give visual feedback of the distance of the virtual hand
to the user’s arm, the shadow of the virtual hand was overlaid on the user’s arm.

Touching Virtual Agents 129

Virtual Human. The virtual human is an instance of the ASAP-realizer [96].

The virtual human is controlled by sending BML-scripts that stipulate what it
should do and when. The ASAP platform gives feedback on the progress and
completion (or failure) of its actions. Such information might be used to time
the actions of other components.

6 Research Applications

In this section we describe some of the benefits of our TVA setup. We focus
specifically on the research domain. We discuss two future studies and provide
the results of one pilot study, showing the feasibility of our setup as a research

6.1 Bug Demo

In the first technical demonstration of our system, the user can see a virtual bug
walking on his/her arm. The tactile sleeve generates a tactile sensation of the
bug walking on the arm. When the virtual agent detects the bug, she moves in
to squash the bug on the user’s arm. This slap is accompanied by an intense
tactile stimulation.2
In this demo we investigated whether a “general” (i.e. discriminative) tactile
sensation in the form of a bug walking on the arm can feel different from being
touched by the agent. The participants in this demo reported that they felt the
bug moving and that the tactile and visual stimuli created the illusion that a
bug was walking on their arm. One participant stated he felt the urge to roll up
the sleeve of his blouse because: “there was a big bug on my arm.” The virtual
agent’s slap was reported to be effective. Participants reported things like “she
got it!”. This demo shows that the combination of visual and tactile stimuli can
create the illusion of touch. The statements of the participants showed that they
felt at least somewhat immersed in the scenario and as such could distinguish
between discriminative touch and social touch.

6.2 Perception of Touch

The timing of the stimuli for the different modalities involved in detecting touch
is a sensitive issue, as mentioned earlier. However, varying the timing of each
stimulus can give us insights into elements that are important in ‘building’
certain touch behaviors. Incongruent visuotactile stimulation might ‘break’ the
illusion of the TVA’s touch. It would be of interest to investigate how much of
a delay between the vibrotactile stimulation and the visual touch, would still
constitute a touch be the TVA.
An extension of such a study, would be to present different types of touch
(e.g. taps vs. strokes) to users. The modalities (visual and tactile) could be
A video of this demo is available at: http://vimeo.com/71094353
130 G. Huisman et al.

either congruent or incongruent For example, an incongruent stroke would be

a stroking tactile stimulus combined with a visual tap. By varying the time of
the behavior modalities and asking the participant to press a button as soon
as they experience being touched, would give us insight into which modality is
predominantly responsible for the perception of different touches. Also, it can
show if the first notion of a touch (irrelevant whether this is visual or haptic) or
if the complete package (user responds when the entire touch, both visual and
tactile is perceived) is determinative.

6.3 Negotiation Task

As was outlined in Section 3.5, social touch can have numerous effects on social
interactions. It would be interesting to investigate the role of social touch in a
controlled manner with our TVA setup. De Melo et al. [68] used the iterated
prisoners dilemma to investigate the effect of emotion on cooperation. In the
iterated prisoners dilemma was described by [68] to their participants as: “You
and your partner are arrested by the police. The police have insufficient evidence
for a conviction, and, having separated you both into different cells, visit each
in turn to offer the same deal. If one testifies for the prosecution against
the other and the other remains silent, the betrayer goes free and the silent
accomplice receives the full 3-year sentence. If both remain silent, both prisoners
are sentenced to only 3 months in jail for a minor charge. If each betrays the
other, each receives a 1-year sentence”. They showed that participants cooperate
more with a virtual human that displays emotions and that they perceive
the virtual human as more human-like. In conjunction with varying emotional
displays, the virtual human could apply a touch. The question here would be:
do touches by the virtual human, in combination with certain facial expressions,
alter a participant’s decision in the prisoners dilemma?

6.4 Compliance Pilot Study

Social touch has been found to increase compliance to requests, both for
co-located social touch [43] and mediated social touch [38]. Also, a previous
study indicates that touch by a robot can increase the time and effort spend
on a boring task [72]. In the current pilot study we wanted to see whether the
TVA was able to increase compliance to a request when combining the request
with a light touch on the arm. The TVA would make a request that the user
perform a repetitive task, and combined this request with a touch to the arm
of the user, or would make the request without a touch. For this study a task
similar to [72] was constructed. The task consisted of the user using a computer
mouse to drag a circle from the left side of the screen to a square on the right
side of the screen. In the touch condition the TVA accompanied it’s request
with a touch to the user’s forearm, and stated that the user could stop the
task by pressing the “stop task button” that would be present on the screen.
During the performance of the task every 20 seconds the TVA gave a verbal
encouragement accompanied by a light touch to the user’s arm. In the no-touch
Touching Virtual Agents 131

condition the same instructions and encouragements were given, but without the
TVA touching the user. The task ended when the participant stopped the task
by pressing the “stop task button”. To measure performance level we measured
the number of circles which were successfully dragged to the square (counted as
a single trial). We also measured the total amount of time spend on the task.
In a pilot test on 8 participants we found large individual differences. Most
participants (5/8) quitted before the 5th trial, while the other participants
continued up to 777 trials. Looking at the data the large differences were reflected
in large standard deviations of completed trials in both the touch condition (M =
51.50, SD = 95.67) and the no-touch condition (M = 203.50, SD = 382.56).
An independent samples t-test showed no significant differences between both
conditions in completed trials (t(6) = .77, p = .47) and time spend on the task
(t(6) = .75, p = .48).
Our results strongly contrast findings by [72], who found clear differences in
performance when active touch (comparable to our touch condition) was applied
compared to passive touch and no-touch. A potential explanation is that in [72],
participant’s could more easily attribute the touch to the robot. In our TVA
setup, this attribution might not always be as straightforward. Furthermore,
cultural differences could explain the different findings. All participants in our
pilot study were European, while the aforementioned study was conducted in
Japan. During the experiment we also encountered some problems. First, the
instructions were not clear to some of the participants. Despite the instruction
given by the virtual agent it was unclear for some participants that they had
to stop the task (2/8), whereas others tried the task one or two times, and
then clicked the stop task button to see what would come next. Second, some
participants had difficulty understanding what the virtual agent said (3/8). The
pilot study would suggest that touch by a TVA might not affect compliance in the
same manner as does co-located or mediated social touch. To further investigate
this issue, a follow-up experiment would have to use a measure of trait compliance
to tease out individual differences between participants. Furthermore, embedding
the agent’s request in a more elaborate scenario might give the participants more
time to get used to the agent’s voice, and touch, and the setup in general. Finally,
a task such as filling out bogus personality items [78] might be considered more
realistic by participants. It could be argued that participants would not simply
try to fill out a few questions and see what comes next, as was the case with
dragging the circles, but would take filing out the questionnaire more seriously,
thus reducing initial differences between participants.

7 Conclusions

The TVA project set out to develop, from scratch, a setup in which a virtual
character would be able to engage in communication with the user through facial
expressions, speech, body movements, and, in this project most importantly,
touch. The use of touch in social communication with an ECA has thus far
been largely overlooked. An extensive body of work in psychology demonstrates
132 G. Huisman et al.

clear effects of social touch in co-located space on compliance, stress reduction,

as well as communication of affect. Moreover, social touch mediated through
haptic feedback technology has been found to have similar effects on compliance,
and can be used to communicate emotions. Finally, some initial work on TVAs
showed promising results.
Our approach differs from current efforts in creating touching virtual agents
in that we combine a tactile sensation, with a visual representation of a hand
touching the user in augmented reality, and other social communication from
the agent (e.g. facial expressions and speech). With this setup we can introduce
certain elements in the personal space of the user that could prompt the virtual
agent to react and touch the user, as was for example the case in the bug
demo. Moreover, the setup allows for the study of a number of effects of social
touch by a TVA. We proposed experiments that could be conducted with the
current setup. We conducted a pilot study in which we attempted to influence
participant’s compliance to a request made by the agent. Unfortunately, large
individual differences in trait compliance negated any effects of the agent’s touch.
Despite a current lack of empirical studies using the TVA setup, the setup
does offer a good starting point for further exploration of touch by TVAs. We
are confident that the combination of the virtual agent displaying other social
signals (e.g. facial expressions and speech) with the application of touch using
augmented reality and tactile sensations, is a viable approach to TVAs.
In this sense, eNTERFACE 2013, organized by the New University of
Lisbon, Portugal, provided an excellent kick-start to the project. We came
into eNTERFACE with a basic outline of the setup, required hardware, and
ideas about the requirements for the setup. For this reason, much of the
available project time was spent on constructing the setup, and working out
all manners of technical difficulties. A preferable approach would have been
to have already constructed some of the components, and than expand them
during eNTERFACE, allowing time for conducting more studies with the setup.
Nonetheless, the setup constructed allows for some interesting future studies, as
described in Section 6, and offers a springboard for more elaborate TVA setups.
We suggest three specific improvements. First, the augmented reality area
of the current setup is limited to the size of the tablet computer used (i.e. 9.7
inches). Expanding the visible augmented reality area would allow for a larger
work-space in which the agent could interact with the user, and allowing the
user more freedom of movement. Furthermore, a larger augmented reality area
would enable us to display the agent’s entire arm, making it easier for the user
to attribute the touches to the agent. One approach would be to cover the area
of the desk where the user’s hands would be located, with a horizontally oriented
opaque screen, with a wide-angle camera attached to the bottom of the screen.
A projector could then project the image of the camera onto the opaque screen,
expanding the augmented reality area. As a second improvement, using sensors,
and possibly a fake limb in combination with an augmented reality overlay to
simulate the agent’s arm, we could allow the user to touch the agent. This
would allow for bidirectional tactile communication. An interesting question in
Touching Virtual Agents 133

this regard would be, if touch by the agent elicits similar tactile social behavior
in the user. Third, the current setup makes use of a controller script that ties all
of the separate system components together. A future refinement would be the
construction of an ASAP engine to control all components of the system and
replace the current control script. Specific BML commands could be defined, to
make the system more robust and flexible.

Acknowledgments. This publication was supported by the Dutch national

program COMMIT. Special thanks to Jan van Erp, Dirk Heylen, Ronald Poppe,
and Dennis Reidsma, for their contributions to this work.


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Part II
Key Applications
Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners”
through a Game

João Gameiro, Tiago Cardoso, and Yves Rybarczyk

Universidade Nova de Lisboa,

Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Monte da Caparica, Portugal
j.gameiro@campus.fct.unl.pt, {tomfc,yr}@uninova.pt

Abstract. Sign language is the hearing impaired form of communicating with

other people, including listeners. Most cases, impaired people have learned sign
language form childhood. The problem arises when a listener comes in contact
with an impaired person. For instances, if a couple has a child which is im-
paired, the parents find a challenge to learn the sign language. In this article, a
new playful approach to assist the listeners to learn sign language is proposed.
This proposal is a serious game composed of two modes: School-mode and
Competition-mode. The first offers a virtual school where the user learns to sign
letters and the second offers an environment towards applying the learned let-
ters. Behind the scenes, the proposal contains a sign language recognition sys-
tem, based on three modules: 1 – the standardization of the Kinect depth camera
data; 2 – a gesture library relying on the standardized data; and 3 – the real-time
recognition of gestures. A prototype was developed – Kinect-Sign – and tested
in a Portuguese Sign-Language school and on eNTERFACE’13 resulting in a
joyful acceptance of the approach.

Keywords: Kinect Sensor, Sign Language, Serious Game, Gesture Recognition.

1 Introduction
Communication is the most vital mean for understanding and being understood. Nev-
ertheless, hearing impaired persons are faced with barriers that prevents communica-
tion. According to the World Health Organization, 360 * 106 persons around the globe
suffer from disabling hearing loss. From those, 328 * 106 are adults, where the rest are
children. According to the same organization, approximately one-third of the popula-
tion over 65 years of age suffer from disabling hearing loss [1].
Most of the hearing impaired knows sign language, being developed by this group
through time. But a problem emerge when non-impaired persons try to communicate
with an impaired person, for instances, in the case of family, friends and colleagues,
of the impaired. This happens since there is almost no learning mechanism designed
for listeners.
As summarized in [2], the research community has placed a great effort in develop-
ing a sign language recognition (SLR) system, but, as the authors say, the problem is
far from being solved. Most implementations rely on image processing, and, despite

Y. Rybarczyk et al. (Eds.): eNTERFACE 2013, IFIP AICT 425, pp. 141–159, 2014.
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
142 J. Gameiro, T. Cardoso, and Y. Rybarczyk

the current advances on matching algorithms, still exists a need for great processing
power in order to support real-time recognition. Nevertheless, the research community
has been focused on showing that it is possible to make SLR, but limiting their studies
in terms of lexicon or relying on the usage of special gloves, as presented in [3].
In what concerns the commercial aspect of teaching this form of communication,
there are not many forms one can learn sign language. Nevertheless, specialized
schools and videos exist, but are still limited.
The Kinect device, introduced by Microsoft, was intended to revolutionize the
gaming industry [4], with the removal of the joystick/controller from the game.
Alongside this revolution, the Kinect sensor also started appearing in other research
areas. One of this is the SLR area, where the research community started changing
from traditional camera-based approaches to Kinect-based approaches [5], [6].
The main goal of this article is to present an extension to the Kinect SDK, which
provides gesture handling support, and proposes the creation of a serious game for
listeners to learn sign language.

2 State of the Art

Teaching sign language through a serious game is a project that involves distinct
areas. The first area of interest, a cornerstone of the proposal, is sign language, where
there is a need to evaluate features, algorithms for recognition and existing games.
The second area is the Kinect device, from which it is required to understand how it
works and supported games.

2.1 Sign Language

Sign language shares, as much, similar aspects with spoken languages, as differences.
For example, while spoken languages uses sound patterns to convey meaning, sign
language is based on the usage of hand patterns and body language. Despite this
difference both languages are considered natural languages and some of the sign
languages have even achieved legal recognition [7], such as the Portuguese Sign
Language (PSL). The Portuguese sign language alphabet is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Manual alphabet of the Portuguese Sign Language [6]

Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game 143

Sign Language Games. As stated before, according to the World Health Organiza-
tion (2013), the hearing impaired community is relatively small and, as a result, there
is not much offer in what concerns games using sign language. Despite this, it is poss-
ible to find some games, in various types of platforms.
Three examples, which are available on the market are:
• Sign Language Bingo, a board game with 201 basic sign vocabulary words [8].
• Sign-O, a computer game, also based on bingo, with 12 categories and where
each board contains 25 words [9]. The Figure 2b represents the cover for the CD.
• Sign the Alphabet, an internet game that is played by identifying the letters and
numbers that are shown [10].

(a) Bingo [8] (b) Sign-O [9] (c) Sign the Alphabet [10]
Fig. 2. Image with three different games available for teaching Sign Language

“Serious games have become a key segment in the games market as well as in aca-
demic research” [11]. Therefore, the games presented in Figure 2, can be useful when
learning sign language.
Nevertheless, there is still room for improvements, for instance, on one hand, most
games are based on Bingo and, on the other hand, there is an inability to correctly
evaluate the signs made. This makes the computer games not truly interactive and,
therefore, makes some people say that a truly sign language interactive game would
be a good game to buy [12].
Sign Language Algorithms. SLR has been of great interest on the research commu-
nity for the past 20 years, for example the work of Starner in 1995 [13]. This is due to
the characteristics of sign language, but, despite this interest, the improvements made
on SLR were still very limited, generally recognizing up to ten signs and where not
able to reach the hearing impaired community.
Until recently, this field of study have been losing importance in the research
community. But with the appearance of the Kinect sensor a change occurred in this
field. This is justified by the development of a depth camera capable of detecting
distances in relation to the sensor. Other contributing fields are the machine learning
and the computer vision fields, which allowed the detection of the human skeleton,
with 20 joints, through the depth camera.
Until recent years, most of the SLR systems were based on Hidden Markov Mod-
els, a statistical model in which the system to be modelled is assumed as a Markov
144 J. Gameiro, T. Cardoso, and Y. Rybarczyk

process with hidden states, as shown in [14]. The work of Starner is based on this
models, where he uses a single camera for data acquisition and the signing is tracked
with the assistance of solid colour gloves. The prototype developed achieved a 97
percent accuracy while sing a forty word lexicon [13].
Recently, also due to the development on the machine learning and computer vi-
sion fields, Correia proposed two different algorithms for SLR: 1 – a K-Nearest
Neighbour (KNN); and 2 – a Support Vector Machine (SVM). Just like in Starner’
work, Correia was able to achieve good accuracy results, 96.58 percent for the KNN
and 92.06 percent for the SVM, but he’s work was limited to just four letters [15].
One of the most recent studies in SLR was developed in cooperation between Key
Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, from China, with Microsoft, where the
implemented prototype is based on a three dimensional trajectory matching, assisted
by the Kinect sensor. This trajectory matching is made by acquiring the trajectory of
the user hand, normalizing this trajectory, by linear resampling, and comparing with
the trajectories gallery they possess. The study achieved a 96.32 percent accuracy
using a gallery with 239 [5].
Based on this three systems it’s possible to determine that high accuracy rates have
been achieved in those studies, but the great majority of the studies are very limited in
terms of amount of elements recognizable and there is still the matter of transition
between academic study and market product.

2.2 Kinect Sensor

Code named Project Natal, the Kinect sensor was released on November 4, 2010,
born from the collaboration between Microsoft and, the Israeli company, Prime Sense
[4]. Their intent, for Kinect sensor, was to revolutionize the world of games, opening
what they called new horizons and domains. To achieve it they alienated the standard
controller and joystick. Instead, through the Kinect sensor, the natural movements of
the body are used to control the form in which the game is played.
The introduction of the third dimension on the computer vision field, through a
depth camera, is one of the key elements that assist in the removal of the game con-
troller/joystick. This third dimension, or distances from the sensor, rely on the eco of
infrared lights, or in other words, the measurement of distortions between distinct
infrared beams, emitted by the sensor. Moreover, at a firmware level, other key ele-
ment, the Kinect sensor is capable of providing skeleton and facial tracking. One last
element, which allowed the first two to work properly, is the development of machine
learning techniques.

Fig. 3. Composition of the Kinect sensor: (1) - Infrared optics; (2) - RGB camera; (3) - Moto-
rized tilt; (4) - Multi-array microphone [4]
Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game 145

The Kinect sensor is mainly composed, as shown in Fig. 3, of the following four
1) The depth camera, or infrared optics, responsible for understanding the 3D envi-
ronment in front of the Kinect sensor.
2) The RGB camera, which besides showing the user on screen it’s also responsible
to make the facial recognition of the user.
3) A motorized tilt, mechanical gear that let the sensor follow the user.
4) A multi-array microphone, composed of four microphones embedded inside the
Kinect sensor, is capable of isolate the user voice from the rest of the noise. It’s
also capable of pinpointing the user location in relation to the Kinect sensor.
Besides this four visible components, the Kinect sensor possesses its own processor
and firmware. As stated before, this is one of the key elements for the working of the
Kinect sensor, since they are responsible for identifying the information acquired by
the infrared optics. In other words, they have the ability to “build the world” visible
by the sensor and, from that “world”, it’s capable to extrapolate 20 joints in the hu-
man body [4].

Kinect Games. Kinect sensor was initially design to support games, and, since it’s
been released, many games have been created, for example Kinect Sports and Star
wars, using this innovative device [16].
Another game, that appeared using the Kinect sensor, is Minute To Win It. In this
game the user has 60 seconds to perform a simple task, and for every task he com-
pletes, he will earn a certain amount of money which can lead up to $1 million [17],
shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Screenshot of the game "Minute To Win It" [17]

3 Innovation - Multimodal

This project is developed around the Kinect sensor, so through the usage of this sen-
sor a great level in innovation on the multimodal interfaces is already achieved. The
reason for that is the lack of games and applications that uses this type of device. Also
recognizing sign language through the Kinect sensor can be viewed as innovative,
since we are recognizing the entire alphabet.
146 J. Gameiro, T. Cardoso, and Y. Rybarczyk

In the project, the main innovation is the creation of a serious game used to teach
and, also, to be played with sign language. This is a brand new area, where there is
nothing to compare, as it was visible in chapter 2.1. So it’s possible to affirm that this
types of games will develop into a brand new dimension.
This project is composed, mainly, by two components, the SLR system and the
sign language game. The first can be expressed as the core for the entire project, since
it’s one of the most important systems that are embedded in the game. The SLR sys-
tem will be studied in great detail so that it might be achieved the best results possi-
ble, before the usage of this system in the game. The second component, the sign
language game, offers the players lessons where one can learn letters in sign language
and offers some games where those lessons can be applied.
This project has a wide range of applications, starting from a classroom, where the
teacher is assisted by the game to teach and to correctly evaluate the sign the student
do. Or, in a more familiar environment, this game can be played between family
members, assisting in the creation and development of bonds.

4 Proposal

The main goal on this section is to propose a serious game – Kinect-Sign – to teach
sign language to listeners and to enrol the users in games on the sign language taught.
For that reason, the game is designed with two different modes: School-mode and
Competition-mode. Prior to the development of the serious game itself, there was the
need to create a SLR algorithm that would work in the simplest and fastest way.
Therefore, despite the already existing algorithms, it is proposed a very simple recog-
nition algorithm to be used in the game.

4.1 Sign Language Recognition

The proposed SLR is divided in three components: 1 – the data standardization, that
consists on the standardization of the acquired data through the Kinect sensor; 2 – the
data storage, responsible for the creation of a sign language gestures library; and 3 –
the data recognition, where the acquired depth data, from the Kinect sensor, is
matched with the existing data in the sign language gesture library.

Data Standardization. The first step, prior of storing or matching any data, is the
standardization of the acquired data. In other words, set the acquired data into a spe-
cific format for which standardizes the recognition process. This selected format is a
144×144 grayscale bitmap. In order to acquire this format the data acquired from the
Kinect sensor goes through the following 6 steps:
1. Acquire the raw depth data from the Kinect sensor.
2. Obtain, from the skeleton frame (provided by the Kinect SDK), the right
hand point. This point is the centre of the region of interest (ROI).
3. From the right hand point, determine the size of the ROI, according to the
distance of the hand to the Kinect sensor.
Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game 147

4. After acquiring the size of the ROI, determine the corners for this ROI and
then the depth image is split to get just the ROI.
5. Convert the depths in the ROI into a grayscale.
6. Concluding with scaling the grayscale bitmap to 144×144, through a nearest
neighbour interpolation.

Data Storage. Data storage is the component responsible for storing the sign lan-
guage library. This library is composed of the grayscale bitmaps, stored with two
different purposes: 1 – a source data to use in the recognition process; and 2 –a test
data, used in the validation of the SLR algorithm. Also, this data can be used for fu-
ture developments.
According to the proposed purposes the data is divided into two categories. First,
there is single bitmaps, or images, used both on the source data and test data. For the
source data it will be stored 300 bitmaps per letter of the alphabet, while for the test
data it is only stored 6 distinct bitmaps. Second, there is videos, composed of 300
bitmaps, stored in the test data, as to simulate real-time recognition. So, there will be
three videos per letter of the alphabet, for recognition purposes.

Data Recognition. The last component is responsible for the matching between the
gesture library and the Kinect acquired data. So, the proposed is an algorithm respon-
sible for SLR. This occurs by acquiring a new image, with the Kinect sensor, and
comparing it with all the images in the library. In order to implement this algorithm,
the centrepiece for making the recognition is used the distance between depths, or in
the prototype case, since the depths are converted into a grey scale, the distance be-
tween the greys.
Even though this evaluation of distances might be a good idea, looking to the stan-
dard format of the images and how the images are, Fig. 5, it is possible to get to two
conclusions: 1 – the recognition achieves great accuracies, due to the great amount of
black pixels in the image acquired; and 2 – being the images set to 144×144 pixels,
there will be 20.736 pixels to match, which can be too expensive for most computers
Bearing this in mind, it is devised five different conditions to make the recognition
and to assist in determining the most accurate algorithm possible, also developing a
lighter algorithm. Those five conditions are shown in Table 1, and can be viewed as
algorithms to ignore the black pixels of the images.

Table 1. Different conditions to ignore black pixels when using the recognition system

Condition Kinect Library

None No No
Kinect Yes No
Library No Yes
Or Yes Yes
And Yes Yes
148 J. Gameiro, T. Cardoso, and Y. Rybarczyk

According to Table 1, the five conditions are:

• None – where none of the black pixels is ignored on any image,
• And – this condition ignores only when both pixels, in the matching, are black,
• Or – similar to the And condition, the Or condition ignores the matching
when either pixel is black,
• Kinect/Library – skips the matching when the pixel is black, in the respective
image, Kinect or Library.
Through extensive experimentation it is expected to achieve the best condition and,
on one hand side, decreasing the computing power and increasing the accuracy of the
system, on the other hand side.

(a) Image from Kinect (b) Image from library

Fig. 5. Example of images used in a recognition. Same sign "A"

From the conditions stated before it is possible to see that each condition gives a
different output of pixels to compare. To verify how they work, it will be used the
images in Fig. 5, where both images are a representation of sign A, to display an ex-
ample on how each condition works. The Fig. 5a contains the image to be compared,
therefore the image that is going to be changed, and the Fig. 5b contains the image
that is supposedly from the gesture library displayed.

(a) None (b) And (c) Or (d) Kinect (e) Library

Fig. 6. Overlay of two images according to the condition, the green pixels shows the pixels
used on recognition

In the Fig. 6. , it is shown how the various conditions affect an image, where green
represents the pixels available for comparison. With the definition of this conditions for
recognition, it’s possible to make a matching between two images. This matching gives
the accuracy of distances. In other words, when a pixel in the image to recognize is close
enough to the equivalent pixel in the library image it flags that pixel as a valid pixel.
After comparing all the pixels, according to a pre-set condition from Table 1, it’s
determined the accuracy of the matching by dividing the number of valid pixels by
the total number of pixels.
Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game 149

(a) None (b) And (c) Or (d) Kinect (e) Library

Fig. 7. Overlay of valid pixels, in red, according to the distance, over Fig. 6

From Fig. 7, its possible see the pixels that gave a positive match, represented in
red, when the distance between each figure is smaller than the variance VD, in this
case the distance, in grey scale, is 25, or in other words, approximately 2cm. In this
matching is achieved an 88% approximation rate using the None condition and 52%
approximation rate using the Kinect condition.

4.2 Serious Game

One of the main objectives of this work is to build a serious game where the user can
learn and play with sign language. Kinect-Sign, the proposed serious game, is divided
into two main modes: School mode and Competition mode, as stated before. The idea
behind this modes is to help the families to interact with their hearing impaired loved
ones. So, the School mode will assist in the teaching of sign language and the Compe-
tition mode is intended to help strengthen the connection inside the family, done
through playful games.

School Mode. The School mode is designed so that any user can learn sign language
in the most easy and playful way, but at the same time in a serious environment. In
order to meet this parameters, the environment was designed as a classroom where the
user will be enrolled in short lessons. For that reason, the lesson have at most five
elements, also so that the user don’t lose focus while learning.

(3) (4)

Fig. 8. Lesson design: (1) –Elements already learnt; (2) – Element being learnt; (3) – Represen-
tation of the element being learnt; (4) – Hand image acquired from the Kinect sensor
150 J. Gameiro, T. Cardoso, and Y. Rybarczyk

The elements learnt in the lessons, as expressed in chapter 1, are letters and so the
lessons will be continuous, separated by evaluations after every two lessons. An ex-
ample of lesson can be viewed in Fig. 8, the user must reproduce with its hands the
symbol the game presents and when the image get a good accuracy rate percent sets
that element as correct and passes for the next element in the lesson.
After every two lessons, we should verify if the various elements have been learnt.
To do so, there were created some evaluations. These evaluations appear whenever
there is a need to verify the knowledge of the user. Normally, an evaluation will focus
the two previous lessons, taken by the user, and they verify if the user needs or not to
remake one certain lesson.
In order to pass an evaluation and unlock the next lesson the user must have at least
60 percent of the evaluation correct, this means that three out of five elements must be
A C (2)
(1) (3)

Fig. 9. Evaluation design: (1) –Elements answered and if they are correct or not; (2) –Element
being evaluated; (3) – Hand image acquired from the Kinect sensor

The displaying of the evaluation is very similar to a lesson, Fig. 8, where the main
differences are that the user cannot see the representation of the element he must
reproduce, and the elements that the user already answered wrongly will be crossed
on the table (1) of Fig. 9.

Competition Mode. The Competition mode is the more playful area on this serious
game. Therefore it was design so that it may transport the user to a fun environment,
while playing games that could relate to sign language. Bearing this in mind, it was
developed a TV Show environment.
By designing the TV Show scenario, some games appeared to be more natural, for
this type of environment, than others, one example is the Quiz. The proposed game is
based, as the name implies, on making questions. So, when playing Quiz, the user will
be asked five questions in order to make the best score possible.
As it’s possible to see in the Fig. 10, this game gives four possible answers for the
question asked. This is a way to help the user, answering the question, and to help the
recognition system, since it’s just needs to compare with four elements in the library,
making it a faster recognition. Also, in Fig. 10, it’s visible that the user has responded
to the question correctly, so the border of the answer is green. If the answer was
wrong then the border would be red.
Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game 151

(1) (4)



Fig. 10. Quiz game: (1) - Question made to the user; (2) - Possible answers for the question; (3)
– User (4) – Countdown timer to count how much time is left to end the round/game

Other game proposed is the Lingo. Very similar to Mastermind, this game was
created for the user to discover five letter words. Therefore, the idea of the game is for
the user to spell, in sign language, the five characters that compose one word and find
out if he was right, wrong or if there is correct letters, in the wrong place.
In order to ease the game there is a limit of five tries before giving the word as a
wrong word. In the Fig. 11 it’s possible to see how this game is going to work.

(2) A T L A S (4)
(3) B L O O M


Fig. 11. Lingo Game: (1) - Lingo board; (2) - Right character in the right place; (3) - Right
character in the wrong place; (4) - Wrong character

From the figure above, Fig. 11, it’s visible the various states for each character. For
instance when a character is right and in the right place, Fig. 11 element (2), it’s
shown in green, when a character is right but in the wrong place, Fig. 11 element (3),
it’s shown in yellow and if the character does not exist in the word, Fig. 11 element
(4), appears in red.

5 Validation

The validation chapter is where the explanation on how is the work is tested takes
place. In other words, it will be referred what where the experimental work done over
the project, including a detailed description on the work, and what were the experi-
mental results obtained from this project. After obtaining all the results, there will be
152 J. Gameiro, T. Cardoso, and Y. Rybarczyk

a brief analysis and discussion on this results, where they will be explained and care-
fully considered their viability in order to continue the project development.

5.1 Sign Language Recognition

SLR is a simplified system where the Kinect sensor acquires an image, with the depth
sensor, transforms that image, so that it may return only the right hand of the user in a
grey scale, and then uses that image to compare with the gesture library, according to
the condition and the distance between images. To validate the SLR system, there are
two types of validations where the results cooperate to find the best values for matching.
The first type of validation is the validation through images, in other words, one
image is matched with the entire gesture library, using all the conditions and distances
(1 to 50 in grayscale). From this validation it is determined the three best conditions
and five best distances to use apply in the algorithm. The second type of validation is
made through videos, simulating a real-time recognition. During this validation it is
going to be used the three conditions and five distances determined on the first valida-
tion and it is obtained the condition and distance that will be used in the serious game.
Prior to the validation process it is the constructed a strong dataset to support the
recognition system. Therefore, it is acquired 300 images per character, from just one
person. Also, from the same person, it is constructed the validation dataset, composed,
per character, of six images and three videos, of 300 frames each.
There are two types of values obtained from the SLR validation: 1 – the approxima-
tion rate, which refers to the approximation between images, in other words, the ratio
between valid and used pixels, as shown in red and green, respectively, in Fig. 7; and 2
– the accuracy rate, or in other words, the ratio of signs acquired for each character.

Image Recognition. Image recognition is the process where one image is compared
with the entire gesture library and from that values it is possible to extrapolate the
three best conditions and five best distances. To implement this recognition it is used
the five conditions, described in chapter 4.1: None, And, Or, Kinect and Library; and
distances between images ranging from 1 to 50 in grayscale, equivalent of 0,08 cm to
As an example, it is shown the results acquired when making the recognition, only
with the None condition, for the six images that contains the letter ‘L’, this images can
be seen in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12. Images of ‘L’ to be compared with the gesture library

Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game 153

None Condition. As expressed before, the None condition is where none of the pix-
els are ignored when matching two images. Therefore, it is expected to be achieved
great values of approximation, in one hand, and, in the other hand, a better accuracy

Table 2. Signs acquired using the None condition in a sign ‘L’

1 10 34 1 5 0 0
2 0 46 0 0 4 0
3 0 50 0 0 0 0
4 0 50 0 0 0 0
5 0 47 0 0 0 3
6 0 48 0 0 0 2

Table 2 shows the dispersion of acquired signs. From the obtained values is possi-
ble to conclude that the images used during the recognition are good ‘L’ images, since
most of the results are correctly determined.

None Condition 1
100 2
90 3
80 4
70 5
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 6

Fig. 13. Graphical representation of the approximation rates

On the other hand, Fig. 13 shows the approximation rates obtained for each image
according to the distance used in the recognition. Despite some of this rates not be-
longing to the wanted sign, it is fairly possible to verify that the rates don’t suffer
great variations when the recognition distance is increased. In the None condition this
is explained by the fact that there is no ignored pixel and most of those pixels are

Global Results. Now, that it has been seen how the recognition works and the results
acquired using the None condition, it is time to make the validation for the entire test
set and obtain the global results for the image recognition. With these results it will be
possible to extrapolate the distances and conditions in which the algorithm works
best, as required for the video recognition.
In order to obtain the three conditions used on the video recognition, the accuracy
rates are used. This is due to the fact that, as expected, the images recognized have a
great tendency to refer to it’ own sign. This accuracy rates are shown in Fig. 14.
154 J. Gameiro, T. Cardoso, and Y. Rybarczyk

Accuracy Rates
60% And
40% Or
0% Kinect
A B C D E F G H I J K L MN O P Q R S T U V X Y Z Library

Fig. 14. Average of accuracy rates for all the letters

From Fig. 14 it is clearly visible that the Or condition is the worst condition in
terms of accuracy rates. Other key element to be retained, from Fig. 14, is the fact that
not all the letters have good accuracy rates, this is explained for the fact that not all
the letters possess “good” images for recognition and some signs are very similar
between images, for instance the signs ‘A’, ‘K’ and ‘T’.

Variance of Approximation Rate

4% And
2% Or

0% Kinect
1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931333537394143454749 Library

Fig. 15. Average of the variance on approximation rates

The figure above, Fig. 15, is the graphical representation of the average of va-
riances on approximation rates. In other words, as seen in Fig. 15, not all the acquired
signs represent the correct sign, so the variance of approximation is the difference
between the approximation rate acquired when matching with the entire library and
the approximation rate acquired when matching just with the correct sign.
Single Recognition Conclusions. From the values obtained in this validation it was
decided to use the None, And and Library conditions on the video recognition, since
they are the best conditions when it is refer to accuracy results. On the other hand, the
values for distance are: 10, 16, 19, 27 and 39. This values where obtained through the
approximation rates and the variances from the approximation rate of the acquired
sign with the approximation rate of the correct sign.
Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game 155

Video Recognition. Video recognition is the process where a group of images, ac-
quired in a consecutive way is compared, one by one, with the entire gesture library,
determining the best match for each frame of the video. Just like in the single recogni-
tion, in this process it will be experimented all the five conditions, but the distances
used will be just a small group of five values, determined from the single recognition
process. For this process of validation it will be used, as expressed before, three vid-
eos per character to make the validation.
Single Letter. As written many times, a video is a simulation of a real-time recogni-
tion where there is a sequence of 300 images ready to be recognized and those images
will be used to validate the recognition system. So, by passing the video through the
recognition system it will be possible to acquire the values of Table 3.

Table 3. Acquired signs using the Library condition on all the videos for sign ‘K’

39 106 129 0 1 25 3 507 7 8 20 30 5 4 4 19 21
16 108 126 0 6 24 5 495 0 7 5 58 4 4 5 18 27
10 104 110 9 9 23 4 452 3 7 5 100 9 8 4 14 18
19 110 96 1 3 21 3 570 0 8 5 20 7 3 7 20 21
27 95 160 1 2 35 4 486 0 10 6 41 8 2 3 20 21

This table shows that the sign ‘K’ appears mostly when the set distance is 19, using
the Library condition. While the distance 10 is a worst distance for detecting ‘K’.
Despite this, from the 900 frames, where some are noise, in all the distances more
than 50% is detected as the correct sign.

80% 39
60% 16
40% 10
20% 19

Fig. 16. Average of accuracy rates using the Library condition

Fig. 16 shows the average accuracies for all the video frames when using the Li-
brary condition. From it, is visible that, for most distances, the difference between the
wanted and the acquired sign is very short. Despite that, is also visible that the sign
‘A’, ‘K’ and ‘Z’ get the higher accuracies,
156 J. Gameiro, T. Cardoso, and Y. Rybarczyk

All Videos. Through the validation of all the videos shows what are the best para-
meters for recognition. Through the video validation it was possible to conclude that
the best condition for recognition is the Library and the best distance is 19. This pa-
rameters are then to be used on the validation of the serious game prototype.

5.2 Serious Game

The validation on the serious game resulted of the testing of multiple users of the
game. An empirical method was applied on the test subjects of two classes from the
“Instituto Jacob Rodrigues Pereira” and on the participants of the eNTERFACE
workshop. This resulted on three different test groups: a beginner, with no experience
on sign language, a medium, where the group already knew something about sign
language and an experienced group, the hearing impaired used to communicate with
sign language.
The results were satisfactory, since it was possible to view the enthusiasm of the
different participants, and the assistance provided by them in order to improve the
current prototype. Still, a more in-depth analysis should be done (e.g. with question-
naires) to validate the developed prototype.
Nevertheless, the gesture library was reduced from 300 images per character to
three images per character in order to the recognition process into a real-time process.
This allowed the recognition of 4 frames per second. Also, the images used on the
recognition where the images that appeared most in the validation process.
For this SLR algorithm it was verified that the serious game prototype works much
better when the player and the creator of the gesture library are the same.

6 Concluding

In this chapter, it’s pretended to conclude about the results obtained through the expe-
rimentation of the SLR system and the usage of this system in the sign language game
and, therefore, testing its viability. Afterwards, there will be described on how the
eNTERFACE workshop contributed for the development of this project and there will
be presented a set of options for future development, subjected to the themes pre-
sented on this project.

6.1 General Conclusions

The existing documentation is rich in studies on SLR, including studies using the
Kinect sensor. Despite this amount of studies, they lack, as much of the researchers’
work, the step of bringing it into market. Therefore, the proposal of this project is to
create a serious game, combining sign language and the Kinect sensor, which will
lead to a product market-ready.
As seen throughout this report, this game is composed of two parts: the creation of
a SLR system and the application of this system on a Kinect based serious game. For
this article only the SLR algorithm was subjected only to a more extensive test. To
Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game 157

validate the algorithm, tests were made evaluating the recognition rate and accuracy,
as they will be detailed in the following sub-chapters.

Sign Language Recognition. In this system it was extensively studied the algorithm
responsible for the workings of SLR. There were studied different methods of work-
ing and different parameters in order to acquire the best algorithm possible. From
validation it was concluded that the Library condition and the distance 19 are the best
parameters to work with this system.

Serious Game. The serious game has suffered a very simple validation, since it was
just studied in terms of satisfying and pleasure of playing by multiple users. But,
despite the simple study made it was possible to achieve very important conclusions
about this project. The most important conclusion is that this is a viable project in
terms of recognition system and really it’s an enjoyable serious game.

6.2 eNTERFACE Contribution

The work presented in this project has been developed to serve as a master thesis and
the passage through the eNTERFACE workshop was a step towards the conclusion of
this thesis. This workshop served as a platform to discuss new ideas, also to revisit old
ones and to understand features, about the project at hands, which were not possible
to understand until then.
Clearly, one lesson that can be returned from this workshop is that every person
has different body features. Applied the lesson to the project means that each is
unique and that creates the necessity to implement some form of generic module ca-
pable of making the SLR. Since one user library will probably not make the right sign
recognition for other user.
To conclude, the contribution provided by the eNTERFACE workshop was of
great value for the improvement and expansion of the project Kinect-Sign.

6.3 Future Works

From the work developed for this project, it’s possible to express that this game is not
yet market ready. This means that there is still some work to be done, especially in the
SLR system. Therefore, it is required the improvement of the SLR system, which
might include machine learning or image processing algorithms. Other improvement
is the serious game, particularly, the game UI which can be transformed into a 3D
environment, for example using the Unity 4 game engine. Also, for the serious game,
an increase in number of lessons and existing games can come to place.
The usage of distinct inputs towards improving the reliability of this teaching ap-
proach will also tackle the research area of Collaborative Networks, both in terms of
support infrastructures, as mentioned in [18], and in terms of teaching approaches, as
for example putting the students to work collaboratively, as mentioned in [19].
Some other important work is required to continue the game development. First of
all, a questionnaire about the serious game, for validation purposes. Second, a market
158 J. Gameiro, T. Cardoso, and Y. Rybarczyk

study, to detect the needs of the target audience. And for last, the expansion of the
gesture library so that the SLR algorithm might work more accurately.

[1] World Health Organization, Deafness and hearing loss. World Health Organization (February
2013), http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs300/en/ (accessed
October 2, 2013)
[2] Cooper, H., Holt, B., Bowden, R.: Sign Language Recognition. In: Visual Analysis of
Humans, pp. 539–562. Springer (2011)
[3] Song, Y., Yin, Y.: Sign Language Recognition (2013),
[4] “Kinect,” Wikipedia (August 13, 2013),
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[5] Chai, X., Li, G., Lin, Y., Xu, Z., Tang, Y., Chen, X., Zhou, M.: Sign Language Recogni-
tion and Translation with Kinect, Beijing, China (2013)
[6] Gameiro, J., Cardoso, T., Rybarczyk, Y.: Kinect-Sign - Teaching sign language to ‘listen-
ers’ through a game. In: Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers,
Lisboa, Portugal (2013)
[7] “Sign Language,” Wikipedia (August 16, 2013),
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[8] Winnie, T., Drennan, A.: Sign Language Bingo (2008),
=sign-language-bingo#.UheEIxtwquI (accessed August 23, 2013)
[9] Sign-O (2007),
[10] “Sign the Alphabet,” Funbrain, http://www.funbrain.com/signs/ (accessed
August 23, 2013)
[11] Breuer, J.S., Bente, G.: Why so serious? On the relation of serious games and learning.
Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture 4, nº Serious Games (2010)
[12] “Kinect Could Reinvent Educational Gaming,” Winextra (2013),
kinect-could-reinvent-educational-gaming/ (accessed August 23, 2013)
[13] Starner, T.E.: Visual Recognition of American Sign Language Using Hidden Markov
Models (1995),
(accessed August 24, 2013)
[14] “Hidden Markov model,” Wikipedia (August 4, 2013),
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Markov_model (accessed August
24, 2013)
[15] Correia, M.M.: Reconhecimento de Elementos da Língua Gestual Portuguesa com Kinect
(2013), http://paginas.fe.up.pt/~ee06160/thesis/ (accessed August 19,
[16] “Top 10 Kinect Games,” Squidoo (2013), http://www.squidoo.com/top-10-
kinect-games (accessed August 22, 2013)
Kinect-Sign: Teaching Sign Language to “Listeners” through a Game 159

[17] Zoo Games, Minute To Win It (October 2011),

http://kinectplus.com/games/minute-to-win-it/ (accessed August 22,
[18] Camarinha-Matos, L., Menzel, K., Cardoso, T.: ICT support infrastructures and interope-
rability for VOs. Virtual Organisations Cluster–VOSTER WP4 D (2003)
[19] Klen, E., Cardoso, T., Camarinha-Matos, L.: Teaching Initiatives on Collaborative Net-
worked Organizations. In: 8th CIRP - International Seminar on Manufacturing, Flo-
rianópolis-SC, Brazil (2005)
Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric
Interactive Playground

Robby van Delden1 , Alejandro Moreno1, Carlos Ramos2 , Gonçalo Carrasco2,

Dennis Reidsma1 , and Ronald Poppe1
Human Media Interaction, University of Twente,
P.O. Box 217, Enschede, The Netherlands
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal

Abstract. We introduce and evaluate a first version of a novel body-

centric playground that aims at increasing bodily exertion and immer-
sion. The concept centers around the player, who is suspended from the
ceiling using a rope and climbing harness and stands on a tilted platform.
This caused players to assume a body posture that elicits the feeling of
flying, which was further enhanced by the flying game that they played.
We discuss the choices made in the type of body movements, and how
these relate to different aspects such as movement mimicry and exertion.
We performed a user study, in which the hanging position was compared
to a setting where players stood on the ground. We found no signifi-
cant differences in the amount of movement and perceived engagement
between the two conditions. However, there was a tendency of favoring
the hanging position. Moreover, we observed that the placement of game
elements affected the movement patterns.

Keywords: Body-centric, interactive playground, engagement, exertion,


1 Introduction

Computer entertainment taps into a variety of the prerequisites to feel good in

life [21]. At the same time, there are growing health concerns because these ad-
vances in technology have led children to adopt a sedentary behavior, causing
an increase in obesity [22]. Nonetheless, the introduction of the very technol-
ogy that caused this issue can also be used to counter it, effectively turning the
problem into a solution [7]. Researchers have begun to study how to create inter-
active playgrounds, interactive installations equipped with sensors and actuators
where children are encouraged to exercise and interact socially through engaging
game experiences [19,20,9]. These interactive playgrounds are co-located interac-
tive spaces, ranging from a few square meters to public squares equipped with a

Y. Rybarczyk et al. (Eds.): eNTERFACE 2013, IFIP AICT 425, pp. 160–178, 2014.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric Interactive Playground 161

range of sensors and feedback devices. The advent of affordable, robust technolo-
gies such as Microsoft Kinect, Arduino, projections and LEDs greatly facilitates
the implementation of such playgrounds.
Studies have shown that making the body the center of the experience in
these installations leads to higher engagement and immersion [2] and promotes
social interaction [8]. This greatly attributes to the success of games that use
bodily interaction, e.g. using Nintendo Wii-motes and Microsoft’s Kinect. Often,
the gameplay of these games is straightforward. However, the link between en-
gagement and bodily exertion is bi-directional: games that provide an engaging
gameplay also encourage people to move more [5,1]. This increases their immer-
sion in the game, thus creating a feedback loop where gameplay, engagement and
physical exertion play key roles [1]. Given that these three elements are strongly
related, it makes sense to actively consider them in the design of body-centric
interactive installations.
Pasch et al. [15] identify four aspects that relate players’ movements to their
immersion and engagement levels: natural control, mimicry of movement, pro-
prioceptive feedback and physical challenge. Each of these have informed the
creation of the first prototype of Hang in There, a novel body-centric interactive
playground (See Figures 1 and 2 for an impression). In this paper, we describe
and evaluate the playground, which is aimed at promoting physical activity by
providing a new user experience that focuses on creating an increased sense of
immersion. A virtual 3D world with a digital version of the player is shown on
a large screen in front of the player. The aim of the game is to fly through
this world and collect as many coins and power-ups, while avoiding obstacles
and power-downs. The game is controlled by full-body movements. To provide a
sensory stimulus of flying, the player is suspended using a climbing harness and
rope while standing on a 45-degrees tilted platform.
We present an overview on postures, physical exertion and engagement in
games and simulations in the next section. The design, setup and implementation
of the Hang in There installation is discussed in Section 3, followed by a user
study to investigate the difference in engagement between playing the game in
a standing and hanging position. We conclude with a discussion on our findings
and present avenues of future work.

2 Exertion, Postures and Engagement

Several studies have shown that body-centric control in games increase the en-
gagement and immersion of the user (see [1,14] for an overview). Furthermore,
Riskind and Gotay showed that putting someone in a certain posture can have
a effect on their level of task persistence, expectations and (self-)perceived emo-
tional state [17]. Bianchi-Berthouze et al. [2] tested how playing Guitar Hero
with a standard PlayStation controller and a guitar-like controller affected the
engagement of the player. They found that a more natural way of control en-
courages the player to immerse himself in the game, which leads to a greater
emotional experience. In another study with Guitar Hero they instructed users
162 R. van Delden et al.

Fig. 1. Exploration of positions Fig. 2. The final prototype

about the ability to exhibit a more expressive movement and posture, tilting the
guitar instead of pushing a button. This led to a different type of engagement
and play, which tended to change to a more fantasy rich and more emerged play
[2]. Based on these and other studies Bianchi-Berthouze concluded that affording
body movements linked to role-play resulted in higher player engagement and
presence in the virtual world, users becoming more socially and probably more
emotionally involved [1].
Making use of affording posture change has been done in some commercial
games, simulators and art installations. There are virtual glider games in which
users hang in a glider in order to fly in a virtual environment, such as the Dream
Glider by Dreamilty Technologies, “Virtual Hang-Gliding over Rio de Janeiro”
by Soares et al. that even included a fan for simulating the wind [18], and another
“Virtual hang gliding over Rio” by YDreams for Rock in Rio 2011. There are
also several flight simulators that tilt the user, including the Jetpack Simulator
by Martin Aircraft Company. In this training simulator a user is strapped on a
small tilting platform that rotates slightly above the floor with the center point
of rotation around hip height. With respect to sports there are also simulators
which allow for realistic postures and movement that make the user more engaged
and primarily attempt to train the user efficiently. For instance, Skytechsport
created the Alpine Racer downhill simulator, in which the user experiences forces
including vibrations and tilt , limited to a flat horizontal plane, that simulate real
skies and slopes. Ars Electronica Futurelab created Humphrey (II), an interactive
Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric Interactive Playground 163

body-centric flight simulator. The user was hanging in a suit that is suspended
from the ceiling with ropes. Furthermore, they implemented a force feedback
system to simulate the forces during flight. The user could either fly through
the city of Linz or dive in the Danube by making body movements.1 Fels et al.
exhibited an installation that allowed users to swim while being in the air [4].
The participant was suspended in a harness that was suspended from a frame
with several ropes. In the 1990s Sega created a rotating arcade cabinet called
the R360. The user was strapped onto the cabinet’s chair similar as is done
in a roller-coaster. It had two rotating axes allowing for full rotation, the users
could thus even be upside down. Pasch et al. [15] studied how movement in sports
games affected the game experience using the Nintendo Wii. They observed that
play styles changed according to the motivation or goal of the players, namely
if they were playing to relax or to compete. They also found that control is an
important factor in the experience. By observing and interviewing the players,
they were able to define four movement features that affect players’ immersion:
natural control, mimicry of movements, proprioceptive feedback and physical
challenge. Natural control takes into account how similar the movements of the
player are with respect to those they would perform in real life. Mimicry of
movement refers to the mapping of the players’ movements to those of their
avatars or, if there is no avatar, in-game movements. Proprioceptive feedback
encompasses the sensory input. Lastly, physical challenge refers to how much
exertion the game requires. Two of the main goals of interactive playgrounds
are providing engaging, fun experiences and encouraging physical activity [16].
Therefore, these four features are specially important in the design of body-
centric interactive installations since they link engagement and immersion to a
player’s movement and, by consequence, to their physical activity.
Yao et al. [23] built a tangible “RopePlus” installation in which people could
remotely interact and play two games: “Multi-Fly” and “Multi-Jump”. The main
element of the system was a rope connected to a motor which sensed and limited
the movement of the rope. In its handle, the rope had an accelerometer and a
wireless communicator. When any of the two games was projected, the player
could either fly a kite or play jump the rope by using the rope that was provided
by the system. This is a typical example of natural control, as the movement are
similar as those performed with a real kite, or when jumping rope on a traditional
playground. Another example is the “Kick Ass Kung Fu” installation designed
by Hämäläinen et al. [6]. They designed a martial arts game where a player
could fight AI or player-controlled virtual characters. The setup was composed a
of a cushioned arena, with one big screen located at each side, where the player
was allowed to move. A webcam was used to observe the player who was, after
some computer vision processing, inserted into the game as one of the fighters.
On these screens, a standard 2D fighting platform game was projected, and the
player could move from side to side while punching, kicking, jumping or doing

A more detailed description of the Humprey II can be found on ausgabe 03 new.asp?iAreaID=294&
164 R. van Delden et al.

acrobatic moves to attack the enemy. Again, these movements are a natural way
of control, and they are mimicked in the virtual world. As the movements were
exagerated in the virtual world, the player was persuaded to make even more
spectacular jumps and kicks.
Recently, a lot of attention has been given to installations that focus on the
physical challenge feature. Mueller introduced the term exertion interfaces for
games that require the player to undergo physical exertion [10]. He argued that
this component makes the game more fun and encourages social bonding. For
instance, Mueller et al. [12] designed a game of table tennis for three participants.
The setup was similar to that which one uses when playing alone, i.e. instead
of a net, a wall is located in the center of the table so the ball bounces back to
the player when he volleys. The other players were back-projected to this wall,
each one occupying half of the wall. The players competed against each other by
breaking blocks that were overlaid on the video feed. They found the participants
engaged in social interactions often and enjoyed the competition element, even
though they sometimes got exhausted.
Although exertion games are able to increase a player’s engagement and im-
mersion levels, there is also an important relationship between gameplay and
the willingness to exercise. In their “Astrojumper” game, Finkelstein et al. [5]
found that gameplay attractiveness was related to exercise effectiveness. They
developed a virtual reality game where players had to dodge virtual planets that
sped towards them. The players wore stereoscopic goggles along with trackers
on their bodies to track their movements. These trackers gave the players a lot
of freedom in their movements, as they could move to the sides, jump, duck,
and shoot lasers to destroy objects. At the end of the playing session, the par-
ticipants stated they enjoyed the game and were extremely motivated to play
again, demonstrating that attractive gameplay can encourage physical activity.
Similar observations were made for the “Hanging off a Bar” installation [13].
The setup consisted of an exercise bar that players were to hang onto while
a game was projected underneath them. The game consists of a flowing river
where, occasionally, a raft drifts down and the player is allowed to let go of the
bar. However, once the raft drifts off the player has to hang onto the bar again.
The player loses if he lets go of the bar and “falls” into the water. In the evalua-
tion phase, players mentioned that they would invest more physically if, among
other things, the game facilitated fearful emotions or allowed to play with other
people, both of which make up elements of gameplay.

3 Hang in There System Design

The different movement features and their relation to engagement must be con-
sidered when designing body-centric interfaces. In this section, we discuss how
we designed an engaging installation that supports proprioceptive feedback, nat-
ural control, movement mimicking and physical exertion, at the same time. By
carefully designing the different game elements, we aim at increasing immersion
and engagement, with the ultimate goal of increasing the fun experience and the
amount of movement.
Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric Interactive Playground 165

Fig. 3. Screenshot of gameplay with avatar in starting position

3.1 Physical Setup

We set out to design a novel body-centric interactive playground that elicits the
experience of flying in the user. This feeling is created by putting players in a
extreme forward tilted position. As a consequence, the center of gravity is in
front of the feet, forcing the body to fall forward. To accomplish this, the player
stands on a smooth, tilted platform while being attached to a climbing rope and
harness (Figure 2). Different tilt angles for the platform were tested (Figure 1)
to experience the feeling of suspension, and the comfort of the position and
equipment. Being totally suspended provided a great experience, however it was
unfeasible to maintain this position for long because of the pain caused by the
chosen equipment. This could be remedied by adding more support points at
the cost of a reduced feeling of freedom. Even with the current setup, there is a
certain level of discomfort, especially around the hips and abdomen, that limits
the maximum amount of playtime. Better/different equipment could be tried in
the future.

3.2 System Architecture

We had a single system consisting of a game engine with a Kinect for Xbox sensor
running on a single laptop, outputted to a projector and speakers. The game is
created in Unity 4.1, a free to use 3D game development system and engine. To
166 R. van Delden et al.

interpret and deal with the movements of the user, we make use of Kinect for
Windows SDK 1.6 and an existing Kinect wrapper from the asset store of Unity
3D2 . To allow for reasonable performance and ease of use we altered some parts
of this wrapper. We removed the automatic rotation of the Kinect sensor and
the gesture recognition functionality.

3.3 Game Controls

The game consists of a player flying through a virtual world, in which he is

represented by a 3D avatar in third-person view (see Figure 3). The world is
projected on a wall in front of the player. Once a player is recognized with the
Kinect skeleton tracker, the avatar will move forward at a constant speed. The
game lasts 109 seconds, and ends with the player going through the finish line,
since the speed of the player is unaffected by any game interaction.
The player’s movements are mimicked by the avatar and are used to navigate
through the virtual world (see Figure 4). Specifically, the player can navigate to
the left or right of the virtual world by moving to his left or right respectively.
This movement is physically demanding because his center of gravity is in front
of him, but also because the player is drawn back to the center because of the
harness attachment point. Therefore, maintaining a steady position on any one
side requires the player to use muscles located in the legs and abdomen. The
player can also ascend, descend or maintain his current altitude in the virtual
world by quickly flapping his arms, holding them close to his body, or extending
them outwards respectively. These movements exercise the arms and shoulders.
The Kinect is placed on the floor pointing towards the person hanging on the
platform. In this set-up, the legs were not always recognized properly, among
other reasons due to the short distance between the player and the Kinect.
Therefore, we decided to remove the bindings of those “Kinect joints” to the
avatar. Instead, the legs simply followed the rotation of the hip bone, always
fully extended.
We evidenced that the instinctive way to flap the arms changed from player
to player, but it also depended on their current position. When hanging, most
players moved their arms up and down along their body, while others moved
them back and forth, as if they were birds. In the standing position, almost every
player moved their arms up and down along their bodies. Since the platform
where players stand on is tilted approximately 45 degrees, we allowed users to
flap either up and down, or back and forth. The elbow joints gave the best
recognition results for these movements. Hands, for instance, were sometimes
not recognized if they were too close to the body or too far to the sides for the
Kinect to recognize.
The recognition of flapping is done with the displacement in y-axis (vertical)
and z-axis (depth perpendicular to Kinect) of the elbow joints. This displacement
is normalized with the length of the hips to the shoulders, to even out differences
Kinect with MS-SDK, version 1.3, https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/
Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric Interactive Playground 167

Fig. 4. Game instructions Fig. 5. Power-ups and downs

in body lengths between subjects. If the sum of displacement over the last 12
frames (approximately 0,5 second) is higher than a predetermined threshold,
the avatar moves up with a force proportional to this displacement.Falling, or
descending, occurs when the player keeps his arms close to the body. The vertical
distance between the elbows and hips are normalized based on the distance
between the hips and shoulders. If this normalized distance is below a certain
threshold, the avatar will descend with a force proportional to this value. These
forces should allow the user to have some control over the vertical movement.
Even though we wanted the players to use their whole body to play, the
fact that the Kinect could not always recover the location of the legs was an
inconvenience. We circumvented this by looking at the absolute position of the
player’s hip joint in space. By stepping left and right, this joint moves and we use
this to position the player’s avatar. We tested several multiplication values to
empirically find one that allowed the users to move comfortably and fairly, while
exaggerating the movements slightly to give them a sense of empowerment.

3.4 Game Objects

The goal of the game is to collect as many points as possible by collecting coins
that float in the air. However, there are obstacles represented as fire spitting
dragons3, that will reduce the number of points. To persuade the players to
move more to the sides, which should require more physical effort, more coins
are placed to the sides of the virtual world and more dragons in the middle. In
fact, we placed more coins at the right side of the screen, compared to the left
side, to be able to measure whether coin placement would affect the players’
sideways movements.
Furthermore, there are several power-ups that make it easier to collect points
and power-downs that make it harder to do so (see Figure 5). These modifiers,
which are represented as textured boxes, are placed throughout the virtual world
to make the game more engaging and add some variation into the gameplay.
Dragon model Larry obtained from http://www.sharecg.com/v/37318/
168 R. van Delden et al.

There are three classes of modifiers in overall, with each class having a power-up
and a power-down. The first class affects the amount of coins the player collects
(“coins double”, “coins half”), the second affects the size of the coins present
in the field (“coins grow”, “coins shrink”), and the third affects the context of
the game (“shield”, “drunk”). There are 8 instances (4 power-ups and 4 power-
downs) of each class scattered in the game, e.g. 4 modifiers to double the collected
coins and 4 modifiers to halve the collected coins. The only exception is the
contextual modifier class, which had 8 power-downs and 4 power-ups. The first
two classes are self-explanatory, however the contextual modifiers warrant an
explanation. The “drunk” power-down severely shakes the screen of the player
when collided against, making it harder to collect coins for a brief period of
time. The number of instances of this power-down was doubled because it had
a high entertaining value during the development of the installation. The other
contextual modifier, the “shield” power-up, prevents the player from losing coins
when colliding against dragons (or their fire) once. The duration of the shield is
short, and disappears if not used. The shield is represented as a purple, semi-
transparent half-sphere that directly in front of the player.
Multimodal feedback is provided during the game when different events occur.
The player’s score is shown in the top center of the screen to encourage him to
collect as many coins as possible. Encouraging messages, along with appropriate
sounds, are also triggered when players collect power ups. When hitting the
dragon or its fire, the camera shakes and a short burning sound is played. Every
collected coin triggers a “Mario Bros” coin collecting sound. When the avatar of
the user is flying too low or too high, a warning sign is shown. When the players
reaches certain milestone scores, he is praised with “Awesome!”, “Great!” or
“Keep going!” messages. Upon crossing the finish line, a firework sequence is
shown and a cheering sound is played.

4 User Study

We wanted to evaluate whether being suspended elicited a sense of immersion

and increased the engagement of the Hang in There installation. To do this,
we tested two different conditions in which the players played the game while
standing or in the tilted hanging position. The design, physical setup, procedure
and results are discussed in this section.

4.1 Experimental Design

In order to compare the standing and suspended conditions, the game and the
movements to control the avatar were kept equal. Therefore, only the physical
position of the body changed. We used a within-subjects design, so each par-
ticipant played the same game once in both physical positions. The order was
alternated between sessions. There is no standard method to evaluate exertion
interfaces [11]. Here, we use questionnaires, an informal interview, and an anal-
ysis of the movements of the players.
Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric Interactive Playground 169

Fig. 6. Standing condition of Hang in There

4.2 Physical Setup

We conducted the experiments at the Unversidade Nova de Lisboa. The setup

was placed in a corridor of the main building of the faculty of science and tech-
nology. The physical setup for the experiment consisted of a tilted platform, a
harness, a climbing rope, a projector, a laptop, a projection surface and a Kinect.
The tilted platform was built with wooden boards that were fixed together and
supported by table frames with several counterweights. The slope was about 45
degrees. In the hanging position, the participant stood on the tilted platform,
held by the harness. The player faced the screen in a tilted position, assuming a
body posture that elicits the feeling of flying. In the standing condition, the par-
ticipant assumed an upward position, parallel to the screen. During the standing
condition, the player was still held with the harness to limit the motion and keep
the amplitude of movements from left to right similar in both conditions (Figure
6). Again, the participant faced the screen.
The projector was placed on the floor, behind the platform, by cutting a hole
in it. This was done to maximize the projection area, while taking care to avoid
casting shadows. A 3 × 2-meter projection cloth was fixed to a wall, about two
meters from the platform. The large dimensions of the screen were thought to
170 R. van Delden et al.

facilitate the feeling of immersion in the game (see Figure 6). The Kinect camera
was placed on the floor, just in front of the cloth.

4.3 Procedure
After signing a consent form, the harness was put on and the rules and control
of the game were briefly explained. The participant had up to two minutes to
test run the game and familiarize himself with the movements and controls. The
test run was played while the participant was standing on the floor. Afterwards,
the first game was played, in a hanging or standing position, depending on the
specified order. Immediately after playing the game, the participant filled in an
online version of the Gaming Engagement Questionnaire (GEQ Revised) [3]. In
our revised version of the GEQ questionnaire, items that did not relate to the
concept of our game were excluded and some of the terminology was adapted to
our installation (see Appendix A for the revised questionnaire). Following this,
the participant returned to the platform to play again in the second condition.
Once finished, the participant again completed the GEQ. Finally, we asked brief
questions about the game experience. For each participant, the duration of the
entire experiment was around 20 minutes. In addition to the questionnaires and
interview, we recorded the joint data of the Kinect skeleton tracker. These joint
positions and rotations were saved every 6 frames.

4.4 Results
Fourteen participants played the game (11 men, 3 women, average age: 30.2
years, age range: 24-44 years). They were researchers and students of different
fields, including computer science and psychology. Each participant played the
game twice, once in each condition.

GEQ-R. We excluded the question “How often do you play games from this
genre?” of the revised GEQ as it does not measure engagement. The results
for questions 17,18,21 and 22 were mirrored in order to have a positive value
corresponding to an increase in engagement for all questions. We first checked
the correlation between the items, which resulted in a Cronbach’s alpha of .843
if both sessions are included. This suggests that the questionnaire successfully
measures a scale for engagement. Although the mean engagement value for the
GEQ-r was slightly higher for the hanging (μ = 4.91, σ = 0.65) compared to the
standing position (μ = 4.77, σ = 0.64) a paired-sample two-tailed t-test did not
show significant difference between the two conditions.
Next, we investigate some questions into more detail. The majority of the
players (n = 8) answered they were more inclined to play the game again for the
hanging condition. The other six participants gave the same response for both
conditions (μ = 5.79, σ = 0.97 for hanging and μ = 4.79, σ = 1.53 for stand-
ing). A paired sample t-test indicated a significant difference (p < 0.01). When
corrected for the number of questions, to eliminate the probability of obtain-
ing significant differences by chance, we divided α by the number of questions
Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric Interactive Playground 171

Fig. 7. Scatter plot for standing (left) and hanging condition (right), representing hip
position on the x-axis in mm

and found that the difference was not significant. We found marginal differences
for questions Q2 (“How much delay did you experience”) (p = 0.06) and Q20
(“How completely were you engaged in the game”) (p = 0.07), indicating a fa-
vorable trend towards the hanging condition. Other questions did not approach
significance level.

Movement Logs. Next, we turn to the tracked joint positions. We noticed that
the position of the extremities (hands and feet) were not always estimated. In
the game, we therefore used the position of the elbows to detect the flapping.
Moreover, we did not use the positions of the knees and feet, but rather the
estimated hip positions. In this analysis, we take a similar approach.
We start by analyzing the variation in the hip center in the direction paralel to
the screen. Overall, results showed no difference between both conditions in terms
of movement in this direction. Since one of our goals was to persuade people to
move to the sides instead of staying in the center, we analyzed the position of the
avatar. To do this, we needed to compensate for the start position, since the data
showed that people started, on average, 2 cm (standing) and 4cm (hanging) to
the right. The average position of the players was significantly more to the sides
than the center, as measured with a one-sample two-sided t-test (p < 0.001),
with the average hip position on the x-axis over both conditions per participant.
We found a systematic bias to the right of 28cm on average. This tendency to
move to the right corresponds to the distribution of the coins, as more coins were
located on the right side of the field. The importance of this finding is discussed
in the next section. See also Figure 7.
Next, we turn to the vertical movement in the game, which was due to the
flapping and holding the elbows close to the body. In Figure 8, we show the
movement of elbows. We calculated the distance between the two elbows and
172 R. van Delden et al.

Fig. 8. Bar plot showing mean movement of elbow distance in mm over time

took the difference between successfully recognized frames. This is directly re-
lated to the actual recognized elbow joints and to the intention to flap. There
is no significant difference in the mean amount of movement between the two

Open-ended Interview. Five participants clearly indicated that they pre-

ferred the hanging over the standing condition. For instance, one participant
stated “Hanging was much more fun, the other one is not so special” and some
of them stated they wanted to play the hanging game again, or that the session
was too short. The other participants were not as open about their preference.
Interestingly, even though the players incurred physical discomfort in the hang-
ing position, no one indicated they preferred the standing position. Apart from
their preference, four participants indicated the control or recognition had to be
improved, e.g. “The translation is a little bit unnatural, was expecting to be more
like a child flying”. This was due to the fact that instead of stepping to the sides
to make the avatar go to any one side, he thought it would be better to rotate
his upper body to do so.

5 Discussion and Future Work

We have implemented Hang in There, a novel body-centric installation that aims
to encourage physical exertion and an enhanced sense of immersion in the player.
To this end, we designed an installation where the user is suspended on a climbing
rope while playing a coin-collecting game. The player’s avatar is controlled using
body movements. We wanted to research how body position and movement could
Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric Interactive Playground 173

affect the engagement of the player. The interactive playground was tested with
fourteen participants that each played the game in two conditions: in a normal
standing position and hanging in a forward tilted position.
Our results do not show a statistical significant difference in engagement be-
tween the two conditions, although there appeared to be a tendency to be more
engaged in the hanging condition. Testing more participants could prove whether
this difference is significant. Several participants indicated they liked the experi-
ence of hanging more. When asked if they would like to play the game again, they
were more inclined to play in the hanging position, approaching significance on
a corrected confidence level. The hanging condition did not lead to an increased
amount of body movement. In fact, there was less arm movement in the hanging
condition. One possible explanation of this observation is that keeping the body
upright in the hanging condition required exertion. With the current measure-
ments, we are not able to investigate this into more detail. Measuring muscle
activations might provide the data to perform these analyses.
An important finding came from the displacement in the horizontal direction
of the players. Since we wanted the players to move sideways instead of staying
in the center of the field, we located the majority of the coins on the sides.
Moreover, there were more coins to the right of the field than to the left. We
found that, in both conditions, the players were moving to the right more often
than to the left. This shows that it would be possible to modify how people play a
game, or persuade them to play in a specific manner, by changing the elements
of the game and their disposition. Instead of scattering the coins all over the
field, in a future version we might place them in other patterns, to stimulate the
players to follow these patterns in their movement. Having a trail of coins that
crosses the field might be better, since the players would have to move more in
order to score.
Based on the positive feedback of the participants, we think our installa-
tion has potential for further development. The action recognition, control of
the game and comfort could be improved, to increase the enjoyment of playing
the game. To reduce the delay between body movement and in-game response,
induced both by the Kinect recognition software and the game’s working prin-
ciples, we will consider more direct measurements. One solution could be to use
a Wii-controller or accelerometer attached to the upper arm for recognition of
flapping. A solution that is considered for detecting movements to the sides, is
the use of less demanding computer vision algorithms based on the depth chan-
nel of the Kinect. Furthermore, new versions of the Kinect sensor might also
lead to a reduction of this delay.
Given the close relation between engagement and social play, we expect that
the game can be more enjoyable, but also lead to more exertion, when played
with two players. Future work will be aimed at investigating how competition
and cooperation can be achieved, and how this impacts both the engagement and
level of exertion. To this end, two players could be suspended from a rope, side-
by-side. Even though each player has their own side of the platform, interesting
interactions could take place in the center of the platform. For instance, players
174 R. van Delden et al.

holding hands to remain in the center to avoid obstacles, or pushing each other
to the sides when competing for resources in this shared physical space. In such
a scenario players are not required to fixate solely on the projection to keep
performing in the game. These kind of interactions could allow for a further
increase of social play [1].
Moreover, we consider improving the immersion of the game by 3D projec-
tions in combination with 3D glasses. To further add to an increased sense of
flying, future work could include fans, more realistic sound effects and 3D sound
Finally, we expect that the Hang in There installation provides a suitable
platform for the research into exertion and engagement. We plan to investigate
more closely how certain aspects of the game play such as the control and body
position affect the level and type of exertion. Measurements of muscle contraction
and more accurate body movement could help in shining a light on this topic.

Acknowledgments. This publication was supported by the Dutch national

program COMMIT. The authors would like to thank Yves Rybarczyk and Tiago
Cardoso for organizing eNTERFACE 2013, of which the project “Body-Centric
Play” was part of. We would also like to thank Dirk Heylen for his support and
Jan Kolkmeijer for sharing his expertise of Unity 3D.

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176 R. van Delden et al.

A Gaming Engagement Questionnaire Revised (GEQ-R)

Hang in There: A Novel Body-Centric Interactive Playground 177
178 R. van Delden et al.
KINterestTV - Towards Non-invasive Measure
of User Interest While Watching TV

Julien Leroy1 , François Rocca1 , Matei Mancas1 , Radhwan Ben Madhkour1 ,

Fabien Grisard1 , Tomas Kliegr2 , Jaroslav Kuchar2,3 , Jakub Vit4 , Ivan Pirner4 ,
and Petr Zimmermann4
University of Mons, Belgium
Department of Information and Knowledge Engineering
University of Economics, Prague
Web Engineering Group
Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University, Prague
Faculty of Applied Science
University of West Bohemia, Pilsen

Abstract. Is it possible to determine only by observing the behavior

of a user what are his interests for a media? The aim of this project
is to develop an application that can detect whether or not a user is
viewing a content on the TV and use this information to build the user
profile and to make it evolve dynamically. Our approach is based on the
use of a 3D sensor to study the movements of a user’s head to make
an implicit analysis of his behavior. This behavior is synchronized with
the TV content (media fragments) and other user interactions (clicks,
gestural interaction) to further infer viewer’s interest. Our approach is
tested during an experiment simulating the attention changes of a user in
a scenario involving second screen (tablet) interaction, a behavior that
has become common for spectators and a typical source of attention

Keywords: user tracking, face detection, face direction, face tracking,

visual attention, interest, TV, gesture.

1 Introduction

Imagine a 10 years old child in front of his TV today. He will probably be

connected to the web, a tablet or a smartphone in his hands, to browse Wikipedia
looking for additional information on the animal show that he is looking or
sharing on social networks while watching the main screen.

Y. Rybarczyk et al. (Eds.): eNTERFACE 2013, IFIP AICT 425, pp. 179–199, 2014.

c IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
180 J. Leroy et al.

The television, is changing to become more connected, reducing the boundary

between the Internet and the television. At the age of high-speed broadband
connections, the viewing experience becomes more interactive and connected to
extra-content and social networks.
A recent study by Accenture [15] on consumer habits in front of their TV
shows that 62% of the viewers simultaneously use a laptop while in 41% of
cases a smartphone is used along with the TV. Another interesting point they
highlight is that one of the main problems for the content provider is to find
how to capture the customer attention by offering the right video content to
respond to the viewer expectations. One of the goals of the future TV will be to
be able to answer this demand. Most personalization systems are currently based
on content personalization by explicit analysis of user actions (remote control,
selected channels ...).
In this project and within the research program LinkedTV [1], we are inter-
ested in the explicit and implicit analysis of user actions, our goal is to design
a tool for personalization based on the analysis of non verbal behavior of the
viewer. To do this, the approach we used, is to analyze the attention and actions
that a user can have by using a 3D sensor.
The explicit analysis is performed by the integration of both classical remote
control interaction and gesture commands.
For the implicit analysis, one of the tracks that we explore is the possibility
of detecting viewers’ interest during the display of different media fragments on
the TV screen. This information is important because it can tell us when, what
and how the media interests a user, which will allow to modify the viewer profile
without any explicit request or as complementary information along with explicit
interactions. To achieve this goal, we implement a solution of head detection and
pose estimation using a low-cost depth camera. This choice was made due to the
democratization of this type of sensors and their arrival in the home through
gaming platforms [24]. Moreover, TV manufacturers begin to integrate cameras
into their new systems, regarding the sensors we can see the willingness of the
makers to miniaturize sensors such as PrimeSense new camera ”Capri” [26].
Thus, we can expect to see in the coming years 3D sensors directly integrated
into televisions. But not only integrated into a TV screen, one of the interests
of the video connected to the web is its availability across the network on a
large number of connected components (smartphone and tablet), in which the
3D miniaturized sensors will soon also be incorporated.
Another aspect that we discussed is the ability to scan the media to assess
its ability to attract the attention of a user. We want to measure the level
of bottom-up attention within the images. For that a first implementation of
an attention mechanism based on rarity was implemented in c++ to enable
the rapid processing of a large number of images. Based on this algorithm we
proposed the concept of Metadata attention related to areas of media. Useful for
understanding the behavior of a viewer may display.
The next section provides information about the technical architecture of the
system which will be afterwards detailed as following: section 3 presents the
KINterestTV 181

explicit interaction realized with a gesture recognition method, section 4 focuses

on the implicit interactions related to the attention mechanisms while section 5
details the web player and aggregator used to synchronize the viewer behavior
and the displayed media fragments. Section 6 presents the experiment we realized
to validate our approach and provides some cues about the analysis of the results
for media personalization and finally we conclude and present future works.

2 Technical Architecture
The system, Figure 1, we have developed has five distinct modules three are inte-
grated into a single workflow and the other 2 are additional elements supporting
and adding value to the main module. The three main modules are:

1. Attention Tracker. Implicit analysis module of our system, its goal is to

study the movements of a user’s head and detect if he looks or not a screen
and determines whether he focuses on it. The method used is based on face
detection in 2D and 3D then the head pose estimation based on the resulting
3D point cloud.
2. Gesture recognition. Explicit analysis that allows the control of the interface
using simple gesture recognition. The recognition technique employed uses
the descriptive method by representing a simple gesture like a state machine.
The gesture is recognized when all the states are validated.
3. Web interface, HTML5 player and aggregator. This module communicates
with other elements using websockets, it is a web player based on Node.js
[2], it can play Youtube videos while offering, by analyzing video subtitles,
additional content in real time. This module will collect and aggregate all
explicit actions taken by the user as well as a status of visual fixation on the
player. These data is aggregated to develop a dynamic user’s profile.

The other two parallel elements are:

1. Bottom-up attention metadata: the aim here is to augment the media by
determining regions of interest that can provoke a bottom-up attention re-
action in a subject. The image can be segmented into more or less salient
regions. This information is interesting because it gives us a prediction about
the probable interest of a viewer, an interest that can then be validated by
the attention tracker.
2. Ground truth generator. This additional software is used for annotation and
generation of database for face recognition and active appearance modeling.

3 Explicit Interaction: Gesture Recognition

There are a lot of possible sensors which allow performing gesture recognition. On
one hand, several wearable sensors are available, as accelerometers or gyroscopes.
The data they provide does not need a lot of processing before using gesture
182 J. Leroy et al.

Fig. 1. The software architecture of the project with the different modules. Red: atten-
tion tracker with face recognition and head pose estimation. Yellow: gesture recognition.
Blue: attention mechanism and metadata generation. Cyan: ground truth generation.
Gray: player and data aggregation.

recognition algorithms, and most of the time, filtering is enough. On the other
hand, some sensors use standard or RGBD cameras and provide classical RGB
images or/and 3D depth maps and 3D clouds of the scene. In this latter case,
the acquired data has to be processed to extract the shape of the user and follow
his gestures. For the LinkedTV project, we chose an RGBD sensor. This sensor
provides, in addition to classical RGB images a depth map of the scene which
describes the objects position related to the one of the camera. An example of
depth map is displayed in Figure 2.
The use of an RGBD sensor is also in line with the fact that the same sensor is
also used to extract interest information (see section 4). The idea is to use only
one RGBD sensor to extract interest and gestures from the viewers. Currently we
need to use two different sensors (one for interest and one for gestures) because
the head direction extraction needs the current cameras to be not further than 1
meter from the viewer while the context camera needs a global view of the scene
and this is thus located on the TV. Nevertheless, the new generation RGBD
KINterestTV 183

Fig. 2. RGBD camera depth map. Clear pixels are closer to the camera than dark
ones. Post processing on this depth map let us extract the viewer silhouette (in cyan)
and the viewer skeleton (red dots linked by red lines).

cameras (like the Microsoft Kinect 2 which will be available in 2014) will allow
us to get interest and emotional cues even when the camera is far from the viewer
like in the typical living rooms (2-3 meters of distance with the viewers).
For the current developments we used an Asus Xtion depth sensor which is
low cost, not wearable, and is able to scan the whole scene. Furthermore, it
comes with OpenNI software and the Primesens drivers that allow the find users
in the scene and to track their virtual skeletons in 3D (see Figure 2). Among
the lots of existing algorithms already used for gesture recognition (Gesture
Follower [7], DTW [6], etc.), we chose here the simplest approach: the descriptive
method. F. Kistler (from Augsburg University, Germany) developed the Full-
Body Interaction Framework (FUBI) [18], an open-source framework that uses a
Kinect-like RGBD sensor and that has been successfully used in many situations
[20], [19], [16].
The main difference between this method and the others is the learning phase.
In other approaches, we have to teach to the system how to interpret the gesture
by giving it a basis of examples. With the descriptive method, the user has to
learn how to perform the gesture and to do it according to the initial description.
The developer defines the gestures either directly in C++ classes or in an XML
file (the latter solution being more flexible as modifications can be done and
reloaded while the program is running). The gestures consist in some boolean
combinations of basic elements, function of the time. These basic elements are
184 J. Leroy et al.

Table 1. Gesture implemented and recognized in the project

Referent Function Gesture description

Focus Get the system attention Draw a circle with one hand in any
Play/Pause Start to play/pause the media The right hand stay stable 40 cm in
front of the torso for at least 2 seconds
Stop Stop to play the media Arms crossed for at least 0.5 seconds
Next/Previous Next/previous media/channel Right hand moves to right/left quickly
Volume value Set the volume value Left arm vertical and right hand near
from it, volume = 1 when the right
hand is at the same height as left hand
and volume = 0 when the right hand
is at the same height as left elbow
Mute Mute the volume The left hand stay stable 40 cm in
front of the torso for at least 2 seconds
Help Pop up the help menu Both hands near head
Add book- Add a bookmark on the cur- Right hand stay stable 40cm in front
mark rently played media of the torso for at least 0.3s and then
moves up normally
Remove book- Remove a bookmark on the cur- Right hand stay stable 40cm in front
mark rently played media of the torso for at least 0.3s and then
moves down normally
Lock/Unlock Pass over controls / accept con- Left hand above head moves left nor-
trols mally, then left hand above head and
moves right normally

the relative position (right hand above head), orientation (left arm oriented
front) or linear movements (left hand moves to the left at a minimum speed of
800mm/s) of the skeleton joints. They are updated at each newly acquired frame
and give a binary outcome. These binary values are combined in different states,
during a defined period of time. All the states make a kind of pipeline, and if
the gesture is performed in the order of this pipeline, within the correct timings,
it is detected.
For this project, a set of 16 commonly used commands were selected, inspired
by Vatavu [29]. According to Wobbrock et al. therminology [31], theses commands
are called referents. This list of referents should cover all the functions needed to
control a TV in a basic use, like navigating into the media, setting the volume,
interacting with menus and asking for help. They are presented in Table 1.
We opted for a limited set of referents for two reasons. The first one is the
same as proposed by Vatavu [29]: ”The number of gesture commands people
can remember for effective use should be limited in order not to increase cogni-
tive load. More individual commands would translate into complex designs with a
similar puzzling effect [. . . ] Also, menus represent a viable option to group other,
less frequent, commands” [5]. The second one is linked to the gesture recogni-
tion method we use: more gestures could lead to interaction between them and
unwanted detections.
KINterestTV 185

To limit the interactions between gestures, we added a ”focus” command, a

gesture to be performed before most of the other commands to get the attention
of the system. If no gestures have been detected after 2.5 seconds, the focus is
lost and all the new gestures are ignored until the focus gesture is performed.
The TV can be locked or unlocked to prevent any gesture performed in front
of the system to be interpreted as a command. It is the same idea as Focus
command but in a more restrictive way. Only gestures which need to be done
immediately like bookmark do not need to be initiated using the focus gesture.
For flexibility reasons, the gesture description has been implemented in an
XML file. Most of the gestures were inspired by [28]. In this experiment, people
were told to imagine gestures to match each referent, although the referents were
not exactly the same as in our case. After some experiments we agreed on this
set of gestures, some of them are used for different referents, depending on the
According to FUBI implementation, there are different types of gestures. Pos-
tures are static gestures that have to be maintained for a certain period of time
to be detected. Linear movement are a simple movement performed at a certain
speed (we chose 1m/s for normal speed and 2m/s for fast speed). Combina-
tions are complex gestures which need more than one linear movement to be
described. Dynamic postures are like postures but one of the joint is moving and
its position, relatively to other joints, is translated into a continuous value (e.g.
to control a continuous parameter, such as volume).
As it will be used very often, the focus gesture should be easy to remember
and to perform. We chose to implement it as a circle, drawn with the right or
the left hand in any direction. The only restriction is to start it from the top.
Each time a gesture is recognized, a message is sent to the attention tracker
system (see section 4). The attention tracker packs the message by using the
websockets protocol and sends it to the web player (section 5) which is controlled
by those gestures. Some controls (play/pause, etc) are fattened by the web player
with the video or media fragment ID and time and forwarded to the aggregator
system (section 5.2).

4 Implicit Interaction: Attention Tracker

Movement and orientation of the head are important non-verbal cues that can
convey rich information about a person’s behaviour and attention [30][17]. Ide-
ally, to find out if a user is looking at the screen or not, we should extract the
ocular movements of the subject. But given the experimental conditions mainly
in terms of sensor to viewer distance and in terms of sensor resolution, it is not
possible for us to have access to such information. Therefore our system will be
based on the assumption that to detect changes in visual focus, the gaze of a
person is considered to be similar to the direction of his head. As stated in [25],
”[...]Head pose estimation is intrinsically linked with visuel gaze estimation ...
By itself, head pose provides a coarse indication of gaze that can be estimated
in situations when the eyes of a person are not visible[...]”. Several studies rely
186 J. Leroy et al.

and validate this hypothesis as shown in [3]. Therefore, we will detect visual
attention switches and focus by studying the orientation of the head.
Until recently, the literature has mainly focused on the automatic estimation
of the poses based on standard images or videos. One of the major issues that
must be addressed to obtain a good estimator is to be invariant to variables
such as: camera distortions, illumination, face shape and expressions or features
(glasses, beard). Many techniques have been developed over the years such as
appearance template methods, detector array methods, non linear array meth-
ods, manifold regression methods, flexible methods, geometric method, tracking
method and hybrid methods. More information on these methods can be found
in [25]. More recently, with the arrival of low cost depth sensor, more accurate
solutions have emerged [12][10]. Based on the use of depth maps, those meth-
ods are able to overcome known problems on 2D images as illumination or low
contrast backgrounds. In addition, they greatly simplify the spatial positioning
of the head with a global coordinate system directly related to the metric of the
analysed scene. Many of these techniques are based on a head tracking method
which unfortunately often requires initialization and also undergoes a drift. An-
other approach, based on the frame to frame analysis as the method developed
by [11], provides robust and impressive results. This method is well suited for a
living room and TV scenario. It is robust to illumination conditions that can be
very variable in this case (dim light, television only source of light, etc.) but is
based on a 3D sensor like the Microsoft Kinect.
The approach we propose here is based on the work developed in [23] and [22].
To improve the exploitation and use of our system as an element to be integrated
into a set top box, the system architecture and interaction of different elements
have been integrated as in shown in Figure.3.
The proposed system is based on the head detection and pose estimation on
a depth map. Our goal is to achieve head tracking in real time and estimate the
six degrees of freedom (6DOF) of the detected head (spatial coordinates, pitch,
yaw and roll). The advantage of a 3D system is that it uses only geometric
information on the point cloud and is independent of the illumination issues
which can dramatically change in front of a device like a TV. The proposed
system can even operate in the dark or in rapidly varying light conditions, which
is not possible with face tracking systems working on RGB images. In addition,
the use of 3D data provide more stable results than 2D data which can be mislead
by projections of the 3D world on 2D images. Finally, the use of depth maps
let us extract people position and features. This is also important as people
detection with no face detection means that the head either has a more than 60
degrees of pitch or 75 degrees of yaw.
The method used here is based on the approach developed in [13][14] and
implemented in the PCL library [4]. This solution relies on the use of a random
forest [8] extended by a regression step. This allows us to detect faces and their
orientations on the depth map. The method consists of a training stage during
which we build the random forest and an on-line detection stage where the
patches extracted from the current frame are classified using the trained forest.
KINterestTV 187

The training process is done only once and it is not user-dependent. One initial
training is enough to handle multiple users without any additional configuration
or re-training. This is convenient in a large public setup as the one of people
watching TV. The training stage is based on the BIWI dataset [14] containing
over 15000 images of 20 people (6 females and 14 males). This dataset covers a
large set of head pose (±75 degrees yaw and ±60 degrees pitch) and generalizes
the detection step.
During the test step, a leaf of the trees composing the forest stores the ratio
of face patches that arrived to it during training as well as two multi-variate
Gaussian distributions voting for the location and orientation of the head. This
step of the algorithm provides the head position and a rough head orientation
on any new individual without the need of re-training. We than apply a final
processing step which consists in registering a generic face cloud over the re-
gion corresponding to the estimated position of the head. This last step greatly
stabilizes the final head position result.
To improve the performance of tracking and include elements such as face
recognition, the major change that we made on the software architecture was
to use a 2D face detection (HAAR) as a pre-filter step, Figure 3. This first step
performed on the RGB image from the sensor has several advantages:

1. Information limitation. It reduces the cloud information that need to be

processed for estimating the users head orientation: the classification of the
underlying point cloud can be speeded up.
2. Cross detection. The 2D face detection has also the other advantage to be a
predetection test and eliminates some false detections which might occur if
the system was only based on the geometrical data.
3. Face recognition. Based on the face detection, we realize a face recognition
step to identify the user. This information is used to recognize a known user
and to track his beahavior. The face recognition process work by fusing the
results of 3 classical face recognition algorithms implemented in the OpenCV
library (LBPH, FisherFace, EigenFace).

To detect if a user watches the screen or not, we reconstruct a virtual simplified

model of the real scene. Therefore, knowing the 6DOF position of the face of the
person detected, it is possible to estimate the point of intersection between the
screen virtual model and the orientation of the head (Figure 4). In this way, we
can synchronize annotated media with the head tracker and estimate where the
user is looking.
This information is sent to a user manager where it is fused with gestural
information (obtained as described in section 3) and than forwarded to the net-
work manager module which sends it using websockets protocol to the web player
(section 5).
188 J. Leroy et al.

Fig. 3. Attention tracker workflow: 3D head pose and face recognition result go to
the user profile and TV behaviour analysis which proceed to information low-level
processing and fusion and forward it to the network manager module. The network
manager takes all the messages (from the interest module, context tracking module
and gesture module) and sends them to the player using the websockets protocol. The
player enriches the messages with the video ID and time and forwards to the GAIN
module that will aggregate the data.

4.1 MetAttention: Image Metadata Based on a Visual Attention


If it is possible to identify where a user approximatively looks at, this infor-

mation can be supplemented by bottom-up attention induced by the media. To
investigate this kind of attention and couple it with the observation done on
the user’s behavior, we implemented a computational attention mechanism to
analyze the bottom-up stimuli sent by the media. This algorithm is based on a
bottom-up attention mechanism using a multi-scale rarity [27].
There are three main steps. First, we extract low-level colour and medium-
level orientation features. Afterwards, a multi-scale rarity mechanism is applied.
Finally, we fuse rarity maps into a single final saliency map. Contrary to RGB
KINterestTV 189

Fig. 4. 3D rendering of our system. On the left, we can observe the 3D point cloud
obtained with the depth camera. The head pose estimation algorithm is applied on this
cloud, if a face is detected, we retrieve a vector of the head direction and compute an
estimation of where the user is watching on the virtual screen.

color space, some alternative colour spaces (in our case YCbCr) give better
uncorrelate colour information. Moreover, the nonlinear relations between their
component are intended to mimic the nonlinear response of the eye. At this
stage, the algorithm split in two pathways. The first one, mainly deals with
colours (low-level features) while the second one with textures (medium-level
features). While the first pathway directly uses the colour transformation and
computes its rarity, the second pathway extracts orientation features maps by
using a set of Gabor filters. These filters were chosen because they are similar to
simple cells of the visual cortex in the brain [9]. For more information about the
attention mechanism which was partly implemented, the reader can refer to [27].
The algorithm was implemented in C++ using OpenCV and multithreading, the
performance in comparison of the Matlab implementation is 10x.
The output of the algorithm provides us with a map of saliency, using differ-
ent steps of filtering and morphological operations it is then possible to segment
the image into areas with high saliency values by using an adaptive threshold-
ing. These areas will allow us to generate regions of bottom-up interest we can
therefore correlate with measures of user’s head direction obtained using the
attention tracker.
Figure 5 shows the main processing steps of the algorithm:

1. The original image is converted in the YCbCr color space;

2. On each color channel a set of Gabor filters are applied to extract direction
information and after that a multi scale rarity mechanism is applied;
190 J. Leroy et al.

3. The 6 rarity maps are fused together into a single map. This fusion is achieved
in two main steps: an intra-channel fusion followed by an inter-channel one.
The result is called a saliency map.

5 TV Web Player and Aggregator

Figure 6 depicts the simplified workflow and communication of the modules at
different levels. There are three levels: Web Browser, Server, Sensors. The ap-
plication on the Sensors level was is implemented in C++ and communicates
to the server using Websocket protocol (sections 3 and 4). The server is imple-
mented in Node.js and the application in the browser is implemented in HTML
and JavaScript that communicates with the server using the Websocket protocol

5.1 Player
The Player simulates the Smart TV environment using videos from YouTube
(Figure 7). It is implemented as a web based application within a web browser.
The interface provides the main screen with the video player, basic controls of
the player and a semantic description of content based on analysis of subtitles.
The viewer can interact with video using basic controls buttons or the user can
read related content by clicking on the links to find more related information.
Both Player and sensors for attention tracking and sensors for gesture control
are connected using Websocket protocol. All detected gestures and interest clues
detected by the attention tracker are sent to the synchronization service on the
server. This information is propagated in nearly real-time to the Player. The
player translates the incoming message into proper actions. Gestures control the
player and attention information change is complemented with the video ID and
video time which is displayed at the moment where the attention change occurs.
All of these interactions, including actions from sensors, are sent to the GAIN
component (section 5.2) using a REST interface.

5.2 GAIN - General Analytics INterceptor

GAIN (www.inbeat.eu) is a web application and service for capturing and pre-
processing user interactions with semantically described content. GAIN outputs
a set of instances in tabular form suitable for further processing with generic
machine-learning algorithms. GAIN is implemented in Node.js and it is com-
posed of three modules. First, a tracking module is responsible for captur-
ing information. Afterwards, the storage module accumulates all data within
a database. Finally, the aggregation module process the data and provides the
outputs. GAIN provides RESTful API for collecting information and for aggre-
gated outputs. GAIN will provide a timeline of the displayed video containing all
synchronized actions which occurred during the viewer TV experience. The syn-
chronized data contain both explicit (user actions like clicks, play, stop, etc.) and
KINterestTV 191

Fig. 5. Diagram of our used model. First, from the input image, a change of color space
is applied to improve the color differentiation (1.). Colour and orientation features are
extracted. Then, for each feature, a multi-scale rarity mechanism is applied (2.). Finally,
two fusions (intra- and inter-channel) (3.) are made from the rarity maps to provide
the final saliency map (4.).
192 J. Leroy et al.


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Fig. 6. Workflow

Fig. 7. An extended version of the YouTube player used for the SmartTV demo

implicit information (user behavior observation through the attention tracker).

Examples of the output data can be seen in figures such as Figure 10.

6 Experimentation

To validate our approach of change detection in the viewer focus of attention,

we designed an experiment leading to a moment of focus on a specific period of
the broadcast media. Our goal was to determine whether it was possible for us
to detect this moment through our system, but also to observe whether different
behaviors stood out in conducting the experiment.
KINterestTV 193

The experience consisted in watching 4 different videos in English and subti-

tled, through our web player (section 5). Each video has a different content and
dealt with topics like politics or sports. While viewing these videos, additional
content is provided to the user in real time on the web player (Figure 7 on the
right). The subject were asked to be soccer fans and we asked them to watch the
moments dedicated to this topic on the different videos which were displayed on
the web player. To check that they really pay attention to soccer information,
the users were asked to answer a questionnaire about relevant videos. Finally,
to also cause changes in the individual attention we asked them to fulfil two
different tasks while viewing the media:
1. The first task was to play a simple puzzle game on a tablet (IPad) and get
the maximum possible score within the time limit.
2. The second task was to answer a series of questions on soccer dedicated to
the broadcast videos. The stimulated interest was soccer and concerned only
videos 2 and 4. Some questions had a higher difficulty push the user to exploit
the extended content (access to Wikipedia which is available on the web
player on the right side of Figure 7) to correctly answer the questionnaire.

6.1 Course of the Experiment

Our experiment took place in two stages. First, given the complexity of the
operations to be performed, a tutorial simulating the experience is proposed to
the subject. He could for 4 minutes try a simulation of the experience and learn
how to handle the different elements that are provided (play/pause interactions,
questionnaire and web player). At the end of this training phase, the actual
experiment was performed with a time limit of 7 minutes. When the experiment
was completed, the system stops and we collect the questionnaire and the game
The displayed media order is as follows:
1. The first video (2 min 18) is about a new US and South Korea joint defense
plan against any provocation from North Korea and the help the US can pro-
vide to his ally. (url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player
embedded&v=k4JstBdOsgk). This video has no information about the user
simulated interest (soccer).
2. The second video (1 min 03) is about soccer, precisely about an England ver-
sus Brazil match and gives information about important player in the teams.
(url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player detailpage&
3. The third video (1 min 08) is about tourism and the 10 top attractions in
Berlin. (url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player embedded
&v=f9Uxzvekgio)? Again, this video provides no information on the user
simulated interest.
4. The fourth video (1 min 03) is about soccer and the transfer of a North
Korean striker to South Korean club. (urel: https://www.youtube.com/
watch?feature=player detailpage&v=vO4ZM8HG4yg)
194 J. Leroy et al.

Fig. 8. Questions given to the user. The stimulated interest here is about soccer.

6.2 Interest Beats and Results

At the end of the experiment, 10 people have used our sytem and responded
to the questionnaire. Based on the attention data obtained by our system, we
generated a visualization of actions taken by the user that we call the ”Interest
beat”. The expected behavior was the following and can be observed on the
Figure 10:
1. While the videos not related to the questionnaire are playing (1st and 3rd),
the user will mainly focus on the game on the second screen (and therefore
will not look ot the main screen)
2. While the videos related to the questionnaire are playing, the viewer looks to
the main screen and therefore stops playing the game on the second screen.
He can also stop or jump in this video to go back to a topic related to the
questions of their questionnaire
The interest beat is a graph presenting the output of the GAIN module [21]
and consists in time synchronized events happening all over the content (X axis)
KINterestTV 195

Fig. 9. Experimental setup: videos are displayed on a computer screen while the user
needs to play a game and answer questions simultaneously. A 3D sensor on top of the
screen captures the head movement of the user.

Fig. 10. Interest beat. The timeline comes from each event while the experiment. It
represents the viewer behaviour over the displayed content (first video from 00:00:00
to 00:02:18, second video until 00:03:21 and the third video until the end 00:04:24).
On the Y axis: clicks on links, pause, play, interest-0 (not looking at the main screen),
interest -1 (looking at the main screen) and interest-no-user (user not found anymore).
196 J. Leroy et al.

for the main (recognized) viewer. From top to down (Y axis) we can see the
different events (click on links, pause, play, interest off main screen, interest
on main screen and no information about viewer interest). The latest category
means that the face of the user is not visible anymore and the head pose is not
available anymore (out of the range of +/-75 degrees yaw and +/-60 degrees
pitch. The example of a viewer in Figure 10 summarized the typical viewer

1. First he clicks on play ...

2. In the same time he watches the content during some seconds (called
”Interest-1” on the Y axis)
3. When he realizes that the first video is not related to the questionnaire he
does not look anymore to the main screen and begins to play the game on
the second screen (tablet)
4. When the second video (which contains the answers to his questionnaire)
begins, he focuses at the main screen again
5. At some point he uses pause and play explicit actions to have time to answer
the questions of his questionnaire. He also clicks on a link provided by the
viewer as one of the questions requires the user to get extra information
using this link.
6. Once the second video is finished, he mainly focuses again on his tablet game
and not on the main screen.

On the ten users the system managed to follow the head direction of 9 partici-
pants while it failed on one of them. While the explicit actions (play/pause/click

Fig. 11. Interest beat with a user looking at the predicted video but has forgotten to
interact to answer the question
KINterestTV 197

Fig. 12. Interest beat with a user alternatively looking at the main screen and at the

on link, etc.) were performed, the other users have a significant activity towards
the main screen. Nevertheless, it is not easy to asses the tracking performance
as the users sometimes have different behavior. Sometimes the viewer forgot to
answer the questions, so he had to go back in the video to do it at the end like
in Figure 11.
In other users, they are very consistent with the task (playing or looking to
the screen like in Figure 10 while other alternate much more the gaze between
the main screen and the game like in Figure 12. On the nine viewers where the
tracking worked, the results are consistent with the scenario and encouraging.

7 Conclusion
In this paper, we presented the whole architecture of our implicit behavior anal-
ysis system based on a 3D head tracker and also the explicit gesture recognition
system. We also describe the additional information which can be provided by
the extraction of low-level bottom-up features from the media. The results show
that it is possible to extract implicit information in an efficient and consistent
way on where and when people look at their TV. Modules which provide a web
player and a data aggregator are used to synchronized all the behavioral analysis
of the viewer. This work is designed to further feed a personalization framework
capable of processing behavioral data to dynamically enhance the profile of a
user. This profile change needs further machine learning algorithms which take
the synchronized data of the proposed system as an input and process it in or-
der to obtain the user interest for the different media fragments and media links
which were shown to the user.
198 J. Leroy et al.

Acknowledgments. This work is supported by the Integrated Project

LinkedTV (www.linkedtv.eu) funded by the European Commission through the
7th Framework Programme (FP7-287911).

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Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted

João Rosas, Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Gonçalo Carvalho, Ana Inês Oliveira,

and Filipa Ferrada

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculty of Science and Technology, Campus de Caparica,

2829-516 Monte Caparica, Portugal

Abstract. Society is facing big demographic changes. In 2050, it is expected

that the number of elders will reach 1500 million (about 16% of the world pop-
ulation). As people age, they become more dependent on assistance services.
Care and assistance organizations start failing, as the number of people who
need help increases beyond their ability to comply. The creation of an ecosys-
tem for Ambient Assisted Living, facilitating partnerships creation between
service providers, is proposed as a strategy to improve care provision and leve-
rage its capacity. The specification of the ecosystem is based on canonical mod-
els and verified through simulation.

Keywords: Ambient Assisted Living, Ecosystem, Collaborative Networks,

Information and Communication Technologies, Simulation.

1 Introduction
The society where we live is facing a big demographic change. People live longer,
therefore life expectancy is increasing. In 2000, there were already 420 million people
with more than 65 years old (which corresponded to about 7% of the world popula-
tion). In 2050, it is expected that this number reaches 1500 million (about 16% of the
world population) [1, 2]. The number of elder people who needs care and assistance is
also increasing, surpassing the number of youngsters who contributes with taxes.
This context brings new challenges to the traditional health care systems, as social
security systems are becoming unable to afford the cost of providing assistance to this
growing number of people. Therefore, there is an increasing necessity to search for
new solutions that will allow people to live in the best possible way, in the last stages
of their life. These systems would allow people to extend their life in their favorite
environments, favoring confidence, autonomy, mobility and welfare.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer new opportunities for the
provision of improved care and assistance services. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
is a concept focused on the use of technology as a way to improve the independence
and welfare of aged or disabled people, at their homes.
With this research work, we aim at contributing to provide an answer to this need.
Our goal consists of developing an Ecosystem for AAL. Our strategy is based on

Y. Rybarczyk et al. (Eds.): eNTERFACE 2013, IFIP AICT 425, pp. 200–227, 2014.
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2014
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 201

Collaborative Networks [3]. For such, our effort was focused on the instantiation of
the conceptual architecture proposed in the AAL4ALL project [4]. We relied on the
utilization of canonical models for the development of our system, allowing the for-
mulation of more simple, yet useful, specifications. We tested the AAL ecosystem as
a distributed simulation system. In this regards, we take simulation as a design para-
digm [5]. Within this paradigm, we can predict how a system is likely to behave in the
future. We can also test the system when it is subjected to specific situations, e.g. the
failure of services provision, too many assistance services requests or infrastructure
shutdown, and assess if it works adequately. Given that many of these failures can
only be experienced after the system is put in operation, using simulation, we can
anticipate them and modify the specification of the system, prior to the physical de-
This research work was performed during the eNTERFACE’13 summer workshop
[6]. Given that the timeframe of this event is a single month, many of the features we
started to develop during the workshop are continued in the context of the AAL4ALL
We start this work by firstly presenting an overview of the AAL concept and its
most important aspects. In section 2, we present a literature review, mostly concerned
with introducing and analyzing current aspects about assistance services, users, ser-
vice providers, sensors and actuators, and supporting infra-structure. Section 3 is de-
voted to establishing the requirements, specification development and validation of
the proposed AAL ecosystem. Finally, section 4 provides a synthesis of the work,
achieved results and proposes the next steps for future work.

2 Ambient Assisted Living

The area of AAL can be addressed from several perspectives, as it comprises technol-
ogical, strategic, economic, social, moral and regulatory aspects. During the literature
review, we emphasize some of the mentioned aspects, aiming to provide an adequate-
ly general overview of AAL. Through this chapter, the current developments in the
field of AAL, namely in terms AAL products, services, and available platforms are
illustrated. Relevant international projects and roadmaps are also mentioned. In this
regard, this work can also be seen as a contribution towards the effective development
of solutions that may help to better deal with this demographic trend.

2.1 The Importance of AAL

As mentioned before, there has been a severe demographic change, faced by most
developed countries, which leads to a rapid increase of the percentage of aged popula-
tion. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the projected percentage of people above 65 years old
over the active population reaches 50% by 2050. This trend of having fewer
youngsters, who have to support the growing elderly population, requiring increased
assistance, raises costs and leads to the rupture of the social security and social care
202 J. Rosas et al.

Fig. 1. Projected number of persons aged 65 and over expressed as a percentage of the pro-
jected number of persons aged between 15 and 64 (statistical data from [7])

In order to maintain the care provision capacity at an affordable level in the future,
there is an urgent need to find effective and affordable solutions to provide care and
assistance to elderly.

2.2 The AAL Concept and Technology

Ambient Assisted Living is a concept in which technology is used as a way to im-

prove the welfare and independence of elder or disabled people living alone at their
homes. Typically, a variety of sensors and actuators installed at their homes or in their
clothes are used to remotely monitor their wellbeing conditions. Fig. 2 illustrates a
home and a user, which contains a number of sensors for remotely monitoring users’
welfare. These devices operate supported by an infra-structure, usually of wireless

Fig. 2. AAL environment: (a) environmental sensors; (b) physiological sensors

Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 203

type, which provides adequate connectivity. It is on top of these devices that AAL
services operate.
Typical services in AAL include home environment services, like home safety and
security, temperature monitoring, gas detection, smoke detection, intruder alert, fall
detection. It can include welfare monitoring for people that are not ill, like monitoring
heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. It can also include health support for
ill people, like behavior monitoring (for people with dementia) and chronicle disease
management. Furthermore, it may also include occupation and recreation services,
which support the involvement of leisure services and the continuation of professional

2.3 AAL Sensors and Actuators

AAL sensors are used to monitor the health and welfare situation of the users.
If these sensors are combined with communication devices, usually wireless, we can
monitor the users remotely. There are many types of AAL sensors, namely, blood
pressure, cardiac, body temperature, pedometers, urinary salinometer, and so on.
According to their characteristics, more specifically, the type of performed observa-
tions, they can be split into several categories. For instance, sensors can be classified
as “home safety sensors”, which are used to monitor and protect from internal
threats and ensure that users' homes are in safe conditions, regarding aspects such as
temperature, smokes, floods, or gas leakages. Another sensor category, “home
security sensors”, help protect users from external threats, e.g. for monitoring intru-
sion, detection of presence, or doors/windows opening. As illustrated in Fig. 3,
home safety sensors hold a large number of sensor sub-classes, each one devoted
to each aspect of users’ wellness, like monitoring home temperature, smoke
detection, gas leakage, and carbon monoxide. These varieties can be organized in
As opposite to home sensors, AAL sensors used to monitor users welfare or
health can be classified as personal, which are used to monitor users welfare
Such great variety of types and technologies in sensors raises concerns related to
integration and interoperability, because the available electronic devices on the mar-
ket do not provide standardized interfaces for integration. In a further section, we
mention a number of research projects, which deal with integration and interoperabili-
ty in AAL. There are also currently focused concerns related to the privacy of the data
collected to monitor the elderly [9].
AAL actuators can perform interventions on the elders or on their homes, in order
to adjust elderly welfare. If these actuators are equipped with communication devices,
usually also wireless, interventions can be performed remotely. Fig. 4 illustrates a
partial taxonomy of AAL actuators.
204 J. Rosas et al.

Fig. 3. Sensor taxonomy illustrating several types of AAL sensors (Note: the “Thing” element
is automatically included by the ontology editor [8])

According to each purpose, AAL actuators can be classified into broad categories
in a similar way as the AAL sensors. There are, nevertheless, huge concerns in the
utilization of AAL actuators because they are devices which allow remote changing
of the state of the elder or his home, and this poses many security issues, such as:
adequate performance, operation by non-authorized personal, etc., that may lead to
harmful situations.
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 205

Fig. 4. AAL actuators

2.4 AAL Services

AAL services intend to enable people with specific needs to live an independent and
save life. To this end, the services have to cope with a number of user and environ-
mental challenges [10], namely, low or declining capabilities, distinct elderly needs
accordingly to health conditions, limited (human and financial) resources, low toler-
ance of technical problems, the desire to feel in control of their lives, avoid stigmati-
zation and keeping privacy.
As mentioned in [11], past research and developments in elderly care services, as
well as current market offers, are characterized by some fragmentation. The focus has
been predominately put on the development of isolated services, e.g. monitoring of
some health related parameters, fall detection, agenda reminder, alarm button, etc.,
each one typically provided by a single organization, and often showing an excessive
techno-centric flavor. Contrasting to this situation, the concept of Care and Assistance
Service (CAS) is proposed in [11], which refers to a category of services, either of a
medical or social nature, aiming at helping senior citizens in their daily lives, com-
pensating for the reduction of physical and/ or mental capabilities that comes with the
ageing process. As mentioned in [11], the execution of a care and assistance service
may involve a number of software services and human intervention (manual tasks).
The actual structure of such service also depends on the interaction between the pro-
vider and the end-user, and may ultimately (and dynamically) vary according to the
flow of that interaction.
Similarly to sensors, AAL services exist in multiple categories. In AAL4ALL, four
categories of services, named as services for four specific life-setting, were consi-
dered, as identified in Fig. 5.
206 J. Rosas et al.

Fig. 5. Illustration of home safety and security services category, proposed in the AAL4ALL

2.5 AAL Service Providers

Providing AAL services involves the participation of several types of entities, ranging
from health care providers, to day care centers, to hospitals and fire departments. ICT
providers are responsible for supplying of necessary technological infrastructures,
which allows AAL services providing.
An important aspect, which is in fact addressed during this research work, is that in
the AAL context, given the heterogeneity of these stakeholders, a single and isolated
provider is not enough to satisfy every concrete need of AAL users. As described in
Section 3 of this article, the proposed approach is to develop an AAL ecosystem,
which allows providers to collaborate and establish partnerships. In such way, they
can together be able to provide the adequate AAL services to each user.
These services require adequate ICT infrastructures for a proper service provision.
Such infrastructure involves data models, hardware and software components,
processes and people. Information flow includes observations from sensors, user pro-
files, services providers’ interactions and treatments. Additionally, a typical AAL
environment includes heterogeneous components of distinct technology, which need
to interoperate. A useful approach for such interaction between these components is to
rely on a service-oriented approach, such as the Enterprise Service Bus [12,13], in
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 207

which the elements of heterogeneous nature are able to interact using a standardized

2.6 Current Research in AAL

Research Projects. As mentioned in [14], a considerable number of research projects

are focused on developing systems that monitor the health or welfare conditions of the
elder and their activities, looking for disturbances requiring assistance by the service
providers. The most common architecture is based on a set of sensors, more or less
extended, dispersed throughout the housing and allowing the control of a number of
activities (for example, opening and closing of doors, stove utilization or the use of
refrigerator water consumption / gas / electricity, etc.). By merging all the information
gathered by different sensors, it is possible to determine the current activity of the
person who is being controlled and identify deviations from his/her daily routines.
These deviations can be used to detect emergency situations or changes in the condi-
tion of the person.
Internationally, there are several projects that have addressed these aspects. For in-
stance, the projects: UbiSense [15], ROSETTA [16] and Dreaming [17] focused on
the development of systems for elderly health and welfare conditions in order to keep
their independence at their homes. The projects ITALH [18] and OASIS [19] ad-
dressed the interoperability issues between distinct technologies (zigBee, Bluetooth,
GPRS, etc.). The i2Home project [20] was devoted to the development of new devic-
es for AAL based on existing industrial standards. The AWARE [21] developed a
social network for promoting the social inclusion of the elderly, aging workforce and
contribution to society.
At the European level, there were several Roadmap projects in the area of AAL.
For instance, the AALIANCE project [22] was devoted to the creation of innovative
AAL devices and sensors. The ePAL project [23] was about promoting balanced and
active life for retired people or in the process of retirement in Europe. The SENIOR
project [24] was concerned with performing a systematic assessment of the social,
ethical and privacy concerns in aging and ICT. Finally, BRAID project [25] addressed
the research and Technological Development for active ageing, through the consolida-
tion of the results from other existing roadmaps.

Existing AAL Products. The market of AAL products is very fragmented, as there
are still not fully consolidated AAL solutions that meet the needs of all countries
worldwide. Although they are still significantly expensive, it is expected that the
products in the AAL area will decrease about 50% of the costs associated with health
care services for senior people, envisaging, for example, that the U.S. market of AAL
is in 20 million euros per year with a rising trend [14].
There are many products already available in the market. For instance, Equivital
[26] is a system composed of several monitoring sensors connected to a wearable
wireless module. Sensium [27] is a platform which continuously monitors a
user’s body using non-intrusive wireless sensors. The Hallo Monitoring [28] is a fall
208 J. Rosas et al.

detector with automatic alarm sending service. Grand Care [29] is a system described
used to monitor the daily activity and welfare of a person in a non-intrusive way.
HomMed [30] is a monitoring unit placed at a person’s home, which collects and
transmits data on the person’s health conditions to a service center that processes and
presents this information to health care providers.

Critics to Existing Approaches. As we mentioned in [3], many of the AAL initia-

tives are characterized by being too techno-centric, without properly addressing social
and strategic aspects. On the other hand, AAL services are too fragmented and pro-
vided by different service providers. These providers are also characterized by a deep
heterogeneity. However, no single AAL provider can adequately fulfill the elderly
needs. Given these factors, and as already mentioned, the best strategy for the provi-
sion of AAL would be through collaborative approaches.
As such, a trend identified in a recent work [3], shows the need to move from a
scenario characterized by fragmented services, typically provided by single service
providers, and often showing an excessive techno-centric flavor, to more integrated
care services. In contrast, there is now a perception that is fundamental, for the suc-
cess of future AAL support systems, to seek synergies between the areas of ICT, Age-
ing and Collaborative Networks. Integrated AAL services would then be provided by
multiple stakeholders, through partnerships.

3 AAL Ecosystem Development

Considering the several aspects revised in previous chapters, we describe the specifi-
cation and development of the AAL ecosystem support platform in this chapter. As
suggested from the international trends, described on the BRAID project [25], the
approach for creating the ecosystem is based on collaborative networks.

3.1 The AAL4ALL Conceptual Architecture

In order to adequately handle the mentioned issues, the adopted approach is to instan-
tiate the AAL4ALL architecture illustrated in Fig. 6. We adopted the vision shared in
AAL4ALL project of following a more socio-technological approach. As such, we are
more focused on instantiating the top layer of the architecture, which is used to assist
us in the specification and implementation of the AAL ecosystem that is proposed in
this work.
This architecture illustrates the adopted perspective of focusing on the socio-
business aspects at the top layer, by providing functionality for partnership creation.
The architecture is composed of the AAL ecosystem layer, the services layer, and the
infrastructure layer. The ecosystem layer lies at the top of the architecture. In this
layer, it is important to consider the management and governance principles of AAL
ecosystem. It is based on a collaborative network philosophy, facilitating an effective
collaboration between the stakeholders participating in AAL service provision.
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 209


AAL ECOSYSTEM LAYER Provider - User Consortia Formation Collaboration Support

Linking Mechanisms Mechanisms Mechanisms

CARE AND ASSISTANCE SERVICES LAYER Ecosystem Assets Governance Policies Business Models
Management Management Specification Management
Services Collection

Services’ Support Mechanisms


Global Infrastructure

Local Infrastructure

Fig. 6. AAL4ALL Conceptual Architecture, inspired and adapted from [4]

For the services layer, given the large scope of the area and the complexity of
AAL, which is of a multi-disciplinary nature, it becomes convenient to consider com-
plementary perspectives of analysis. In the AAL4ALL project, four different life set-
tings in an elder’s life were considered, namely: Independent Living, Health and Care,
Occupation in Life, and Recreation in Life. These perspectives help adequately organ-
ize the collections of assistance services in AAL services taxonomies as illustrated in
the previous chapter. Such collections allow fulfilling the envisaged necessities cor-
responding to the elderly conditions. Additionally, as services are of distinct characte-
ristics, e.g. ambient monitoring services versus health monitoring services, they might
be provided by distinct service providers. As such, the service collections are orga-
nized according to the mentioned four life-settings.
The infrastructure layer plays the role of a facilitator (provides support) for
the development and delivery of care and assistance services. Such infrastructure
should provide, among other functionalities, channels and mechanisms for safe

Fig. 7. Representation of a global infrastructure composed by several local infrastructures

210 J. Rosas et al.

communications and information sharing and exchange among the members of a giv-
en AAL ecosystem. It has two sub-layers, the local infrastructure corresponding to the
support infrastructure located in a specific "location", e.g. users' home, care center,
health care center, human-centered environment (intelligent cloth, mobile gadgets,
etc.); and the global infrastructure, supporting the network of "spaces" (or local envi-
ronments) "inhabited" by the various stakeholders. The global infrastructure illu-
strated in Fig. 7 supports the interaction between the entities/nodes engaged in care
provision and the assisted people. It supports multi-node services, distributed
processes, software services invocation and composition.

3.2 Requirements Identification

According to what was mentioned before, the adopted approach for the AAL ecosys-
tem development is based on canonic models specification. This type of model allows
the specification of a system with considerable complexity using simple, yet useful
structures. This allows developing the system within a limited timeframe, without
undermining the identified functional requirements.
AAL Services. Pursuing an approach based on canonical models, an AAL service can
be seen as a set of actions designed to provide care to a user. A service can be identi-
fied by a name and a pre-established functionality. A service can be also composed
for other services in a hierarchical composition structure, as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. Hierarchical services definition

This complies with the notion of service established in the previous chapter, and as
illustrated in Fig. 5. The combination of services results in "tailored / customized
packages". It is a way to meet particular needs of certain users. The functional re-
quirements for the management of the AAL services are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Functional requirements of AAL services management

FR Description
FR_s1 Creation of services which can be adequately characterized by ID, name
and type
FR_s2 Search, update and deletion of existing services
FR_s3 Creation of services as a composition of other services
FR_s4 Contract of services by users
FR_s5 Association of a running service to a user or users’ home
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 211

AAL Users. In canonical terms, a user can be characterized by a name, an address

and a set of pre-established AAL characteristics (e.g. in an ontology). The functional
requirements for the management of users are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Functional requirements for the AAL users management

FR Description
FR_u1 Creation of new users, which can be adequately characterized by ID,
name and a set of pre-established attributes for its AAL characterization
FR_u2 Search, update and deletion of existing users
FR_u3 Service contracts establishment with users
FR_u4 Track of AAL relevant events from a users’ services
FR_u5 Billing of contracted services

AAL Service Providers. Providers can be characterized by name, location, and type.
(Infrastructures providers, and AAL service deliver, care centers, surveillance and
security providers, etc.). The functional requirements of providers’ management are
identified in Table 3.

Table 3. Functional requirements for AAL providers management

FR Description
FR_p1 Creation of new providers, which can be adequately characterized by
ID, name and a set of pre-established attributes for its AAL characteri-
FR_p2 Search, update and deletion of existing providers
FR_p3 Creation of providers as composition of other providers
FR_p4 Association of providers and the services they deliver
FR_p5 Participation of providers in services contracts with users

AAL Ecosystem. Given that an elder, or a group of elderly, may have got specific
necessities, they require distinct types of assistance services. In these cases, it is ne-
cessary to provide customized AAL services. However, a service provider operating
alone is not usually able to provide the necessary services to these elderly. A solution
would be a costly investment to obtain the capacity to provide the necessary services.
As a better approach, when tailored care provision is needed, service providers can
organize themselves in partnerships, creating composed services that suit these needs.
For instance, as illustrated in Fig. 9, independent living, health, occupation and
recreation service providers can join in order to combine their services.
Inside such partnerships, it is now possible to create customized services, or ser-
vice packages, as illustrated in Fig. 10, which are able to suit the particular necessities
of a number of users.
212 J. Rosas et al.

Fig. 9. Creation of composed services from providers of distinct types

Fig. 10. Customized packages of AAL services

Following the approach of developing canonical models, we can assume that a part-
nership can also be seen as a single service provider. Therefore, a provider can be
composed by a single entity or by several entities. Some entities participating in a
partnership may, per se, be already a partnership. This leads to a hierarchical defini-
tion of service provider, as illustrated in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11. Single versus partnership service providers

The AAL ecosystem, illustrated in Fig. 12, is composed of several service providers,
each one delivering their own services. It is a virtual space in which members (service
providers) agree to create partnerships as soon as good opportunities are found.
It facilitates fast, dynamic, on-the-fly partnership formation. As members of the eco-
system, partners remain prepared to engage in partnerships [31]. When a market
opportunity for a new customized service appears, they engage in fast partnership
creation. The partnership remains while the service package is being delivered.
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 213

Fig. 12. Illustration of an AAL ecosystem

Considering these aspects, the requirements for the AAL ecosystem are described in
Table 4.

Table 4. Functional requirements of the AAL ecosystem management

FR Description
FR_e1 Registering of users/elders
FR_e2 Registering of providers
FR_e3 Partnerships creation
FR_e4 Partnership life-cycle management
FR_e5 Business model (tailored packages, responsibilities, profit sharing ap-
proach, etc.)

3.3 Ecosystem Specification

The specification of the AAL Ecosystem requires the preliminary definition of a
number of concepts, namely, the users, their homes, the Care Providers, and the AAL
Services. These definitions will then be used in the specification of the ecosystem
functionality. During the definitions set below, we use lower case for specifying sin-
gle elements and upper case for sets.

Definition 1 (AAL User) - Can be an elder or a person that lives alone or with barely
any assistance that wants to continue living in his own home. This user subscribes to
one or more services that compensate his/her limitations, aiming to improve welfare
and safety. A user can be abstractly defined as a tuple , , .
The set VAtrr represents the attributes that adequately characterize a user. From now
on, let us consider the existence of the set of U , ,.., .

Definition 2 (User’s Home) - The environment where the user lives is also an impor-
tant part of the AAL Ecosystem. If the user has limitations, it is important to monitor
his/her surrounding environmental conditions, such as the temperature, the luminosi-
ty, the activity of potentially dangerous electric or gas devices, intruders alarm, etc. It
can be specified as a tuple , . The set HomeAttr
214 J. Rosas et al.

represents a set of attributes that adequately characterizes the user’s home. From now
on, let us consider the set of H = , ,…, .

Definition 3 (AAL Service) - An AAL service can abstractly be defined as a tuple

, , . The set SAttr represents a set of attributes,
which adequately characterizes the AAL service. From now on, let us consider the set
of S = { , , … , }.

Recalling the recursive characterization of a service provider suggested in Fig. 11, a

service provider spi may be a single entity or composed of other service providers.
When it is composed of multiple entities, say spi,1, spi,2… and spi,n, their respective
sets of services Si,1, Si,2… Si,n can be combined in appropriate ways with an abstract
composition operator, resulting in the composed services, as illustrated in Fig. 13. The
set is a subset of the all possible services composition 2 . Therefore, holds the
useful or profitable compositions only. The elements of may in turn become basic
services of other partnerships.

Basic services of partners:


Composed services:

Fig. 13. A service provider as a composition of other service providers

Definition 4 (AAL Service Provider) - Entity that is able to provide care and assis-
tance services to elders or persons who need assistance. They can be formal care pro-
viders, such as a hospital or a clinic; or informal care providers, such as churches or
voluntary groups. One provider has a structure composed of one or several associated
providers forming a partnership and can be recursively defined as a tuple
, , in which 2 and , .

Definition 5 (Subscription Contract) - A subscription contract associates a user to a

service provider by means of a number of services subscription. Each subscription can
be specified as a tuple , , . The set , ,…, represents the
services subscribed by the user or delivered by the service provider.

Using these definitions, it is now possible to model mechanisms or rules to identify

and select potential services that a user might subscribe.

Definition 6 (Useful Services Selection) - These are the services that a user or elder
may need, according to its user attributes. The service selection can be formally ob-
tained using the following query:
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 215

, , ,

In other words, the interception between service attributes and user attributes which
are variables, results in a non-empty set.
In the last definition, SU and SA are free variables meaning they are not bound by
universal or existential quantifiers. Using Definition 6, it is possible to select and
propose services to a user, according to its characteristics or attributes, which can be a
step before contract subscription. The mentioned definition can also be improved in
order to consider the attributes of the user’s home.

Definition 7 (AAL Service Market Opportunity) - Corresponds to an opportunity

identified in the market, which may lead to the creation of a new tailored AAL ser-
vice. It can be specified as a tuple , , in which OPAttr represents
the set of attributes characterizing the opportunity. For now on, let us consider the set
of market opportunities , ,…,

Definition 8 (AAL Service Provider Selection) - Given a Market Opportunity mo

(Definition 7), we can identify adequate partners through the following query:
, ,
The abstract operator ‘complies’ checks that candidate service providers do not clash
with given business/strategic constraints.

Definition 9 (AAL Partnership Formation) - Given a market opportunity mo, either

concrete or abstract, a corresponding partnership, or new service provider spi accord-
ing to Definition 4, can be formed with the candidates service providers from the set
{spj | UsefulProvider(mo,spj)}.

3.4 Data Models for the AAL Ecosystem

The Global Infrastructure Model. In general terms, the global infrastructure sup-
ports the interaction between the entities/nodes engaged in care provision, and the
assisted people. It supports multi-node services, distributed processes, software ser-
vices invocation and composition. The main functional blocks are: Global Infrastruc-
ture Management, Security Services, Software Services Composition, Safe Informa-
tion Management Services at Global Level, Auditing Services, Safe Communication
Service, and Auxiliary Services (including identification of critical issues, assessing
performance, statistics, and reporting.
In our concrete specification, we assume that the global infrastructure takes care of
a number of homes and users. Each home has got a number of ambient sensors
216 J. Rosas et al.

(e.g. temperature, blood pressure, etc.). Periodic observations are taken from these
sensors, which might trigger important events. Some events may require an adequate
response, like sending an SMS alarm to the user’s relatives, or sending an emergency
team to the user’s home. The conceptual model presented in Fig. 14 incorporates
these requirements.

Fig. 14. Global infrastructure data model

AAL Ecosystem Data Model. In general terms, the top layer of the architecture –
AAL Ecosystem – has the main purpose of providing, under a socio-technical
perspective, organization and collaboration support for the AAL multi-stakeholders,
organized as a collaborative community. Members of the AAL ecosystem include the
AAL services/product providers, the end users, regulators, and other support entities
such as governmental entities. This layer supports functionalities for establishing links
between providers and users, business models, collaboration processes and
governance policies enforcement. Main functional elements of this layer include:
Ecosystem Management, Assets Management, Governance Policies Specification,
Business Models Management, Providers User Linking Mechanisms, Consortia
Formation Mechanisms, and Collaboration Support Mechanisms.
In our concrete specification, the ecosystem allows the creation of service provid-
ers, users, contract subscription, services and services composition, AAL events and
billing. The conceptual model presented in Fig. 15 illustrates these aspects.
Whenever a user subscribes a service, a subscription contract between user and ser-
vice provider is established. An AAL service can be a simple service or be recursively
composed of other services, resulting in tailored packages. Such packages, for com-
posed services, may be supplied by a single service provider. As established in
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 217

Fig. 15. Ecosystem management data model

previous section, for completing the package, the services of an additional partner
may be necessary. In such case, the model allows the creation of providers that are in
fact the combination of partners, resulting in partnerships. The Events entity encodes
the main episodes related to these contracts, like the addition of more services to the
contract. The Billing entity encodes the periodic payments resulting from the contract.
Having the specification established in previous section and the corresponding data
models, we need to select an infrastructure for an adequate implementation, which is
the subject of the next Section.

3.5 Technological Infrastructure

Ambient Assisted Living is a multifaceted area as it harnesses a diverse range of
technologies from various domains. Requirements like remote supervision of elderly,
information management and business processes, just to mention a few, are quite
demanding in terms of ICT for the physical architecture of AAL. One of such necessi-
ties is the data centers which hold information of elders and monitoring data. The
choice for adequate infrastructures is very important in terms of the necessary budget
for launching an AAL business.

The Cloud Computing Infrastructure. Cloud computing environment is a model for

enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable com-
puting resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be
rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider
interaction. The cloud computing model provides essential characteristics, such as broad
network access and resource pooling. It has got three service models, namely, Software
as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service. It also provides sev-
218 J. Rosas et al.

eral deployment models: Private Clouds, Community Clouds, Public Clouds, and Hybr-
id Clouds [32]. The typical features of Cloud Computing are, for instance, faster devel-
opment/installation time, lower initial capital, and "pay-per-use".
Based on the possible deployment models, several strategies and infrastructures
modalities for the development of the AAL4ALL ecosystem with Cloud Computing,
together with their main features, are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5. Cloud computing modalities that are useful for the AAL ecosystem

Modalities Illustration
Dedicated infrastructure/datacenter
• High initial cost.
• High development and launch time.
• Complex installation and configuration.
• The stakeholders are responsible for
• Some advantages are the complete own-
ership and control over the infrastructure,
services and information.

Public cloud (provided by 3rd party

• It is probably the fastest option to create
and launch the ecosystem.
• Many suppliers of Cloud Computing
infrastructures are available.
• Low initial cost. But if time is long,
dedicated infrastructure may become
• Short Setup/installation time.
• Cost is proportional (“Pay per use”) to
the number of users, utilization time, and
used computational and storage re-
sources, which might require some fur-
ther analysis in face of the specific needs
of AAL.
• A major issue is that information of users
(elders, customers and stakeholders), like
the profiles and clinical information, is
stored on third-party infrastructures,
which raises security and privacy con-
• An additional drawback is the lack of
standards that allow portability. As such,
once one provider is selected, solutions
get too dependent on that provider.
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 219

Private cloud (owned by one stakehold- Private Cloud

• Has similar/same advantages of the

public cloud.
• Infrastructure is totally controlled by the
stakeholder/AAL services provider.
• Better in terms security and privacy, as
management and access to information is
performed by the stakeholder.
• The stakeholder may start with a “small
private cloud”, with a lower initial cost,
and scale up the capacity if it becomes
Blocked access
necessary afterwards.
• This approach might suit a major servic-
es integrator.

Community cloud
• It has got similar advantages to private
• Ecosystem acquires Cloud infrastructure
to be shared by the stakeholders.
• Ownership and control by the stakehold-
ers of AAL4ALL ecosystem.
• Acquisition, launch, and maintenance
costs can be shared by the stakeholders
which means lower costs and reduced
business risks for each one.
• Network installation and maintenance
role can be assigned to a third-party pro-
vider, or rented/”outsourced” to a cloud-
supplier, which already belongs to the

Hybrid cloud
• Similar characteristics of both public and
private clouds.
• Combination of public/community and
private cloud infrastructures.
• Computer load can be balanced between
private and public clouds, whenever ne-
• Stakeholders’ profiles and clinical data
are stored in the private cloud; informa-
tion and processes that do not pose secu-
rity/privacy issues can be located in the
public cloud.
220 J. Rosas et al.

Combination of a private infrastruc-

ture/datacenter with a public cloud
• Similar advantages to hybrid clouds.
• Some limitations/disadvantages of dedi-
cated infrastructures.
• Computer load can be balanced between
private infrastructure and public cloud,
whenever necessary.
• Stakeholders’ profiles and clinical data
are stored in the private datacenter; in-
formation and processes that do not pose
security/privacy issues can be located in
the public cloud.

The Ecosystem Web Portal. From the available cloud-computing modalities, we

developed the ecosystem portal in a public cloud (provided by third party supplier), as
illustrated in Fig. 16. It was implemented using Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing
A better choice for the Cloud Computing modality would be the community cloud
described in Table 5. This modality allows benefiting from the cloud computing para-
digm. But contrarily to a public could, it is owned by the stakeholders involved in
AAL service provision. As a result, there would be fewer concerns in terms of the
data and observations taken from the AAL users.


Fig. 16. Adopted cloud computing modality for the AAL ecosystem portal

The web portal allows the services providers to register and be part of the ecosystem.
It allows partners to advertise their services to other partners and create partnerships
whenever an opportunity arrives. Global infrastructures, which may be owned by a
simple partner or by service provider’s partnerships, are also implemented in the
Cloud infrastructure. The main advantage is that infrastructures from providers can
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 221

scale as the number of users grow. In this way, each service provider can commit a
lower initial budget and achieve reduced monthly cloud renting costs.
Fig. 17 illustrates the user interface regarding services subscription contracts estab-
lished between service providers and users.

Fig. 17. Services subscription of a user

The Local Infrastructure Nodes. For the local nodes, representing the elders and
their homes, an application that simulates a local infrastructure, which represent each
user’s nodes a homes was designed. As illustrated in Fig. 18, several AAL services
were subscribed, ranging from ambient to physiological monitoring. Each UI
represents a user and its home. Whenever an event is triggered, in this simulation
approach performed by a click in the UI control, the information is recorded in the
corresponding table of the data model instantiated in the provider’s global infrastruc-
ture, illustrated at the right side of the mentioned figure.

Fig. 18. Local infrastructure node (at the user’s home) and corresponding data model from
global infrastructure
222 J. Rosas et al.

The Global Infrastructure Nodes. The global infrastructure node was also devel-
oped using a simulation approach, as illustrated in Fig. 14, which also illustrates the
corresponding data model. Each observation taken from the local nodes is stored in
the database running in the global node. The database complies with the models illu-
strated in Fig. 14 and Fig. 15. Such observations might trigger events that are relevant
for the comfort and health of the users. These are the events shown in the user inter-
face of the global node shown in Fig. 19.
The set of rules that identify events from observations are hard-encoded in C# in-
side the application. In this regard, we are planning the development of a rules based
knowledge base, which provides more advanced events detection and corresponding
reach at user’s homes. This is scheduled for future work.

Fig. 19. Global infrastructure node and correspondent data model

Fig. 20. Global and local infrastructures interacting through WCF

Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 223

The interactions between the global and local nodes are illustrated in Fig. 20. These
nodes exchange information regarding the mentioned events that are generated inside
the local nodes, according to the subscribed AAL services. The mechanism for send-
ing the events is based on REST services, which is supported by the Windows Com-
munication Foundation (WCF) framework [34].

The AAL System as a Whole. The AAL Ecosystem platform was assembled togeth-
er as a complete simulation system, in which information regarding AAL events flow
from users and users’ homes (local infrastructures) into global infrastructure nodes
(Fig. 21). Member’s management, services subscription, billing and other previously
established requirements are fulfilled in the cloud portal, illustrated at the top of the
mentioned figure. Partnership creation is also registered through the mentioned portal.

Fig. 21. The AAL ecosystem implemented as a simulation system

During the simulation of the entire system, we could verify and certify that implemen-
tation of the components follow the specifications established for the AAL ecosystem,
and that it also fulfills the functional requirements that were established for each
component of the ecosystem, namely, users, providers, services, and ecosystem man-
agement. Each time a new user is registered, the corresponding UI of the local node is
created. A pre-specification number of AAL services is also launched.
While the complete system is operated, we can perceive its dynamics, in which
each local node sends observations from the AAL services to the service providers’
nodes. Information regarding these observations and events is stored in the corres-
ponding tables of the ecosystem database.

Analysis of the System. Before ending the development description of the system, it
is important to mention some remarks on the outcomes of the simulated ecosystem.
Although our approach for testing the ecosystem was based on simulation, the spe-
cification and data models were used as if the system was a real one. Simulation of
224 J. Rosas et al.

events flowed in real clock, in which we could simulate specific situations in the us-
er’s homes, which would allow service providers to trigger assistance services and
home interventions. Furthermore, we are planning to integrate real nodes (e.g., real
homes and users) in the simulation system, in the future work.
The strategy of simulating the AAL ecosystem can be seen as prior step to design a
real ecosystem. That is because through the several performed simulations, we could
find mistakes and improve specifications. Without simulation, we would have to fix
the mistakes during system development or operation, which would cause the increase
of the costs and potentially harmful effects on the users requiring remote monitoring
and assistance services. In this regard, we take simulation as a system design para-
digm [5].

4 Conclusions

4.1 Synthesis of the Work

During this research work, the implementation of an Ambient AAL Ecosystem was
proposed, which uses technology as a way to improve the independence and wellbe-
ing of aged people.
In order to define the best approach for such implementation, the first step was to
review the state of the art, considering the technological aspects of an AAL structure,
and its services and providers. With this literature review, we concluded that current
approaches have been too techno-centric and realized that a collaboration-based ap-
proach would be more promising in terms of impacts in AAL area.
Our contribution to this effort was to specify and instantiate the ecosystem layer
proposed by the AAL4ALL project. We started by identifying the functional require-
ments of the ecosystem management layer, followed by corresponding specifications
and data models. These were formulated as canonical models, which allow the cha-
racterization of complex systems using simple, yet useful structures.
Afterwards, we developed the ecosystem management application in a Microsoft
Azure Cloud Computing infrastructure. Local and Global nodes were implemented in
C#. The interaction between these nodes was based on WCF.
The system was tested using a simulation approach, which allowed the understand-
ing of the dynamics inside the ecosystem, certify the correctness of the specified
models, fix both design and implementation mistakes, and perceive whether we could
use our models for the development of real ecosystem.

4.2 Achieved Results

During this work, we focused on the specification and implementation of concepts
and structures for developing an AAL ecosystem. As mentioned before, we used ca-
nonical-based specifications to simulate the dynamics of the ecosystem life-cycle.
With this purpose in mind, several aspects needed to be studied, in order to take the
best possible decisions and to achieve satisfactory specifications and models. The
results that were achieved include the following:
Development of an Ecosystem for Ambient Assisted Living 225

• Study and characterization of the AAL structure that was used in this project.
• Specification of functional requirements and specification of corresponding AAL
• Development of the ecosystem management system using a Cloud Computing
• Development of local and global infrastructure nodes, which interact through
• Verification of ecosystem specification and its partial validation through simula-

4.3 Future Work

Before starting to suggest future lines of action, it is worth to mention the context of
this work. As mentioned before, the study and creation of an AAL ecosystem is a task
which currently involves tens of researchers inside the AAL4ALL project. In this
project, each one is working on concrete parts of the ecosystem development. This is
important for our lines of future work, because it is recommended our future effort
complements those at the project. As such, our strategy for future work is more fo-
cused on aspects, which will increase the functionality and quality of our AAL eco-
system, and at the same time, will profitable complement the tasks and results for the
AAL4ALL project.
Therefore, our set of future work action comprises the integration of real nodes and
users in the simulated ecosystem. The integration of these nodes in the simulated
ecosystem, would allow the progressive transformation of our system from simulation
to a real one. Additionally, this would then be installed in a number of homes, as a
way to certify that the proposed ecosystem was specified in a way that allows further
development towards real products, which may be “marketed”.
Other necessary and very useful component is the development of a knowledge-
based system, which by making inferences with the observations taken from sensors,
would trigger the corresponding events, from which service provider would provide
corresponding assistance. For instance, this component would then select the adequate
intervention regarding the event, sometimes sending an SMS to relatives, other times
sending a rescuing team to the user’s home.
Other functionality for future work is the integration of business processes and ser-
vice composition inside the simulations of the ecosystem. This would allow providing
more complete AAL services, which would require several steps and several actors
for their execution. Finally, we would like to incorporate in our system the capacity of
modeling users with newly or emergent necessities. This would allow determining
how to automatically formulate tailored packages of services and formation of corres-
ponding partnerships.

Acknowledgments. This work was funded in part by the Project AAL4ALL (QREN
13852), co-financed by the European Community Fund through COMPETE - Pro-
grama Operacional Factores de Competitividade. The authors also thank the contribu-
tions from their partners in this project.
226 J. Rosas et al.

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Author Index

Ach, Laurent 50 Koutsombogera, Maria 80

Al Moubayed, Samer 80 Kuchar, Jaroslav 179
Astrinaki, Maria 20
Leroy, Julien 179
Babacan, Onur 20 Lingenfelser, Florian 50
Bantegnie, Emeline 50 Lopes, José David 80
Barbulescu, Adela 20
Baur, Tobias 50 Mancas, Matei 179
Ben Madhkour, Radhwan 179 Mancini, Maurizio 50
Berthouze, Nadia 50 Moinet, Alexis 20
Beskow, Jonas 80 Moreno, Alejandro 160
Bollepalli, Bajibabu 80
Bruijnes, Merijn 114 Niewiadomski, Radoslaw 50
Novikova, Jekaterina 80
Cakmak, Huseyin 20
Camarinha-Matos, Luis M. 200 Oertel, Catharine 80
Cardoso, Tiago 3, 141 Oliveira, Ana Inês 200
Carrasco, Gonçalo 160
Carvalho, Gonçalo 200 Parfait, Valentin 20
Pelachaud, Catherine 50
Coelho, Tiago 3
Pietquin, Olivier 50
d’Alessandro, Nicolas 20 Piot, Bilal 50
Dall, Rasmus 20 Pirner, Ivan 179
Darriba Frederiks, Aduén 114 Poppe, Ronald 160
Datta, Debajyoti 50
de Oliveira, Rita 3 Ramos, Carlos 160
Ding, Yu 50 Ravet, Thierry 20
Dupont, Stéphane 50 Reidsma, Dennis 160
Rocca, François 179
Ferrada, Filipa 200 Rosas, João 200
Rybarczyk, Yves 3, 114, 141
Gameiro, João 141
Griffin, Harry J. 50 Skantze, Gabriel 80
Grisard, Fabien 179 Stefanov, Kalin 80
Hu, Qiong 20 Tilmanne, Joëlle 20
Hueber, Thomas 20
Huguenin, Victor 20 Urbain, Jérôme 50
Huisman, Gijs 114
Hussen-Abdelaziz, Ahmed 80 van Delden, Robby 160
Varol, Gül 80
Johansson, Martin 80 Vit, Jakub 179
Jung, Merel 114 Volpe, Gualtiero 50
Kalaycı, Emine Sümeyye 20 Wagner, Johannes 50
Kliegr, Tomas 179
Kolkmeier, Jan 114 Zimmermann, Petr 179

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