Brochure eHouse-Siemens
Brochure eHouse-Siemens
Brochure eHouse-Siemens
E-House 3
Types of E-Houses 4
A cost-efficient solution 6
A time-efficient s olution 7
A comprehensive solution 8
Flexible solution for your power grid 10
Ideally suited for industries 12
From planning to plug-and-play installation 14
Designed to customer specifications 17
Digitalized engineering for optimized footprint 18
The Siemens difference 20
Bringing power to wherever it’s needed
Benefits at a glance
• Cost savings:
Using an E-House helps to reduce both capital expenditures (CAPEX) and
operational expenditures (OPEX)
• Time efficient:
Delivered ready to use, an E-House saves time on-site
• Improved safety:
EHS performance is improved thanks to minimized on-site presence
• Optimized footprint:
Due to its modularity and qualified design
• One-stop solution:
Everything from one partner, from the planning to the installation and
Types of E-Houses
For a large range of applications
Worldwide experience
We have successfully deliv-
ered more than 300 E-Houses
worldwide. The experience
we’ve acquired around the
globe has only been possible
with the right global network
of local solution competence
centers supported by E-House
expert engineering hubs. This
setup enables us to deliver
E-House solutions wherever
they’re needed and to any
standard required.
(Prefabricated substation)
E-House Skid
single-module multi-module
A cost-efficient solution
Civil work
-10 %
80% -20 %
Civil Today’s lead
time with a
engineering 35 % 5% conventional
-25 % 10 %
Planning / 35 %
controlling 20 % Main drivers Standardi- Factory-built Facto
zation Less interfaces teste
45 % 45 % Tomorrow’s
lead time
with an
Current costs Expected costs -50 %
to customer to customer 9 months
up to 20%
A time-efficient
or typical E-House projects
Reduced lead time up to 50%
Scenario simulation with a conventional solution and E-House
Reduced lead time up to 50%
-50 % on planning due to standardization
Up to -80 % on-site work due to pre-fabrication
Scenario simulation with a conventional
solution and an E-House
Additional costs of E-House enclosure
compared to conventional building 6 months 6 months 6 months
Extra shipping costs
% due to E-House
Civil work
-10 %
E-House power supply solutions are fast and easy
80% -20 %
Today’s lead
to install. Compared with conventional site-built time with a
% constructions, an E-House reduces
5% overall lead conventional
time -25
by up 10 %
%to 50%. That’s because the pre-fabri-
35 %
cated and pre-tested solutions only require
% installation, connection, and commissioning
Main drivers Standardi- Factory-built Factory-
following delivery. Less interfaces tested
% 45 % Tomorrow’s
lead time
with an
costs Expected costs -50 %
mer to customer 9 months
A comprehensive solution
Siemens E-Houses can be fitted with a wide All equipment is smartly intelligently
range of power equipment and components interconnected. The Siemens protection,
from our comprehensive MV and LV portfo- automation and monitoring devices
lio of power solutions. As a pre-fabricated (SIPROTEC) and the motor and control
solution, all power supply components are devices (SIMOCODE) can be easily
pre-configured before being installed inside connected to the power management
and ensure a high degree of functionality systems (PMS) provided by Siemens.
and reliability.
Siemens also has Motor Control Centers and
Siemens medium voltage switchgear (types products to drive and control low-voltage
8DA/B, NX PLUS C or NX AIR) is usually and medium-voltage motors.
designed for E-House solutions to switch
The low-voltage busbar trunking systems
electrical power supply up to 40.5 kV and
SIVACON 8PS can be used for power con-
up to 5000 A. It is accompanied by the
nection to our dry-type transformers (cast-
low-voltage switchboard SIVACON S8 up to
resin transformer GEAFOL).
7000 A. This very cost-efficient and flexible
solution for constant distribution of electri- Siemens also provides building technology
cal power guarantees the highest level of systems designed to ensure the protection
personal and system safety. of equipment and people.
Other electrical equipment like batteries
and uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
systems are sourced by world-class suppli-
ers approved by Siemens or the customer.
LV + MV components VSD (Variable Speed Drives) HVAC, fire and safety equipment
NXPLUS C gas-insulated ROBICON medium-voltage Fire detection and
medium-voltage switchgear drive converters extinguishing system
8DA10 gas-insulated SINAMICS G150 cabinet units: (e.g., Sinorix 1230 by Siemens)
medium-voltage switchgear Universal drive solution for
SIVACON S8 low-voltage single drive Battery room
distribution board Battery rack
SIVACON S8 low-voltage Energy automation
UPS (uninterrupted
MCC board SCADA connection system / power supply)
SIVACON 8PS busbar RTU (Remote Terminal Unit)
trunking system cabinet, e. g., SICAM by Siemens Transformer
SIVACON auxiliary Outdoor power transformer or
distribution board indoor/outdoor auxiliary trans-
Power grid operators, utilities, electricity E-Houses are commonly used as housings
producers, and energy intensive infrastruc- for electrical switch or inverter rooms for
ture facilities must be able to ensure a reli- distribution grids, but also for applications
able power supply for their customers. Power like grid coupling, balancing fossil and
demand must be met at all times, without renewable energy sources at plants, as part
interruption – regardless of construction of reliable power supply solutions for criti-
time frames, operational restrictions, natural cal processes, or for housings of electrical
disasters, or other circumstances. energy storage systems.
Example of references
Power substations used for the energy Reduced interference and fewer
intensive oil and gas, chemicals or metal construction risks
and mining industries, among others, need With a conventional power substation build-
to be able to operate reliably in extremely ing, even the shortest delay can have a
harsh environments and under the most devastating impact on the whole project
challenging conditions. E-House solutions schedule. E-House is the ideal solution.
will not let you down. It can be installed quickly, which minimizes
worker presence on-site and reduces
E-House performs reliably interference with other activities. E-House
With E-House solutions, power failures from significantly enhances on-site environment,
hazardous weather conditions and harsh health and safety (EHS) performance. Since
environments are no longer an issue. Well it is delivered fully-equipped and pre-test-
suited for use in all types of mission-critical ed, there is no risk of delay due to weather
applications, E-Houses are built to meet conditions, for example. As a result,
rigorous industry standards. In addition to E-House can be installed at almost any
temperature extremes, they are designed to location – performing reliably at all times.
withstand dust, dirt, moisture, fog and
humidity. An exceptionally resistant hous-
ing protects from high snow loads as well
as high wind speeds and seismic risks, as
well as external fire that may result from an
adjacent transformer failures.
Example of references
From planning to
plug-and-play installation
Siemens has all the necessary expertise that takes into consideration the customer’s
in-house along with outstanding design power distribution needs, project specific
know-how for each project step. requirements (e.g. logistical and site
restrictions), Health & Safety as well as
Everything starts with the design. Siemens
Operation & Maintenance requirements.
provides E-House-specific design expertise
STEP 1 Design
STEP 2 Manufacturing
STEP 3 Pre-assembly
STEP 6 Transport
STEP 7 Plug-and-play
Designed to customer
Electrical design tion and air-flow requirements to battery
The customer’s need for electrical power protection measures.
distribution to process-relevant equipment
is specified in the single-line diagram Structural and mechanical design
(SLD) of the project. This is the most The structural design of the bearing frame
important design requirement for the is based on the weight distribution result-
functionality of an E-House application. ing from the equipment arrangement. The
The electrical design defines the type of mechanical design allows deflections to
product along with the respective dimen- be limited during lifting and operation. It
sions and weight. The comprehensive takes into account all components such as
product portfolio of Siemens offers an the wall and roof elements, doors, floor-
outsanding diversity of perfectly fitted ing, and ancillary equipment installations.
products and systems, for example, reli- Appropriate products are selected accord-
able switchgear and switchboards, protec- ing to the project-specific requirements
tion devices and monitoring systems. such as environmental conditions and fire
Requirements management
The Siemens Global Engineering and
Our certified project managers and experi-
Excellence Center (GEEC) has the unique
enced lead engineers are the primary
expertise and experience needed to de-
contact for the customers. A professional
sign multi-level E-Houses (for example,
project team ensures that all of the inter-
two-level E-House) as well as E-Houses
nal electrical design interfaces have been
that are resistant to external blasts.
properly specified and logically imple-
mented, while a pro-active interface
management team coordinates the exter-
nal design interfaces.
Equipment layout
A key element for the optimization of the
E-House’s overall footprint and smart opera-
tion is the intelligent arrangement of the
power equipment. This significantly influ-
ences the design to the logistics concept
and offers the greatest leverage for an
optimized footprint. Siemens engineers
take all specific technology requirements
Design of auxiliary systems
into consideration, from internal arc protec-
Auxiliary systems are important for the
protection of the initial investment and for
prevention of potential process downtime
due to failures in the power distribution
system. Smoke detection systems provide
time for owners to react, and fire extin-
guishing systems offer immediate action
in the unlikely case of a fire within the
E-House. Air-conditioning systems control
the temperature and humidity within
acceptable limits, thereby assuring func-
tional reliability and life-cycle requirements.
Overpressure systems prevent the ingress
of ambient air if contaminated with par-
ticles being harmful to humans or equip-
ment. Access control systems and burglar
alarms can be installed to offer a high level
of safety and protection for the equipment.
21.25 m
~ 25% 17 m
11.75 m
9.26 m
210 m² 157.50 m²
Open communication Open communication Building
standards standards Solutions
Energy Power automation
automation for industries and buildings
Published by
Siemens AG 2017