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Book4 PDF
Book4 PDF
Consider two particles of masses m1 and m2 , with the only forces those of
their mutual interaction, which we assume is given by a potential which is a
function only of the distance between them, U (|~r1 − ~r2 |). In a mathematical
sense this is a very strong restriction, but it applies very nicely to many
physical situations. The classical case is the motion of a planet around the
Sun, ignoring the effects mentioned at the beginning of the book. But it
also applies to electrostatic forces and to many effective representations of
nonrelativistic interparticle forces.
~ = m1~r1 + m2~r2
m1 + m2
as three of our generalized coordinates. For the other three, we first use the
cartesian components of the relative coordinate
~r := ~r2 − ~r1 ,
~ − m2 ~r,
~r1 = R ~ + m1 ~r,
~r2 = R where M = m1 + m2 .
The kinetic energy is
1 1
T = m1 ṙ12 + m2 ṙ22
2 2
1 ˙~ m2 ˙ 2 1 ~˙ m1 ˙ 2
= m1 R − ~r + m2 R + ~r
2 M 2 M
1 2
= (m1 + m2 )R ~˙ + 1 m1 m2 ~r˙ 2
2 2 M
1 ~˙ 2 1 ˙ 2
= M R + µ~r ,
2 2
m1 m2
µ :=
m1 + m2
is called the reduced mass. Thus the kinetic energy is transformed to the
form for two effective particles of mass M and µ, which is neither simpler
nor more complicated than it was in the original variables.
For the potential energy, however, the new variables are to be preferred,
~ whose three components are
for U (~r1 − ~r2 ) = U (~r) is independent of R,
therefore ignorable coordinates, and their conjugate momenta
∂(T − U )
P~cm = = M Ṙi
i ∂ Ṙi
are conserved. This reduces half of the motion to triviality, leaving an effec-
tive one-body problem with T = 12 µṙ2 , and the given potential U (~r).
We have not yet made use of the fact that U only depends on the mag-
nitude of ~r. In fact, the above reduction applies to any two-body system
without external forces, as long as Newton’s Third Law holds.
which is the inverse function of the solution to the radial motion problem
r(t). We can also find the orbit because
dφ φ̇ L dt
= = 2
dr dr/dt µr dr
Z r dr
φ = φ0 ± L q . (3.3)
r0 r2 2µ (E − Ueff (r))
The sign ambiguity from the square root is only because r may be increasing
or decreasing, but time, and usually φ/L, are always increasing.
Qualitative features of the motion are largely determined by the range
over which the argument of the square root is positive, as for other values of
r we would have imaginary velocities. Thus the motion is restricted to this
allowed region. Unless L = 0 or the potential U (r) is very strongly attractive
for small r, the centrifugal barrier will dominate there, so Ueff −→ +∞, and
there must be a smallest radius rp > 0 for which E ≥ Ueff . Generically the
force will not vanish there, so E −Ueff ≈ c(r −rp ) for r ≈ rp , and the integrals
in (3.2) and (3.3) are convergent. Thus an incoming orbit reaches r = rp at a
finite time and finite angle, and the motion then continues with r increasing
and the ± signs reversed. The radius rp is called a turning point of the
motion. If there is also a maximum value of r for which the velocity is real,
it is also a turning point, and an outgoing orbit will reach this maximum and
then r will start to decrease, confining the orbit to the allowed values of r.
If there are both minimum and maximum values, this interpretation of
Eq. (3.3) gives φ as a multiple valued function of r, with an “inverse” r(φ)
which is a periodic function of φ. But there is no particular reason for this
where we have made the variable substitution u = 1/r which simplifies the
form, and have introduced abbreviations γ = 2µE/L2 , α = 2Kµ2 /L2 .
As dφ/dr must be real the motion will clearly be confined to regions for
which the argument of the square root is nonnegative, and the motion in
r will reverse at the turning points where the argument vanishes. The ar-
gument is clearly negative as u → ∞, which is r = 0. We have assumed
L 6= 0, so the angular momentum barrier dominates over the Coulomb at-
traction, and always prevents the particle from reaching the origin. Thus
there is always at least one turning point, umax , corresponding to the min-
imum distance rp . Then the argument of the square root must factor into
[−(u − umax )(u − umin )], although if umin is negative it is not really the min-
imum u, which can never get past zero. The integral (3.4) can be done2 with
Of course it can also be done by looking in a good table of integrals. For example, see
2.261(c) of Gradshtein and Ryzhik[7].
where e = A/B.
What is this orbit? Clearly rp just sets the scale of the whole orbit. From
rp (1 + e) = r + er cos θ = r + ex, if we subtract ex and square, we get
rp2 + 2rp e(rp − x) + e2 (rp − x)2 = r2 = x2 + y 2 , which is clearly quadratic in
x and y. It is therefore a conic section,
All of these are possible motions. The bound orbits are ellipses, which
describe planetary motion and also the motion of comets. But objects which
have enough energy to escape from the sun, such as Voyager 2, are in hyper-
bolic orbit, or in the dividing case where the total energy is exactly zero, a
parabolic orbit. Then as time goes to ∞, φ goes to a finite value, φ → π for
a parabola, or some constant less than π for a hyperbolic orbit.
Perigee is the correct word if the heavier of the two is the Earth, perihelion if it is
the sun, periastron for some other star. Pericenter is also used, but not as generally as it
ought to be.
rp = (1 − e)a, ra = (1 + e)a.
Properties of an ellipse. The large
Notice that the center of the el- dots are the foci. The eccentricity
lipse is ea away from the Sun. is e and a is the semi-major axis.
Kepler tells us not only that the orbit is an ellipse, but also that the
sun is at one focus. To verify that, note the other focus of an ellipse is
symmetrically located, at (−2ea, 0), and work out the sum of the distances
of any point on the ellipse from the two foci. This will verify that d + r = 2a
is a constant, showing that the orbit is indeed an ellipse with the sun at one
How are a and e related to the total energy E and the angular momentum
L? At apogee and perigee, dr/dφ vanishes, and so does ṙ, so E = U (r) +
L2 /2µr2 = −K/r + L2 /2µr2 , which holds at r = rp = a(1 − e) and at
r = ra = a(1 + e). Thus Ea2 (1 ± e)2 + Ka(1 ± e) − L2 /2µ = 0. These two
equations are easily solved for a and e in terms of the constants of the motion
E and L
K 2 2EL2
a=− , e =1+ .
2E µK 2
As expected for a bound orbit, we have found r as a periodic function
of φ, but it is surprising that the period is the natural period 2π. In other
words, as the planet makes its revolutions around the sun, its perihelion is
always in the same direction. That didn’t have to be the case — one could
imagine that each time around, the minimum distance occurred at a slightly
different (or very different) angle. Such an effect is called the precession
of the perihelion. We will discuss this for nearly circular orbits in other
potentials in section (3.2.2).
What about Kepler’s Third Law? The area of a triange with ~r as one
edge and the displacement during a small time interval δ~r = ~v δt is A =
|~r × ~v |δt = |~r × p~|δt/2µ, so the area swept out per unit time is
dA L
= .
dt 2µ
which is constant. The area of an ellipse made by stretching a circle is
stretched by the same amount, so A is π times the semimajor axis times the
semiminor axis.√ The endpoint of the semiminor axis is a away from each
focus, so it is a 1 − e2 from the center, and
v !
√ u
2t 2EL2
A = πa 1 − e = πa 1 −
2 1+
µK 2
L −2E
= πa2 .
K µ
Recall that for bound orbits E < 0, so A is real. The period is just the area
swept out in one revolution divided by the rate it is swept out, or
L −2E 2µ
T = πa
K µ L
2πa π
= −2µE = K(2µ)1/2 (−E)−3/2 (3.5)
K 2
2πa2 q
= µK/a = 2πa3/2 (K)−1/2 µ1/2 , (3.6)
independent of L. The fact that T and a depend only on E and not on
L is another fascinating manifestation of the very subtle symmetries of the
Kepler/Coulomb problem.
F (a) = − .
We may also ask about trajectories which differ only slightly from this orbit,
for which |r − a| is small. Expanding Ueff (r) in a Taylor series about a,
Ueff (r) = Ueff (a) + (r − a)2 k,
d2 Ueff
k =
dr2 a
dF 3L2 dF 3F
= − + 4 =− + .
dr µa dr a
The period of revolution Trev can be calculated for the circular orbit, as
2π q
L = µa2 φ̇ = µa2 = µa3 |F (a)|,
Trev = 2π
|F (a)|
Thus the two periods Tosc and Trev are not equal unless n = −2, as in the
gravitational case. Let us define the apsidal angle ψ as the angle between
an apogee and the next perigee. It is therefore ψ = πTosc /Trev = π/ 3 + n.
For the gravitational case ψ = π, the apogee and perigee are on opposite sides
of the orbit. For a two- or three-dimensional harmonic oscillator F (r) = −kr
we have n = 1, ψ = 12 π, and now an orbit contains two apogees and two
perigees, and is again an ellipse, but now with the center-of-force at the
center of the ellipse rather than at one focus.
Note that if ψ/π is not rational, the orbit never closes, while if ψ/π = p/q,
the orbit will close after p revolutions, having reached q apogees and perigees.
The orbit will then be closed, but unless p = 1 it will be self-intersecting.
This exact closure is also only true in the small deviation approximation;
more generally, Bertrand’s Theorem states that only for the n = −2 and
n = 1 cases are the generic orbits closed.
In the treatment of planetary motion, the precession of the perihelion is
the angle though which the perihelion slowly moves, so it is 2ψ −2π per orbit.
We have seen that it is zero for the pure inverse force law. There is actually
some precession of the planets, due mostly to perturbative effects of the other
planets, but also in part due to corrections to Newtonian mechanics found
from Einstein’s theory of general relativity. In the late nineteenth century
discrepancies in the precession of Mercury’s orbit remained unexplained, and
the resolution by Einstein was one of the important initial successes of general
On the other hand, the time variation of the unit vector êr = ~r/r is
1 θ −K
sec2 dθ = 2 2 db,
2 2 µv0 b
dσ µv02 b2 πµv02 b3
= 2πb =
dθ 2K cos2 (θ/2) K cos2 (θ/2)
!3 !3 !2
πµv02 K cos θ/2 K cos θ/2
= =π
K cos2 (θ/2) µv02 sin θ/2 µv02 sin3 θ/2
π K sin θ
= .
2 µv02 sin4 θ/2
(The last expression is useful because sin θdθ is the “natural measure” for θ,
in the sense that integrating over volume in spherical coordinates is d3 V =
r2 dr sin θdθdφ.)
How do we measure dσ/dθ? There is a beam of N particles shot at
random impact parameters onto a foil with n scattering centers per unit
area, and we confine the beam to an area A. Each particle will be significantly
scattered only by the scattering center to which it comes closest, if the foil
is thin enough. The number of incident particles per unit area is N/A, and
the number of scatterers being bombarded is nA, so the number which get
scattered through an angle ∈ [θ, θ + dθ] is
N dσ dσ
× nA × dθ = N n dθ.
A dθ dθ
We have used the cylindrical symmetry of this problem to ignore the φ
dependance of the scattering. More generally, the scattering would not be
uniform in φ, so that the area of beam scattered into a given region of (θ,φ)
would be
dσ = sin θdθdφ,
where dσ/dΩ is called the differential cross section. For Rutherford scat-
tering we have
dσ 1 K θ
= 2
csc4 .
dΩ 4 µv0 2
This effect is called glory scattering, and can be seen around the shadow
of a plane on the clouds below.
3.1 A space ship is in circular orbit at radius R and speed v1 , with the period
of revolution τ1 . The crew wishes to go to planet X, which is in a circular orbit
of radius 2R, and to revolve around the Sun staying near planet X. They propose
to do this by firing two blasts, one putting them in an orbit with perigee R and
apogee 2R, and the second, when near X, to change their velocity so they will have
the same speed as X.
• (a) By how much must the first blast change their velocity? Express your
answer in terms of v1 .
• (b) How long will it take until they reach the apogee? Express your answer
in terms of τ1
• (c) By how much must the second blast change their speed? Will they need
to slow down or speed up, relative to the sun.
3.2 Consider a spherical droplet of water in the sunlight. A ray of light with
impact parameter b is refracted, so by Snell’s Law n sin β = sin α. It is then
internally reflected once and refracted again on the way out.
(a) Express the scattering angle θ in terms of α and β.
(b) Find the scattering cross section
dσ/dΩ as a function of θ, α and β
(which is implicitly a function of θ
from (a) and Snell’s Law).
(c) The smallest value of θ is called
the rainbow scattering angle. Why? α
Find it numerically to first order in
δ if the index of refraction is n = β
1.333 + δ
(d) The visual spectrum runs from vi-
olet, where n = 1.343, to red, where
n = 1.331. Find the angular radius
of the rainbow’s circle, and the an- θ
gular width of the rainbow, and tell
whether the red or blue is on the out- One way light can scatter from a
side. spherical raindrop.
3.4 From the general expression for φ as an integral over r, applied to a three
dimensional symmetrical harmonic oscillator U (~r) = 12 kr2 , integrate the equation,
and show that the motion is an ellipse, with the center of force √ at the center of
the ellipse. Consider the three complex quantities Qi = pi − i kmri , and show
that each has a very simple equation of motion, as a consequence of which the
nine quantities Q∗i Qk are conserved. Identify as many as possible of these with
previously known conserved quantities.
3.5 Show that if a particle under the influence of a central force has an orbit
which is a circle passing through the point of attraction, then the force is a power
law with |F | ∝ r−5 . Assuming the potential is defined so that U (∞) = 0, show
that for this particular orbit E = 0. In terms of the diameter and the angular
momentum, find the period, and by expressing ẋ, ẏ and the speed as a function of
the angle measured from the center of the circle, and its derivative, show that ẋ, ẏ
and the speed all go to infinity as the particle passes through the center of force.
3.6 For the Kepler problem we have the relative position tracing out an ellipse.
What is the curve traced out by the momentum in momentum space? Show that
it is a circle centered at L ~ 2 , where L
~ × A/L ~ and A
~ are the angular momentum and
Runge-Lenz vectors respectively.
3.7 The Rutherford cross section implies all incident projectiles will be scattered
and emerge at some angle θ, but a real planet has a finite radius, and a projectile
that hits the surface is likely to be captured rather than scattered.
What is the capture cross section for an airless planet of radius R and mass M
for a projectile with a speed v0 ? How is the scattering differential cross section
modified from the Rutherford prediction?
where we may freely choose the path parameter λ to be the proper time (after
doing the variation), so that the is c, the speed of light.
The gravitational field of a static point mass M is given by the
Schwartzschild metric
g00 = 1 − , grr = −1 1− , gθθ = −r2 , gφφ = −r2 sin2 θ,
rc2 rc2
where all other components of gµν are zero. Treating the four xµ (λ) as the coordi-
nates, with λ playing the role of time, find the four conjugate momenta pµ , show
that p0 and pφ = L are constants, and use the freedom to choose
Z uX
1 u dxµ dxν
λ=τ = t gµν (xρ )
c µν dλ dλ
to show m2 c2 = µν g µν pµ pν , where g µν is the inverse matrix to gαβ . Use this to
show that s
dr 2GM L2 2GM L2
= κ− − + 2 2− 2 3 2 ,
dτ r m r m r c
where κ is a constant. For an almost circular orbit at the minimum r = a of
the effective potential this implies, show that the precession of the perihelion is
6πGM/ac2 .
Find the rate of precession for Mercury, with G = 6.67 × 10−11 Nm2 /kg2 , M =
1.99 × 1030 kg and a = 5.79 × 1010 m, per revolution, and also per century, using
the period of the orbit as 0.241 years.