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Anti-Aliased Line - Xiaolin Wu's Algorithm - GeeksforGeeks PDF

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12/28/2019 Anti-aliased Line | Xiaolin Wu's algorithm - GeeksforGeeks


Anti-aliased Line | Xiaolin Wu’s algorithm
Anti-Aliased Line Drawing
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Below is the image showing line drawn with Bresenham’s line algorithm (left) and Xiaolin Wu’s line

in algorithm (right) which smooths the line. Which one looks better to you ?

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Anti Aliasing concept

Suppose we want to draw a line from point(1 , 1) to point(8 , 4) with rectangular edges . The ideal line
would be the one shown in gure A . Since I want to display it on screen I cannot use that . Line needs to
go through a process called Rasterization which would determine color of individual pixels . Several
algorithms can be used like Bresenham’s Line Algorithm , Digital Differential Analyzer , Xiaolin Wu’s line
algorithm , Gupta-Sproull algorithm . Later two perform anti-aliasing or line smoothing.
The result produced by rst two algorithm is show in gure B.

There are few problems in Line( gure B ).

1. Pixel (4,2) has less coverage than Pixel (3,2), yet they’re both drawn fully black.

2. Pixel (2,2) has almost as much coverage as (4,2), and yet it’s drawn fully white.

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To overcome these drawbacks and produce a much smoother looking line we use Xiaolin Wu’s line

Xiaolin Wu’s line algorithm

Consider the gure shown below which is drawn using Bresenham’s Line Generation Algorithm . Take a
segment and its initial coordinate x. By the X in the loop is added 1 towards the end of the segment. At
each step, the error is calculated – the distance between the actual y-coordinate at that location and the
nearest grid cell. If the error does not exceed half the height of the cell, it is lled. That’s the whole

We will modify this algorithm so that it can produce an anti-aliased line .

Xiaolin Wu’s line algorithm is characterized by the fact that at each step of the calculation is carried out
for the two closest to the line of pixels, and they are colored with different intensity, depending on the
distance. Current intersection middle pixel intensity gives 100% if the pixel is within 0.9 pixel, the intensity
will be 10%. In other words, one hundred percent of the intensity is divided between the pixels which limit
vector line on both sides.

In the picture the red and green color shows the distance to the two adjacent pixels. To calculate the error,
you can use oating point and take the error value of the fractional part.

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NOTE:The following implementation uses SDL library to draw pixels on screen . If you are on debian
system like ubuntu just run following command to install SDL library.

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev

To build use

gcc filename.c -lSDL2

Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} rst, before moving on to the solution.

Note:If the projection of the segment on the x-axis is less than the projection on the y-axis, or the
beginning and end of the segment are swapped, then the algorithm will not work. To avoid this, you need
to check the direction of the vector and its slope, and then swap the coordinates of the line , ultimately to
reduce everything to some one or at least two cases.
Following algorithm assumes that only integer co-ordinates will be given as inputs since pixel value
cannot be oating point.

// C program to implement Xiaolin Wu's line drawing

// algorithm.
// We must install SDL library using above steps
// to run this prorgram

// SDL stuff
SDL_Window* pWindow = 0;
SDL_Renderer* pRenderer = 0;

// swaps two numbers

void swap(int* a , int*b)
int temp = *a; ▲
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
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// returns absolute value of number

float absolute(float x )
if (x < 0) return -x;
else return x;

//returns integer part of a floating point number

int iPartOfNumber(float x)
return (int)x;

//rounds off a number

int roundNumber(float x)
return iPartOfNumber(x + 0.5) ;

//returns fractional part of a number

float fPartOfNumber(float x)
if (x>0) return x - iPartOfNumber(x);
else return x - (iPartOfNumber(x)+1);

//returns 1 - fractional part of number

float rfPartOfNumber(float x)
return 1 - fPartOfNumber(x);

// draws a pixel on screen of given brightness

// 0<=brightness<=1. We can use your own library
// to draw on screen
void drawPixel( int x , int y , float brightness)
int c = 255*brightness;
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(pRenderer, c, c, c, 255);
SDL_RenderDrawPoint(pRenderer, x, y);

void drawAALine(int x0 , int y0 , int x1 , int y1)

int steep = absolute(y1 - y0) > absolute(x1 - x0) ;

// swap the co-ordinates if slope > 1 or we

// draw backwards
if (steep)
swap(&x0 , &y0);
swap(&x1 , &y1);
if (x0 > x1) ▲
swap(&x0 ,&x1);
swap(&y0 ,&y1);

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//compute the slope

float dx = x1-x0;
float dy = y1-y0;
float gradient = dy/dx;
if (dx == 0.0)
gradient = 1;

int xpxl1 = x0;

int xpxl2 = x1;
float intersectY = y0;

// main loop
if (steep)
int x;
for (x = xpxl1 ; x <=xpxl2 ; x++)
// pixel coverage is determined by fractional
// part of y co-ordinate
drawPixel(iPartOfNumber(intersectY), x,
drawPixel(iPartOfNumber(intersectY)-1, x,
intersectY += gradient;
int x;
for (x = xpxl1 ; x <=xpxl2 ; x++)
// pixel coverage is determined by fractional
// part of y co-ordinate
drawPixel(x, iPartOfNumber(intersectY),
drawPixel(x, iPartOfNumber(intersectY)-1,
intersectY += gradient;

// Driver code
int main(int argc, char* args[])

SDL_Event event;

// initialize SDL
// if succeeded create our window
pWindow = SDL_CreateWindow("Anti-Aliased Line ", ▲
640, 480,

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// if the window creation succeeded create our renderer

if (pWindow != 0)
pRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(pWindow, -1, 0);
return 1; // sdl could not initialize

while (1)
if (SDL_PollEvent(&event) && event.type == SDL_QUIT)

// Sets background color to white

SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(pRenderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);

// draws a black AALine

drawAALine(80 , 200 , 550, 150);

// show the window


// clean up SDL
return 0;


This article is contributed by Lokesh Sharma. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you
can also write an article using contribute.geeksforgeeks.org or mail your article to ▲

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other Geeks.

Please write comments if you nd anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the
topic discussed above.

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BECKHAM • 2 years ago

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BECKHAM • 2 years ago

draw a real intersection whitout aliasing or this is your best

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