FORM – 1
PHONE NUMBER: 08232-235026
FAX NUMBER: 08232-235111
a. Details of Land available :
b. Source of the Land (If the Land is received from Govt., the conditions attached to
the same)
c. Attested photocopy of original Land records.
d. Permission from the Local Civil Authorities (Municipality, Corporation,
Panchayath) for utilization of Land for the Purpose of establishing Medical College
and Hospital separately.
e. The documents to establish that the applicant own and manage an hospital of not
less than 300 beds with necessary infrastructural facilities capable of being
developed into teaching institution in the campus of the proposed Medical College.
f. Due Diligence Certificate from an Revenue Authority in original as in attached
format certifying that the applicant owns land as required by the concerned Apex
Body/ Government of India / University.
g. A land usage certificate in original issued by a Competent Authority / Revenue
h. A certificate in original issued by the Revenue Authority certifying that the
applicant owns and possesses contiguous land and it is free from encumbrance /
i. Permission from Pollution Control Board
j. Plan approval of College and Hospital from the competent authority.
k. Details of any other courses running in the same campus.
OF THE TRUST, : Sri.Dr. G Madegowda Founder Chairman
Sri.Madhu G Madegowda,Chairman
Sri.B. M. Nanjegowda, Secretary
Sri.B. Basavaraju, Working president
Sri.Siddegowda, Secretary
SriS Jayaramu, Member
Sri.K Lingegowda Papanna, Member
Sri.Jogigowda, Member
Sri.Muddaiah, Member
Sri.S Basavegowda, Member
BALANCE SHEET FOR THE LAST 3 YEARS – Attached Annexure 3(a), 3(b) & 3(c)
a) Topography
b) Plotsize
c) Permissible floor space index
d) Ground coverage
e) Building height
f) Road access
g) Availability of public transport
h) Electric supply
i) Water supply
j) Sewage connection
k) Communication facilities
Note: Please support with required permissions from the competent authorities.
a) Income statement
b) Cash flow statement
c) Projected balance sheets
NOTE:- For Items 14 to 18 a comparative statement showing the relevant Medical Council
of India norms vis-à-vis infrastructure/faculty available and/or proposed to be made available
should be annexed.
Note: Please furnish the details of permission from Local Authorities, Pollution Control
Board, ETP, STP, Trade License etc.
a) Bed strength
b) Bed distribution, bed occupancy and whether a norm of 5 in patients per student
would be fulfilled
c) Built up area
d) Clinical and para clinical disciplines
e) OPDs and OPD attendance department wise
f) Architectural and layout plans
g) List of medical/allied equipments
h) Capacity and configuration of engineering services
i) Hospital services, administrative services, other ancillary and support services
(category wise staff strength)
a) Land particulars
b) Distance from the proposed medical college
c) Plot size
d) Authorized land usage
e) Geography
f) Soil condition
g) Road access
h) Availability of public transport
i) Electric supply
j) Water supply
k) Sewage connection
l) Communication facilities
Note: Please attach supporting documents with permission from the concerned authorities
including Pollution Control Board.
Note: Please attach supporting documents with permission from the concerned authorities
including Pollution Control Board.
Note: Please attach supporting documents with permission from the concerned authorities
including Pollution Control Board.
Signature of applicant
(The Principal/Authorized Signatory has to put his/her signature along with official seal on
all the pages including Annexure and Supporting Documents)
Provided that in case any seat in this 3% quota remains unfilled on account of
unavailability of candidates with locomotory disability of lower limbs between 50% to 70%
then any such unfilled seat in this 3% quota shall be filled up by persons with locomotory
disability of lower limbs between 40% to 50% - before they are included in the annual
sanctioned seats for General Category candidates.
Provided further that this entire exercise shall be completed by each medical college /
institution as per the statutory time schedule for admissions and in no case any admission will
be made in the MBBS course after 30thof September.
4. Selections to Students:
The selection of students to medical college shall be based solely on merit of the
candidate and for determination of merit, the following criteria be adopted uniformly
throughout the country:
1. In states, having only one Medical College and one university /board/ examining body
conducting the qualifying examination the marks obtained at such qualifying examination
may be taken into consideration.
2. In states, having more than one university /board,/examining body conducting the
qualifying examination (or where there is more than one medical college under the
administrative control of one authority) a competitive entrance examination should be held so
Biochemistry including medical physics and Molecular Biology.
i. GOAL:
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in biochemistry is to make
them understand the scientific basis of the life processes at the molecular level and to orient
them towards the application of the knowledge acquired in solving clinical problems.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to :
1.Describe the molecular and functional organization of a cell and list its subcellular
i. GOAL:
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate student in Pathology is to provide the
students with a comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms and causes of disease, in order
to enable him/her to achieve complete understanding of the natural history and clinical
manifestations of disease.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:-
1. Describe the structure and ultra structure of a sick cell, mechanisms of cell degeneration,
cell death and repair and be able to correlate structural and functional alterations.
i. GOAL:
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Pharmacology is to
inculcate a rational and scientific basis of therapeutics.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of essential and commonly used
2. List the indications, contraindications, interactions and adverse reactions of commonly
used drugs.
Practical knowledge of use of drugs in clinical practice will be acquired through integrated
teaching with clinical departments and pre clinical departments.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to :-
1. Use epidemiology as a scientific tool to make rational decisions relevant to community and
individual patient intervention.
2. Collect analyze, interpret and present simple community and hospital based data.
3. Diagnose and manage common health problems and emergencies at the individual, family
and community levels keeping in mind the existing health care resources and in the context of
the prevailing socio-cultural beliefs.
1. With community medicine and physical medicine and rehabilitation to have the knowledge
and be able to manage important current national health programs, also to be able to view the
patient in his/her total physical social and economic milieu.
2. With other relevant academic inputs which provide scientific basis of clinical medicine e.g.
anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology and pharmacology.
Pediatrics including Neonatology
The course includes systematic instructions in growth and development nutritional needs of a
child, immunization schedules and management of common diseases of infancy and
childhood, scope of Social Pediatrics and counseling.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Take a detailed pediatric history, conduct an appropriate physical examination of children
including neonates, make clinical diagnosis, conduct common bedside investigative
procedures, interpret common laboratory investigation results and plan and institute therapy.
2.Take anthropometric measurements, resuscitate newborn infants at birth, prepare oral
rehydration solution, perform tuberculin test administer vaccines available under current
national programs, perform venesection, start an intravenous saline and provide nasogastric
3.Conduct diagnostic procedures such as lumbar puncture, liver and kidney biopsy, bone
marrow aspiration, pleural tap and ascitic tap.
4.Distinguish between normal newborn babies and those requiring special care and institute
early care to all new born babies including care of preterm and low birth weight babies,
provide correct guidance and counseling in breast feeding.
5. Provide ambulatory care to all sick children, identify indications for specialized/inpatient
care and ensure timely referral of those who require hospitalization.
The aim of teaching the undergraduate student in psychiatry is to impart such knowledge and
skills that may enable him to diagnose and treat common psychiatric disorders, handle
psychiatric emergencies and to refer complications/unusual manifestations of common
disorders and rare psychiatric disorders to the specialist.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1.Comprehend nature and development of different aspects of normal human Behavior like
learning, memory, motivation, personality and intelligence;
2. Recognize differences between normal and abnormal behavior;
3.Classify psychiatric disorders;
4. Recognize clinical manifestations of the following common syndromes and plan their
appropriate management of organic psychosis, functional psychosis, schizo-phrenia, affective
disorders, neurotic disorders, personality disorders, psycho-physiological disorders, drug and
alcohol dependence, psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence;
5.Describe rational use of different modes of therapy in psychiatric disorders.
The student should be able to:
1.Interview the patient and understand different methods of communications in patient doctor
2.Elicit detailed psychiatric case history and conduct clinical examination for assessment of
mental status;
3.Define, elicit and interpret psycho-pathological symptoms and signs.
4.Diagnose and manage common psychiatric disorders;
Training in Psychiatry should prepare the students to deliver preventive, promotive, curative
and re-habilitative services for the care of patients both in the family and community and to
refer advance cases to a specialized Psychiatry/Mental Hospital. Training should be
integrated with the departments of Medicine, Neuro Anatomy, Behavioral Sciences and
Forensic medicine.
The aim of teaching the undergraduate student in Dermatology, S.T.D. and Leprology
is to impart such knowledge and skills that may enable him to diagnose and treat common
ailments and to refer rare diseases or complications/unusual manifestations ofcommon
diseases, to the specialist.
At the end of the course of Dermato-S.T.D. and Leprology, the student shall be able to:
1.Demonstrate sound knowledge of common diseases, their clinical manifestations, including
emergent situations and of investigative procedures to confirm their diagnosis:
2. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of various modes of therapy used in treatment of
respiratory diseases.
3. Describe the mode of action of commonly used drugs, their doses, sideeffects/toxicity,
indications and contra-indications and interactions.
4. Describe commonly used modes of management including the medical and surgical
procedures available for the treatment of various diseases and to offer a comprehensive plan
of management for a given disorder.
The student should be able to:
1.Interview the patient elicits relevant and correct information and describe the history in a
chronological order.
2. Conduct clinical examination, elicit and interpret physical findings and diagnose common
disorders and emergencies;
The broad goal of effective teaching can be obtained through integration with departments of
Medicine, Surgery, Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology and Preventive & Social
SURGERY - including Paediatric Surgery:
i. GOAL:
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Surgery is to produce graduates
capable of delivering efficient first contact surgical care.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Describe aetiology, pathophysiology, principles of diagnosis and management of common
surgical problems including emergencies, in adults and children.
2. Define indications and methods for fluid and electrolyte replacement therapy including
blood transfusion.
3. Define asepsis, disinfection and sterilization and recommended judicious use of antibiotics
4. Describe common malignancies in the country and their management including prevention.
5. Enumerate different types of anaesthetic agents, their indications, mode of administration,
contributions and side effects.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Diagnose common surgical conditions both acute and chronic, in adult and children.
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1.Use basic protective techniques during various imaging procedures.
2. Interpret common X-ray, radio-diagnostic techniques in various community situations.
3. Advise appropriate diagnostic procedures in specialized circumstances to appropriate
i. GOAL:
The broad goal of teaching the undergraduate medical students in the field of Radiotherapy is
to make the students understand the magnitude of the ever-increasing cancer problem in the
country. The students must be made aware about steps required for the prevention and
possible cure of this dreaded condition.
The students should be able to:
1. Identify symptoms and signs of various cancers and their steps of investigations and
2. Explain the effect of radiation therapy on human beings and the basic principles involved
in it
3. Know about radio-active isotopes and their physical properties
4. Be aware of the advances made in radiotherapy in cancer management and knowledge of
various radio therapeutic equipment while treating a patient.
At the completion of the training programme, the student should be able to:
1. Take a detailed clinical history of the case suspected of having a malignant disease.
4. Community Medicine
1. The need for family welfare Planning.
2.organization of Family Welfare Planningservice.
3. Health Education in relating to Family Welfare planning.
4. Nutrition.
5. Psychological needs of the mother, the child and the family.
6.Demography and vital Statistics.
6. Paediatrics:
1. Problems of child health in relation to large family.
2. Organization of pediatric services.
3. Nutritional problems of mother and child
4. Childhood disease due to overcrowding.
The various facilities required at the medical college like Lecture halls, Laboratories, Animal
House, Library, and facilities for extracurricular activities etc., provided in annexure - 6
Clinical and teaching requirements in the teaching hospital, which includes Wards, OT,
ICUCasualty, Hostel for Student and Residents are as per annexure – 6
The various service rendered by clinical department and laboratories are as per
MCIregulations with well qualified experienced teaching faculty assisted by paramedical staff.
For functioning of th6 various departments to render an adequate service by each of them,they
are provided with administrative equipment including the communication facilities.
1. Every student shall undergo a period of certified study extending over 4 1/2 academic years
divided into 9 semesters,(i.e. of 6 months each) from the date of commencement of his study
for the subjects comprising the medical curriculum to the date of completion of the
examination and followed by one year compulsory rotating internship. Each semester will
consist of approximately 120 teaching days of 8 hours each college working time, including
one hour of lunch.
The Medicine and its allied specialties training will include General Medicine,
Pediatrics, Tuberculosis and Chest, Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Psychiatry,
Radio-diagnosis, Infectious diseases etc. The Surgery and its allied specialties training
will include General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery including Physio-therapy and Rehabilitation,
Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Anesthesia, Dentistry, Radio-therapy etc. The Obstetrics
&Gynecology training will include family medicine, family welfare planning etc.
3. The first 2 semester (approximately 240 teaching days) shall be occupied in the Phase I
(Pre-c1inical) subjects and introduction to a broader understanding of the perspectives of
medical education leading to delivery of health care. No student shall be permitted to join the
Phase II (Para-clinical/clinical) group of subjects until he has passed in all the Phase I (Pre-
Phase II will be devoted to para-clinical & clinical subjects, along with clinical
postings. During clinical phase (Phase III) pre-clinical and para-clinical teaching will be
integrated into the teaching of clinical subjects where relevant.
5. Didactic lectures should not exceed one third of the time schedule; two third schedule should
include practical’s, clinical or/and group discussions. Learning process should include living
experiences, problem oriented approach, case studies and community health care activities.
6.Universities shall organize admission timings and admission processes in such a way that
teaching in first semester starts by 1st of August each year.
7. Supplementary examination may be conducted within 6 months so that the students who
pass can join the main batch and the failed students will have to appear in the subsequent year.
a. Passing in Ist Professional is compulsory before proceeding to phase II training.
b. A student who fails in the IInd professional examination, should not be allowed to
appear IIIrd professional Part I examination unless he passes all subjects of IInd
Professional examination.
During third to ninth semesters, clinical postings of three hours duration daily as
specifiedin the Table below is suggested for various departments, after Introductory Course in
Clinical Methods in Medicine & Surgery of two weeks each for the whole class.
3rdSem- m- 5thSem- 6th 7th 8th
Subjects ester ester ester Sem-ester Sem-ester Sem-ester Total
weeks week weeks weeks weeks weeks
6 - 4 - 4 6 6 26
Pediatrics - 2 - 2 2 4 - 10
TB and Chest - 2 - - - - - 02
Skin and STD - 2 - 2 - 2 - 06
Psychiatry - - 2 - - - - 02
Radiology 2 02
Gen Surgery 6 4 4 6 6 26
Orthopedics - - 4 4 - - 2 10
Opthalmolosv 4 4 2 10
Obst. &Gyn.
And Family 2 4 4 4 4 6 24
Comm. Med. 4 4 4 12
Casualty 2 02
Dentistry 2 02
Total 18 22 18 22 18 22 22 142
Clinical methods in Medicine and Surgery for whole class will be for 2 weeks
eachrespectively at the start of 3'dsemester.
This posting will include training in Radio diagnosis & Radiotherapy where existent. This
posting includes exposure to Rehabilitation Physiotherapy
This includes maternity training and Family medicine and the 3rd semester posting shall be in
Family Welfare Planning.
Adequate separate Hostel for boys and girls with sports facilities with indoor and outdoor
all these facilities are as per MCI norms.The teaching hospital will have adequate teaching
beds with attached clinical demonstration rooms, Lecture Theater in Hospital 200 seating
capacity in addition to the lecture theaters inthe college. The require number of Major
Operation Theaters with CCTV facilities forlearning.
Since the main purpose of teaching an under graduate is to prepare him to be a good
doctor well equipped, good basic doctor and also to take up research activities. Hence student
willhave adequate clinical exposure emphasizing on bedside learning.
All the requirements in the hospital for patients care and clinical learning is as per MCINorms.
Room wise list of equipments complete with year wise schedule of quantities and
specification –
(a) Medical
All the equipment required for the under graduate course is clearly specified in MCI
regulations 1999 department wise and quantity required for the 150 admissions, as per
schedule III. All the medical equipments will be procured and installed phase wise
initially before LOI inspection.
The further equipment and quantities required for 150 admissions as specified in MCI
FEBRUARY 2012 will be installed phase wise initially before the LOI Inspection
(b) Scientific
All the laboratories, clinical department, pre-clinical department, Para Clinical
department, research laboratories and main laboratory in the Hospital will be installed
with required equipments and chemicals in the phased manner
( c) Allied Equipments
Furniture & fixtures, Tables, Chairs, specimen, storage racks, lockers hangers and
drawers as required. Laboratory benches, with racks for reagent bottles, laboratory
glass wares, water and gas and electric points operation tables etc. as necessary.
All these equipments will be procured in phase wise as per annex VI according to MCI
(a) Furniture and Fixtures: Office table’s small and big, office chairs, museum
almirahs, study tables, staff room and library almirah, store almirahs, store racks,
lockers withcoat hangers and drawers as required. Laboratory benches with cup-
boards and rackfor reagent bottles and laboratory glasswares as required, water and
gas and electricpoints operation tables etc., as necessary
Microscopes, Monocular 90
Dissection microscope 5
Microtomes, rotary 2
Microtomes, Sledge, large cutting 1
Cabinet for slides (1000) 6
Incubators 1
Paraffin embedding bath 1
Hot plates for flattening sections 2
Hot air cover fro drying slides (450 C) 1
Balance Analytical capacity 200 grms.and Sensitivity 1/10 mg. 1
Balance Earanger capacity 6 kilos Sensitivity, 1/5 gram 2
Refrigerators 2
a) Furniture and Fixtures: Office table, small and big, office chairs, museum almirahs,
study table, staff room and library almirahs, stock almirahs, store room racks, laboratory
benches with cupboards and racks for reagent set up for experimental physiology including
Sherrington Starling Kymograph (Presferably electrically driven) Myograph stand,
inductorium, simple key short circulating key, pohl’s commutator, vibrating interrupter,
Muscle through, Muscle liver, Muscle grip of femur clamp, Hook and weight set, heart liver,
frog board for dissection,enamel tray for above, frog board cork-lined with boss-head-36 sets
+ 6 spares.
Physiograph, 3 channels, complete with accessories 2
Physiograph, single channel, with accessories 8
Centrifuge, high speed with technometer etc. 1
Calorimeter, photo-electric 1
pH meter, electric 1
Refrigerator, 9-10c ft. 1
Oxygen Cylinder with trolley 6
Co cylinder with trolley 2
Electronic stimulator 1
Water distillation still, with spare heating elements 1
Fume cupboards 2
Boiling Water baths, with lids having 8-12 Holes 6
Autoclave electric 2
Balance open pan 6
Balance semi micro 2
Balance micro 1
Votex mixers 2
Urinometers 50
Constant temperature water bath 4
Ryles tube 4
Incubator electric with thermostat 4
Hot air oven 4
Magnetic stirrer 2
Pump vaccum 2
Calorimeters 6
Refrigerators 4
Flame Photometer 2
Thermometers 0-2500 C 4
Thermometers 0-1100 C 4
Cork borer set 1
Stop watch 4
Spirit lamp 50
Chromatographic chamber 2
Water distillation plant (metallic) 3
All glass distillation apparatus 3
Desicators large size 6
Desicators small size 6
GeneralOffice table small and big, office chairs; museum almirahs; study table, staff room,
andlibrary almirahs, stock almirahs, store room racks, lockers with coat hangers and drawers
asrequired. Laboratory benches with cupboards and rack for reagent bottles, water, gas
andelectric points, operation tables etc. as necessary
Clinical Laboratory:
Microscope high power with oil immersion lens moveable stage
and condensor for the routine microscope work. 15 Bottles
Sp. Gravity 25 cc 2
Micro burretes 5 cc 2
PH meter, with ultra micro blood PH electrodes and Electrical
Contrifuge One higher power contrifuge for serological works,
one for haematological work and one other 3
Incubator 1
Haemacytometers with red and white pipettes 90
Haemoglobinometers, Sahili’type 90
Sedimentation apparatus-one wester green and one wintrobole 2 sets
Syringes disposable one set from 10 cc to 2cc 30 of each
Staining jars for slides 12
Urinometers 9
Albuminometers, esbachs & Aufrech’s type 2 Urine Glasset (Conical) 12
Incubators, electrical (large) 5
37 degree Celsius Autoclave 3
Hot air sterliser 3
Arnolds sterilser 3
Serum inspissators 2
Balance, Chemical 2
Lovibond comparators 1
Flasks flat bottom 50 cc. 10
Microscope oil-immersion moveable stage Abbe,condenser etc. 80
Microscope, dark ground work with arc lamparrangement etc. 1
Refrigerators 3
Micrometer eye pieces 2
Micrometer stage 2
Centrifuge, electrical high power 3
Refrigerated centrifuge 1
Distilled water plant 2
Distilled water plant all glass 1
Oil immersion lens for students microscope. 80
Dropping bottles for stains (Plastic) 750
Staining troughs 100
Anaerobic apparatus 4
Electrophorosis complete set 1
B.O.D. incubator 2
Culture facilities
Thermometers (Assorted) 12
Glassware, such as pipettes burettes,beakers, conical flasks, petri dishes
of different sizes, reagent bottles etc. As required
Material for preparation of mediaStains As required
PH Determination apparatus 2
Reagent bottles with stopper 2000 c,1000 cc 48,500 cc 24,250 cc 24,100 cc 60
50 cc 60Test tubers hard glass 150 mm x 18 mm 12 Gross100 mm x 12 mm
25 Gross,75 mm x 12 mm 25 Gross
Office tables small and big, office chairs, museum almirahs, study tables, staff room
andlibrary almirahs, stock almirahs, store room rack, lockers with coat hanger and drawers
asrequired laboratory benches with coat hanger and drawers as required. Laboratory
bencheswith cupboards and with racks for reagent bottles, water, gas and electric points,
operationtables, as necessary.
Starling’s long extension kymographs with time markers. 3
The ideal Respiration Pump (500 cc. CAP.) 3
Brodi’s operation tables 3
Incubators 2
Refrigerators 2
Animal weighing:
a) Machine for small animals like rats and gunea pig 3
b) Machine for big animals like dogs 3
Dissection instruments and injection syringes As required
* Kymograph (students) Electric independent unit 150
* Electric Motor ¼ with split pulleys 2
* Shafting steel rod ¾” diameter and 18” long 8
* Standard Shafting and fittings 40
* Pulleys 30
Muffs coupling for joining 2 pieces of the above mentioned shafting steel rods 12
Hook grip rods As required
Plain stand 150
Apparatus for isolated rabbit intestine etc.
Jacquets graphic chronometer 3
Frog Boards Palmer c. 120 150
Jackson’s Enterograph 3
Electrodes, Ordinary and nonpolarisable, insulated wires,time markers, electric signals
,Mercury manometer, perfusionapparatus, myograph lever, smallpulley’s
upright stands and chemicals etc. As required
Multimeter Temperature controlled water bath 37 0 C
Razor Hone Electric Hot Plate 2
Deionizer-two of capacity 20 litres per hour and6 litres per hour (mixed bed type)
connected in seriesPhysiographs with Transducers and other relevant
accessories (may substitute kymographs)
Vortex mixer 2
Actophotometer 1
Rotarod Assembly 1
Electro-Convulsiometer 1
Cook’s Pole Climbing Apparatus 1
Metabolic Cagges (Dieuretic Study) 3-4
Digital pH meter 1
Tablet Disintegration Machine Glass tubing (length of 6 ft.) 1
Glass tubing (length of 6 ft.) As required.
Glass rods-assorted sizes of 6 ft. 150
Glass mortar & pestles capacity of 500 and 200 cc Each 36
Cork borer set of 12 1 set
Holder for platinum wireloop 160
Lancet spring (disposable) 160
Lamp for microscope As required
Magnifying glass with metal handle 80
Metal mincing machine Postmortem instruments 2 sets
Complete Suction pumps 1
Filtering apparatus sietz filter and Millipore filter 1each
Dessicators Vacuum 2
Apron plastic for postmortem 2
Apron rubber for postmortemt 2
* Lyophilizer 1
Department wise and year wise requirements of Preclinical and Para clinical staff and
salarystructure for the administrative staff and ancillary staff and technical staff (Non-
teachingstaff) will be as per Karnataka State Government pay scales.
Professor 1 1 1 1 1 1
Assoc. Prof. 2 2 2 2 2 2
Asstt.Prof. 3 3 3 3 3 3
Tutor 4 4 4 4 4 4
Professor 1 1 1 1 1 1
Assoc. Prof. 2 2 2 2 2 2
Asstt.Prof. 3 3 3 3 3 3
Tutor 4 4 4 4 4 4
Professor 1 1 1 1 1 1
Assoc. Prof. 1 1 1 1 1 1
Asstt.Prof. 2 2 2 2 2 2
Tutor 4 4 4 4 4 4
Professor 0 1 1 1 1 1
Assoc. Prof. 1 2 2 2 2 2
Asstt.Prof. 0 2 2 2 2 2
Tutor 1 3 3 3 3 3
1. Technician 1
2. Dissection HalI Attendants 4
1. Technician 1
1 Technical Asstt./Technician 2
2. Store-Keeper cum clerk cum Computer operator 1
1 Technical Asstt./Technician 4
2. Lab. Attendants 2
1 Technical Asstt./Technician 7
2. Lab. Attendants 2
1 .Store-Keeper cum clerk cum Computer operator 1
2. Sweepers 2
1.Technical Asstt./Technician 2
2. Laboratory Attendants 2
1 Technical Asstt./Technician 1
2. Stenographers 1
1.Office Superintendent 1
2.Clerks 5
3.Attenders 5
4.Sweepers 4
1. Store-Keeper cum clerk cum Computer operator 1
2. Sweepers 2
1. Store-Keeper cum clerk cum Computer operator 1
2. Sweepers 2
1. Sweepers 2
2. Lab. Attendant 1
1. Steno cum Computer Operator 1
2. Store-Keeper cum Record cum Keeper 1
2. Sweepers 2
1 Steno Typist 1
2 Store Keeper cum clerk cum Computer Operator 1
3 Sweepers 4
The staff in library shall consist of:
l.Librarian with a degree in Library Science 1
2. Deputy Librarian 1
3. Doiumentalist 1
4. Cataloguer 1
5. Library Assistants 4
6.Dafttaies 2
7. Peons 2
1. Photographers 1
2. Artist Modellers 1 each
3. Dark Room Assistant 1
4. Audiovisual Technician 1
5. Store Keeper cum Clerk 1
6. Attendant 1
Supportive Staff:
1. Stenographer 1
2. Computer Operator 1
3. Technicians in Audio-visual aids, Photography and Artist 2
1. Matron
2. Staff Nurse 4
3. Technical Assistant 8
4. Technician 8
5. Ward Boys 8
6. Sweeper 4
1. Supervisor 2
2. Dhobi/Washer man/Women 12
3. Packer 12
1. Professor /Reader 1
2. Lecturer 1
3. Technicians 6
4. Laboratory Attendants 6
5. Store Keepers 6
6. Record Clerks 2
Superintendent - who shall be a qualified engineer 1
Senior Technicians (Mechanical, Electrical, 4
Electronic, Refrigeration)
Junior Technicians 2
Carpenter 1
Blacksmith 1
Attendants 4
(f) Recruitrnent procedure: The recruitment will be phase wise of pre-clinical andPara
clinical subjects as per government notifications amended from time to time investing
applications from eligible candidates through news papers and then short listing of the
candidates and call for interview. Interview will be conducted by staff selection committee
where university representative will be present.
(g) Recruitment calendar : The recruitment procedure will be followed as per university
guidelines and calendar of recruitment will be before the I inspection of MCI to issue Letter
of intent.
Infrastructural Facilities LOP Ist IInd IIIrd Renewal Ivth Renewal Recognition
Renewal Renewal
2 Hall cum 750 Capacity 750 Capacity 750 Capacity 750 Capacity
b) Seating Capacity (Self reading + Inside 300 300 300 300 300 300
Central library) (150+150) (150+150) (150+150) (150+150) (150+150) (150+150)
b)Non-Teaching @ 20% 32 36 36 36 36
32 55 66 66 66 66
The buildings will be built as per requirement of MCI and before the starting the academic years.
Area in Sqm
Particulars No of Rooms
Demonstration Room (75 to 100 Students) 2 120
Dissection Hall (at least 150 Students) 1 325
Embalminq Room 1 12
Cold Storaqe Room (15-18) Dead bodies 1 18
Research Laboratory 1 50
Museum (200 + 15 + 15) 1 230
DeptLibrarv 1 30
Accommodation for Staff
Professor Head 1 18
Associate Professor / Reader 2 30
Assistant professor / lecturer 3 20
Tutor / Demonstrator 1 15
Department office / Clerk Room 1 12
Non Teaching Staff Room 1 12
Human Anatomy Total 892
Bio Chemistry:
Area in Sqm
Particulars No of Rooms
Demonstration Room (75 to 100 Students) 2 120
Dept Library 1 30
Research Lab 1 50
Accommodation for Staff
Professor Head 1 18
Associate Professor / Reader 2 30
Assistant professor / lecturer 2 24
Tutor / Demonstrator 1 15
Department office / Clerk Room 1 12
Non Teaching Staff Room 1 12
Bio Chemistry Total 311
Area in Sqm
Particulars No of Rooms
Demonstration Room (75 to 100 Students) 2 120
Dept Library 30
Research Lab 50
Accommodation for Staff
Professor Head 1 18
Associate Professor / Reader 2 30
Assistant professor / lecturer 1 20
Tutor / Demonstrator 1 15
Department office / Clerk Room 1 12
Non Teaching Staff Room 1 12
Physiology Total 307
Area in Sqm
No of Rooms
Particulars Total
No of Area in Sqm
Particulars Rooms Total
Demonstration Room (75 to 100 Students) 2 120
Balance Room 14
Store Room 14
High speed Centrifuge 14
Wash Room 14
Museum 1 90
Depart Lib 30
Research 50
Accommodation for Staff
Professor Head 1 18
Associate Professor / Reader 4 60
Assistant professor / lecturer 3 42
Tutor / Demonstrator 3 45
Department office / Clerk Room 1 12
Non Teaching Staff Room 1 12
PathologyTotal 535
No of Area in Sqm
Particulars Rooms Total
Demonstration Room (75 to 100 Students) 2 120
Museum 1 125
Depart Lib 30
Research 30
Accommodation for Staff
Professor Head 1 18
Associate Professor / Reader 2 30
Assistant professor / lecturer 2 24
Tutor / Demonstrator 2 30
Department office / Clerk Room 1 12
Non Teaching Staff Room 1 12
PharmacologyTotal 451
No of Area in
Particulars Rooms Sqm Total
Demonstration Room (75 to 100 Students) 2 120
Museum (40 to 50 students) 1 175
Laboratories 200
Dept Library 30
Research 50
Accommodation for Staff
Professor Head 1 18
Associate Professor / Reader 2 30
Assistant professor / lecturer 1 12
Tutor / Demonstrator 1 15
Department office / Clerk Room 1 12
Non Teaching Staff Room 1 12
Forensic Medicine Including Toxicology Total 674
Lecture Theatre : 2 Nos. with gallery type seating capacity of 180 students with AVAids
1 No. with gallery type seating capacity of 375 students with AVAids
(b) Faculty and staff housing: Residential quarters for the staff will be built in the
phased manner.
The buildings will be built as per requirement of MCI and before the starting the academic years.
Particulars In Sqm
Principal / Deanoffice 36
Staff room 54
College Council Room 80
Office Superintendent 10
Office Room 150
Record Room 100
(e) Library
(f) Auditorium : 2400 SQM it will be built in the phased manner in the II year
(g) Animal house
Air Conditioned animal house with 1 Room and animal
135 Sqm
attendants room 1
Veterinarv Officer 1
Animal Attendants 2
Technicians for animal attendants 1
Sweepers 2
(h) Mortuary : Autospy block is Under Forensic Department - Separate Block in hospitalis available of
400 sqm.
(i) Cultural and recreational centre : 300 Sqm meters of builtup area is students and staffrecreational
(j) Sport complex: Multi Gym & sports facilities to students and staff with indoor and
outdoor games available
(k) Others (state name of the facility) : Wi-fi Campus for college building, ATM. CCTV,ERP Software,
Vehicle parking, Potable Water System, Website, Notice Boards, Medical Counseling, Insurance to
Students, Co-operative society, student Counseling.
(c) Elevations and floor wise area calculations of the medical colleges and ancillary buildings.
In first phase construction of 8000 sq m of college building is under construction and will be ready and
before- the commencement of the I academic year.
In Second phase around 7000 sq m of college building will be constructed before the commencement of
II academic year.
Building, furniture and fixtures, equipments, library books, journals, etc., will be made available
before the commencement of the academic year to the programme sufficiently & efficiently.
Land 502.00
Building Hospital - Existing 4,500.00
Building Hospital 10,400.00
Building Hostel - Boys 1,280.00
Building Hostel-Girls 1,280.00
Building - College
Building Nurse Staff Quarters 1,760.00
Building Doctor Staff Quarters 2,880.00
Cafeteria 320.00
Site Development 0.00
Auditorium & Library 1,800.00 32,380.00
Hospital Equipments and Furniture 4,500.00
Equipments and Machinery 700.00
College Equipments & Furniture 800.00
Library Books & journals 700.00
Bank Guarantee 1,000.00
Working Capital 1,000.00
Sources of Funds:
Own Funds 5,000.00
Donations (From Public) 15,000.00
Term Loan 21,582.00
Salary 750.00 900.00 1,080.00 1,296.00 1,555.20 1,866.24 2,239.49 2,687.39 3,224.86 3,869.84
Consumables &
Maintenance 60.00 72.00 86.40 103.68 124.41 149.29 179.15 214.99 257.98 309.58
Repairs & 60.00 72.00 86.40 103.68 124.41 149.29 179.15 214.99 257.98 309.58
News paper 10.00 12.00 14.40 17.28 20.73 24.88 29.85 35.83 42.99 51.59
journals & Internet
Electric Charges 125.00 150.00 180.00 216.00 259.20 311.04 373.24 447.89 537.47 644.97
Travelling 25.00 30.00 36.00 43.20 51.84 62.20 74.64 89.57 107.49 128.99
Staff Welfare 25.00 30.00 36.00 43.20 51.84 62.20 74.64 89.57 107.49 128.99
Other Expenses
50.00 60.00 72.00 86.40 103.68 124.41 149.29 179.15 214.99 257.98
1,105.00 1,326.00 1,591.20 1,909.44 2,291.33 2,749.59 3,299.51 3,959.41 4,751.30 5,701.56
(a) Income statement : will be as per actual revenue based state government policy
NOTE: For items 13 to 17 a comparative statement showing the relevant Medical Council of India norms
vis-à-vis infrastructure / faculty available and /or proposed to be made available should be annexed.
(f ) Architectural and layout plans : Blue print of the Hospital Building is Enclosed.
B.P. Apparatus 40
Ophthalmoscope 10
Lurnbar puncture needles (disposable) As required
Haemocytometer 5
Light Microscope 3
Haemoglobinometer 5
Centrifuge Machine 3
Urinometer 3
Plural biopsy needs (disposable) As required
Liver biopsy needs (disposable) As required
Biopsy needs (disposable) As required
X-ray viewing box 25
Overhead Projector 2
Slide Projector 2
Upper Gl endoscope 3
Colonoscope 3
Sigmoidoscope 3
Proctoscope 10
Facilities for doing tests for malabsorption As required
Ultra sound machine 1
Fiberoptic bronchoscope 2
Spirometer 2
Bed side Cardiac monitors 16
Central Cardiac monitor Console 1
Defibrillator 16
Non-invasive B.P.Apparatus 16
Pulse oxymeter 16
(A) Resuscitation equipments:
Ambu bag
-infant 4
-children 4
Face mask 4
Nasal prongs As required
Nasal catheters As required
Endotracheal tubes As required
Suction apparatus 1
Suction catheters
- Infant 1
- Children 1
F) Miscellaneous
Radiant Warmer 1
Infant incubator 1
Phototherapy unit 1
Ophthalmoscope 1
Facilities for examining smears for bacteria, fungi, mycobacteria and acantholytic cells
(a) Light microscope with facility for dark ground illumination microscopy
(b) Gram's stain
(c) Zeihl-Neelsen's stain
(d) Giemsa stain Facilities for electo surgery and chemosurgery
(a) Electro-cautery machine
(b) Trichloracetic acid
Electro Convulsive Therapty (E.C.T.) 3
machine preferably with ECG monitoring 1
E.E.G. monitoring 1
(i) O.P.D
Blood Pressure Apparatus,
Diagnostic kit
Weighing machine,
Skin fold caliper,
Eight scale 8
X-ray viewing box 4 in 1 8
Proctoscope & Gabriel Syringe 8
Sigmoidoscope (Rigid) 2
Flexible Endoscope,
Upper Gl, 2
Colonscope (one set in Main O.T.)
Diagnostic Crystoscope 1
Ultrasound 1
Uroflowmetry 1
B.P. Apparatus,
diagnostic kit (4 sets in each ward)
16 sets Weighing machine,
height scale,
skin fold Caliper (2 each in each ward 8 Proctoscope (2 in each ward) 8
Monitors for pulse rate, Heart Rate, E.C.G.,
Invasive and non-invasive pressure (2 in each ward) 8
Incubators/Transport incubators 4
Neonatal Bassinet 4
Ultrasound 1
Arterial blood analyzer 1
Oesophageal/Gastric pH & pressure recorder 1
Photocopier 1
Computer with laser Printer 1
Electronic Typewriters 2
Slide-Projector 4
Overhead Projector 8
Video Cassette Recorder/ video Cassette Player 2
(i) O.P.D
Bjerrum screen 1
Perimeter 1
Colour vision chart 1
Near vision chart with different language 6
3 Cell torch 6
Ophthalmoscope and Retinoscope 2
(i) OPD
Nasal Speculum 4
Tongue depressor 4
Laryngeal mirrors 4
Nasopharyngeal mirrors 4
Aural speculum 4
Ear Suction 2
Nasal Suction 2
Suction apparatus 1
Tracheostomy set
Needle holder 1
Bard Parker knife handle 1
Ribbon right angled retractors 2
Curved arteries 4
Straight arteries 1
Cricoid hook 1
Tracheal dilator 1
(iii) MINOR Operation Theatre
(a) Antral wash set
Trocar 2
Canula 2
Higginsons syringe 2
(b) Direct laryngoscope set
Laryngoscope – Anterior 1
CommissureNegus 1
Lighting system 1
Biopsy forceps 1
Foreign body removal forceps 1
Sterilizer As required
Aural Syringe As required
Tracheostomy set As required
Intubation set As required
Cricothyrotomy set As required
Quinsy forceps As required
Aural Snare As required
Aural cup forceps As required
(iv) WARDS
Semi intensive care unit (4 beds) As required
Central suction As required
Oxygen As required
Humidifier As required
Operating microscope for major Operation Theatre 1
For minor Operation Theatre 1
Puretone audiometer
(a)Temporal bone lab Microscope
(b) Drill 1
Mastoid set 1
Optional for MBBS
Contact microhystroscope 2
Co2 & Nd Yag laser 1
Delivery sets 30
B.P. Apparatus 9
Weighing machine 2
Fetal Doppler 3
Oxytocin infusion pumps 9
Multichannel monitors 6
Intrauterine Pressure monitoring system 6
Fetal scalp electrodes Facilities for fetal scalp Ph 4
Doll and Dummy 3
Female Pelvis 3
Gross specimens
X-ray/US films 3
View box
Camera with 200 m lens Endocamera/Television,
TTL flash light, Carbondioxide Monitor, Calculator
Channelizer, *Disposables, to be issued on monthly basis.
Set for LSCS 12
D&C set 15
MTP set 15
High suction machine 4
Cervical exploration set 6
Uterine packing forceps 6
Abdominal hysterectomy set 3
Diagnostic laparoscopy set 4
Laprocator for tubal ligation 6
Postputum ligation 6
Outlet forceps 9
Low mid cavity forceps/kjielland forceps 6
Vacuum Extractor and suction machine 6
Resuscitation tray 3
Decapitation hook 3
Cranioclast with cephalotribe 3
Oldham Perforator 2
Infusion Pump 6
EB set 6
Operation Theatre table, Operation Theatre lights, Central Oxygen and suction
Teletherapy set-up
Isocentrically mounted 2
Rotational telecobalt
Unit minimum 80 cm SSD
Radiotherapy department
i) Dual Photon energy linear accelerator with 1
electrons and multileaf collimeter 1
ii) Remote controlled intracavitory system. 1
iii) Remote controlled interstitial system 1
iv) CT-Sim 3D treatment 1
Planning system
v) Isodose plotte (Automatic) 1
vi) Customized shielding 1
Block making system
vii) Customized compensator making system 1
viii) Computerized Dosimetry system 1
ix) Thermoluminiscent dosimetry system
x) Intra operative Radiotherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy
E.C.G. Technician 1
Technical Asstt. / Technician 3.
Lab. Attendants 4
Store Keeper 1
Steno Typist 1
Record clerks 2
T.B. and Chest Diseases Health Visitors 2
Psychiatric Social Workers 2
Child Psychologist 1
Hea1th Educator 1
Technical Asst./ Technician 1
Lab attendant 1
Store Keeper 1
Steno Typist 1
Record clerks 1
Social Worker 1
Technical Asst. / Technician 1
Lab attendant 1
Store Keeper 1
Steno Typist 1
Record clerks 1
Technical Asst / Technician 1
Lab attendant 1
Store Keeper 1
Steno Typist 1
Technical Asst./ Technician 1
Lab attendant 1
Store Keeper 1
Steno Typists 1
Record clerks 1
Refractionist 1
Radio graphic Technician 8
Dark Room Assistant 4
Stenographer 1
Store Keeper 1
Record Clerk 1
Technical Asst / Technicians 8
Stenographer 1
Record Clerk 1
Store Keeper 1
Dental Technicians 4
Store Keeper Cum Clerk 1
Year wise details of the additional clinical & para clinical disciplines envisaged under the expansion
Note: Please attach supporting documents with permission from the concerned authorities
including Pollution Control Board.
Note: Please attach supporting documents with permission from the concerned authorities
including Pollution Control Board.
activities indicating-
Cost of additional –
(a) Land
(b) Buildings
(c) Engineering services
(d) Hospital services
(e) Medical and allied equipments
(f) Furniture and fixtures
(g) Preliminary and pre-operative expenses
Income from -
(a) Various procedures and services
(b) Upgraded service loads
(c) Other sources
Signature of applicant
(The Principal/Authorized Signatory has to put his/her signature along with official seal on all the pages
including Annexures and Supporting Documents)