Sejal Upadhyay
Sejal Upadhyay
Sejal Upadhyay
B.Com (Banking & Insurance)
(Conducted by Kalyan Citizens’ Education Society)
(Affiliated by University of Mumbai)
This is to certify that SEJAL SANTOSH UPADHYAY OF T.Y B.COM
(BANKING & INSURANCE) Semester V (2017-2018) has
successfully completed the project on “ATM facility of bank” under the
guidance of Mr. ANIL TIWARI
semester V (2017-2018) hereby declare that I have completed the project on “ATM
FACILITY OF BANK”. I further declare that the information imparted is true and
I hereby express my heartiest thanks to all sources who have contributed to
the making of this project. I oblige thanks to all who supported, provided
analyzing various facts and updates about real work, our principal Dr.
wonderful course.
I also extent my hearty thanks to all my family, friends and all the well-
Project synopsis
On September 2, 1969, Chemical Bank installed the first ATM in the U.S. at its
branch in Rockville Centre, New York. The first ATM’s were designed to dispense a
fixed amount of cash when a user inserted a specially coded card. An automated teller
machine, also known as an ATM The idea of out-of-hours cash distribution developed
from bankers' needs in Asia (Japan), Europe (Sweden and the United Kingdom) and
North America (the United States). Little is known of the Japanese device other than
it was called "Computer Loan Machine" and supplied cash as a three-month loan at
5% p.a. after inserting a credit card. The device was operational in 1966. The idea of
a PIN stored on the card was developed by a British engineer. The essence of this
system was that it enabled the verification of the customer with the debited account
An old Nixdorf ATM
ATM offer the convenience of multiple locations. You can withdraw cash at any bank
that is part of the system which your ATM card is linked. Your ATM card is protected
by a PIN, keeping your money safe. You don't need to fill out withdrawal and deposit
slips as is required at the bank. Automated teller machine placed in well trafficked
The major problem is some of the non-educated peoples don’t know about the ATM services
they should know about the facilities of the ATM’s and also in rural area there are some
places where there are no ATM machines so they are not aware about the ATM facilities
hence, there should be some awareness about the ATM machines and also how to use this
ATM because ATM facilities are very helpful and everyone should know about this.
(1) The primary objective of this research paper is to provide a complete knowledge of ATM and
its benefits.
(6) To provide anytime banking services to the bank customers without the customer having to
Method used for sampling is survey method. A questionnaire is generated from the
For small companies that can feasibly have them installed and maintained, automatic
business benefits. Those include opportunities for the business to obtain revenue
through transaction fees; higher rates of on-premises spending by consumers using the
machines; reductions in costs and service time related to processing credit and debit
card transactions; and additional ways to interact with the consumer through the ATM
After doing the research I found that, banks should install loud emergency alarm
switches which send strong signals to police stations in case of such incidents like
frauds, card skimming, pin data compromise, keypad jamming etc. Also there should
be more safety at ATM’s, and provide inside ATM’s switches which can act as a door
lock once a person enters in it to make a transaction. As there is need for ATM 24x7
It is concluded that most of the services performed by banks for ATM are beyond the
expectation of the customers. As the banking sector computerize day to day and ATM
have become a part of modern banking system. The banks in developing country
adopt ATM’s to improve their own internal process and also for increase facilities and
services of their customers. Now customers become aware of this machine .The
growth of ATM rapidly high at the worldwide level also in India. This technology is
simple safe and secure and people feel satisfaction to use this.
1 Chapter 1: Introduction ( 8-10 Pages) ................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction: Meaning and definition .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1 13
2.2 13
2.3 18
3.2.2 Sampling frame ............................................................................................................ 18
3. Research ethics..................................................................................................................... 24
5 Chapter 5: Summary of findings (2-4 Pages) .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
List of figures
List of Tables
1. Chapter 1: Introduction ( 8-10 Pages)
1. An Automated teller machine (ATM) is an electronic banking outlet, which allows customers to
complete basic transactions without the aid of a branch representative or teller. Anyone with a
credit or debit card can access most ATM’s. According to the ATM Industry Association, there
are now 3 million ATM’s installed worldwide. On most modern ATM’s the customer is identified
by inserting a plastic ATM card with a magnetic stripe or a plastic smart card with a chip that
contains a unique card number and some security information such as expiration date.
Authentication is provided by the customer entering a personal identification number (PIN) which
must match the PIN stored in the chip on the card ( if the card is so equipped) or in the issuing
2 Using an ATM, customers can access their bank deposit or credit accounts in
or credit mobile phones. If the currency being withdrawn from the ATM is
different from that in which the bank account is denominated the money will be
converted at an official exchange rate. Thus, ATMs often provide the best
possible exchange rates for foreign travelers, and are widely used for this
A machine that dispenses cash or performs other banking services when an account holder
According to “Business dictionary”
a machine that dispenses cash or performs other banking services when an account holder inserts a
bank card.
According to “Merriam-Webster”
a computerized electronic machine that performs basic banking functions (such as handling check
deposits or issuing cash withdrawals) —called also automated teller machine, automatic
1.2 Features/Characteristics
ATMs are convenient way to manage your money, they are worldwide and available 24\7
Withdrawal cash
Pay-in cash
1) A customer must be able to make a cash withdrawal from any suitable account linked
to the card, in multiples of rupees 100. Approval must be obtained from the bank
2) A customer must be able to make a deposit to any account linked to the cards. The
customer will enter the amount of the deposit into the ATM, subject to manual
Approval must be obtained by the bank before physically accepting the envelope.
3) A customer must be able to transfer of money between any two accounts linked to the
4) A customer must be able to make a balance inquiry of any account linked to the card.
(Munim, 2014)
ATM Cards
As the name suggests and is well known to all, just insert your ATM Debit Card into
the Automated Teller Machine, punch the code and the amount you want to withdraw
and you get the cash in your hands.
In addition to the above there are many lesser known but useful features such as:
All you need is a Bank Account to get a debit card cum ATM card issued to you. This
is much easier than applying for a credit card as a debit card is simply linked to your
bank account.
You can check your account balance at the ATM. Also there is a facility to get mini
statement of your bank account.
Through the ATM card you can quickly get the mini statement giving the details of
recent transactions carried out in your bank account. Not only that, you can print this
statement too.
Deposit cash
Did you miss the banking hours or are you far away from the bank branch? Now
there is no need to go the branch to deposit cash. Just go to the nearest ATM and do
the needful. The ATM clearing times are displayed at the ATM.
If you are holding the ATM card then most of the banks allow you to transfer the
funds from one account to another account on a real time basis. Some banks also let
you transfer funds from your accounts to any third party provided the account is with
the same bank.
Using your ATM card you can now make payment for your Credit Card Bill, Pay
Taxes, do Mobile Phone re charge etc. (Munim, 2014)
1.3 Origin and growth
Origin of ATM
The ATM finds its origins in the 1950s and 1960s, when self-service gas stations,
popularized. The first cash machine seems to have been deployed in Japan in the mid-
1960s, according to a Pacific Stars and Stripes account at the time, but little has been
published about it since. The most successful early deployments took place in Europe,
resulted in three independent efforts, each of which entered use in 1967. (webster,
ATM channel provides opportunity for banks to go for competent and cost effective models.
There was a belief that internet banking channel will make the ATM channel
However, ATM Channel has dominated the public technology segment, and future of ATM
industry is also quite bright in India. New technological innovations emerge in our
society on a continuous basis. But the diffusion of this technological innovation by the
members of the society determines its success and continuation. In that sense,
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is not an exception. With the advent of ATMs,
banks are able to serve customers outside the banking halls. The most exciting
experience for the customers as well as the bankers, is that the plastic card is replacing
all the hassles of bank transactions, personal attendance of the customers, banking
2.4 Advantages/Disadvantages/Benefits/Limitations
To operate an ATM machine, the customer has to insert the card in the machine. Later he has
to enter the password, if the password is correct, the ATM machine permits the
1. 24 hours service:
ATM machine provide service round the clock. The customer can withdraw cash up
Now-a-days ATMs are located at convenient places, such as the airports, railway stations,
etc. and not necessarily at the Bank’s premises. It is to be noted that ATMs are
installed off site as well as on site. ATM provides mobility in banking services for
ATM reduces work pressure from bank staff and avoids queues in bank premises.
The customer can obtain exact amount. There is no human error as far as ATMs are
The one who travel do not need to carry large amount of cash with them. They can
withdraw cash from any city or state across the country and even from outside the
The customer also get new currency notes from ATM’s customer do not get soiled
7. Privacy:
Most of all, ATM,s provide privacy in banking transactions of the customer. (Akrani,
1. Fraud
The potential for identity theft is a major disadvantage related to automatic teller machines.
Fraudulent card readers, called skimmers, are placed over the authentic reader to
transfer numbers and codes to nearby thieves. Spy cameras are also used by
password voyeurs to collect access codes. Lost access cards are another potential
for fraud. The Federal Trade Commission states that people are not responsible for
unauthorized use of a card, if it is reported immediately. If the loss is not noticed
immediately, consumers may lose all funds in an account, if notice is not given before
money transfers are made. Incorrect withdrawals noted on monthly statements must
be reported, or else consumers are responsible for the amounts, even when removed
by fraudulent means, according to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.
2. Theft
ATMs are a magnet for easy theft. Robbers are guaranteed cash from consumers visiting the
money machines. Although ATM robberies are not common (only one attack in every
2.5 million transactions), according to the California Banking Industry, the U.S.
Department of Justice (DOJ) reports that approximately 15 percent of people attacked
and robbed at ATM stations are killed or injured. The DOJ claims the average loss is
between $100 and $200.
As a safety measure, many ATMs list only the deposit or withdrawal amount and omit the
balance from the account. People using an ATM for frequent banking are not
informed of the total amount in the account when funds are withdrawn or deposited,
as opposed to traditional checking which provides a register to maintain a running
account of the balance. This lack of recording allows some customers to overdraw
accounts, adding penalty charges.
4. Operation Issues
ATMs located in busy locations may not have adequate funds for busy holiday weekends
when large numbers of people are taking out cash. Most machines require envelopes
to deposit checks and cash, and these may also be in short supply, preventing
customers from depositing funds. Damaged machines leave the bank client with no
alternative during non-banking hours.
5. Bank Fees
As bank consolidation continues, fewer companies own ATMs, and they limit access to
automated banking. U.S. Senator John Kerry states that two banks, Fleet Bank and
BankBoston, operate nearly two thirds of all the ATMs in New England. This
monopoly reduces competition. Kerry warns that "policy makers should be watchful
of the capacity to which ATM surcharges become more prevalent." Reliance on
automatic teller machines for personal banking means increases in bank fees. Most
banks allow an unlimited number of withdrawals from same system ATMs, but
charge a fee between $2 and $5 for withdrawals from machines outside the system.
(Globe, February 19, 2008)
ATMs cards are generally preferred for their 24hrs service and for comfort in carry card.
Other preferences of the card being used are online transactions, trading and paying bills
It reduces the hustle and bustle which is involved in a transaction when done through teller.
Safety issues are the main concern for many of the customers under analysis.
Hence the banks have come up with safety measures that could be of beneficial for
many of the customers, such as changing of PIN often, provision for blocking the card
and one time password for online transactions
Pin crack
The ATM machine doesn’t give 100% availability of cash. It may run low of funds
and cardholders have to wait till the management takes care of it.
Robbers preyed on people using money machines in poorly lit or otherwise unsafe
The most important development of 2015 was the acceleration of the deployment of other
revenue streams at the ATM — direct currency conversion, charitable donations,
lottery, etc.
The headlining issue in 2016 will be the decision by sponsor banks to turn off as many as half
of all retail ATMs due to the financial inability of owners to cover the estimated liability shift
losses.[The future holds] enormous potential for both financial institutions and independent
ATM bank staff— especially those whose business model is flexible, adaptive and nimble
and whose employee culture is collaborative, creative and, above all, service-driven.
Automated teller machine (ATM) market is poised to grow on account of
technological advancements in wireless communicating device integration. Rising
integration of wireless communication services with ATM in order to reduce
transaction frauds is a major factor driving demand over the forecast period.
Furthermore, advancements in ATM’s such as solar ATM’s, smart ATMs is expected
to fuel industry growth.
Over past few years, the definition of ATM has changed from a mere cash
withdrawing machine to an automated machine with multiple functionalities. Growing
number of services at ATM kiosks increases consumer convenience, thus is
expected to have a positive impact on market growth. In addition, leading banks are
integrating their services with technology companies in order to deliver a seamless
consumer experience. (Hanna, 2007)
1: Decreasing profits
Decreasing ATM profitability is one of the biggest challenges facing the industry today.
Contributing factors include an oversaturated ATM marketplace, skyrocketing costs,
increased government regulations, decrease in the number of ATM transactions and
2: Soaring expenses
It costs more than ever to run and manage an ATM business. Regulatory upgrades also add to
the increased expenses incurred by IADs. ATMs no longer in compliance with
government regulations must be upgraded, or in some cases, replaced entirely.
3:Cut-throat competition
Low barriers to entry have dramatically decreased ATM deployments. The average retail
prices of an ATM have decreased more than 600 percent in the past 13 years.
Saturation of distributors increases the level of competition. (Sarah, 2011)
To originally create for use to dispense cash to customers and to help customers check
This project is all about ATM facilities of bank and its majority divided into 6 chapters that
is given below
Review of literature
Research methodology
Data analysis
Summary of endings
From the above literature review, keeping the objective of study in focus the following
From the above literature we identified the variable “card and currency fraud, logical
From the above literature review, keeping the objective of study in focus the following
2.3Dr. Islam et al (2007), have attempted a case study entitled “Customer
Satisfaction of ATM services : A case study of HSBC ATM” in
Bangladesh. The study aims at investigating the satisfaction levels of
HSBC ATM cardholders with respect to various aspects of service
delivery. Both, staff and customer cardholders have been considered in
this study to find out the performance of HSBC ATM, service quality of
ATM personnel, recommendations to improve the service quality. The
study highlights that machine complexity, machine breakdown, poor
quality notes are the major problems faced by ATM users which are
similar to problems reported by users in the present research study.
Similarly, customers have recommended increase in number of ATM
locations, new ATMs, better currency quality, increase in safety-security etc.
From the above literature review, keeping the objective of study in focus the following
2.4 Sai Krishna (2009), in his study of “ATM cards in banks” has attempted
to find out why customers are increasingly using ATM cards. The
objectives of the study was to draw a profile of a urban ATM
cardholders, to identify the factors influencing the people to use ATM
cards, to assess the benefits of ATM cards to the cardholders, and to
assess how, where and when ATM cards are used. This study certainly
helps the banks to concentrate on increasing the volume of the number of
ATM card holders by providing various user-friendly schemes. The
author suggests that banks must concentrate more on promotional
activities in order to create bank’s image in the minds of the card holders
and try to balance the quality and service to remain as market leader.
Though, this study is based on primary data and considers respondents
from only one bank viz. State Bank of Hyderabad, Vishakapattanam, has
focused on only public sector banks leaving out private and co-operative
banks. Hence, it is not a comparative study of different types of banks.
From the above literature we identified the variable “benefits of ATM cards”
From the above literature review, keeping the objective of study in focus the following
Q.4 ATM cardholders are provided with various user-friendly schemes.
From the above literature we identified the variable “awareness the level of ATM services”
From the above literature review, keeping the objective of study in focus the following
Q.5 Are the rural area people aware of the ATM facilities
recommendations. Whereas in the present research study a comparison of
banks belonging to three different sectors has been done. As a result it
will be easier for bankers to implement recommendations the problems faced by customers
the study does not consider the cost effectiveness aspect.
From the above literature we identified the variable “limit on daily cash withdrawal”
From the above literature review, keeping the objective of study in focus the following
2.7 Ogbuji et al (2012), in their research paper “Analysis of the negative effects of Automated
Teller Machine (ATM) as a channel for delivering banking services in Nigeria”
proposed that the ATM system of delivering banking services not only contribute to
increasing rate of fraud but equally lures Nigerians into profligate expenditure. The
study reveals that ATM was lauded by several customers as an alternative to standing
in long Q’s. But today, this has become a source of worry to customers and banks.
This study concludes that ATMs have contributed to the alarming rate of fraud in
Nigerian banking industry. ATM fraud could be reduced but cannot be wiped out
completely. The study comes out with the conclusion that out of various services of
ATMs, inability of the machine to deliver seamless service, poor maintenance by
management, frustrating network, irregular deductions from customer accounts were
problems faced by customers. However, problem of network failure was the most
outstanding problem
From the above literature we identified the variable “problem of network failure”
From the above literature review, keeping the objective of study in focus the following
Q.7 There are problems and frauds and also poor services in ATM
2.8 Dr. Choodambigai (2010) in the research paper “Customer satisfaction of credit cards
and ATM services of SBI in Coimbatore” attempts to study customer satisfaction of
credit cards and ATM services of State Bank of India in Coimbatore. The objectives
of the study in relation to ATM cards were to study the awareness and usage of ATM
services, to examine the difficulty faced by the samples using ATM cards, to identify
the association between age and purpose of using ATM cards and to rank the reasons
to choose the ATM card facility among the selected samples. According to this study
majority people prefer to use ATM services for withdrawal of cash, followed by
withdrawal and balance enquiry. A tiny number of people use ATM services for
withdrawal and statement of receipt and balance enquiry and withdrawal and
statement of receipt. Though this study is a good attempt to ascertain customer
satisfaction of credit cards and ATM services, it is based on customer perceptions of
only one PSB bank. Thus, there is no comparison available with customer perceptions
of other PSB banks or banks belonging to private sector or co-operative sector which
the present piece of research has ensured.
From the above literature we identified the variable “using of ATM cards”
From the above literature review, keeping the objective of study in focus the following
Q.8 There are difficulties in using ATM cards for non educated people
2.9 Sakthivel N. (2008), in the case study “Customers’ Perception of ATM services
comparative analysis” analyzes the levels of satisfaction of
the ATM customers of ICICI Bank and SBI. The objectives of the study
were to find out the factors influencing customers to select ATM
services, to understand their levels of satisfaction of ATM services, to
analyze the problems faced by the ATM customers in Tamil Nadu. The analysis
showed that convenience was ranked first. Nearness was ranked second followed by round
the clock facility. Prestige was ranked fourth and minimum balance was ranked fifth. From
the analysis of customer satisfaction of ATM services, 72 percent of ICICI customers were
highly satisfied and 78 percent of SBI customers were highly satisfied.
From the above literature we identified the variable “customer satisfaction of ATM
From the above literature review, keeping the objective of study in focus the following
6. Chapter 3: Research methodology (3-5 pages)
This Chapter concentrates on the research methodology. The research design, sampling
design, data collection method, tools applied for the study geographical coverage and
a. Research design
The research design is defined by Fouche (2002) as “the plan or blue print of the study”.
b. Sampling design
i. Target population
Quota sampling was adopted by researcher. Quota sampling is where the researcher ensures
that certain groups of people, who are knowledgeable about the research problems,
are adequately represented in the research through the assignment of a fixed quota for
iii. Period of study
The period of study was from April 2017 to September 2017 .The study is mainly based on
primary data collected by Study of review of literature. The secondary data were
c. Sample size
d. Data collection
This section discusses the techniques of gathering primary data for the testing of the research
propositions that were crafted in Chapter I and II. The choice of the data instruments
depends on the availability of facilities, time, costs, the degree of accuracy required,
the expertise of the researcher, and other resources associated with the gathering of
the data.
The questionnaire was given to the respondent directly by the students and was collected later
e. Structure of questionnaire
The structured questionnaire was divided into different sections as felt suitable. The first
section covers personal variables, which are independent based on the assumption that
there were measurable differences amount the levels with regard to the perception of
dependent variables. The second to study factors section of questionnaire covers the
f. Format of questionnaire designed
Title: ___________________________________________________
Researcher : ________________________________
Personal details
Experience: Below 5 years 05-10 years 10-15 years 15-20 years Above 20 years
Study factor:
Q.5 Are the rural area people aware of the ATM facilities?
Q.6 Limit on daily cash withdrawal is major problem for people.
Q.7 There are problems and frauds and also poor services in ATM
Q.8 There are difficulties in using ATM cards for non educated people
Q.1 How do you provide ATM services to your customer?
Q.3Is there any transaction fee when using the ATM machine?
g. Analytical Tools applied for the study
Data analysis gives meaning to the data that has been collected. More than ____ respondents
questionnaire, samples were finalized. The data corresponding to the values in the
Likert Scale were entered for each statement in the questionnaire. It was then checked
for accuracy, through three rounds of visual and hardcopy inspections. The MS Excel
data analysis tool was used for statistical data analysis. The statistical analytical tools
applied include:
The Average score analysis is mainly used in any study is to assess the level of
relating to the study. First the opinion of the respondents are assessed through a scaling
technique and then based on the consolidated opinion of the respondents, the average score is
It is the simple and common method to represent raw streams of data as a percentage for
better understanding of collected data. Percentages are used in making comparison between
2. Research ethics
Research ethics refer to the "appropriate" behavior of the researcher in relation to the norms
of the society. It relates to the three parties involved in this research: the researcher,
7. Chapter 4: Data analysis (26- 36 pages)
V2: Card and currency fraud logical attacks and physical attacks.
Y: Yes
C: Can’t say
N: No
HN: Highly no
a. Average score
The Average score analysis is mainly used in any study is to assess the level of
opinion/awareness/satisfaction of the different category of respondents on the various aspects
relating to the study. First the opinion of the respondents are assessed through a scaling
technique and then based on the consolidated opinion of the respondents, the average score is
In this study the opinion of the respondents are assessed through a five point scaling
technique and then based on the opinion of respondents the average score is calculated and
the result are presented in different tables.
i. Testing of Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis (H0) :Gender of the respondent does not influence their perception as to
Electronic banking services in bank.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): Gender of the respondent does influence their perception as to
Electronic banking services in bank.
The above testing of hypothesis can be done using the following table:-
Total responses
V1 16 8 5 1 0 30
V2 2 7 11 9 1 30
V3 0 2 13 4 11 30
V4 7 14 3 5 1 30
V5 3 5 11 8 3 30
V6 3 10 11 3 3 30
V7 3 9 7 8 3 30
V8 7 11 9 2 1 30
V9 4 7 4 12 3 30
Table 2: Average score analysis
b. Percentage analysis
The percentage analysis/ descriptive analysis describes the distribution of respondents in each
classification as it is expressed in percentage it facilitates comparison.
Table3: Percentage analysis
With reference to variable V1, it is found that 53% of the respondents think that yes
Customer’s are satisfied through the facility of ATM and 17% have no opinion about the
With reference to variable V2, it is found that 37% agreed that There are threats in
withdrawing money from ATM and 3% of the respondents are highly disagreed with it.
With reference to variable V3, it is found that 43% have rated Average for ATM’s in India
With reference to variable V4, it is found that 47% of the respondents are Agreed with ATM
cardholders are provided with various user-friendly schemes and 3% are disagreed with
the same.
With reference to variable V5, it is found that 37% of the respondents can’t say about the
Awareness of the ATM facilities in the rural area and 10% are highly no about it.
With reference to variable V6, it is found that 33% of the respondents are agreed and 10% are
disagreed about the Limit on daily cash withdrawal is the major problem for people.
According to variable V7, 30% of the respondents are Agreed that There are problems and
frauds and also poor services in ATM and 10% are disagreed with it.
From variable V8, it is found that 37% are agreed with The difficulties in using ATM cards
for non educated people and 3% of the respondents are highly disagreed with it.
13% of the respondents says highly yes that ATM facility vary from customer to customer
and 10% of the respondents says highly no in this particular matter concerning variable V9.
Table 4: Gender wise percentage analysis
From variable V1, we can find that females feel that Customer’s are satisfied through the
From variable V2, we can find that both female and male feel that There are threats in
From variable V3, we can find that females feel that ATM’s in India are good more than
From variable V4, we can find that females feel that ATM cardholders are provided with
From variable V5, we can find that females feel that Rural area people are aware of the
From variable V6, we found that females feel that Limit on daily cash withdrawal is the
From variable V7, we found that females feel that There are problems and frauds and
From variable V8, we found that females feel that There are difficulties in using ATM’s
From the variable V9, we found that males feel that ATM facility vary from customer to
d. Descriptive statistics
Table 6 : Descriptive statistics
All the variable have same average they all are in between 4.30 to 2.20 that means they all
Variable V1 has the highest mean that is 4.30
Variable V3 has the lowest mean that is 2.20
All the variable have same average they all are in between 4.30 to 2.20 that means they all are
All the variable have same average they all are in between 4.30 to 2.20 that means they all are
Table 9: Experience wise Average score Analysis
All the variable have same average they all are in between 4.30 to 2.20 that means they all are
Table 10 Correlation analysis on Gender
All the variable have same average they all are in between 0.03 to -0.38 that correlation
Figure 1
Level of satisfction
Figure 2
Card and Currency frauds
Figure 3
Service quality
Figure 4
Figure 5
Awareness of ATM
Figure 6
V7 There are problems and frauds and also poor services in ATM.
Figure 7
V8 There are difficulties in using ATM cards for non educated people.
Figure 8
Figure 9
5: Summary of findings (2-4 Pages)
1. Level of satisfaction:
The study shows that more 53% of the people are satisfied with the facility of ATM
With respect to the study conducted, more than 37% of the respondents feel that there
are no threats in withdrawing money from ATM for their day to day transactions.
3. Service quality:
Considering the data collected from the study, 43% of the respondents feel that they
With reference to the study, more than 47% of the respondents feel that they have
5. Awareness:
The study shows that more than 37% of the respondents agreed that rural area people
By observing the statistics of the study, it is seen that more than 33% of the
respondents feel that there are problems while withdrawing money from ATM.
With respect to the study conducted, only 30% of the respondents found that there are
network failure problem and also there are poor services in ATM sometimes.
The study shows that more than 37%, of the respondents find that ATM cards are
9. Customer satisfaction of ATM services:
Considering the data collected from the study, less than 13% respondents think that
To find out the major problems faced by customers by using ATM machines.
Lack of awareness among the customers about the ATM services to some people.
To study how the banks resolve the problems faced in providing services to the
Creating awareness among the customers especially for non educated and rural area
By providing information related how to use ATM for their benefits through
awareness camp.
more ATMs throughout the country so it can be easier for the people to withdraw
To find out how customers satisfaction levels are tracked by banks while providing
banking services.
By collecting feedback while interacting with the people and knowing what
5. Bibliography
dictionary, c. (2013).
dictionary, m. w. dictionary.
Globe, B. (February 19, 2008). Withdrawing from ATM habit. John Kerry's.
Hanna, T. H. (2007). banks branching locations. Recent trends in banks and bank branches .
Sarah. (2011). Using ATM's travel and tips . Schlichter: online publisher.
Webster, M. (2017).