User Manual PDF
User Manual PDF
User Manual PDF
Operating ambient : 0 to 50 °C
operation. temperature
Relative humidity : below 90%, non condensing
2.4 Front Panel
Fig 1 Fig 2
2 8 9
2.4 GHz
2.8 Application Diagram Fig 3
The MODBUS/RTU protocol is messaging structure, widely When a message is sent from a master to a slave device the
used to establish master - slave communications between function code tells the slave what kind of action to perform.
intelligent devices. A modbus message sent from a master Generally, the following functions are implemented in Radix
to slave tells the selected slave what to do and what MODBUS products :
information to send back. The MODBUS/RTU protocol 0x03 (03) READ HOLDING REGISTERS
works with RS232, RS485 and RS422 standards. 0x06 (06) PRESET SINGLE REGISTER
5.1 Receive Device ID : Slave ID for MODBUS This is to keep track for missing data from transmitter.
Communication. ZGB203 has internal timer for each transmitter ID. If new
frame is not receive before set transmitter timeout, value set
Note : Receive Device ID = 248 is default Device ID for in Timeout val (Default = 32501) will be uploaded on Process
communication. value PV1 & PV2 of Transmitter whose data is missing.
All devices will respond to Device ID = 248
irrespective of set device ID for the receiver. Display time out should always be greater than transmit
It is strictly recommended not to set Device ID = 248 interval of transmitter. It should be set depending on the
for any of the devices on the same bus number of transmitters to be connected.
for eg; if transmit interval = 60 sec
no. of transmitters connected = 25,
then display time out = 80 sec
5.3 Configuration parameter details :
Function Code : 0x03, 0x06 and 0x10
Sr. Parameter Range / Value Parameter Type Hex address Absolute
No. Type address
Receiver Device ID
1 1 - 247 RW Integer 0xFB 40251
(slave ID for MODBUS)
Maximum Number of Integer
2 1 - 25 RO 0xFC 40252
3 Display time out 5-30000 sec RW Integer 0xFD 40253
1 - 9600 bps
2 - 19200 bps
4 Baud rate 3 - 38400 bps RW Integer 0xFE 40254
4 - 57600 bps
5 - 115200 bps
1 - One stop bit
5 Stop bit 2 - Two stop bit RW Integer 0xFF 40255
0 - None
6 Parity 1 - Odd parity RW Integer 0x100 20256
2 - Even parity
5.4 Restoring Factory Default : 5.5 Default state parameter are listed below :
Press reset key provided back side of enclosure for 10 sec. 1. Receiver Slave ID : 1
2. Display Time out : 200 sec
3. Baud rate : 9600 Bits/sec
4. Stop Bit : 1
5. Parity : None
Note : Use Ethernet converter with MODBUS TCP to MODBUS RTU protocol. (Recommended Radix model number :
Description :
This is used to indicate Wireless communication status of transmitters. Each individual bit gives status of one transmitter. Bit is
made 1 if data is not received from transmitter before transmission timeout time.
Addressing details :
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Communication status - 1 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX
Transmitter ID 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Communication status word 1 : For transmitter ID 1 to 15
Date received before Date not received
Bit Type Default Transmission before Transmission Description
timeout time timeout time
0 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 1
1 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 2
2 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 3
3 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 4
4 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 5
5 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 6
6 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 7
7 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 8
8 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 9
9 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 10
10 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 11
11 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 12
12 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 13
13 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 14
14 RO 0 0 1 Communication status for transmitter ID = 15
15 RO 0 0 0 Not used
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Communication status - 2 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX
Transmitter ID 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
7.2 Quick reference Table
Function Code : 0x03 Transmitter Status Word
Sr. Parameter Parameter Name Data Type Range / Values Default Error
No. Type Bit Status Word
Value Occurence
1 RO PV1 Integer x 10 As per in Transmitter 0 Err_PV1_overrange 0 1
Integer x 10 As per in Transmitter 1 Err_PV1_underrange 0 1
2 RO PV2 ZGE201 & ZGE202 2 Err_PV1_input_open 0 1
32000 3 Not Used 0 0
4 Err_PV2_overrange 0 1
5 Err_PV2_underrange 0 1
6 Err_PV2_input_open 0 1
ZGE202 Not Used
7 0 0
21 - TC K 8 Err_ambient_overrange 0 1
22 - TC J 9 Err_ambient_underrange 0 1
23 - TC T 10 Not Used 0 0
24 - TC B 11 Not Used 0 0
25 - TC S 12 TimeOut / Communication 0 1
3 RO Device type Integer 26 - TC R Not Used
13 0 0
27 - TC N 14 Not Used 0 0
28 - TC E 15 Not Used 0 0
31 - Integral RH+T
32 - Integral RH+RTD
33 - Remote RH+T
34 - Remote RH+RTD
41 - DP
51 - Level
4 RO Battery voltage Integer 0-100%
5 RO RF strength Integer 0-100%
6 RO Instrument temperature Integer x 10 0.0-50.0 °C
7 RO Tag number Integer 0-30000
8 RO Missing count Integer 0-50000
Note : RH-Relative Humidity, T-Temperature, RTD-PT100 Sensor &
Function Code : 0x03
Group 4 : Instrument temperature, Tag Number, Missing Count, Status Word for 25 transmitters.
Function Code : 0x03
Sr. Parameter Absolute Hex Sr. Parameter Absolute Hex
Parameter Name Data Type Parameter Name Data Type
No. Type Address Address No. Type Address Address
1 RO Instrument temp_TX1 Integer x 10 40128 80 25 RO Instrument temp_TX7 Integer x 10 40152 98
2 RO Tag no_TX1 Integer 40129 81 26 RO Tag no_TX7 Integer 40153 99
3 RO missing count_TX1 Integer 40130 82 27 RO missing count_TX7 Integer 40154 9A
4 RO Status word_TX1 Integer 40131 83 28 RO Status word_TX7 Integer 40155 9B
5 RO Instrument temp_TX2 Integer x 10 40132 84 29 RO Instrument temp_TX8 Integer x 10 40156 9C
6 RO Tag no_TX2 Integer 40133 85 30 RO Tag no_TX8 Integer 40157 9D
7 RO missing count_TX2 Integer 40134 86 31 RO missing count_TX8 Integer 40158 9E
8 RO Status word_TX2 Integer 40135 87 32 RO Status word_TX8 Integer 40159 9F
9 RO Instrument temp_TX3 Integer x 10 40136 88 33 RO Instrument temp_TX9 Integer x 10 40160 A0
10 RO Tag no_TX3 Integer 40137 89 34 RO Tag no_TX9 Integer 40161 A1
11 RO missing count_TX3 Integer 40138 8A 35 RO missing count_TX9 Integer 40162 A2
12 RO Status word_TX3 Integer 40139 8B 36 RO Status word_TX9 Integer 40163 A3
13 RO Instrument temp_TX4 Integer x 10 40140 8C 37 RO Instrument temp_TX10 Integer x 10 40164 A4
14 RO Tag no_TX4 Integer 40141 8D 38 RO Tag no_TX10 Integer 40165 A5
15 RO missing count_TX4 Integer 40142 8E 39 RO missing count_TX10 Integer 40166 A6
16 RO Status word_TX4 Integer 40143 8F 40 RO Status word_TX10 Integer 40167 A7
17 RO Instrument temp_TX5 Integer x 10 40144 90 41 RO Instrument temp_TX11 Integer x 10 40168 A8
18 RO Tag no_TX5 Integer 40145 91 42 RO Tag no_TX11 Integer 40169 A9
19 RO missing count_TX5 Integer 40146 92 43 RO missing count_TX11 Integer 40170 AA
20 RO Status word_TX5 Integer 40147 93 44 RO Status word_TX11 Integer 40171 AB
21 RO Instrument temp_TX6 Integer x 10 40148 94 45 RO Instrument temp_TX12 Integer x 10 40172 AC
22 RO Tag no_TX6 Integer 40149 95 46 RO Tag no_TX12 Integer 40173 AD
Note : Care should be taken that customer should not set Receiver Device ID (Slave ID for MODBUS) = 248 as it is the Broadcast ID.
ZigBee defines three different device types : coordinator, router, and end device.
1) Co-ordinator / Receiver :
2) End device / Transmitter :
3) Router / Repeater :
One per PAN
C Establishes/Organizes a PAN
R Several can be in a PAN
End Device
E Several can be in a PAN
Low power
For forming network, all transmitter & Router should be configure with same PAN ID
1) Co-ordinator / Receiver :
There should be only one co-ordinator in a network with same PAN ID.
It receives data from all transmitters & repeaters.
After power ON, Co-ordinaor forms a network & selects. Operating PAN ID, 16 bit Operating PAN ID & operating channel.
Operating channel is same as set PAN ID after forming a network receiver also set 16 bit Operating PAN ID & operating
channel for network operation.
3) Router / Repeater :
This should be configure with same PAN ID as co-ordinator to join network.
It is always power ON.
Note 1 : All devices should have same PAN ID, Operating PAN ID, 16 bit Operating PAN ID & operating channel to joind the
Note 2 : To configure more than one receiver in same working area different PAN ID to be used for each receiver.
Note 3 : If two receiver with same PAN ID are power ON in same area ,then there is no guaranty of transmission to particular
7. User can change PAN ID as per requirement. (Enter HEX value from 0x0001 to 0xFFFF).
8. After setting the PAN ID click on Apply to change PAN ID.
This will take max 7-8 sec to set New PAN ID.
Fig 4
Product Description
Sr. No.
We hereby certify that the product bearing the details above has been tested and conforms to
the applicable specifications given in the catalog of the product.
The product is warranted against manufacturing defects and faulty workmanship for a period
of 12 months from the date of Invoice.
Authorised Representative,
Quality Assurance Department
Date :
Radix Electrosystems Pvt Ltd, EL135/136/137, Electronic Zone, TTC Indl. Area, MIDC, Mahape, Navi Mumbai - 400 710
Tel : + 91 22 27680118 • Email : •
AN ISO 9001:2008 COMPANY