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TCW Reviewer
TCW Reviewer
a threshold of globalization.
Introduction to the Study of Globalization
Commercial revolution coincided with a
Giddens defines globalization as the revolution in the metaphysical, intellectual,
intensification of worldwide social relations ethical and religious aspects of man’s life.
which link distant localities in such a way that Religion and Ethical Philosophy
local happenings are shaped by events occurring o Zoroastrianism
many miles away and vice versa. o Buddhism
The interconnectedness of human being o Confucianism and the teaching of Lau
brought about by technological changes, Tzu
modern transportation and communication o Judaism
technology. o Greek philosophy
Robertson defines globalization as a concept o Christianism
that refers both to the compression of the world Globalization as a Condition
and intensification of consciousness of the world
as a whole. Scholte (2008) refers to globality as social
Harvey (1989) introduced globalization as the condition characterized by trans-planetary
compression of time and space and the connectivity and supra-territoriality.
annihilation of distance. In terms of trans-planetary relation, globality is
Globalization as a process of interaction and about the establishment of social links between
integration among the people, companies, and people located at the different places in our
governments of different nations. planet.
A group of globalization scholars argue that Supra-territorial relations are social connections
internationalization and multinationalization are that transcend territorial geography.
phases that precede globalization because of the Dr. Vhin Ching, US-based medical doctor
latter heralds the end of the state system. “illustrates how this present world has become
Globalization marks the increasing irrelevance of increasingly connected.
the nation state. Globalization as a process and condition as it
Globalization focuses on economic moved people from across the world. (having
2000 (birth of modern world) sympathy) and (having interconnectedness)
Globalization was first used as a term in the
Globalization as Ideology
academic circles in the decades of 1960’s and
1970’s Steger (2005) – proponent
Historians are more interested in determining Michael Freeden explains that globalization
whether globalization is really a modern exists in people’s consciousness.
Economists look into the changing patterns of Six Core Claims
international trade and commerce as well as the o Liberalization and global integration of
unequal distribution of wealth. markets (triumph of markets over
Political scientists focus more on the impact of governments)
globalization o Inevitable and irreversible (neoliberal
Globalization as a Process policies have been heard proclaiming hat
globalization is happening and cannot be
Globalization as a worldwide social stopped)
interdependencies and exchanges o Nobody is in charge of globalization (self-
Globality is the thickening of social linkages regulating market) and (globalization does
between people from different parts of the not promote the agenda of any specific class
world, or group)
Beginning of globalization was in the 1920’s o Globalization benefits everyone in the long
Birth of globalization took place in 1571, the year run
Manila was founded as a Spanish entrepot
-Chinese businessman, Jack Ma, founder
connecting Asia and the Americas
and executive chairman of the Alibaba
Group, who gained wealth and fame by 1. World System Paradigm
pioneering e-commerce in China Bank in - Immanuel Wallerstein the principal
1990s proponent of the theory
- Views globalization not as a recent
o Spread of Democracy (Francis Fukuyama phenomenon but a virtually synonymous
thinks that a certain level of economic with the birth and spread of world capitalism
development brought about by globalization - Core the powerful and developed centers of
would be conducive to the creation of the system
complex civil societies with a powerful middle - Periphery those regions that have been
class) forcibly subordinated to the core.
o Requires a global war on terror 2. Global Capitalism Paradigm
The impact of Globalization on the Academe - Globalization as a novel stage in the evolving
system of world capitalism
FOCUS - Focus on new global production and
Studies on transnational sexualities financial system
Global tourism
Evolution of state institutions Global Capitalist System
Improvement of working conditions - Transnational corporations
Transnational care-giving - Globalizing bureaucrats
Crime syndicates - Politicians
Global media - Professionals
Shows how different we have become compared - Consumerist elites
Two Major Branches
1. Those studying specific problems or Three Planks
issues as they relate to globalization
- Transnational production
2. Those studying the concept of
- Transnational capitalists
globalization itself—theorizing the very
- Transnational state
nature of the process
3. The Network Society school of Thought
Domain Questions (Robinson, 2005) - Puts forth the premise that technology and
technological change are the underlying
According to Robinson, 2005, should be based on causes of the several processes that
domain questions, which provide the assumptive comprise globalization
bases for theorizing. - Manuel Castells “The Rise of the Network
1. When din globalization begin? Society” (1996,1997,1998)
(ontological issue in globalization
studies) New Economy
2. Is the core of the process economic,
- Informational, knowledge-based
political or cultural? (casual
- Global in that production is organized on a
determination in globalization)
global scale
3. Does globalization refer to a process or
- Networked
condition? (globalization as a process of
4. Space, Time and Globalization
transformation) and ( globality as a
5. Transnationality and transnationalism
6. Global Culture paradigm
4. What is the relationship between
- McDonaldization to describe the socio-
globalization and the nation-state?
cultural process
(seen as an increased intensity of
Internationalization includes activities by
exchanges among nation-states)
entities such as corporations, states,
5. What extent is the relationship
international organizations, private
between social structure and
organizations and even individuals with
territoriality being redefined by
reference to national boarders and national
Theoretical paradigms associated with globalization
Globalization includes a gamut of human Szentes (2003) defines economic globalization
activities that do not require reference to a as a process making the world economy an
state’s national borders. “organic system”
When globalization is interpreted as
The Post-World War II Economic System
internationalization the term refers to “growth
of transactions and interdependence between Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944 formally
countries” known as the United Nations Monetary and
Political Implication - that neo-liberalism is the Financial Conference, marked the birth of a new
only available policy framework for a truly global international economic framework.
world 44 countries
As a homogenization process , globalization Two International Economic Organizations
destroys several indigenous cultures and - International Monetary Fund
practices - World Bank or International Bank for
Contemporary world – social science that deals Reconstruction and Development
with the problem and issues of the: Bretton Woods institution were known keystone
- Environment international economic organizations (KIEO’s)
- Power
- Population International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Wealth - To promote global monetary cooperation and
- Tension and conflicts international financial stability
Capitalism- investment - Created in 1945
Globalization has grown because of the - When the states suffer from balance-of-
“advancement of transportation, payments deficits, they reduce the value of their
communication and interaction. currencies
3 Classification of Globalization - To provide short term loans
- Role of providing liquidity but ha more focus on
1. Political Globalization (government to countries tied to major currencies instead of
government interaction) countries supplying them
2. Social Globalization (organization or
socialization of people to people) Two Elements
3. Economic Globalization (international - IMF resource expansion to enhance capacity for
trade) financial crisis management
Provincial rate – Php 373.00 - Increase in quota and voting power of emerging
economies within the institution
BRIC – Brazil, Russia, India and China
CHAPTER 2 New Arrangement to Borrow (NAB) a
supplementary source of funding from countries
The Structure of Globalization
that are not tied to votig rights.
Susan Stange defines the underlying
International Bank for Reconstruction and
- Production and trade
- Money and finance - Created to grant long-term loans for the
- Security economic development of less developed
- Knowledge and technology countries
Trade is the oldest and most important - Provides lending to middle-income and
economic nexus among nations. –Robelt Gilpin creditworthy low-income countries
Globalization involves the broadening and International Development Association (IDA)
deepening of interdependence among peoples grants credits and loans to lowest income
and state. (Cohn, 2011:6) countries
Globalization is the multidimensional
Three Other Institutions
phenomenon comprised of political, economic
and cultural features. - International Finance Corporation (IFC)
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency General Theory of Employment , Interests and
(MIGA) Money” 1936
- International Centre for Settlement of Stagflation a combination of rising
Investment Disputes unemployment and inflation that occurred in the
The role of World Bank in the Modern economy 1970
is to reduce extreme poverty United States and Great Britain together with the
African Development Bank (ABD) industrialized nation
Capitalism would lead to economic prosperity
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the
alongside democratization
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Washington Consensus a set of ten economic
Purpose of GATT was to avoid trade wars by policy prescription
raising protectionist barriers as witnessed during Washington Consensus was coined by John
the interwar period. Williamson 2004
GATT was eventually suspended by a formal
World Trade Organization in 1995 that managed
to address issues - Fiscal Discipline
- Reordering Public Expenditure Priorities
International Monetary System
- Tax Reform
- Create institution - Liberalizing Interest Rates
- A set of general rules, legal norms, - A Competitive Exchange Rates
instruments and institutions shaping - Trade Liberalization
payment conditions in foreign trade - Liberalization of Inward Foreign Direct
Gold Standard adopted by England (1816) being Investment
the first country to industrialize. - Privatization (deliver good quality and
World War I marked the dissolution of the services)
classical gold standard and the shift to paper - Deregulation (removal of certain barriers)
money. - Property Rights
Gold Bullion Standard is the new international CHAPTER 3
monetary system
Bretton Woods System lasted from 1959-1968 The Global Interstate System and Global Governance
1960’s and 1970’s a series of changes were
Global Governance is defined as the formal and
introduced to maintain the operations of the
informal arrangements that produce a degree or
Bretton Woods system
order and collective action above the state in the
Mercantilist period during the seventh and
absence of global government
eighteenth centuries
United Nations serves as the primary
Outbreak of World War I resulted to the
organization for international cooperation,
overturning of the free trade regime and the
peace and security.
return of protectionism
50 countries convened at the United Nations
Non-tariffs barriers (NTBs) in forms such as
Conference on International Organization more
environmental regulations and health and safety
commonly known as the San Francisco
Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights
United Nations Charter established six principal
organs in 1945
Agreement on Trade Related Investment - Economic and Social Councils (ECOSOC)
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) to advance the economic, social and
Uruguay round also led to the creation of the environmental dimensions of
formal international institution in 1995 sustainable development
Great Depression in 1930 - Trusteeship Council the main organ of
John Maynard Keynes a prominent British UN, to provide international supervision
economist have been influential in shaping the of trust territories
economic policy of developed countries. “The
- International Court of Justice United o They have better standard of living and quality of
Nations Principal judicial organ, to settle life
legal disputes between states o USA life expectancy at 79 years for women and
- Security Council most potent organ with 77 years for men; SOMALIA (LEDC) life
the power to make legally binding expectancy is 51 years for women and 48 years
resolutions for men
- General Assembly UN organ with o The distribution of Education and Healthcare is
universal representation with all 193 also a factor
member state represented in the body o Canada has free universal healthcare and three
(uniting for peace resolution of 1950) secondary education
- Reforming the United Nations 1963, for
the expansion of UNSC The Global South
Uniting for Peace serves as the potential Known as the SOUTH/DEVELOPING or “POOR
solution SIDE”
CHAPTER 4 GDP and HDI are considered interior; ex.
Somalia, Vietnam, Haiti and India
GLOBAL DIVIDES: The North and South
Why is it considered LEDC?
The North-South – related to an economic
division between richer and poorer countries. o Unstable government
o Poor economy
The Global North – viewed to be the affluent and
o Poor standard of living and quality of life
economically stable countries
o Low GDP
INCLUDES: (USA, Canada, GRP of 8 Four Permanent o Low HDI
member of UN Security Council) – Japan, Russia, UK, USA
Indonesia – skewed HDI due to a relatively high GDP and
(Below equator: Australia and New Zealand) exceptionally low standard of living
The Global South – includes nations located in Why is the South at such disadvantage?
Africa, Latin America, and the developing part of
Asia with exception to Japan.
o Most of the countries in MEDC are imperialist
UNDP Human Development Index – attempts to
countries that were remain powerful
produce an objective classification
- France
Global North consists of 64 countries which have
- United Kingdom
high HDI
- USA after being colonized by
133 countries belong to the global South British(former colonizer), they become
G8 Member State powerful country