CSE-401 E Advanced Computer Architecture: 3 1 - Exam: 100 Marks
CSE-401 E Advanced Computer Architecture: 3 1 - Exam: 100 Marks
CSE-401 E Advanced Computer Architecture: 3 1 - Exam: 100 Marks
Reference Books:
• Pipelined and Parallel processor design by Michael J. Fiynn – 1995, Narosa.
Eight questions will be set in all by the examiners taking at least one question from each unit. Students will be
required to attempt five questions in all. MDU B.Tech Syllabus (CSE) – IV Year
CSE-403 E Software Project Management
L T P Class Work : 50 Marks
3 1 - Exam : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Unit-1: Introduction to Software Project Management (SPM): Definition of a Software Project (SP),
SP Vs. other types of projects activities covered by SPM, categorizing SPs, project as a system, management
control, requirement specification, information and control in organization.
Unit-2: Stepwise Project planning: Introduction, selecting a project, identifying project scope and objectives,
identifying project infrastructure, analyzing project characteristics, identifying project products and activities,
estimate efforts each activity, identifying activity risk, allocate resources, review/ publicize plan.
Unit-3: Project Evaluation & Estimation: Cost benefit analysis, cash flow forecasting, cost benefit
evaluation techniques, risk evaluation. Selection of an appropriate project report; Choosing technologies, choice of
process model, structured methods, rapid application development, water fall-, V-process-, spiral- models.
Prototyping, delivery. Albrecht function point analysis.
Unit-4: Activity planning & Risk Management: Objectives of activity planning, project schedule, projects
and activities, sequencing and scheduling activities, network planning model, representation of lagged activities,
adding the time dimension, backward and forward pass, identifying critical path, activity throat, shortening project ,
precedence networks.
Risk Management: Introduction, the nature of risk, managing risk, risk identification, risk analysis, reducing the
risks, evaluating risks to the schedule, calculating the z values..
Unit-5: Resource allocation &Monitoring the control: Introduction, the nature of resources, identifying
resource requirements, scheduling resources creating critical paths, counting the cost, being specific, publishing the
resource schedule, cost schedules, the scheduling sequence.
Monitoring the control: Introduction, creating the frame work, collecting the data, visualizing progress, cost
monitoring, earned value, prioritizing monitoring, getting the project back to target, change control.
Unit-6: Managing contracts and people: Introduction, types of contract, stages in contract, placement,
typical terms of a contract, contract management, acceptance, Managing people and organizing terms: Introduction,
understanding behavior, organizational behavior: a back ground, selecting the right person for the job, instruction in
the best methods, motivation, working in groups, becoming a team, decision making, leadership, organizational
structures, conclusion, further exercises..
Unit-7: Software quality: Introduction, the place of software quality in project planning, the importance of
software quality, defining software quality, ISO 9126, Practical software quality measures, product versus process
quality management, external standards, techniques to help enhance software quality.
Unit-8: Study of Any Software Project Management software: viz Project 2000 or equivalent
Text Book:
• Software Project Management (2nd Edition), by Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell, 1999, TMH
Reference Books:
• Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s approach, Roger S. Pressman (5th edi), 2001, MGH
• Software Project Management, Walker Royce, 1998, Addison Wesley.
• Project Management 2/c. Maylor
• Managing Global software Projects, Ramesh, 2001, TMH.
Eight questions will be set in all by the examiners taking at least one question from each unit. Students will be
required to attempt five questions in all.
CSE-405-E Compiler Design
L T P Class Work : 50 Marks
3 1 - Exam : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Unit–1: Introduction To Compilers: Compilers and translators, need of translators, structure of compiler :its
different phases, Compiler construction tools.
Unit–2: Lexical Analysis: Role of lexical analyzer, design of lexical analyzer, regular expressions ,
Specification and recognition of tokens, input buffering, A language specifying lexical analyzer. Finite automata,
conversion from regular expression to finite automata, and vice versa, minimizing number of states of DFA,
Implementation of lexical analyzer.
Unit–3: Syntax Analysis: Role of parsers, context free grammars, definition of parsing.
Unit–4: Parsing Technique: Shift- reduce parsing, operator precedence parsing, top down par sing, predictive
Unit–5: LR parsers, SLR, LALR and Canonical LR parser.
Unit–6: Syntax Directed Translations: Syntax directed definition, construction of syntax trees, syntax
directed translation scheme, implementation of syntax directed translation, three address code, quadruples and
Unit–7: Symbol Table & Error Detection And Recovery: Symbol tables, its contents and data structure
for symbol tables; trees, arrays, linked lists, hash tables. Errors, lexical phase error, syntactic phase error, semantic
Unit–8: Code Optimization & Code Generation: Code generation, forms of objects code, machine
dependent code, optimization, register allocation for temporary and user defined variables.
Text Books:
• Compilers Principle, Techniques & Tools - Alfread V. AHO, Ravi Sethi & J.D. Ullman; - 1998Addison
• Compiler Design by O.G. Kakde, 1995, Laxmi Publ.
Reference Books:
• Theory and practice of compiler writing, Tremblay & Sorenson, 1985, Mc. Graw Hill.
• System software by Dhamdae, 1986, MGH.
• Principles of compiler Design, Narosa Publication
Eight questions will be set in all by the examiners taking at least one question from each unit. Students will be
required to attempt five questions in all.
MDU B.Tech Syllabus (CSE) – IV Year
CSE-407- E Neural Networks
L T P Class Work : 50 Marks
4 - - Exam : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
Unit-1: Overview of biological neurons: Structure of biological neurons relevant to ANNs.
Unit-2: Fundamental concepts of Artificial Neural Networks: Models of ANNs; Feedforward &
feedback networks; learning rules; Hebbian learning rule, perception learning rule, delta learning rule, Widrow-Hoff
learning rule, correction learning rule, Winner –lake all elarning rule, etc.
Unit-3: Single layer Perception Classifier: Classification model, Features & Decision regions; training&
classification using discrete perceptron, algorithm, single layer continuous perceptron networks for linearlyseperable
Unit-4: Multi-layer Feed forward Networks: linearly non-seperable pattern classification, Delta learning
rule for multi-perceptron layer, Generalized delta learning rule, Error back-propagation training, learning factors,
Unit-5: Single layer feed back Networks: Basic Concepts, Hopfield networks, Training & Examples.
Unit-6: Associative memories: Linear Association, Basic Concepts of recurrent Auto associative memory:
rentrieval algorithm, storage algorithm; By directional associative memory, Architecture, Association encoding &
decoding, Stability.
Unit-7: Self organizing networks: UN supervised learning of clusters, winner-take-all learning, recall mode,
Initialisation of weights, seperability limitations
Text Books:
• Introduction to artificial Neural systems by Jacek M. Zurada, 1994, Jaico Publ. House.
Reference Books:
• “Neural Networks :A Comprehensive formulation”, Simon Haykin, 1998, AW
• “Neural Networks”, Kosko, 1992, PHI.
• “Neural Network Fundamentals” – N.K. Bose , P. Liang, 2002, T.M.H
Eight questions will be set in all by the examiners taking at least one question from each unit. Students will be uired
to attempt five questions in all.
MDU B.Tech Syllabus (CSE) – IV Year
L T P Class Work : 25 Marks
- - 3 Exam : 50 Marks
Total : 75,Marks Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs.
1. Practice of LEX/YACC of compiler writing.
2. Write a program to check whether a string belong to the grammar or not.
3. Write a program to generate a parse tree.
4. Write a program to find leading terminals.
5. Write a program to find trailing terminals.
6. Write a program to compute FIRST of non-terminal.
7. Write a program to compute FOLLOW of non-terminal.
8. Write a program to check whether a grammar is left Recursion and remove left Recursion.
9. Write a program to remove left factoring.
10. Write a program to check whether a grammar is operator precedent.
11. To show all the operations of a stack.
12. To show various operations i.e. red, write and modify in a text file.
Note :
At least 10 programs are required to be developed in the semester.
MDU B.Tech Syllabus (CSE) – IV Year
CSE-409 E Visual Programming Lab.
L T P Class Work : 25 Marks
- - 3 Exam : 50 Marks
Total : 75 Marks
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs
Study of Visual Basic 6.0.NET and Visual C++ 6.0.NET.
1) Study Windows API’s. Find out their relationship with MFC classes. Appreciate how they are helpful in finding
complexities of windows programming.
2) Get familiar with essential classes in a typical (Document- view architecture) VC++ Program and their relationship with
each other.
3) Create an SDI application in VC++ that adds a popup menu to your application which uses File drop down menu attached
with the menu bar as the pop-up menu. The pop-up menu should be displayed on the right click of the mouse.
4) Create an SDI application in VC++ using which the user can draw atmost 20 rectangles in the client area. All the
rectangles that are drawn should remain visible on the screen even if the window is refreshed. Rectangle should be
drawn on the second click of the left mouse button out of the two consecutive clicks. If the user tries to draw more
than 20 rectangles, a message should get displayed in the client area that “ No more rectangles can be drawn”
5) Create an application in VC++ that shows how menu items can be grayed, disabled and appended at run time.
6) Write a program in VC++ to implement serialization of inbuilt and user defined objects.
7) Write a program in VC++ to create archive class object from CFile class that reads and stores a simple structure (record).
8) Make an Active X control in VC++ derived from a standard control.
9) Write a program in VB to implement a simple calculator.
10) Create a simple database in MS Access Database /Oracle and a simple database application in VB that shows database
connectivity through DAO and ADO.
11) Write a simple program that displays an appropriate message when the illegal operation is performed using error
handling technique in VB.
12) Write a program in VB to create a notepad.
13) Create a DLL in VB.