MuleSoft Digital Transformation Blueprint
MuleSoft Digital Transformation Blueprint
MuleSoft Digital Transformation Blueprint
Digital transformation
Making integration your
competitive advantage
Table of contents
Section 5: MuleSoft: Your partner in digital
transformation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.1 Outcome-based delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.2 MuleSoft Catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.3 Center for Enablement .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
About MuleSoft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Section 1: Change is the only constant
in today’s business environment
Section 2: Understanding
digital transformation
connect new information from applications, data, and devices
and operationalize it across the entire enterprise is key
to achieving both.
employee morale, and turnover. It also increases key IT
performance indicators including rate of reuse, variance from
forecast of technology results, higher degrees of visibility into IT
and business results, higher rates of standards and regulatory
compliance, “tech debt,” staff onboarding time, and
development factory metrics like test coverage, mean time to
resolution, defect escape rate, mean time between failures,
change success rate, resiliency, and throughput.
So how do you get there? Beyond the ability to integrate the
systems they have today, organizations are looking for ways to
help them speed up the development of new integrations and
maintain them as the applications around them change. This
requires a fabric of connectivity across the enterprise, a
concept we explain in the next section.
Figure 1: The application network
infrastructure enables the digital platform by making it easy to
create, change, and monetize new capabilities.
Application networks change the speed of innovation at
enterprises by connecting data, applications, and devices in a
standardized way using APIs. The next time you need access to
data you don’t create another point-to-point connection.
Instead, you create an API to access and connect it. And you do
this for every new project, each time adding a new node to the
network. Consumers, like your employees and partners, can
also discover and use the assets on the network to build new
products, services, and processes. The network then manages
the communication, security, and tracking of your data. It’s this
self-service and reuse that drives agility and enables
innovation at speed.
It’s important to note that an application network is secure by
design. Data running through the network can be tracked
end-to-end, monitored, and analyzed. Its layered governance
model tracks data consumption at every node, providing the
visibility you get across your IT infrastructure to diagnose
problems and solve them quickly to see load patterns. Finally,
application networks are built for change: they are
recomposable, so they bend not break. It empowers
organizations to develop applications that are compatible with
both their existing architecture and infrastructure as well as
their future state.
data and capabilities of that node are discoverable and
consumable by others inside and outside network.
Strategic digital transformation depends upon a mature
application network and level of integration. For example, many
businesses want to drive new revenue streams with an API
strategy. But because these businesses categorize APIs as an
“IT infrastructure” they don’t pull the necessary levers to loop in
their product management, go-to-market, sales, or marketing
functions. Doing so requires an organization to institute two
overarching API commandments: treat APIs as products and
encapsulate applications in APIs.
A mature application network doesn’t merely expose systems
— it is an interface for information exchange that allows
developers to discover and reuse assets to create new
applications and services. This includes assets both within the
enterprise and in the broader ecosystem. It also requires an
enterprise-wide integration platform. For example, MuleSoft
provides a single cloud-native platform to efficiently integrate
both SaaS and on-premises applications. Digital transformation
also requires a mature strategy, organization and governance,
software development life cycle, discoverability and self-service,
operations, and community, which we will outline in detail in
the next section.
Section 3: Mapping your digital
transformation journey
than not, these initiatives end up blocked by executives or
stalled due to lack of adoption.
Each of these characteristics are important in relation to one
another. This is where the digital transformation blueprint
comes in, mapping the maturity of an organization’s
characteristics to provide a holistic view of digital
competitiveness and actionable path forward.
1. Basic 2. Siloed 3. Collaborative 4. Continuously improving 5. Way of life
• No technology team and business • Limited technology team and • Mostly aligned technology team • Aligned technology team and • Aligned technology team and
partnership; no API strategy business partnership with and business partnership with business partnership with a business partnership with an API
some KPIs; fragmented API/ measured KPIs and converging shared API strategy and roadmap strategy and roadmap with shared
• Reactive, siloed
integration approach API/integration strategies KPIs that are refreshed regularly
integration approach • New projects and plans treat
• Default integration approach • Intentional “APIs as products” “APIs as products” as de facto • Intentional, API-led integration
• Non-existent application network
is a few APIs tightly coupled approach emerges as integration approach is the default approach
with custom code integration strategy for all projects
• Tangible and measured
Strategy • Isolated application network • Emergent breadth and depth of application network • Ubiquitous application network
application network breadth and depth breadth and depth that is tied
directly to business outcomes
in an API economy
• No executive sponsorship for • Initial executive sponsor for • Growing executive sponsorship • Broad executive sponsorship for • Executive mandate on API-led
integration discipline integration discipline for integration discipline API-led adoption adoption as a requirement
for transformation
• No recognition or • Informal recognition for reuse • Initial incentive program for reuse • Formalized incentive program
incentives for reuse with no incentives aligned with established • Enterprise-wide incentive program
• Limited governance offering
enterprise reuse goals for API-led and reuse
• No governance or visibility into • Sporadic governance limited visibility across network of
Organization applications and data offering ad hoc visibility into
applications and data
applications and data • Governing mechanism
offering emerging visibility into
• Governing mechanism leverages
application network visibility
and governance application network, including to enable built-in security,
security and compliance compliance, and efficiency
• No architecture: • Traditional architecture: business • Evolving architecture: business • Modern architecture: • Modern API-led architecture
monolithic applications architecture separate from architecture begins to align with aligned business and tailored to support connectivity
technical architecture technical architecture technical architectures across the enterprise
• No standard SDLC methodology
grounded in published
• Documented SDLC (waterfall and • Agile is default; • Scaled, agile SDLC;
• Manual testing to minimal QA principles and guidelines
agile/waterfall hybrid) exceptions for bi-modal IT increasing reusable asset
• Scaled agile SDLC production and consumption
Software • Basic QA automation and
inconsistent reporting on
• Automated testing and reporting
with coverage standards • Automated multifaceted • Automated, multifaceted testing
development functional quality inclusive of NFRs testing and reporting and reporting engrained in the
• Few to no APIs to discover • APIs and integrations • Few APIs and integrations • Growing number of discoverable • All APIs and integrations are easily
are discoverable within are discoverable within a APIs and integrations with a discoverable across the enterprise
• No self-service
isolated repositories central repository central or syndicated repository through cross-domain, tagged
• Culture resists reuse with “not API repositories
• Basic self-service that requires • Emerging self-service to • Intuitive self-service extending to
invented here” mindset
meetings, handoffs, and approvals discover and use assets partners and customers • Intuitive, guided self-service
with asset recommendations
• Culture desires reuse but lacks • Culture promotes reuse in pockets • Culture promotes reuse
for employees,
Discoverability processes to normalize with new projects looking to
leverage existing assets
partners, and customers
• Legacy and ad hoc infrastructure • Line of business- • Centralized infrastructure • Service-based infrastructure • Infrastructure is coherent to both
specific infrastructure leverages DevOps architecture and business needs
• Manual, reactive troubleshooting • Limited, semi-automated
practices and culture with ubiquitous DevOps culture
• Basic troubleshooting tools troubleshooting tools
• Monitoring and reporting
• Centralized collection of • Integrated, specialized, and
capabilities require • Minimal monitoring and alerting • Basic operational KPIs with
automated troubleshooting tools constantly innovating suite of
significant manual effort requiring some manual effort basic monitoring, alerting,
troubleshooting tools
and logging tools • Established operational KPIs with
Operations advanced monitoring, alerting, • Dynamic operational
and logging tools KPIs through published
multifaceted dashboards
• No evidence of community • Ad hoc and infrequent • Intermittent community activities • Regular internal community • Vibrant internal and external
through activities or artifacts community participation featuring APIs and integrations activities featuring APIs community powering the
supported by in-platform and integrations including application network effect
• No standardized onboarding, • Basic onboarding processes and
content and features business outcomes
enablement, or training initial enablement framework • Enterprise-wide enablement
• Standardized enablement • Federated enablement programs result in widespread
• No communications or awareness • Ad hoc, effort-intensive
program including programs with a roadmap for experimentation-based innovation
of platform success communications and limited
Community awareness of platform success
onboarding and training continued enhancement
• Platform successes are broadly
3.2 Strategy
How does your enterprise think about, model, and develop a
strategy that links API and integration capabilities with business
transformation outcomes and technology?
In today’s digital world, platform businesses — businesses that
create value by facilitating exchanges between people, data,
and devices — haven’t just disrupted traditional business
models, they have shifted the power of the market from the
hands of suppliers to consumers. They do so by tapping into
the exponential value of the network effect — a phenomenon
in which a product or service increases in value with each user
it adds — to ensure the work they are doing today provides
exponential return in the future.
An organization’s success is now determined by the digital
platform it uses to support its business and the business
model that its platform enables, according to Accenture. This
requires a tight strategic alignment between business and IT
leaders, who should function as partners in determining a
shared set of KPIs that measure API consumption patterns as
they relate to business outcomes, such as which APIs drive
adoption and which APIs generate the highest conversions.
When measured consistently, digital businesses are able to
glean strategic business insights from these KPIs — such as
predictability of transaction patterns and new expansion
opportunities — much faster than traditional businesses have
been able to in the past.
With an aligned business and technology team strategy in
place, the next critical element is a normalized, intentional
API-led approach to integration. This approach emerges once
the practice of managing APIs as products — core business
assets instead of technology team projects — becomes the
default approach for all projects.
The third critical element of a mature digital organization is an
application network with ubiquitous breadth and depth. Tying
the application network strategy directly to business outcomes
allows the organization to tap into the network effect to drive
business value. Each API added to the application network
adds exponential value to the business. As the application
network extends across the business, the business as a whole
benefits from the outcomes.
Digital transformation is not only driven by the adoption of new
technologies; it requires a forward-thinking organizational
approach. Instead of connecting one application to another
and burying that connection, digital transformation requires
organizations to treat each API as an application — one that is
built, managed, and exposed for future use. This concept of
productized APIs, or API-led connectivity, is key to fast and agile
delivery in the market.
Many leaders have found an executive mandate — one that
recognizes and attributes digital transformation to API-led
adoption — to be an important aspect of successfully aligning
their organizations with an API-led approach. The golden
standard is the Bezos Mandate of 2002 that fueled the
transformation of Amazon from an online bookstore to one of
the world’s most successful internet companies.
According to Conway’s law, systems reflect the communication
structures of your organization. If your organization’s
infrastructure is rigid or siloed, the products you create likely
will be as well. In the beginning stages of their digital
transformation journey, enterprises are often organized into
teams that can take on projects. In the modern world, these
teams need to shift their focus from short-term project delivery
to long-term product delivery; products that have
interdependent value from other segments of the enterprise.
Similarly, enterprises need to shift their approach from one of
building and managing products to one of cultivating platforms.
Enterprise management teams often struggle to govern their
organization as traditional models are breaking down due to
the significant differences in speed. Teams can make prototype
experiences at unheard of rates, but can’t integrate them with
legacy data sources and enterprise systems that monetize the
value created, As barriers to entry fall across industry, newer
competitors are taking advantage of larger enterprises who can
no longer keep up in the digital world. The very thing that
enabled large enterprises to scale business models (a large
and robust physical infrastructures combined with enterprise
software that is tightly coupled to custom processes) has
become the anchor holding these enterprises in place and
inhibiting their ability to transform.
When facing these two seemingly disconnected concerns (a
shift from product to platform and the large infrastructure
investments that have now shifted from “barriers to
competitors” to “barriers to competing”), enterprises must now
make the conscious and intentional choice to drive visibility and
interoperability into legacy systems and application
infrastructure. Once unlocked, these foundational systems can
provide two distinct solutions to these existential problems:
1. The necessary real-time transparency of dynamic
operational KPIs through published multifaceted
dashboards. Cultivating a platform of products and
experiences requires a more comprehensive view into the
ecosystem where value is created and consumed.
2. The newly paved on-ramp to the enterprise application
network. Enterprises must, if they hope to compete, create
a new operating model where spinning up new products,
experiences and value streams is no longer weighed down
by the cost and time to integrate with isolated,
non-uniform systems with inflexible processes
Lack of visibility into the applications and data across the
organization can also create a blind spot in the organization’s
data privacy and security enforcement. Additionally, old funding
models that do not invest in the value of API-led and emergent
reuse can cause organizations to leave valuable business
opportunities on the table. Effectively leveraging APIs requires
a distributed emergent governance to provide visibility across
the enterprise and enable efficient API design and
development, enforce compliance and security protocols, and
ensure incentives align to high-value business opportunities by
rewarding API-led adoption and emergent reuse. The beauty of
an application network is that as organizations adopt API-led
best practices and proliferate reuse, the network itself evolves
into an effective yet decentralized governance mechanism
which doesn’t sacrifice agility and empowerment.
Mature application networks automatically provide visibility
across the organization, which can be leveraged to enable
built-in security, compliance, and efficiency. It also allows
leaders to continually assess their portfolio of application and
data and focus their attention on the areas of high reward.
Once organizations align incentive structures with business
outcomes, they see their people, processes, and technology
fall into place.
3.6 Operations
How does your enterprise approach and manage technology
operations for its applications and components?
Transformation requires businesses to have an infrastructure
that is coherent to the needs of both the architecture and the
business, with DevOps ingrained in the culture. At peak
maturity, application networks are in a state of constant
innovation, producing a steady flow of integrated and
specialized tools in their troubleshooting suite. Observability
replaces monitoring, alerting, and logging. The network delivers
self-healing features, fixes, and updates frequently and in close
alignment with business objectives.
When organizations reach a dynamic operational state, they
have the distributed systems and observability in place so that
any operator can access and address issues across the
enterprise through published, multifaceted dashboards. Any
team member provisioned with access can log in anywhere in
the network and get a view of the system’s needs that is
tailored to that member’s expertise. For example, when an
infrastructure operator opens the dashboard, he or she will
automatically be looking at a view of the system that highlights
applicable infrastructure issues that need to be addressed.
Developers, architects, and DevOps teams have granular
visibility across various runtimes, APIs, integrations, and other
services, ultimately reducing mean time to resolution,
increasing uptime, and improving data-driven business and
technical intelligence across the business.
this exchange by engaging the community in activities like
workshops and hackathons.
Additionally, as organizations mature in their digital
transformation journey, the on-ramp to application network
becomes completely automated. Training plans and content
such as API reference, articles, and sample code, which
traditionally required manual updates, are automatically
updated with refreshed assets that are regularly contributed by
community members. At the height of maturity, digital
organizations find broad and habitual communications —
including developer programs and forums — as well as
celebrations of platform successes built into their culture.
Section 4: Enterprise implications
and recommendations
follow plans that ritualistically build new siloes or contribute to
those that already exist. Transformational initiatives require a
program that embraces new models and rituals designed to
help autonomous teams adapt to new expectations on
delivering software designed for reuse.
Section 5: MuleSoft: Your partner
in digital transformation
integration capability will reap significant gains in their ability to
practice and demonstrate agility, relative to competitors who
do not. The approach is focused on three pillars: business
outcomes, organizational enablement, and technology delivery.
All three are required for a customer to succeed. Our
methodology includes step-by-step guides within each of the
three pillars for customers to use to drive their success.
Design Anypoint
architecture and
implementation plan
delivery Prioritize IT projects Define reference Onboard additional Measure project KPIs
and quick wins architecture project teams
Assess integration Build and publish Drive consumption Measure C4E KPIs
capabilities foundational assets
Agree on initial roles Develop the broader Update training plan Conduct
training plan skills assessment
5.2 MuleSoft Catalyst
To achieve business transformation, technology alone is not
enough – the right operating model, organizational structure,
and approach to execution are also critical. MuleSoft Catalyst™
is a set of packaged offerings, including best practices, assets,
services, training, and customer success programs, for
companies that want to unleash the full power of API-led
connectivity. It offers support for core business processes,
including onboarding, scheduling, and a single view of
customers across systems. Access architecture best practices,
drawn from our insights working with industry leaders, to
promote self-service and reuse in your organization. Catalyst
also provides prebuilt API designs and implementations to
unlock core business data across your enterprise.
Figure 2: MuleSoft Catalyst offers best practices, assets, services, training, and customer
success programs.
5.3 Center for Enablement
Behind every successful transformation is a small faction of bar
raisers, change agents, and cultural ambassadors driving
radical change for technology teams. These are the people who
wake up every morning and ask, “how can I transform IT into a
delivery agent?” At MuleSoft, we work with companies to
establish a Center for Enablement (C4E) — a small cross-
functional team to align technology and business strategy. A
C4E then enables teams across the enterprise to design and
build productized APIs in a decentralized way. This promotes
reuse through an API ecosystem which improves efficiency and
accelerates innovation. With a C4E, our customers realize and
maintain increased productivity, decreased time to market for
new products, and report consistently higher quality of
deliverables and greater enterprise security.
About MuleSoft