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Mes Posting Policy

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Tele : 23019565 Directorate General (Pers)
HQ Military Engineer Services
Engineer-in-Chief's Branch
Kashmir House, New Delhi - 11

B/20148/PP/E1 C(1) \~ Feb 2019

ADG (North)
ADG (Projects)
CE HQ SC PIN - 908541, C/O 56 APO
CE HQ EC PIN -908542, C/O 99 APO
CE HQ WC PIN - 908543, C/O 56 APO
CE HQ CC PIN - 908544, C/O 56 APO
CE HQ NC PIN -908545, C/O 56 APO
CE HQ SWC PIN-908546, C/O 56 APO



•• 1. The existing posting policy "Management of Group 'Ct&'D' Personnel of the MES-2007"
circulated vide this HQ letter No. B/20148/PP/E 1C(1) dated 27 Aug 2007, as amended time to
time, has since been revised.

2. The revised posting policy duly approved by the E-in-C has been fwd to MoD on 29 Aug
2018 for approval of MoD, the same is being perused at MoD level.

3. However, to avoid administrative difficulties in posting/transfer of subordinate staff as

projected by CE'S Command from time to time. It has been decided by the E-in-C that revised
posting policy as approved by the E-in-C will be applicable for all future postingltransfer of
subordinate staff. In case MoD suggest any change, the same will be communicated & will be
made applicable prospectively.

4. After issue of the revised posting policy, all previous directions of this HQ related to
posting/transfer of Subordinate staff stands superseded. A copy of revised posting policy
"Guidelines Management of Gp 'B' (NG) & 'C' employees of Military Engineer Services - Feb
2018" is enclosed herewith for provisional implementation with immediate effect in letter and spirit.
CEs Command may plan postings of subordinate staff accordingly.

5. This has the approval of the E-in-C.

6. Please ack receipt.

(Om K\,/ma_G..-CSt--
Encls: As above. For E-in-C
Copy to :-
TS to E-in-C For info please.
TS to DG (Pers)
E1C(2) Section For info & necessary action alongwith copy of above revised policy.

Automation Cell Please upload on the MES web site.

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1. The management of GP 'B' (NG) & GP 'C' of MES manpower rests with CEs of various
commands. There has to be uniformity in the policy, accordingly guidelines have been issued
by this HQ letter No. 79040!E1 C (1) dated 31 Aug 1994, B/20148!PP!E1C (1) dated 16 Apr
2003, B/20148!PP/E1C(1) dated 27 Aug 2007 and amended vide No. B!20148!PP!Fri!E1C (1)
dt 24 Apr 2015. The said policy guidelines are uniformly applicable to ;all CEs Command
irrespective of their geographic spread and peculiarities, number of Zones! Complexes Stations
etc. There is a need to consider the applicability and practical problems being faced by the
employees in a particular Command and to draw out a comprehensive policy so as to suit the
organizational needs and individual aspirations of Commands. The present policy has been
evolved based on the experience gained through various representations received over a
period of time and interactions made with various Employee Unions and Associations.

2. CEs Command has to work out the total authorization of staff...While working out
authorization of various posts, concept used in workiDg out Cadre Review strength of the
particular post will be kept in mind so that total authorization of all commands matchs the
cadre review strength of that post. E-in-C's Branch will issue command w;ise authorization of
various posts which should be commensurate to figures given in Cadre Review and Spl
Sanction. He!d strength of Civilian Sub staff of the Command will be divided by total auth of
Civil Sub staff taken to work out the satisfaction level of Command for each post. Satisfaction
level so derived will be the basis of working out critical deficiency ! critical surplus of the
Command & its units as defined in para 5(G).


Thus following contingencies warrant transfer of personnel from one place to another:-

(i) Peace to Tenure / Field.

(ii) Tenure!Field to Peace.

(iii) Compassionate Grounds.

(iv) Local Turn Over.

(v) Promotions.

(vi) Adjustment of surplusl deficiency including case of raising: I disbandment of


(vii) Mutual request.


Care will be taken to ensure that transfers during the middle of the academic year are
avoided as far as possible. Exception will be only to meet an ~mer~ent requir~ment in the
exigencies of service. It will be desirable to give two months time In t~e. pos~lng order for
completion of the move to enable an individual to sort out his personal administration. Schedule
for the bulk posting will be as under:-

(i) Peace to Tenure / field stations /complexes. - Jan/Feb

(ii) Tenure/Field to Peace stations /complexes. - Jan/Feb

- Feb/Mar
(iii) Compassionate Grounds.
- May/Jun
(iv) Local Turn Over.
- Mar/Apr
(v) Mutual Transfer
(vi) Adjustment of surplus/ deficiency including case of raising / disbandment of
unit / formation - Mar/Apr
_ As & when OPCs are completed.
(vii) Promotions



(i) Every Command has number of stations termed as Tenure/Field station, due to
peculiarities of remote geographical locations, harsh climatic conditions, security
situations, poor amenities and lack of availability of local manpower. The job
requirement dictates that these stations/ complexes must be manned upto a
certain optimum level thus necessitating posting of subordinates staff upto
satisfaction Level (as derived in Para 2), from within the formations under the
Command to ensure smooth functioning of these stations/ complexes. The tenure
service is mandatory and each individual is required to fulfill his tenure liability,
as per his seniority in the peace stations /complexes (Le., non tenure stations).

(ii) On completion of the stipulated period at tenure stations/complexes, individuals

are required to be repatriated to one of their three choice stations/complexes as
far as possible and are required to be replaced by individuals due for their tenure
liability. Thus a chain of posting is set into motion based on the choices and the
tenure service seniority of the individuals.

(iii) Tenure Postings :

(a) Tenure stations are those stations where facilities/basic amenities are
lacking. Each Command has its own tenure stations.
The list of hard stations and tenure stations are attached as Appx IA'.
For addition or deletion of any station as hard/tenure station a fresh SOC
and Board Proceedings duly recommended by CE Command will be fwd
for approval of the E-in-C.
(b) Prior to issuance of tenure turnover of posting, concerned CE Command
will issue a list of Basic staff category wise, who are due for posting to
tenure stations/ complexes. The list will also include the names of
individuals, who are due for second and third tenure in their turn along with
the list of Vacancies available station/complex wise after applying the
minimum satisfaction level as per Para 2. The zone of this warning list
will remain limited to 1.5 times the anticipated vacancies at tenure stations.

(c) This list will be circulated down to GE/AGE (I) level and all affected
personnel will be informed in writing so that they are mentally prepared to
move to tenure stations! complexes on issue of posting orders. The
acknowledgement of all these affected individuals wiH be kept on record
by the formations/unit concerned and confirmed by respective Zonal Chief
Engineers in their reports to concerned CEs Command. The seniority list
of tenure done and not done will be circulated well in advance for units
concerned to scrutinize the list in time. The case of any omission,
discrepancies and' appeals if any against these warning lists will be
forwarded to CEs Command not later than 31 Oct every year. The same
will be assumed as Nil thereafter and onus of omission, if any, will rest
with the Head of Office/ formation. However cognizance will be given to
advance copy of individuals in case applications of individuals not
forwarded in time from head of office or any office in channel.
A certificate to the effect that "Particulars of persons figuring in the
service seniority list have been checked and the discrepancies noticed
have been reported vide Or there are no discrepancies and
no eligible individual for posting to tenure stations/ complexes is left out"
as the case may be, will be submitted to CE Command by 31 Oct every
year under Signature of the Head of offices, after which it will be assumed
as NIL.
(d) The individuals earmarked for posting to tenure stations! complexes as
per seniority list will not be considered for any other type of posting. The
persons posted on promotion to a different station/ complex or posted to
another peace station/ complex as a station/ complex senior but due for
tenure will not be posted to tenure station/ complex till they complete
minimum stay of three years in the new station. Individuals have liberty for
applying any type of posting after min six months of stay in the present

(e) The individual due for tenure will indicate their choice of three stations/
complexes in the order of preference for consideration and three choices
will be considered as per available vacancy cum seniority.

Simultaneously, a circular will be issued by CEs Command in the

month of Jul/Aug every year calling for volunteers for tenure posting. The
names and written options of volunteers together with full service
particulars will be submitted by all formations directly to CEs Command to
reach on or before 30 Nov. The volunteering for tenure does not in any
way confer a right of posting to a tenure station as the same will be decided
at CEs Command level in accordance with overall requirement and
constraints. If a person gives only one choice, his request will not be
considered within the definition of volunteer for the instant policy.

(f) Every individual posted at a tenure station/ complex must complete his full
tenure before being posted back to one of his choice stations/ complexes.
For the purpose of determining the period of stay at a tenure station/
complex, an individual must be physically present at the office for the full
period of tenure excluding the period of absence or period of leave in
excess of fifteen days per year for counting the tenure period or otherwise.
If for reasons, due to illness or extreme compassionate grounds an
individual is repatriateci prior to completion of his tenure, he may again be
nominated to tenure station/ complex after expiry of three years of service.
His tenure will start a fresh and he will be required to complete the time of
two or three yrs (as applicable) at one stretch and not the left over period.

However, the excess time period of previous tenure due to non

availability of vacancy at three choice stations (i.e, more than three years
or two years as applicable) will entitle them for the benefit of deferment
for their re-posting to tenure station! complex in their next turn for
such posting. However, if tenure station is a Home station or extn on his
own request, no such benefit will be given to them. The exact period for
which the benefit is to be given shall be decided based on the following
norms:- .

(i) Upto 6 months stay in excess of the tenure. No. benefit to be given.

(ii) Excess stay of more than 6 months but upto 12 months. Deferment
@ 50% of time (months) spent.

(iii) Excess stay of over 12 months and above. Deferment @75% of

time (months) spent.

(g) The normal period of tenure at a tenure station/complex notified by Govt.

of India and hard stations/complexes desiqnated by E-in-C's Branch/CE
Command will be three years for individuals with sen/ice of ten years or
less and two years for those with service of more than ten years. Date of
posting should be the reference date for deciding less than 10 years of
service or otherwise.

(h) CEs Command may extend the period in exceptional cases due to
exigencies of service or when the employee concerned is prepared to stay

0) The normal age limit for tenure station/ complex posting is 52 years.
Subordinates over 52 years will not be posted to tenure stations/
complexes. The age for such postings will be considered as on date of

(k) The stations /complexes which are Field/semi field /hard stations/tenure
stations/HAA for Army/Navy/Air force will be automatically applicable to
Civilian subordinate employees as Field/semi field /hard stations/tenure

The following instructions will be adhered to while nominating

subordinate to tenure duty stations/complexes:-
(a) Choices given by the indls appearing in the warning list for tenure
station will be considered.

(b) Volunteers beyond warning list will also be considered as per their
three choices

(c) Tenure station warning list and volunteers beyond warning list will
be merged. Thereafter, individuals will be given tenure station in the order
of service seniority. To break tie, an individual with least number of tenure
station will get preference.

(d) All Gp 'B' (NG) and following Gp 'C' personnel will be considered
for tenure posting :-

(i) SAA & JAA

(ii) Stenographer
(iii) Senior store & Revenue Assistant
(iv) Store & Revenue Assistant
(v) Metre Reader
(vi) CMD

The balance of the Gp 'C' employees will be turned over within a

complex after every three years under LTO. Management of industrial staff
will be carded out by parent CWE.

(I) Ladies will not be posted to tenure stations except in cases where they
volunteer for tenure posting.

The exercise of tenuring/de-tenuring of existing tenure stations/

complexes in view of their improved living conditions shall be governed by
E-in-C's Branch letter No. B/20148/PP/E1C(1) dt 21 Aug 2013 and
B/20148/E1C(1) dt 27 Mar 2014. No station/complex will be tenured,
de-tenured, or re-tenured with retrospective effect.

(iv) Repatriation ( Tenure to Peace}

(a) The postings on tenure & compassionate grounds shall be carried out in such a
way that no imbalances are caused. Thus, the choice of the individual for
repatriation to the three-choice stations/complexes will be considered subject
to availability of vacancy.

(b) Repatriation of individuals will be done as per service seniority ie., senior
most person will be considered first as per his choice. If no vacancy exists
in any of the choice stations, senior most (station senior) individual who
has completed minimum three years in the station / six years in the
complex, will be moved out for creating vacancy for repatriating individual
from the tenure stations. However, if no individual in the station/ complex falls
within the criteria of three years in station or six years in complex then no one will
be moved out from the station/complex to create vacancy for repatriation.

Note: For the posting out person from peace stations/ complexes to create
vacancies/ vacancy for repatriation as described above, senior most individuals,
who are not due for tenure posting, will be notified the stations where vacancies
exists and will be asked three choices & will be moved out to different stations /
complexes amongst the three choice stations subject to availability of vacancies
at those stations. Here also choice will bOe given as per service seniority ie., senior
most indl will be considered first for choice. After completion of 3 years tenure at
the station such individuals will have privilege of repatriation by giving 3 choices.
This repatriation will be after tenure repatriation.

(c) If individual can not be repatriated to one of the three choice stations
despite above exercise, individual may be allowed continue at tenure
station, till such time the vacancy arises at anyone of his choice station.
Individuals retained at tenure stations shall be granted benefit of deferment
for their re-posting to tenure stationl complex in their next turn for such
posting. However, in case of sensitive appointments the individual will not be
allowed to continue to remain on the same post for more than three years and
will be considered under LTO posting for turnover in the same tenure complex
for upto a maximum of six years. In case there is only one station in a tenure
complex, the individuals will be posted to near by tenure stations till such
time vacancy in choice station arises or Indl will have to give three more
cholcss for repatriation.

(d) In the case of new appointments and promotions also, the postings shall be done
in such a way that no imbalances are created wrt satisfaction level for each
Command in consonance with cadre review authorization(including spl sanction)
for Admin cadre, Subordinate Engineer cadre & BS cadre etc.


(i) The compassionate postings are affected on Humanitarian/Medical grounds/
Spouse grounds against existing vacancies within the Command as well as Inter
(ii) The following guidelines for compassionate posting on Humanitarian/Medical!
Last leg/ Spouse grounds will be followed :-

(a) Individual may themselves apply for compassionate postings after

completion of six month of physical stay in present station/ complex
through proper channel. Applications from relatives or those received
directly will be rejected and attempts to bring outside pressure will be
discouraged. The compassionate postings will be for a maximum
period of three years and two such compassionate postings can be
allowed in total service including one in lieu of last leg posting,
forgoing right to avail last leg posting. The period of compassionate
posting will be specified in the posting order.
(b) Applications on domestic grounds shall be verified, in consultation with
civil authorities, if the CWE/CE Zone is not satisfied regarding
genuineness of the case.

(c) Applications on medical grounds need to be accompanied by appropriate

"Govt Hospital! CGHS! CGHS approved Hospital" indicating the nature
of illness and justification for posting of the individual.

(d) A Board at Command level will be convened which will assemble every
six months in January and July to screen the requests for posting on
compassionate grounds. In case affected persons are due for
tenure/complex, extra scrutiny will be done to avoid misuse of provislon
(compassionate posting) by unscrupulous persons.

(e) All postings on compassionate grounds will normally will be ordered

to a non-sensitive appointment only. Validity of cases once approved
by the compassionate Board will remain for one year. In case the
individual is not posted to his choice station! complex during the
period he! she is required to forward an application for revival of his!
her claim on expiry of the validity of the Board. If the revival
applications are not received, the name of such individual included
in the Compassionate Board will be deleted from the list.
(f) Last leg posting may be given to the individuals for tenure of three years
in or near their home town or place of individual's choice to help them in
taking care of family/settlement problems, depending upon availability of
vacancy at that point of time. An individual having less than four years of
remaining service can initiate a request for last leg 'posting, subject to
availability of suitable post in the station of choice. Indl will not be given
last leg posting in the same station in which he is working.

(viii) There are certain satellite stations where only GE or AGE (I) / AGE / Dte is
located and such turnover of staff as stipulated above may not be possible within
the station. Every Command CE maintains a list of such stations. In case of such
stations, individuals due for turnover will be considered for posting to one of their
choice stations. The LTO authority will forward proposal to Chief Engineer
Command HQ who will issue the postings of such indls by name. While
considering choices under LTO postings, preference should be given to persons
having genuine medical problems but will be considered only for non sensitive

(i) Staff on promotion will be adjusted in the same station/ complex (not necessarily
in the same unit) provided vacancies are available. While doing so, preference
will be given to those who have come in the station on repat & not completed
three years in the station. However, if no vacancy is available in the same station/
complex, the promotees will be adjusted in one of the three choice
stations/complex as far as possible except for those due for tenure turnover
postings. This will be applicable to promotional posts whose postings are done
by Command.

Forgoing promotion does not confer a 'right to the individual against transfer,
if due, on other grounds in his/ her present rank.


(i) Postings on surplus & deficiency grounds will be carried out to make good the
imbalance created due to posting given in para 4 and also imbalances due to
raising/disbandment of unit/formation within the command.

(ii) After issuance of all postings 4 (i) to (iii) [4(vii), if applicable] command will work
out the overall imbalances in held strength of various stations! complexes after
taking into account the postings so issued.

(iii) Deficiency below the critical deficiency will be filled by transferring the staff from
different stations! complexes of command having holding beyond critical surplus
level. Excessive staff beyond critical surplus will be posted to the deficient
stations! complexes having deficiency below the critical deficiency.

(iv) The volunteers will be asked from the stations/ complexes having the satisfaction
level (worked out at para 2) above critical surplus. In case of no volunteer is
available senior most in stations/ complexes will be posted out & this posting will
be considered as administrative posting. Individuals who thus posted out will be
repatriated after completion of three years amongst the three choice stations!
complexes. This repatriation will be considered after repatriation of tenure as per
available vacancies.

(g) In case of Inter Command posting of personnel seeking to go outside, the

Command deficiency will be kept in sight while considering such cases.

(h) Home town may be given to individuals on compassionate grounds

but at non-sensitive appointment only. However in case of non-
availability of vacancy at non-sensitive appointment at choice
station, individual may be posted on sensitive appointment and
reason for the same will be kept on record.

(i) Local Turn Over (LTO) postings are carried out within the same complex
once a year to ensure regular turnover of employees as per requirement of
station/complex and to follow guidelines of CVC in case of sensitive
appointment and to give equal exposure to all employees. The tenure at
non sensitive appointment for considering posting of an individual to a
sensitive appointment. While posting indl from sensitive to non sensitive
appointment total period of continuous sensitive tenure in the station will
be counted and the indl having more continuous sensitive tenure will be
moved to non sensitive.

(ii) LTO to be ordered by a Zonal Chief Engineer, if there is more than one Zonal
Chief Engineer at a station, the function will be assigned to one of Zonal Chief
Engineers in rotation by concerned CEs Command.

(iii) Under no circumstances posting issued under LTO will be allowed to be deferred
beyond three months.

(iv) No individual should be allowed to stay from more than 3 years in a sensitive
appointment in a unit.

(v) JE (Civ) who volunteers for posting as JE (QS&C) or vice - versa may be
considered by the competent authority for a short period of one or two tenures
in the whole service without affecting the seniority.

(vi) Adjustment within the same station/complex i.e., local turn over will be ordered
by the CE Command/ CE Zone/ CWE (Senior most authority in the station/
complex). However, CE Command only can order posting to out stations (outside
the station/ complexes) except wherein the powers have been specifically
delegated to the Zonal CEs. Authority empowered for local turn over will strictly
comply and implement the LTO policy and render certificate to this effect
regularly to CE Command under the signature of the CE Zone himself.

(vii) While turning over executive staff, it will be ensured that the individual is not
posted back to the same Division after completion of tenure in another Division
/Staff appointment. He will, invariably, be considered for posting to another
Division where he has not served earlier.


(i) Mutual postings are to be done between same category (eg., JE (Civ) to JE( Civ),
JE(E/M) to JE (E/M) , JAA to JAA etc) from one command to other comma~d,
one station to another station, one complex to other complex and one formation
to other formation within the station/complex. Individual moved on the mutual
transfer shall be on permanent basis with seniority to be adjusted as per
CPRO 73.

(0) The following guidelines for posting on mutual basis will be followed:-

(a) Individuals may themselves apply for mutual postings after completion of
six months of physical stay in present station/office through proper

(b) Mutual postings shall be ordered subject to the condition that the
individuals concerned are not due for tenure posting. However, if both the
individuals agree to take tenure liability at new station their case may be

(c) Two Commands at same station/complex will be dealt as Inter Command


(d) Mutual posting will be restricted to two in entire service.

(e) All postings on mutf:.!albasis shall be at the expense of the individual.

(f) Mutual posting shall be applicable to non-sensitive appointment only as

far as possible but in case due to non availability of vacancy same may be
ordered on sensitive appointments also.


If the holding of particular category in a particular station/complex falls

below 10% of Command satisfaction level derived in para 02, it will be taken as
critical deficiency. If the holding of particular category in a particular
station/complex exceeds beyond 10% of Command satisfaction level, it will be
taken as critical surplus.


The term complex, wherever used, will mean a conglomeration of more

than one MES unit in a place and its adjacent location. The geographical
demarcation of adjacent location will be decided by CEs Command and will be
approved by the E-in-C's Branch. Any change in the geographical demarcation
of adjacent location will be decided by CEs Command with the approval of
E-in-C's Branch after taking the comments of stakeholders.
r 12


The term station, wherever used will denote a single MES unit or formation
located in a place.


Wherever the word satellite figures, it will imply an out station of main MES
unit! formation of a complex! station. Posting to these satellite stations (tenure or
peace) will be done by CE Command by specifying name of satellite station.

(i) Each Command will declare office wise and cadre wise authorization as
envisaged in cadre review of each cadre as brought out in para 2 which will
be approved by the E-in-C's Branch. Satisfaction level of each command
as pointed out in para 2 will be the basis of working out vacancies ( beyond
critical deficiencyl critical surplus).

(ii) The vacancies will be calculated for the purpose of the tenure postings ( ie
peace to tenure & tenure to peace) and peace to peace postings in case of
critical surplus and critical deficiency in stations/ complexes.

(iii) The vacancy position in tenure stations! complexes in case of tenure postings
and vacancy position in peace stations / complexes in case of surplus / deficiency
postings will be circulated ..


Where applicable three choices will be asked except compassionate and

mutual postings.


(i) To tie break allocation of choice station, Preference is to be given to a

person who have not served in a particular station earlier thereafter the
person having more age will be given preference.

(ii) The cases of following nature wi" be reported to CEs Command by the specified
dates so as to enable them to take appropriate action at the time of planning of

(a) Personnel who are elected member of the Works Committee for the first
time, including the period of their present term with specific dates. Those
elected for second or subsequent term are not eligible for protection.

(b) Personnel who are important office bearers of recognized Unions!

Associations and are entitled for protection for posting as per eXisting rules
with the date up to which they are exempted.

(c) The protection from posting may be given to an individual government

servant. If he is re-elected as an office bearer in continuation of his earlier
term, the protection shall be considered when individual is due for posting
and applied by the Association for effected individual. The exemption shall
be applicable to important office bearers limited to 05 members. The
representative of associations may be posted to concern administrative
Has on the request of associations. The postings and retention of office
bearers will be governed by Gol instructions applicable at that time.
The important office bearers have been defined as under:-

(i) One President

(ii) One Vice President/Sr Vice President
(iii) One General Secretary/Secretary
(iv) One Joint Secretary / Assistant General Secretary
(v) One Treasurer1Secy Finance ICashier
In case there is any individual in the seniority list who has moved
or stands posIed III another station!complex, this infonnation must be sent
chldhM studying in class XII std will generally not be
•••• ~.leIiion of class XII examination. However, extension on
... sllillitieliimited to one year beyond normal tenure, irrespective
inwhich the younger child may be studying. The personnel will
~~lDiil'lliinRde. one yrs in advance, to the Pers Branch of CE Command,
_: _.._ regard duly authenticated by Principal of the School, through CE
&.AlIll'ii;. Such personnel, if willing, will be considered for tenure posting
subject to availability of vacancies to give them house retention benefit.

[IV) Certain states have rule that the students will get benefit of that state quota only
if the student has passed class Xth & Xllth from the same state. Individuals
working in the states where such rule exists may apply for the protection to
remain in the same state after passing class X to avail the benefit of state quota.
For this individual has to apply one year in advance. This protection for class X
will be available if indl doesn't go beyond maximum stay (3 Yrs in station or 6 Yrs
in complex) and not due for tenure.

(v) Personnel posted to MES under adjustment of surplus/deficiency scheme will

reckon their seniority for posting to tenure stations/complexes from the date of
joining MES.

(vi) If a person applies for Inter Command posting, parent Command shall ascertain
his acceptability from the Command to which he desires to be posted without any
reference to E-in-C's Branch. In case of agreement between the two CEs
Commands, the relieving Command, where he/she is working will issue the
posting order under intimation to all concerned formations. In case of Inter
Command posting of GP '8' (NG) employees the posting order will be
issued "with the approval of E-in-C".
(vii) Personnel posted on 'Non Sensitive' appointments will be moved first and those
employed on sensitive appointments will be moved within ten days on arrival of
their replacement. Dates of moves will be indicated accordingly in the turn over
posting. Any delay in implementing moves will be resolved by mutual consultation
between the units and will be referred to CE Zone/CE Command in case of any

(viii) GP 'B' (NG) Employee due for promotion to GP '8' (G) within 6 months will be
exempted from any posting from their existing station/complexes except LTO in
the interest of state. This will avoid multiple movements and also safeguard Govt
interest. However, those in sensitive appointment and due for non sensitive under
LTO will not get exemption.

(ix) Imbalance to be made good by placing newly recruited candidates through SSC.
Care should be taken while posting newly recruited employees so as to minimize
imbalances. Thus, Stations/complexes where newly recruited employees are
posted, there should not be any requirement of posting out senior most
employees out of complex/station due to critical surplus.

(x) Personal appointed through deputation/Re-employment (DCRE) :

Posting of OCRE personnel should preferably be posted to tenure station

in their first appointment as per policy. Their names should be forwarded to the
Command where they have been assigned for their appointment and further
posting and management. They have to be considered against the vacancies
earmarked as tenure stations in other Commands.

(xi) Age Factor:

All group 'B' (NG) & 'C' employees will generally not be transferred out of
complex preceding three years of their retirement except at their request to
stations/ complexes of their choice. However, if they have to move on promotion
and if there is no clear vacancy in the station/ complex where they are serving,
they may still be moved irrespective of the consideration of age. Indl having one
year of residual service will not be considered for LTO except those who have
completed 03 years on sensitive appointment.

(xii) Female Employees:

Taking into account the welfare of female employees they will be covered
by the following policy norms:-

(a) Woman employees will be exempted from posting to tenure station,

unless they volunteer for the same.

(b) Female employees will not be posted to long distance stations!

complexes more than 80 km from their existing station! complex to
the extent possible. However if no station! complex is located within
80 KM they may be posted out only in cases of critical surplus in the
station. In that case they will have the privilege of exercising three
choices for posting out. After completion of tenure at new complex
they will be asked three choices for posting.

(xiii) Couple posting:

When both the husband and wife are working in MES and fall within
this posting policy, they may mandatorily be posted at the same station if
posts are available. In other cases such as husband and wife working in other
Central Government offices/ State/Autonomous body etc shall be dealt as per the
DoP&T policy.

(xiv) WidowlWidowers!Divorcee :

WidowlWidowers/Divorcee with dependent children will not be posted out

on tenure or other posting ground as mentioned in para 3 except LTO on their
own request. However, this protection will cease to exist when they get remarried.

(xv) Persons With Disabilities (PWD) :

The postings will be governed by instructions issued by Gol, Ministry of

Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension Deptt of Personnel and Training from
time to time.

(a) As far as possible, the persons with disabilities may be exempted from
postings/ transfer and be allowed to continue in the same job, where they
would have achieved the desire performance. Further, preference in place
of posting at the time of promotion may be given to the persons with
disability subject to the administrative constraints. However, if disabled
individual is willing to go to a tenure station/ complex he will be allowed
such posting.

(b) An employee whose Child/Dependent is suffering from multiple

disabilities or have retarded/spastic or dyslexic child requiring special
school or training will not be posted to a tenure station/complex.

(c) LTO postings will be applicable for persons with disabilities in the same

(d) Posting of persons with disability should preferably be to their first choice
in their first appointment.

In case of any contradiction in the provision contained in this policy

while dealing with person with disability the latest provision of DoP&T will
take precedence.

(xvi) Industrial Personnel:

There are many cases where persons get recruited in remote areas and
then ask for transfer to home stations. It is to be noted that the industrial persons
belong to a particular Parent CWE only where they have been recruited. Their
modalities of posting outside their CWE or CE Command may be considered with
loss of seniority subject to their minimum stay of 10 years in CWE area where he
is recruited. However, on extreme compassionate ground, they may be
considered for posting for a period of maximum two year only after a period of
four years.

(xvii) Representations:

Concerned office will ensure that posting order is notified to the indl
immediately. Thereafter, representation, if any against the posting order will be
made by affected individuals (only) within 21 days of the receipt of posting order
in concerned office. When the representation received through proper channel is
considered and rejected by the competent authority, the concerned individual has
to move without any further delay. Contingencies may arise when the individual
is not satisfied by the decision of CE Command. In such cases, the individual
may represent his case to DG (Pers)/ E-in-Cs Branch which will be fwd to
E-in-C's Branch with recommendation of CE Command within ten days and if
the decision of the E-in-C's Branch is in his/her favour, the individual will be
brought back at the first available of vacancy.

7. All postings at Command level will be planned through BOO with the composition
as under:-

Presiding Officer :- CE Zone/JT DG (Not dealing with posting/transfer)

Members Nos :- Two officers from different CE Zones [ One headed by Civ
officer & one headed by Army officer. Detailment of the rep wi!1be decided by CE

In attendance :- Col (Pers) Command

The above Board of Officers shall submit the posting proposal to the
Command strictly in consonance with the posting policy and guidelines issued by
the E-in-C's Branch. The posting proposal for all appclntments will be
recommended by Jt DG (Pers) of the CE Command and shall be approved
by CE Command.


(a) This policy supersedes all previous policies and instructions on the subject
matter and will be followed in the letter and spirit. In case a situation
warrants exceptions to the provision of the policy, the approval of E-in-C
will be sought.

(b) Irrespective of what is stated here-in-before, E-in-C's Branch will have

over riding power to cancel, modify or hold in abeyance posting orders
issued by CEs Command and issue posting order in emergent cases.
Modification to this policy will be done only after approval of the MoD.




Ser Command Station Gol Tenure Station/

No Hard Station
1. Awantipur Hard Station
2. Bhaderwah Hard Station
3. Baramullah Hard Station
4. Karu Hard Station
5. Khundru Hard Station
6. Kupwarah Hard Station
7. Leh Hard Station
8. Naushera Hard Station
9. Nimmu Hard Station
10. Palma Hard Station
11. Poonch Hard Station
12. Raiouri Hard Station
13. RC PeakiSamanabanj Hard Station
14. Srinaqar old Air Field Hard Station
15. Sundarbani Hard Station
16. Thoise Hard Station
17. 860 EWS KargillLeh Hard Station
18. 873 EWS, Swarppnkot Hard Station
19. Partapur Hard Station
20. Kunibatang Hard Station
21. Natatop Hard Station
E-in-C's Branch letter No. PC:B/20148/E1C(1) dt 27 Mar 2014

22. Jhakri 863 EWS Hard Station
23. Manali Hard Station
24. Pooh Hard Station
25. Suratgarh Hard Station
26. Nal Hard Station
27. Sarsawa Hard Station
28. Bhisiana Hard Station
29. Jutogh (Shimla) Hard Station
E-in-C's Branch letter No. PC:B/20148/E1C(1) dt 27 Mar 2014, B/20148/PP/C4/E1C(1) dt
13 Se~ 2018 & B/20148/PP/06/E1C(1) dt 19 Sep 2018

30. Kanasar Hard Station
31. Mahajan Ranges Hard Station
E-in-C's Branch letter No. PC:B/20148/E1C(1) dt 27 Mar 2014

Contd ....


Ser Command Station Gol Tenure Stationl

No Hard Station
32. Bhowali Hard Station
33. Dharchula Hard Station
34. Joshimath Hard Station
35. Kausani Hard Station
36. Lansdowne Hard Station
37. Pithoraqarh Hard Station
38. Darbhanga Hard Station
39. GO_Q_alpur-on-Sea Hard Station
40. Pachmarhi Hard Station
41. Banbasa Hard Station (New add)
42. Rudraprayag Hard Station (New add)
43. Nc!yaRaipur Hard Station (New add)
44 Mussoorie Hard Station (New add)
45 Harsil Hard Station (New add)
46. Auli Hard Station (New add)
E-in-C's Branch letter No. B/20148/PP/66/E1C(1) dt 20 Jun 2018

47 Amla Hard Station
48 Barmer Hard Station
49 Jaisalmer Hard Station
50 Pokharan Hard Station
51 Ramgarh Hard Station
52 Nachana Hard Station
53 Jasai Hard Station
54 Jall2_a Hard Station
55 Dhana Hard Station
56 Pulgaon Hard Station
57 Bhuj Hard Station
58 Lakshadweep Hard Station
59 Okha Hard Station
60 Porbandar Hard Station
61 Port Blair Hard Station
62 Minnie Bay Hard Station
63 Haddo Hard Station
64 Brichgunj Hard Station
65 Diglipur Hard Station
66 Car Nicobar Hard Station
67 Campbell Bay Hard Station
E-in-C's Branch letter No. B/20148/PP/24/E1C(1) dt 16 Apr 2018


68 Agartala Tenure Station of Gol
69 Alone Tenure Station of Gol
70 Baqrakot Hard Station
71 Bolanqlr Hard Station
72 Bonar Tenure Station of Gol
73. Chabua Tenure Station of Gol
74. Charduar Tenure Station of Gol
75. Diqaru Tenure Station of Gol
76. Dimapur/Rangapahar Tenure Station of Gol
77. Dinian Tenure Station of Gol
78. Gangtok Tenure Station of Gol
79. Guwahati Tenure Station of Gal
80. Haldia Hard Station
81. Hashimara Hard Station
82. Jorhat ! Tenure Station of Gol
83. Kaying Tenure Station of Gol
84. Khonsa Tenure Station of Gal
85. Kumbhigram • Tenure Station of Gol
86. Kurseong Hard Station
87. Leimakhong Tenure Station of Gal
88. Lekhapan & Likhabali Tenure Station of Gal
89. Manchuka Tenure Station of Gol
90. Missamari Tenure Station of Gol
91. Narangi Tenure Station of Gal
92. Passighat Tenure Station of Gol
93. Purnia Hard Station
94. Rangia Tenure Station of Gol
95. Rayang Tenure Station of Gal
96. Singarshi Hard Station
97. Silchar Tenure Station of Gal
98. Shillong (Army) Tenure Station of Gol
99. Shillong (AF) Tenure Station of Gol
100 Tenga Tenure Station of Gal
101 Tawang Tenure Station of Gol
102 Tezpur & Solmara Tenure Station of Gol
103 Tuting Tenure Station of Gol
104 Umroi Tenure Station of Gol
105 Walong Tenure Station of Gol
106 Zakhama/Chakbama/Kohima Tenure Station of Gal
107 Zero Tenure Station of Gol
108 583 Engr Park, Jorhat Tenure Station of Gol
109 Katihar Hard Station
110 Kishan Ganj Hard Station
E-in-C's Branch letter No. PC:B/20148/E1C(1) dt 27 Mar 2014

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