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1) How does marketing cars differ from marketing service for those same vehicles?

Marketing cars:
when the customer’s purchases manufactured goods such as cars they take title of the car from
the dealer or the company, however, marketing services for those same vehicles the dealer
retains the title of his/her business and offers experiences.
Marketing services
Marketing services a significant portion of the price paid by customers is for the value added by
the service elements, including expert labor and the use of specialized equipments or tools. A
service product compromises all the elements of the service performance, both tangible and
intangible, that create value for the customers.
Key differences:
Marketing services. Marketing cars.

 A vehicle is marketed as the core product with  Marketing a car is easy because the product can
certain core benefits to the customer, however be seen, touched or can be experienced. Through
delivering of this core product is typically pictures and illustrations, customers can already
accompanied by a variety of other service related see the features of the product.
activities that are offered collectively as  Marketing and promoting in the automobile
supplementary services. industry takes an extra skill.
 Designing a service concept is a complex task  Marketing cars differs from the method of
that requires an understanding of how the core marketing services.
and supplementary services should be combined,  Marketing cars can be done in the orthodox way
sequenced, delivered, and scheduled to create of marketing.
value proposition that meets the needs of the  Marketing cars works with the marketing mix,
target segments. which attempt to control the 4P’s (Product,
 Marketing a service for a car includes the 7P’s Place, Price, Promotion).
(Product, Place and Time, Price, Promotion and  Automobile or the cars are tangible products that
Education, Physical Environment and People). are being sold in unit.
 Service is can’t be seen or heard off; making it  The procedure of production a car and
tough for the customers to imagine what will consumption or usage of a car are separated
actually happen if they get the service. process.
 Service industries face more challenges than its  Prospective customers may debate purchase
product counterpart because of the people factor. months in advance.
 Car servicing need skill manpower and  Purchase may involve exchange of existing
experienced labor. vehicle.
 In service, monetary transaction, time and effort  Much of the advertising effort is undertaken by
are exchange for labor or skills, but the car manufacturer.
ownership of the product is not seen or heard of.
 Distribution takes place through franchised
 A service is an intangible product that must offer
dealers who take responsibility for personal
superior service in order to hold a competitive
advantage. selling, and participate in promotional programs
 Need for service tends to increase in frequency with manufacturers.
and cost as car ages  Marketing a car will usually emphasis on the
 Service price is hard to predict but much lower buying process of the consumer, involving
transaction, to take ownership of the product.
than new purchase – often less than $40 for  Product is the primary player.
routine work (oil change, lubrication etc…)  Marketing
arketing for car and marketing for service
 No mention of advertising, reminders, special needs different people from different skill sets.
offers to generate service business  Marketing
keting a car is easy because it is tangible: can
 Same location but service building is greasy and be seen, touched or can be experienced in test
hidden behind showroom drive and through the car printed brochures,
customers can already see the features of the
 Customers wait in line for servicevice writers; can
look at file-cabinets and listen
isten to telephones
 Extensive advertising and promotions to attract
ringing. car buyers
 Eye-catching
catching site in convenient location
 Customers can examine the cars (and sit in them
if they wish) while they wait for a salesperson.
2) Compare and contrast the sales and service departments at Auto World.

Sales department. Service department.

 Sales Department in Auto world is  The Service Department of Auto world is
accountable for engaging the customer and accountable for the servicing, repair and
influences the customer to buy the product. maintenance of the cars.
 Sales department also in charge of giving  They are also accountable for answering the
alternatives or more options to the customer quires of the customers and entertaining the
who weren’t able to buy brand new cars concerns and problems of the customers.
where they offer the second hand or pre pre-  The showroom was situated in a modern
owned ones. facility, while the service and repair bays
 Sales department always look for increasing were in 30-year-old building.
revenue from the car sale. They are target  The service departments, when fully
oriented and concentrate to fulfill their staffed, consisted of a service manager, a
target. parts supervisor, nine mechanics and two
 Sales
ales department is decorated finely, the service writers. The job of service
showroom is handsome and high high-ceilinged, writers entailed scheduling appointments
each vehicle is polished to a high sheen, for repairs and maintenance, writing up
and the sales representatives are doing each work order, calling customers with
well. repair estimates, and assisting customers
 The sales departments in the automobiles when they returned to pick up the cars and
industry are more accountable in engaging pay for the work that had been done.
the customer and influencing them to buy the
product. They are also accountable in
informing them about the new models and
offerings in the market.
 Sales department are in charge of giving
alternative options and offers to the new
brand of automobiles.
3) From a consumer is perspective, what useful parallels do you see between operating a

car sales and

d service dealership and operating health services?

 Sales
ales and service department always work for making the customers satisfied.
 Sales and service department do it with their great quality product and smooth service
 No matter what is the ver vertical
tical of my business or industry, it’s very important and
significant that I have to provide a good quality product and best quality service.
 Operating an automobile sales and service dealership and operating health care services
have many similarities.
 As health service is basically depends on only service while automobile industry is based
on both product and service. In both vertical, there must have a customer oriented

Car dealership. Health care.

 Owners hate to be without cars  Customers are worried and uncomfortable
 Outcome not certain, owners worried about  Outcome not always certain
costs.  Can insure against illness to avoid risk of
 Can get initial warranties, may be able to high hospital payments
obtain service contracts  Customers generally prefer to have a
 Outside warranty restrictions, can sw switch regular doctor whom they trust
service suppliers whenever they want  Word-of-mouth
mouth recommendations play an
 Customers generally prefer to have a regular important role in influencing choice of a
service garage they trust health plan or doctor.
 Word-of-mouth
mouth recommendations often
influence choice
4) What advice would you give to Carol Sulliv
Sullivan Diaz?

 I would advise Carol Sullivan to appoint Larry Winters as a new leader. As he can

manage the changed system since he has a great track record in auto mobile sales

industry. He was once a leading sales rep in Auto World. He has strong managerial

pabilities and strong network in the industry.

 Hire
ire both financial and service manager to hold the financial assets and service section.

 For more effective motive, she might as well train her sisters to be in the place so that the

profitss will still be within the company.

 Hire an experienced service management team


 Revamp the service department


 Train the service staff.

 Develop a customer oriented service strategy.

 Make use of the technology for client records and service writing

 Expand the service delivery system


 Advertising and marketing tools and promotions should be efficiently use.


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