CS6004ES MS Coursework1
CS6004ES MS Coursework1
CS6004ES MS Coursework1
This individual coursework requires developing and documenting a small application in C# using
an object-oriented approach and Visual Studio. Your software artifact must be submitted as a
Visual Studio project. It will be assessed using Visual Studio 2017 or any higher version and any
features not working with the standard installation of Visual Studio 2017 or any higher version
will not be assessed. The coursework carries 30% of the module mark.
Submission Deadlines: 11.55pm on 17th of February 2020
Coursework Submission in-class Demo: This individual coursework has 2 parts, both of the
soft copies which are to be submitted before 11.55pm on the 23rd of February 2020.
(1) The software application to be developed in C#
(2) The documentation in MS Word format.
XYZ is a company who purchase and sell laptops and accessories across Sri Lanka. They decide
to develop centralized inventory management system based on OOP to handle their day-to-day
1. Admin Login.
2. Only admin can be able to manage admin accounts (Add/Edit/Delete)
3. Manage product and categories.
4. Admin can able to manage the purchase of laptops and accessories.
5. Admin can able to manage sales of laptops and accessories.
6. Admin can be able to adjust the inventory.
7. All the activities should be recorded.
8. The system can able to generate multiple reports such as, purchase order, sales order and
top selling products.
9. Should include search options for the above tasks.
10. Dashboard (Total stock amount, Total purchase, Total sales and Total Profit
Weight X
Item Weight Marks
1 The application user interface 2 5 10
2 Data entry of class list from the database 2 5 10
3 Task 1 : Admin Login 2 5 10
4 Task 2 : Managing admin accounts 3 5 15
5 Task 3 : Managing products and categories. 4 5 20
6 Task 4 : Purchase management 2 5 10
7 Task 5 : Sales management 3 5 15
8 Task 6 : Adjust inventory 2 5 10
9 Task 7 : History of user activities 2 5 10
10 Task 8 : Reports 4 5 20
11 Task 9 : Search functions 2 5 10
12 Task 10 : Dashboard 2 5 10
1 Detailed instructions to run the program 1 5 5
2 Software architecture diagram 1 5 5
3 UML diagrams – A Use Case Diagram and a 1 5 5
comprehensive Class Diagram
4 Detailed testing evidence of your proposed 1 5 5
5 Reflection of your own experience 1 5 5
1 Clarity of code which shows the underlying 1 5 5
2 Sensible naming of programmer-defined 1 5 5
variables, classes, properties and methods
3 Useful comments in code 1 5 5
4 Data validation and exception handling 1 5 5
5 Interface design and usability of the system 1 5 5
Total 200/2