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Academic Plan

Session 2016-17

Literature: Grammar:
● How Daddy Decided What He Wanted to Be? ● Putting it Together
● The White Elephant ● Regular and Irregular Verbs
● Leisure (Poem) ● Tenses (Part I) Simple Tenses
● My Experiments with Truth ● Tenses (Part II) Continuous Tenses
● Today & Tomorrow (Poem) ● Tenses (Part III) Perfect Tenses
● The Helpful Young Man
Writing Skills:
Reader: ● Notice Writing
● Celebrations ● Dialogue Writing
● Hobbies ● Informal Letter
● Thrills in My School Life ● Paragraph Writing
● Comprehension Passage & Unseen Poem


Literature: Grammar:
● Bharat Desh (Poem) ● Determiners
● Hanuman and I ● Subject-Verb Agreement
● Our Tree (Poem) ● Passive Voice (Simple Present, Past, Future)
● Attila ● Modals
● The Case of Copied Question Paper ● Conditionals

Reader: Writing Skills:

● Performing Arts ● Formal Letter
● Vacation Time ● Story Writing
● Tinsel World ● Diary Entry
● Comprehension Passage & Unseen Poem ● Bio Sketch Writing

Grammar topics and writing skills covered in SA1 will also be asked in SA2.
 (INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECT)  Listening skills for Hindi, English & Sanskrit ASSIGNMENT
Activity (10) ACTIVITY(10) (SA-I(10) + SA-II(10) )
 Speaking Skills in English, Hindi &


LITERATURE: Chapter- How Daddy Decided What He Wanted To Be LITERATURE: Chapter - Hanuman & I
Poem—Leisure Poem—Bharat Desh
GRAMMAR: Putting It Together WRITING: Notice Writing, Dialogue GRAMMAR: Determiners, Tenses
Writing WRITING: Formal Letter, Notice Writing
Unseen Passage Unseen Poem
LITERATURE: Chapter- The White Elephant LITERATURE: Chapter- Attila
Poem—Today & Tomorrow Poem—Our Tree
GRAMMAR: Regular & Irregular Verbs, Tenses part I & II GRAMMAR: Subject- Verb Agreement, Conditionals
WRITING- Informal Letter, Paragraph Writing WRITING: Story Writing, Dialogue Writing

Speaking Skill Activity- Listening SkillActivity1 - Revitalize your spirits- Go Goa(10)
WRITING: Dialogue Writing, Informal Letter
Role play( Based On The Lesson-The Helpful Youngman)(10) Activity 2- Poem Recitation (Bharat Desh/ Our
Speaking Skills Objectives Listening Skills Objectives
 To enable the students to express their views with accuracy  To enable the students to listen and understand
 To enable the students to speak fluently and with correct  To enable the students to collect the information and solve the given
pronunciation problems.
 To develop communicative skills of the students.

Month Skill Topic Activity Values Assig HW Learning Objectives

F.A-I Literature How Daddy Sharing views about what Importance of selection 1 1  To understand with
(April- Decided What He you would like to be when of right profession & comprehension
May) Wanted to Be? you grow up. career in life.  To appreciate the story
(4) PPT. Student’s aim in life  To understand the message/
Apr(20) Class Test theme
 To understand the new words

 To read the poem with proper

Leisure (poem) How do you spend your Importance of time as pronunciation, pause,
(4) leisure time? Draw pictures time is precious. intonation, reasonable speed
or paste pictures showing Class test 1 1 and flow.
different activities (on A4  To understand the poetic
sheet) devices and the new words
Class Test  To understand the message of
the poem
 To understand the symbolism
used in the poem.

Grammar Putting it Black-Board Game 1 1  To learn the correct usage of the

Together (6) Students will be given a chit. Nouns & Pronouns
Whatever will be written in  To be able to write and speak
the chit they will write it on grammatically correct sentences
the black-board. e.g. Abstract  To understand the common
Noun errors in the usage of Nouns &
Common Noun Pronouns
Class Test

Writing Notice Writing Class Test 1 1  To understand the format of

Skills (3) Notice
 To be able to write a
Noticewith accuracy and fine
Make a collage on Important  To be able to read
Reader Celebrations Festivals of India (Individual 1 comprehensively
(Reading Comprehension Project (Write a few lines on  To grasp the meaning of new
Skill) Passage& Unseen any one festival.) words and phrases used.
Poem (3)  To be able to draw the inference/

May Literature The White Dialogues between the elephant Children’s duty 1 1  To understand with
16 days Elephant(5) and the King. towards their comprehension
Class Test parents.  To appreciate the story
Realization of filial  To understand the message/
duty towards theme
parents is the  To understand the new words.
ultimate objective
of the lesson.
Grammar Regular & Irregular Stand And Sit Game 1 1  To learn the correct usage of the
Verbs(4) The teacher will speak a verb. If verbs
the verb is Regular verb, they  To be able to use the verbs
will stand up, if it is irregular, practically.
they will keep sitting.  To understand the rules of the
Class Test usage of verbs.
 To understand the common errors
in the usage of verbs.
Writing Dialogue Writing(3) Dialogue 1 1
Skills Delivery  To be able to
The students will be asked to writeDialoguewith accuracy
speak dialogues with each other. and fine expression
Class Test  To be able to conclude in a
logical and proper way
 To be able to use imagination
and one’s ideas logically and
with consistency
Reader Celebrations (cont..)
Month Skill Topic Activity Values Assig HW Learning objectives
FA-2 Literature My Experiments with Web Chart To err is human but the 1 1  To understand with
(July- Truth(5) Paste Gandhi ji’s picture and students must learn from comprehension.
Aug) write some adjectives about their mistakes and improve  To appreciate the story.
him and his principles. themselves. Student will  To understand the message/
July Narrate any incident of your learn about secret of theme.
21 days life when you spoke a lie. success.  To understand the literary
devices and the new words.
Class Test

 To read the poem with

Students will be able to proper pronunciation, pause,
Today & Tomorrow Class Test realize the importance of intonation, reasonable speed
(poem)(4) time. Time & tide wait for 1 1 and flow.
none.  To understand the poetic
Time once past, devices and the new words
cannot be recalled.  To understand the message
of the poem
 To appreciate the use of

Grammar Tenses Tense Chart 1 1  To learn the correct usage of

Part-I PPT. the tenses
Part-II(4) Class Test  To be able to write and
speak grammatically correct

Writing Informal Letter (3) Letter writing on an original 1 1  To understand the format
Skills Inland Letter of Informal Letter
Class Test  To be able to write
Informal Letter with
accuracy and fine

Paragraph Writing(2) Students will be given a  To understand the format of

topic. Each student will be Paragraph Writing
asked to speak one line on it.  To be able to write
Class Test paragraph with accuracy and
fine expression.
 To be able to conclude in a
logical and proper way
Reader Hobbies(2) Tell your partner about your
hobby and show him your
collection if any.
Reading Comprehension  To understand the passage
Skills Passage and unseen and poem comprehensively
poem(1)  To grasp the meaning of new
words and phrases used.
 To be able to draw the
inference/ conclusion.

 To understand with
Aug Literature The Helpful Young man(6) How can you help others? . Students will be able comprehension.
22 days Role Play to identify the  To appreciate the story.
Class Test difference between the 1 1  To understand the
effects of good & bad message/ theme.
deeds done in life.  To understand the new
How can they help the words.
Grammar Tenses Tense Chart 1 1  To learn the correct usage
Part-II (cont ..) PPT. of the Tenses
Part-III(8) Class Test  To be able to write and
speak grammatically
correct sentences
 To understand the
common errors in the
usage of Tenses

Writing Paragraph Writing Students will be given a 1 1  To understand the format

Skills Continued(3) topic. Each student will be of Paragraph Writing
asked to speak one line on  To be able to write
it. paragraph with accuracy
and fine expression.
 To be able to conclude in
a logical and proper way
Reader Thrills in My School Life(4) Class discussion about their 1  To understand the
school life. passage and poem
Reading Comprehension Passage comprehensively
Skills & Unseen Poem(1)  To grasp the meaning of
new words and phrases
To be able to draw the
inference/ conclusion

Sept Revision for S.A-I

(5 days) Summative Assessment-I Examination

Month Skill Topic Activity Values Assig HW Learning objectives

n. .
FA-3 Literature Hanuman and I(5) Role-Play Activity Practice makes a man  To understand with
(Oct- Class Test perfect. 1 1 comprehension
Nov) Students will be able to  To appreciate the story
Oct realize the importance of  To understand the
17 days regularity & practice. message/ theme
 To understand the new

Grammar Determiners(5) The class will be divided in 1 1  To learn the correct usage
two groups. One group will of the determiners
speak out a word. The other  To be able to write and
group will add a determiner speak grammatically
to it. correct sentences using
PPT. determiners
Class Test

Writing Write an application to the 1 1  To understand the format

Skills Formal Letter Principal regarding of Letter Writing
(3) installation of a new  To be able to write
generator in the school. Application with
Class Test accuracy and fine
 To be able to conclude in
a logical and proper way

Reader Performing Arts(3) Paste pictures of different 1  To understand the

arts. e.g. dancing, singing, passage and poem
magic tricks, people comprehensively
performing with any musical  To grasp the meaning of
instrument etc. (on a sheet) new words and phrases
Reading Comprehension used.
Skills Passage and  To be able to draw the
Unseen Poem(1) inference/ conclusion.
Nov- Literature Bharat Desh Know your Country Qualities of Patriotism, 1 1  To read the poem with
21days (Poem)(4) Collect information about love & devotion for ones proper pronunciation
tradition, culture, costumes, country and pride in being ,pause, intonation,
language of any two states of an Indian will be reasonable speed and
India inculcated in students. flow.
Class Test  To understand the poetic
devices and the new
 To understand the
message of the poem
 To appreciate the use of
Grammar Subject -Verb One student will be asked to 1 1  To learn the correct usage
Agreement(5), say a wrong sentence and of the Subject- Verb
Modals(5) other student will correct it. Agreement & Modals.
PPT.  To be able to write and
Class Test speak grammatically
correct sentences
 To understand the
common errors in the
usage of Subject -Verb
Agreement& Modals
Writing Story Writing (3) Class Test 1 1  To understand the format
Skills of Story writing
 To be able to write Story
with accuracy and fine
Reader Vacation Time(4) Class Discussion or Sharing 1  To understand the
Views about Vacation Time message & Theme
 To grasp the meaning of
new words and phrases
 To be able to draw the
inference/ conclusion.
FA-4 Literature Attila(5) Collect pictures of different Students will be acquainted with 1 1  To understand with
(Dec- kinds of dogs and write the qualities like loyalty, comprehension.
Jan) their names (breed) faithfulness & vigilance  To appreciate the story.
Writing Diary Entry  To understand the message/
Dec- Skills ( Based on the Class Test theme.
22  To understand the new words.
 To read the poem with proper
pronunciation ,pause, intonation,
reasonable speed and flow.
Students will be able to 1 1  To understand the poetic devices
Our Tree (Poem) Make a collage on trees and understand the importance &
(3) and the new words
their useful products usefulness of trees in human  To understand the message of the
Class Test life. poem
 To appreciate the use of Imagery
Grammar Passive Voice(4) Procedure 1 1  To learn the correct usage of the
One group will be telling Active Passive& conditionals
the procedure and the other  To be able to use the voice &
group will convert it in conditionals practically.
Passive  To understand the rules of the
Class Test 1 usage of Active Passive.&
Conditionals(4) Students will discuss about  To understand the common errors
the conditionals used in day in the usage of Active Passive &
to day life. conditionals.
Class Test
Writing 1 1  To understand theformat of
Skills Bio Sketch(2) Collect information from Biographical Sketch
your friend & write a  To be able to write Biographical
Biosketch. Sketch with accuracy and fine
Class Test expression.
 To be able to present ideas
1 1 logically
 To be enable to introduce ,
develop and conclude .
Reader Tinsel World(2) Make a collage of your 1  To understand the passage and
favouriteBollywood Actors poem comprehensively
Comprehension and Actresses.  To grasp the meaning of new
Passage & words and phrases used.
Unseen Poem(1) To be able to draw the inference/
Jan Literatu The Case of Copied Role Play Students will be able to 1 1  To understand with
12 days re Question Paper(5) Value Based- realize the importance of comprehension
Honesty being honest andtruthful  To appreciate the story
Class Test in life. Honesty is the best  To understand the message/
policy. theme
 To understand the literary
devices and the new words.

Reader Tinsel World  To understand the passage and

(cont...)(5) poem comprehensively
 To grasp the meaning of new
words and phrases used.
Listening And  To be able to draw the
Speaking Skills(2) inference/ conclusion.

Feb Revision for Summative Assessment-IIS.A. II EXAMINATION

NOTE: one notebook will be maintained for C.W. and H.W.

Assignments and Activities will be done in the same

notebook however record of activities to be assessed will be
maintained separately.

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