Conversion Certificate For Various Boards
Conversion Certificate For Various Boards
Conversion Certificate For Various Boards
Instruction for CBSE Candidate while entering the Aggregate Percentage of SSC in
CAP Application form: -
Below given is the Sample Copy of SSC Mark sheet of the CBSE board. In the SSC Mark
sheet, CBSE board does not mention the Marks obtained in each subject. But CBSE board
gives grade Points Obtained in each subject & CGPA obtained. In the CBSE Mark sheet, marks
obtained in each subject is not mentioned also the Aggregate Percentage obtained at SSC has
not been mentioned. But in CAP Application form candidate has to enter the Aggregate
Percentage obtained in SSC Examination. CET CELL is giving the guide lines about how to
calculate the Marks obtained in each subject & Aggregate Percentage obtained in SSC
examination of CBSE Candidate on the basis of Grade Point & CGPA.
Candidate has to upload only the Part of the CBSC Mark sheet shown below along with
the Conversion Certificate as a single PDF format in CAP Application form in place of
SSC Mark Sheet.
CBSE Board SSC Passed Candidate has to Prepare the Following Type of Conversion
Certificate with Self Attestation along with the Name & Signature of the Parents.
Examination: Secondary School Examination 2019 (Year of the Examination)
Roll No.: -
Name of the Candidate: -
Mother’s Name:
Father’s Name: -
Name of the School: -
Formula Given on the Mark sheet to calculate Subject Wise Indicative Percentage & Overall
Indicative Parentage of Marks: -
1) Subject wise Indicative Percentage of marks = 9.5 X GP of the Subject.
2) Overall Indicative Percentage of Marks = 9.5 X CGPA
Passing Year (SSC) ---------- (Year of Passing SSC Examination)
No.TG/TD/TA/ : --------------------
Unique ID: -------------
Name of the Candidate: -
Mother’s Name:
Father’s Name: -
Name of the School: -
Sr. No. Subject Marks obtained Maximum Marks.
1 English 96 100
2 Hindi 92 100
3 History, Civic & Geography 88 100
4 Mathematics 92 100
5 Science 90 100
6 Environmental Science 86 100
7 Computer Applications 100 100
Total Marks 644 700
Important Note: - Subject mentioned above may vary from candidate to candidate as
per their subjects selected for SSC Examination. Candidate should enter all the subjects
mentioned on their Statement of Marks & calculate the percentage.
Aggregate Percentage obtained = 644 X 100/700 = 92 %
Percentage Obtained in SSC Examination = 92 %
Passing Year (SSC) ---------- (Year of Passing SSC Examination)
Name of the Candidate: -
Date of Birth as mentioned on Statement of results: -
Name of the School/Centre Name: -
Sr. Subject/syllabus Title Marks Maximum
No. obtained Marks.
1 French 93 100
2 First Language English 75 100
3 History 90 100
4 Literature(English) 65 100
5 Chemistry 82 100
6 Physics 73 100
7 Cambridge International Mathematics 85 100
8 Business Studies 86 100
9 Information & Communication Technology 85 100
Total Marks 734 900
Important Note: - Subject mentioned above may vary from candidate to candidate as
per their subjects selected for SSC Examination. Candidate should enter all the subjects
mentioned on their Statement of Results & calculate the percentage.
Aggregate Percentage obtained = 734 X 100/900 = 81.55 %
Percentage Obtained in SSC Examination = 81.55 %