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Compass Survey PDF

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Prismatic compass – surveyor’s compass – bearing – system of

conversions – Local attraction – magnetic declination – Dip – Traversing –
Plotting – Adjustment of errors – plane table instrument and accessories –
merits and demerits methods – Radiation – intersection – Resection –
Compass Surveying .
The branch of surveying in which direction of survey line are
determine by a compass and their length by a chain or tape is called compass
surveying. This type of survey can be used to measure large areas with
reasonable speed and accuracy.

prismatic compass
Prismatic compass is a instrument used to measure the bearing of
a line. It consists of a magnetic needle pivoted at the center and is free to
rotate. The area below the magnetic needle is graduated between 0 to 360
degrees. The instrument cover consists of a sighting vane and vertical hair to
align the compass along the instrument station and the staff station.

A series of connected straight lines each joining two points is
called traverse. Traverse may be either a closed traverse (or) open traverse.
Traversing using compass is done by observing magnetic bearings of
surrounding points from a point and shifting the point of observation along the
traverse direction.

Fore and Back bearing

A line may be expressed by two bearings observed from the either end
of the line. Both the bearings expressed in whole circle bearing deter each
other by 180°. The bearing of the line in the direction of progress of survey is
called fore or Forward bearing while the bearing opposite to the direction of
the progress of survey is known as reverse of Back bearing.

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closing error
When a close traverse is plotted from the field measurements the ends
stations of a traverse generally doesn’t coincide exactly in the starting station.
This is due to the error in field observations such an error of traverse is
known as closing error or error of closer.

local attraction in determining bearing of a line

Bearing of a line is determined using a magnetic needle. In
certain locations presence of high voltage cables, railway tracks, etc alters the
orientation of the magnetic needle towards the north, there by erroneous
readings are observed. This can be minimized by taking back bearings to the
same line or by taking observations from intermediate points in between the

When a magnetic needle is suspended freely it always points
north. Due to certain factors magnetic needle may not point true north, it
points at a direction away from north called magnetic north. The included
angle between magnetic north and true north is called dip or declination.
Plane table surveying
The principle of plane tabling in based on the fact that the lines jointing
the points in the plane table are made to line parallel to the corresponding
lines joining the points while working at each station. In this method
observations and plotting are done simultaneously minimizing error and time.
Name the methods employed in Plane table surveying.

This surveying may be carried by one of the following method:-

(i) Radiation
(ii) Traversing
(iii) Intersection
(iv) Resection method
Plane table traversing
Method of traversing by a plane table is similar to that of compass
traverse. In plane table traverse a table is set at each successive station a
fore site is taken to the next station and it’s location is plotted by measuring

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the distance directly between the two stations. Sometimes a resection may
be drawn from the location between the two stations to minimize the error.

true and magnetic meridian.

True meridian is the angle between the observed line and
actual north. This is the bearing observed in the absence of local attraction or
magnetic declination.
Magnetic meridian is the angle between the observed line
and magnetic north. Magnetic north may deviate from true north due to local
attraction or magnetic declination.
True Meridian = Magnetic Meridian ~ Dip
Compass Surveying:-
The branch of surveying in which direction of survey line are determine
by a compass and their length by a chain or tape is called compass surveying.
The method of chain surveying is used for small areas of survey. If the
area to be surveyed is comparatively large with undulations compass survey
is adopted, before recommending the compass survey for any area, it must be
ascertained the area is not magnetically declined.

A series of connected straight lines each joining two points is called
traverse. Traverse may be either a closed traverse (or) open traverse.
Traversing using compass is done by observing magnetic bearings of
surrounding points from a point and shifting the point of observation along the
traverse direction.
Designation of bearings:-
Bearings of survey lines are design as
(i) Whole circle bearing
(ii) Quadrental bearing

Whole Circle Bearing (WCB)

In this method bearings of lines are observed from magnetic north and
are observed directly from the prismatic compass.

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Quadrental Bearing (QB )
These are bearings of lines from north or south towards east or west.
These values are usually reduced from observed whole circle bearing for the
ease of calculation of included angles and plotting.
Convert the following whole circle bearing to quadrental bearing.
(i) 12° 45’ (ii) 160° 10’ (iii) 285° 15’

(i) 12° 45

Quadrental bearing of 12° 45’ is N12° 45’E

(ii) 160° 10’

Quadrental bearing of 160° 10’ is S19.50’E

(iii) 285° 15’

Quadrental bearing of 285° 15’ is N 74° 45’ W

Convert the follow quadrental bearing to whole circle bearing

(i) N 30° 30’E (ii) S 70° 42’ E (iii) N 85° 10’ W

(i) N 30° 30’E

Whole circle bearing of N 30° 30’E is 30° 30’

(ii) S 70° 42’ E

Whole circle bearing of S 70° 42’ E is = 180° - 70° 42’

= 109° 18’

(iii) N 85° 10’ W

Whole circle bearing of N 85° 10’ W is = 360° - 85° 10’

= 274° 50’

Fore and Back bearing:-

A line may be expressed by two bearings observed from the either end
of the line. The bearing of the line expressed along the line of traverse is
called fore bearing and bearing observed opposite to the line of traverse is

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called back bearing. Both the bearings expressed in whole circle bearing
deter each other by 180°. The bearing of the line in the direction of progress
of survey is called fore or forward bearing while the bearing opposite to the
direction of the progress of survey is known as reverse of Back bearing
By observation of fore bearing and back bearing of a line two
observations are made to a line minimizing error and improving the
accuracy.This also helps in identifying local attraction, if the difference
between the fore and back bearing expressed in whole circle bearing is not
exactly 180°, then one or both of the observation points suffers local
The fore bearing of travels site are as follows:
AB = 85° 10’ CD = 265° 51’
BC = 155° 30’ DE = 355° 30’
Find their Back Bearings?
Back bearing of
AB = 180° + 85° 10’
= 265° 10’

Back bearing of BC = 180° + 155° 30’

= 335°

Back bearing of CD = 360°

= 265° 5’ – 180°
= 85° 5

Back bearing of DE = 355° 30’ – 180°

= 175° 30’
precautions to be taken during compass surveying for maximum
accuracy of the observations.
Precautions to be taken in compass survey.
The instrumental and observation error can be minimized by taking the
following precisions.
(i) Setup & level the compass carefully.
(ii) Stop the vibration of the needle by gently pressing the break pin so that it
may come to rest soon.

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(iii) Always lift along the needle and not across to avoid parallax.
(iv) When the instrument is not in use its magnetic needle should be kept
above the pivot. If, not the pivot is subjected to unnecessary wear which may
cause sluggishness of the magnetic needle. Before taking a reading the
compass box should be gently tapped to ensure the magnetic needle is freely
swinging and has not come to rest due to friction of the pivot
(v) Station’s should be selected such that they are away from sources of local
(vi) Fore & Back bearing of each line should be taken to guard against the
local attraction, if the compass cannot be set at the end of line, the bearings
may be taken from any intermediate point along the line.
(vii) Avoid taking a reading in the wrong direction.
(viii) If the glass cover has been dusted with hand kerchief. The glass cover
may be charged with electro static current and needle adheres to the glass
cover. This may be avoided by applying moist finger to the glass.
(ix) Objective and the eye piece must be straight before making observations.
Compute magnetic declination for the following observations.

S.No. Station F.B B.B

1. AB 80° 45’ 260°

2. BC 130° 30’ 311° 35’
3. CD 240° 15’ 60° 15’
4. DA 290° 30’ 110° 10’

AB => 260° - 80° 45’ = 179° 15’

BC => 130° 30’ ~ 311° 35’ = 181° 5’
DA => 290° 30’ ~ 110° 10’ = 180° 20’
Magnetic error 1° 30’ w

Compute the included angles.

S.No. Station Fore bearing Back bearing Inc Angle

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1. AB 79° 15’ 258° 30’ 29° 25’

2. BC 129° 310° 5’ 129° 30’
3. CD 238° 45’ 58° 45’ 71° 20’
4. DA 289° 108° 40’ 129° 45’

A = 108° 40’ - 79° 15’ = 29° 25’

B = 258° 30’ - 129° =129° 30’
C = 310° 5’ - 238° 45’ = 71° 20
D = ( 360° +58° 45’) - 289° = 129° 45’

Sum of included angles = 360°

closing error.

Adjustment of closing errors:-

When a close traverse is plotted from the field measurements the ends
stations of a traverse generally doesn’t coincide exactly in the starting station.
This is due to the error in field observations such an error of traverse is
known as closing error or error of closer. When the angular and linear
measurement is of equal proportion graphical adjustment of the traverse may
be made. Correction is applied to the length as well as bearing of the lines in
proportion to their links. Graphical method is also known as proportionate
method of adjustment.
When the closing error is to be adjusted with angles alone equal
distribution of error is done to all the observed angles. Total error is
calculated, from which total correction is arrived. The correction is equally
divided to all the stations eliminating closing error.
plane table surveying the methods employed in plane table surveying.

Plane table surveying:-

The principle of plane tabling in based on the fact that they lines
jointing the points in the plane tube are made to line parallel to the

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corresponding lines jointing the around points while working at each station.
Instrument used in plane table surveying

(i). Plane table with stand

(ii) Alidade of straight rule.
(iii) Sprite level
(iv) Magnetic compass
(v) Plumping fork
(vi) Drawing paper

Methods of plane table surveying:-

This surveying may be carried a by one of the following method:-
(v) Radiation
(vi) Traversing
(vii) Intersection
(viii) Resection method

Radiation method:-
In method the plane table is set up at any convenient station, details of
points are plotted on the paper by orienting line drawn from the location of the
instrument station to the ground station. After reducing their respected ground
distance on the desired scale of survey the distance between the ground
stations are determined. This method is suitable for survey of small areas
which can be commanded from a single station.

The following steps are to be followed to locate the points from the
instrument station.
(i) Set up the plane table at the station centre and level it accurately.
(ii) Choose location of point A on the drawing paper at a convinent

(iii) Consider the lay out of the area on the plane table and draw the
magnetic north will be of magnetic compass .

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(iv) Pivot the alidate about A, the location of instrument station and
site the points B, C, D …. Etc., and draw lines along the fiducial edge
of the alidate.
(v) Measure the ground distance by direct chaining and plot them on
the respective line. If the ground is slopping. Slope correction is
applied and corresponding horizontal distances are plotted.

Method of intersection:-
In this method either the coordinates of at least two stations and
inter visible points must be known or the distance between them should be
measured directly in the field. These points are plotted on the required
convenient scale. The locations of other points are determine by drawing rays
from each end station after proper orientation of the table. The inter section of
rays gives the location of other points. It is thus evident that it is very essential
to have al least two points ie, two locations are plotted before the survey may
be started.

The line joining the location of given station is known as base line. In
this method no other linear measurement is required except that of the base
The point of inter section of the rays drawn from the ends of the base
line forms the vertex of the triangle and two rays represent the remaining two
sides. The position of the vertex in determined by completing the triangle
graphically. This method is also known as graphical triangulation.

Traversing method:-

Method of traversing by a plane table is similar to that of compass

traverse. In plane table traverse a table is set at each successive station a
fore site is taken to the next station and it’s location is plotted by measuring
the distance directly between the two stations. Sometimes a resection may be
drawn from the location between the two stations to minimize the error.

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Resection method :-
The process of determining the location of the station by the plane
table by means of drawing rays from stations whose location have been
already plotted on the sheet is called resection. This method which is also
generally known as interpolation method or fixing method consist of drawing
rays from known points whose locations already exist on the sheet. The
intersection of these rays will be the instrument station point, if the orientation
of the table was correct before the rays are drawn.

(i) Back ray method

In this method a plane table is oriented by laying alidate along the line
drawn from the previous station. The location of the unknown instrument
station is determine by drawing a ray from another station or point whose
location is already plotted on the sheet. This method can be suitably
employed for the plane table survey when a prominent point such as temple
spire, church etc., is available in the center of the area. After setting a plane
table successive stations and their locations can be obtained from drawing
rays from their corresponding points on the paper. This method is also used
for large scale surveys where long rays are drawn. Their accuracy of the
survey depends upon the accuracy with which initial setting of the table was

points to be noted while using plane table.

The following points are to be taken care of to minimize errors in

plane table surveying.
1. The actual plotted location of the station on the sheet must be exact
over the ground station mark. A error of 30 cm in centering incase of a std ray
of 20m includes an error of one degree in orientation. The error is
2. The forward station must be carefully selected and marked by a
wooden peg before a forward ray is drawn. The back station must also be
similarly mark with a wooden peg. It’s position vertically below the plotted
point is transferred before leaving the station.

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3. A forward ray should be marked using the full length of alidate so
that error is minimized while back orienting in the next station.
4. The same side of the alidate should be used for drawing rays.

three point method of resection.

Three point method of Resection :-
It is used to locate a station by using plane table on a plan by means of
sighting three well define points whose locations are previously plotted on the

Procedure :-
In this method the plane table is setup with the help of three known
points without visiting them. Let a, b, c represent the location of A, B, C three
ground stations and P represent the instrument position the location of which
is to be determined on the plan. The table is set to be oriented when rays
drawn from three points A, B, C intersect at a point and the drawn rays form a
triangle. The point of intersection of three rays is the required location of the
instrument station on the plan.

Two point method:-

This method is used in location of station occupied by the table by
means of sighting two well defined points whose location have previously
been plotted on the sheet.
Let the two points A & B whose location have been plotted as points a,
b on the sheet. Let c be the instrument position whose location it’s required
choose the auxiliary point D such that CD is approximately parallel & roughly
equal to AB by eye judgment. Orient the table over point C such that location
‘ab’ like parallel to ground position AB this can be done by eye judgment.
Clamp the table pivoting the alidade about ab draw rays to intersect at C. The
degree of accuracy of the location ‘C’ thus obtains depends upon the
approximation that has been due on the orientation. Transfer the point c as
the ground point C with a plumbing fork.
Pivot the alidate about C site the station D and draw again shift the
table to the station D and orient accurately with the back ray method.
Ensuring that ray CD passes through a point vertically about ground mark D.

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Pivot the altitude about ‘ab’ draw resector which will intersecting on the line
drawn from C,If orientation was correct, if not pivoting the altitude about the
point of intersection of the rays drawn from C and obtaind from A site the
station B drawn ray to cut cb at b align the alidate along the line b and fix point
E in the line of sight at an greater distance, align the alidate along ab and
rotate the table until point E is in line of site and clamp the table.

Pivoting alidate about ab draw resectors to intersect at d pivoting

alidate about d draw a ray towards C.
Shift the table to capital C oriented with back ray method pivoting the
alidate about ab draw rays. The rays intersect the line drawn from D. To give
the correct location of the station C.

Orientation by compass alone:-

Select the base line AB as in case of intersection method measured it
accurately and plot it ab on the sheet in a convenient position set up table at
station A. centre the location ‘a’ over the ground mark A.

Place the alidate along ‘ab’ orient the table by turning in until the station
B is sited. Place the magnetic compass on the table and rotate the compass
when the magnetic needle rest in North-south direction draw a line along the
longest side of the compass. Shift the table to the next instrument station C
and level. Place the compass in the north position and rotate the table till the
magnetic needle rest in north south direction. Clamp the table.Pivoting the
alidate point ‘a’ and ‘b’ , the re-sectors to intersect at C which is required
instrument station. This method is suitable only in areas without magnetic
declination and when the accuracy required is low. The magnetic compass
should be handled with care to get reasonable accuracy.

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