At present the customary name for all the Slavonic races is Slav. This name did
not appear in history until a late period, but it has superseded all others. The
general opinion is that it appeared for the first time in written documents in
the sixth century of the Christian era. However, before this the Alexandrian sch
olar Ptolemy (about A.D. 100-178) mentioned in his work, "Geographike hyphegesis
", a tribe called Stavani (Stavanoi) which was said to live in European Sarmatia
between the Lithuanian tribes of the Galindae and the Sudeni and the Sarmatic t
ribe of the Alans. He also mentioned another tribe, Soubenoi, which he assigned
to Asiatic Sarmatia on the other side of the Alani. According to Safarik these t
wo statements refer to the same Slavonic people. Ptolemy got his information fro
m two sources; the orthography of the copies he had was poor and consequently he
believed there were two tribes to which it was necessary to assign separate loc
alities. In reality the second name refers very probably to the ancestors of the
present Slavs, as does the first name also though with less certainty. The Slav
onic combination of consonants sl was changed in Greek orthography into stl, sth
l, or skl. This theory was accepted by many scholars before Safarik, as Lomonoso
v, Schlözer, Tatistcheff, J. Thunmann, who in 1774 published a dissertation on the
subject. It was first advanced probably in 1679 by Hartknoch who was supported
in modern times by many scholars. Apart from the mention by Ptolemy, the express
ion Slavs is not found until the sixth century. The opinion once held by some Ge
rman and many Slavonic scholars that the names Suevi and Slav were the same and
that these two peoples were identical, although the Suevi were a branch of the G
ermans and the ancestors of the present Swabians, must be absolutely rejected. S
cattered names found in old inscriptions and old charters that are similar in so
und to the word Slav must also be excluded in this investigation.
After the reference by Ptolemy the Slavs are first spoken of by Pseudo-Caesarios
of Nazianzum, whose work appeared at the beginning of the sixth century; in the
middle of the sixth century Jordanis and Procopius gave fuller accounts of them
. Even in the earliest sources the name appears in two forms. The old Slavonic a
uthorities give: Slovene (plural from the singular Slovenin), the country is cal
led Slovensko, the language slovenesk jazyk, the people slovensk narod. The Gree
ks wrote Soubenoi, but the writers of the sixth century used the terms: Sklabeno
i, Sklauenoi, Sklabinoi, Sklauinoi. The Romans used the terms: Sclaueni, Sclauin
i, Sclauenia, Sclauinia. Later authors employ the expressions Sthlabenoi, Sthlab
inoi, while the Romans wrote: Sthlaueni, Sthlauini. In the "Life of St. Clement"
the expression Sthlabenoi occurs; later writers use such terms as Esklabinoi, A
sklabinoi, Sklabinioi, Sklauenioi. The adjectives are sclaviniscus, sclavaniscus
, sclavinicus, sclauanicus. At the same time shorter forms are also to be found,
as: sklaboi, sthlaboi, sclavi, schlavi, sclavania, later also slavi. In additio
n appear as scattered forms: Sclauani, Sclauones (Sklabonoi, Esthlabesianoi, Eth
labogeneis). The Armenian Moises of Choren was acquainted with the term Sklavaji
n: the chronicler Michael the Syrian used the expression Sglau or Sglou; the Ara
bians adopted the expression Sclav, but because it could not be brought into har
mony with their phonetical laws they changed it into Saklab, Sakalib, and later
also to Slavije, Slavijun. The anonymous Persian geography of the tenth century
used the term Seljabe.
Various explanations of the name have been suggested, the theory depending upon
whether the longer or shorter form has been taken as the basis and upon acceptan
ce of the vowel o or a as the original root vowel. From the thirteenth century u
ntil Safarik the shorter form Slav was always regarded as the original expressio
n, and the name of the Slavs was traced from the word Slava (honour, fame), cons
equently it signified the same as gloriosi (ainetoi). However, as early as the f
ourteenth century and later the name Slav was at times referred to the longer fo
rm Slovenin with o as the root vowel, and this longer form was traced to the wor
d Slovo (word, speech), Slavs signifying, consequently, "the talking ones," verb
osi, veraces, homoglottoi, consequently it has been the accepted theory up to th
e present time. Other elucidations of the name Slav, as clovek (man), skala (roc
k), selo (colony), slati (to send), solovej (nightingale), scarcely merit mentio
n. There is much more reason in another objection that Slavonic philologists hav
e made to the derivation of the word Slav from slovo (word). The ending en or an
of the form Slovenin indicates derivation from a topographical designation. Dob
rowsky perceived this difficulty and therefore invented the topographical name S
lovy, which was to be derived from slovo. With some reservation Safarik also gav
e a geographical interpretation. He did not, however, accept the purely imaginar
y locality Slovy but connected the word Slovenin with the Lithuanian Salava, Let
tish Sala, from which is derived the Polish zulawa, signifying island, a dry spo
t in a swampy region. According to this interpretation the word Slavs would mean
the inhabitants of an island, or inhabitants of a marshy region. The German sch
olar Grimm maintained the identity of the Slavs with Suevi and derived the name
from sloba, svoba (freedom). The most probable explanation is that deriving the
name from slovo (word); this is supported by the Slavonic name for the Germans N
emci (the dumb). The Slavs called themselves Slovani, that is, "the speaking one
s", those who know words, while they called their neighbours the Germans, "the d
umb", that is, those who do not know words.
During the long period of war between the Germans and Slavs, which lasted until
the tenth century, the Slavonic territories in the north and southeast furnished
the Germans large numbers of slaves. The Venetian and other Italian cities on t
he coast took numerous Slavonic captives from the opposite side of the Adriatic
whom they resold to other places. The Slavs frequently shared in the seizure and
export of their countrymen as slaves. The Naretani, a piratical Slavonic tribe
living in the present district of Southern Dalmatia, were especially notorious f
or their slave-trade. Russian princes exported large numbers of slaves from thei
r country. The result is that the name Slav has given the word slave to the peop
les of Western Europe.
The question still remains to be answered whether the expression Slavs indicated
originally all Slavonic tribes or only one or a few of them. The reference to t
hem in Ptolemy shows that the word then meant only a single tribe. Ptolemy calle
d the Slavs as a whole the Venedai and says they are "the greatest nation" (megi
ston ethnos). The Byzantines of the sixth century thought only of the southern S
lavs and incidentally also of the Russians, who lived on the boundaries of the E
astern Empire. With them the expression Slavs meant only the southern Slavs; the
y called the Russians Antae, and distinguished sharply between the two groups of
tribes. In one place (Get., 34, 35) Jordanis divides all Slavs into three group
s: Veneti, Slavs, and Antae; this would correspond to the present division of we
stern, southern, and eastern Slavs. However, this mention appears to be an arbit
rary combination. In another passage he designated the eastern Slavs by the name
Veneti. Probably he had found the expression Veneti in old writers and had lear
ned personally the names Slavs and Antae; in this way arose his triple division.
All the seventh-century authorities call all Slavonic tribes, both southern Sla
vs and western Slavs, that belonged to the kingdom of Prince Samo, simply Slavs;
Samo is called the "ruler of the Slavs", but his peoples are called "the Slavs
named Vindi" (Sclavi cognomento Winadi). In the eighth and ninth centuries the C
zechs and Slavs of the Elbe were generally called Slavs, but also at times Wens,
by the German and Roman chroniclers. In the same way all authorities of the era
of the Apostles to the Slavs, Cyril and Methodius, give the name Slav without a
ny distinction both to the southern Slavs, to which branch both missionaries bel
onged, and to the western Slavs, among whom they laboured. As regards the easter
n Slavs or Russians, leaving out the mention of Ptolemy already referred to, Jor
danis says that at the beginning of the era of the migrations the Goths had carr
ied on war with the "nation of Slavs"; this nation must have lived in what is no
w Southern Russia. The earliest Russian chronicle, erroneously ascribed to the m
onk Nestor, always calls the Slavs as a whole "Slavs". When it begins to narrate
the history of Russia it speaks indeed of the Russians to whom it never applies
the designation Slav, but it also often tells of the Slavs of Northern Russia,
the Slavs of Novgorod. Those tribes that were already thoroughly incorporated in
the Russian kingdom are simply called Russian tribes, while the Slavs in Northe
rn Russia, who maintained a certain independence, were designated by the general
expression Slavs. Consequently, the opinion advocated by Miklosic, namely, that
the name Slav was originally applied only to one Slavonic tribe, is unfounded,
though it has been supported by other scholars like Krek, Potkanski, Czermak, an
d Pasternek.
From at least the sixth century the expression Slav was, therefore, the general
designation of all Slavonic tribes. Wherever a Slavonic tribe rose to greater po
litical importance and founded an independent kingdom of its own, the name of th
e tribe came to the front and pushed aside the general designation Slav. Where,
however, the Slavs attained no political power but fell under the sway of foreig
n rulers they remained known by the general description Slav. Among the successf
ul tribes who brought an entire district under their sway and gave it their name
were the Russians, Poles, Czechs, Croats, and the Turanian tribe of the Bulgars
. The old general name has been retained to the present time by the Slovenes of
Southern Austria on the Adriatic coast, the Slovaks of Northern Hungary, the pro
vince Slavonia between Croatia and Hungary and its inhabitants the Slavonians, a
nd the Slovinci of Prussia on the North Sea. Up to recent times the name was cus
tomary among the inhabitants of the most celebrated Republic of Dubrovnik (Ragus
a). Until late in the Middle Ages it was retained by the Slavs of Novgorod in No
rthern Russia and by the Slavs in Macedonia and Albania. These peoples, however,
have also retained their specific national and tribal names.
A much older designation in the historical authorities than Slav is the name Wen
d. It is under this designation that the Slavs first appear in history. The firs
t certain references to the present Slavs date from the first and second centuri
es. They were made by the Roman writers Pliny and Tacitus and the Alexandrian al
ready mentioned Ptolemy. Pliny (d. A.D. 79) says (Nat. hist., IV, 97) that among
the peoples living on the other side of the Vistula besides the Sarmatians and
others are also the Wends (Venedi). Tacitus (G., 46) says the same. He describes
the Wends somewhat more in detail but cannot make up his mind whether he ought
to include them among the Germans or the Sarmatians; still they seem to him to b
e more closely connected with the first named than with the latter. Ptolemy (d.a
bout 178) in his Geographike (III, 57) calls the Venedi the greatest nation livi
ng on the Wendic Gulf. However, he says later (III, 5, 8) that they live on the
Vistula; he also speaks of the Venedic mountains (III, 5, 6). In the centuries i
mmediately succeeding the Wends are mentioned very rarely. The migrations that h
ad now begun had brought other peoples into the foreground until the Venedi agai
n appear in the sixth century under the name of Slavs. The name Wend, however, w
as never completely forgotten. The German chroniclers used both names constantly
without distinction, the former almost oftener than the latter. Even now the So
rbs of Lusatic are called by the Germans Wends, while the Slovenes are frequentl
y called Winds and their language is called Windish.
Those who maintain the theory that the original home of the Slavs was in the cou
ntries along the Danube have tried to refute the opinion that these references r
elate to the ancestors of the present Slavs, but their arguments are inconclusiv
e. Besides these definite notices there are several others that are neither clea
r nor certain. The Wends or Slavs have had connected with them as old tribal con
federates of the present Slavs the Budinoi mentioned by Herodotus, and also the
Island of Banoma mentioned by Pliny (IV, 94), further the venetae, the original
inhabitants of the present Province of Venice, as well as the Homeric Venetoi, C
aesar's Veneti in Gaul and Anglia, etc. In all probability, the Adriatic Veneti
were an Illyrian tribe related to the present Albanians, but nothing is known of
them. With more reason can the old story that the Greeks obtained amber from th
e River Eridanos in the country of the Enetoi be applied to the Wends or Slavs;
from which it may be concluded that the Slavs were already living on the shores
of the Baltic in the fourth century before Christ.
Most probably the name Wend was of foreign origin and the race was known by this
name only among the foreign tribes, while they called themselves Slavs. It is p
ossible that the Slavs were originally named Wends by the early Gauls, because t
he root Wend, or Wind, is found especially in the districts once occupied by the
Gauls. The word was apparently a designation that was first applied to various
Gallic or Celtic tribes, and then given by the Celts to the Wendic tribes living
north of them. The explanation of the meaning of the word is also to be sought
from this point of view. The endeavour was made at one time to derive the word f
rom the Teutonic dialects, as Danish wand, Old Norwegian vatn, Lation unda, mean
ing water. Thus Wends would signify watermen, people living about the water, peo
ple living by the sea, as proposed by Jordan, Adelung, and others. A derivation
from the German wended (to turn) has also been suggested, thus the Wends are the
people wandering about; or from the Gothic vinja, related to the German weiden,
pasture, hence Wends, those who pasture, the shepherds; finally the word has be
en traced to the old root ven, belonging together. Wends would, therefore mean t
he allied. Pogodin traced the name from the Celtic, taking it from the early Cel
tic root vindos, white, by which expression the dark Celts designated the light
Slavs. Naturally an explanation of the term was also sought in the Old Slavonic
language; thus, Kollar derived it from the Old Slavonic word Un, Sassinek from S
lo-van, Perwolf from the Old Slavonic root ved, still retained in the Old Slavon
ic comparative vestij meaning large and brought it into connection with the Russ
ian Anti and Vjatici; Hilferding even derived it from the old East Indian design
ation of the Aryans Vanila, and Safarik connected the word with the East Indians
, a confusion that is also to be found in the early writers.
Original home and migrations
There are two theories in regard to the original home of the Slavs, and these th
eories are in sharp opposition to each other. One considers the region of the Da
nube as the original home of the Slavs, whence they spread northeast over the Ca
rpathians as far as the Volga River, Lake Ilmen, and the Caspian Sea. The other
theory regards the districts between the Vistula and the Dnieper as their origin
al home, whence they spread southwest over the Carpathians to the Balkans and in
to the Alps, and towards the west across the Oder and the Elbe.
The ancient Kiev chronicle, erroneously ascribed to the monk Nestor, is the earl
iest authority quoted for the theory that the original home of the Slavs is to b
e sought in the region of the Danube. Here in detail is related for the first ti
me how the Slavs spread from the lower Danube to all the countries occupied late
r by them. The Noricans and Illyrians are declared to be Slavs, and Andronikos a
nd the Apostle Paul are called Apostles to the Slavs because they laboured in Il
lyria and Pannocia. This view was maintained by the later chroniclers and histor
ical writers of all Slavonic peoples, as the Pole Kadlubek, "Chronika pol." (120
6), Boguchwal (d. 1253), Dlugos, Matej Miechowa, Decius, and others. Among the C
zechs, this theory was supported by Kozmaz (d. 1125), Dalimir (d.1324), Johann M
arignola (1355-1362), Pribik Pulkava (1374), and V. Hajek (1541). The Russians a
lso developed their theories from the statements of their first chronicler, whil
e the Greek Laonikos Harkondilos of the fifteenth century did not commit himself
to this view. The southern Slavs have held this theory from the earliest period
up to the present time with the evident intention to base on it their claims to
the Church Slavonic in the Liturgy. At an early period, in the letter of Pope J
ohn X (914-29) to the Croatian Ban Tomislav and the Sachlumian ruler Mihael, the
re is a reference to the prevalent tradition that St. Jerome invented the Slavon
ic alphabet. This tradition maintained itself through the succeeding centuries,
finding supporters even outside these countries, and was current at Rome itself.
Consequently if we were to follow strictly the written historical authorities,
of which a number are very trustworthy, we would be obliged to support the theor
y that the original home of the Slavs is in the countries along the Danube and o
n the Adriatic coast.
However, the contrary is the case; the original home of the Slavs and the region
from which their migrations began is to be sought in the basin of the Dnieper a
nd in the region extending to the Carpathians and the Vistula. It is easy to exp
lain the origin of the above-mentioned widely believed opinion. At the beginning
of the Old Slavonic literature in the ancient Kingdom of the Bulgars the Byzant
ine chronicles of Hamartolos and Malala, which were besides of very little value
, were translated into Slavonic. These chronicles give an account of the migrati
ons of the nations from the region of Senaar after the Deluge. According to this
account the Europeans are the descendants of Japhet, who journeyed from Senaar
by way of Asia Minor to the Balkans; there they divided into various nations and
spread in various directions. Consequently the Slavonic reader of these chronic
les would believe that the starting point of the migrations of the Slavs also wa
s the Balkans and the region of the lower Danube. Because the historical authori
ties place the ancient tribe of the Illyrians in this region, it was necessary t
o make this tribe also Slavonic. In the later battles of the Slavs for the maint
enance of their language in the Liturgy, this opinion was very convenient, as ap
peal could be made for the Slavonic claims to the authority of St. Jerome and ev
en of St. Paul. Opinions which are widely current yet do not correspond to facts
are often adopted in historical writings. Among the Slavonic historians philolo
gists supporting this theory are: Kopitar, August Schlötzer, Safarik, N. Arcybasef
, Fr. Racki, Bielowski, M. Drinov, L. Stur, Ivan P. Filevic, Dm. Samaokvasov, M.
Leopardov, N. Zakoski, and J. Pic. We have here an interesting proof that a tra
dition deeply rooted and extending over many centuries and found in nearly all o
f the early native historical authorities does not agree with historical fact.
At present most scholars are of the opinion that the original home of the Slavs
in Southeastern Europe must be sought between the Vistula and the Dneiper. The r
easons for this belief are: the testimony of the oldest accounts of the Slavs, g
iven as already mentioned by Pliny, Tacitus, and Ptolemy; further the close rela
tionship between the Slavs and the Lettish tribes, pointing to the fact that ori
ginally the Slavs lived close to the Letts and Lithuanians; then various indicat
ions proving that the Slavs must have been originally neighbours of the Finnish
and Turanian tribes. Historical investigation has shown that the Thraco- Illyria
n tribes are not the forefathers of the Slavs, but form an independent family gr
oup between the Greeks and the Latins. There is no certain proof in the Balkan t
erritory and in the region along the Danube of the presence of the Slavs there b
efore the first century. On the other hand in the region of the Dneiper excavati
ons and archeological finds show traces only of the Slavs. In addition the direc
tion of the general march in the migrations of the nations was always from the n
ortheast towards the south- west, but never in the opposite direction. Those who
maintain the theory that the Slavs came from the region of the Danube sought to
strengthen their views by the names of various places to be found in these dist
ricts that indicate Slavonic origin. The etymology of these names, however, is n
ot entirely certain; there are other names that appear only int he later authori
ties of the first centuries after Christ. Some again prove nothing, as they coul
d have arisen without the occupation of these districts by the Slavs.
It can therefore be said almost positively that the original home of the Slavs w
as in the territory along the Dneiper, and farther to the northwest as far as th
e Vistual. From these regions, they spread to the west and southwest. This much
only can be conceded to the other view, that the migration probably took place m
uch earlier than is generally supposed. Probably, it took place slowly and be de
grees. One tribe would push another ahead of it like a wave, and they all spread
out in the wide territory from the North Sea to the Adriatic and Aegean Seas. H
ere and there some disorder was caused in the Slavonic migration by the incursio
ns of Asiatic peoples, as Scythians, Sarmatians, Avars, Bulgars, and Magyars, as
well as by the German migration from northwest to southeast. These incursions s
eparated kindred tribes from one another or introduced foreign elements among th
em. Taken altogether, however, the natural arrangement was not much disturbed, k
indred tribes journeyed together and settled near one another in the new land, s
o that even today the entire Slavonic race presents a regular succession of trib
es. As early as the first century of our era individual Slavonic tribes must hav
e crossed the boundaries of the original home and have settled at times among st
rangers at a considerable distance from the native country. At times again these
outposts would be driven back and obliged to retire to the main body, but at th
e first opportunity they would advance again. Central Europe must have been larg
ely populated by Slavs, as early as the era of the Hunnish ruler Attila, or of t
he migrations of the German tribes of the Goths, Lombards, Gepidae, Heruli, Rugi
ans etc. These last-mentioned peoples and tribes formed warlike castes and milit
ary organizations which became conspicuous in history by their battles and there
fore have left more traces in the old historical writings. The Slavs, however, f
ormed the lower strata of the population of Central Europe; all the migrations o
f the other tribes passed over them, and when the times grew more peaceful the S
lavs reappeared on the surface. It is only in this way that the appearance of th
e Slavs in great numbers in these countries directly after the close of the migr
ations can be explained without there being any record in history of when and wh
ence they came without their original home being depopulated.
Classification of the Slavonic peoples
The question as to the classification and number of the Slavonic peoples is a co
mplicated one. Scientific investigation does not support the common belief, and
in addition scholars do not agree in their opinions on this question. In 1822 th
e father of Slavonic philology, Joseph Dobrovsky, recognized nine Slavonic peopl
es and languages: Russian, Illyrian or Serb, Croat, Slovene, Korotanish, Slovak,
Bohemians, Lusatian Sorb and Polish. In his "Slavonic Ethnology" (1842) Pavel S
afarik enumerated six languages with thirteen dialects: Russian, Bolgarish, Illy
rian, Lechish, Bohemians, Lusatian. The great Russian scholar J. Sreznejevskij h
eld that there were eight Slavonic languages: Great Russians, Serbo-Croat, Korot
anish, Polish, Lusatian, Bohemian, Slovak. In 1865 A. Schleicher enumerated eigh
t Slavonic languages: Polish, Lusatians, Bohemian, Great Russian, Little Russian
, Serb, Bulgarian, and Slovene. Franc Miklosic counted nine: Slovene, Bulgarian,
Serbo-Croat, Great Russian, Little Russian, Bohemian, Polish, Upper Lusatian, L
ower Lusatian. In 1907 Dm. Florinskij enumerated nine: Russian, Bulgarians, Serb
o-Croat, Slovene, Bohemian-Moravian, Slovak, Lusatian, Polish and Kasube. In 189
8 V. Jagic held that there were eight: Polish, Lusatian, Bohemian, Great Russian
, Little Russian, Slovene, Serbo-Croat, Bulgarian. Thus it is seen that the grea
test representatives of Slavonic linguistics are not in accord upon the question
of the number of Slavonic languages. The case is the same from the purely philo
logical point of view. Practically the matter is even more complicated because o
f other factors, which often play an important part, have to be considered, as r
eligion, politics etc.
At the present time some eleven to fourteen languages, not including the extinct
ones, can be enumerated which lay claim to be reckoned as distinct tongues. The
cause of the uncertainty is that it is impossible to state definitively of seve
ral branches of the Slavonic family whether they form an independent nation, or
only the dialect and subdivision of another Slavonic nation, and further because
often it is impossible to draw the line between one Slavonic people and another
. The Great Russians, Poles, Bohemians and Bulgarians are universally admitted t
o be distinctive Slavonic peoples with distinctive languages. The Little Russian
s and the White Russians are trying to develop into separate nationalities, inde
ed the former have now to be recognized as a distinct people, at least this is t
rue of the Ruthenians in Austria-Hungary. The Moravians must be included in the
Bohemian nation, because they hold this themselves and no philological, politica
l, or ethnographical reason opposes. The Slovaks of Moravia also consider that t
hey are of Bohemian nationality. About sixty years ago the Slovaks of Hungary be
gan to develop as a separate nation with a separate literary language and must n
ow be regarded as a distinct people. The Lusatian Sorbs also are generally looke
d upon as a separate people with a distinct language. A division of this little
nationality into Upper and Lower Lusatians has been made on account of linguisti
c, religious, and political differences; this distinction is also evident in the
literary language, consequently some scholars regard the Lusatians as two diffe
rent peoples. The remains of the languages of the former Slavonic inhabitants of
Pomerania, the Sloventzi, or Kasube are generally regarded at present as dialec
ts of Polish, though some distinguished Polish scholars maintain the independenc
e of the Kasube language. The conditions in the south are even more complicated.
Without doubt the Bulgarians are a separate nationality, but it is difficult to
draw the line between the Bulgarians and the Serbian peoples, especially in Mac
edonia. Philologically the Croats and Serbs must be regarded as one nation; poli
tically, however, and ethnographically they are distinct peoples. The population
of Southern Dalmatia, the Moslem population of Bosnia, and probably also the in
habitants of some parts of Southern Hungary, and of Croatia cannot be assigned t
o a definite group. Again, the nationality and extent of the Slovenes living in
the eastern Alps and on the Adriatic coast cannot be settled without further inv
From a philological point of view the following fundamental principles must be t
aken for guidance. The Slavonic world in its entire extent presents philological
ly a homogeneous whole without sharply defined transitions or gradations. When t
he Slavs settled in the localities at present occupied by them they were a mass
of tribes of closely allied tongues that changed slightly from tribe to tribe. L
ater historical development, the appearance of Slavonic kingdoms, the growth of
literary languages, and various civilizing influences from without have aided in
bringing about the result that sharper distinctions have been drawn in certain
places, and that distinct nationalities have developed in different localities.
Where these factors did not appear in sufficient number the boundaries are not s
ettled even now, or have been drawn only of late. The Slavonic peoples can be se
parated into the following groups on the basis of philological differences:
* The eastern or Russian group; in the south this group approaches the Bulga
rian; in the northwest the White Russian dialects show an affinity to Polish. Th
e eastern group is subdivided into Great Russian, that is, the prevailing Russia
n nationality, then Little Russian, and White Russian.
* The northwestern group. This is subdivided into the Lechish languages and
into Slovak, Bohemians, and Sorb tongues.
The first sub-division includes the Poles, Kasubes, and Slovintzi, also the exti
nct languages of the Slavs who formerly extended across the Oder and the Elbe th
roughout the present Northern Germany. The second division includes the Bohemian
s, Slovaks, and the Lusatian Sorbs.
The Slavs in the Balkans and in the southern districts of the Austro-Hungarians
Monarchy are divided philologically into Bulgarians; Stokauans, who include all
Serbs, the Slavonic Moslems of Bosnia, and also a large part of the population o
f Croatia; the Cakauans, who live partly in Dalmatia, Istria, and on the coast o
f Croatia; the Kajkauans, to whom must be assigned three Croatian countries and
all Slovene districts. According to the common opinion that is based upon a comb
ination of philological, political and religious reasons the Slavs are divided i
nto the following nations: Russian, Polish, Bohemian-Slovak, Slovenes, Serbs, Cr
oats, Bulgarians.
Present condition
The Russians live in Russia and the northeastern part of Austria-Hungary. They f
orm a compact body only in the southwestern part of the Russian Empire, as in th
e north and east they are largely mixed with Finnish and Tatar populations. In A
ustria the Little Russians inhabit Eastern Galicia and the northern part of Buko
wina; in Hungary they lie in the eastern part on the slopes of the Carpathians.
Scattered colonies of Little Russians or Ruthenians are also to be found in Slav
onia and Bosnia among the southern Slavs, in Bulgaria, and in the Dobrudja. In A
sia Western Siberia is Russian, Central Siberia has numerous Russians colonies,
while Eastern Siberia is chiefly occupied by native tribes. There are Russians,
however, living in the region of the Amur River, and on the Pacific as well as o
n the Island of Saghalien. Turkestan and the Kirghiz steppes have native populat
ions with Russian colonies in the cities. There are large numbers of Russian emi
grants, mostly members of sects, in Canada and elsewhere in America. Brazil, Arg
entina, and the United States have many Little Russian immigrants. There are sma
ll Russian colonies in Asia Minor and lately the emigration has also extended to
Africa According to the Russian census of 1897 there were in the Russian Empire
83,933,567 Russians, that is, 67 percent of the entire population of the empire
. Allowing for natural increase, at the present (1911) time there are about 89 m
illions. In 1900 there were in Austria 3,375,576 Ruthenians, in Hungary 429,447.
Consequently in 1900 the total number of Russians could be reckoned at about 93
million persons. This does not include the Russian colonists in other countries
; moreover, the numbers given by the official statistics of Austria-Hungary may
be far below reality. Classified by religion the Russian Slavs are divided as fo
llows: in Russian Orthodox, 95.48 percent; Old Believers 2.59 per cent; Catholic
s 1.78 per cent; Protestants .05 percent; Jews .08 per cent; Moslems .01 per cen
t; in Austria-Hungary Byzantine Catholics, 90.6 percent, the Eastern Orthodox, 8
percent. In the Russian Empire, excluding Finland and Poland, 77.01 percent are
illiterates; in Poland, 69.5 percent; Finland and the Baltic provinces with the
large German cities show a higher rate of literacy.
The Russians are divided into Great Russians, Little Russians or inhabitants of
the Ukraine, and White Russians. In 1900 the relative numbers of these three div
isions were approximately: Great Russians, 59,000,000; White Russians, 6,2000,00
0; Little Russians, 23,700,000. In addition there are 3,8000,000 Little Russians
in Austria-Hungary, and 5000,000 in America. The Russian official statistics ar
e naturally entirely too unfavourable to the White Russians and the Little Russi
ans; private computations of the Little Russian scholars give much higher result
s. Hrusevskij found that the Little Russians taken altogether numbered 34,000,00
0; Karskij calculated that the White Russians numbered 8,000,000. A thousand yea
rs of historical development, different influences of civilization, different re
ligious confessions, and probably also the original philological differentiation
have caused the Little Russians to develop as a separate nation, and today this
fact must be taken as a fixed factor. Among the White Russians the differentiat
ion has not developed to so advances a stage, but the tendency exists. In classi
fying the Little Russians three different types can be again distinguished: the
Ukrainian, the Podolian-Galician, and the Podlachian. Ethnographically interesti
ng as the Little Russian or Ruthenian tribes in the Carpathians, the Lemci, Boic
i, and Huzuli (Gouzouli). The White Russians are divided into two groups; ethnog
raphically the eastern group is related to the Great Russians; the western to th
e Poles.
The Poles represent the northwestern branch of the Slavonic race. From the very
earliest times they have lived in their ancestral regions between the Carpathian
s, the Oder, and the North Sea. A thousand years ago Boleslaw the Brave united a
ll the Slavonic tribes living in these territories into a Polish kingdom. This k
ingdom which reached its highest prosperity at the close of the Middle Ages, the
n gradually declined and, at the close of the eighteenth century, was divided by
the surrounding powers — Russia, Prussia, and Austria. In Austria the Poles form
the population of Western Galicia and are in a large minority throughout Eastern
Galicia; in Eastern Galicia the population of the cities particularly is prepon
derantly Polish, as is also a large part of the population of a section of Austr
ian Silesia, the district of Teschin. The Poles are largely represented in the C
ounty of Zips in Hungary and less largely in other Hungarian counties which bord
er on Western Galicia. There is a small Polish population in Bukowina. In Prussi
a the Poles live in Upper Silesia, from a large majority of the inhabitants of t
he Province of Posen, and also inhabit the districts of Dantzic and Marienwerder
in West Prussia, and the southern parts of East Prussia. In Russia the Poles fr
om 71.95 percent of the population in the nine provinces formed from the Polish
kingdom. In addition they live in the neighbouring district of the Province of G
rodno and form a relatively large minority in Lithuania and in the provinces of
White and Little Russia, where they are mainly owners of large estates and resid
ents of cities. According to the census of 1900 the Poles in Russia numbered abo
ut 8,400,000; in Austria, 4,259,150, in Germany, including the Kasubes and Mazur
ians, 3,450,200; in the rest of Europe about 55,000; and in America about 1,500,
00; consequently altogether, 17,664,350. Czerkawski reckoned the total number of
Poles to be 21,111,374; Straszewicz held that they numbered from 18 to 19,000,0
00. As regards religion the Poles of Russia are almost entirely Catholic; in Aus
tria 83.4 per cent are Catholics, 14.7 percent are Jews, and 1.8 per cent are Pr
otestants; in Germany they are also almost entirely Catholics, only the Mazurian
s in East Prussia and a small portion of the Kasubes are Protestant.
Ethnographically the Polish nation is divided into three groups: the Great Poles
live in Posen, Silesia, and Prussia; the Little Poles on the upper Vistula as f
ar as the San River and in the region of the Tatra mountains; the Masovians east
of the Vistula and along the Narva and the Bug. The Kasubes could be called a f
ourth group. All these groups can be subdivided again into a large number of bra
nches, but the distinctions are not so striking as in Russia and historical trad
ition keeps all these peoples firmly united. The Kasubes live on the left bank o
f the Vistula from Dantzic to the boundary of Pomerania and to the sea. Accordin
g to government statistics in 1900 there were in Germany 100,213 Kasubes. The ve
ry exact statistics of the scholar Ramult gives 174,831 Kasubes for the territor
y where they live in large bodies, and 200,000 for a total including those scatt
ered through Germany, to which should be added a further 130,000 in America. Acc
ording to the latest investigation the Kasubes are what remains of the Slavs of
Pomerania who are, otherwise, long extinct.
Lusatian Sorbs
The Lusatian Sorbs are the residue of the Slavs of the Elbe who once spread acro
ss the Oder and Elbe, inhabiting the whole of the present Germany. During centur
ies of combat with the Germans their numbers gradually decreased. They are divid
ed into three main groups: the Obotrites who inhabited the present Mecklenburg,
Lüneburg, and Holstein whence they extended into the Old Mark; the Lutici or Velta
e, who lived between the Oder and Elbe, the Baltic and the Varna; the Sorbs, who
lived on the middle course of the Elbe between the Rivers Havel and Bober. The
Lutici died out on the Island of Rügen at the beginning of the fifteenth century.
In the middle of the sixteenth century there were still large numbers of Slavs i
n Lüneburg and in the northern part of the Old Mark, while their numbers were less
in Mecklenburg and in Brandenburg. However, even in Lüneburg the last Slavs disap
peared between 1750-60. Only the Lusatian Sorbs who lived nearer the borders of
Bohemia have been able to maintain themselves in declining numbers until the pre
sent time. The reason probably is that for some time their territory belonged to
Bohemia. At present the Lusatian Sorbs numbers about 150,000 persons on the upp
er course of the Spree. They are divided into two groups, which differ so decide
dly from each other in speech and customs that some regard them as two peoples;
they also have two separate literatures. They are rapidly becoming Germanized, e
specially in Lower Lusatia. The Lusatian Sorbs are Catholics with exception of 1
5,000 in Upper Lusatia.
Bohemians and Slovaks
The Bohemians and Slovaks also belong to the northwestern branch of the Slavonic
peoples. They entered the region now constituting Bohemia from the north and th
en spread farther into what is now Moravia and Northern Hungary, and into the pr
esent Lower Austria as far as the Danube. The settlements of the Slovaks in Hung
ary must have extended far towards the south, perhaps as far as Lake Platten, wh
ere they came into contact with the Slovenes who belonged to the southern Slavon
ic group. Probably, however, they did not formerly extend as far towards the eas
t as now, and the Slovaks in the eastern portion of Slovakia are really Ruthenia
ns who were Slovakanized in the late Middle Ages. Directly after their settlemen
t in these countries the Bohemians fell apart into a great number of tribes. One
tribe, which settled in the central part of the present Bohemia, bore the name
of Czechs. It gradually brought all the other tribes under its control and gave
them its name, so that since then the entire people have been called Czechs. Alo
ng with this name, however, the name Bohemians has also been retained; it comes
from the old Celtic people, the Boii, who once lived in these regions. Soon, how
ever, German colonies sprang up among the Bohemians or Czechs. The colonists set
tled along the Danube on the southern border of Bohemia and also farther on in t
he Pannonian plain. However, these settlements disappeared during the storm of t
he Magyar incursion. The Bohemians did not suffer from it as they did from the l
ater immigrations of German colonists who brought into the country by the Bohemi
an rulers of the native Premsylidian dynasty. These colonists lived through the
mountains which encircle Bohemia and large numbers of them settled also in the i
nterior of the country. From the thirteenth century the languages of Bohemia and
Moravia became distinct tongues.
The Bohemians have emigrated to various countries outside of Bohemia-Moravia. In
America there are about 800,000 Bohemians; there are large Bohemian colonies in
Russian in the province of Volhynia, also in the Crimea, in Poland, and in what
is called New Russia, altogether numbering 50,385. In Bulgaria there are Bohemi
an colonies in Wojewodovo and near Plevna; there is also a Bohemian colony in Ne
w Zealand. Nearly 400,000 Bohemians live at Vienna, and there are large numbers
of Bohemians in the cities of Linz, Pesth, Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Triest; the
re are smaller, well-organized Bohemian colonies in nearly all Austrian cities,
besides large Bohemian colonies in Hungary and Slavonia. In the last-mentioned c
ountry there are 31,581 Bohemians. These settlements are modern. The Slovaks occ
upy the southeastern part of Moravia and the northeastern part of Hungary from t
he Carpathians almost to the Danube. But there are scattered settlements of Slov
aks far into the Hungarian plain and even in Southern Hungary, besides colonies
of Slovaks in Slavonia. On account of the barrenness of the soil of their native
land many Slovaks emigrate to America. According to the Austrian census of 1900
there were 5,955,297 Bohemians in Austria. The numbers may be decidedly higher.
In Germany there were 115,000 Bohemians, ; in Hungary 2,019,641 Slovaks and 50,
000 Bohemians; in America there are at least 800,000 Bohemians; in Russia 55,000
; in the rest of Europe 20,000. Consequently taking all Bohemians and Slovaks to
gether there are probably over 9,000,000. If, as is justifiable, the figures for
America, Vienna, Moravia, Silesia, and Hungary are considered entirely too low,
a maximum of about 10,000,000 may be accepted. As to religion 96.5 percent of t
he Bohemians are Catholics, and 2.4 percent are Protestants; 70.2 per cent of t
the Slovaks are Catholics, 5.3 percent are Byzantine Catholics, and 23 percent a
re Protestants.
The Slovenes belong, together with the Croats, Serbs, and Bulgarians, to the sou
thern group of Slavs. The Slovenes have the position farther to the west in the
Alps and on the Adriatic. They first appeared in this region after the departure
of the Lombards for Italy and the first date in their history in 595, when they
fought an unsuccessful battle with the Bavarian Duke Tassilo on the field of Ro
blach. They occupied at first a much larger territory than at present. They exte
nded along the Drave as far as the Tyrol, reaching the valleys of the Rivers Rie
m and Eisack; they also occupied the larger part of what is now Upper Austria, L
ower Austria as far as the Danube, and from the district of the Lungau in Southe
rn Salzburg through Carinthia, Carniola, Styria, the crownland of Görz-Gradiska, a
nd a large part of Friuli. Under German supremacy the territory occupied by them
has grown considerable less in the course of the centuries. They still maintain
themselves only in Carniola, in the northern part of Istria, about Görz, and in t
he vicinity of Triest, in the mountainous districts north of Udine in Italy, in
the southern part of Carinthia and Styria, and in the Hungarians countries borde
ring on the farther side of the Mur River. Carinthia is becoming rapidly Germani
zed, and the absorption of the other races in Hungary constantly advances. Accor
ding to the census of 1900 there were 1,192,780 Slovenes in Austria, 94,993 in H
ungary, 20,987 in Croatia and Slavonia, probably 37,000 in Italy, in America 100
,000 and 20,000 in other countries. There are, taking them altogether, probably
about 1,5000,000 Slovenes int he world; 99 percent of them are Catholics.
Croats and Serbs
In speech the Croats and Serbs are one people; they have the same literary langu
age, but use different characters. The Croats write with the Latin characters an
d the Serbs with the Cyrillic. They have been separated into two peoples by reli
gion, political development, and different forms of civilization; the Croats cam
e under the influence of Latin civilization, the Serbs under that of the Byzanti
nes. After the migration the warlike tribe of the Croats gained the mastery over
the Slavonic tribes then living in the territory between the Kulpa and the Drav
e, the Adriatic and the River Cetina, in Southern Dalmatia. They founded the Cro
at Kingdom on the remains of Latin civilization and with Roman Catholicism as th
eir religion. Thus the Croat nation appeared. It was not until a later date that
the tribes living to the south and east began to unite politically under the ol
d Slavonic name of Serbs, and in this region the Serbian nation developed. Decid
ed movements of the population came about later, being caused especially by the
Turkish wars. The Serbian settlements, which originally followed only a southeas
tern course, now turned in an entirely opposite direction to the northeast. The
original home of the Serbs was abandoned largely to the Albanians and Turks; the
Serbs emigrated to Bosnia and across Bosnia to Dalmatia and even to Italy, wher
e Slavonic settlements still exist in Abruzzi. Others crossed the boundaries of
the Croat Kingdom and settled in large numbers in Serbia and Slavonia, also in S
outhern Hungary, where the Austrian Government granted them religious and nation
al autonomy and a patriarch of their own. Some of the Serbs settled here went to
Southern Russia and founded there what is called the New Serbia in the Governme
nt of Kherson. Consequently, the difference between the Croats and the Serbs con
sists not in the language but mainly in the religion, also in the civilization,
history, and in the form of handwriting. But all these characteristic difference
s are not very marked, and thus there are districts and sections of population w
hich cannot be easily assigned to one or the other nation, and which both people
s are justified in claiming.
Taking Serbs and Croats together there are: in Austria 711,382; in Hungary and C
roatia, 2,839,016; in Bosnia and Herzegovina, probably 1,7000,000; in Montenegro
, 350,000; in Serbia 2,298,551; Old Serbia and Macedonia, 350,000; Albania and t
he vilayet of Scutari, about 100,000; Italy 5000; Russia 2000; America and elsew
here, 300,000. In addition there are about 108,000 Schokzians, Bunjevzians, and
Krashovanians, Serbo-Croatian tribes in Hungary who were not included with these
in the census. Consequently the number of this bipartite people may by reckoned
approximately as 8,700,000 persons. According to Serbian computation there are
about 2,300,000 Croats in Austria-Hungary; the Croats reckon their number as ove
r 2,700,000. The controversy results from the uncertainty as to the group to whi
ch the Bosnian Moslems and the above-mentioned Schokzians, Bunjevzians, and Kras
hovanians, as well as the population of Southern Dalmatia, belong. As to religio
n, the Serbs are almost exclusively Eastern Orthodox, the Croats Catholic, the g
reat majority of the inhabitants of Southern Dalmatia are Catholic, but many con
sider themselves as belonging to the Serbian nation. The branches in Hungary men
tioned above are Catholic; it is still undecided whether to include them among t
he Croats or Serbs.
The Slavonic tribes living in ancient Roman Mœsia and Thrace south of the Danube a
nd southeast of the Serbs as far as the Black Sea came under the sway of the Tur
anian tribe of the Bulgars, which established the old Kingdom of Bulgaria in thi
s region as early as the second half of the seventh century. The conquerors soon
began to adopt the language and customs of the subjugated people, and from this
intermixture arose the Bulgarian people. The historical development was not a q
uiet and uniform one; there were continual migrations and remigration, conquests
and inter- mingling. When the Slavs first entered the Balkan peninsula they spr
ead far beyond their present boundaries and even covered Greece and the Peloponn
esus, which seemed about to become Slavonic. However, thanks to their higher civ
ilization and superior tactics, the Greeks drove back the Slavs. Still, Slavonic
settlements continued to exist in Greece and the Peloponnesus until the late Mi
ddle Ages. The Greeks were aided by the Turkish conquest, and the Slavs were for
ced to withdraw to the limit that is still maintained. The Turks then began to f
orce back the Slavonic population in Macedonia and Bulgaria and to plant colonie
s of their own people in certain districts. The chief aim of the Turkish coloniz
ation was always to obtain strategic points and to secure the passes over the Ba
lkans. The Slavonic population also began to withdraw from the plains along the
Danube where naturally great battles were often fought, and which were often tra
versed by the Turkish army. A part emigrated to Hungary, where a considerable nu
mber of Bulgarian settlements still exist; others journeyed to Bessarabia and So
uth Russia. After the liberation of Bulgaria the emigrants began to return and t
he population moved again from the mountains into the valleys, while large numbe
rs of Turks and Circassians went back from liberated Bulgaria to Turkey.
On the other hand the emigration from Macedonia is still large. Owing to these u
ncertain conditions, and especially on account of the slight investigation of th
e subject in Macedonia, it is difficult to give the size of the Bulgarian popula
tion even approximately. In approximate figures the Bulgarians number: in the Ki
ngdom of Bulgaria, 2,864,735; Macedonia, 1,200,000; Asia Minor, 600,000; Russia,
180,000; Rumania, 90,000; in other countries 50,000, hence there are altogether
perhaps over 5,000,000. In Bulgaria there are besides the Bulgarian population,
20,644 Pomaks, that is Moslems who speak Bulgarian, 1516 Serbs, 531,217 Turks,
9862 Gagauzi (Bulgarians who speak Turkish), 18,874 Tatars, 66,702 Greeks in cit
ies along the coast, 89,563 Gypsies, and 71,023 Rumanians. The kingdom, therefor
e, is not an absolutely homogeneous nationality. In religion the Bulgarians are
Eastern Orthodox with the exception of the Pomaks, already mentioned, and of the
Paulicians who are Catholics. The Bulgarians are divided into a number of branc
hes and dialects; it is often doubtful whether some of these subdivisions should
not be included among the Serbs. This is especially the case in Macedonia, cons
equently all enumerations of the population differ extremely from one another.
If, on the basis of earlier results, the natural annual growth of the Slavonic p
opulations is taken as 1.4 percent, it may be claimed that there were about 156-
157 million Slavs in the year 1910. In 1900 all Slavs taken together numbered ap
proximately 136,500,000 persons divided thus: Russians, 94,000,000; Poles, 17,50
0,000; Lusatian Serbs, 150,000; Bohemians and Slovaks, 9,800,000; Slovenes, 1,50
0,000; Serbo-Croats, 8,550,000; Bulgarians, 5,000,000.