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DEBATE: Abortion in cases of Rape and Incest Relationship


We, in the negative side, strongly opposed the idea of the abortion in cases of incest

relationship particularly in rape cases which mostly happened and agree that this is not

beneficial to the women, of course, and the society itself.

According the 1987 Constitution provides that State shall equally protect the life of the

mother and the life of the unborn from conception. This State Policy gives the right to

life of unborn from conception and as well as the mother, scientifically provided that

human life is commonly believed to begin from the moment of conception when the

female egg and the male sperm merge at fertilization, from the moment, a new life is

formed and starts to grow as any living being, the unborn human embryo in the

maternal womb is considered a whole, separate human being and, truth to tell, most

defenseless one, he has the basic human right to life which the state is enjoined to

protect, along with infants and children.

In short, once it is conceived, the unborn child is a living person with the right to be born

and the right to live and must be given the consequent respect and dignity.

This section also categorically mandating the protection of the unborn prevents the

possibility of abortion being legalized by future legislation. It is a permanent guarantee

against any law or judicial decree permitting abortion which is inherently evil as it

involves the killing of defenseless human being in the womb of the mother and also

saving life of mother though in addition to this section the state has still another

compelling interest aside from the right to life of the unborn which is the health of the
mother whose life it shall equally protect. The sacrifice of the life of the unborn when

medically established as necessary to save the life of the mother is not abortion.

In instance like for example, you having a conversation and someone say that abortion

should be legal, because woman should never be forced to carry the child of her

rapist… let’s be clear first that rape, of course is awful, those who commit rape should

be deserved to be punished. Victims of rape deserve compassion and care however in

discussion about abortion the possibility of pregnancy by rape or incest is typically used

to argue for the legalization of abortion in all cases,

There are 2 things to considered, 1.) Rape and incest represent a tiny fraction of

abortions, even if could be justified in these rare situations, the vast majority of abortion

are in no way justified by these exceptions. 2.) Abortion in cases of rape, punishes the

innocent part, in cases of rape that lead to conception, there are 3 parties involved the

rapist, the woman and the unborn child. Which is these three 3 parties? Is guilty of a

crime and deserve to be punished? The woman who did nothing wrong, the child did

nothing wrong, only the rapist is guilty but abortion means that the innocent child is

given a punishment even the guilty rapist won’t face. In no other situation do we suggest

a child should be punished for their parent’s crime, in fact we would never justify killing

an unborn child who was conceived from rape. Hence abortion will not change what

happened, abortion may seem like a way to minimize the pain but in fact, it will not

change the past, and it cannot make a victim forget what happened, many things well

beyond a pregnancy can act as reminders to victims of sexual assault, abortion doesn’t
make the woman any less of a victim but creates another victim, rape is wrong so is

abortion, the fact that rape is wrong doesn’t make abortion okay?

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