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b= TE)SIMPLIFIED Conyrigh 2007 Venancio I. Besavilla, Jr. Givil Engineer - CIT (2nd Place) - August, 1969 Geodetic Engineer - CIT(7th Place) - July, 1966 Former Insrustor: Cebu Insitute of Technology Former Chairman: CE. Dept University of the Vsayas ‘Awardee: Awardee Awardee: Member: Member: Member: Member: Member: Director Treasurer: Director: ‘Asan Outstanding Educator from the Phil Veterans Legion on May 1988 ‘As Outstanding Alumnus in the Field of Education From CIT Alumni Association, Inc, March 1990 ‘At Ouistanding Engineering Educator from the CIT High School Alumni Association. December 1991 Geo-tnstiuie of the American Society of Chil Engineers (ASCE) ‘Sructural Engineering Institute (ASCE) ‘American Conerete Institute (ACD) (idembership No. 104553) ‘American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (embership No. 346960) PICE Delegation o the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997 Annual Convention & Exposition (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) PICE National Board (1997-1999) 2001-2003} 2004-2007) PICE Natlonal Board 2005 - 2000 PICE Cebu Chapter 1991- up tothe present ice President. _ PICE Cebu Chapter 2005 - 2006 President: Cebu Institute of Technology Alurnni Association (2003-2008) ISBN on asiosss .cepU MANILA ea Pr, Pi 2ns Flo. Coreepcion Co Camara wsransoy P Cora ‘¢Szndarao Ss SL Sampara Mara Seach Davao Gry Spire Deore cy Tela) 808 ‘a No hap 2ssstss Te No. (020-3305 Tl (0822) 123-11 Samsing) BAGUIO ‘TACLOBAM CENERAL SANTOS Tan Cae ig Inder Roque UR. «RO Rvers Oy Uotrdes Got Sauna Si Tacobancey Const Looe in Dortican oad “aL no (83) 3263708. Gerera Sane Nol G8 San eae 9, Baqi ty el No (08) 3 Tal Nes (8) 4 aneTABLE OF CONTENTS ane CHAPTER. DESCRIPTION OF TOPICS PAGE NO. 1 Introdiiction 1-9 2 Analysis of Tension Members N10 - 3 SRO Roepe peta 3 Boled Connections for Tension Members OH 126° Ssnsiok tly Gace game 4 + Desgn of Tension Members 17 - 170 Ss ie rekereeet aera 5 Tomson and Shear in Bolted Connections In - 1977 6 — Eccentrically Loaded Bracket Connections 198 - 237 7 Bending Stresses 238 = 302 8 Shearing Stresses 303 - 319 (Pie 9 Defection of Beams 320 - 338 10 Plate Girders, Cover-Plated Beams and BuiltUp Beams 339 - 396 | 11 Beams Bending in Both Axis — a) Unsymmetrcal Bending 397 - 403 8) Design of Purins 404 - 410 )_ Stresses of Unsymmetrical Section an - 42 12 Shear Center 413 - 418 13 Locel Web Yielding and Crippling 419 - 430 14 Tension and Bending 431 - 45 ~ 15 Composite Beams 46 - 474 yon ft Se Des Bows ia 16 Axiaily Loaded Compression Members 475 - 552. WZ Local Buckling For Stiffened and Unstifened Elements 553 - 570 18 Design for Axial Compression with Bending 571 638. 19 Base Plate 639 - 659 ~ 20. Griliage Foundation 660 - 664TABLE OF CONTENTS CSN is Me SSI ACO eden ee) 2S) 21 22 23 Welded Connections a) » ° d) @ p a” h) » 1m) Welded Beam to Coluran Cor Specifications Lap Joints Welded Connections in Trusses Lap Splice Intermittent Welds Continuous Fillet Welds Plug and Slot Welds Groove Welds Shear and Bending of Welded Bracket Connections + Welded Seat Angle Connection Tension and Shear for Welded Bracket Connections Shear and Torsion for Welded Bracket Connections ection Welded Base Plate Basic Princip «) ») of Plastic Design: Plastic Analysis Collapse Mechanism 665 680 694 696 700 702 708 72 ng 725 764 773 784 a a ee REFERENCES xt ” 10. nL. 14. Basic Structural Design boy Kurt H. Gersile, McGrawhall Book Co Structural Engineering for Professional Engineer's Examination by Max. Kurtz, MoGrawhill Bok Co, Essentials of Structural Design boy Anthony Hoaaly, John Wiley and Sons, Ine: Structural Steel Design by Jack C. MeCormac, International Textbook Co Elementary Theory of Structures bay Wang and Eckel, MeGrawhill Book Co, Design of Steel Structures boy Kazim and Jindal Prentice Hall of Ini Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations by Tyler G. Hicks, MeGrawhill Book Co, Structural Engineering Handbook (2nd Edition) by Gaylord and Gaylord, McGrail Book Ca Design in Structural Steel boy john Lothers, 2nd Edition Prenti India Steel Structures by Vezirani and Ratwani, Khanna Publishers, Delht Flementary Structural Analysis by Norris, Wilbur and Ux MeGracoill Book Co. Structural Design by Sutherland and Bowman, in Wiley and Sons Professional Engineers Examination Questions and Answers by William S. La Londe, Jr, 2nd Edition, McGrarhill Book Co. Modern Framed Structures by Johnson, Turmeauare and Bryan, 10th Edition, fon Wiley and SonsREFERENCES ——=_____ ae ICHAPTER ONE ee ee 1.1. Classification OF Structural Stee! 18. Design of Modem Steel Structures ‘by Linton E. Grinter Macmillan Company 16. Elementary Structural Problems in Steel and Timber bby Young and Morrison, 3d Edition, john Wiley and Sons All purpose carton stel (A 36), (4 529) These steels centains 1.7% Carbon, 1.5% Manganese, 0.60% Silicon and 060% Copper. The common type the A 36 has a yield stress of 248 kPa, is suitable for bbalted, welded ot riveted bridges and buildings. 17, Simplified Design of Structural Stee! by Harry Parker, th Editon, John and Wiley and Sons 18. Basic Steel Design ‘by Johnson, Lin and Galambos, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall Ligh Strength Law Alo Structural Ste (A441 and 572) nestesconanngcaibon and manganese, these steels obtain thei higher irengthe an ion of more alloys such as strengths and otter properties by the additi ys 8 Columibiam, vanadium, chromium silicon, copper and nickel, These steels have yields stresses as low as 276 MPa and as high as 444 MPa. These steels have much greater atmospheric corrosion resistance than carbon steels 39. Structural Steel Design by Jack MeCormac, 3rd Edition, Harper and Row 20. Steel Design Manual bby Brockenbrougi and Johnson, United States Steel Corporation 21, Fundamental Structural Stee! Design (ASD) ‘by Thomas Burns, Delmar Publishers Inc tural Steel, Atmospherc-Cocrosion-Resistance High-Strength Low-Ally Str These structural steet are allayed with small percentages of copper to become more corrosion resistant. When exposed to the atmosphere, the surface of these steel oxidize and form a very tightly adherent film which prevents oxidation and thus eliminates the need for painting. This type of structural stel is particularly used for Structures with exposed members that are difficult to paint, such as 22, Steel Structures Design and Behavior (2nd Edition) ‘by Charles G. Salmon and John E. Johnson, Harper and Row Publishers 23, Steel Design (4th Edition) by Willian T.Segut, Thompson Publisher 24. Structural Steel Design by lack C. MoCormac (LRFD Method) 25. National Structural Code ofthe Philippines, 2001 (VoL 1- Sth Edition) ASEP Publisher (NSCP C101 -01) 26. LRED Steel Design (3rd Edition) by Wallan T. Segui, Thompson Publisher 27. Manual of Steel Design and Construction by Jose A. Bernales, Webster School & Office Supplies bridges, electrical transmission towers. the ASTM grades of steel under these type are (A53, A500, ASO1, A570, A606,1.2 Properties of Structural Steels: ASTI Decignation Type of Steel A 36 AS ‘Aas igh Strength tow-alloy | 276-345, AST High Strength tow-aloy | 290-450 IAD “Aineepheric Corrsion= Resistant high-strength lowealloy 290-345, ‘Aimspheric Corrsion= resistant high strength low-alloy ‘Quenched and Tempered lowalloy ‘Quenched and Tempered low alloy 1.3, ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Designations of Structural Steel Material conforming to one of the following standard specifications is approved for use under the 501.3 NSCP Specifications Structural Stee Pipe, Stel, Black and Hot-dipped, Zine-costed Welded and Seamless Steel Pile High-strength Low-alloy Structural High-strength Low-alloy Structur Vanadium Stee Manganese 21 Tubing in Rounds a Shapes formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Stee ASTM A36 ASTM A53, grade B ASTM A242 ASTM Addl ASTM A500 ASTM ASOL High-yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy-Steo! Plate, Suitable for Welding. 4 Structural Steel with 290 MPa Minimum Yield Point "Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-olled, Structural Quality I High strength, Low-alloy Columbism-Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality High-strength Low-alloy Structural Steel With 345 MPa Minimum Yield Point to 100 mm Thick, 2 Steel, Sheet and Stcip, High-strength, Low-alloy, Hot-rolled and Cold-rolled. With Improved Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance ., - 1. Steel, Sheet and Strip, High-Strength, Low-alloy, Colurbium or Vanadium, or both Hot-Rolled and Cold-Relled « . H4. Hot-formed Welded and Seamless Hight en Loaalley Structural Tubing Structural Ste! for Badges ASTM ASI4 ASTM AS29 ASTM A570 ASTM A872, ASTM A888 ASTM A606 ASTM A607 ASTM A6i8. ASTM A7094 1.4 Steel Sections Steel Sections are usually designated types are W Section (wise flange), S-beam (American Standard Channels, Tee sections and Angular Sections. hapes of thelr cross sections, The common} andard Beam), American Theos shapes were for difference between W and Sshapes are. nerly called beams and American Standard beams. The: 1) The flange width ofthe S-shape is narrower than the W’shape. The inner face ofthe f the S-shape hasa slope of about 16.7 T ty Example: § 610x134 Deep of beam = 610 mm Theoretical mass = 134 kg/m aig EERE These are doubly symmetrical shapes which are not elassifed as W or S-shapes, They wy symmetrical both x and y-axes. Example W 410 x 85 means that this W shape is 410 mm deep and has a mass of 85 kg/m. This shape consists of two rectangular-shaped flanges connected by a rectangular plate and symmetrical about both the x and y axes. Example: M 356x256 | ly Deep of beam = 356 mm pie a Theoretical mass = 25.6 kg/m deep of beam by=width of flange (= thickness of flange ty = thickness of we ‘ soi ra fa [Beaten] Treo] fos [Oop Te = com] FR ee fam (emp | im] @2 | 109) rao] — a8 [Anam aT‘These are channel shapes formerly called American Standard Channels, The inner face ofthe flange has the same slope as S-shapes, sa Brample: C380274 "py ‘These were formerly called ship building or Miscellaneous Channels and are not classified as C shapes: Example: MC 458 x 86 or Cee a] 4572 Jone 540 | 778 ERUCTURAL steEL DESIGN al eg angles. Allangles have sample qual angle section 1, 200 x 200 arallel flange faces, i Example: Unequal angle L- 200 x 150 x 25 it [sea ane Ticknas BoxeWr300x 1193 (Structural Tee or Split Tee) Structural Tees are obtained by splitting W, S or M shapes such that each split section hhas one half the area of the original shape. Nominal depth is 300 mm and a mass of 119.3 kgim obtained by splitting W 600 x 238.6 shape. Example; WT 300 x 1193, Designation [rrsones| sro 2.120 STRUCTURAUSTEEU DESIGN’ 1.5 Floor Live Loads’ (NSCP Section 205.1) Hors shall be designed for the unit live loads as shown on table 15. These leads ual be taken as the minimum live loads in kilonewton per square mete: of Iotzontal projection to be used in the design of buildings for the occupancies listed, «vit loads at least equal shall be assumed for uses not listed in this section but that ‘ite or accoramodate similar loadings, Where it can be determined in designing floors thatthe actual live load wall be greater ius the value shown in Table 1.5, the actual live load shall be used in the desig of sich buildings or portions thereof. Special provisions shall be made for machine and syjaratus loads TABLE 1.5 USEOR occuPANcY USE OR OCCUPANCY [ Desciston Category ae Oe rome Se Ec aa = oo oo Tirso Tao ena soe ‘nerowith | Stages areas roman eRe 5 Dining rooms | ‘ete aa Rredarens| ‘Enedted tales al soe Pree eer Tabs atoms 2. Reser Some as 68 sevecor = Seca (Cassone | 19 carages 18 Roo gecs 7 See 18 Sees erway ir a '9-Stog2 [heavy 120, ta aa] ‘Woes [60] The z rr Pabicaccess.| 120 20. See Fea — Resor ads sl bp ase han tw ead re oceganoy wih wich hey te assocaia, ut eed Fovecans 4a2.1 Allowable tensile stresses: b.2 Net Areas: \Foreas refers to the gross-sectional aren of a member minus any holes aad soles. fw gross area of a member at any point shall be determined by summing the sunlcts ofthe thickne 1nd the gross width of each clement as measured normal to Iwwaxis of the member. For angles, the gross width shel be the sum of the widths of For gross areas of members at sections where there are no holes 1D Fy ne ley less the thickness. The area ofthe holes subtracted is rectangular and equals Je cliameter of the hole times the thickness of the metal. The width of a bolt or rivet cle shall be 1.6 mm greater than the nominal dimension of the hole as shown on the le 22 Allowable tensile stress = holes for bolts or rivets For sections where there Allowable tensile stress where Fy = minimum yield stress in MPa = specified minimum tensile strength in MPa Allowable capacity of a tensile member with bolt or rivet holes permitted by the SCP seein seq he lero te lowing aloes HORA HOLE DENSON TAT Bes Bolt Hole Dimensions Eq. 21-5 (Dia.) Standard a)” | Overae | shoresiot | — Lang sot where:_Ag= gross area of & member at any point which Is determined Hy (01a) __| Width x Length | width x Length summing the products of the thickness and the gross wi 2 14 16 14x17 14x32 each element as measured normal othe exis ofthe member 16 7 a | xm 17x40 «Age actual effective net ares 20} 24 24 | 2tx25 7xaa MeUA 2 24 a 2axas 24x59 ; | 7} 2 zs | 7x63 «ren cet (Seotabie2 9) | S25 [a 1) |e) oye Ola 1.510.510 For pinconnecied members Tension oa F,=045F, on the net area of pin hole Fg. 2.4¢ sate Bering stes on the projected area ofthe pin Diameter of bolt= 20 mm On conlact area of milled surface and ends of fitted bearing stiffness, on Standard diameter of 20 mum =21 mm, rojected area of pins in reamed, drilled of bored holes. F,=090F, Eq. 21d Diameter of hole = 21 + 1.6 For expansion rollers and rockers r= (E25) osea Fa. 2t-e Diameter of hole = 22.6 ma. £ roller oF rocket in mm and Fy isin Newton per linear12 STRUCTURAL STEEUIDESIGHI | (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN | 13 2.3. Example: 2.5 Example: Determine the net area of the 100 mm x 200 mm plate for the but joint connection Hf : Pl i npute the nt area ofthe riveted connection shown ifthe thickness ofthe plate is shown ifthe diameter of bolts is 20 mm. Dy Nominal hole dimension for 48 mn from table 22is 21 mm stony [omm. Diameter of rivets = 20 mn jominal hole dimension + 1.6mm. Netarea = [200-2026)] 10 Net area = 1548 mm? < 0.85 Ag Netarea <085 Ag (See 2.10) (0485(200)(10) = 1700 mm? Nominal hole diameter for 20 mm rivets = 21 (see table 2.2) Dun, of hole = nominal hole diam. + 1.6 {sun of hole 21 + 1.6 2.4 Effect of Staggered Holes in Computation of Net Areas: - (Oinnof hole = 226 mm In riveted cofnections, if space isnot available fr a single line of connectors, i may paige J be necessary to use more than one line. If this i the cose, its therefore necessary ¥0 ing route ABCD: (2 holes only) stagger them in order to provide as large net area as possible at any one section 0 resist the load. 300-2226) + SO actin 5023.2 NSCP specifies hat fora chain of hoes extending acrosa pat nary "= 25827 iagenal or zigzag line, the net width ofthe pat shall be obtained by deducting from the goss width the sum ofthe diameters or alot dimensions ofall hoes inthe chain. JC ssclering route ABECD. (3 holes) seeding foreach gage space inthe cha he quan ; fo ah quanity te with = 300-3026) 2» 25 tis = 26835 mm ee aos iene BES AS Gee2.10) ‘S = longitudinal center to center spacing (pitch) of any consecutive holes in Transverse center to center spacing (gage) between fastener gage lines in B70 2 < 0.85(300}(10) = 3060 mnt? 814 (STMUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 15 2.6 Staggered rivets in angular sections, Table 2.6 Standard Gages for Angular Sections When holes are staggered on two legs ofan angle, the gage length g to be used in 1 EE £ is obtained as: 75_162.5| 50 |43.754.38.28.12§ 25 [21.8421.88|15.63] © expression sot B 2 75 | 75 [62.5/65.75 ' QR = 81-3 * 82-9 7 Net Area of Staggered Riveted Connections in Angular Sections AMPLE ‘ibpate the net area ofthe 350 x 100 x diam. sivets in Nominal hole ection with shown. Area of the angular section is 3064 1 22) (ison of 20 mm diam. is 21 mm (See t LUTION: $6.25 +625- 12 he location of holes depending on theif "1969. where gy and gp are gage distances for ti ength of the legs ofthe angle. bia of hole = nominal hole dimension + L6 ‘Original gages of holes in angular section. som tea-k g=50+6 = 106(SPRUErURAL srEEL DESIGN 4A Uitective net area for bolted or riveted connections. (SCP Sec, 502.4) Fie nit aro ws computed has beon reduced due to the presence of the hole which ely meteases the unit stess in a tension member even if the hole is occupied by Avivel or bolt This refers to the gross cross sectional area of a member minus any Inns “The area of the holes subtracted is rectangular and equals the diameter of the Tale tunes the thickness of the metal. The net area as computed gives the reduce to tht ete Bin. The ten oven ths cases rot enifoly sist bated ones resco Li J The sunt for the non uniformity, NSCP provides for an effective net area A,= Ay Sites \wlisie" isa reduction coefficient as given in NSCP (Section 02.4) Bul whi the load is transmitted directly to each of the cross sectional elements by Hynstors, the effective net ares A, Route AC Aq= 3064 2(22.6)(12) Table 2.8 Values of ReductionCoetficient U for Bolted Aq= 2521.6 mm? or Riveted Corrections When the onside load ts transmit Slemwnts ofa member ue(GRNIGTORAWSTEELDESIGN: 219 Effective Net Area for Welded Connections {NSCP section 502.4) ® W, MorS-shapes with flange wiclths not less than 2/3 the depth and stitictura fecs cut from these shapes provided the connection isto the flanges. Bolted o Tiveted connections chall have no fewer then three (3) fasteners per line in direction of stress... . U= 0.90 {D When the load is transmitted by welds through some but not all of the cross sectional elements of the member, the effective net area Ae shall be computed as. Aes Where: Ag= gross area of member @ When the load is transinited to a plane by longitudinal welds along both edges ‘a the end of the plate, the length of the welds shall not be less than the width of thw plate. W, Mor S-shapes not meeting the condition of paragraph @, structural tees cu from these shapes and all other shapes including built up sections. Bolted or riveted connections shall have no fewer than three (3) fasteners per line in the direction of stress = 0.85 Low La length oFweld We plate width (distance between welds) ® All nembers with bolted or riveted connections having ‘only two (2) fasteners per line in the director of stress Us 075 Table 2.9 Reduction Coefficient u for Effective Net Area Computation for Welded Connection When L>2W @ When2W>L>15W @ When 15W>L>W2.10 Effective areas for riveted splice and gusset plates (NSCP Section 502.4.8) Bolted and riveted splice and gusset plates and other connection fittings subject tensile force shall be design in accordance with the provisions of the NSCP where t effective net area shall be taken as the actual net area, except that, for the purpose design calculations, it shall not be taken as greater than 85% of the gross area, 2.11 Block Shear Wolted Connection: Not all the time that the allowable tensile load is always controlled by 0.60 Fy Ay 050 F, 4, or by the allowable load on the bolts or welds with which the joint ‘connected. Sometimes it is controlled by its allowable block shear strength. In the analysis of block shear strength, the failure of any block shear may occur alo 2 path involving shear on one plane and tension on 2 perpendicular plane. ‘The allowable biock shear strength ofa particular member is determine by computingl, Welded Plates: the allowable shear stress 0.30 F, times the net shear area Ay plus the atlowatll tensile stress 0.50 F, times the net tension area Ay. Tee 130 F, Ay + 050F, Ay where: 030 F, =allowable shear stress 050 F, = allowable tensile stress Ay= net shear area Aj=net tension area Welded Connections: 2.12 Critical Sections for Block Shear neers “i y weterae ss fivo. 9) EZ Dy = diameter of hole. = KE Ba ‘Bolted Connections with where D = nominal hy Net tension area Ay Bolted Flange of W Section:2.14 Allowable Tensile and Shearing Stresses of Fasteners, 2.13 Allowable Bearing Stress at Bolt Holes ect 5104.7) table 2.14 ‘On the projected zrea of bolts and rivet in shear connections with the end distance in the line of force not less than 1.5d and the distance center to center of bots not less than 3 Description of Fasteners land Short prone ers Hes “inten Transverse ParaleO ie Holes | pure? [toad | Load ‘A. Inastandordor short slotted holes with two or more bolts inthe tine of force, the| allowable beating stress is expressed as: Fy=120F, Fg. 2138 TW Get, hacdiven ee veal parts evtng te ecaireincms of Secuons Ay Aa Sane Aso sits neti ie require Section A, when sre notexcade lossree* Ps In long slotted holes with the axis of the slot perpendicular to the direction of load and with two or more bolts in the line of foree, the allowable bearing stress is expressed as! Nhe treads are Eq. 2.130 om see lanes | 033 Ra A108 tt, hee dead excel tr sae S ols, when ved Tadeo hese ‘hen treads ‘On the projected area of the bolt or rivet closest to the edge in standard or short Pinan. “wed (rom shear slotted holes with the edge distance less than 1.5d and in all connections with a single bolt in the ine of force, the allowable bearing stress is cepts i“ Hypa 3q) S120Fu £0 213-< Oc aig ap Heads pried in ten phn where: Ly= distance from the free edge to center of the bolt, The ede caps ofthe fread portion ofan pet ode bared pnts croesecdeni a ts pereers tux ad ete A sal be age an tal dye eet cee ps ri A4 ls nbc emi aise ending Geter 633 Cheat ml see and at seaned ues with ss A Sines: When e 7 . y ite deta ert ipso epee veered = Bier —— - Wi a i "Table 2 Neer! ae Section for ahs fr spec ASTM stl ses I deformation around the hole is not a design consideration and adequate ffs lhi-cicn nd appcadcn chine tices spacing and edge distance is as required, the following equation is permitted F,=150Fy Eg. 213-4 od appcation relative tong ans of sto24 2.15 Wind and Seismic Stresses ‘Lamlor tearing can occur ifa large weld (or welds from both sides is imposed on a ‘hick piece of base metal. A large over match of electrode and base metal in a full j-tration butt weld tends to increase the possibilty of tearing (that is from using. } AU instead of an E 70 electrodes with A 36 base metal). thin, stiffened column lnnge is also susceptible to tearing, since the flange stiffeners being welded to the lunn flange produce restraint. Allowable stresses may be increased 1/3 above the values otherwise provided wh produced by wind or seismic loading, acting alone or in combination with the des {dead and live loads, provided the required section computed on this basis is not than that required for the design dead and live load and impact (if any) comput ‘without the 1/3 stress increase, and further provided that stresses are not otherw Tequited to be caleulsted on the basis of reduction factors applied to design loads combinations, The above stress increase does nat apply to members subjected fatigue. 2.16 Fatigue 2.17 Impact Fatigue, as used in this Specification. is defined as the damage that mey renilt | efter a sulficient number of fluctuations of stress, Stress range is defined the magnitude of these Fluctuations. In the ease of a siress reversal, the stress ran shall be computed as the numerical sum of maximum repeated tensile an| compressive stresses Ur the sum of manieniim shearing stresses of opposite directo ata given print rsnlting from siffoings arrangement of live kent, ructures carrying live loads which induce impact, the assumed live load shall be «eased sufficiently to provide for same. 4 otherwise specified, the increase shall be not less than: or supports of elevators . seers peeievais 100% 2.16.1. Limellar Tearing Hor caboperated traveling crane suppor girders and their connections. 25% Fatigue of a metal occurs when it is repeatedly stressed above its endurance lim Raglih many eyeies of leading and umloading, Lamellar tearing may show up ally pendantcoperated traveling crane support fatigue cracking after « number of cycles of load applications. For a joint which i ‘gitderp and their connections eat 10% highly testrained, the shrinkage of the welds in the through the thickness direction Shh adequately redistributed andthe result eave tearing onthe ote! caller support of light machinery, shat orator driven 20% lamellar tearing, meaning tearing consisting of thin layers. This is aggravated by th application of extemal tension Por suppiors oF recipescating machinery or péwerdiven units 50% For hangers supporting floors and balconies .. 7 33% Factors involved when a lamellar tearing may occur in certain welded joints 1, There must be large relative sttaing in the base metal (lamella tearing does nol (cur in the Weld metal). These strains occur where large loenlize stresses occu 2 Losing is generally perjendicular to the mill rolling direction thal produced the member being welded. Boams weldee to column flanges procuced this typ ol foading in the column flanges (but notin the beam flange), 3. ‘There must be strain in the bese metel pRARYILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 2.18 Problem: ‘The 200 mm x 150 mm x 12.5 mm angle has one line of 20 mm diameter bolts in ead leg. The bolts ae 75 mm on center in each line and are staggered 37.5 mm with respec foeach other. Fy= 248 MPa,F, = 400 MPa. Standard nominal hole diameter of 20 ma } Elfective net area: bolt is 21 mm, Area of angular section = 4355 mm. @ Tensile capacity: Compute the net area ofthe given section. Compute the effective net area ifthe reduction coefficient u = 0.75 Compute te mex allowable esl oa tat he section ell cary D060 As T= 0.60(248)(4355) 1 T261ameN > T= 648.2 kN 1 050Fu Ae ) T = 0.50,400)(2860) 1 =572000N T=572KN Safe tensile capacity = 572 kN SOLUTION: Net area of the given section Dia. ofhole = 21 + 1.6 19 Problem: plate shown in the figure 2.19 has a thickness of 12 mm, Diameter of bolis is 16 JA 36 steel is used with F,= 248 MPa and F,= 400 MPa. Standard nominal hole (m. of 16 mm bolts = 17 mm Considering route ABCD: oa 23 BS Westin ‘n= 4255-226y125) + BPSEA25) A= 381344 mim? BEG. med Figure 21928 subtracted at any one section in calculating the net area, ee ‘Compute the allowable tensile strength of this section. SOLUTION: © Min pitch"S" for which only two and a half bolts need be subtracted at any one section, Diameter of hole = 17+ 1.6 Diameter of hole = 18.6 Net width = 300-25(18.6) Net width = 253.50 mm | For royte ABCDE: s Net width = 300-3186) +355 ssasona sao, , $= 37.35 mm ® Effective net area: Net width =253 50 53 50(12) ‘Compute the minimum pitch "S" for which only two and one half bolts need be ‘Compute the effective net area of the section ifthe reduction factor u = 075; J Allowable tensile strength: T=060F, Ay T= 0.60(248)(300)12) 7 #535680, T=050Fy A T =0.50(400)(2281.5) T=456300N Allowable tensile strength: T=456,300N, T=4563kN prin ‘miscellaneous channel MC 300 x 67 is bolted as shown on the figure 2.20 by a JH) mm diam. bolts. A 36 steel is used with F, = 248 MPa and F, =400 MPa, Standard. }sxinal hole diameter for 20 mm bolt = 21 mm Prof. of MC 300 x 67 fae A= 8250'mm? | Figure 220 ‘Compute the net area of the channel section. ‘Compute the effective net area of the channel section. ‘Compute the allowable tensile strength ofthe channel section.20 i SOLUTION: Net area of miscellaneous channel: Dia. of hole =21+1.6 Dia, of hole = 22 Ag=s0- [2020470] + [0% + 6% Jara) Ag = 729745 mm Fee ee te pe INSEE es fore cof W Morpeth anges wide les thn 28 of dep and sua Gat fom tase shape and al ker shapes indog bull up cot set i ec fee eda alerted rae the dintionof tea he oducion tice 4038 A085 Ae= 0.85(7297.45) A= 6202.83 mm? Allotvable tensile strength: O60F, Ay T=0.60(288)(8250) ‘T = 0.50(400)(6202.83) T = 1240566 Allowable tensile strength = 1227.6 kN 12) Problem: tingle-angle tension member 175 mnt x 100 mm x 18 mm has two gage lines in its ng leg, anc one in the short log for 16 mm bolts arranged as shown. Area of the ‘section is 4961 mnd. Use A 36 steel F, = 248 MPaand F, = 400 MPa, Standard Compute the net area of the swngular section = Compute the allowable tension sirength of the angular section 4 hused on the gross area. Compute the allowable tensile strength of the angular section bos Inaved on the effective net area. Reduction factor u = 0.75. A 2213029, re SOLUTION: [Net area of angular section: n= 625 +625-18 Diam ofle = 186mm pq soo1 sane) + [0% « SOF] is 4211.74 mm? A@ Tensile strength of angular section based on gross area: T=060F, Ay T =0.6(288)(4961) 738197 N 738.20kN Tensile strength of angular section based on effective net area: Ac=U Ay Ae= 075421174) ‘Ag= 315881 mm? THO5F,As T= 0.5(400)(315881) 1761N T 63176 2.22 CE Board May 2002: The figure sows a ple having with of 409 ran hicnen of 72m tonnected to anather pete by 5 om obala2e down inthe figure 212. As Tarte of holes to be 2 lrger then the ameter ofthe bs Une A 38 Pach ytd seength Fr” 28 MPa and minimum terse sng Fc 10 are mire alate reeete par eee Gael ora ea ‘ish hep sal be elaine by ducting om he oe wih he ue Shanes ters fal hsm the aan aban free ap inthe hain he unity 5 where the longuinal enter teeter (te) any consecutive holes, in millimeters and g isthe transverse center fo center spaci (gage) between fastener gage lines in millimeters. Ia = 60 mm, ¢= 150 mim a d= 109 mm, ‘STEEL DESIGN Which of the following gives the ws value of b so that the net ong bolts 1-2-3-4 is equal net width along bolts 1-2-4 ich of the following gives the rest value of the net area for tension in the plates, Which of the following gives the he exewuded, SOLUTION: Value of bso that the net area obtained in chain 1-2-3-4 is equal to the net area of hain 12-4 eet COL te ©” LIBRARY ace. oe Supiaae “es Considering route 1-2-3-4: +274 OR 4 (1502 Seti = 400-404 +2) 05 aay +S Not width = 322.25Considering route 1-2-4 Value of P 50 as not to exceed the allowable tensile stress: P0605, Ag . 42) « (60 , (50-b? Net wid ~ 400-331 + 2) + {005 « OOS A osdeumyasor |-080-bP P=7142i0N, Net width = 301 + 050 1 205Fy <2 [oo 0934] a Net area mo 2 [ras 2] <2 fon O58 2035+ £50? e200 262 22500-3000 + 82 1200 6500-0 13 Probleme pe wten eo An = 3623.65 mm? p12 mm x 100 mm x 18 mm angular section having an area of 4960 min? is connected to rows of 16 mm e bolts with a hole diameter of 18.6 mnt in the 175 nin leg and vw row in the 100 mnt fey. Compute the spacing (pitch S) so that only two holes for y wn fasteners need be deducted in computing the net area, @ Netarea: Considering route 1-2. Net width = 400- 4(34 +2) + Net width = 322.22 mm oaierg it nur: te Net with snot +2) 60%, GEE wase2S-18 Ne wh = 30157 Na ae 301972) ste ABCDE: Netaren = 362365 weo-s0aoye)« [7S wss6+| 5% BS ks Ss) s[Net area when only 2 holes are dedusted: ‘Ay = 4960-2018.6K18) ‘Ay = 42904 mm? 3 = 57.28 mm on centers 2.24 Problem: From the.bolted connection shown in the figure 2.24 , the steel plates which 275 mm x 12 mum is connected by bol's having diameter of hole equal to 2 mm great than the 25 mn @ bolts. A 36 steel is used with Fy = 48 MPa, F, = 400 MPa » Compute the shear capacity of the joint if the connection is of bearing type using an A 490 bols with threads excluded from sheer with an allowable shearing stress Fy= 276 MPa. ® Compute the bearing capacity of the joint @ Compute the horizontal spacing (pitch) of rivets which will cause the strength of the plates to be equal to the strength of rivets. Assume A,= Ay SOLUTION: Shear capacity: Te AVF, Resp ayers a: 1490293 N P= 14903 kN [eating capacity: t Ayko Tye LF Te (25 + 212)C1190.29¢400) T= 1710720 N T<171072kN Horizontal spacing: Consider route A-B-D-C-E: Net wit s Net width= 194 + e setae 12 (ist Nee) T=060F, Ag T = 0.60(288)(275)(12) T= 491040 N Anam Ae Figure224 T=050Fy Ae sie «0soaon [2(s04 + )] g + Seams $= 3987 mm38 2.25 CE Board Nov. 1997 A steel plate is 360 mom wide and 20 mm thick with four bolt holes 25 mm e cat into plate as shown in the figure 225. The general expression for the specification f ‘computing the net area is te) = thickness of plate idth of plates liameter of holes S= pitch of rivets B= gage of rivets where Figure 225 Which ofthe following most nearly gives the critical net area A, for observation. SOLUTION: Route ABCRG: = 70 [360-305 2 (7) 40) “B00 ‘Ag = 5925 mm? Route ABCDE: ae SP, (60-457 a [20- ~3@5) EQ" -H50y ‘Ay = 5818.75 mm? Route A-B-C-ED-E: a 4 USP, (45 , 60) Age20 [350-405 3+ 5 Ay = 5625 mm? Use An = 5625 mn? 39 U6 Problem: lve plate shown in the accompanying figure 226 consists of a 250 mm x 10 mm vol plate with 5 rivets having diameter of holes to be 20 mm. A 36s specified with 2 MiL8 MPa, Miniraum tensile strength F, = 400 MPa. Compute the effective net area Ae 7 et ee ie ae ea SOLUTION: fective net area Ay: Route A-C-D-E: atid = 250-40) + BE EOF [Net width = 313.19 mm Rote ADE i Net wath = 250-900 + BF, « Net width = 219.77 mm owe ABE wic OF, Gor Net wit « 0-320) $85 + Net width = 2875 mmRoute A-E J 27 Problem: Net width = 250-2(20) wn the figure 2.27 shown, diameter of holes is 20 mm. Steel plates is made up of Net width = 210 mn i « 250 som with staggered sections in the accompanying figure. Resistance Net area An = 10(20875) ‘or for the yielding limit state = 0.90 Net area Ay = 2087.5 may oe 48.5 MPa min. tensile strength A, < 0.85 Ay Fy = 449.3 MPa ltrs DL=12 16 Ay <0:85(250)(10) Ap= Ay < 085 Ay stance factor for the fracture limit en 20875 mit ste = 76 nate the net area Ay for the late, Use LRFD method. Value of T based on gross ave rf ed on Compute the design strength of the connection. T=0608, Ay “Compute the maximum value of wivice load T when A36 steel is L ‘wed, the live load is four times - 250X1 7 T =0.60(248.8)(25010) the dead load. T=373200N T=3732kN SOLUTION: Net area Aa! Value of T based an effective net aren 1=050 Fy, Route ABE: G02 , 0? Net width = 250-3020) + GOK « {SOF T = 0,50(400)2087.5) T=417500N T=4175kN Net width = 208.75 ene42 Route ADE ‘ oF coe Net win =250-300) + Net width = 217 mm. Route A-C-DE 13.5)? | (75)? , (60) Net wim 250- 400) «GBR OS Net width = 307.25 mm (impossible) Route A-C-D: 3020) « W352 , 75% Net width = 250- 3(20) “4(60) * 4050) [Net width = 30925 mm (impossible) Route A-F: Net width = 250 -2(20) Net Width » 210 mam, Use net width = 208.75 ram Aner = 208.75(10) Saat = 2087.50 rom? Max. net= 0.85 A, ‘Max. net = 085(10}250) Max. net = 2125 mm? Use Aye = 2087.50 mn? LDvsign strength: yew Fy Ag (yielding limit) = 559800.N J rvctae iat Dune Fu Ac Ave Ag = 2087.50 mun? yx 0.75(4493)(2087 50) fy 70M35N tet, 359.800 KN (design strength) iice Load T: Aye L2DL + L6LL NOS =1.2D +1.6(4D) De 7365kN Le 4073.66) Ib 294.64 WN Tot service load T= D+ L 173.66 + 294.64 = 368.30 KN iaHAPTER THREE IGII MIN IO LO EN SON IIEMBERS) Types of bolted connection: ‘Sp-eritical or Friction type connection = bolted connections where high slip. ‘tance is desired. When high-strength bolts are fully tensioned, they clamp: parts being connected tightly toyether, this results on a considerable resistance to Ing on the surface equal to the clamping force times the coefficient of ‘niction” So ifthe shearing load is less than the permissible frictional resistance, ‘tw: connection is referred to a slip-critical or friction type. Ifthe load exceeds the ‘nictional resistance, the members will slip on each other and will tend to shear It the bolts and at the same time the connected parts will push or bear against thw bolts. In this type of connection, the specification assumes the bolts are in Anwar and no bearing, 3.1. Types of Bolts: Bolting and welding have been the methods used for making structural st connections for the past few decades and riveting is almost obsolete because they Tonger provide the most economical connections. Rivets are still occasionally used. fasteners, but their use has declined to such a degree that most steel fabricators ha discontinued riveting altogether. Nearing type connection = bolting connections where high slip resistance is not swear. Types of bolts use for connecting members: © Unfinished botts = sometimes. called ordinary o common bolts. They classified by the ASTM as A302 bolts and are made from carbon steals wi stress-strain characteristics similar o those of A-36 steel : 1 sizes and types of holes for bolts: ® High strength bolts = they are made from medium-carhon heat tested steel ang "i istsize bolt and sive holes are 1.6 mm larger in diameter than the bolt or from alloy steel and have tensile strengths greater than those of ordinary Dol ‘They are designated as A 325 and A 490 bolts. ‘Oversized Holes = they are used in all plies of connection as long as the applied ul does not exceed the allowable slip resistance. They should not be used in f ‘ing pe conection Were bao cil Short Slotted Holes = they oe ase regards ofthe ection ofthe applied isnt the permis sp tesistancei ge than the applod fore. Ih osd head nah 1s applied n'a dretion normal Wo the ou. these holes maybe used I any so "aunggpe connections @f-mm- alls Ion Slotted Holes = hey ré used in oly one ofthe connected parts of ition et) = - "tor bearing ie conection: For lon ype tse holes aye adn MS" 3/16" Bok lenght ony direction but for bearing-type connections the load must be normal to the, at ‘st-of the slotted holes, If long:slotted holes are used in an outer ply, they will ~vul tobe covered by plate washers.46 3.4 ‘Types of Bolted Connections: 5 Failure of Bolted Joints: © Lap Joint Inu Failure of Bolt: Shear Failure of Plate Behind Bolt i, ‘ensiun Failure of Plate me « }- r uring Failure of Plate ve © Butt Joint © Double shear Failure of a Butt Joint (en 60 Minimum Spacing of Bolts (ection 510.4.8) ‘unice between centers of standard, oversized or slotted fastener holes shall not be ite F times the nominal diameter ofthe fastener nor less than that required by ‘nllowing paragraph, ifapplicable.‘Along a line of transmitted forces, the distance betwean centers of holes °S” shall less than 3d when: F. F, 112 F, forstandard or short slotted holes with two or more bolts in line of force OF, far long-slotted holes with the axis of the slot perpendicular to direction of load and with two or more bolts in the line of force. Otherw' the distance between centers of holes shall not be less than the following: 2p id so2ee Bef Ea. 3.64 where: P= force transmitted by one fastener to the critical connected part = specified min. tensile strength of the critical connected part, ickness of critical connected part ‘nominal diameter of fastener 3.7 Minimum Edge Distance: oo e san; ot not eho 3.8 Maximum Edge Distance and Spacing: Max. L,= 12t but not to exceed 150 mm {t= thickness of the connected part under consideration For unpainted built up members which is exposed to. atmospheric corrosion: Max.L,=8t but not to exceed 125 mm Spacing of fasteners = 148 but to exceed 175 mm where t= thickness of thinnest part || LUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 9 Problem: Polted connection shown in figure 39 uses the friction type connection with 11m diameter A 325 bolt. Compute the force P required to ‘cause a slip of the 22 mum diam. bolt if the slip coefficient is 0.34 when the section is subjected to a jpretension load of 174 KN, Using the force P, compute the yominal shear stress. Compute the factor of safety ngainst a slip of a 22 mm diam. bolt if the allowable nominal shear stress is 120 MPa SowTion: fave P required to cause a sip ofthe 22 mm da bolt o.s4c174) 59.16kN 59160 Tap 155.63 MPa3.10 Problem: A double lap splice connection shown in figure 3.10 is made-up of 6 min x 150 minta 9 mm x 150 mm, Use NSCP specifications and assume a double row of bolts wi standard size holes for a bearing type connection with threads excluded from t shear planes. Minimum tensile strength Fu = 552.93 MPa, Assume dia. of hole’ 3 mm bigges than the diameter of bolts. Allowable shear stress is Fy = 207 MPI Allowable bearing stress fy = 1.2 Fu. Diam. of bolts is 19 mint. Fy= 489.25 MPa Compute the tensile capacity of the steo plates Compute the number of 19 mm diameter bolts to develop the full rength ofthe plates Compute the theoretical distance required, SOLUTION: Tensile capacity of steet plates: By inspection the cross sectional area ofthe center plate is Tess than the sur of the areas of the to outer plates, therefore check the “capacity ofthe center plat only. 15¢-22019 0,85(150)9) Max: by = 11475 mam? T= 080 FyAg T + 0:60(849.25\1509) 1 = 368893 N Use = 2s (ies capac of plates) Number oft: der. cpiy ofeach eh, Shar (double shear Ro Ako Jose) Renew By bearing of takts Rel 2F dy R-12F,t B+ 1.2(582.93)19)(9) Ke 113461N Use R= 113461 N (max. cmpeaty of bolts) Mami of tls Use 4 bolts (because there are 2 bolts im each row)52 i @TRUGTURAL STEEL DESIGN End distance required Ls LUTION P load per bolt capacity if bot treads ae ses plates = 205)]15 600 mam? A= 1500 men? 50(h6) 2400 min 060 FyAy Y 060(345.6)¢2400) | 497664 Min Ly = 1.5 diameter of bolt Min. Le = 1.5009) 1 050FyAg 1 9.50(449.3)1600) Use be =28.5 mt 1 35a ty of bald i single shear: 3.11 Probler Ko ADE, A bolted bearing type connection shown in figure 3.11 consists of 16 mm x 150 mig ®- $(22)°(207) steel plates with 22 mm diameter A 325 bolts and A 572 Grade 50 plate material wit standard holes (Fy = 345.6 MPa). Minimum tensile stzengih Fu — 449.3 M Allowable shearing stess Fy = 207 MPa. for bolt threads excluded from shear plan Diameter of holes 3 nim bigger than bolt diameter j k= 78687 N 1 7a6e714) 314748. © Determine the tensile capacity of the bearing type connection ifthe boll threads are excluded from the sheae plane. Determine the tensile capacity of 2 the bearing type connection if the bolt theead are included in the aring capacity of bots 21449 3422)(16) 89784 s9784(4) 759137 N shear plane. Allowable shear stress F,~ 145 MPa Compat- che theoretical length L f bolt threads are excluded from y= 314748 N the shear plane
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