Química Organica
Química Organica
Química Organica
The reducing ability of lithium borohydride is greatly enhanced in mixed solvents containing methanol. Esters,
lactones, and epoxides are reduced chemoselectively more rapidly with LiBH,-MeOH( 1 equiv added a t the
beginning)-ether than with LiBH4-ether in the presence of other reducible groups such as carboxylic acid, chloro,
nitro, and carbamoyl. On the other hand, nitro, nitrile, carboxyl, and primary and tertiary amide groups are
reduced with LiBH4-MeOH(4 equiv dropwise addition)-diglyme(or tetrahydrofuran). However, secondary amides
derived from aliphatic amines and metal carboxylate are not reduced. Thus, unique chemoselective reductions
of primary amide in the presence of secondary amide or metal carboxylate are achieved.
Metal hydrides and complex metal hydrides are widely vents, has not been fully studied.
used as reducing agents for organic compounds.' And This article reports the use of LSH, and MeOH in ether
much effort has been expended on developing a practical solvents as selective reducing agents with significant syn-
reducing system with novel functional group selectivities. thetic p ~ t e n t i a l . ~
In order to vary the reducing ability of complex metal Lithium borohydride (LiBH4)is commercially available
borohydrides several methods have been applied:1c.2 (1) and also easily prepared from sodium borohydride (NaB-
varying the cation, (2) addition of metal salts, (3) varying H4)4and has been reported to be a selective reducing agent
the solvent, (4) use of catalysts. In spite of many efforts, for ester^,^,^ although such reductions are relatively slow.
the choice of solvent, especially the effects of mixed sol-
(3) Preliminary communication: Soai, K.; Ookawa, A.; Hayashi, H. J.
(.l) reviews, see: (a) Haj6s, A. Complex Hydrides; Elsevier Sci- Chem. SOC.,Chem. Comnun. 1983, 668.
entific Publishing Co.: Budapest, 1979. (b) Walker, E. R. H. Chem. SOC. (4)Brown, H. C.; Choi, Y. M.; Narasimhan, S. Inorg. Chem. 1981,20,
Reo. 1976,5,23. (c) Brown, H. C.; Krishnamurthy, S. Tetrahedron 1979, 4454.
35, 567. (d) Maleh, J.; Cerry, M. Synthesis 1972, 217. (5)Nystrom, R.F.; Chaikin, S. W.; Brown, W. G. J.Am. Chem. SOC.
(2) Brown, H. C.; Narasimhan, S.; Choi, Y. M. J. Org. Chem. 1982,47, 1949, 71, 3245. Yoon, N. M.;Cha, J. S. Tuehan Hwahak Hoechi 1977,
4702. 21, 108.
- . CHiOH
Phy0CH3 1:1.51.5 2.00 PhCH=CHCHZOH
1:6.0:18.0 6.30 PhCH=CHCHZOH 71
1:1.5:1.5 0.25 n-C7Hl&H(OH)(CHz)30H 95
ethanol (64%) and 2-phenylethanol (35%). 1-Phenylethanol (37%) and 2-phenylethanol (29%). e Isolated yield unless otherwise noted.
fYield was determined by GC. #Values in parentheses are the yields without using MeOH. hMethyl cinnamate was recovered in 4% yield.
Also, LiBH4 displays much greater chemoselectivity than Table 11. Reduction of Styrene Oxide
lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH,) and is more soluble total
in ether-type solvents than NaBH4.2 yield,” ratio of
During our continuing studies on chemoselective,B reducing system % l-phenylethanol:2-phenylethanol
diastereoselective,’i6 and enantiosele~tive~reductions with LiBH,-MeOH-EtzO 99 65:35
complex borohydrides, we have found that the reducing LiBH4-Etz0 66 56:44
power of LiBH4 is greatly enhanced and unique chemo-
Isolated as mixture of 1-phenylethanol and 2-phenylethanol.
selectivities are achieved by employing ether-type solvents Ratio was determined by GC analysis.
containing methanol (MeOH). Thus, reducing systems of
LiBH4-MeOH-Et20 are effective for the rapid and se- hand, without MeOH the yield of benzyl alcohol decreased
lective reduction of esters. On the other hand, LiBH4- to 22% yield (Table I, entry 6). The generality of the effect
MeOH-diglyme(or THF) is much more potent and enables of MeOH was exemplified by the rapid reductions of ali-
the selective reduction of primary amides in the presence phatic, aromatic, di- and a,p-unsaturated esters, epoxides,
of secondary amides or carboxylic acid salts. To the best and lactone (Table I). In all cases examined, yields of the
of our knowledge, the latter selective reduction by a con- products increased significantly in the presence of MeOH.
ventional method has not been achieved. We report here Furthermore, we examined the effect of the steric re-
in detail several chemoselective reducing system using quirements of the ester alcohol group. The esters of ste-
LiBH4 in ether-type solvents containing MeOH.
rically hindered carboxylic acids (pivalic acid and 2-
LiBH4-MeOH-Et20 Reducing System. The addition ethylbutanoic acid) were rapidly reduced to the corre-
of an equimolar amount of MeOH to LiBH4 strongly en-
sponding alcohols by the reducing system (entries 3 and
hanced the reduction rates of esters, lactone, and epoxides 4). The difference in the steric hindrance in the acyl side
by LiBH4 in ether at room or refluxing temperatures. As of esters hardly affected the reducing rates (entries 1,3,
shown in Table I, ethyl benzoate was reduced to benzyl 4, and 5). On the other hand, the reduction of the esters
alcohol in 93% yield by LiBH, in 0.75 h in ether containing derived from sterically hindered alcohols (secondary or
MeOH (molar ratio MeOH/LiBH, = 1). On the other tertiary alcohols) required longer reaction times than the
esters of primary alcohols. Therefore, the leaving ability
(6) Soai, K.; Oyamada, H.; Ookawa, A. Synth.Commun.1982,12,463. of the alkoxy group is more important than steric hin-
Sod, K.; Oyamada, H.; Takase, M.; Ookawa, A. Bull. Chem. SOC.Jpn. drance about the reaction site. Nevertheless, these latter
1984,57, 1948. Soai, K.; Oyamada, H.; Takase, M. Zbid. 1984,57, 2327. reductions proceeded more rapidly than those without
Soai, K.; Oyamada, H. Synthesis 1984, 605. Soai, K.; Ookawa, A.; Oya-
mada, H.; Takase, M. Heterocycles 1982,19,1371. Ookawa, A.; Yoko- using MeOH (entries 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10,Table I). For
yama, S.; Soai, K. Synth. Commun.1986,16, 819. example, tert-butyl benzoate was reduced in only 6%
(7) Soai, K.; Komiya, K.; Shigematsu, Y.; Hasegawa, H.; Ookawa, A. without using MeOH. However, benzyl alcohol was ob-
J . Chem. SOC., Chem. Commun. 1982, 1282. Soai, K.; Hasegawa, H. J . tained in 26% in the presence of MeOH. On the other
Chem. SOC., Perkin Trans. I 1986, 769.
(8) Soai, K.; Ohi, K. Bull. Chem. SOC.Jpn. 1986,58, 1601. hand, 4-heptyl-4-butanolide (which is an intramolecular
(9) Soai, K.; Yamanoi, T.; Oyamada, H. Chem. Lett. 1984, 251. Soai, ester of a secondary alcohol) was reduced more rapidly
K.; Oyamada, H.; Yamanoi, T. J . Chem. SOC., Chem. Commun.1984,413. than the corresponding isopropyl benzoate (entries 8, 9,
Soai, K.; Yamanoi, T.; Hikima, H.; Oyamada, H. J. Chem. SOC.,Chem.
Commun.1986, 138. Soai, K.; Yamanoi, T.; Hikima, H. J. Organomet. and 14). In the reduction of epoxides the more substituted
Chem. 1986,290, C23. alcohol was produced predominantly. This 2-hexyloxirane
4002 J. Org. Chem., Vol. 51, No. 21, 1986 Soai and Ookawa
Table 111. Chemoselective Reduction of Esters and Epoxide in the Presence of Nitro, Chloro, Carbamoyl, and Carboxyl
Groups by LiBH,-MeOH-Et20
A+B -C+B
MeOH + Et@ (recovery)
substrate product recoveryld %
entrv A B time, h C '70 B
la -
0.5 90
2" EO
, +l
0.5 HOH*C+cl - 91
36 PhCOzEt PhCONHz 2.5 PhCHZOH 1ooe 89
4b P h T PhCONHz 1.5 phenylethanols 95 99
5' PhCOzMe n-CgHigCOzH 1.0 benzyl alcohol 92 98
folar ratio of substrate:LiBH4:Me was 1:1.5:1.5. b l l r ratio of ... B iBH,:MeOH was 1:1:3 Iolar ratio o- .-.B:LiB
was 1:1:1.75:1.75.dIsolated yield unless otherwise noted. e Yield was determ ed by GC analysis.
was reduced selectively to 2-octanol (entry 16, Table I). Table IV. Reduction of Various Kinds of Compounds by
Reduction of styrene oxide by LiBH4-MeOH-Et,O af- LiBH,-MeOH-Diglyme
forded l-phenylethanol(@%) and 2-phenylethanol(35%) yield>*'
in 99% total yield (entry 15). On the other hand, without entry substrate" product %
the use of MeOH, the total yield of 1-and 2-phenylethanols 1 PhNOz PhNHz 87 (41)
dropped to 66% Furthermore, the rapid and selective 2 n-CSH17NOZ n-CSH17NHZ 50
reductions of esters and epoxides in the presence of car- 3 PhCN PhCHzNHz 98 (70)
boxylic acid, nitro, carbamoyl, or chloro groups were readily 4 n-C7HibCN n-CsH17NHz 78
accomplished with LiBH4-MeOH in ether. Results are 5 PhCOzH PhCHzOH 89
6 n-CgH&OZH n-CloHZ10H 100 (83)
shown in Table 111. In all cases, esters were reduced 7 n-CgH&OZH n-CloH210H 85d
selectively and rapidly. Such selective reductions can not 8 n-CgHlgCo~H n-CloHziOH 39"
be achieved by strong reducing agent such as LiA1H4. For 9 PhCOzNa f
example, competitive reduction of methyl benzoate and
"Unless otherwise noted, substrate (1 mmol), LiBH4 (3 mmol),
decanoic acid with LiBH,-MeOH in refluxing ether af- DGM (4 mL), and MeOH (0.45 mL) were used and reactions were
forded benzyl alcohol in 92% yield, while decanoic acid carried out at reflux temperature. *Yield was determined by GC
was recovered in 98% yield (entry 5, Table 111). analysis. "he values in parentheses were yields without using
LiBH4-MeOH-Diglyme(or THF) Reducing System. MeOH. dReaction was carried out at 140 "C. eReaction was car-
In changing to THF or diglyme as solvent, further en- ried out at 100 "C. fBenzyl alcohol was not detected by GC anal-
hancement of ;he reducing capabilities of LiBH4 was ob- ysis.
served. reductions of other groups with LiBH4 in DGM-MeOH
Thus, nitro, nitrile, carboxylic acid, and primary amide are summarized in Table IV. As shown, the presence of
groups, which are reported not to be reduced with LiBH4 MeOH apparently increased the yields of the product of
or to be reduced only sluggishly under the usual reaction the reduction of benzonitrile to 98% (from 70% without
conditions: were reduced in high yields by LiBH4 in DGM MeOH, entry 3) and decanoic acid to 100% (from 83%
and MeOH. The powerful reducing ability of LiBH4 in without MeOH, entry 6). The effect of reaction temper-
DGM-MeOH is clearly exemplified by the reduction of ature was also examined in the reduction of decanoic acid
nitrobenzene (Table IV, entry 1). When nitrobenzene was to 1-decanol (entry 6-8). A t 100 "C the reaction mixture
reduced with LiBH4in refluxing DGM without MeOH, the was a gel and the reaction was sluggish (39% yield). At
yield of aniline was only 41 % , However, the yield of an- reflux temperature, however, the reaction mixture became
iline dramatically increased to 87 % when nitrobenzene (1 a clear solution and decanoic acid was reduced to 1-decanol
mmol) was reduced by LiBH4 (3 mmol) with dropwise in quantitative yield.
addition of MeOH (11 mmol, molar ratio MeOH/LiBH4 Reactivity to carbamoyl group by the above reducing
= about 4) during the reduction in refluxing DGM. It system was also examined and the results are summarized
should be noted that reduction of nitrobenzene to aniline in Table V. Aliphatic and aromatic primary amides were
by complex metal hydride is usually difficult and the re- reduced to the corresponding primary amines in good to
duction stops at azo or azoxy stages.12 The results of the
Table VI. Chemoselective Reduction of Primary Amides in the Presence of Secondary Amide and Metal Carboxylate by
yield,b % recovery: %
entry A B C D B
86 14
83 22
3 PhCONHp PhCOpNa PhCHpNHz PhCHzOH 77d
92 5
4 n-C7H&ONHz PhCOzNa n-C8Hl7NH2 PhCHZOH 60d
90 38
" A (1 mmol), B (1 mmol), LiBH,, (3 mmol), DGM (4 mL), and MeOH (0.45 mL). bDetermined by GC analysis. cIsolated yield. dIsolated
as benzoic acid.
chemoselectivities with this reducing system were found As described above, the LiBH4-MeOH-DGM (or THF)
in the reduction of secondary amides. Thus, secondary reducing systems are powerful but do not reduce metal
amides of aromatic amine were reduced in good yields carboxylate and secondary amide derived from aliphatic
(entries 5 and 61,while corresponding secondary amides amines.
of aliphatic amines were hardly affected (entries 3 and 4). In order to explore the synthetic scope of selective re-
The reactivity order of the primary and secondary amides ductions available, competitive studies were conducted
by the present reducing system is unusual, because sec- with groups normally difficult to distinguish reductively
ondary amides are known to be reduced more rapidly than LiBH4-MeOH-DGM (or THF). It had been reported that
primary amides by borane or LiAlHq.I4 Tertiary amides diborane reduces primary amides and does not reduce
were reduced in THF-MeOH at reflux temperatures under metal carboxylates.ls However, a recent report revealed
milder condition than other primary and secondary am- that metal carboxylates are reduced by diborane.lg
ides. It is well-known that the reduction of amides proceed Therefore the selective reduction of primary amides by
via carbon-nitrogen (C-N) or carbon-oxygen (C-0) bond diborane in the presence of metal carboxylates should be
fission of the carbamoyl group.15 Reducing agents such difficult. Likewise, no report has appeared on the selective
as LiAlH4and borane usually afford amines via C-0 bond reduction of primary amides in the presence of secondary
fission. However, the reduction of tertiary amides with amides derived from primary aliphatic amines.2O To take
LiBH4-MeOH-THF was found to afford alcohols pre- advantage of the present facile reduction of primary am-
dominantly via carbon-nitrogen bond fissions. The re- ides by the above-described LiBH4-MeOH-DGM, we
duction of Nfl-dimethylbenzamide by LiBH4-MeOH- consequently carried out selective reductions of primary
THF afforded benzyl alcohol selectively in 90% (entry 7), amides in the presence of metal carboxylate and secondary
while without the MeOH a mixture of the benzyldi- amide. The results of selective reductions by LiBH4-
methylamine (33%,via C-0 cleavage) resulted together MeOH-DGM are shown in Table VI. For example, a
with benzyl alcohol (58%).16J7 Thus, the addition of mixture of equimolar amounts of benzamide and sodium
MeOH not only increased the reducing power of LiBH4 benzoate was reduced with three molar amounts of LiBH4
but also increased the selectivity in tertiary amide re- in DGM and with dropwise addition of MeOH (entry 3).
ductions. Benzamide was reduced selectively to afford benzylamine
(14) Fieser, L. F.; Fieser, M. Reugents for Organic Synthesis; John (18) Brown, H. C.; Rao, B. C. S. J. Am. Chern. SOC. 1960, 82, 681.
Wiley and Sons, Inc.: New York, 1967; p 588. (19) Yoon, N. M.; Cho, B. T. Tetrahedron Lett. 1982, 23, 2475.
(15) MiEoviE, V. M.; MihailoviE, M. L. J. Org. Chem. 1953, 18, 1190. (20) After the publication of our preliminary
(16) Davis, M. J. Chem. SOC. 1956, 3981. Hutchins et al. report that sodium (dimethy1amino)borohydridereduces
(17) For the reduction of tertiary amides to alcohols with lithium primary amide more rapidly than secondary amide. Hutchins, R. 0.;
triethylborohydride, see: Brown, H. C.; Kim, S. C. Synthesis 1977,635. Learn, K.; EI-Telbany, F.; Stercho, Y. P. J. Org. Chem. 1984,49, 2438.
4004 J . Org. Chem., Vol. 51, No. 21, 1986 Soai and Ookawa
in 92 % yield. Sodium benzoate was recovered as benzoic dition of MeOH at the beginning. This result suggests that
acid in 77% isolated yield. Similarly, the reduction of the the proton source required for the reduction is more ef-
mixture of benzamide and N-methylbenzamide afforded fectively supplied in the dropwise addition than the ad-
benzylamine (86% yield) and benzylmethylamine (14% dition at the beginning. It is known that a solvent such
yield). The recovery of N-methylbenzamide was 80% as 2-propanol is incorporated in the acyclic mechanism of
(entry 1). Reductions of epoxides with LiBH4-MeOH- the reduction of ketones with sodium borohydride in protic
THF also displayed structual selectivity. Thus, the se- solvents. 2-Propanol donates a proton to the ketone ox-
lective reduction of styrene oxide in the presence of 2,3- ygen atom.21 The fact that, in the present reduction,
diphenyloxirane was achieved (eq 1). Moreover, diaste- MeOH affords a higher yield than 2-propanol may be due
to the better hydrogen-bonding and proton-donating
abilities of MeOH (pKa = 16-18) than 2-propanol (pKa
= 18). This mechanism may be applicable to the present
reducing system especially when MeOH is added dropwise
to the reaction mixture. On the other hand, there is a
PhCH2CH20H t ph\''"ph (1) possibility that methoxy-substituted lithium borohydrides
100% recovery
formed in situ from the reaction with MeOH may be the
actual reducing species. However, from the result of the
reomer-selectivereduction of oxiranes was observed. Thus, aging effect, MeOH as proton source from the dropwise
reduction of an equimolar mixture of cis- and trans-2,3- addition seems to be more important to increase the re-
diphenyloxiranewith excess LiBH4(6 molar equiv) in THF ducing capabilities.
in the presence of MeOH, the cis isomer was reduced more As described, reducing system of LiBH,-MeOH-Et,O,
rapidly (ratio cis:trans reduction = 80:22). DGM, or THF enabled various kinds of synthetically
PhvPh + PhvPh - LiBH4
useful chemoselective reductions.
MoOti-THF Experimental Section
0 0 102%
Melting and boiling points were not corrected. IR spectra were
Pht7)Ph Pht_/gPh recorded with a Hitachi 260-10 spectrophotometer. 'H NMR
t ( 2) spectra (60 MHz) were recorded by using either a Varian EM-360A
0 0 NMR spectrometer or a JEOL JNM-PMXSO NMR spectrometer.
20% recovery 78% recovery GC analyses were carried out with a Shimadzu gas chromatograph
Model GC-4C. All of the reactions were run under an atmosphere
Our main purpose of this study was to establish syn- of argon.
thetic utility of mixed solvents containing MeOH in che- Materials. Methanol was stored over 3A molecular sieves.
moselective reductions with LiBH4. Therefore, it is not Diethyl ether, tetrahydrofuran and diglyme (DGM) were distilled
possible from the present study to conclude the definite from lithium aluminum hydride. Organic solutions were dried
mechanism involved. However, the following reductions over anhydrous sodium sulfate.
were conducted in order to obtain some informations on Lithium borohydride (LiBH4,Wako)was used without further
the reduction mechanism. In the reduction of ethyl ben- purification and the hydride content determined as described.22
zoate, the best yield (93%, Table I, entry 6) was attained Most of organic compounds utilized in this study were commercial
when the molar ratio of MeOH to LiBH4was 1 (59%when products of high purities (Tokyo Kasei, Nakarai, Aldrich), but
they were further purified by distillation when necessary. Sec-
the ratio was 0.5, and 27% when the ratio was 2). Sur- ondary and tertiary amides were prepared by the Schotten-
prisingly, aging effect was considerable. Thus, when an Baumann method using the corresponding acyl chloride and
equimolar amounts of LiBH4 and MeOH in Et,O was al- amine. Melting or boiling points of amides synthesized are as
lowed to stand at 0 "C for 2 h before the addition of the follows: N-methyloctanamide, mp 36-38 "C (lit.23mp 38.9 "C),
ester, the yield of benzyl alcohol dropped to 39% (93% N-methylbenzamide, mp 80-81 "C (lit.24mp 82 "C), N,N-di-
comparative reduction under the same conditions without methylphenylacetamide, bp 140 "C/3 mmHg (bath temperature)
aging, Table I, entry 6). During the aging period, all the (lit.25bp 155 "C/10 mmHg), Nfl-dimethylbenzamide, bp 155
MeOH is considered to react with LiBH4 to produce "C/20 mmHg (bath temperature) (lit.%bp 139-140 "C/17 mmHg).
LiBHJOMe) and/or various methoxy-substituted boro- Octanamide was synthesized from heptyl cyanide and hydrogen
peroxide: mp 106-107 "C (lit.27mp 106 "C). 1-Nitrooctane was
hydrides as a result of the disproportionation. From the prepared by the method of Zubrick et a1.28using 18-crown-6 as
present study, it is not possible to define the exact phase-transfer catalyst: bp 145-150 "C/25 mmHg (lit.29bp 72
structure of these species. As to the effect of alcohol, "C/3 mmHg).
2-propanol was found to be less effective than MeOH. Determination of yields by GC analysis was performed by using
Thus, in the comparative reduction of ethyl benzoate using internal standards. The analytical conditions (analyzed com-
2-propanol instead of MeOH, the yield of benzyl alcohol pound, internal standard and column temperature) are described
dropped to 71% (93% with MeOH, Table I, entry 6). below. The values in parentheses are retention times (min). A
We adopted two procedures of the addition of MeOH. 25-m SE-30 capillary column and an FI detector were used: for
One is the addition of an equimolar amount of MeOH to 2-ethylbutanol (8.5), neopentyl alcohol (4.0), 45 "C; for 1-decanol
LiBH, at the beginning of the reduction of esters, the other (13.5), aniline (6.7), benzyl alcohol (8.4), octylamine (9.2), heptyl
is the dropwise addition of excess amount of MeOH during
the reduction of the groups other than esters. Conse- (21) Wigfield, D. C.; Gowland, F. W. J. Org. Chem. 1977, 42, 1108.
quently capabilities of these two addition procedures were (22) Brown, H. C. Organic Syntheses via Boranes; John Wiley and
Sons, Inc.: New York, 1975.
compared in the reduction of (dimethy1amino)benzamide. (23) D'Alelio, G. F.; Reid, E. E. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1937, 59, 109.
Thus, a 3 molar amount of MeOH was added to a 3 molar (24) Beilsteins 1926, 9, p 201.
amount of LiBH, in THF at the beginning of the reduction (25) Reference 24, 9, p 437.
(26) Kikugawa, Y.; Ikegami, S.; Yamada, S. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 1969,
of a 1 molar amount of dimethylbenzamide. The benzyl 17,98.
alcohol obtained was only 44% yield (90% in comparative (27) Mitchell, J. A.; Reid, E. E. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1931, 53, 1879.
dropwise addition of excess MeOH, Table V, entry 7), and (28) Zubrick, J. W.; Dunbar, B. I.; Durst, H. D. Tetrahedron Lett.
1975, 71.
starting material was recovered in 55%. Apparently the (29) Kornblum, N.; Taub, B.; Unmade, H. E. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1954,
dropwise addition of MeOH is more capable than the ad- 76, 3209.
Unique Chemoselective Reductions with Lithium Borohydride J. Org. Chem., Vol. 51, No. 21, 1986 4005
cyanide (10.4), benzylamine (6.8), and N-methylbenzylamine with ether. The extract was dried and evaporated in vacuo. Most
(10.0), naphthalene (26.0, standard), 80 OC; for N-methyloctyl- of DGM was removed by bulb-bbulb distillation under reduced
amine (9.8), naphthalene (14.3, standard), 90 "C. pressure. The residue was purified by preparative silica gel TLC
Typical experimental procedures for each reducing system are (chloroform/methanol/acetic acid = 20:l:trace as developing
shown below. solvent). Sodium benzoate was recovered as benzoic acid (94 mg)
Reduction of Methyl Decanoate by LiBH4-MeOH-Et20 in 77%.
(Table I, Entry 1). A mixture of LiBH4 (1.5 mmol), methyl Selective Reduction of Styrene Oxide in the Presence of
decanoate (186 mg, 1mmol), methanol (0.061 mL, 1.5 mmol), and trans -2,3-Diphenyloxirane by LiBH4-MeOH-THF. A mix-
EhO (4 mL) was refluxed for 15 min. The reaction was quenched ture of styrene oxide (120 mg, 1mmol), trans-2,3-diphenyloxirane
with 1 N hydrochloric acid with ice-cooling. The mixture was (196 mg, 1mmol), LiBH4 (3 mmol), MeOH (0.25 mL), and T H F
diluted with water and was extracted with dichloromethane. The ( 5 mL) was refluxed for 3 h. After cooling the mixture to room
extract was dried and the solvent was evaporated under reduced temperature, MeOH and water were added to quench the reaction.
pressure. Purification by silica gel TLC (dichloromethane/ The mixture was extracted with dichloromethane which was dried
methanol = 30:l as developing solvent) afforded 1-decanol (152 and the solvent evaporated under reduced pressure. Purification
mg, 96%). by silica gel TLC (dichloromethaneas developing solvent) afforded
Selective Reduction of Methyl Benzoate i n the Presence 1-and 2-phenylethanol (118 mg, 97%) and trans-2,3-diphenyl-
of Capric Acid by LiBH4-MeOH-Et20 (Table 111, E n t r y 5). oxirane (196 mg, 100% recovery). 'H NMR analysis showed that
A mixture containing methyl benzoate (136 mg, 1mmol), capric the ratio of 1-phenylethanol and 2-phenylethanol was 91:9.
acid (172 mg, 1 mmol), LiBH, (1.75 mmol), methanol (0.071 mL, Diastereomer-Selective Reduction of cis-2,3-Diphenyl-
1.75 mmol), and ether (4 mL) was refluxed for 1h and was then oxirane i n t h e Presence of trans -2,3-Diphenyloxirane by
cooled to room temperature. Water and 1 N hydrochloric acid LiBH4-MeOH-THF. A mixture containing cis-2,3-diphenyl-
were added to quench the reaction with ice-cooling; then the oxirane (196 mg, 1mmol), trans-2,3-diphenyloxirane(196 mg, 1
mixture was made basic to pH 11 with 1 N aqueous sodium mmol), LiBH4 (6 mmol), T H F ( 5 mL), and methanol (0.46 mL)
hydroxide. The mixture was extracted with dichloromethane, was refluxed for 5 h. The reaction was quenched with MeOH
the extract was dried, and the solvent was evaporated under and water. Most of methanol was evaporated under reduced
reduced pressure. Purification by silica gel TLC (dichloromethane pressure. The mixture was extracted with dichloromethane, the
as developing solvent) afforded benzyl alcohol (99.8 mg, 92%) extract was dried, and solvent was evaporated under reduced
and methyl benzoate (3.7 mg, 3%). Meanwhile, aqueous phase pressure. Purification by silica gel TLC (dichloromethane as
was acidified to pH 1 with 3 N hydrochloric acid. The mixture developing solvent) afforded 1,2-diphenylethan01(202mg, 102%)
was extracted with dichloromethane and dried over anhydrous and cis- and trans-2,3-diphenyloxirane(191 mg, 98%). 'H NMR
sodium sulfate. Concentration and distillation by the bulb-to-bulb analysis showed that the recoveries of cis- and trans-2,3-di-
method (bath temperature 130 OC/3 mmHg) gave recovery of phenyloxirane were 20% and 78%, respectively.
capric acid (168 mg, 98% recovery).
Reduction of Octanamide by LiBH4-MeOH-DGM (Table Acknowledgment. We t h a n k Mr. Hiroshi Hayashi for
V, E n t r y 2). Methanol (0.45 mL) was added dropwise to a contribution in the early stage of this research and Mr. Koji
mixture of octanamide (143 mg, 1 mmol), LiBH4 (3 mmol), and H i r a t s u k a for technical assistance.
DGM (4 mL) over a period of 2 h a t reflux temperature. The
mixture was refluxed for an additional 2 h and was cooled to room
temperature. The reaction was quenched by adding methanol Registry No. LiBH4, 16949-15-8; MeOH, 67-56-1; n-
and water successively. After most of methanol was evaporated CgHlgC02CH3, 110-42-9; (CH,CH,)&HCO&H,, 816-11-5; (C-
under reduced pressure, GC analysis showed the presence of HJ3CC02CH3, 598-98-1; PhC02CH3, 93-58-3; PhC02CHZCH3,
n-octylamine (77%) and heptyl cyanide (4%). 93-89-0; PhC02CH(CH3)2, 939-48-0; PhCO2C(CH,),, 774-65-2;
Reduction of N , N - D i m e t h y l b e n z a m i d e by LiBH4- 2-MeOCOC6H,CO2Me, 131-11-3; ~ L - C ~ ~ H ~112-30-1;
~ O H , (C2-
MeOH-THF (Table V, E n t r y 7). To a refluxing mixture of H5)2CHCH,OH, 97-95-0; (CH,),CCH,OH, 75-84-3; PhCHZOH,
Nfl-dimethylbenzamide (150 mg, 1mmol), LiBH4 (3 mmol), and 100-51-6;2-HOCH2C6H4CH20H, 612-14-6; PhCH=CHC02Me,
T H F (4 mL) was added methanol (0.45 mL) dropwise over a 103-26-4; PhCH=CHCHZOH, 104-54-1; PhCH&H,CHZOH,
period of 2 h. After the mixture was cooled to room temperature, 122-97-4;PhCH2CH2C02Me,103-25-3;n-C7H15CH(OH)(CH2),0H,
1N hydrochloric acid was added, and the mixture was alkalined 4272-02-0; PhCH(OH)CH,, 98-85-1; PhCHZCHzOH, 60-12-8;
to pH 11 with concentrated aqueous NaOH. The mixture was n-C6H&H(OH)CH, 123-96-6; 4-O2NC6H,COzEt, 99-77-4; 4-
extracted with chloroform, the organic layer was dried, the solvent CICgH4CO2Et,7335-27-5; PhCONH2,55-21-0;4-02NCgH,CH,OH,
was evaporated under reduced pressure, and the residue was 619-73-8; 4-ClCBH,CH2OH, 873-76-7; n-CgHleC02H, 334-48-5;
purified by preparative silica gel TLC (dichloromethane as de- PhN02, 98-95-3; n-CsH17N02, 629-37-8; PhCN, 100-47-0; n-
veloping solvent) to give benzyl alcohol (97 mg, 90%). C7H15CN,124-12-9; PhCOZH, 65-85-0; PhC02Na, 532-32-1; n-
Selective Reduction of Benzamide i n the Presence of C8H17NH2, 111-86-4; PhCH2NH2, 100-46-9; n-C7H15CONH2,
Sodium Benzoate by LiBH4-MeOH-DGM (Table VI, E n t r y 629-01-6; PhCONHMe, 613-93-4; n-C7H15CONHMe,1119-57-9;
3). To a refluxing mixture of benzamide (121 mg, 1mmol), sodium PhCONHPh, 93-98-1; CHSCONHPh, 103-84-4; T Z - C ~ H I ~ N H ~ ,
benzoate (144 mg, 1 mmol), LiBH4 (3 mmol), and DGM (4 mL) 111-86-4; PhCH2NHMe, 103-67-3; n-C8H15NHMe, 2439-54-5;
was added methanol (0.45 mL) over a period of 2 h, and the PhNH2, 62-53-3; PhCHZNHPh, 103-32-2; EtNHPh, 103-69-5;
mixture was refluxed for additional 2 h. After quenching the PhCONMe2, 611-74-5; PhCH2CONMe2, 18925-69-4; Ph-
reaction by adding methanol and water, most of methanol was (CH2)2NMe2,1126-71-2; trans-2,3-diphenyloxirane,1439-07-2;
evaporated under reduced pressure. GC analysis showed the 1689-71-0;1,2-diphenylethanol, 614-29-9;
presence of benzyl alcohol (92%) and benzylamine ( 5 % ) . The dihydro-5-heptyl-2(3H)-furanone,104-67-6 phenyloxirane, 96-09-3;
mixture was acidified with 6 N hydrochloric acid and was extracted hexyloxirane, 2984-50-1.