Beginner: Intermediate Advanced Elite
Beginner: Intermediate Advanced Elite
Beginner: Intermediate Advanced Elite
Hips squats: 50 free squats x squats: 100 free squats x pistols: 10 each leg ? pistols: 25 each leg
squat: 1 x BW x squat: 1 1/2 x BW ? squat: 2 x BW
Push push ups: 10 x push ups: 30 ? push ups: 40 on rings push ups: 60 on rings
bench press: 1 x BW x bench press: 1 1/4 x BW bench press: 1 1/2 x BW
Pull static hang: 30 seconds x rope climb: 20 foot climb with feet, 1 trip ? rope climb: 20 foot climb 1 trip, no feet ? rope climb: 20 foot climb 2 trips, no feet
Work kettlebell swings: 25 ? kettlebell snatch: 30 each arm, kettlebell snatch: 10 minute test, 200 reps, 2 db/kb clean & jerk: 150 reps in
men 24 kg, women 16 kg men 24 kg, women 16 kg 10 minutes men 24 kg women 16 kg
Speed 400 m run: 2:04 minutes ? 400 m run: 1:34 minutes ? 400 m run: 1:19 minutes ? 400 m run: 1:04 minutes
Push military press: 1/4 x BW ? military press: 1/2 x BW military press: 3/4 x BW military press: 1 x BW
handstand hold: 1 minute ? handstand push up: 10 handstand push up: 10 full range
Pull medicine ball cleans: 10 ? power clean: 3/4 x BW clean: 1 BW clean: 1 1/2 x BW
Core sitting knees to chest: 10 ? hanging knees to elbows: 15 ? hanging straight leg raise: 20 front lever: 15 seconds
Work wall ball: 25 ? thrusters: 45 reps at 1/2 BW sandbag carry: 1 mile w/ 1/2 x BW sandbag carry: 1 mile w/ 3/4 x BW
800 m run: 4:20 minutes ? 800 m run: 3:20 min ? 800 m run: 2:50 min 800 m run: 2:20 min
Speed 500 m row: women 2:20, men 1:55 ? 500 m row: women 2:00, men 1:45 500 m row: women 1:50, men 1:32 500 m row: women 1:40, men 1:25
Pull pull ups: 3 x pull ups: 20 ? pull ups: 40 pull ups: 40 dead hang
pull up: 1 with 1/3 x BW ? pull up: 1 with 3/4 x BW pull up: 1 with 1 x BW
muscle up: 1 ? muscle up: 10 muscle up: 15
Core L-sit: 10 seconds x L-sit: 30 seconds ? L-sit: 1 minute L-sit: 1:30 minutes
Work 2 km row: women 9:50, men 8:10 ? 2 km row: women 8:50, men 7:30 women: 5k row, 21:00, men: 6k row, 21:45 5 km row for women, 6 km for men, in 20:00
Speed dumbbell snatch: 10/arm ? power snatch: 1/2 x BW snatch: 1 x BW snatch: 1 1/4 x BW
Work 1 mile run: 9 minutes ? 1 mile run: 7 minutes ? 1 mile run: 6 min 1 mile run: 5 min
Christine: 15 minutes ? Helen: 11:30 minutes Chelsea: 30 minutes Mary: 15 rounds in 20 minutes
CrossFit Total Back Squat
Shoulder Press
Dead Lift
Fight Gone Bad Wall ball shots 10' target @ 20lbs
Sumo High Pull Dead Lift @ 75 lbs
Box jump @ 20" box
Push Press @ 75 lbs
Filthy 50 50 Box Jumps @ 24"
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 Kettleball Swings @ 1 pood
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press @ 45 lbs
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball Shots @ 20 lbs
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Nasty Girls 50 Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135 lbs
The Heroes
Badger 95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Daniel 50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
800 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups
Jason 100 Squats
5 Muscle-ups
75 Squats
10 Muscle-ups
50 Squats
15 Muscle-ups
25 Squats
20 Muscle-ups
Josh 95 pound Overhead squat, 21 reps
42 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 9 reps
18 Pull-ups
Joshie 40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm
21 L Pull-ups
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm
21 L Pull-ups
JT Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Michael Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
Murph 1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
Nate 2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
Randy 75# power snatch, 75 reps
For time
For time
For time
For time
For time
For time
For time
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed
For time
For time
CREDIT Thankyou to Dave Werner of CrossFit Seattle for providing the CrossFit Community with the four levels
This is a summary of the excellent information provided on Dave's site. I thoroughly recommend that you
by following the link below ...
Level Level I
Description Healthy beginner. This level is the minimum
standard for health. Lacking these basic levels of
strength, flexibility and work capacity makes daily life
unnecessarily limited. The complete Level I should
be attainable within three to 12 months for those with
no significant limitations. At this level, proper basic
movements, such as hip flexion and active shoulder
use, are developed, while healed injuries and
structural problems are resolved.
Rules: 1. All challenges for a particular level must be completed within a calendar month to claim attainment o
2. Form must be perfect for reps to count, ie full hang, full lockout, correct technique
3. Must be verified by a reliable witness or video evidence supplied
ttle for providing the CrossFit Community with the four levels of Fitness Standards
on provided on Dave's site. I thoroughly recommend that you visit CrossFit Seattle
Level II
Intermediate athlete. All healthy adults can aspire
to this level of fitness and should perceive these
skills as normal. Basic movements are perfected
and advanced skills are introduced. The complete
Level II may take from six months to several years
to reach after achieving Level I. Along the way, you
develop significant levels of strength, stamina,
work capacity and speed, building on the Level I
foundation already attained
squats: 100 free squats
squat: 1 x bodyweight
push ups: 30
bench press: 1 x bodyweight
rope climb: 20 foot climb, 1 trip
v-ups: 30
kettlebell snatch: 30 each arm men 24kg women
400 meter run: 1:34 minutes
deadlift: 1 1/2 x bodyweight
military press: 1/2 x bodyweight
handstand hold: 1 minute
power clean: 3/4 x bodyweight
hanging knees to elbows: 15
thrusters: 45 reps at 1/2 x bodweight
800 meter run: 3:20 minutes
500 meter row: women 2:00 men 1:45
vertical jump: 18 inches
dips: 20
dip: 1 with 1/3 x bodyweight
pull ups: 20
pull up: 1 with 1/3 x bodyweight
muscle up: 1
L-sit: 30 seconds
2000 meter row: women 8:50 men 7:30
power snatch: 1/2 x bodyweight
Helen: 11:30 minutes, 3 rounds for time - 400
meter run, 21 kb swings, 12 pull ups
1 mile run: 7 minutes
Level III
Advanced athlete. Few people posses this level of
general fitness, although any healthy person can
achieve it. The strength, work capacity, power and
skill required to meet these goals can prepare you
to tackle any kind of physical performance with
competence and confidence. Expect to invest
another three to five years of consistent effort. This
is an appropriate level of general fitness for those
who depend on their fitness: competitive athletes,
military, law enforcement and firefighters. Engaging
in combat or highly competitive sports without
possessing the abilities of Level III is inviting injury
or failure. Any additional requirements of your sport
need to be added to this list
pistols: 10 each leg
squat: 1 1/2 x bodyweight
push ups: 40 on rings
bench press: 1 1/4 x bodyweight
rope climb: 20 foot climb 1 trip, no feet
overhead squat: 1 x bodyweight
kettlebell snatch: 10 minute test 200 reps men
24kg women 16kg
400 meter run: 1:19 minutes
deadlift: 2 x bodyweight
military press: 3/4 x bodyweight
handstand push up: 10
clean: 1 x bodyweight
hanging straight leg raise: 20
sandbag carry: 1 mile with 1/2 x bodyweight
800 meter run: 2:50 minutes
500 meter row: women 1:50 men 1:32
vertical jump: 25 inches
dips: 30 on rings
dip: 1 with 3/4 x bodyweight
pull ups: 40
pull up: 1 with 3/4 x bodyweight
muscle up: 10
L-sit: 1 minute
row: 5k row for women at 21:00 6k row for men at
snatch: 1 x bodyweight
Chelsea: 30 minutes, every minute on the minute
for 30 minutes - 5 pull ups, 10 push ups,15 squats
1 mile run: 6 minutes