Volleyball Rubric
Volleyball Rubric
Volleyball Rubric
Knowledge of Student has little knowledge of Student demonstrates a Student has a proficient Student demonstrates an
Volleyball volleyball rules, player positions satisfactory understanding of the understanding of the volleyball excellent understanding of
(Positions, rules, and safety of the game. Does not game rules and the playing game, the rules and play positions. volleyball. All rules and playing
passes, safety) adhere to safety positions. Acknowledges safety Displays appropriate safety cautions positions are known very well.
recommendations, requires within the game, needs some without prompting. Demonstrates excellent safety
constant supervision. reminders. and encourages other students to
comply with safety regulations.
Skills Student has limited ability in Student performs satisfactory Student has a proficient Student demonstrates an
(Key teaching points performing the skills and volleyball skills. Some understanding of the skills involved excellent understanding of
for skills, and techniques. Student does not understanding of key teaching in volleyball. Student correctly volleyball and the skills involved.
strategies involved in display correct key teaching points points is evident. Understands displays the key teaching points of Student develop and implement
the game of of major skills and has minimal and attempts to implement major skills and is able to implement strategies successfully within the
volleyball) input towards strategies of the strategies. strategies within the game. game, as well as assisting and
game. encouraging other students.
Behaviour and Student presents a poor attitude Student makes an effort to Student actively participates with a Student presents a positive and
Attitude towards playing volleyball and contribute towards the volleyball positive manner towards the enthusiastic approach to
Enthusiasm SEPEP roles. Student displays poor tournament, SEPEP roles and volleyball tournament and the SEPEP volleyball and SEPEP roles.
Positivity communication and negativity their team, but requires roles. Student regularly follows Student adopts a leadership role
towards teammates and disrupts occasional reminders to stay on instructions and contributes to the and always contributes to the
Demonstrates game play. task. team including encouragement. team without prompting. Displays
team work Students presents good team work effective communication.
Contributes to and communication skills.
Student demonstrates minimal Student demonstrates Student demonstrates proficient Student demonstrates excellent
Roles knowledge of allocated role. satisfactory knowledge of knowledge of allocated role. knowledge of allocated role.
Understanding of Student’s use of ICT tools are allocated role. Student’s Student’s use of ICT tools are Student uses ICT tools
role limited and inaccurate. sometimes utilises and engages consistent and accurate. consistently and accurately.
Accuracy applied with ICT tools. Student actively refers back to ICT
ICT tools utilised tools to extend their knowledge.