Application of Pilot Models To Study Tra
Application of Pilot Models To Study Tra
Application of Pilot Models To Study Tra
Mudassir Lone,∗ Chi Kin Lai,† Alastair Cooke,‡ and James Whidborne‡
Cranfield University, Cranfield, England MK43 0AL, United Kingdom
DOI: 10.2514/1.C032376
A framework is presented to allow the investigation of interactions between manual control and flight control
systems for large flexible aircraft. It allows the fast simulation of particular flight test manoeuvres designed to expose
unwanted interactions between the pilot and aircraft flight dynamics. It combines a trajectory generation scheme and
an aeroelastic aircraft model together with pilot models to conduct flight loads analysis relevant to trajectory-based
flight test manoeuvres. The ability of the framework to assess the impact of variations in pilot control characteristics
on flight loads is illustrated through the simulation of two manoeuvres. The first required the pilot to align the aircraft
from an offset position in minimum time and the second required avoiding an obstacle by following a four-
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dimensional trajectory. Pilot models representative of pilot control behavior were derived by applying a parameter
identification scheme to data gathered through a series of manual control experiments. The pilot models were coupled
with a nonlinear flexible aircraft model to demonstrate the effects on pilot–vehicle system frequency response due to
changes in task and intersubject differences. Worst case wing loads were then obtained and compared to aircraft loads
flight dynamics exhibited by flexible aircraft (including the FCS), A. Aircraft Dynamics Model
pilot control characteristics, and atmospheric disturbances. These The trajectory generation process employs a three-degree-of-
aspects are usually studied separately through highly complex loads freedom (3-DOF) point-mass model to evaluate the nominal
models and piloted flight simulation trials [3,8]. Modelling quantities related to aircraft performances [14]. For tactical
techniques for fast simulation of the flexible aircraft have matured manoeuvres undertaken over a short period, it can be assumed that:
considerably [7,9] and suitable models are now available for research 1) Fuel expenditure is negligible, and so the aircraft mass remains
[7,10]. On the other hand, pilot models have seen extensive use only constant.
in handling qualities studies [11] and the terms pilot modelling, 2) Atmospheric disturbances are handled by the inner guidance
aircraft–pilot coupling (APC), and/or pilot-induced oscillations are loop and, therefore, do not require explicit consideration. Therefore,
rarely seen in isolation from each other. Moreover, simulation of the relative-to-the-air-mass velocity is equal to the inertial velocity.
flight test manoeuvres used to evaluate the tendency of the pilot– 3) Only coordinated flight is considered, and so the side-slip angle
vehicle system (PVS) to unwanted interactions, such as those used is assumed to be zero.
by Lee [5] and suggested by Mitchell and Klyde [12] to expose 4) Angle of attack is assumed to be small, and so the nominal thrust
adverse APC, require the pilot to execute a predefined trajectory. is assumed to be along with the relative-to-the-airmass velocity.
Therefore, a complete simulation environment also requires a The equations of motion for a generic commercial aircraft over a
trajectory generation scheme capable of generating three- or four- flat Earth can be written as [15]
dimensional trajectories representing tasks that may vary from
precision offset landings to low altitude lateral S-turns. p_ N V a cos γ a cos χ a (1a)
This paper presents a simulation framework that combines a
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1 1
max ;
T TT L nz mg ρV 2a SCL ; D ρV 2a SCD
II. Reference Trajectory Generation 2 2
As shown in Fig. 1, tactical trajectories satisfying the given (2)
objectives and constraints are generated to serve as reference to the
subsequent systems. This is done by solving an optimization problem where T ∈ 0; 1 is the nominal throttle setting, T max is the maximum
based on the models of aircraft performance and operational available thrust, ρ is the air density, S is the aircraft wing area, nz is the
environment. The formulation of the optimization problem along normal load factor, and CL and CD are the lift and drag coefficients,
with the models used are described in this section. respectively.
In particular, the maximum available thrust and the drag coefficient obstacle must be greater than the sum of the spherical obstacle’s
are known functions of aircraft specific parameters. The functions radius Robst and the circular tunnel’s radius Rcirc :
and the specific parameters for most of the operating aircraft types
can be found in the Base of Aircraft Data [16]. For instance, the drag kp − pobst k ≥ Robst Rcirc (8)
coefficient is related to the lift coefficient by the parabolic drag polar:
where pobst is the obstacle position and p represents the position
CD CD0 KC2L (3) vector obtained from the state vector; that is,
px pN pE pD T (9)
where CD0 is the zero-lift drag coefficient and K is the induced drag
The state-space formulation of the preceding point-mass model is 3. Boundary Conditions
obtained by substituting Eqs. (2) and (3) into Eq. (1): At the initial time t0 when the trajectory generator is engaged, the
current values of the state variables are used as initial values:
x_ f x; u; x pN pE pD Va χa γ a T ;
u T CL μ T (4) xt0 x0 pN0 pE0 pD0 V a;0 γ a;0 χ a;0 T (10)
where x is the state variable vector, u is the control variable vector, The final time tf for the tactical manoeuvre is left open.
and fx; u is the resulting nonlinear vector-value function of the The final state xf is constrained to ensure that the aircraft is:
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aircraft system. 1) back onto the intended trajectory, assumed here to be a straight
line defined by points A and B, with level and straight flight; that is,
B. Constraint Models
∃λ ∈ 0; 1; ptf pA λpB − pA ; and
1. Manoeuvre Limitations
To assure that the required aircraft performance is achievable, the χ a tf χ AB ; γ a tf γ AB (11a)
control variables are constrained to their corresponding upper and
lower bounds:
μtf 0; γ_ a tf 0; χ_ a tf 0 (11b)
T min ≤ T ≤ T max ; CLmin ≤ CL ≤ CLmax ; μmin ≤ μ ≤ μmax
2) separated from the obstacle with a safe distance (dsafe ):
kptf − pobst k ≥ dsafe (12)
To take into account the flight envelope and the climbing
performance, the state variables are bounded as follows: 3) not moving toward the obstacle:
specified flight condition. Jxt; ut fW t xt − xrou tT W x xt − xrou tg dt
2. Obstacle Avoidance
A spherical no-fly zone is used to model a tactical obstacle. The where W t ∈ R is the weighting on the manoeuvre time, W x ∈ is R6×6
radius of the sphere completely encloses the obstacle. A circular a positive semidefinite, symmetric weight matrix, and xrou is the
tunnel surrounding the nominal flight path trajectory is used to intended trajectory segment defined by pA and pB . A suitable
introduce robustness against uncertainties in trajectory tracking avoidance trajectory can, therefore, be generated by solving the
performance. As a result, the distance between the aircraft and the following optimisation problem:
Table 1 Parameter values for the aircraft model and trajectory generation process
Aircraft model m 290; 000 kg S 511 m2 CD0 0.02
K 0.073
Aircraft performance T max 800 kN T min 0.25 T max 1
CLmin 0.064 CLmax 1.085 nzmax 2.5g
μmax −μmin 45° hmax 13; 000 m V a;min 130 m∕s
V a;max 240 m∕s γ a;min −20° γ a;max 25°
T_ max −T_ min 0.25 μ_ max −_μmin 15° ∕s
Flight conditions M 0.6 Altitude 12; 000 ft ρ 0.8491 kg∕m3
Trajectory criteria Robst 300 m Rcirc 200 m dsafe 500 m
pN 0 pE0 0 m pD0 −3660 m V a;0 195 m∕s
γ a;0 0 deg χ a;0 0 deg
Problem 1: Find the admissible control trajectories u and state flight path trajectory, it is evident that the aircraft’s tunnel brushes
trajectories x to drive the aircraft system f from the initial state x0 to past the obstacle to minimize the route deviation. Task B, shown in
the terminal target set T while minimizing the performance index J: Fig. 3, is a reference trajectory without any obstacle. The weights
were set to penalize the manoeuvre time only. As can be seen from the
> minut;xt Jxt;ut
state and control trajectories, the aircraft attempts to achieve a full
> throttle and maximum bank manoeuvre in order to minimize the
> _ fxt;ut ∀ t ∈ t0 ;tf
subject to : xt manoeuvre time. This task is similar to that used in flight tests aiming
> to excite high gain pilot behavior and, thus, expose potential APC or
< xt ∈ X X fx ∈ R6 jEqs: 6 and 8g
P1 ≜ pilot-induced oscillation tendencies [5].
> ut ∈ U U fu ∈ R3 jEqs: 5 and 7g
> xt0 x0
III. Experimental Setup for Manual Control Tests
: xtf ∈ T T fx ∈ R6 jEqs: 11;12 and 13g The block diagram for all manual control tests and experimental
setup are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. Preliminary tests were
conducted with a mixture of 14 young pilots and engineers with an
average logged flight experience of 10 h. The subjects were presented
2. Solution Approach with a sum-of-sines compensatory task (two minutes in duration) and
root-mean-square (rms) error was taken as a performance indicator. It
Numerous numerical methods have been developed to solve the
was found that the subjects stabilized their performance between five
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allocation. Together with an almost equal number of subjects and task modern large transport aircraft. The FCS gains were selected such
repetitions, this also limits the use of higher brain functions required that aircraft response lay well within the category 1 C-star boundary.
to develop strategies and identify patterns in the given tasks. Stick command gearing was used to ensure a full aft, and forward
stick deflections led to 2.5 and −1g normal load factors. A full
A. Simulation Model and Hardware lateral stick deflection commanded a 15 deg ∕s roll rate. The lateral
The experimental setup used for both tracking and compensatory CSAS design ensures the the aircraft’s lateral dynamics meet the
tasks is shown in Fig. 5. A linear time invariant model representative specifications given in MIL-F-8785C.
of a large four-engine transport aircraft in the climb/approach (Mach Aircraft attitudes were presented to the pilot via a 110 × 115 mm
0.6, 12,000 ft) flight phase was used [26]. This is a linearized version display also shown in Fig. 4. The attitude indicator scales were spaced
of the model described in Sec. VI. All simulations began with the such that a 5 deg pitch attitude equalled a 10 mm separation. All tests
aircraft in steady level flight. were conducted on a desktop computer (IBM T-Series laptop with
A C-star command and stability augmentation system (CSAS) 2.7 GHz and 4 Gb RAM) in a MATLAB/Simulink® environment
was designed to present the subjects with dynamics representative of with a nominal computational time delay of 13 ms. Subjects
performed tasks by manipulating a Thrustmaster HOTAS® joystick. identification process was done off-line meant that computational
The inactive nature of such an inceptor allows the relationship cost was not an issue. The approach uses nonlinear constrained
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between pilot command and stick deflection to be kept relatively optimization to find model parameter values. The following cost
simple. function was used:
B. Experimental Tasks
Jt; f δe t − δm t2 dt Λ Φe f − Φm f2 df
The subjects were first trained via five two-minute compensatory 0 0
tasks. When performing these tasks, the flight director was switched (16)
off and the subjects tried to align the aircraft attitude indicator with
the horizon line. The sum-of-sines disturbance signal injected as where Λ is a factor necessary to ensure that equal weighting is given
shown in Fig. 4 is of the following form: for frequency and time domain data during the optimization process.
A. Compensatory Component
fD t Ak sinωk t ϕk (15)
The bimodal model uses first-order equalizations along both
attitude error and error rate feedback paths:
Values for Ak, ωk , and ϕk given by Zaal et al. [28] were used in this
study. The phase ϕk for each sinusoid was randomized such that τ s1 τLq s 1 −τs
Y p s Ke Lθ K e_ s e (17)
subjects could not perceive any internal coherence and consequently τIθ s 1 τIq s 1
deploy high-level brain functions.
Training was followed by two tasks where subjects were asked to The state equation without the delay component can be written in
follow the flight director cross-hairs. Task A simulated an obstacle matrix form as follows:
avoidance manoeuvre whereas task B simulated the execution of a
minimum-time trajectory as described earlier in Sec. II. x_ e Ae 0 xe Be 0 e
x_ e_ 0 Ae_ xe_ 0 Be_ e_
IV. Pilot Model Derivation and Identification Any desired control action is finally implemented through the
Pilot models can provide considerable insight into intersubject neuromuscular system, modelled as
variations in manual control characteristics. Differences in parameter
values can highlight changes in subjective factors such as relative ω2n
Gnm s (19)
aggression and varying degrees in a subject’s understanding of τn s 1s2 2ζ n ωn s ω2n
vehicle dynamics. For compensatory tasks, these form the complete
pilot model, whereas for pursuit tasks, a feedforward path is added to The state equation for the preceding model can be written as
the structure, as shown in Fig. 6. No threshold has been included in
the feedforward loop because it is assumed the pilot has exact x_ n An xn Bn δ^ s (20)
knowledge of the flight director demands displayed on the primary
flight display (PFD). Reviews by Lone and Cooke [29] and Grant and where δ^ s is the sum of the compensatory and tracking components, as
Schroeder [30] provide more detailed descriptions and comparisons
shown in Fig. 6.
of the pilot models used here together with methods of application.
Pilot model parameters can be identified either in the frequency or
time domains. Zaal et al. [31] provide a brief discussion of the B. Tracking Component
advantages and disadvantages of methods in these domains. The The tracking model assumes the subject implements a feedforward
approach adopted here attempts to obtain pilot model parameters that loop with lead-lag compensation along with the compensatory
provide matches in both domains. The fact that the parameter dynamics discussed in Sec. IV.A. This feedforward equalization is
modelled as the following transfer function:
τLf s 1 τLLf s 1 −τs
Y f s K f e (21)
τIf s 1 τILf s 1
Fig. 6 Pilot model structure for compensatory and tracking tasks. x_ f Af xf Bf r (22)
It should be noted that this uses the same time delay as the commenting on any significant variations observed in pilot model
compensatory loop. Given the multi-axis nature of the tasks, the parameters. Here, the variance of the remnant signal is used as a
complete pilot model consists of two sets of compensatory and metric to not only measure the subject’s adherence to linear control
tracking components: one for pitch tracking and another for roll. As a behavior, but also as an indicator of the quality of the obtained match.
result, the pilot is modelled as a dual channel controller. As shown in Fig. 10a, for both tasks, this variance is an order of
magnitude lower than the typical range of stick deflection,
C. Results demonstrating a high level of agreement. It should be noted that such
Example results from the parameter identification process are levels of agreement are obtained primarily due to the experimental
shown in Figs. 7 and 8. These effectively summarize the level of setup and tasks, due to which the subjects are restricted to adopt only a
agreement between the model and experimental data in both time and limited number of feedback loops.
frequency domains for a single test. The remnant characteristics are Relative to task B, pilots can be seen to adopt similar gains and
also shown in the form of frequency content and distribution. equalizations in task A. This leads to little variation in rms error.
Results for pitch control are shown in Figs. 9a–11b. Data points Furthermore, comparing the values obtained for the gains, it can be
occurring two standard deviations beyond the first and third quartiles said that subjects heavily rely on rate feedback to accomplish the task
are defined as outliers. The figures show variations for a total of 30 at hand. The same comment can be made for the roll control pilot
tests, excluding training. However, the level of agreement between model. The resulting values for the pilot model lead parameter τI also
theoretical and experimental data must be discussed prior to show that subjects introduced nonminimum phase dynamics.
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0.6 Model
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (s)
1.2 x 10
0.045 Model Remnant Remnant
0.04 1000
Power Density
Power Density
0.8 800
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (s)
x 10
0.025 3
Remnant Remnant
Experimental 2.5 1200
Power Density
Power Density
0.015 800
0.01 600
0.5 200
−1 0 1
0 −2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Frequency (rad/s) Frequency (rad/s)
Fig. 8 Tracking model comparison with subject A lateral stick deflection (task A).
0.05 60
0 15
outlier 40
3rd Quartile
−0.05 median
10 20
−0.15 1st Quartile
−20 minimum
−0.2 0
8 35 50
6 25
20 30
10 20
Downloaded by CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY on April 11, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.C032376
−5 0
a) Roll
0.2 2.5 20
2 15
0 1
0 0
−0.2 −0.5 −5
2.5 12 15
2 10
8 10
4 5
0.5 2
0 0 0
b) Pitch
Fig. 9 Variation in compensatory model parameters.
2 3 2 32 3
x_ f Af 0 0 0 0 xf
Larger rms errors in both pitch and roll, along with relatively 6 7 6 76 7
higher levels of nonminimum phase characteristics clearly implies 6 x_ e 7 6 0 Ae 0 0 0 7 6 7
6 7 6 76 xe 7
that subjects found task B to be more challenging. Comparing the 6 7 6 76 7
6 x_ e_ 7 6 0 0 Ae_ 0 0 7 6 7
relative variations in equalzation parameters between pitch and roll 6 7 6 76 xe_ 7
6 7 6 76 7
components (Figs. 9a and b) also shows the degree of attention 6 x_ d 7 6 Bd Cf Bd Ce Bd Ce_ Ad 0 7 6 7
4 5 4 54 xd 5
allocation for this task. Greater variation in pitch parameters confirms
that observations where subjects were found to focus on the more _xn Bn Cf Bn Ce Bn Ce_ Bn Cd An xn
demanding task of tracking roll commands before ensuring pitch 2 B
f 0 0 3
demands were met. 2 3
6 0
6 Be 0 7 7 r
6 76 7
6 0
6 0 Be_ 776 e7
V. Pilot Model for Robust Analysis 6 74 5
6 B D B D B D 7 e_
4 d f d e d e_ 5
Previously described pilot models were converted to state-space
form to study the effects of the observed variations in parameters via Bn Df Bn De Bn De_
parametric uncertainty. For each parameter, the median was taken as 2 3
the nominal value. The first and third quartiles were used to define the
6 7
lower and upper uncertainty bounds, respectively. The necessary 6 xe 7
state-space form for the pilot models is obtained by combining 6 7
6 7
Eqs. (18), (22), and (20) with an approximation of the pilot δm 0 0 0 0 Cn 6 xe_ 7 Remnant (23)
6 7
introduced time delay according to the block diagram in Fig. 6. The 6x 7
4 d5
following model effectively represents the pilot model with both
tracking and compensatory components: xn
1 0.14 6
0.8 0.12 5
0.1 4
0.08 3
0.06 2
14 0.35 0.11
13 0.3
0.25 0.095
0.2 0.085
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10 0.075
a) Pitch
1 0.25 18
0.2 14
0.6 12
0.15 10
0.4 8
0.1 6
0 0.05 2
20 0.11
0.3 0.105
16 0.25 0.095
0.2 0.085
12 0.08
0.15 0.075
b) Roll
Fig. 10 Variation in other pilot model parameters.
Subscripts f, e, and e_ refer to the tracking, compensatory error, and bandwidths being adopted for attitude control. For task B, a subject
error rate components, respectively. The inherent time delay and may adopt a bandwidth that is an order of magnitude lower than
neuromuscular components are denoted by subscripts d and n, another subject. The attitude frequency response also shows a region
respectively. A second-order Padé approximation has been used to of zero steady-state error between 0.4 to 10 rad∕s for task A. It is also
include the time delay here. Thus, Eq. (23) is a nine-state pilot model amplified at low frequencies, highlighting the possibility of high gain
(two-state error compensation, two-state feedforward compensation, behavior from the pilot such as overcontrol. In contrast, the response
three-state neuromuscular model, and a two-state delay approxima- for task B shows little variation due to the parametric uncertainty until
tion) that consists of 15 uncertain parameters. 2 rad∕s, beyond which the main intersubject difference is the adopted
Such a formulation allows the manual control dynamics to be bandwidth. Furthermore, in Fig. 13b, structural dynamics can be seen
coupled with the linearized aircraft model, as shown in Fig. 12. Effects to be insignificant and confined to the higher regions of the manual
of intersubject differences on closed-loop PVS performance can control frequency range.
now be investigated in the frequency domain. These differences are The static nature of the manual control experiments; that is,
propagated along the system via a structured uncertainty matrix. The desktop based simulation, means that the pilot is unable to use
upper and lower bounds for attitude and acceleration responses to vestibular senses to obtain acceleration cues and hence close an
perceived error in pitch and roll given such uncertainty in pilot model acceleration feedback loop. The resulting PVS acceleration response
parameters are shown in Fig. 13. must be interpreted with this in mind. The key feature in Fig. 13b is
Figure 13a also highlights the shaping introduced by the subject the resulting resonance in acceleration response due to low-frequency
into the closed loop system as a result of change in objective or task. airframe structural modes. Although the levels of amplification may
The relatively less demanding task A leads to a smaller range of be exaggerated when compared to real flight, this highlights the
0.02 0.7 6
0.6 5
0.5 4
0.4 3
−0.01 0.3 2
0.2 1
0.1 0
14 25 30
12 25
10 20
8 15
6 10
4 5 5
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2 0
0 −5
a) Pitch
0.02 0.7 4
0.015 0.6
0.01 0.5
0.005 0.4
0 0.3 1
−0.005 0.2
−0.01 0.1
2.5 12
10 10
1.5 5 6
1 4
0 2
−5 −2
b) Roll
Fig. 11 Variation in pilot tracking model parameters.
20 60
Task A
Task A
Task B Task B
−80 −60
−100 −80 −2 −1 0 1 2
−2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (rad/s) Frequency (rad/s)
a) Attitude response b) Acceleration response
Fig. 13 Boundaries for closed-loop singular values for the PVS.
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noncirculatory forces, as proposed by Leishman and Nguyen [33]. mode. Further details are not presented because certain components
This approach, therefore, models the wing downwash on the of the GLA, MLA, and AMC systems are considered to be
horizontal tailplane and unsteady effects due to control surface proprietary.
deflections. Effects on the lifting surfaces due to the fuselage and vice
versa are modelled by modifying the inboard and outboard lift, as B. Loads Envelope Comparison
suggested in ESDU 94009 [34]. Forces and moments due to the A loads envelope for this study was derived by considering both
flexible fuselage have been modelled by effectively treating the manoeuver cases as well as continuous turbulence scenarios. The
fuselage as a slender body [35]. Contributions from the engine manoeuver loads envelope for the wing and empennage were
nacelles are modelled by treating them as annular aerofoils [36]. obtained via the simulation of the following traditional book-case
The structural model considers the airframe as a system composed unchecked maneuvers:
of 40 nodes (with six degrees of freedom) connected to each other via 1) Positive pitching manoeuver as specified in CS-25.331(c)(1).
beam elements. The beam elements have their corresponding This involves the stick being deflected fully aft until the load factor
stiffness matrices leading to local variations in airframe stiffness, and reaches either a maximum or 2.5g at the centre of gravity. Similarly,
a global structural damping of 3% has been assumed [7]. Limiting the the unchecked negative pitching manoeuver requires the achieve-
model to only the first 12 modes was found to capture all the required ment of either a minimum or −1.0g load factor. The stick is released
dynamics in the frequency range of interest. This range consists of the immediately after the relevant load factors are achieved and loadings
low-frequency phugoid mode and the upper limit of manual control beyond this point are not considered.
frequencies. The 12 modes include the first and second wing bending 2) Rolling manoeuvre as specified in CS25.349(a) where the
and torsional modes as well as horizontal tailplane (HTP) and aircraft is banked until the maximum allowable roll rate is achieved,
fuselage modes. Modal frequencies and shapes are presented in which in this case is limited to 15 deg ∕s by the FCS. The aircraft is
Table 2 and Fig. 14, respectively. then recovered to zero bank angle.
The aerodynamic and structural forces and moment contributions 3) Yaw manoeuver as specified in CS25.351 where the rudder is
are then coupled with the nonlinear aircraft equations of motion in a deflected to its maximum at the fastest rate of deployment to cause an
MATLAB/Simulink environment. The aircraft model used here was overswing in sideslip after which the rudder is returned to zero
developed at Cranfield University and further details can be found in deflection. The rudder actuator has been modelled such that the
work done by Andrews [7], Andrews and Cooke [26], Lone et al. [6], maximum rudder deflection and deployment rate are airspeed
and Lone and Cooke [27]. The same command and stability dependent.
augmentation system (CSAS) described earlier in Sec. III is In all cases, the aircraft starts in a trimmed level flight condition
implemented here. Gust load alleviation (GLA) and manoeuvre load before the manoeuver is executed. These were performed at 53 flight
alleviation (MLA) systems as described by Burris and Bender [37] points to provide a conservative internal loads envelope.
are also modelled here, along with an active mode control (AMC) The approach used here adheres to the methodology given in
system that simply considered the first symmetric wing bending CS25.341(b). Given the nonlinear FCS components and the
significant influence of unsteady aerodynamics as highlighted by
Andrews [7], time history analysis was found to be the only adequate
approach. The turbulence profiles used are characterized by rms
velocities of around 6 m∕s, which corresponds to severe turbulence
Table 2 Aircraft structural mode types and frequencies or stormy weather conditions. These were generated using the von
Kármán turbulence model with the turbulence scale set to 2500 ft.
Mode number Mode type Frequency, rad∕s
Limit loads for the wing and empennage were then obtained by
1 Wing (asymmetric) 6.9
following the requirements specified in CS-25 and the process
2 Wing (symmetric) 6.9
3 Wing fuselage (symmetric) 7.5 described by Hoblit [2].
4 Wing HTP fuselage (asymmetric) 12.8 The simulations were conducted with the aircraft initially in
5 Wing Fuselage (asymmetric) 14.7 trimmed level flight with the autothrottle and height hold autopilots
6 Wing HTP fuselage (asymmetric) 16.0 engaged. Each simulation was of 5 min duration as suggested
7 Wing (asymmetric) 16.2 by Hoblit [2] to ensure sufficient data were generated to obtain
8 Wing (symmetric) 16.2 statistically significant rms values together with an adequate
9 Wing HTP Fuselage (symmetric) 16.9 quantity of peak count data. The aircraft model was subjected to
10 Wing HTP (asymmetric) 17.2
11 Wing (asymmetric) 18.4
translational turbulence in all three axes simultaneously, similar
12 Wing (Symmetric) 18.4 to the approach dubbed “three-dimensional gust analysis” at
Lockheed-Martin [2].
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2.5 2
Continuous turbulence envelope Task A
Task A
Task B
Task B
2 +2.5g Unchecked 0
Manoeuvre Envelope
1.5 −2
Normalised Bending Moment
Normalised Torsion
1 −4
+2.5g Unchecked
−8 Manoeuvre Envelope
Continuous turbulence
-1.0g Unchecked
Manoeuvre Envelope
−1 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 Wing span (m)
Wing span (m) Fig. 16 Envelope comparison of spanwise torsion for tasks A and B.
Fig. 15 Envelope comparison of spanwise wing bending moment for
tasks A and B.
VII. Conclusions
The maximum and minimum spanwise wing bending moment and A framework is presented to allow the investigation of interactions
torsion for each task can be compared with the manoeuvre and between manual control and flight control systems for large flexible
continuous turbulence envelopes in Figs. 15 and 16. The presented aircraft. It allows the fast simulation of particular flight test
loads are the worst case loads obtained via the pilot-model-in-the- manoeuvres designed to expose unwanted interactions between the
loop simulations. As expected by the load factor time histories pilot and aircraft flight dynamics. It combines a trajectory generation
required for each task (see Figs. 2 and 3), execution of task B, which scheme and an aeroelastic aircraft model together with pilot models
involves the highest load of approximately 1.5g, results in the highest to conduct flight loads analysis relevant to trajectory-based flight test
loads. However, worst case loadings for both tasks remain well within manoeuvres. The ability of the framework to assess the impact of
the envelope showing the trajectory generation process’ overall variations in pilot control characteristics on flight loads is illustrated
effectiveness and robustness to variations in pilot dynamics. through the simulation of two manoeuvres. The first (task A) required
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