Final Trade Survey 2010
Final Trade Survey 2010
Final Trade Survey 2010
South West Wales Tourism Partnership
Tourism Trade Associations of South West Wales
Local Authorities of South West Wales
November 2010
Opinion Research Services The Strand, Swansea SA1 1AF
Vicki James, Thomas Norton, Michael Davies, Hannah Champion
enquiries 01792 535300 · ·
Page 2
Page 3
Chapter 6: Marketing ........................................................................................................................... 42
Websites and e-Marketing ..................................................................................................................42
Other Marketing Activity .....................................................................................................................46
Page 4
Page 5
Chapter 1: Introduction
The Survey
Opinion Research Services (ORS) was commissioned by South West Wales Tourism Partnership
(SWWTP) to undertake a survey of Trade Operator opinion in the counties of the region –
Carmarthenshire, Neath Port Talbot, Pembrokeshire and Swansea. The three Tourism Trade
Organisations (TTOs) – Carmarthenshire Tourist Association, Pembrokeshire Tourism and Tourism
Swansea Bay – worked in partnership with the following organisations to define the survey objectives
and to design the questionnaire:
Page 7
Respondent Profile
The following figures show the profile of survey respondents in relation to a range of characteristics.
Each figure includes details about the number and percentage of respondents interviewed in each
category. Please note that numbers may not always sum to 100% due to slight rounding errors.
Location of Business
By far the highest proportion of the response is represented by businesses in Pembrokeshire (68%)
compared with 8% in Swansea; 18% in Carmarthenshire and 3% in Neath Port Talbot.
We have combined the results for Swansea and Neath Port Talbot to provide a more viable level of
response for comparison purposes. It should be noted, however, that with only 36 responses, these
findings should be treated with caution.
Figure a
Local Authority in which business is located by all respondents (number of respondents in brackets)
% of response
3% 3%
Other areas in which respondents’ businesses are located: All Wales, Bridgend, Ceredigion (5), Surrey
Page 8
Trade Association Membership
Most businesses taking part in the survey are members of their local TA (75%).
A significantly higher proportion of respondents with larger businesses – over 11 employees – are TTO
members (93%).
Figure b
Membership of Tourism Trade Organisations by Local Authority Area (number of respondents in brackets)
80% 75%
30% 25%
20% 14% 14%
Members Non-Members
Base: All Respondents (329)
Nearly seven in ten respondents who are members of a TTO are members of Pembrokeshire Tourism
(69%); under a quarter of respondents are members of Carmarthenshire Tourist Association (22%) and
14% belong to Tourism Swansea Bay. 11 respondents are members of more than one TTO.
Page 9
Figure c
Tourism Trade Organisation by respondents who are members of Tourism Trade Associations (number of respondents in brackets)
% of respondents who are members of TTOs
Business Type
Respondents were asked to identify their business by selecting up to three main categories of business
activity from a list and by ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key activity.
Figure d shows that the most respondents are in the accommodation sector.
‘Other’ businesses responded as follows:
TIC (4) Craftsperson
Printer (3) Caterer
Supplier/Wholesale (3) Radio Station
Education (2) Contract cleaners
Marketing/Branding (2) Manufacture
Business Consultancy
Food producer
Page 10
Figure d
Which best describes your business?
Self Catering Accommodation (134) 9
Serviced Accommodation (118) 4
Visitor Attraction (46) 5
Restaurant, Pub, Cafe (44) 5
6 Ist choice
Activity Provider (41) 3
2nd choice
Retail (30) 2 3rd choice
Caravan and Camping (26) 2
Event Organiser (26) 4
Other (38) 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
% Response
Base: All respondents (329) Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each operator category
These findings were then weighted such that categories ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those
ranked 2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score
which was averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank
more accurately represents the size and range of business response.
Figure e (overleaf) shows the result of the rank analysis; that self-catering accommodation is the most
prominent sector amongst respondents and events organiser the least.
Page 11
Figure e
Which best describes your business?
Self-Catering Accommodation 1
Serviced Accommodation 2
Visitor Attraction 3
Activity Provider 5
Other 6
Retail 8
Event Organiser 9
Grading System
Two thirds of respondents overall are in a grading system; a significantly higher percentage of
Carmarthenshire respondents have a graded business (75%).
Figure f
Is your business currently in a grading system?
Overall (329)
Carmarthenshire (59)
Pembrokeshire (225)
Swansea/NPT (36)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
% of respondents
Page 12
Nearly all of the graded businesses have a Visit Wales grading.
Figure g
If YES, which one(s)
Size of Business
The overwhelming majority of operators (82%) employ 10 or fewer staff with self-catering operators
significantly more likely to fall within this size category (95%). Businesses who witnessed a lower level
of business compared with 2009 are also significantly more likely to employ 10 or fewer staff (90%).
Non-accommodation businesses are significantly more likely to fall within the 11-25 size band (17%)
whilst members of Tourism Swansea Bay are more likely to fall within the largest size category of 51+
staff (21%).
Figure h
How many people including yourself does your business employ?
Page 13
It should be remembered that a sample, and not all tourism operators in South West Wales, have
responded to the survey. In consequence, all results are subject to sampling tolerances, which means
that not all differences are statistically significant. Differences between groups within the response
have been analysed using appropriate statistical methods to check for statistical significance (i.e. not
happened ‘by chance’). Only results which are significantly different are highlighted in the text – other
differences are considered to be indicative only. Statistical significance is at a 95% level of confidence.
Caution should be exercised when interpreting the results for Carmarthenshire and Swansea/Neath
Port Talbot. The achieved response in both of these areas is small and, therefore, it cannot be assumed
that the views in this report are representative of all tourism operators in these areas.
Where percentages do not sum to 100, this may be due to computer rounding, the exclusion of ‘don’t
know’ answers, or multiple answers.
Graphics are used extensively in this report to make it as user-friendly as possible. The pie charts and
other graphics show the proportions (percentages) of respondents making relevant responses. Where
possible the colours used in the charts have been standardised with a ‘traffic light’ system – in which:
Verbatim Comments
Many of the questions in the survey are open-ended. These responses are presented as verbatim
comments in the separate ‘Results’ report dated 27 October 2010.
ORS would like to thank Alison Belton of Pembrokeshire Tourism and Lucy von Weber of South West
Wales Tourism Partnership for their help and assistance in developing the project. We would also like
to thank the 329 tourism operators who took part in the survey, without whose valuable input the
research would not have been possible.
Page 14
Chapter 2: Key Findings
When looking at the findings from this survey, caution should be exercised when interpreting
comparisons between the 2009 and 2010 results, due the difference in sample size between the two
Business Trends
When asked to estimate how the high season (June to September) this year compared with the same
time last year, just over two in five respondents (41%) reported increased levels of business in 2010.
This is significantly fewer than in the 2009 survey (51%). A quarter of all respondents (24%) experienced
business increases of 10% or more in this survey compared with a third in 2009. The proportion
experiencing business decreases grew from 23% in 2009 to 30% in this survey.
The main reason given for increased business is improved promotional activity, whilst the main reason
given for decreased business was recession.
A majority of operators overall - over three quarters (79%) - reported no change in staff levels, whilst
10% took on more staff and 11% decreased their workforce.
Over two fifths of respondents (43%) said that they had changed their business pricing structure in the
2009 high season.
Just over 3 in 5 respondents who are accommodation operators offered short breaks in 2010.
Over half of the respondents reported that most of their bookings take place between 2 days and 1
month before arrival (52%).
Business Outlook
Tourism operators in South West Wales are significantly less optimistic about their business prospects
than in the 2009 survey. Whilst 46% feel the same about their prospects this year as last, a third (32%)
are feeling more optimistic. This compares with 41% in the 2009 survey. Nearly a fifth of respondents
feel less optimistic compared with only a tenth in 2009. Inevitably, operators who experienced a good
2010 season are significantly more likely to feel optimistic about their business prospects.
Under half of respondents (45%) are planning capital improvements to their businesses and 47% are
planning revenue improvements. Just under a quarter of respondents (24%) are planning both revenue
and capital improvements.
The most popular capital improvements are equipment, infrastructure and new build/construction. The
most popular revenue improvements are additional marketing activity and upgrade to website.
Page 15
Visitor Markets
According to survey respondents, the most important UK markets for visitors to South West Wales are
the Midlands, South Wales and the South East and London. The most important international visitor
markets are Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands.
Just under a third of respondents (30%), saw an increase in overseas guests in 2010, whilst 26% saw a
decrease and 37% saw about the same this year as last.
Page 16
Staff Training
When asked how important it is that ‘you and your staff develop through training’, 71% said that it is
very or fairly important and only 9% said it is unimportant.
Over a half of respondents (56%) said that someone from their business had attended a course during
the previous 12 months.
The most frequently attended courses are An introduction to Social Media and using it within your
business (32%) and Developing a sense of place (21%).
All courses attended were considered by a high majority of respondents to have been helpful.
When asked to identify courses that would benefit their business, the most popular options were:
Attracting customers throughout the year (48%) and Selling your service successfully (37%).
Local Food
Just over two respondents in five order food to sell in their business (43%) and nearly all of them use
local produce (96%).
Just over a quarter (28%) were receptive to the idea of an online forum for sourcing local produce,
talking to local chefs and producers and finding recipes.
Page 17
Chapter 3: Business Trends and Outlook
When asked to estimate how the high seasons (June to September) differed from the previous year,
significantly fewer than in 2009 said that business levels had increased (41% v 47%) with a dramatic
drop in the number saying that there had been a rise of 10% or more (24% v 36%).
Carmarthenshire Tourist Association members are significantly more likely to say that their businesses
increased by 10% or more (38%) and members of Tourism Swansea Bay are more likely to say that
theirs increased by less than 10% (40%).
Figure 1
How would you rate the volume of business that you experienced in June to September compared with the same period last year?
2010 2009
Page 19
According to respondents, the main factor that has led to increasing business is improved promotional
activity (60%), followed by weather (32%). A significantly higher proportion of self-catering operators
explained the increase by improved promotional activity (83% v 60%).
The most frequently cited ‘Other’ reasons are:
Figure 2
What factors do you feel led to this increase?
Respondents identified the main factor leading to a decrease in business as the recession (90%)
followed by the weather (42%).
Figure 3
What factors do you feel led to this decrease?
Page 20
Staff Levels
Almost four respondents in five (79%) reported no change in staff levels over the preceding 12 months,
whilst a tenth took on more staff and 11% decreased their workforce.
A higher proportion of respondents in 2010 than in 2009 said that they have a lower number of
employees although this difference is not statistically significant.
As might be expected, operators experiencing more business in 2010 are significantly more likely to
have increased the number of people employed in their business. So too are those who are more
optimistic about their business prospects.
Figure 4
Compared with 12 months ago is the number of people now employed in your business ... ?
2010 2009
Page 21
Pricing Structure
Over two fifths of respondents (43%) said that they had changed their business pricing structure in the
2010 high season.
This proportion was significantly higher for larger businesses of 11+ staff (57%).
The actions taken by those who made changes are presented in the ‘Results’ report.
Figure 5
Did you change your business pricing structure this season (e.g. added value/discounts/offers)?
Short Breaks
Accommodation operators were asked if they offered short breaks (of one to three nights) in 2010.
Significantly fewer offered short breaks in 2010 than in 2009 (63% v 72%).
The proportion offering short breaks was significantly higher for larger businesses of 11+ staff (80% v
63%). Operators that witnessed a decrease in business in June to September 2010 compared with the
same period in 2009 were also more likely to offer short breaks (80%).
Figure 6
Did you offer short breaks (1 to 3 nights) between June and mid-September?
2010 2009
Page 22
Of those offering short breaks, more than half (55%) reported that less than a quarter of their business
is accounted for by short breaks.
Self-catering operators are significantly more likely to say that less than 10% of their business comes
from short breaks (61% v 37%).
Three in ten of those offering short breaks say that over 50% of their business comes from short breaks
– a 5% point increase over 2009 (not statistically significant).
Significantly higher proportions of business are attributed to short breaks by serviced accommodation
operators (55% v 30%).
Figure 7
Approximately what proportion of your business was accounted for by short breaks (1 to 3 nights) between June and mid-September?
2010 2009
Page 23
Accommodation Bookings
Figure 8 shows that most bookings take place from 2 days to 1 month before arrival (52%).
Serviced accommodation visitors are significantly more likely to book their accommodation up to two
weeks before arrival, whereas visitors to self-catering providers typically have a longer lead time of up
to six months before arrival.
Figure 8
Do most of your bookings take place...?
Page 24
Business Outlook
Tourism operators in South West Wales are significantly less optimistic about their business prospects
than in the 2009 survey. In 2010 19% said that they are less optimistic than last year – a significant
increase of 8% points.
Inevitably, operators who experienced an increase in business in 2010 are significantly more likely to
feel optimistic about their business prospects (58% saying they are more optimistic v 32% average).
Figure 9
How do you feel about your business prospects now compared with this time last year?
2010 2009
About the
About the 46%
Figure 10
Do you have any plans for expansion or improvements to your business in 2011?
Page 25
The most popular capital improvements are equipment, infrastructure and new build/construction.
Figure 11
What sort of capital improvements do you plan to carry out?
Base: Respondents who have undertaken capital improvements (118) Responses 183
The most popular revenue improvements are additional marketing activity and upgrade to website.
Figure 12
What sort of revenue improvements do you intend to make?
Base: Respondents who have undertaken revenue improvements (209) Responses 417
Page 26
Figures 13 and 14 present improvement type by size and category of business. The significant findings
are that:
Larger operators (over 11 staff) are more likely to have plans for both capital and revenue
Non-accommodation operators are significantly more likely to have plans for revenue
Serviced accommodation operators are significantly less likely to be planning revenue
There are no significant differences between the local authorities.
Figure 13
Do you have any plans for expansion or improvements to your business in 2011? – Capital improvements by accommodation type, business
size and Local Authority
Other (86) 49
Accommodation Type
1-10 employees (199) 47
Business Size
Over 11 employees (43) 58
Local Authority
Carmarthenshire (44)
Pembrokeshire (166)
Swansea/Neath Port Talbot (26)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
% of response
Figure 14
Do you have any plans for expansion or improvements to your business in 2011? – Revenue improvements by accommodation type,
business size and Local Authority
Other (86) 65
Accommodation Type
1-10 employees (199) 48 Business Size
Over 11 employees (43) 60 Local Authority
Carmarthenshire (44)
Pembrokeshire (166)
Swansea/Neath Port Talbot (26)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
% of response
Page 27
Respondents were invited to outline their plans for business expansion or improvement and these
comments are included in full in the Results Report.
Page 29
Chapter 4: Visitor Trends and Characteristics
Visitor Markets
UK Visitors
Respondents were asked to identify their main UK markets by selecting up to three main categories
from a list and ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key activity. Figure 15 presents the results from
this exercise and shows that The Midlands, the South East and London and South Wales are the most
frequently mentioned UK markets by respondents to this survey.
Figure 15
In the main, where have your UK visitors come from this year?
The Midlands (214) 27
South East and London (192) 13
South Wales (171) 13
South West England (98) 12
3 Ist choice
Northern England (71) 8
2nd choice
Mid Wales (36) 4 3rd choice
North Wales (36) 5
Northern Ireland (9) 0
Scotland (4) 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
% Response
Base: All respondents (329) Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each visitor origin
These findings were then weighted such that origins ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those ranked 2
were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score which was
averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank more
accurately represents UK visitor origins as given by respondents to the survey.
Figure 15 presents the results of this rank analysis, showing that The Midlands is the largest source of
UK visitors for respondents to this survey; Scotland and Northern Ireland are the smallest.
Page 31
Figure 16
In the main, where have your UK visitors come from this year?
The Midlands 1
South Wales 2
Northern England 5
Mid Wales 6
North Wales 7
Northern Ireland 8
Scotland 9
The following operator types are significantly more likely to say that their UK visitors mainly come from
South Wales (ranked 1):
Page 32
Overseas Visitors
Respondents were asked to identify their main overseas markets by selecting up to three main
categories from a list and ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key activity. Figure 15 shows that
Germany, Netherlands and Ireland were the most frequently mentioned overseas visitor origins.
Figure 17
From which international destinations do your visitors mainly come?
Germany (129) 12
Netherlands (93) 11
Ireland (83) 6
USA (72) 6
France (56) 5
Australia (53) 5
6 Ist choice
3 2nd choice
Canada (25) 3
3rd choice
Belgium (22) 5
New Zealand (20) 3
Italy (12) 1
Far East (8) 3
Scandinavia (6) 1
0 5 10 15 20
% response
Base: All respondents (329) Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each visitor origin
The findings were weighted such that overseas markets ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those
ranked 2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score
which was averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank
more accurately represents overseas visitor origins as given by respondents to the survey.
Figure 18 (overleaf) presents the result of this rank analysis, showing that Germany is the largest source
of overseas visitors for respondents to this survey and the Far East and Scandinavia are the smallest.
Page 33
Figure 18
From which international destinations do your visitors mainly come?
Germany 1
Ireland 2
Netherlands 3
Australia 5
France 6
Canada 7
Belgium 8
New Zealand 9
Italy 10
Scandinavia 11
Far East 12
The following operator types are significantly more likely to say that their overseas visitors mainly come
from Ireland (ranked 1):
Page 34
Just under a third of respondents (30%) saw an increase in overseas guests in 2010.
Figure 19
Compared with this time last year, can you identify any difference in the volume of overseas visitors?
Page 35
Visitor Behaviours and Motivations
Respondents were asked to identify what mainly attracts people to visit their areas of Wales by
selecting up to three main categories from a list and by ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key
Figure 20
To the best of your knowledge what, in the main, attracts people to visit your area of South West Wales?
Scenery, landscape and countryside (210) 21
Coast/beaches/seaside (203) 19
Walking, hiking (137) 21
Attractions/sightseeing (55) 5
Visiting friends and relatives (46) 4
Heritage/history (42) 5
Wildlife/bird watching (26) 2
Other outdoor activities (30) 2
3 Ist choice
Gardens (16) 1
2nd choice
Historic sites (15) 1
4 3rd choice
Attend specific event (14) 1
Business (14) 1
Cycling (7) 0
Easy to get to (6) 0
Golf (5)
Mountain Biking (5) 1
Other (9) 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
% response
Base: All respondents (329) Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each motivation type
Page 36
These findings were then weighted such that motivations ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those
ranked 2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score
which was averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank
more accurately represents visitor motivations as given by respondents to the survey.
Figure 21
To the best of your knowledge what, in the main, attracts people to visit your area of South West Wales?
Coast/beaches/seaside 2
Walking, hiking 3
Attractions/sightseeing 4
Heritage/history 5
Wildlife/bird-watching 8
Gardens 9
Business 10
Historic sites 12
Other 13
Easy to get to 14
Cycling 15
Mountain biking 15
Golf 17
Fishing 18
Page 37
Just over half the respondents agree that events, shows and festivals are of benefit to their businesses
(51%) and only 13% disagree. Over a third of respondents answered in the neutral, neither agree nor
disagree. There are no statistically significant differences between local authority areas.
Figure 22
To what extent do you agree or disagree that local events, shows and festivals benefit your business?
Respondents were asked to name the local events, shows and festivals which they feel have provided
benefit to their businesses. In all three main areas (Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Swansea and
Neath Port Talbot), a very wide and diverse range of events, shows and festivals were highlighted, a full
list of which are included in the ‘Results’ Report.
The most frequently mentioned events/shows/festivals in each area are as follows:
Swansea and NPT Various music festivals (Proms, Gower festivals etc)
GB Rally
Ryder Cup
Sporting events (Rugby, Gower Run, 10k)
Those who disagree that local events, shows and festivals benefit their business give the following main
Visitors do not book for events – attracted to area for other reasons
Local/inadequate marketing of events
Events take place on change-over day
Visitors are not interested in events
No events nearby
Page 38
Chapter 5: Travel and Transport
Figure 23
How do most of your visitors arrive at your business?
Organised 2%
coach trip On foot know/NA
1% 2% 2%
Own motor
Page 39
Public Transport
Once in the area, a majority of operators (65%) try to encourage their customers to use public
transport (e.g. Gower Explorer, Haven Water Taxi, Puffin Shuttles, Heart of Wales Line). Operators in
Pembrokeshire are significantly more likely to say that they promote public transport to their
customers than those in Carmarthenshire. These findings are probably explained by the variety of
public transport services available within Pembrokeshire as compared to Carmarthenshire rather than
by any reluctance on the part of operators in Carmarthenshire to promote public transport.
Figure 24
Do you promote the use of public transport to your customers? (e.g. Gower Explorer, Puffin Shuttles, Heart of Wales Line)
Respondents who do not promote public transport to their customers were asked for their reasons.
These are given in full in the accompanying Results Report but in summary the main reasons given are:
Nearly 7 in 10 respondents promote cycling to their customers. A significantly higher proportion of
Carmarthenshire than Pembrokeshire respondents say they do this.
Figure 25
Do you promote cycling to your customers (e.g. local cycle hire, national cycle network route proximity, cycling trail leaflets)?
Page 40
Respondents who do not promote cycling to their customers were asked for their reasons. These are
given in full in the accompanying Results Report but in summary the main reasons given are:
Page 41
Chapter 6: Marketing
Figure 26
Do you have a website for your business?
Page 42
Respondents were asked about online facilities. Whilst over half (56%) have email booking forms and
over two in five have online availability information (44%), relatively few provide online payment or
reservation facilities.
Self-catering operations are more likely than other businesses to have online availability of dates and
email booking forms. Larger operators of 11 or more staff are more likely to have online payment
through their own websites and serviced operators are more likely to have online reservations through
a third party.
Figure 27
Which of the following website facilities do you have?
Just over two respondents in five (44%) buy and sell goods and services over the internet for business
Figure 28
Does your business undertake e-commerce - that is buying and selling goods and services over the internet for business purposes?
Page 43
When asked about online marketing presence and activity, over half the respondents (51%) said that
they have search engine optimisation and nearly two in five use social media sites (38%). Relatively few
use Paid search /Pay per click or Blog.
Respondents most likely to have social media presence are:
based in Swansea/NPT
non-accommodation sector
11+ employees
experienced increase in business this year over last
Those most likely to blog are:
Based in Swansea/NPT
11+ employees
Figure 29
What, if any, online marketing presence and activity do you have in place?
Page 44
46% of respondents currently monitor what people say about their business on TripAdvisor. Serviced
accommodation operators are significantly more likely to do this.
Figure 30
Do you currently monitor what people say about your business on Trip Advisor?
Page 45
Other Marketing Activity
Respondents were asked to identify up to three main marketing methods they find the most effective
(other than website and online marketing). The most popular choices were own publications/leaflets
(51%) and Involvement with Local Authority promotions (46%).
Respondents in Swansea/NPT are more likely to say they are involved in local authority promotion as a
marketing partner. Third party booking sites are more likely to be used by serviced accommodation
providers. Non accommodation operators are more likely to use their own publications/leaflets and
newspaper/magazines advertisements. Larger operators (11+ staff) are also more likely to advertise in
newspapers and magazines. Self-catering operators are more likely to use Trade Association activities.
Figure 31
Which main methods (other than your website if you have one or online marketing) do you find the most effective for promoting your
business? (Please select the top three methods only).
Page 46
Chapter 7: Staff Training and Development
When asked how important it is that ‘you and your staff develop through training’, seven in ten (71%)
said that it is very or fairly important and only 9% said it is unimportant. A fifth gave the neutral, neither
important nor unimportant response.
Respondents who are members of Tourism Swansea Bay are significantly more likely to say that
training is very important along with larger businesses (11 or more staff) and non-accommodation
Figure 32
How important is it to you that yourself and your staff develop through training?
Over half the respondents (56%) said that someone from their business had been on a course over the
last 12 months.
Significantly more likely to say this are operators in Swansea/Neath Port Talbot, those with non-
accommodation businesses and larger operators (11+ staff).
Figure 33
Has anyone from your business been on a course in the last 12 months?
Page 47
The most frequently attended courses are An introduction to Social Media and using it within your
business (32%), and Developing a sense of place (21%).
The most frequently mentioned ‘other’ courses are First Aid (by 16 respondents), Food Hygiene (14),
Fire Safety and Risk Assessments (8), IT (6) and Marketing/Promotion (6).
Figure 34
Which course(s) have been attended in the last 12 months?
Page 48
All courses listed in Figure 34 on the previous page were considered by a high majority of respondents
to be helpful.
Figure 35
How helpful or unhelpful was/were the course(s)?
Page 49
Respondents were presented a list of courses and asked to identify which would benefit their
businesses if run in the next 12 months. The most popular courses were Attracting Customers
throughout the Year (48%) and Selling your Service Successfully (37%).
Figure 36
Which of the following courses would you find of benefit to your business, if run in the next 12 months?
Page 50
Chapter 8: Local Food
Just over two respondents in five order food to sell in their business. Unsurprisingly, serviced
accommodation operators are significantly more likely than average to order food for their businesses
along with larger businesses employing 11+ staff.
Figure 37
Do you order food to sell in your business?
Nearly all respondents who buy food for their business use local produce (96%).
Just over a quarter (28%) of respondents would use an online forum to source local produce, talk to
chefs and producers and learn new recipes. Serviced accommodation operators are the most likely to
say they would use this service (40%) and self-catering operators the least likely (16%).
Figure 38
How likely or unlikely would you be to use an online forum to source local produce, talk to chefs and producers and learn new recipes?
Page 51
Chapter 9: Greening Your Business
A very high proportion of respondents actively recycle to reduce waste (87%) and actively save energy
(82%). However, relatively few promote sustainable transport (28%), reduce car use (25%) or use
renewable energy schemes/tariffs (18%).
Serviced accommodation businesses and those located in Carmarthenshire are significantly more likely
to say they save energy and water, whilst businesses more likely to promote Welsh culture and a sense
of place are in Swansea or employ more than 11 staff. Local or ethical products are more likely to be
purchased by serviced accommodation operators.
Figure 39
Which of the following do you practice in the operation of your business?
Page 53
When asked to rate the importance to their business of a number of environmentally sustainable
practices, respondents scored recycling and actively saving energy very highly (90% and 89% agree).
They also gave high scores to actively saving water and purchasing local/ethical products (80% and
79%). Of least importance, however, is reducing car use (52%), along with using renewable energy
(59%) and promoting sustainable transport (60%).
Figure 40
How much do you agree or disagree that these are important to your business?
Most respondents have no green certificate for their business (81%). The Green Dragon award is the
most popular for those who are certificated (17% of all respondents). Larger businesses with more than
11 staff are significantly more likely to have a Green Dragon Award (28%).
Figure 41
Has your business been awarded a green certificate by any of the following schemes?
Page 54
Respondents were presented with a list of courses about greening their businesses and asked to
identify which are of interest to them. Nearly three in ten expressed no interest in any of the courses
and only a few are interested in Encouraging visitors to minimise car use (12%) and Preparing for
climate change (15%). On the other hand, over a third of respondents are interested in Encouraging
wildlife/biodiversity and in Energy saving (36% each).
There are no clear differences by respondent profile in regard to this question.
Figure 42
Would you be interested in learning more about any of the following?
Page 55
Respondents identified their favourite source of information, advice and support on green issues for
business as online information/toolkits (48%). Also popular are training on their own premises (22%)
and printed toolkits (20%). Least popular sources are targeted support (8%) and telephone/email
support (12%).
Larger businesses with 11 staff or more are significantly more likely to say that they prefer training on
their own premises (44% v 22% average).
Figure 43
Which of the following would you choose to access information, advice and support on green issues for your business?
Page 56
Chapter 10: Pembrokeshire - Summary
When asked to estimate how the high seasons (June to September) of 2010 and 2009 differed, almost
two fifths (37%) reported increased levels of business in 2010 – and over a fifth of all respondents
(22%) experienced business increases of 10% or more. On the other hand, over a third (35%)
experienced decreasing business levels in 2010 compared with the previous year and over a quarter
(28%) reported similar levels of business between the two high seasons.
Figure 44
How would you rate the volume of business that you experienced in June to September 2010 compared with the same period in 2009? In 2010
the volume of our business ...
Page 57
When respondents who reported increased levels of business in 2010 were asked what factors they felt
led to this increase, over half (52%) reported improved promotional activity, whilst over a third (36%)
reported the weather. Two fifths felt that their increase in business was due to other factors.
Figure 45
What factors do you feel led to this increase?
The vast majority of respondents (92%) who reported decreased levels of business in 2010 feel that this
was due to the recession, whilst over two fifths (42%) believe that it was due to the weather. Fewer
respondents reported that the decrease was because of reduced promotional activity (9%) and other
factors (14%).
Figure 46
What factors do you feel led to this decrease?
Page 58
Staff Levels
A majority of operators from Pembrokeshire – over three quarters (77%) - reported no change in staff
levels compared to 12 months ago, whilst 11% have increased their number of employees and 12%
have decreased their workforce (Figure 47).
Figure 47
Compared with 12 months ago is the number of people now employed in your business ... ?
Short Breaks
Over a half the accommodation operators in Pembrokeshire responding to the survey (54%) reported
that less than 25% of their business was accounted for by short breaks, whereas 46% reported that 25%
or more of their business was accounted for by short breaks (June to September 2010).
Figure 48
Approximately what proportion of your business was accounted for by short breaks (1 to 3 nights) between June and mid-September 2010?
Base: Pembrokeshire respondents who offered short breaks between June and mid-September 2010 (106)
Page 59
Over two fifths (43%) of tourism operators in Pembrokeshire changed their business pricing structure
this season, whereas just under three fifths (57%) did not.
Figure 49
Did you change your business pricing structure this season (e.g. added value/discounts/offers)?
Accommodation Bookings
Accommodation operators were asked to provide information about bookings; Figure 50 shows that
most bookings take place up to three months before (29%), followed by up to a month before (26%)
and up to 2 weeks before (18%).
Figure 50
Do most of your bookings take place...?
Page 60
Business Outlook
Tourism operators in Pembrokeshire are, on the whole, fairly optimistic about their business prospects.
Whilst 46% feel the same about their prospects this year as last, just under a third (32%) are feeling
more optimistic than in 2009 (Figure 51 below). However, over a fifth (22%) of respondents feel less
Figure 51
How do you feel about your business prospects now compared with this time last year?
Figure 52
Do you have any plans for expansion or improvements to your business in 2011?
Page 61
Of those who have plans for capital expansion, over half (56%) will be carrying out improvements to
equipment, 42% are planning improvements to infrastructure and nearly a third (31%) are planning a
new build/conversion.
Figure 53
What sort of capital improvements do you plan to carry out?
Base: Pembrokeshire respondents who have plans for capital improvements (81)
Of those who have plans for revenue expansion, around two fifths (39%) are intending to carry out
additional marketing activity, whilst over a quarter have plans for continual upgrade (30%),
refurbishment (27%) and upgrades to their website (26%).
Figure 54
What sort of revenue improvements do you intend to make?
Base: Pembrokeshire respondents who have plans for revenue improvements (142)
Page 62
Visitor Markets
Respondents were asked to identify their main UK markets by selecting up to three main categories
from a list and ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key activity. Figure 55 presents the results from
this exercise and shows that The Midlands, the South East and London and South Wales are the most
frequently mentioned UK markets by respondents from Pembrokeshire to this survey.
Figure 55
In the main, where have your UK visitors come from this year?
The Midlands (155) 30
South East and London (128) 12
South Wales (127) 19
South West England (61) 13
4 Ist choice
Northern England (52) 9
2nd choice
North Wales (27) 6 3rd choice
Mid Wales (23) 3
Scotland (1)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
% Response
Base: All Pembrokeshire respondents (206). Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each visitor market
These findings were then weighted such that markets ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those ranked
2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score which was
averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank more
accurately represents UK visitor origins as given by Pembrokeshire respondents.
Page 63
Figure 56 presents the results of this rank analysis, showing that The Midlands is the largest source of
UK visitors for tourism operators in Pembrokeshire who responded to this survey; Scotland and
Northern Ireland are the smallest.
Figure 56
In the main, where have your UK visitors come from this year?
The Midlands 1
South Wales 2
Northern England 5
North Wales 6
Mid Wales 7
Northern Ireland 8
Scotland 9
Page 64
Respondents were asked to identify their main overseas markets by selecting up to three main
categories from a list and ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key activity. Figure 57 shows that
Germany, Netherlands and Ireland were the most frequently mentioned overseas visitor markets by
Pembrokeshire operators.
Figure 57
From which international destinations do your visitors mainly come?
Germany (99) 18
Netherlands (70) 14
Ireland (56) 9
USA (52) 9
France (38) 7
Australia (35) 6
8 Ist choice
3 2nd choice
Belgium (16) 5
3rd choice
New Zealand (15) 4
Canada (14) 3
Italy (7) 2
Far East (5)
Scandinavia (2) 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
% response
Base: All Pembrokeshire respondents who receive overseas visitors (196). Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each
The findings were weighted such that overseas markets ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those
ranked 2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score
which was averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank
more accurately represents overseas visitor markets as given by respondents to the survey.
Figure 58 (overleaf) presents the result of this rank analysis, showing that Germany is the largest source
of overseas visitors for Pembrokeshire respondents to this survey and the Far East and Scandinavia are
the smallest.
Page 65
Figure 58
From which international destinations do your visitors mainly come?
Germany 1
Netherlands 2
Ireland 3
Australia 5
France 6
Belgium 7
Canada 8
New Zealand 9
Italy 10
Far East 11
Scandinavia 12
Compared with last year, the highest proportion of tourist operators in Pembrokeshire reported that
the volume of overseas visitors has stayed the same (40%); however, just under a third reported a
decrease (31%) or increase (29%) since last year.
Figure 59
Compared with this time last year, can you identify any difference in the volume of overseas visitors?
Page 66
Visitor Behaviours and Motivations
Tourism operators from Pembrokeshire were asked to identify what mainly attracts people to visit their
area of Wales by selecting up to three main categories from a list and by ranking them from 1 to 3
where 1 is the key reason.
Figure 60
To the best of your knowledge what, in the main, attracts people to visit your area of South West Wales?
Coast/beaches/seaside (159) 29
Scenery, landscape and countryside (150) 29
Walking, hiking (110) 28
Attractions/sightseeing (34) 5
Heritage/history (30) 5
Visiting friends and relatives (23) 3
Other outdoor activities (22) 3
Wildlife/bird watching (20) 2
Historic sites (10) 1 Ist choice
Business (7) 1 2nd choice
1 3rd choice
Attend specific event (4) 1
Gardens (4) 1
Golf (3)
Easy to get to (2)
Fishing (2) 1
Cycling (1)
Moutian biking (0)
Other (5) 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
% response
Base: All Pembrokeshire respondents (197). Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each motivation type
These findings were then weighted such that motivations ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those
ranked 2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score
which was averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank
more accurately represents visitor motivations as given by respondents to the survey.
Figure 61 (overleaf) shows that coast/beaches/seaside are the main attraction to people who visit
Page 67
Figure 61
To the best of your knowledge what, in the main, attracts people to visit your area of South West Wales?
Coast/beaches/seaside 1
Walking/hiking 3
Heritage/History 4
Attractions/sightseeing 5
Wildlife/bird watching 6
Business 9
Historic sites 10
Other 11
Gardens 13
Easy to get to 14
Golf 15
Fishing 15
Cycling 17
Mountain biking 18
Page 68
Just under half of the respondents (48%) agree that local events, shows and festivals are of benefit to
their businesses and only 14% disagree. Just under two fifths (39%) of respondents answered in the
neutral, neither agree nor disagree.
Figure 62
To what extent do you agree or disagree that local events, shows and festivals benefit your business?
Figure 63
How do most of your visitors arrive at your business?
Page 69
Just over 7 in 10 tourism operators in Pembrokeshire promote the use of public transport to their
customers (71%), whilst just under 3 in 10 do not (29%).
Figure 64
Do you promote the use of public transport to your customers? (e.g. Gower Explorer, Puffin Shuttles, Heart of Wales Line)
Two thirds of respondents promote cycling to their customers (66%), whilst around a third (34%) do
Figure 65
Do you promote cycling to your customers (e.g. local cycle hire, national cycle network route proximity, cycling trail leaflets)?
Page 70
Websites and e-Marketing
The vast majority of tourism operators in Pembrokeshire have a website for their business (95%).
Figure 66
Do you have a website for your business?
Respondents who have a business website were asked what website facilities they have. Three fifths
(60%) have email booking forms and over two fifths (45%) have an online availability of dates through
their own or third party website. Over a quarter have online reservation facilities through their own
website (29%) and/or a third party website (28%). However, over four fifths reported that they do not
have an online payment facility through their own website (83%) or through a third party website
Figure 67
Which of the following website facilities do you have?
Base: Pembrokeshire respondents who have a website for their business (number of respondents shown in brackets)
Page 71
46% of Pembrokeshire respondents say that they currently monitor what people say about their
business on Trip Advisor.
Figure 68
Do you currently monitor what people say about your business on Trip Advisor?
Page 72
Other Marketing Activity
Respondents were asked to identify up to three main marketing methods they find the most effective
(other than website and online marketing). The most popular choices for tourism operators in
Pembrokeshire were: own publications/leaflets (51%) and involvement with Local Authority
promotions (45%).
Figure 69
Which main methods (other than your website if you have one or online marketing) do you find the most effective for promoting your business?
(Please select the top three methods only).
Page 73
Staff Training and Development
When asked how important it is that ‘you and your staff develop through training’, around 7 in 10
respondents (69%) said that it is very or fairly important whilst only 11% said it is unimportant. 20%, gave
the neutral, neither important nor unimportant response.
Figure 70
How important is it to you that yourself and your staff develop through training?
Just over half (52%) of the respondents reported that someone from their business has been on a course
in the last 12 months.
Figure 71
Has anyone from your business been on a course in the last 12 months?
Nearly a third (31%) of respondents said that someone from their business had attended a course on An
introduction to Social Media (31%), whereas a smaller proportion said that someone had attended
courses on Developing a sense of place within your business (15%), E communications (14%) and Using
Googles’s free tools for your business (14%).
Page 74
Figure 72
Which course(s) have been attended in the last 12 months?
Base: Pembrokeshire respondents who reported that someone from their business has been on a course in the last 12 months (95)
All respondents who said that someone from their business has attended an Advanced Social Media
course and/or a Through the Keyhole Accommodation Tour reported that the course was helpful.
Furthermore, over 90% found courses on Developing a Sense of Place within your Business (93%), Using
Google’s Free Tools for your Business (92%) and E Communications (93%) helpful. However, a fifth
reported that the Quick and Easy Meals course was unhelpful. This is illustrated in Figure 73 overleaf.
Page 75
Figure 73
How helpful or unhelpful was/were the course(s)?
Base: Pembrokeshire respondents who reported that someone from their business has been on a course in the last 12 months (number of
respondents shown in brackets)
Page 76
A quarter or more of respondents reported that the following courses would be beneficial to their
business: Attracting Customers throughout the Year (45%), Selling your Service Successfully (34%) and An
Introduction to Facebook, Twitter and Trip Advisor (25%).
Figure 74
Which of the following courses would you find of benefit to your business, if run in the next 12 months?
Page 77
Local Food
Over two fifths of tourism operators in Pembrokeshire (43%) order food to sell in their business,
whereas almost three fifths (57%) do not.
Figure 75
Do you order food to sell in your business?
Almost all (99%) of the respondents who order food to sell in their business use local produce.
Figure 76
Do you use local produce in your business?
Base: Pembrokeshire respondents who order food to sell in their business (78)
Page 78
A quarter of respondents said that they would be likely to use an online forum to source local produce,
talk to chefs and producers and learn new recipes, whilst almost three fifths (58%) said that they would
be unlikely to do so.
Figure 77
How likely or unlikely would you be to use an online forum to source local produce, talk to chefs and producers and learn new recipes?
Figure 78
Which of the following do you practice in the operation of your business?
Page 79
Over four fifths of respondents agree that actively reducing waste/recycling (91%), saving energy (89%)
and saving water (83%) are important to their business. Furthermore, over three fifths agree that
purchasing local/ethical products (77%), promoting Welsh culture and language (64%) and promoting
sustainable transport (62%) are also important. Almost two fifths (38%) neither agree nor disagree that
reducing car use and using renewable energy schemes are important to their business.
Figure 79
How much do you agree or disagree that these are important to your business?
Almost a fifth (19%) of the respondents have been awarded a green certificate by the Green Dragon
scheme. However, the majority (79%) of respondents have not been awarded a green certificate.
Figure 80
Has your business been awarded a green certificate by any of the following schemes?
Page 80
Just under two fifths of respondents said that they would be interested in learning more about energy
saving (39%) and encouraging wildlife/biodiversity (38%). Furthermore, over a quarter would like to
learn more about water saving (28%), Sense of Place (28%) and renewable energy (27%).
Figure 81
Would you be interested in learning more about any of the following?
Page 81
Around half the respondents (49%) would choose to access information, advice and support on green
issues for their business through online information/toolkits, whilst over a fifth would choose to use
printed toolkits (21%) and/or training on their own premise (21%).
Figure 82
Which of the following would you choose to access information, advice and support on green issues for your business?
Page 82
Chapter 11: Carmarthenshire -Summary
When asked to estimate how the high seasons (June to September) of 2010 and 2009 differed, over
half of the respondents (56%) reported increased levels of business in 2010 – and over a third of all
respondents (35%) experienced business increases of 10% or more. On the other hand, around a
quarter (24%) experienced decreasing business levels in 2010 compared with the previous year and just
over a fifth (21%) reported similar levels of business between the two high seasons.
Figure 83:
How would you rate the volume of business that you experienced in June to September 2010 compared with the same period in 2009? In 2010
the volume of our business ...
Page 83
More than 7 in 10 respondents (72%) who reported increased levels of business in 2010 felt that this
was due to improved promotional activity, whilst around a quarter felt that added value offers (24%)
and/or the weather (24%) led to this increase. Almost a third (31%) felt that the increase in business
was due to other factors.
Figure 84
What factors do you feel led to this increase?
The largest proportion of respondents who reported decreased levels of business in 2010 felt that this
was due to the recession (83%), whereas over two fifths (42%) felt that it was due to the. This is
illustrated in Figure 85 below.
Figure 85
What factors do you feel led to this decrease?
Base: Carmarthenshire respondents whose volume of business has decreased in 2010 (12)
Page 84
Staff levels
The majority of Carmarthenshire accommodation operators responding to the survey (83%) reported
that there has been no change in staff levels compared to 12 months ago, whilst 8% have increased or
decreased the number of people now employed in their business.
Figure 86
Compared with 12 months ago is the number of people now employed in your business ... ?
Short Breaks
Around two fifths (65%) of accommodation operators in Carmarthenshire reported that less than 25%
of their business is accounted for by short breaks, whilst over a third (35%) reported that 25% or more
of their business is accounted for by short breaks.
Figure 87
Approximately what proportion of your business was accounted for by short breaks (1 to 3 nights) between June and mid-September 2010?
Base: Carmarthenshire respondents who offered short breaks between June and September 2010 (23)
Page 85
The majority (64%) of Carmarthenshire respondents have not changed their pricing structure this
season, whereas over a third have (36%).
Figure 88
Did you change your business pricing structure this season (e.g. added value/discounts/offers)?
Accommodation Bookings
Respondents reported that most of their bookings take place up to month before (33%), closely
followed by up to 3 months before (31%) and up to 2 weeks before (26%).
Figure 89
Do most of your bookings take place...?
Page 86
Business Outlook
Compared to this time last year, almost half the tourism operators (48%) feel the same about their
business prospects, whereas around a third (32%) feel more optimistic and a fifth (20%) feel less
Figure 90:
How do you feel about your business prospects now compared with this time last year?
Figure 91
Do you have any plans for expansion or improvements to your business in 2011?
Page 87
Over half of the respondents (55%) who are going to make capital improvements are planning a new
build/conversion, whilst over a third are planning improvements to equipment and infrastructure
Figure 92
What sort of capital improvements do you plan to carry out?
Base: Carmarthenshire respondents who have plans for capital improvements (20)
Over two fifths of those with plans for revenue expansion are intending to carry out upgrades to their
website (45%) and additional marketing activity (42%). Over a quarter are planning on carrying out a
refurbishment (29%) and/or a continual upgrade (26%).
Figure 93
What sort of revenue improvements do you intend to make?
Base: Carmarthenshire respondents who have plans for revenue improvements (38)
Page 88
Visitor Markets
Respondents were asked to identify their main UK markets by selecting up to three main categories
from a list and ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key activity. Figure 94 presents the results from
this exercise and shows that the South East and London, the Midlands and South Wales are the most
frequently mentioned UK markets by respondents from Carmarthenshire to this survey.
Figure 94
In the main, where have your UK visitors come from this year?
South East and London (40) 28
Midlands (33) 25
South Wales (25) 6
South West England (20) 15
Northern England (12) 6
Mid Wales (8) 8
North Wales (7) 6
Scotland (2) 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
% Response
Base: All Carmarthenshire respondents (53). Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each visitor origin
These findings were then weighted such that markets ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those ranked
2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score which was
averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank more
accurately represents UK visitor origins as given by respondents from Carmarthenshire to the survey.
Figure 95 overleaf presents the results of this rank analysis, showing that the South East and London is
the largest source of UK visitors for Carmarthenshire respondents to this survey; Scotland and Northern
Ireland are the smallest.
Page 89
Figure 95
In the main, where have your UK visitors come from this year?
Midlands 2
South Wales 3
Northern England 5
Mid Wales 6
North Wales 7
Scotland 8
Northern Ireland 9
Page 90
Respondents were asked to identify their main overseas markets by selecting up to three main
categories from a list and ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key activity. Figure 96 overleaf shows
that Netherlands, Germany and Ireland were the most frequently mentioned overseas visitor origins for
Carmarthenshire respondents.
Figure 96
From which international destinations do your visitors mainly come?
Netherlands (17) 25
Germany (17) 25
Ireland (15) 5
France (12) 13
Australia (11) 8
USA (10) 5
10 Ist choice
3 2nd choice
Italy (4)
3rd choice
Belgium (4) 5
Canada (3) 8
New Zealand (2) 3
Scandinavia (1)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
% response
Base: All Carmarthenshire respondents (53). Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each visitor origin
The findings were weighted such that overseas markets ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those
ranked 2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score
which was averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank
more accurately represents overseas visitor markets as given by respondents to the survey.
Figure 97 (overleaf) presents the result of this rank analysis, showing that Ireland is the largest source
of overseas visitors for Carmarthenshire respondents to this survey and the Far East and Scandinavia
are the smallest.
Page 91
Figure 97
From which international destinations do your visitors mainly come?
Ireland 1
Netherlands 2
Germany 3
Australia 4
France 6
Belgium 7
Italy 8
Canada 9
New Zealand 9
Scandinavia 11
Far East 12
Positively, just over two fifths of tourist operators in Carmarthenshire reported that the volume of
overseas visitors compared with last year has increased (41%), whilst a slightly lower proportion said
that the volume had stayed the same (37%). Just over a fifth (22%) said that the volume of overseas
visitors had decreased since last year.
Figure 98
Compared with this time last year, can you identify any difference in the volume of overseas visitors?
Page 92
Visitor Behaviours and Motivations
Tourism operators from Carmarthenshire were asked to identify what mainly attracts people to visit
their area of Wales by selecting up to three main categories from a list and by ranking them from 1 to 3
where 1 is the key reason.
Figure 99
To the best of your knowledge what, in the main, attracts people to visit your area of South West Wales?
Scenery, landscape and countryside (33) 13
Coast/beaches/seaside (20) 23
Walking, hiking (14) 17
Visiting friends and relatives (13) 6
Attractions/sightseeing (13) 8
Gardens (12) 6
Heritage/history (7) 13
Attend specific events (5) 2
Wildlife/bird watching (5) 4
6 Ist choice
Cycling (4) 2 2nd choice
2 3rd choice
Historic sites (4)
Other outdoor activities (4) 2
Easy to get to (1)
Moutain biking (1) 2
Business (0)
Fishing (0)
Golf (0)
Other (3)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
% response
Base: All Carmarthenshire respondents (53). Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each motivation type
These findings were then weighted such that motivations ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those
ranked 2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score
which was averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank
more accurately represents visitor motivations as given by respondents to the survey. Figure 100 shows
that scenery, landscape ad countryside is the main attraction to people who visit Carmarthenshire.
Page 93
Figure 100
To the best of your knowledge what, in the main, attracts people to visit your area of South West Wales?
Coast/beaches/seaside 2
Gardens 3
Walking, hiking 4
Attractions/sightseeing 5
Heritage/history 7
Cycling 8
Wildlife/bird watching 8
Other 8
Historic sites 12
Mountain Biking 14
Easy to get to 15
Golf 16
Fishing 16
Business 16
Page 94
Over half of the respondents (55%) agree that local events, shows and festivals benefit their business,
whilst only 18% disagree. Over a quarter (27%) of respondents answered in the neutral, neither agree
nor disagree.
Figure 101
To what extent do you agree or disagree that local events, shows and festivals benefit your business?
Figure 102
How do most of your visitors arrive at your business?
Page 95
Just over half the tourism operators in Carmarthenshire responding to this survey promote the use of
public transport to their customers; however, a similar proportion (48%) do not.
Figure 103
Do you promote the use of public transport to your customers? (e.g. Gower Explorer, Puffin Shuttles, Heart of Wales Line)
The majority of respondents (79%) promote cycling to their customers.
Figure 104
Do you promote cycling to your customers (e.g. local cycle hire, national cycle network route proximity, cycling trail leaflets)?
Page 96
Websites and e-Marketing
Almost all (95%) Carmarthenshire respondents have a website for their business.
Figure 105
Do you have a website for your business?
Over half the Carmarthenshire respondents do not have the website facilities listed in Figure 106
below; in particular, over three quarters do not have an online payment facility through a third party
(84%) and/or their own website (76%). However, over two fifths do have an online availability of dates
(49%) and email booking forms (44%).
Figure 106
Which of the following website facilities do you have?
Base: Carmarthenshire respondents who have a website for their business (number of respondents shown in brackets)
Page 97
Under half (45%) of Carmarthenshire respondents monitor what people say about their business on
Trip Advisor.
Figure 107
Do you currently monitor what people say about your business on Trip Advisor?
Figure 108
Which main methods (other than your website if you have one or online marketing) do you find the most effective for promoting your business?
(Please select the top three methods only).
Page 98
Staff Training and Development
When asked about the importance of training, over three quarters (78%) of respondents said that it is
important that they and their staff develop through training, whilst only 4% said it is unimportant.
Figure 109
How important is it to you that yourself and your staff develop through training?
Three fifths (60%) of respondents stated that someone from their business has been on a course in the
last 12 months.
Figure 110
Has anyone from your business been on a course in the last 12 months?
Around a third of business operators in Carmarthenshire reported that the following courses had been
attended in the last 12 months: Developing a sense of place within your business (33%), An introduction
to Social Media and using it within your business (30%) and Through the keyhole accommodation tour.
Page 99
Figure 111
Which course(s) have been attended in the last 12 months?
All respondents said that courses attended on An introduction to Social Media, Through the keyhole
accommodation tour, Using Google’s free tools for your business, Quick and easy meals to serve to
your guests and developing supervisors to be leaders were helpful.
Figure 112
How helpful or unhelpful was/were the course(s)?
Page 100
Over three fifths (62%) said that a course on Attracting Customers throughout the Year would be
beneficial to their business if run in the next 12 months. Around two fifths would find Selling your
Service Successfully (43%) and Introduction to Facebook, Twitter and Trip Advisor (40%) courses
Figure 113
Which of the following courses would you find of benefit to your business if run in the next 12 months?
Local Food
Just under a third (31%) of tourism operators in Carmarthenshire order food to sell in their business.
Figure 114
Do you order food to sell in your business?
Page 101
A large proportion of respondents (93%) who order food to sell in their business use local produce in
their business, whereas only 7% do not/
Figure 115
Do you use local produce in your business?
Base: Carmarthenshire respondents who order food to sell in their business (14)
Over a third of respondents (36%) said that they would be likely to use an online forum to source local
produce, talk to chefs and producers and learn new recipes, whilst almost half (48%) said that would be
Figure 116
How likely or unlikely would you be to use an online forum to source local produce, talk to chefs and producers and learn new recipes?
Page 102
Greening your Business
Over 90% of respondents said they actively save energy (93%) and actively reduce waste/recycle (91%).
Furthermore, over two thirds of businesses reported that they actively save water and purchase
local/ethical products (71%).
Figure 117
Which of the following do you practice in the operation of your business?
Page 103
More than 9 in 10 respondents agree that actively saving energy (93%) and actively reducing
waste/recycling (91%) are important to their business. In addition, four fifths or more agree that
purchasing local/ethical products (87%) and actively saving water (80%) are also important. However,
over 10% of respondents disagree that reducing car use (16%) and promoting Welsh culture and
language (11%) are important.
Figure 118
How much do you agree or disagree that these are important to your business?
16% of respondents have been awarded a green certificate by the Green Dragon scheme; however, the
majority (84%) have not been awarded a green certificate of any kind.
Figure 119
Has your business been awarded a green certificate by any of the following schemes?
Page 104
Figure 120 shows that business operators in Carmarthenshire are most interested in learning more
about encouraging wildlife/biodiversity (40%), followed by renewable energy (31%), energy saving
(29%) and local sourcing – food and products (29%).
Figure 120
Would you be interested in learning more about any of the following?
Page 105
Just under half the respondents (47%) would choose to access information, advice and support on green
issues for their business through online information/toolkits, whilst over a quarter would choose to use
forums, clusters, networks and events (29%) and/or off site training courses (27%).
Figure 121
Which of the following would you choose to access information, advice and support on green issues for your business?
Page 106
Chapter 12: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot - Summary
A Note of Caution
Only 36 tourism operators from Swansea (26) and Neath Port Talbot (10) responded to the survey at
least in part. The results in this section should, therefore, be treated as indicative only. It is not possible
to say that they represent the majority view owing to the low level of response.
When asked to estimate how the high seasons (June to September) of 2010 and 2009 differed, more
than half of the respondents (56%) reported increased levels of business in 2010 – and more than a
fifth of all respondents (23%) experienced business increases of 10% or more. On the other hand, a fifth
(20%) experienced decreasing business levels in 2010 compared with the previous year and just less
than a quarter (23%) reported similar levels of business between the two high seasons.
Figure 122
How would you rate the volume of business that you experienced in June to September 2010 compared with the same period in 2009?In 2010
the volume of our business ...
Page 107
Improved promotional activity explained most of the increase in business (82%), whilst around a
quarter of respondents (24%) felt that added value offers and the weather were contributory factors (4
operators for each of these factors).
Figure 123
What factors do you feel led to this increase?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents whose volume of business has increased in 2010 (17)
Five out of the six respondents who experienced a decrease in business attributed this to the recession
and three of them said that the weather played its part.
Figure 124
What factors do you feel led to this decrease?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents whose volume of business has decreased in 2010 (6)
Page 108
Staff Levels
A majority of operators in Swansea/Neath Port Talbot– over four fifths (83%) reported no change in
staff levels compared to 12 months ago, whilst 11% have increased their number of employees and 6%
have decreased their workforce.
Figure 125
Compared with 12 months ago is the number of people now employed in your business ... ?
Short Breaks
Six of the 11 accommodation operators in Swansea/Neath Port Talbot responding to the survey (54%)
reported that less than 25% of their business is accounted for by short breaks, whereas 5 (45%)
reported that 25% or more of their business is accounted for by short breaks.
Figure 126
Approximately what proportion of your business was accounted for by short breaks (1 to 3 nights) between June and mid-September 2010?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents who offered short breaks between June and mid-September 2010 (11)
Page 109
Almost half (48%) of the Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents changed their business pricing
structure this season.
Figure 127
Did you change your business pricing structure this season (e.g. added value/discounts/offers)?
Accommodation Bookings
Accommodation operators were asked to provide information about bookings; Figure 128 shows that
about 3 in 10 respondents report that their bookings mainly take place up to three months in advance
(29%). The same proportion of respondents (24% - 4 respondents) reported that most of their bookings
take place up to 2 weeks before, 2-3 days before and up to a month before.
Figure 128
Do most of your bookings take place...?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents who run accommodation businesses (17)
Page 110
Business Outlook
Tourism operators in Swansea/Neath Port Talbot on the whole, feel the same about their prospects
this year as last (61%). Positively, around a third (10 respondents) feel more optimistic now compared
to last year and only 6% (2 respondents) feel less optimistic.
Figure 129
How do you feel about your business prospects now compared with this time last year?
Around a fifth of respondents are planning capital (19%) or revenue improvements (19%) to their
businesses and around a quarter (26%) are planning both capital and revenue improvements.
Figure 130
Do you have any plans for expansion or improvements to your business in 2011?
Page 111
Almost two thirds of the 14 respondents who are planning capital expansion (9 respondents) reported
that they will be carrying out improvements to equipment, whilst a third of the respondents (5
operators) plan to carry out infrastructure improvements (36%). Four respondents are planning an
extension and/or a new build/conversion.
Figure 131
What sort of capital improvements do you plan to carry out?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents who have plans for capital improvements (14)
Plans for revenue improvements by business operators in Swansea/Neath Port Talbot included:
upgrades to their website (38%), additional marketing activity (33%) and development/training of staff
Figure 132
What sort of revenue improvements do you intend to make?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents who have plans for revenue improvements (24)
Page 112
Visitor Markets
Respondents were asked to identify their main UK markets by selecting up to three main categories
from a list and ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key activity. Figure 133 presents the results
from this exercise and shows that The Midlands, South Wales and the South East and London are the
most frequently mentioned UK markets by Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents.
Figure 133
In the main, where have your UK visitors come from this year?
Midlands (20) 31
South Wales (19) 6
South East and London (19) 9
South West England (14) 20
Northern England (6) 6
North Wales (1)
Scotland (0)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
% Response
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents (35). Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each visitor origin
These findings were then weighted such that origins ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those ranked 2
were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score which was
averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank more
accurately represents UK visitor origins as given by respondents from Swansea/Neath Port Talbot to the
Figure 134 overleaf presents the results of this rank analysis, showing that South Wales is the largest
source of UK visitors for tourism operators in Swansea/Neath Port Talbot to this survey; North Wales
and Scotland are the smallest.
Page 113
Figure 134
In the main, where have your UK visitors come from this year?
South Wales 1
The Midlands 3
Northern England 5
Mid Wales 6
Northern Ireland 7
North Wales 7
Scotland 9
Page 114
Respondents were asked to identify their main overseas markets by selecting up to three main
categories from a list and ranking them from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key activity. Figure 135 shows that
Ireland, USA and Germany were the most frequently mentioned overseas visitor markets.
Figure 135
From which international destinations do your visitors mainly come?
Ireland (11) 12
USA (10) 8
Germany (9) 20
Canada (7) 12
Australia (6) 8
France (5) 8 Ist choice
8 2nd choice
Netherlands (4) 4
4 3rd choice
Far East (2)
Scandinavia (2)
Belgium (1) 4
Italy (0)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
% response
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents (35). Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each visitor market
The findings were weighted such that overseas markets ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those
ranked 2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score
which was averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by
rank more accurately represents overseas visitor markets as given by Swansea/Neath Port Talbot
respondents to the survey.
Figure 136 (overleaf) presents the result of this rank analysis, showing that Ireland is the largest source
of overseas visitors for Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents to this survey and Belgium and Italy
are the smallest.
Page 115
Figure 136
Ireland 1
Germany 2
Canada 4
Australia 5
France 6
Netherlands 7
Far East 8
New Zealand 9
Scandinavia 10
Belgium 10
Italy 12
The same proportion of tourism operators from Swansea/Neath Port Talbot (40%) said that the volume
of overseas visitors has either increased or stayed the same since last year, whilst a fifth said that the
volume has decreased.
Figure 137
Compared with this time last year, can you identify any difference in the volume of overseas visitors?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents who receive overseas visitors (20)
Page 116
Visitor Behaviours and Motivations
Tourism operators from Swansea/Neath Port Talbot were asked to identify what mainly attracts people
to visit their area of Wales by selecting up to three main categories from a list and by ranking them
from 1 to 3 where 1 is the key reason.
Figure 138
To the best of your knowledge what, in the main, attracts people to visit your area of South West Wales?
Scenery, landscape and countryside (21) 12
Coast/beaches/seaside (20) 18
Visiting friends and relatives (10) 18
Walking, hiking (8) 15
Business (7) 9
Attractions/sightseeing (6) 9
Attend specific events (5)
Heritage/history (4) 6
Moutain biking (4) 6 Ist choice
6 2nd choice
Other outdoor activities (3)
Golf (2) 3rd choice
Cycling (2)
Easy to get to (2) 3
Wildlife/bird watching (1)
Gardens (0)
Fishing (0)
Other (1)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
% response
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents (35). Figures in brackets above are the number of mentions for each motivation type
These findings were then weighted such that motivations ranked 1 were given a weight of 1; those
ranked 2 were multiplied by 2 and those ranked 3 were multiplied by 3. This produced a total score
which was averaged out by dividing by the number of responses for each category. This analysis by rank
more accurately represents visitor motivations as given by respondents to the survey. Figure 139 shows
that scenery, landscape and countryside is the main attraction mentioned by Swansea/Neath Port
Talbot respondents.
Page 117
Figure 139
To the best of your knowledge what, in the main, attracts people to visit your area of South West Wales?
Coast/beaches/seaside 2
Business 4
Walking/hiking 5
Attractions/sightseeing 6
Heritage/history 8
Mountain biking 8
Easy to get to 11
Golf 12
Cycling 12
Wildlife/bird watching 14
Other 14
Gardens 16
Historic sites 16
Fishing 16
Page 118
Over two thirds of Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents (67%) agree that local events, shows and
festivals benefit their business, whilst only 6% disagree and over a quarter (26%) said that they neither
agree nor disagree.
Figure 140
To what extent do you agree or disagree that local events, shows and festivals benefit your business?
Figure 141
How do most of your visitors arrive at your business?
Page 119
Six in 10 Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents promote the use of public transport to their
Figure 142
Do you promote the use of public transport to your customers? (e.g. Gower Explorer, Puffin Shuttles, Heart of Wales Line)
Over two thirds of the respondents promote cycling to their customers (69%).
Figure 143
Do you promote cycling to your customers (e.g. local cycle hire, national cycle network route proximity, cycling trail leaflets)?
Page 120
Websites and e-Marketing
Almost all Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents have a website for their business (97%).
Figure 144
Do you have a website for your business?
When asked about the website facilities they have, nearly half of the Swansea/Neath Port Talbot
respondents have email booking forms (47%) and just over a third have online reservations through
their own website (34%) and/or third party website (34%). Only 16% have an online payment facility
through a third party.
Figure 145
Which of the following website facilities do you have?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents who have a website for their business (number of respondents shown in brackets)
Page 121
24 operators in Swansea/Neath Port Talbot answered the question, ‘Do you currently monitor what
people say about your business on Trip Advisor?’. Of these, half (50%) answered that they do monitor
these comments.
Figure 146
Do you currently monitor what people say about your business on Trip Advisor?
Page 122
Other Marketing Activity
Respondents were asked to identify up to three main marketing methods they find the most effective
(other than website and online marketing). The most popular choices for Swansea/Neath Port Talbot
respondents were: involvement with Local Authority promotions (68%) and publications/leaflets (55%).
Figure 147
Which main methods (other than your website if you have one or online marketing) do you find the most effective for promoting your business?
(Please select the top three methods only).
Page 123
Staff Training and Development
When asked how important it is that ‘you and your staff develop through training’, over four fifths of
respondents (84%) said that it is very or fairly important whilst only 6% said it is unimportant. 10%,
gave the neutral, neither important nor unimportant response.
Figure 148
How important is it to you that yourself and your staff develop through training?
Around four fifths (81%) of respondents reported that someone from their business has been on a
course in the last 12 months.
Figure 149
Has anyone from your business been on a course in the last 12 months?
Page 124
Over a third of respondents said that someone from their business had attended a course on An
introduction to Social Media (40%), Using Googles’s free tools for your business (36%) and/or
Developing a sense of place within your business (36%) in the last 12 months. A fifth said that courses
were attended on E-Communications and Developing supervisors to be leaders.
Figure 150
Which course(s) have been attended in the last 12 months?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents where someone from their business has attended a course in the last 12 months (25).
Page 125
Positively, all respondents who attended the following courses found them helpful: An introduction to
Social Media, Through the Keyhole accommodation tour, Using Google’s free tools for your business,
Quick and easy meals and Developing supervisors to be leaders.
Figure 151
How helpful or unhelpful was/were the course(s)?
Page 126
More than a third of respondents reported that the following courses would be beneficial to their
business: Attracting customers throughout the year (42%), selling your service successfully (39%) and
advanced social media (35%). Around a fifth said that they would find courses on ‘introduction to
Facebook, Twitter and Trip Advisor’ and/or ‘meeting customer expectations’ beneficial.
Figure 152
Which of the following courses would you find of benefit to your business, if run in the next 12 months?
Page 127
Local Food
Around 3 in 5 Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents (58%) order food to sell in their business.
Figure 153
Do you order food to sell in your business?
A high proportion of respondents who order food to sell use local produce in their business (89%).
Figure 154
Do you use local produce in your business?
Base: Swansea/Neath Port Talbot respondents who order food to sell in their business (18)
Page 128
Over a third of respondents said that they would be likely to use an online forum to source local
produce, talk to chefs and producers and learn new recipes (36%), whilst a slightly lower proportion
(32%) said that they would be unlikely and neither likely nor unlikely (32%).
Figure 155
How likely or unlikely would you be to use an online forum to source local produce, talk to chefs and producers and learn new recipes?
Figure 156
Which of the following do you practice in the operation of your business?
Page 129
Over four fifths or more of respondents agree that actively reducing waste/recycling (91%), saving
energy (83%) and promoting Welsh culture and language (81%) are important to their business.
Furthermore, more than 74% agree that actively saving water and purchasing local/ethical products are
important. Around a third or more neither agree nor disagree that reducing car use (32%) and
promoting sustainable transport (35%) are important to their business.
Figure 157
How much do you agree or disagree that these are important to your business?
Just over 1 in 10 respondents (13%) have been awarded a green certificate by the Green Dragon
scheme and 3% by the Green Tourism Business Scheme. However, the majority of respondents have
not been awarded either of these awards (84%).
Figure 158
Has your business been awarded a green certificate by any of the following schemes?
Base: Respondents whose Local Authority is Swansea/Neath Port Talbot (31)
Page 130
Over a quarter of respondents said that they would be interested in learning more about energy saving
(32%) and sense of place – preserving and promoting our Welsh culture, language and natural heritage
(29%). Around a fifth said that they would be interested in learning more about greening their business
(23%), water saving (19%) and renewable energy (19%).
Figure 159
Would you be interested in learning more about any of the following?
Page 131
Figure 160 shows that just over two fifths of respondents (42%) would choose to access information,
advice and support on green issues for their business through online information/toolkits, whilst over a
quarter would choose training on their own premises (29%) and over 1 in 10 would choose to use
printed toolkits (16%).
Figure 160
Which of the following would you choose to access information, advice and support on green issues for your business?
Page 132
Appendix - Questionnaire
Page 133
Please spare 15 to 20 minutes to complete this important Business Survey.
Last year, nearly 350 tourism businesses in south west Wales completed the survey to
give a significant insight into:
* trading conditions
* visitor patterns
* business challenges
* training needs
The information helped to guide all stakeholders who develop and deliver tourism policies
and strategies to benefit the region’s £1billion visitor economy.
We are mainly looking for information based on the 2010 season, but also looking forward
to 2011, and there are plenty of opportunities for you to leave detailed comments.
We really value your input, as ongoing benchmarking and feedback gives us a true
business picture to support communications and raise issues with the Welsh Assembly
Government, as well as other organisations and the press.
Over 50 per cent of operators who completed last year’s survey reported an increase in
business over the previous year (2008); 23 per cent said their performance was
comparable to the previous 12 months.
Some 95 per cent of operators said they have business websites and these - together with
other online activity and local authority campaigns - were most frequently mentioned as
their main marketing channels. Full details of the 2009 survey can be read by clicking the
link below
Page 134
If you are unable to complete the questionnaire in one sitting, please save what you have
done and return to it later. Please remember to do this using the ‘Resume Later’ button at
bottom left to avoid time-out (which will wipe out your completed responses).
If you have any queries please contact your Tourism Trade Association: <> <> <> <> <> <>
Please move forward or back by using the buttons below rather than the back arrow on
your task bar above.
Background Information
1 In which local authority area is your main business located? One answer
Carmarthenshire County Council
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Pembrokeshire County Council
City and County of Swansea
Other Please specify Text box
2 Are you a member of any of the three Tourism Trade Associations in South West
Wales? ( i.e. Carmarthenshire Tourist Association, Pembrokeshire Tourism, Tourism
Swansea Bay) One answer
Yes – (Route to question 3)
No – (Route to this message: You can request information on how to become a member at
the end of the survey and then route to 4.)
Page 135
3 Route from YES at Q2 To which Association(s) do you belong? (Please select all that apply)
Multi response
Your Business
4 What best describes your business? Please select up to three main categories from the list
below and rank them from 1 to 3 where 1 is your key business. Force at least one answer
1. Serviced Accommodation
2. Self-Catering Accommodation
3. Caravan and Camping
4. Visitor Attraction
5. Activity Provider
6. Event Organiser
7. Restaurant, Pub, Cafe
8. Retail
9. Other
4b You selected ‘Other’ for the last question. Please specify Text box
NO (Route to question 7)
Visit Wales
Other (e.g. VAQAS)
7 How many people including yourself does your business employ? One answer
Over 51
8 Compared with 12 months ago is the number of people now employed in your business
... ? One answer
About the same
Page 136
9 How would you rate the volume of business that you experienced in June to September
2010 compared with the same period in 2009? One answer
10 (Route from increased in 9) What factors do you feel led to this increase? Multi response
11 (Route from decreased in 9) What factors do you feel led to this decrease? Multi response
12 Did you change your business pricing structure this season (e.g. added
value/discounts/offers)? One answer
YES – route to 13
NO – route to 14
Not applicable – route to 14
13 (Route from yes in 12) Please describe what actions you took.
For those who selected options 1, 2 and 3 at question 4, route to questions 14, 15 and 16. For all
others, skip these questions.
14 Did you offer short breaks (1 to 3 nights) between June and mid-September 2010? One
YES – route to 15
NO - route to 16
Page 137
15 Approximately what proportion of your business was accounted for by short breaks (1
to 3 nights) between June and mid-September 2010? One answer
On arrival
Day before arrival
2-3 days before
Up to 2 weeks before
Up to a month before
Up to 3 months before
Up to 6 months before
Up to 12 months before
More than 12 months before
18 Do you promote the use of public transport to your customers? (e.g. Gower Explorer,
Puffin Shuttles, Heart of Wales Line) One answer
Yes Route to 20
No Route to 19
19 Route from No at 18 Why don’t you promote public transport to your customers? Please
write in. Text box - don’t force.
20 Do you promote cycling to your customers (e.g. local cycle hire, national cycle network
route proximity, cycling trail leaflets)? One answer
Yes – Route to 22
No – Route to 21
Page 138
21 Route from No at 20 Why don’t you promote cycling to your customers? Please write in.
Text box - don’t force
Your Visitors
22 In the main, where have your UK visitors come from this year?
(Please select up to three from the list below and rank them from 1 to 3, where 1 is the top
region). Multi response – restrict to 3 answers – force ranking from 1 to 3.
South Wales
Mid Wales
North Wales
The Midlands
South East and London
South West England
Northern England
Northern Ireland
23 From which international destinations do your visitors mainly come? (Please select up to
three from the list below and rank them from 1 to 3, where 1 is the top destination). Multi
response – restrict to 3 answers – force ranking from 1 to 3.
New Zealand
Far East
No international visitors
Don’t know
23b You selected ‘Other’ for the last question. Please specify Text box
24 Compared with this time last year, can you identify any difference in the volume of
overseas visitors? One answer
Page 139
25 To the best of your knowledge what, in the main, attracts people to visit your area of
South West Wales? (Please select your top three reasons below and rank them from 1 to 3,
where 1 is the top reason). Multi response – restrict to 3 answers – force ranking from 1 to 3.
25b You selected ‘Other’ for the last question. Please specify Text box
26 To what extent do you agree or disagree that local events, shows and festivals benefit
your business? One answer
27 (Routing - If agree / Tend to agree at 26) Please name the local events, shows and festivals
which you feel have provided benefit to your business. Text box - force
28 (Routing - If disagree / Tend to disagree at 26) Please explain why you disagree. Text box -
YES Route to 30
NO Route to 31
Page 140
30 Route from YES at 29 Which of the following website facilities do you have? One answer
in each row
31 Does your business undertake e-commerce – that is buying and selling goods and
services over the internet for business purposes? One answer
Don’t know
32 What, if any, online marketing presence and activity do you have in place? Multi
32b You selected ‘Other’ for the last question. Please specify Text box
33 Do you currently monitor what people say about your business on Trip Advisor? One
Not Applicable
34 Which main methods (other than your website if you have one and online marketing) do
you find the most effective for promoting your business? (Please select the top three
methods only) Multi response – restrict to 3
Involvement with Local Authority promotion as a marketing partner e.g. brochures and web
Involvement with Visit Wales (campaigns/brand/brochures)
Third party booking sites (e.g. laterooms/
Own publications / leaflets
Newspaper / magazines ads (print)
Agency (e.g. self catering cottages etc)
Page 141
Trade Association activities (e.g. websites, trade days, networking etc.)
Training events (e.g. Gallu)
Tourist Information Centres
TV (e.g. adverts or coverage in programmes)
Radio (e.g. adverts or coverage in programmes)
Other (Please specify) Text box
Very important
Fairly important
Neither important nor unimportant
Fairly unimportant
Very unimportant
Don’t know
36a Has anyone from your business been on a course in the last 12 months?
36b Route from No at 36a Please give your reasons for not attending any course(s) in the last
12 months. Text box
37a Route from Yes at 36a. Which course(s) have been attended in the last 12 months? Multi
response force one answer
37b If Yes at 36 How helpful or unhelpful was/were the course(s)? Select one answer in each
Very helpful
Fairly helpful
Neither helpful nor unhelpful
Fairly unhelpful
Very unhelpful
38 All Which of the following courses would you find of benefit to your business, if run in
the next 12 months? Multi response – force one answer
Local Food
39 Do you order food to sell in your business? One answer
Yes – Route to 40
No – Route to 43
40 Who is responsible for ordering the food for your business? Text box don’t force
Yes – Route to 43
No – Route to 42
Don’t know – Route to 43
42 Route from No at 41. Why don’t you use local produce in your business? Multi response
Inconsistent Quality
Inconsistent Supply
Delivery issues
Other reason (Please specify)
Page 143
43 How likely or unlikely would you be to use an online forum to source local produce, talk
to chefs and producers and learn new recipes? One answer
Very likely
Fairly likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Fairly unlikely
Very unlikely
44b How much do you agree or disagree that these are important to your business? One
answer per statement
Strongly agree
Tend to agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Tend to disagree
Strongly disagree
45 Has your business been awarded a green certificate by any of the following schemes?
Multi response
Page 144
46 Would you be interested in learning more about any of the following? Multi response
47 Which of the following would you choose to access information, advice and support on
green issues for your business? Multi response
Printed toolkits
Online information/toolkits
Forums, clusters, networks and events
An environmental audit of your business
Offsite training courses
Training on your own premises
Targeted support
Telephone/e mail support
Do not require support
None of the above
Other (Please specify) Text box
Business Outlook
48 How do you feel about your business prospects now compared with this time last year?
One answer
More optimistic
Less optimistic
About the same
Don’t know
49 Do you have any plans for expansion or improvements to your business in 2011? Multi
Yes – I have plans for capital improvements (e.g. in buildings, equipment, infrastructure etc.)
Route to 50
Yes – I have plans for revenue improvements (e.g. in staff, website development, advertising
etc.) Route to 51
No – I have no plans for expansion or improvement. Route to 52
Don’t know Route to 52
50 What sort of capital improvements do you plan to carry out? Multi response
Page 145
New build / Conversion
Other (Please specify) Text box
New website
Upgrade to website
Additional marketing activity
Development / training of staff
Refurbishment / upgrade to internal / external finishes
Improvements in landscaping
Continual upgrade
Improvements to energy efficiency
Other (Please specify) Text box
Final Section
52 Please add any additional comments that you would like to make. Text box
53 Would you be willing for us to contact you for quotes that we could publish? If you are
interested and would be willing to be contacted by the Trade Associations or their
representatives, please indicate below and fill in your full contact details at the end of
this survey. By providing this information, you will not affect the confidentiality of your
answers to the questionnaire. One answer
54 If you would like more information on any of the following, please select and then fill in
your email address at the end of the survey. By providing this contact information, you
will not affect the confidentiality of your answers to the questionnaire. Multi response
55 Would you be interested in helping the Tourism Trade Associations with follow-up
research by attending a small group discussion? If you are interested and would be
willing to be contacted by the Trade Associations or their representatives, please
indicate below and fill in your full contact details at the end of the survey. By providing
this information, you will not affect the confidentiality of your answers to the
questionnaire. One answer
Page 146
No, I am not willing to be involved in a small discussion group
Contact Details
[Open Text Not required]
If you require further information, are willing for us to contact you for quotes or are willing to
participate in a discussion group please leave your contact details ...
Page 147
Opinion Research Services The Strand, Swansea SA1 1AF
enquiries 01792 535300 · ·
Page 148