Reading and Math PDF
Reading and Math PDF
Reading and Math PDF
Open Access Scientific Publisher
Research Article
Received July 08, 2015; Accepted July 11, 2015; Published July 23, 2015;
Copyright: © 2015 Alvin V. Nuquiet al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Cite This Article:Ryan S. Ramos, R., G. Baking, E.,T. Quiambao, D., C. Nicdao, R., V. Nuqui, A., C. Cruz,
R.(2015). The Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Proficiency Level of High School Students and Their
Correlates. Journal of Business & Management Studies, 1(2).1-7
This study dealt with the different factors affecting the mathematics proficiency level of high school students of the public
secondary schools in Sta. Ana, Pampanga. It described the school factors in terms of facilities and book student ratio; the
teacher - respondents’ highest educational attainment, age, civil status, teaching experience and seminars/trainings attended;
the proficiency levels of the students in reading comprehension and mathematics and; the educational attainment of the
parents and monthly income of the family of the students. The problems encountered by the mathematics teachers in
teaching the subject and the proposals to remedy the problems were likewise included. The data gathered were treated with
the use of frequency distribution, weighted mean, and percentage. Correlational analysis and chi – square test were also
used in this study. Based from the results, all school related factors and teacher related factors in terms of civil status, years
of teaching and seminars/trainings attended affect the mathematical proficiency of the students; reading comprehension
level is significantly correlated to the students mathematics proficiency level while the teacher related factors along the
aspects of educational attainment and age and all family related factors were not significantly related to the mathematics
proficiency level of the students.
s a student enters high school, he is expected to face
Mathematics is one of the subjects in high school which
the different challenges in life specially in academics most of the students hate because they do not want to
coupled with making decisions, projects, assignments, solve, interpret, and analyze numbers. Solving and
quizzes; to mingle with other students; to meet new friends interpreting different kinds of word problems enable the 1
and classmates; and to study all necessary lessons specially students to think intelligently and to act critically. As he
in solving problems in Mathematics subject. For a student faces the different Mathematics subjects in high school like
to be considered highly competitive nowadays he must be algebra, geometry, and statistics more mathematical skills
good in at least 3 subjects namely, Filipino, English and and techniques must be needed especially when these
Mathematics. The lesson being studied in the secondary subjects are fused with other disciplines.
JBMS 07|Volume 1|Issue 2|2015
Journal of Business & Management Studies
Marwaha (2009) in his article entitled “How to Tackle the math, Korea, Taipei and Hong Kong bagged the top
Problems of Mathematics in Schools” stated that scores.Curiously, the study showed that Filipino students
Mathematics in general is construed as a subject in which have a better attitude toward the two subjects than the
is very difficult and thus students fear this subject resulting international standard. But even if these students spent
in low scores. However, the fact is otherwise. In order to more time studying science and math and were more
tackle this problem, the teaching of Mathematics has to inclined to join related clubs, "this did not translate to a
change. It should be child-centered. performance better as would have been expected."
The development of K to12 Program of Aquino As stated by Sulit (2012) the idea of teaching and learning
administration has been made possible by the collaborative through real-life problems follows along with the National
efforts of members of the steering committee which is Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) principles of
composed of Department of Education, Commission on learning and assessment. Students are building new
Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills mathematical knowledge through problem solving. The
Development Authority (TESDA) and other stakeholders. student is using reasoning to solve real-life problems. They
These include other government agencies, private sector, will be making connections through what they had learned
civil society organizations, associations of public and in class and the problem in front of them. It is the goal of
private schools, Senate, House of Representatives, Parents every teacher to be able to give the kids the knowledge
– Teachers Association (PTA), teacher organizations, they need to function in the real world. More importantly,
student organizations and other individuals who are it is our ultimate goal to have our students go out in the
committed to improving the quality of Philippine real world and solve problems they may not have been
education. solved before. In order to do this, they need the ability to
As stated by Bro. Armin Luistro (2012), the Enhanced use and unique ways of coming up with solutions.
K+12 Basic Education Program in the Philippines has been Presenting students with new types of problems will give
officially started. It has been initiated by the Aquino students the comfort needed to be an avid problem solver.
administration where students will have to undergo a new
system of education. This program will require all Structure in mathematics reveals both the discipline and
incoming students to enroll into two more years of basic the need for consistent rules and order as well as for the
education. Thus, the K+12 System will basically include creative abilities to develop and construct such structures
the universal kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, 4 years of explicit purposes and objectives. Mathematical
of junior high school with an additional 2 years for senior structures have their advantages, for once stated, they can
high school. Moreover, the program aims to uplift the be examined and assess without human emotional stresses
quality of education in the Philippines in order for and changes. Mathematics has process and form. Its
graduates to be easily employed. The program also aims to processes and transition are fundamental to solutions of
meet the standards required for professionals who would problems. Its transformations are used to reveal different
want to work abroad. Most importantly, the system aims to characterization of content through their forms.
fully enhance and develop the students in order for them to
be well-prepared especially in emotional and cognitive Gallup (2010) conducted the poll that asked students to
aspects. Through this, graduates will be able to face the name the school subject that they considered to be the
pressures of their future workplace. most difficult. Not surprisingly, Mathematics came out on
The Third International Mathematics and Science Study top of the difficulty chart. (2010) defines
(TIMMS) is the largest international study of student the word difficult as not easily or readily done; requiring
achievement ever undertaken. It is administered to much labor, skill, or planning to be performed successfully.
students in the third, fourth, seventh, eighth and 12th
grades. When TIMMS was first conducted in 1995 among Manjunath (2010) stated that Mathematics education is the
42 countries, the Philippines placed 41st in science and study of the practices and methods of teaching
30th in mathematics. The two subjects are premium in the Mathematics. The goal of Mathematics education are (i) to
entrance exams to national science high schools. develop a sense of enjoyment rather than fear it; (ii) to
learn Mathematics as a process of deriving new knowledge
According to (2010), the results of the Third to be applied in real life situations but not as mere formulae
International Mathematics and Science Study-Repeat and perfunctory procedures; (iii) learner must see
(TIMSS-R), Filipino students are still weak in math and Mathematics as something to talk about, to communicate,
scienceA report of the Department of Science and to discuss among themselves, to work together on; and (iv)
Technology (DOST) said that the 6,601 Filipino students to use the abstractions to perceive relationships, to see
who took the TIMSS last year ranked 36th in both science structure, to reason out things, to argue and articulate the
and mathematics tests out of a field of 38 countries. The truth or falsity of statements. Mathematics knowledge
DOST revealed that Filipino participants garnered a score imparted should cultivate the values such as development
of 349 and 350 in science and math respectively, way of concentration, Economical living, the power of
below the international average of 489 in both subjects.In expression, self-reliance, Attitude of discovery and above
2 the mathematics test, it noted, Filipino students did best in all the quality of hard work and all these qualities are
data representation, analysis and probability, and poorest in essential for human being to survive in the world. So, there
algebra. Other Asian countries dominated the 1999 is a definite place for Mathematics in education. However,
TIMMS tests. Chinese Taipei and Singapore were tops in for such all-around development, teaching of Mathematics
science, followed by Hungary, Japan and South Korea. In at school level should be very effective. For such effective
and meaningful teaching of Mathematics, it has to
JBMS 07|Volume 1|Issue 2|2015
Journal of Business & Management Studies
seriously deal with constructive invention, motivation textbooks, visual aids and other teaching materials among
intuition, application and aesthetics within the framework others. If one goes to the countryside, there is a bad reality
of “deductive for of Mathematics”. The question is how to that public education suffers lack of many things to the
make such effective and meaningful teaching of detriment to the poor student population. Teachers should
Mathematics, when present status of teaching of be responsible in devising the learning experience of the
Mathematics at school level as at doldrums due to valid students. Thus, problems that impair the effectiveness of
factors. the teaching – learning process should be discovered so
that alternatives can be suggested for their solution to
Limin (2008) stated that mathematics education prepares foster and facilitate improved mathematical instructions.
students to cope with real life successfully. It is necessary Such the researcher conducts an in-depth research to
to equip students with an understanding and mastery of determine the problems affecting the Mathematics
basic concepts and skills to live intelligently. Man would proficiency level of the students and teachers toward
no longer base his life on trial and error present but it is a teaching Mathematics. This served as a springboard to find
product of critical thinking of and scientific work. The role ways and means in evolving an improved Mathematics
of mathematics in the present scientific age is significant in instruction that satisfied the present demands for
education. The school, being the agent of change makes developing Mathematics instruction.
mathematics teaching and learning more responsive to the
needs and demands of the ever-changing society. The FRAMEWORK
teacher should be able to transfer his knowledge to the
students through the appropriate choice of teaching Figure 1shows the schematic diagram of the conceptual
strategies. He should choose carefully the instructional framework of the study. It has three significant
materials which he plans to use and adopt them from for components: Input, Process and Output. The Input
primer effectiveness in enabling the students to attain the includes the factors affecting the Mathematics proficiency
desired goal. One aspect of learning which educators must level of the students; school factors, teacher factors, student
be concerned with is the student’s attitudes, particularly, factor, and family factors. Mathematics proficiency level of
attitudes towards mathematics. Talented students who the students and the problems encountered by the teachers
have the capacity for learning are not taking up courses in teaching the subject are also included. The Process
with advanced units in mathematics. A positive attitude shows the instrument used in gathering the data through
towards mathematics will cause high performance in any questionnaires, assessment of students through their grades
mathematics subject. in Mathematics and English. Output identified the factors
affecting the Mathematics proficiency level of the students
Many teachers are saying that teaching Mathematics and the solutions to remedy the problems encountered in
subjects in high school is quite difficult due to several teaching Mathematics.
factors influencing the instruction environment: lack of
Problems encountered
in teaching the subject Solutions to
remedy the
problems 3
encountered in
Specifically, this study sought the answers to the following To determine the sample of the study, stratified random
questions: sampling method was used in selecting samples from the
students as respondents. According to Abuzo, M.A., et. al.
I. How may the following factors be described in (2013) random sampling is a method of selecting size from
terms of: universe such that member of the population has an equal
a. School Factors chance of being included in the sample and all
i. Facilities, and combinations of size have an equal chance of being
ii. Book - Student Ratio? selected as the sample. Only 20% of the whole population
b. Teacher Factors or 346 students and 100% of the Mathematics teachers or
i. Educational Attainment, 16 teachers were chosen to be the respondents of this
ii. Age, study.
iii. Civil Status,
iv. Teaching Experience, and Instrumental Analysis
v. Seminars and Trainings
Attended? The questionnaires were the main instruments used in
c. Student Factor collecting the data in this study. The related literature and
i. Reading Comprehension Skills? studies were taken from reading of researchers whose
d. Family Factors works have similar bearing on this study and helped the
i. Educational Attainment of researcher in the formulation of the questionnaires.
Parents, and
ii. Family Income? School Questionnaire. The questionnaire contains the
II. How may the Mathematics Proficiency Level of profile of the school in terms of facilities of the school and
the students be described? the book – student ratio.
III. Are there significant relationships between
school, teacher, student and family related factors Teachers’ Questionnaire.The questionnaire contains the
and students’ Mathematics proficiency level? teachers’ highest educational attainment, age, civil status,
IV. What are the problems encountered by the teaching experience and seminars/trainings attended, major
Mathematics teachers in teaching the subject? problems encountered in teaching Mathematics and
V. How may the problems be remedied? proposals to remedy the problems.
The descriptive – survey method was used in gathering Students’ Proficiency Level in English Comprehension
data and information to assess and describe the factors and Mathematics.These are the average grade of the
affecting the Mathematics proficiency level of the students. students in English comprehension and Mathematics from
As stated by Abuzo, M.A., et. al. (2013) descriptive first grading period to third grading period.
statistics is a statistical method concerned with describing
Unstructured interviews and observations were employed
the properties and characteristics of a set of data. This
to generate more valuable data. They were tabulated,
method is very appropriate because the study involved the
analyzed and interpreted
description of facts together with the appropriate remedial
Data Analysis
In analyzing and interpreting the data gathered, descriptive statistical techniques such as frequency, percentage, and
weighted mean were used. In terms of the school related factors, teacher related factors and family related factors, the
frequency and percentage were used to interpret the data. Frequency and percentage were used to determine the
distribution of all respondents in each category.
The descriptive ratings of the numerical ratings of the students’ proficiency levels were based on the following:
85-89 Proficient
75-79 Developing
The scale used in determining the descriptive ratings of the numerical ratings of the problems encountered by the
Mathematics teachers was as follows:
The descriptive ratings of the numerical ratings on the proposals to remedy the problems of the teachers were based on the
Correlational analysis was used to determine the relationship of the proficiency level in Mathematics and English
Comprehension. To identify which among the factors can affect the Mathematics Proficiency level of the students multiple
regression analysis was used. Chi – square tests were performed to determine the significant relationship of the school
related factors, teacher related factors and family related factors to the students Mathematics Proficiency Level.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION only one (1) school has reading center, LCD projector and
Mathematics Garden. Regarding the book – student ratio,
School Factors the three schools respondents differ from one another; 1:1,
1:2, and 1:3.
All of the three schools respondents have library, only two
(2) schools have covered court, TLE room, TLE tools,
science laboratory, science tools, and computer room while
From the teachers’ highest educational attainment, 62.50% The mean of the Mathematics proficiency level of the
of the teacher respondents finished Bachelor of Secondary students is 84.61 with a descriptive rating of “Proficient”.
Education (BSEd), 18.75% of the Mathematics teachers The 13.29% of the students are “Advanced”, 37.28% are
had Masteral Units, 18.75% also of the respondents “Proficient”, 36.99% are “Approaching Proficiency”,
graduated Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) and all of 12.14% are “Developing” and only 0.29% of the 346
the teacher respondents were not yet enrolled in doctoral students are “Beginning” level.
Problems Encountered by the Mathematics Teachers
Regarding the age of the respondents, their mean age is 18.
Fifty percent (50%) of the Mathematics teachers fall under The problems encountered by the teachers in teaching
the bracket 21 - 30 years old. The 6.25% of the respondents Mathematics were rated as “Fairly Serious”. These are as
have an equal age under the bracket of 31 – 40 and 51 – 60 follows:
and 37.50% of the Mathematics teachers’ age fall under the Item no. 4 – Poor retentive memory
bracket of 41 – 50. Item no. 5 – Poor analytical thinking
Item no. 6 – Poor study habits
In terms of civil status, nine (9) of the teachers are married Item no. 7 – Lack of comprehension
and the remaining seven (7) Mathematics teachers are still Item no. 8 – Effect of modern technologies
single. As indicated in the results, the teacher – Item no. 9 – Negative attitude of the students
respondents have been teaching Mathematics from 0 – 30 towards the subject
years. The average number of years of experience of the The problems encountered by the teachers in teaching
teachers as Mathematics teachers is 14.50. The 56.25% of Mathematics were rated as “Serious”. These are as
the teachers have been in the service for 1 – 10 years, follows:
18.75% of the respondents have been teaching the subject Item no. 1 – Lack of supervisory assistance
for 11 – 20 years and 25% of Mathematics teachers have Item no. 2 – Lack of instructional materials
been in the service for 21 – 20 years. None of the teacher – Item no. 3 – Inattentiveness of the students
respondents has been teaching the subject from 31 – 40 Item no. 10 – Poor basic foundation in Math /
years of experience as a Mathematics teacher. High School Math Readiness
Meanwhile, 11 out of 16 Mathematics teachers attended Proposals to Remedy the Problems Encountered
division seminars/trainings. Five (5) of them attended
cluster level, three (3) for regional seminars/training and The proposals to remedy the problems encountered by the
only two (2) for national level seminars/trainings. Mathematics teachers were rated as “Fairly Urgent”.
These are as follows:
Students’ Proficiency Level in Reading Comprehension Item no. 2 – Purchase enough textbooks and reference
Item no. 3 – Give proper motivation regarding the topic
The mean of the students’ English comprehension level is Item no. 4 – Give additional activities/seatworks/drills
85.58 with a descriptive rating of “Proficient”. The Item no. 5 – Assist the students in understanding
11.85% of the students are “Advanced”, 57.51% are mathematical concepts and their application
“Proficient”, 21.97% are “Approaching Proficiency” and Item no. 6 – Give take home activities
8.67% of the 346 students are “Developing”. None of the Item no. 7 – Conduct remedial classes
student respondents’ are in the “Beginning” level in Item no. 9 – Develop positive attitude in the students
reading comprehension. The proposals to remedy the problems encountered by the
Mathematics teachers were rated as “Urgent”. These are as
Family Factors follows:
Item no. 1 – Extend supervisory assistance from the
In terms of the highest educational attainment, 33.20% of principal
the parents finished high school level. Thirteen and thirty Item no. 8 – Allow students to use calculators and
hundredth percent (13.30%) of the parents were mathematical software, tools, equipment and devices
elementary and college undergraduates. The 12.10% of the Item no. 10 – Review the four fundamental operations
parents are high school graduates, 23.10% of the parents regularly
finished college level and 4.90% finished
technical/vocational courses. CONCLUSION
Regarding the monthly income of the family of the Based from the summary of the findings, the researcher
students, 37.60% have an income of P5,001 – P10,000, came out with the following generalizations:
32.10% of them have below P5,000 income a month, School Factors in terms of facilities are
6 12.10% of them have an income of P10,001 – P15,000, limited. Book – student ratio ranges from 1:1
9.20% of them have P15,001 – P20, 000 and 9% of the – 1:3. Regarding the teacher factors along the
students’ family have an income of above P20,001. aspects of educational attainment, half of the
teachers are bachelor’s degree holders. In
terms of age, the teachers are young and
mostly married. Most of the Mathematics
JBMS 07|Volume 1|Issue 2|2015
Journal of Business & Management Studies
teachers are new in the service. Majority of enhance their comprehension skills, thereby
them have attended different be able to think critically in solving the
seminars/trainings in the different levels. The problems in Mathematics. Parents should
students were proficient in reading continue to support their children holistically
comprehension. With regard to the family so that their children can be more active in
factors, most of the parents of the students are their academic endeavors. Coaching and
high school graduates and majority of them mentoring the child’s daily activities are
have monthly income of P5,001 – P10,000. important to be able to get good performance
Students were proficient in Mathematics. in school.
School factors in terms of facilities and Mathematics teachers should continue to
student – book ratio are related to the develop in themselves the desirable
Mathematics proficiency level of the students. competencies necessary for Mathematics
Similar to this factor, the teachers’ civil teaching and keep themselves abreast to
status, years of teaching and modern technologies in teaching the subject
seminars/trainings attended by the mentors so that the students would be more prepared,
can affect the students Mathematics interested and motivated.
proficiency level. The reading comprehension There is an urgency to remedy the problems
skill of the students is one of the major factors encountered by Mathematics teachers in
in solving the different mathematical teaching the subject for them to upgrade the
problems to improve their grade in Mathematics proficiency level of the students.
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