Domingo V Landicho
Domingo V Landicho
Domingo V Landicho
Domingo v Landicho
[G.R. No. 170015, 29 August 2007]
Crisologo Domingo filed with the RTC an application for registration of five parcels of land claiming
that he bought the lots from Genoveva Manlapit in 1948 and has been in continuous, open, public,
adverse and uninterrupted possession thereof.
Director of Lands reported that the land involved was not covered by any land patent or by public land
application pending issuance of patent.
Respondents Severino and Raymundo Landicho, Julian Abello, Marta de Sagun, and Editha G.
Sarmiento filed an Answer/Opposition to petitioner’s application, claiming that they have been in
open, continuous, adverse and actual possession and cultivation of the lots in the concept of an owner
and have been paying real estate taxes thereon
During the pendency of his application, Domingo died; His counsel, Atty. Irineo Anarna, did not inform
the RTC of his death.
RULING OF RTC: Approved Domingo’s application for registration
RULING OF CA: Reversed and set aside the RTC decision and dismissed Domingo's application for
registration of land title holding that Domingo failed to prove that he and his predecessors- in-interest
had been in possession and occupation of the lots under a bona fide claim of ownership since June 12,
1945 or earlier.
Domingo's counsel argues that Domingo is still entitled to registration of title under Art 1113 in
relation to Art 1137 of the Civil Code.
Respondents pray for its denial for being substantially defective since Domingo's death has not been
alleged, albeit the Verification and Certification against Forum Shopping was signed by Domingo's
alleged Surviving Spouse and Heirs.
Domingo's counsel replied stating that there is no clearer manifestation of the death of Domingo than
the statement under oath of his surviving spouse and heirs "in substitution of deceased CRISOLOGO
DOMINGO" contained in the Verification and Certification against Forum Shopping
Section 16, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Court provides “Whenever a party to a pending action dies, and
the claim is not thereby extinguished, it shall be the duty of his counsel to inform the court within
thirty (30) days after such death of the fact thereof, and to give the name and address of his legal
representative or representatives. Failure of counsel to comply with this duty shall be a ground for
disciplinary action.”
The failure of Domingo's former counsel, Atty. Anarna to comply with the provisions of the Rules is
compounded: by his misrepresentation that Domingo was well and alive when he stated in his Motion
to Withdraw Appearance as Counsel that the "motion for withdrawal was conformed to by Mrs.
Rosemarie Zamora, representative of the applicant and that Mrs. Zamora also undertakes to
personally seek the conformity of the Applicant”; and by his retaining of the name of Domingo in the
title of his pleadings before the appellate court.
To be entitled to registration of a land, the applicant must prove that (a) the land applied for forms
part of the disposable and alienable agricultural lands of the public domain; and (b) he has been in
open, continuous, exclusive, and notorious possession and occupation of the same under a bona fide
claim of ownership either since time immemorial or since June 12, 1945 .
Domingo failed to adduce incontrovertible evidence showing that the lots have been declared
alienable. They are thus presumed to belong to the public domain, beyond the commerce of man, and
are not susceptible of private appropriation.
Even assuming that the lots are alienable, Domingo failed to comply with the requirement on the
period of possession. He failed to adduce the deed of sale executed for the purpose, or to explain the
reason behind the failure and to present sufficient evidence to prove the fact of sale.