Wavefront A Text and Atlas
Wavefront A Text and Atlas
Wavefront A Text and Atlas
Roberto Pinelli MD
Scientific Director
Istituto Laser Microchirurgia Oculare
Brescia, Italy
Tangwa Martin Neville
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
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ISBN 978-93-5152-247-8
Printed at
Dedicated to
All my colleagues
Wavefront: A Text and Atlas will give a personal light to the readers. Personal because it is
showing personal experiences of refractive surgeons, clinical activity, and also, because it is
showing a “panorama” or wavefront and aberrations “planet” without preconcepts, but based
on elementary opinions, descriptions and cases.
To the reader the final judge, hopefully uncontaminated.
In our daily activity, the ophthalmologists as well as the optometrists have dealt with refractive errors—myopia, hyperopia,
presbyopia, and various forms and combinations of astigmatisms. In terms of eye aberrations, they are part of the lower-order
aberrations precisely of the second-order. Lower eye aberrations include piston tilt/prisms which are zero- and first-order,
and together with the second-order are estimated to form 80/85% of all eye aberrations.
The second leg of this topic—the higher-order aberrations, have come into frequent use, and with the advent of and
consolidation of refractive surgery, together with the commercialization of aberrometers. further knowledge and insight into
these aberrations has been attained.
However, aberrations are newcomer in our language and practice. The effort herein, which is quite elementary seeks to deal
with and offer a handy consultation atlas, simple to read and easier to consult in our offices. While lower-order aberrations are
manageable with spectacle glasses, contact lenses and refractive surgery. higher-order aberrations though quite known and
understood still have treatment far from offhand.
In the atlas, the readers will find a fluent descriptive part, some clinical examples and cases. At the end of all, a few graphical
elaborations and clinical pictures retrieved from present and updated literature. The topic is in full debate and evolution.
My desire was that simple—provide a manual and I hope that I have met the task.
Roberto Pinelli
Special thank to the entire team of Istituto Laser Microchirurgia Oculare, Brescia, Italy.
Section 2 Overview
• Higher-Order Aberrations 36
– Objective Visual Quality Measures 38
– Pupil Level 38
– Retinal Level 39
– Aberrometry Limitations 40
– Tear Film 40
– Pupil Size 40
– Chromatic Aberration 40
– Aberrometer Sensors Resolution 40
9. Monocular Diplopia 79
José Luis Güell
Section 4 Atlas
Index 123
The Project of Vision:
Hypothesis for a
Functional Structure
The Medical Staff his name, offering a seat, a refreshing drink, and a choice of
The medical staff within a vision institute comprises a magazines (Fig. 2).
number of professionals with different roles. Duties should On the occasion of the first examination at the Institute,
be specifically allocated among each member of the medical for example, the patient is invited to answer some questions
staff in order that the different aspects of ophthalmology are relating to his personal details with the help of the FD staff,
covered. whose duty is also to administer a questionnaire called the
The main aim of the assistants in ophthalmology is to ‘Questionnaire of symptoms’ edited in collaboration with the
clarify all the possible doubts that can arise for patients Center for Functional Nutrition for Longevity.
concerning their visual situation, analyzing it through the The answers to the questionnaire allow the surgeon to gain
most innovative technologies. Furthermore, we believe that a better understanding of the relationship between the visual
it is of primary importance to establish a relationship based condition of the patient and his general state of health and to
on reliance with the patient, to make him feel at ease in each provide more appropriate and customized instructions.
moment of his/her transit through the institute. The FD staff is personally involved in the internal organiza
In conclusion, professionalism should always be accom tion of the Institute: It has to schedule the agendas in an
panied by strong interpersonal skills, and for this reason we optimum way, striving to reduce waiting times during agenda
firmly believe nonmedical staff members should be fully management, daily consultations and surgery. Only this way
trained in this area, stimulating the sense of belonging to a we can obtain efficient team work that enables the best results
team united in the same purpose. to be achieved. This implies not only a good knowledge of the
duties of the entire staff, but also the ability to anticipate the
outcome of a visit, thereby planning its duration allocated in
The Front Desk Staff the agenda (Fig. 3).
The first impression that patients have of the Institute is of In general the day comprises general and preoperative
paramount importance, since it initiates a complex series of examinations and check-ups (postoperative and others),
judgments that will ideally remain positive in nature. scheduled in the agenda on the basis of the surgery conducted.
As soon as the patient enters the Institute he evaluates Having set out the surgical calendar, the examination days
the setting, the courtesy of the staff, and their willingness to are planned. Normally no examinations are scheduled
help. He also immediately realizes who it is that he can refer during surgery day, in order that the whole staff (clinical
to, as the Front Desk (FD) and Patient Care (PC) staff wear and nonclinical), can devote themselves entirely to patient
a uniform providing a constant and unmistakable point of management. Even the day after surgery is organized so that
reference for the patient. the first part of the morning is reserved for those patients
It may sound trivial but the uniform is an essential aspect operated on the previous day.
of those staff members who are the first to come into direct Together with this procedure the FD staff has to be able
contact with the patient (such as Front Desk and Patient Care to manage all the incoming calls: Some of these may involve
staff). altering the day or time of a fixed appointment, but most
The FD staff must help the patient to feel comfortable and of them egard refractive surgery. The callers usually ask for
at ease, always welcoming him with a smile and remembering information regarding: Time needed to fix a consultation,
A New Winning Philosophy 5
Fig. 3: The front desk with part of the staff Fig. 4: The external relations department
What to do before the consultation, Cost of the visit and the As far as a health company is concerned, marketing still
time required for surgery if it is deemed appropriate. remains an important expense, but some qualifications are
It is obvious that the more we communicate with our necessary. First of all, it must be clear what we are talking
callers the more open and honest will be the exchange of about. We are not discussing marketing in a public health
information. It is also important to underline that sometimes environment, such as a hospital or an emergency room for
aspiring patients, are not necessarily good candidates for example. What leads people towards these places is necessity
surgery—(see physical/clinical and motivational require or urgency (pain, a sudden health problem, or the need for
ments assessed by the clinical and patient care staff). special services that only large public services can offer). This
The role of the FD staff is to be helpful, informative, kind of health service cannot be compared to a private one, if
relaxed, and cheerful where appropriate, but most of all we consider dimensions and core business.
The topic that we want to analyze in this chapter is
they must possess a high degree of knowledge pertaining to
marketing in a private health company that offers those
of the specific subject and must transmit confidence: Only
services and practices that are not “urgent”, that are not
this way can one hope to gently persuade the patient to
geared towards saving a patient’s life. Of course, such health
make an appointment for a consultation, without imposing
centers offer clinical practices that undoubtedly greatly
any pressure so to do. FD staff must be able to discover, improve a patient’s quality of life, but they are not of primary
analyze and recognize patients emotional needs, state, fears, importance for the continuation of life.
frustrations and be able to play an active role in the patient’s In this specific case, we aim to analyze the distinctive
exploration of options regarding refractive surgery. It may qualities of the external relations department of a vision
seem trivial, but not only does the choice of words used play institute, which offers different services and technologies to
an important role, but also the voice of the person speaking restore patients’ vision. The external relations department
with the patient to establish communication. The importance must constantly maintain a fine balance between the need to
of establishing true communication is highlighted in the promote services offered by the institute and the necessity to
preoperative phase during the interview with the PC staff. abide by the dictates of the law in this delicate matter. We will
start by analyzing the Italian regulations for publicity in health.
The External Relations Department The ethical code of conduct in professional practice of
Between Information and Marketing 1999 sums up the main legal concepts regarding publicity in
health (which was the modification of a previous and more
Marketing is one of the most important elements in a private stringent law of 1992). It has been reported previously and
company, and a portion of the budget needs to be constantly gives us a clear idea of what the general trend of the law in
allocated to it. Italy is: The medical doctor, in this case the refractive surgeon,
A precise yearly plan regarding the use of the media to shall not promote the public or private heath structure where
market the company services and products is fundamental he/she professionally operates, through the most common
for attracting customers and ensuring that the company media (newspapers, magazines, television). Information
reaches, and stays in, the public eye (Fig. 4). in the health sector may not present any of the typical
6 The Project of Vision: Hypothesis for a Functional Structure
• Professionalism
Fig. 6: An article about the institute published on a local newspaper
before investing in TV presence, it is important to have a solid Confirmation of a patient’s suitability for surgery is
and sound reputation and to occupy a prominent position on therefore made via an appropriate assessment of his/her
the web in order to be found easily. motivation.
To evaluate the patient’s motivation for the surgery the
Breaking News: The Patient Care Staff Patient Care staff must pay attention to his behavior during
the consultation, assessing his expectations, doubts, desires
The patients themselves have often painted an eloquent and fears. To overcome fears of surgery for example, it is
picture when describing the PC staff, whose principal necessary to describe the procedure step by step to the
characteristic is to offer the recognized value of a point of patient, using appropriate terminology, method and tone
reference: A light at the end of the tunnel, a mountain guide, of voice. It can also prove valuable to refer to the fact that
and a tutor. some of the staff of the institute have also undergone eye
The PC staff plays an essential role in an Institute devoted surgery.
to the correction of visual defects. Its main aim is to provide
patients with accurate and comprehensive information
regarding surgery, often with a view to clearing up the
confusion patients frequently have on the subject. BRIEFING: CONTACTS BETWEEN MEDICAL
One of the main prerogatives of the Institute is to assist the AND NONMEDICAL STAFF (ANALYZING
patient affected by a visual problem or defect right through
from the very first preoperative consultation to the last THE DAILY PATIENTS’ AGENDA)
postoperative examination. At the Istituto Laser Microchirurgia Oculare (ILMO) the day
The PC staff aims to help the patient to understand his begins with a ‘briefing’ concerning the patients scheduled
personal visual situation, his desires, his expectations and in the agenda (Fig. 7). All staff members must attend, even
must also satisfy his requests and answer any questions he those who do not normally come into direct contact with
may have concerning surgery. patients (for example the External Relations staff).The ILMO
Assuming the patient’s clinical suitability, could a patient is of the firm conviction that anything concerning the work of
nevertheless not reflect suitable ‘psychological parameters’ the Institute involves everyone who works for it.
and have expectations which are incompatible with the It is evident that people bringing different knowledge and
results that refractive surgery could offer? different professions working in the same center can represent
8 The Project of Vision: Hypothesis for a Functional Structure
after surgery, providing a reserved space which is calm somebody to talk to, and before speaking to the Patient
and relaxing, where some time can be spent with those Care staff (devoted to that very task) he can be sure that he
accompanying him, before they leave the Institute. is speaking to somebody who immediately understands him,
The medical staff has a great influence on the work of and when and what kind of surgery he had. We could even
the FD because it can provide key education and training to talk of an ‘art of listening’ that characterizes the FD (and
impart specific knowledge which will prove especially useful Patient Care staff). Not least because another vital aim is that
when talking to the patient regarding treatment following of being able to recognize, from a description of symptoms
the consultations or when managing patient needs in the on the phone, any potential complications (after surgery or
immediate postoperative phase. During this particular after therapy) and so be in a position to provide appropriate
phase, the patient needs to have a point of reference, medical advice.
CHAPTER 2 Roberto Pinelli
Highlights on Statistics
and Clinical Research
Fig. 1: Some of the most important journals about refractive surgery
ASCRS, ESCRS, AAO, ISRS, APAO. In addition, there are the instructor or coinstructor requires thorough and efficient
local scientific societies, always of great importance: For Italy organization in advance. In fact, abstracts usually have to
there is the SOI (Società Oftalmologica Italiana, which organizes be presented months before the congress, in order to give
a national and an international symposium every year). the scientific committee the opportunity to evaluate them
All these scientific societies (Fig. 3) organize one or two all and choose the most significant. Sometimes the abstract
meetings every year (usually one), which represent occasions has to be written considering the clinical results that the
of fundamental importance whereby the surgeon and the institute will be able to collect in the following 4–6 months.
whole staff of the vision institute can come into direct contact The typical structure of the abstract can be summarized
with other situations, services and professionals existing as follows: Title—Objective/Purpose—Methods—Results
worldwide. This is of key importance because: —Conclusions. The important thing to keep in mind is
• The surgeon can present their clinical results, and also that each scientific society has its own rules for writing
their discoveries and ideas concerning refractive surgery an abstract (number of words, elements required…).
and ophthalmology in general to fellow colleagues at Handouts represent another important aspect to be taken
international symposia (Fig. 4). This process of presenting care of in arranging one’s participation at a congress. They
a lecture, or of holding an instructional course as senior should be sent to the society some weeks in advance in
Fig. 4: A session of the 1st World Vision Surgery Symposium in June 2007
Fig. 5: The preparation of the 1st World Vision Surgery Symposium
order to have them copied and distributed, before, during market all in once place, buying samples of them and
or after the course attended. finding innovative solutions for the institute at different
• During these occasions, the surgeon has the chance to levels (Fig. 5).
attend the colleagues’ courses and lectures, comparing • Furthermore, international congresses represent the
his/her results to theirs, with interesting observations. best occasion to meet people operating in the field of
• At such international events, many companies operating ophthalmology, leading to fruitful cooperation and forging
in the main branches of ophthalmology hire booths in beautiful friendships, in particular during the cocktails,
the convention centers. This represents an interesting lunches and dinners organized by the society itself for this
occasion to personally see the newest products on the very purpose.
Specificity of the Ophthalmic Setting
Is Psychology of Vision a Mere Branch of
Experimental Psychology?
It is often popularly believed that psychology of vision is
simply a branch of experimental psychology. This is partially
true, if we consider that over the last century vision has
attracted the interest of psychologists primarily in terms of
its functions and the search for correlations between eye and
The eye was at the time considered to be a simple optical
instrument, whose function was explicable in terms of
cerebral mechanisms (Fig. 1).
Sight is so familiar and apparently so easy that it only takes Fig. 1: Psychology of vision is not simply a branch of
a little imagination to realize that the eyes, insofar as the experimental psychology
visual processes is made possible, pose an extremely difficult
problem for the brain to solve.
A series of different paradigms have been proposed to of vision, there are nevertheless many other aspects of a
explain the fascinating phenomenon of vision, all ascribable psychological nature which cannot avoid being assessed and
to different theories of perception. The German Herman interpreted in a vision institute where a variety of persons
von Helmholtz (1821–1894), physiologist, physician and are seen on a daily basis. Along with a vision defect and the
psychologist, was the first to describe perceptions as desire to correct it, they also bring with them their social
‘unconscious inferences’ that link sensory data to external background, their culture, their (sometimes unshakeable)
reality. This concept introduces the possibility that a subjective certainties, their needs and their fears.
experience could play a significant role in perceiving one’s Not to take these aspects into account is tantamount
surroundings and that there could be different variables that to thinking of the patient as just a pair of eyes and not as a
influence how we think about our visual capacity. wholly unique individual whose motivations, expectations,
Besides the above huge body of research that has, and still and meaning embraced by his decisions within their wider
is, being conducted into the perceptual and sensory aspects life context may well differ enormously from those of any
other individual. In this case we have moved into the area of • Information (about his visual problem, about surgery,
vision psychology. about his own health conditions, about pre- and
postoperative phases, etc.).
What is the Relation between Psyche and Vision? • Prejudices, stereotypes (influenced by social culture,
academic culture, personal history, other people stories,
Vision and mind are strongly connected for different reasons: etc.).
• There is a great difference between an objective perception • Personal needs, visual needs, relationship needs
and a subjective perception. (important to investigate other aspects of his life to
• Different aspects of our daily life use vision to access the evaluate what he is looking for with surgery).
symbolic function of individuals to use representations: The above aspects must be examined from a multidis-
Memory, dreams, reading, thinking, hearing, music, etc. ciplinary perspective during the preoperative consultation
• Most people consider vision to be the most important by all the professionals who meet the patient (OD's, refractive
sense, which allows us to move in life and to distinguish surgeon, nurse). They are then reassessed and confirmed or
persons, events, and behaviors. disconfirmed by the patient counselor during a subsequent
That is why when faced with a new patient it is mandatory interview which is specifically geared towards ensuring that
to proceed with the assessment of subjective dimensions, the health professionals are fully aware of these factors—
such as: which represent important parameters when assessing the
• Personality traits (e.g. the obsessive and/or compulsive, physiological suitability of the patient for surgery—and is
depressed, paranoid patient). also aimed at evaluating the patient’s level of information
• Cognitions (what he was told about his problem and its and ascertaining that he has been informed of all the facts
solutions—other people’s experiences, other doctors’ regarding his personal visual situation and fully understands
advice, etc.). the reason why LASIK is considered the best tool to solve his
• Cognitive mechanism (what is the process he most visual problem (Fig. 2).
frequently uses to process information and how emotions These skilled professionals have been trained to assess
are integrated with rationality). these variables by the vision psychologist who can play an
active role in the process of assessment but, more frequently, The Assessment of Motivation, Expectations and
is to be considered an internal resource, a ‘coach’ of the
Level of Information
It is also very important to remember that LASIK surgery Remember that the patient must be gently interviewed without
is not always mandatory. People can continue to live their giving him the impression of being under investigation. He
own lives wearing glasses or contact lenses. So the gravity must be offered the chance to speak openly and freely with
of the visual defect can be considered in some cases to an expert who is able to answer his questions and provide
demarcate the border line that will justify the patient’s asking information that will enable him to arrive at a conscious and
for surgery. mature decision regarding accessing LASIK surgery (Fig. 3).
It can be useful to have an internal checklist of aspects to
Does the patient need to undergo surgery? be verified during the interview with our patient:
• Visual impairment can be corrected only with surgery. • Motivations (why does the patient ask for surgery?).
• Limitation of subjective feeling of individual potential as a • Expectations (are they realistic? Does he imagine he will
person (at work, within the family environment, with other develop ‘super-human vision’? What can he really get from
people, very much linked to self-esteem). surgery and what is beyond the limits of being realistically
What the Patient Fears and does not have the be necessary to make him aware of the rare, but sometimes
possible, inconveniences that can occur during surgery. We
Courage to Ask?
need to build a relationship based on mutual respect and
The above procedure is the first step towards obtaining trust. For the patient, to understand that his surgeon and
the patient’s informed consent. He knows very well that a the personnel of the institute he has chosen is always open
document will be given to him before surgery and sometimes to listen to him and ready to reply to his needs is the best
he does not exactly understand what it is for. Even though the guarantee to foster the patient's trust.
patient does not ask openly, I believe it is very important to
talk to the patient about what informed consent is and what
it is not, so that before leaving the ophthalmic center he fully
Introducing the Concept of Satisfaction
understands that it is a process which provides information as a Multidimensional Variable
and develops awareness in order that he may, of his own free
will, decide whether or not to undergo surgery. Furthermore, The Evaluation of Satisfaction: What is it for?
he should understand that it is not a legal disclaimer merely
designed to protect the surgeon. Tell your patient that the Patient satisfaction and quality of life are both patient-
surgeon is always responsible for his professional decisions centered subjective endpoints. Quality of life depends on
and behaviors, and that any responsibility the surgeon may medical and psychological factors. Satisfaction with care
bear for malpractice would in no way be invalidated by relies on the different features of the health care received.
signing the informed consent document (Fig. 4). Whereas health care managers are long accustomed to
The innermost concern of any individual about to embark patient satisfaction assessment, clinicians are, by contrast,
upon ophthalmic surgery is that of permanently losing his more familiar with the subjective measure of quality of life.
sight. Only some of our patients are able to make this fear The former are especially concerned with ensuring the
explicit, whereas others are socially convinced that is neither competitiveness of the health care service, regarding patient
appropriate nor elegant to bombard the doctor with questions satisfaction data as a marketing tool. The latter are, on the
(after all, the doctor is supposed to be the expert) and also other hand, interested in evaluating the effectiveness of
may believe that a direct question could be judged as a therapies, supplementing this assessment with quality of life
psychological weakness on the part of the patient. The reality data (Fig. 5).
is that all have the same concern. So do not avoid touching Only recently in clinical research have surgeons also
on this point during patient counseling. In addition it will obtained valuable information from patient satisfaction
In our comprehensive vision surgery institute we are Conceptual Questions Raised in the 3 Focus Groups
told on a daily basis of satisfaction for the care received as
• What does patient satisfaction mean?
reported by the patients. Nevertheless we have noticed that
some apparent incongruities are still present. For instance, • W
hat is the relationship between patients’ experience,
why does an individual with a postoperative outcome who expectations and satisfaction ratings?
has been assessed as an ‘8’ declare himself happier than • W
hat are the appropriate objects (components) for assessing
does a patient whose postoperative outcomes is rated ‘10’? satisfaction for refractive surgery?
This is clear proof that the variables contributing to patient • H
ow much patient comparison between preoperative visual
satisfaction personal perception are many and varied. acuity and postoperative outcomes is perceived by patients and
When refractive surgery developed in Italy about 10 years what factors can influence their self-perception?
ago, the initial idea was that LASIK was for people who were
not greatly affected by serious ophthalmic disease. In some
cases this led ophthalmologists to believe that such patients Overlapping Satisfactions: Feedback for the
did not warrant being taken too seriously in their desire to Medical Staff and for the Ophthalmic Administrator
get their needs met together with their visual defects solved.
Many patient satisfaction surveys are now performed in
The Italian Refractive Surgery Society in cooperation with medical institutions, mainly in hospitals. Initially, collecting
the Istituto Laser Microchirurgia Oculare has developed this patient satisfaction data may alarm health care providers.
study with the aim of arriving at a better understanding of It may point out differences in their level of performance.
those variables which make a patient happy or otherwise and However, these surveys present strategic information for
of developing a questionnaire to be administered in different shaping the provision of health care and improving the
ophthalmic settings to investigate these dimensions (Fig. 7). attractiveness of the institution. As primary witnesses of
One of the purposes of the Italian Refractive Surgery care, patients may provide valuable perspectives on the
Society is to stress the importance among ophthalmologists performance of the health care institution.
of the doctor-patient relationship as an essential tool to The data they provide through surveys may elicit important
comprehend both the visual problem and the person as a suggestions, identify hidden problems and document the
whole and to better orientate the doctor’s decision-making impact of efforts made to improve the quality of care (Fig. 8).
concerning the surgery technique to be selected. For example, service quality in health care (waiting times,
Patients expectations and needs for health care and inconvenience) and in particular, interpersonal aspects of
also towards refractive surgery are many and varied. The the patient-clinician interactions (unanswered questions,
interactions between patients, health professionals, and unclear explanations) have been shown to deeply pervade
services are complex. The dependency, uncertainty and patients' experience of care.
anxiety involved in these interactions are likely to influence Care outcomes are affected by aspects such as uncertainty
patients’ judgement. It is thus difficult to propose a simple regarding the choice of the surgical technique and limited
definition of this concept and straightforward criteria for its consideration of the patient's overall concerns. Organization
assessment. managers may focus on these aspects for care improvement
In September 2005 a feasibility, prospective study started and resources allocation.
within the Istituto Laser Microchirurgia Oculare. In order In clinical practice, patient satisfaction assessment is
to define which domains needed to be considered in the being increasingly used in assessing consultations and
questionnaire, we organized three different focus groups patterns of communication. This evaluation may sensitize
led by a psychologist. Both patients who already had already clinicians to patient's concerns and allow them to better meet
undergone surgery and individuals willing to undergo surgery their needs. If shared in the consultation, these data facilitate
in the near future took part. more effective communication. They may lead to strategies
for helping patients to build up more reasonable expectations
of care and to promote adherence to, co-operation with
treatment by examining reasons for dissatisfaction.
In December 2005, following the introduction of new
surgical technology and the strengthening of international
Fig. 7: Patient satisfaction in quality of care assessment in relationships, the Institute decided to embark upon a
ophthalmology procedure of surveying and assessing patient satisfaction.
The psychological aspect of satisfaction comprises a very Preliminary Phase: Investigation Objectives
important part of the evaluating the outcome of refractive
surgery, yet it is the most difficult aspect to evaluate in as As already indicated, the investigation arose from the require-
much as it is not based on measurable or verifiable factors. ment of the Institute to assess the level of satisfaction of its
The first step was that of setting out the research framework. patients not exclusively in terms of objective improvement
Planning a research project involves constructing an of visual capacity, but also (or indeed especially) taking the
overall outline of the investigation to be conducted, which more personal factors into consideration, which involved,
is known as the preliminary framework (Flow chart 1). It is in addition to surgical outcome, the entire process as
essential that when this planning is complete, the desired experienced by the patients during their period of contact
objectives be clearly set out, the variables of the investigation with the Institute.
are defined as precisely as possible, the reference population At the time of planning of the research project the Institute
is specified, the data collecting tools to be used are identified could already boast eight years of direct experience in the
and, if necessary a validation phase of these tools is provided field of refractive surgery; furthermore in 2004 the vision
for. The next step is to define a data collection plan, and then psychology unit was inaugurated, and since then it has been
process the information collected, calculating the appropriate dedicated to the exploration and study of all the ‘intangibles’
statistical indexes thereby arriving at a verification of the linked to the visual process, the approach to surgery and
hypotheses formulated in the preliminary phase. patient satisfaction with the outcome. These two elements
The analysis concludes with the validation of the tool and proved to be very useful in the problem analysis phase and in
the conceptual discussion of the results obtained. defining the objectives.
As one may imagine, the analysis of psychological psychology unit, the institute decided to broaden its study to
characteristics is beset by a series of difficulties among include all of its patients. This choice undoubtedly called for
which are the definition of opinions, attitudes and subjective greater effort on the part of the institute in that the number
factors which contribute to such an evaluation. From a of persons involved in the survey was significantly increased
statistical point of view this implies the necessity to provide and different responses on the basis of the different possible
a set of indicators that enable one to evaluate not only situations had to be provided for, but at the end of the survey
extrinsic aspects but also those belonging to the subjective this proved to be an optimal situation since it enabled the
sphere which are of an intrinsic and relational nature. institute to possess a complete overview of the opinions of its
Whereas various models of analysis have been proposed patients, providing the possibility to examine the satisfaction
for customer satisfaction, a much-discussed topic in the of patients who had undergone different techniques.
literature, there has as yet been little discussion regarding
patient satisfaction—a decidedly more delicate topic in that Choice of Tools and their Definition
it is inherent to health.
Following a long-period of study and reflection on the Having determined the study population, it is necessary to
topic, the Institute identified five aspects for investigation define the investigation tools. Some of the factors influencing
which were considered as offering a good representation of their choice were:
patient satisfaction. • The need to request direct opinions regarding institute
• Time required to conduct the investigation (period
Executive Plan following the operation and differing according to the type
of operation)
Population Choice
• Administration of a high number of persons
Initially the investigation was to be conduced only on • The need to leave an appropriate period of time for the
those patients who were to undergo surgery via the P-curve patient to respond without pressure, yet at the same time,
technique. At the request of the medical area and the vision attempting to avoid distractions.
Taking all these factors into consideration, the vision is associated with p latent variables, using the sum of the m
psychology service, together with the biostatistics unit simple indicators.
favored the use of the self-administered questionnaire, which m
was handed to every patient at the conclusion of their check- x = f(q) = S a q with weightings a ' = (a , a , ..., a
j j f j1 j2 jp)
up examination.
A fundamental role is carried out by the patient care staff It is important to remember that the synthesis carried
in that they have to present the survey to the patient, explain out via compound indicators is not equivalent to the latent
its objectives and how to complete it, and, having handed it variable but represents only the empirical and operational
to the patient, being available should any clarifications or version, that is to say an estimate whose reliability should
explanations be needed. be evaluated on a case by case basis with the available data.
As indicated, since the questionnaire had to be calibrated The employment of a relatively large number of simple
against different surgical techniques, the fact that these indicators can at least in part reduce the problems deriving
techniques required differing postoperative adjustment from the fact that subjects have a tendency to give replies
periods had to be taken into consideration. For this reason it which suffer from a certain margin of inaccuracy. This may
was necessary to allow different timing pathways on the basis also be desirable should the questions happen to touch on
of each postoperative procedure. At the same time as the first topics of a somewhat delicate nature. The weightings to be
check-up the full questionnaire was administered containing assigned at the indicator construction phase are estimated
questions regarding personal data, reasons behind the choice by means of appropriate statistical procedures together with
to undergo the operation, in which institute and using which considerations regarding methodology and robustness of
technique, satisfaction with treatment, and any pain felt results.
during or after the operation. Subsequently, at the 3, 6 and With reference to the properties of the q simple indicators
12 months check-up the patient again went through just the constructed on the basis of observed responses on ordinal
series of items related to assessment of visual adjustment and scales, it is necessary that every item and the related response
satisfaction with the outcome of the intervention. scale be interpreted in a basically analogous manner by
the subjects; this assumption requires that the phrasing
of questions be simple and clear. Even if the condition of
Statistical Methods homogeneity is met, the ordinal nature of the responses
We have already indicated that, satisfaction being a latent however, does not permit the property of linearity of variables
variable, we needed to find subjective indicators which, to be attributed a priori: in other words one cannot assume
appropriately combined, would enable us to arrive at the that numbers 1, 2, … (representative of response categories)
variable which was the object of the investigation. are equidistant. For this reason, when ordinal variables are
These subjective indicators were created with the ultimate available it is good practice to employ models that do not
aim of supplying valid and reliable measures which could assume linearity of ordinal variables a priori and to then
then be used in models of varying complexity for the verify whether such a restriction is plausible for the data one
verification of our theoretical hypotheses. has available.
The following two phases may be distinguished: For the patient satisfaction study the Institute decided
1. The determination of a group of m > p simple indicators to adopt the algorithmic model of ‘Non-linear Principal
q’ = (q1, q2, …, qm ), which are assumed to be in relation Component Analysis’ (NLPCA), which enables one to
with the latent variables. distinguish between subjects as clearly as possible. The model
2. The adoption of an f(q) procedure which enables a enables the determination of the combination of weights
p-dimensional compound indicator x’ = (x1, x2, …, xp ) to that maximizes such separation; from a statistical point of
be constructed to be used as a scale for measuring latent view this means choosing the weights aj that, if the simple
variables. indicators q are fixed, enable one to obtain the maximum
In phase 1 the data were collected by inserting into variance for each of the p components of x.
the questionnaire numerous questions assumed to be in
some way connected with the constructs of interest; the Four Macroareas of the Investigation
replies to such questions were inserted into scales with
ordered categories which expressed the level of agreement,
and the Definition of the Single Item
for example from ‘not at all satisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’. In the light of all the observations made, the Institute decided
With a view to statistical analysis these categories were to divide the questionnaire into four sections:
represented by means of a numerical code (from 1 to 5 or 7); 1. Personal section
the quantification of each observed variable represented a 2. General information
simple indicator of the latent variables. In phase 2 it is 3. Intervention and recovery
common practice to construct a compound indicator, which 4. Satisfaction.
The entire Institute staff was involved in defining the For example:
single items. Each staff member was requested to identify
certain aspects which in their opinion were fundamental for 1. Please state your level of Very Very
assessing the patient in their particular field. For example, satisfaction regarding dissatisfied satisfied
the medical area was assigned the task of determining the Technical and professional quality
scales for evaluation of long and near visual capacity. Once
• T he manner in which 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the questionnaire had been created a training session was
diagnostic examinations
organized in which the staff underwent the final version of were conducted
the questionnaire, during which they were able to discuss
• Competence of doctors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
further the formulation of certain questions and the method
of administering the questionnaire to patients. • C
ompetence of assistants 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(orthoptist, optician,
Personal section: The questionnaire is not anonymous operating theater technician
since it is necessary for the Institute to be able to compare,
at the results analysis stage, patient satisfaction and patient
Another aspect to be studied concerned the patient’s
perception of outcome with the medical data contained in the perception of quality of life following the intervention.
patient medical record. Quality of life being difficult to define in as much as it is a
latent construct, several simple indicators were determined,
General information: The questions in this section serve among which were degree of worry regarding visual deficit,
to highlight the sources of information regarding refractive the necessity to ask others for help, and how this aspect was
surgery, why the patient decided to undergo the operation, influenced by the surgery.
the patient’s visual defect, and the main reason for which the
patient opted for the technique that was performed.
Intervention and recovery: This section is in fact divided At this point, it was necessary to validate the questionnaire
into two: The intervention itself and post-intervention. we had created for the survey. In fact, independently of the
Regarding the former, the patient is asked to provide their measuring scale used or the characteristic being measured
opinion regarding the information given him by the surgeon it is necessary to demonstrate that the tool being used for
and surgical staff concerning the operation and everything research is valid, i.e. it effectively measures the variable. The
associated with it. The patient is then asked to evaluate his concept of validity of psychological measurements often
visual capacity before the intervention, the level he hoped to depends on the theory underlying the construction of the
reach after surgery, and his current visual capacity. The second tool: if the theory is not completely shared, the tests one uses
part is designed to find out whether the patient experienced may be differently valid or differ in certain aspects.
any problems after surgery, whether he felt any discomfort or In addition to being valid, the tool must also be reliable:
pain, and the time taken for his vision to stabilize after surgery. The measurement that we take today regarding a certain
In addition he is asked if he needed a second operation in one characteristic should, all conditions being equal, be
or both eyes in order to perfect the results obtained in the substantially analogous to that which we take at a later time.
first operation and whether he considers that the outcome of Summarizing, a psychometric tool should therefore be:
the operation corresponds with the information he received • Objective
during the preoperative examination. • Sensitive and discriminating
• Reliable and consistent
Satisfaction: This is obviously the central part of the • Valid.
questionnaire in which the patient is asked, more or less By validity of content is meant the capacity to accurately
directly, to express various opinions concerning his degree of represent the whole gamut of possible behaviors linked to the
satisfaction with different aspects. psychological characteristic one intends to measure; usually
The composite indicators determined refer to: this is based on the opinion of experts and does not need
• Technical and professional quality statistical concepts. When one refers to conceptual validity
• Interpersonal relations and communicative abilities one must demonstrate the extent to which the performance
• Internal organization of the Institute of the test in relation to the construct one wishes to measure,
• Surroundings. using for example factorial analysis, multivariate analysis of
For each of these, several simple indicators were variance and multiple regression.
determined (from 3 to 8 per composite), on which the patient To verify our tool we provided for its validation phase,
had to express an opinion ranging from 1–very dissatisfied to inserting a battery of questions at the end of the questionnaire
7–very satisfied. aimed precisely at the above-mentioned aspects and at
Data Collection
As mentioned earlier, it is the patient care team that occupies
the main role in this phase, and administers the questionnaire
directly to the patient. The manner in which the patient deals
Data Processing
In order to analyze the data a database was created to meet
the needs determined at the questionnaire preparation and
statistical model decision making phase.
The initial phase of data collection lasted three months,
at the end of which we started to process the information
obtained from the patients.
The number of questionnaires from the initial adminis-
tering (those handed out to the patients at their first
postoperative check-up) was such as to enable a complete
analysis to be undertaken along with a first revision of the
questionnaire. The number of questionnaires returned from Fig. 9: Verification of the comprehension and
the second administering was, on the other hand, insufficient adequacy questionnaire
to proceed (the first time limit before readministration was in
fact three months). surprising. For example the overall average satisfaction was
The first step was that of conducting a clean-up operation equivalent to 8 (1 = not at all satisfied, scale 1 and 10 = very
of the data itself and verifying the data coherence. Usually this satisfied).
is a somewhat delicate process in that the database must be At the end of the data processing period, the questionnaire
handled directly to manage any input errors or those arising validation procedure was carried out. This took into
from any lack of understanding (albeit involuntary) on the account the problems encountered during the clean-up
part of the respondent. It is at this point that a decision must and coherence verification phase, the results obtained from
be taken concerning how to handle missing data. The first processing and the information contained in that part of the
thing we noticed was that the percentage of missing data questionnaire dedicated to its own validation. Essentially,
was indeed very low, i.e. almost all patients answered all the two problems were found: one concerning the question
questions completely. This was probably because the patients regarding the patient’s perception of pain, and the other
felt involved in the survey and understood the reasons for it regarding the length of the questionnaire itself. Regarding
when it was presented to them by the patient care staff. the first, it was noticed that a considerable percentage of
Once the data clean-up operation had been carried out, patients who underwent a particular technique reported
data analysis was conducted, the results being differentiated slight pain/discomfort during and immediately after the
according to the surgical technique of reference. First all, operation. This came as a surprise to many, since in the
descriptive analyzes were performed referring to the reference experience of the Institute a characteristic of the technique
population (sex, age and profession), represented by means is that that it does not cause the patient pain. After a brief
of simple histograms. The statistical model was then applied meeting with the medical area and vision psychology staff, it
(Non-linear Principal Component Analysis). The results were was concluded that the respondents could have been misled
by the fact that the question asks “Did you feel sensations of
discomfort or pain?”, and does not differentiate between pain
and discomfort which are in fact two substantially different 1. Baker R. Development of a questionnaire to assess patients’
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Figs 1A and B: (A) Zernike images; (B) Zernike classification
cause difficulties like haloes, glare, ghost images starburst problems. Higher order aberrations are useful in as much as
patterns and diplopia especially in low lighting conditions they are capable and responsible for countering chromatic
and during night driving, third order aberrations are aberrations.22,23 In the era of refractive surgery it is believed
Coma and trefoil. Trefoil is an aberration of little clinical and to some extent some of these aberrations are already
significance.28 being treated.through customized ablations.
Coma is present in keratoconus, decentered corneal
grafts, intraocular lenses and laser ablations; as well as in
asymmetric astigmatism.8-11 It has a comet graphic shape,
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Figs 1A and B: (A) Keck I and II telescopes located on Mauna Kea (Hawaii); (B) Panel of hexagonal mirrors comprising
the adaptive optics system compared to the size of a person (center of the figure)
An Approach to the Wavefront Technology: Aberrometry Basis 33
Figs 2A and B: Image of NGC 7469 galaxy view with and without adaptive optics
Fig. 3: From left to right: The author, Luis Antonio Ruiz MD, PhD and Professor Bille Joseff
patent about the applications of this technology in the field focusing internal place that would be the equivalent to the
of visual sciences which was granted in 1986 by the German macula in a biological eye, and if we could somehow analyze
government. In 1997 becomes one of the cofounders of the this output wavefront of the same optical system we would
20/10 Club of Perfect Vision1-3 (Fig. 3). realize that this wavefront has not suffered any distortion and
It is important here to analyze what is the basic principle therefore the output beams are also parallel in the same way
of the application of wavefront in the ocular optical system. as they entered without undergoing any change.3,4
Worth expressing in advance that there is no ideal optical When analyzing an optical system in which aberrations
system, but for purposes of study consider a perfect artificial exist, as could be an eye with some type of refractive error,
eye such as the ‘Indiana Eye’ which is a mathematical scheme irregularity or lack of transparent refractive media, we find
free from any kind of optical aberration and can be considered that the light beams outgoing lose their parallelism and
that its only optical limitation is the diffraction generated at some of them are advanced with respect to the reference
the expense of the edge of the diaphragm (pupil). When in this plane or delayed with respect to there. This is which we call
perfect eye, parallel beams of object-image coming from the deformity in wavefront or, etymologically, optical aberration
optical infinity refract, we can see that they all reach a same (Figs 4A and B).
34 Overview
Figs 4A and B: (A) Perfect eye without aberrations; (B) Eye with aberrated wavefront
Each component of the optical system (optical train) pays ZERNIKE POLYNOMIALS
a percentage of the wavefront distortion and this percentage
depends directly on the relationship between the refracting The Optical Society of America (OSA) recommended in the
surfaces (tear film, cornea, aqueous humor, lens and vitreous early interpreting wave front maps to adopt the expansion
humor) and its refractive index. of Zernike polynomials as the standard method to describe
From this point of view we can say that the tear film and the error in the wavefront of an optical system. Zernike
the cornea are the refracting elements where the impact of polynomials are considered as the basic blocks of description
the optical aberrations affects more on visual quality. or construction of any wavefront how complex it may be. Are
known as optical basic functions.
The tear film is where the biggest refractive index change
Each of these basic functions is the product of other two
occurs of all the optical train: from an index 1 corresponding
functions, one of which depends only on the radio and the
to air to 1,336 corresponding to the corneal stroma, so the
other on the meridian, this gives to the polynomials the
tear film has a key role and also dichotomous over the impact
mutual orthogonality characteristic, which means some are
on visual quality: normal tear film has a constant thickness
independent of other mathematically.
and has no optical effect in the perception of images and a
Another desirable feature of these polynomials is that,
tear film incomplete or poor in quality (dry eye) degrades the except for the first term, all have a zero mean and are scaled
perceived image quality, because in this first interface, as said, to have a variance corresponding to the unit. This puts all the
occurs the highest index change of all refractive optical train. terms in a common basis so that their relative magnitudes
Being the cornea a powerful refractive element (2/3 parts can be compared easily.7-9
of total optical power of the eye) also is governed by a mathe- The basic functions of Zernike or ‘polynomials’ as is often
matical ratio regarding its contribution to the wavefront know are systematically arranged in a ‘periodic table’ with the
deformation: this ratio was described by Dr. Allain Telandro shape of a pyramid.
in Cannes (France) as ‘the ratio 3 to 1’ in which Dr. Telandro Each row of the pyramid corresponds to a given order
concludes that 3 microns of distortion in cornea generates 1 of the polynomial component of the function and each
micron distortion in the wavefront.3-5 column corresponds to a different meridional frequency,
These deformities in the wavefront can be as complex as by convention, the harmonics in cosine phase corresponds
aberrated is the system that owns them. Depending on what to positive frequencies and those in sine phase to negative
the optical problem is based, certain types of alterations frequencies. There is also a simpler way of placing each of
(aberrations) prevail on others, so that it is more or less these polynomial functions inside the pyramid and is giving
deductible the aberration type to be found depending on it a simple ordinal number or even a double name with
the case being analyzed, by example myopic LASIK (positive subscript and superscript indicating the exact position within
spherical aberration), hyperopic LASIK (negative spherical the pyramid8-10 (Fig. 5).
aberration), keratoconus (coma and trefoil), dry eye (other of It is important to know that depending on the position of
high order combined).4-6 the aberration within the pyramid, this tends to deteriorate
An Approach to the Wavefront Technology: Aberrometry Basis 35
Fig. 5: Organization of Zernike polynomials in the pyramid Fig. 6: Constant aberration tilt type
more or less the quality of the analyzed image. Thus it is high that if you take it into account within the aberrometric
considered that the more above the pyramid is placed an calculation it would overshadow the detail and extent of the
aberration and more centrally is located to the axis thereof, other distortions7-10 (Fig. 6).
will have greater impact on the quality of patient’s vision.
As an example we then say that a pentafoil (peripheral
aberration) of the same quantitative micron magnitude than
a comma (central aberration) never distort the same way the Also known as second-order aberrations are the aberrations
quality of the vision of the analyzed system. we know in our diagnostic and therapeutic reality daily.
The wave front resulting in the quantitative analysis of the They are three expressions that occupy this second
visual quality of a patient is the result of the mathematical sum order: two components of astigmatism and a spherical blur
of each of the polynomial expressions of Zernike pyramid, i.e. component or defocus. These are the aberrations that we are
constant aberrations (Piston and Tilt), low-order aberrations used to measure, correct and deal with glasses, contact lenses
(sphere and cylinder) and high-order aberrations (spherical or conventional refractive surgery.
aberration, coma, trefoil and other high-order ones). It is important to understand at this point that low-order
The pyramid of polynomials then provides six different aberrations aberrometrically represent the amount of vision
orders starting with zero order and can be considered divided or quantification of the sphero cylindrical defect.
into three main groups: constant aberrations, low-order Astigmatism has two expressions used to determine its
aberrations and high-order ones.7-10 magnitude and its axis as follows: from the sum of the first
term and the second, we obtain the magnitude of astigmatism
as we know it and of the percentage respect to one another is
CONSTANT ABERRATIONS determined its axis. Regarding defocus or spherical blur we
Orders zero and one of the pyramid contain 3 aberrations mention that aberrometrically represents the error of the
that are considered constant in all optical systems and central rays of a wave front respect to the peripherals and
these are: the piston, horizontal tilt (Tilt) and the vertical this in turn can be positive or negative (if this is a myopic or
tilt (Tip). The first one, the piston can be considered in its hyperopic error).
simplest form as the movement of internal focal plane in To better understand the dimensions of a low-aberration
the attempt of the aberrometer optical system to conjugate order is necessary to note that these aberrometrical maps are
with the retinal plane to capture the perceived image. The built based on advanced or delayed microns with respect to a
horizontal and vertical tilt aberrations are also constant, if we zero reference plane. By convention as a similar way to construct
consider that our complex optical system is a symmetrically corneal elevation maps, the representation of the referential
asymmetric system as the pupil has a certain asymmetry and aberrometrical plane is given by variations in color tone, in the
is not in the mathematical center of the eye, like asymmetry green range is shown a zero level of measure in microns, the
characteristics of the cornea, of the lens, and the difference of ‘hot’ colors in the range of yellows, oranges and reds with their
the visual axis with the anatomical axis of the structures. various tones representing the wave front advancing in microns
Considering these aberrations as constants in all or that is considered faster with respect to the zero reference
optical systems we not generally take into account the total plane, and in turn ‘cool’ colors show the slow or delayed wave
calculation of the aberrometry since its magnitude is so front in microns respect to the ideal plane.
36 Overview
In this way, if we represent bidimensionally an aberro- carrying to not previously thought limits the vision quality
metrical map of astigmatism this would have the shape of our patients, as well as understanding new concepts of
of a curved plane alternately towards and forth. Its three- our limited knowledge of the objective visual quality. It
dimensional representation would be a figure described by is considered that in a normal eye, low-order aberrations
some as the ‘saddle’ where a fast front alternates with a slow constitute 80–85 percent of deteriorating Visual Quantity and
one (Figs 7A to C). that high-order aberrations constitute only 15% of the total
The two-dimensional representation of a myopic spherical error (Visual Quality).9,10
defect would show a wavefront fast in the periphery, that is Despite the significant difference in these variables
progressively slowing as it approaches the center of the optical percentage these high-order aberrations are those that limit
axis of the system. The three-dimensional representation of the vision of a healthy eye below the retinal limit and can be
this front will display a figure that has been described as a said that they are not susceptible to correct with conventional
‘bowl’ shape. The reason for this is that in the myopic patient, methods.11
rays that go through the axial center of the system must go Trefoil is the first of these aberrations, also known by
a distance much longer than the rays of the periphery and some as triangular astigmatism, represents bidimensionally
therefore these leave long before the eye and reach prior the the alternation forward-backward of three fixed points
aberrometer sensor than those that are located in the central which define a steepening of the plane at the expense of
part of the pupil. Similar but opposite is the case of hyperopia the periphery. Its three-dimensional image represents an
in which we can consider its three-dimensional wavefront advancing wave front that delays and alternate on 3 occasions
as a ‘bowl’ but seen by the base, in which we have a fast at the expense of periphery (Figs 8A and B).
wavefront at the center to be progressively slowing towards The Coma is considered perhaps one of the most fearsome
the periphery7-10 (Figs 7A to C). aberrations within the spectrum of high-order aberrations
due to the significant visual quality deterioration that its
finding represents, when induced by a surgical or therapeutic
procedure. Moderate natural coma however, seems to be
From the third order we find a number that is progressively related with good visual acuities as in the case of emmetropic
expanding the length of the pyramid and in fact this expansion airline pilots with excellent visual acuity in which is found
may become infinite, but for practical purposes of the human that this was the most frequent aberration (Figs 8A and B).
optical analysis is only considered important to the sixth Throughout his speech the comma represents the offset
order and even some researchers claim that the analysis of of the elements constituting an optical system, hence its
the expressions only to the fourth order is sufficient when it importance as contributing to the deterioration of visual
comes to optical measurements of visual quality. The sum of quality. This aberration is an important finding in patients
the high-order aberrations quantifies irregular astigmatism with diseases such as asymmetric keratoconus, where
in an optical system, which is directly related to the objective becomes a sensitive marker of its presence. Or in patients
visual quality. with offset refractive treatments or inclined intraocular lenses
Irregular astigmatism or so-called High Order aberrations or out of position.14-16
are the Visual Function part that we are not used to measure Bidimensionally coma displays from the periphery to the
or to treat and that now with wavefront technology and center a split wavefront alternating horizontally or vertically
customized ablations we try to measure and correct for (depending on the type of coma), in planes that move or are
Figs 7A to C: Low order aberrations: three-dimensional representation of hyperopic, myopic and astigmatic defect
An Approach to the Wavefront Technology: Aberrometry Basis 37
delayed abruptly. In a three-dimensional representation, this of its front and back face as well as the refractive index differ-
wave front reveals a sharp breaking with deep undulations ence between the central area and periphery.4,11,12
alternating forward—backward from the center to the Aberrometrically the bidimensional analysis of this type
periphery. of optical distortion shows an image with cool colors on the
The Tetrafoil or quadratic astigmatism, is located in the periphery of wavefront which increases gradually towards the
fourth order and has two expressions for the angular fre- center, its three-dimensional classical shape describes it as a
quency of sine and cosine respectively, in a similar way ‘Mexican hat’.
and progressive as trefoil, is the peripheral aberration that It is important to know that this aberration as others
represents the symmetry of four fixed points at the expense of described above are related directly to their quantitative
periphery and in its two and three dimensional form represents impact on visual quality factors depending on the size of the
a wave front advancing and is delayed in four opportunities on pupil, so large pupils contribute with a higher percentage
the periphery of the analyzed area (Figs 9A and B). of aberrations in optical systems than systems with small
Spherical aberration is located inside the pyramid in the pupils.18-21
fourth radial order with angular frequency zero. Spherical Typically is described that conventional techniques of
aberration is a symmetric aberration and is defined as the LASIK can increase the presence of this kind of aberration
focal distance between the center points and the periphery of due to micro offsets of treatments or due to the size of the
a wave front, if the center and periphery of a system become optical zone22 (Figs 9A and B).
more curved, spherical aberration becomes greater. Insofar as we descend progressively in the analysis of
The human eye handles positive spherical aberration the aberrations in the pyramid, each of these aberrations
naturally and has different elements that are optically evolved presents its secondary component, which is a variation in
to control or minimize the impact of this aberration in visual shape of the primary. Also can be located in sine or cosine
quality, in fact mechanisms to be mentioned reduce to one phase (except for the zero symmetry aberrations—center of
third the amount of spherical aberration of an optical system the pyramid) and be negative or positive. This would give
when doing analysis in a young healthy eye. An important for each of the majority of aberrations 4 possible terms with
mechanism of control is the ‘Aspheric’ shape in the cornea, which could be described its position, nature and symmetry
the flattening of the radius of curvature of the cornea from the through combinations thereof.13 For example:
center towards the periphery, enables both beams, central
Zero symmetry aberration: Primary spherical aberration,
and peripheral to occupy the same position in the macular
secondary spherical aberration, positive spherical aberration,
focal plane improving the quantity of useful light (irradiance)
negative spherical aberration.
for the formation of the image.
The other mechanism of spherical aberration compensa- Asymmetric aberrations: Primary coma, secondary coma,
tion comes at the expense of the lens by virtue of the curvature coma in sine phase coma in cosine phase.
38 Overview
Figs 9A and B: High order aberrations: (A) Tetrafoil; (B) Spherical aberration
A suitable PSF should consider features such as its high
I had just spoken of the “single qualitative weight” of each contrast and compact form. The compact form (volume) is
aberration: and we can say that even when two individual
directly related with the quality of the image that is forming in
aberrations have the same numerical magnitude of RMS in the retina of the optical system examined: the more compact
microns, they will not have the same impact on the visual the better the quality of the vision of this system. The high
quality of the individual. contrast defines the amount of light energy (irradiance) that
The individual RMS of each aberration separately is is transmitted to the retina or macular attachment point
considered maximum to 0.18 microns, this means that in (Fig. 10)
the individual analysis of each aberration. In polynomials
Zernique pyramid, there should not be a value greater than
this for every single term, for example, spherical aberration Optical Transfer Function (OTF)
greater than 0.18 microns could be related to a prior refractive
procedure, vertical coma greater than 0.18 micras could be The efficiency of transfer of images through an optical system
related to the early presence of keratoconus.11 should be evaluated in two ways: the transfer process itself
Fig. 10: Point spread function horizontal line—volume and vertical line: irradiance or energy that reaches the retina
40 Overview
and the quality of images transferred through the system in This so, an important limitation of the aberrometry can be
question. This is accomplished by analyzing the ability to converted in the future in a valuable technique to understand
transfer different images with sinusoidal characteristics and changes in visual quality related to dry eye (Fig. 11).
with different spatial frequencies.
Pupil Size
Phase Transfer Function (PTF) The contour or an aberrometric map and the aberrations there
found can change significantly depending on with pupil size
Represents a simple lateral displacement of a sinusoidal measurement is made, since a small change in millimeters of
image of specific spatial frequency, observed through an pupillar diameter may represent huge variations in terms of
aberrated system. square area of its circular shape. Also worth bearing in mind
the diffractive effect that the edge of the pupil exerts on light
Modulated Transfer Function (MTF) beams that constitute the aberrometer measurement and
image through an optical system with a specific resolution dilated. That is why perhaps most aberrometrical systems
and contrast. In other words the amount of image transmitted manufacturers, with the exception of a few, suggests that an
from the observed object through an aberrated optical system ideal aberroscopic measurement should be made in scotopic
(refracting elements of the eye) to the photoreceptor (retina). conditions without action of drugs that dilate the pupil
(Figs 12A and B).
Fig. 11: Images: backlight centroids of Shack-Hartmann system and map of densities in the same patient after 40 seconds without blinking
Figs 12A and B: Aberrometric test results with different pupil size
The aberrometric measurement principles can be for aberrometric calculation from high-resolution corneal
classified for practical purposes from the point of view topography.24-32
of the place where the machine captures the image to be • Internal process (ingoing process)
analyzed, according to this are called: of internal process – Tscherning
(ingoing process) or of external process (outgoing process); – Ray tracing
in the first group of aberrometers image capturing is done • External process (outgoing process)
at the retinal plane and in the second at the output level of – Hartman-Shack
the pupil. In a separate group we found the schiascopic • Schiascopic
aberrometers, the spatially resolved (experimental) and – Dynamic retinoscopy
42 Overview
• Spatially resolved: It is considered the only subjective 12. Marine Gobbe, Michel Guillon, Cecile Maissa. Measurement
aberrometer, experimental use repeatability of corneal aberrations. J Refract Surg. 2002;18:
• Corneal aberrometers: Based on high-resolution corneal S567-71.
13. Andrew B Watson, Albert J Ahumada. Predicting visual acuity
topography (not real aberrometers)
from wavefront aberrations. J of Vision. 2008;8(4);17:1-19.
The density of the number of sensors also speaks of the 14. Jorge L Alió, Mohamed H Shabayek. Corneal higher order
richness of the information with which to build aberrometrical aberrations a method to grade keratoconus. J Refract Surg.
data. One way to express is as from the measure of the 2006;22:539-45.
aberrometer resolution, which is expressed in microns and 15. Batool Jafri, Xiaohui Li, Huiying Yang, Yaron S Rabinowitz.
tells us that with a fewer resolution in microns image quality Higher order wavefront aberrations and topography in early
measured is better. and suspected keratoconus. J Refract Surg. 2007;23:774-81.
16. Ramkumar Sabesan. Visual performance after correcting
HOAs in keratoconic eyes. J of Vision. 2009;9(5);6:1-10.
CONCLUSION 17. Lung-Kun Yeh, Cheng-Jen Chiu, Chieh-Fang Fong, I-Jong
Wang, Wei-Li Chen, Chuhsing Kate Hsiao, Samuel CM Huang,
ophthalmology colleagues, many of them interested in this eye study. J Refract Surg. 2007;23:257-65.
new science as another way to analyze the visual function, 18. Sabong Srivannaboon, Dan Z Reinstein, Timothy J Archer.
others are not at all interested for the difficult terminology of Diurnal variation of higher order aberrations in human eyes.
their slang or by complex mathematical concepts underlying. J Refract Surg. 2007;23:442-6.
With the advent of multiple aberrometric systems in the 19. Ioannis G Pallikaris, Sophia I Panagopoulou, Charalambos
diagnosis and therapeutic arsenal in refractive surgery, it is S Siganos, Vasilys V Molebny. Objective measurement of
wavefront aberrations with and without accommodation.
important to know in detail the principle and the foundations
J Refract Surg. 2001;17:S602-7.
of this new branch of knowledge of visual quality. We believe 20. Hang Cheng, Raymond Applegate. A population study on
that venture into this new world with solid basic knowledge changes in wave aberrations with accommodation. J of Vision.
and easily explained, help to understand more easily a 2004;4:272-80.
fascinating universe of optical functions. 21. Krisztina Hagyó, Béla Csákány, Zsolt Lang, János Németh.
Variability of higher order wavefront aberrations after blinks.
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CHAPTER 6 Yazan A Zahran
Before we start talking about wavefront we should mention
that to understand wavefront aberrations, we should change
our thinking about light, light is expressed differently in
geometrical and physical optics. The rays from a point source
of light radiates out in all directions in geometrical optics. In
physical optics, conversely light is considered as a wave and
the light wave spreads in all directions as a spherical wave.
The wavefront is the shape of the light waves that are all in-
phase. Although light coming from infinity is considered to
be linear bundles of light rays. It also expressed as a plane
wavefront (wavefront is a continuous surface that propagates
perpendicular to the direction of the lights rays) (Fig. 1).
the center of the pupil (0, 0) as this light ray is not deviated nor inclination of the various optical components of the eye and
distorted along its path. The result is the OPD. each component’s relationship to the others (Fig. 3).
In a perfect optical system, the OPL will be the same for So to sum up wavefront aberration is defined as the optical
all light rays that travel from a point on an object to a point path difference (OPD) between the ideal and the actual
on the image, so the OPD is 0 for all positions (x, y) on the (aberrated) wavefront (Figs 4A and B).
pupil. THese rays will have the same phase and will therefore
aggregate constructively to produce the perfect image for an Classification of Aberrations
eye focused on infinity, the ideal wavefront exiting from an
aberration-free eye is flat and circular (Fig. 2). We can classify wavefront aberration into:
On the other hand, light that passes through different • Low order aberrations (0-2 radial order) include refractive
points on the pupil will arrive at the destination in different defects that can be corrected with spectacles or standard
phases. Consequently, the system is aberrated and the quality contact lenses.
of the image will be distorted. So if we consider aberrations • High order aberrations (more than second radial order)
as being the difference in OPL it stands to reason that the include spherical aberrations, coma and all aberrations
aberrations could derive from the qualitative and quantitative that are classed under the heading of irregular astigmatism
anomalies of the lacrimal film, the cornea, the aqueous or defects that cannot be corrected with commercially
humor, the crystalline lens, the vitreous body, decentering or available spectacles or lenses.
We can classify the aberration further into monochromatic
or polychromatic:
• Monochromatic aberrations are associated with a specific
• Polychromatic aberrations is caused by the dispersion of
light in various media it crosses and the light will spilt into
various colors of the visible spectrum.
Fig. 2: The relationship between the wavefront and the light rays.
The light rays travel perpendicular to the wavefront at all points
We can classify aberrations according the site of origin of systematically grouped on a pyramid-shaped periodic table.
the aberrations which include: Each line of the pyramid corresponds to a given order of the
• Corneal aberrations polynomial of the function and each column corresponds to the
• Internal optics aberrations different Azimuthal frequency. By convention the harmonics
• Total ocular aberrations which include the sum of the in the cosine phase are identified with plus sign while those
corneal and the internal optics aberrations (Fig. 5). in the sine phase are identified with minus sign. The unit of
measurement for every Zernike coefficient is the micron.
Representing Wavefront Aberrations Polynomials can be expanded up to any arbitrary order
if sufficient numbers of measurements for calculations are
For wavefront measurement to be useful in the analysis of made.
vision, aberration must be represented by terms that can
be understood by ophthalmologist here comes the role of
Measurement of Wavefront Aberrations
the Zernike and Fourier series polynomials and in simple
words both Zernike and Fourier describe complex three- Wavefront sensing techniques can be categorized by whether
dimensional surfaces in mathematical terms, making it the measurement is based on subjective or objective methods.
possible to design customized corneal ablation. It is difficult to measure the wavefront aberrations accurately
The Zernike polynomials are the most widely adopted tool using subjective methods due to prolonged measurement
to describe wavefront aberration, this mathematical method period and its dependence on the subject’s judgment.
considers every map as the adjusted sum of fundamental Wavefront sensors usually use ray-tracing methods to
shapes or the basic functions as shown in the figure below. reconstruct the wavefront and are classified into the following
These group of mathematical expressions are the product three types:
of two functions-one of which depends solely on the R radius 1. Outgoing wavefront aberrometry is used in the Hartmann-
of a point on the pupil, and the other depends solely on the Shack sensor.
θ meridian of a point on the pupil plane. THe first function is 2. Ingoing retinal imaging aberrometry is used in the cross
a simple polynomial of the nth degree and the second is the cylinder aberroscope, the Tscherning aberroscope and the
harmonic of a sinusoid or co-sinusoid. sequential ray tracing method.
The double index model Z(r, f) where the index r describes 3. The ingoing feedback aberrometer is used in the spatially
the higher power (order) of the radial polynomials and the resolved refractometer (SRR). THe optical path difference
index f described the Azimuthal frequency of the sinusoidal method (OPD) (slit retinoscopy or skiascopy) is a variant
component. The basic Zernike functions or modes or terms are of this method.
Z8(x,y) (3r3 – 2p)cosq –2y + 3y3 + 3x2y Coma of 3rd order at y axis
Fig. 9: Point patterns
Fig. 8: Zernike images In another words, the Strehl ratio is the ratio between the
peak heights of the PSF over the peak height for the same
optical system if it were diffraction limited (dl) (Fig. 13).
RMS = Z–22 + Z02 + Z22 + Z–33 + ...
RMS error has limited utility as an ideal single metric for
Modulation Transfer Function
visual performance because it does not show how a given The modulation transfer function (MTF) indicates the ability
aberration affects visual performance. of an optical system to reproduce (transfer) various levels of
detail (spatial frequencies) from the object to the image. Its
Point Spread Function units are the ratio of image contrast over the object contrast
as a function of spatial frequency.
Objects are made up of an infinite number of points. The A person, for example is composed of many spatial
point spread function (PSF) of the eye describes how each frequencies from low (torso, arms, legs) to high (facial
object point is imaged on the retina. Consequently the PSF features, hair, etc.). We all know that fine detail or high spatial
is one of the fundamental methods for describing the optical frequencies are the first to be get lost when you degrade an
quality of an imaging system such as the eye. So in a perfect image. When you are out of focus, you can still make out a
optical system, the PSF should look like a point or a distant person (low spatial frequencies), but you may not identify his
star (Figs 9 to 12). or her fine facial features (high spatial frequencies).
Fig. 11: PSF for increasing pupil sizes in perfect eye, the small pupil size Fig. 12: PSF of increasing pupil sizes in a typical human eye, the effect
as 1 mm. The image-point is large due to diffraction not aberrations of aberrations as the pupil size increase is very obvious
Fig. 13: Pictorial definition of Strehl ratio. The maximum value of Strehl
ratio is 1, which occurs when the optical system is diffraction limited
Fig. 15: Wavefront aberration, PSF and MTF for three different wave aberrations. The relation between them: when aberrations are present, the
PSF broadens and becomes more irregular. The MTF shows that with aberrations, contrast drops quickly and in nonuniform manner for all high
spatial frequencies
distortion of cornea in keratoconus compared to normal visual quality. It is necessary to diagnose visual symp
eyes. Coma, trefoil and spherical aberration were found to toms related to aberrations such as diplopia, halos,
be the most dominant HOAs in both corneal and ocular glare as this can help determine the best treatment.
aberrations in keratoconus eyes. • Intraocular lens design: The use of aspheric IOLs to
6. Corneal refractive procedures: There is induction of reduce preoperative normal corneal positive spherical
HOAs in many refractive procedures like PRK and LASIK. aberration has been shown to increase the contrast
sensitivity in mesopic conditions. Customization of
Application of Wavefront Technology the selection of an IOL is a new concept that goes
further than achieving emmetropia after cataract
1. Wavefront-guided ablation: The use of wavefront
surgery. The objective is to estimate the optimum
aberrometry to guide an excimer laser ablation is based
amount of spherical aberration within the eye and the
on the notable theoretical advantage of correcting not
only spherocylindrical errors but also the HOAs while IOL to optimize optical quality. The corneal HOAs are
minimizing the induction of aberrations by the laser measured and help determine the best IOL according
ablation. to the expected induction in spherical aberration.
2. Diagnostic and intraocular lens design applications: Appropriate IOL selection is becoming more important
The applications of wavefront sensing go far beyond as more patients with prior refractive surgery are now
wavefront-guided ablations. in need of cataract extraction.
• Diagnostic: Wavefront technology as a diagnostic tool 3. Expanding the depth of focus by modifying higher–
has been important in understanding the relationship order aberrations: Although HOAs degrade the quality
between anatomical structures, optics, and subjective of vision in most circumstances, in some instances they
may have a beneficial effect. In the case of presbyopia, the every ophthalmologist must have a good insight about this
induction of specific HOAs may expand the depth of focus subject.
without significantly compromising the quality of vision
and this will improve the near vision with compromising
the distant vision (Fig. 15).
1. Borish’s clinical refraction, 2nd edn. Chapter 19 (wavefront
CONCLUSION 2. Mello GR, Rocha KM, Santhiago MR, et al. Applications of
wavefront technology. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2012;38:1671-83.
Wavefront technology is a new tool that will have a 3. Wavefront customized visual correction. The Quest for
widespread application in the field of ophthalmology so Supervision 2 Slack Incorporated. 2004.
Fig. 1: Wavefront analysis provides much more data than manifest refraction. This 55-year-old preoperative wavefront shows HOAs of 5.4% and
a detailed analysis of both a wavefront derived LOA refraction and breakdown and magnitude of HOAs
with a near plano result but still not satisfied with their image variety of aberrations with names such as coma, trefoil, and
quality (Figs 5A and B). This data can then be used to develop spherical aberration.
vision changing treatment plans that can help these frustrated
patients achieve a quality visual result. Finally, wavefront
changes occur naturally with aging, such as an increase in WAVEFRONT MEASURING DEVICES:
spherical aberration due to lenticular changes with time, and ABERROMETERS
it is important to take these changes into consideration when
analyzing aberration maps11,12 (Figs 6 and 7). That is why, it There are many more HOAs and the measurement of
is important to learn wavefront technology and apply it to the them with what is called an aberrometer requires more
overall clinical situation when trying to decide whether HOAs sophisticated techniques such as Shack-Hartmann sensing
need to be addressed surgically, optically, or not. can provide data from which the wave aberrations of the
In the world of wavefront terminology, myopia and hyper- human eye can be accurately and reliably quantified (Fig. 9).
opia are referred to as defocus. Defocus and astigmatism are Clinical aberrometers provide very detailed measurements
called 2nd order aberrations (Fig. 8). Measuring defocus of the eye's wavefront aberration state and have become
and astigmatism is most commonly done with a phoropter very important in modern day eyecare both diagnostically
or autorefractor. High order aberrations (HOAs) comprise a and for optical and surgical treatment planning. The total
Fig. 2A: Dry eye can significantly impact a wavefront due to tear film irregularities inducting high order aberrations
as shown in on the left in this 32-year-old preoperative LASIK with newly diagnosed dry eye
wavefront error and the individual contribution of each As stated previously a common aberrometer used in clinical
higher-order aberration in the individual eye can now be practice is the Hartmann-Shack aberrometer. This technology
accurately determined and quantified by these aberrometers. works by projected a highly collimated light source onto the
An aberrometer is basically a wavefront sensing device retina which then reflects off the retina, comes back through
which measures the wavefront as it exits the eye. They can the lens, through the pupil, and exits the eye through the
only analyze data that comes through the pupil so typically cornea. This wavefront is then focused by individual lenses
having a dilated pupil for the examination is helpful, but not called lenslets. This array of lenslets in the aberrometer each
always necessary, to assess pupillary areas used in low light have the same focal length. Each is focused onto a photosensor
situations. Accommodation should be controlled for, ideally (typically CCD). In this way, a very detailed analysis across
with cylcoplegia. Any dry eye should be treated also since an the entire wavefront occurs with the final result being a quite
irregular tear film can cause unpredictable changes in the accurate (but not perfect) reconstruction of the patient’s total
wavefront and make the measurement less accurate.6-8 (LOAs and HOAs) optical data. There are other wavefront
Fig. 2B: With 4 weeks of dry eye therapy, this same dry eye patient the wavefront is much improved with lower
HOAs and a better quality wavefront
analyzers used clinically also. The construction of a wavefront to describe these measured LOAs and HOAs is Zernike or
map utilizes sophisticated mathematics called polynomials Fourier polynomials.3,17,18 They share many similarities but
to describe it in details that allow it to be clinically useful also differences that are beyond the goals of this chapter. The
and put into color maps that share similarities with corneal main purpose in this discussion is to understand that after
topography for helpful viewing.3,13 a clinical wavefront sensing device captures wavefront data
exiting an eye these mathematical polynomial equations are
used to describe the wavefront numerically or graphically.
This data is able to describe both wavefront aberrations and
As mentioned above, the shape of a wavefront is corneal surfaces and thus be used diagnostically to assess
mathematically described complex equations called the overall optical quality of an eye plus design customized
polynomials.13-16 A common mathematical method used corneal ablations for PRK or LASIK.19,20
Fig. 3A: Point spread function (PSF) of the same 32-year-old preoperative LASIK patient in
Figure 2 on the left in this with newly diagnosed dry eye
A common clinically useful way to describe the wavefront us understand the optical quality of an eye. The higher the
shape uses a single number to describe the amount the RMS value the greater the number of aberrations. Typically,
wavefront deviates from a plane wave called the root mean patients who have fewer total aberrations (lower RMS value)
square (RMS) error.3,21 Mathematically, it represents the tend to have better contrast sensitivity and low light image
standard deviation of the wavefront from a plane wave and quality. A perfect example of this is comparing Figure 4
is often used to describe the overall optical quality of the eye. where the 22-year-old patient has quality vision and an HOA-
The RMS can be calculated for the total aberration or for the RMS value of 0.18 while the 27-year-old with glare and halos
individual higher-order aberrations (HOAs). It is important in Figure 5 has an RMS value of 0.94.
to remember that the RMS value is a number that indicates Wavefront analysis gives other important parameters
the magnitude of the aberration but not its unique shape. A helpful in analyzing a patient’s image quality, namely, point
perfect optical system would have a flat wavefront and an spread function (PSF) and modulation transfer function
RMS of zero. Evaluating root mean square (RMS) values helps (MTF).19 The PSF image is formed by light from a point source
Fig. 3B: With 4 weeks of dry eye therapy, this same dry eye patient the point spread function is much improved
with lower HOAs and a better quality wavefront
traveling through an optical system. The PSF is small and highly Besides looking at the low and high order aberration state
focused in an eye with minimal aberrations (Fig. 4). The PSF of an eye, it can be very helpful clinically to routinely assess
is large, irregular, and highly defocused in an eye with a lot of these useful parameters such as RMS, PSF, and MTF.
aberrations and poor image quality (Fig. 5). The MTF measures
the loss of contrast with increasing spatial frequency when an
image travels through an aberrated optical system. Spatial
frequency refers to the number of pairs of bars imaged within Understanding the total optics of the eye is critically important
a given distance on the retina and is defined by the number of diagnostically and in developing surgical plans. Custom
cycles (line pairs) per unit distance. It is known that high spatial laser vision correction addressing both low and high order
frequencies (fine details, closely spaced alternation black and aberrations was made possible by wavefront technology.
white fine lines) are the first to be affected when the quality of Wavefront technology has forever revolutionized, how we
an optical system is degraded. MTF quantifies this loss. analyze the optical state of the eye.
Figs 4A and B: (A) High order aberrations are present also in eyes with quality vision and no glare or halos. This is a 22-year-old patient happy
with their image quality. Note HOA of 7.4%, Coma of 0.116, and spherical aberration of 0.07. (B) Point spread function of the same patient
Figs 5A and B: (A) A 27-year-old post-LASIK patient who has had previous conventional treatment of myopia and sphere who suffers from glare
and halos due to induced high order aberrations. Their wavefront quantifies their high and low order aberrations to aid in treatment planning.
(B) Point spread function, if the same patient on the right
Fig. 6A: Wavefront changes normally with age. Note spherical aberration in this 22-year-old patient with
20/20 best corrected vision (BCVA) and no complaints
Fig. 6B: Wavefront changes normally with age. Note spherical aberration for this 53-year-old patient with 20/20 BCVA and no complaints
Figs 7A and B: Same patients as in Figure 6 showing how point spread function changes normally with age also. (A) Note point spread function
in this 22-year-old patient with 20/20 best corrected vision (BCVA) and no complaints. (B) Note point spread function for this 53-year-old patient
with 20/20 BCVA and no complaints
Fig. 9: The VISX WaveScan Wavefront System is an example of a common clinically used Hartmann-Shack Aberrometer. The WaveScan
wavefront system uses the same Hartmann-Shack technology used in the Hubble space telescope
13. Dai GM, Mahajan VN. Orthonormal polynomials in wavefront 18. Maeda N. Clinical applications of wavefront aberrometry: a
analysis: error analysis. Appl Opt. 2008;47(19):3433-45. review. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2009;37:118-29.
14. Smolek MK, Klyce SD. Goodness-of-prediction of Zernike 19. Zhou C, Chai X, Yuan L, He Y, Jin M, Ren Q. Corneal higher-
polynomial fitting to corneal surfaces. J Cataract Refract Surg. order aberrations after customized aspheric ablation and
2005;31(12):2350-5. conventional ablation for myopic correction. Curr Eye Res.
15. Klyce SD, Karon MD, Smolek MK. Advantages and disadvan- 2007;32(5):431-8.
tages of the Zernike expansion for representing wave aberration 20. Wang Y, Zhao KX, He JC, Jin Y, Zuo T. Ocular higher-order
of the normal and aberrated eye. J Refract Surg. 2004;20(5):
aberrations features analysis after corneal refractive surgery.
Chin Med J. 2007;120(4):269-73.
16. Smolek MK, Klyce SD. Zernike polynomial fitting fails to
represent all visually significant corneal aberrations. Invest 21. Thibos, L, Applegate RA, Schweigerling JT, Webb R. VSIA
Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2003;44(11):4676-81. Standards Taskforce Members, “Standards for Reporting
17. Roorda A. A review of basic wavefront optics. In: Krueger the Optical Aberrations of Eyes,’’ OSA Trends in Optics and
RR, Applegate RA, MacRae SM (Eds). Wavefront Customized Photonics, Vision Science and its Applications, Lakshmi-
Visual Correction; the Quest for Super Vision II. Thorofare, NJ, narayanan, V (Ed). Optical Society of America, Washington
Slack. 2004;pp.9-18. DC. 2000;35:232-44.
9. Monocular Diplopia
José Luis Güell
because the spherical aberration induced by the crystalline Both implants showed to reduce significantly the spherical
lens in older eyes is more positive. equivalent, however, a more limited compensation of the
Of course, the changes in the asphericity of the cornea astigmatism was found in the eyes implanted with INTACS.
after the implantation of ICRS play an important role in the This fact is congruent with a statistically significant higher
change of the spherical aberration induced by the cornea and reduction of the astigmatism RMS in the group of eyes
therefore in the ocular spherical aberration. The segments implanted with Keraring. The reason for this different
are designed to induce a larger flattening in eyes with higher behavior seems to be related with the different length of these
keratometric values. Normally, the higher the myopia, the two types of segments, shorter in the case of Keraring.
higher the flattening and therefore, a more positive spherical Both implants provided a mean reduction on the primary
aberration is induced. coma and coma-like aberrations 6 months after the surgery
Therefore, the effect of the segments regarding ocular although, this improvement was not statistically significant. In
spherical aberration, depends on the preoperative a previous study, it was found statistical significant reduction
keratometry, corneal asphericity and age of the patient. Since of the primary coma in those patients with preoperative
the spherical aberration has been referred as an important values coma RMS values higher than 3.0.19
source of visual disturbance, the newest designs of some Regarding spherical aberration, this study found a
commercial marks (like the Ferrara segments) have started to significant negativization of the primary spherical aberration
consider the corneal asphericity as a parameter to take into in the eyes implanted with INTACS. This effect was not found
account for the selection of the implants. in the eyes implanted with Kerarring.
A mean reduction of the primary coma after the Another kind of implant, called Myoring, was also
implantation of segments has been reported by most of the evaluated in a pilot study by our group.20 The Myoring is a 360°
authors. The reduction of this aberration, obviously is positive arc length implant, and showed to produce a very powerful
for the visual acuity of the patient, however several studies flattening of the central cornea, with a mean decrease of
have investigated this without obtaining a clear conclusion 8.00D. Evidently, this behavior has an important impact on
about the preoperative aspects that leads to a reduction of the spherical aberration. Although, the sample evaluated
this aberration.12 Moreover, although in mean terms, the was not large (12 eyes), a very significant increment in the
implantation of segments produces a slight reduction of the corneal primary spherical aberration was noted (p = 0.001)
coma and coma-like aberrations, this reduction could be not one month after the surgery. However, a significant reduction
statistically significant, at least for all grades.17 in the high order aberrations was detected 3 to 6 months after
The type of segments used for the surgery have also the surgery (p = 0.027).
influence on the aberrometric changes that happens after Finally, the technique used for the implantation of the
the implantation. This issue was studied by our group.17 segments has also been referred as an influent factor on the
Seventeen eyes implanted with INTACS and 20 eyes implan aberrometric outcomes. In 2009, Alió et al.21 reported the
ted with Keraring were compared. All the patients included results of the comparison of mechanical versus femtosecond
in this study were graded as low-to-moderate keratoconus laser assisted procedures. Although, both techniques
under the Alió-Shabayeck classification.18 This classification achieved similar visual and refractive results, a worse aberro
is mainly based on the aberrometric status of the patients and metric correction was found in the case of the manual
confers special importance to the coma-like aberrations. procedure.
Corneal Aberrometry Changes Following Intracorneal Ring Segment Implantation 69
This case corresponds to a 21 years old female patient with a
longstanding history of keratoconus who wear contact lenses
during the last seven years. During the last six months she
referred intolerance to contact lens on her right eye and she
notice that her visual acuity has decrease over the last few
Ophthalmological Evaluation
Uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA)
Right eye (RE): 0.050.
Left eye (LE): 0.200.
Biomicroscopy UCVA
RE: Transparent cornea, peripheral nerve thickening. Right eye (RE): 0.300.
LE: Unremarkable. Spectacle CDVA (RE): 0.840.
Contact lens CDVA (RE): 1.000.
Fundus evaluation Refraction: Sph –1.50 cyl –2.50@140°.
Postoperative Corneal Topography and
Corneal pachymetry
RE: 458 microns. Aberrometry (Figs 3 and 4)
LE: 480 microns. K1: 46.74D.
K2: 51.39D.
Preoperative Corneal Topography (Fig. 1) RMS total aberrations: 7.53 microns.
RMS coma aberration: 1.24 microns.
RE: Central oval pattern with flattest keratometry (K1):
47.82 D and steepest keratometry (K2): 52.03D.
LE: Normal. Summary
This case correspond to a mild keratoconus case taking into
Preoperative Corneal Aberrometry (Fig. 2) account the level of anterior corneal aberrations and the
degree of visual limitation. After implantation of two ICRS
RE around the central zone of the cornea which correspond to
RMS total: 9.50 microns. the focal steepening in the corneal topography, we found a
RMS coma: 2.41 microns. central flattening of the area that leads to a reduction in the
RMS spherical aberration: 1.66 microns. spherical equivalent of the patient. We also observed an
Surgical planning: We decided to perform an implantation important reduction of more than 1 micron in the root mean
of two intracorneal ring segments (ICRS) on the right eye square of the coma aberration that certainly will increase the
following the guidelines of the manufacturer´s nomogram. optical quality of the patient.
70 Clinical Cases
Fig. 2: Preoperative
Fig. 3: Postoperative
Corneal Aberrometry Changes Following Intracorneal Ring Segment Implantation 71
Fig. 4: Postoperative
72 Clinical Cases
This case corresponds to a 26 years old female patient with
a longstanding history of keratoconus who has a poor
motivation to contact lens wearing.
Ophthalmological Evaluation
RE: 0.100.
LE: 0.100.
RE: 0.600.
LE: 0.800.
Fig. 6: Preoperative
Fig. 7: Postoperative
74 Clinical Cases
Fig. 8: Postoperative
Corneal Aberrometry Changes Following Intracorneal Ring Segment Implantation 75
The last case corresponds to a 25 years old male patient with
a longstanding history of keratoconus who underwent a
penetrating keratoplasty procedure 3 years ago on the right
eye. He is referred to our center to evaluate the possibility of
performing a deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) on
the left eye.
Ophthalmological Evaluation
RE: 0.500.
LE: Counting fingers at 3 meters.
RE: 0.900. Fig. 9: Keratokonus preoperative
LE: 0.320.
Biomicroscopy UCVA
RE: Transparent corneal graft. LE: 0.300.
LE: Central corneal thinning, Vogt striae, transparent cornea
without central leucoma. Spectacle CDVA
LE: 0.500.
Fundus evaluation
Contact lens CDVA
LE: 0.700.
Corneal pachymetry
RE: 570 microns.
Sph –3.00 cyl –2.25@140°.
LE: 361 microns.
LE Summary
• RMS total: 29.01 microns.
This case correspond to a severe keratoconus case taking into
• RMS coma: 4.94 microns.
account the level of anterior corneal aberrations and the degree
• RMS spherical aberration: 0.91 microns. of visual limitation. We found that after ICRS implantation
Surgical planning: Even though the visual acuity and the there is a flattening of the central cornea and a major reduction
prognosis of this case was very poor we discuss the different of the coma aberration that improves the visual function and
therapeutic alternative with the patient and decided to offer the refraction of the patient. The modeling effect of the corneal
him ICRS implantation leaving the DALK procedure for the stroma observed after implantation of the segments allow us
future in case that ICRS implantation failed. We decided to in this case not just to achieved an important reduction of
perform an implantation of two ICRS following the guidelines the anterior corneal aberrations but to delay or even avoid a
of the manufacturer's nomogram. keratoplasty procedure in a young patient.
76 Clinical Cases
Fig. 12: Postoperative
Montanes A. Outcome analysis of intracorneal ring segments 16. Artal P, Berrio E, Guirao A, Piers P. Contribution of the cornea
for the treatment of keratoconus based on visual, refractive, and internal surfaces to the change of ocular aberrations with
and aberrometric impairment. Am J Ophthalmol. 2013;155(3): age. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2002;19(1):137-43.
575-84. 17. Piñero DP, Alió JL, El Kady B, Pascual I. Corneal aberrometric
12. Peña-García P, Vega-Estrada A, Barraquer RI, Burguera- and refractive performance of 2 intrastromal corneal ring
Giménez N, Alio JL. Intracorneal ring segment in keratoconus: segment models in early and moderate ectatic disease. J
a model to predict visual changes induced by the surgery. Cataract Refract Surg. 2010;36(1):102-9.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53(13):8447-57. 18. Alió JL, Shabayek MH. Corneal higher order aberrations:
13. Alió JL, Piñero DP, Alesón A, Teus MA, Barraquer RI, Murta a method to grade keratoconus. J Refract Surg. 2006;22(6):
J, Maldonado MJ, Castro de Luna G, Gutiérrez R, Villa C, 539-45.
Uceda-Montanes A. Keratoconus-integrated characterization 19. Shabayek MH, Alió JL. Intrastromal corneal ring segment
considering anterior corneal aberrations, internal implantation by femtosecond laser for keratoconus correction.
Surg. 2011;37(3):552-68. 20. Alio JL, Piñero DP, Daxer A. Clinical outcomes after complete
14. Albertazzi R. Tratamiento del queratocono con segmentos ring implantation in corneal ectasia using the femtosecond
intracorneales. Editor: Albertazzi R. Queratocono: pautas technology: a pilot study. Ophthalmology. 2011;118(7):
para su diagnostico y tratamiento. Buenos Aires. Ediciones 1282-90.
Científicas Argentinas para la Keratoconus Society. 2010:205-67. 21. Piñero DP, Alio JL, El Kady B, Coskunseven E, Morbelli H, Uceda-
15. Beiko GH, Haigis W, Steinmueller A. Distribution of corneal Montanes A, Maldonado MJ, Cuevas D, Pascual I. Refractive
spherical aberration in a comprehensive ophthalmology and aberrometric outcomes of intracorneal ring segments for
practice and whether keratometry can predict aberration keratoconus: mechanical versus femtosecond-assisted
values. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2007;33(5):848-58. procedures. Ophthalmology. 2009;116(9):1675-87.
CHAPTER 9 José Luis Güell
Monocular Diplopia
Case 1
Case 2
UCVA 0.25 (120°-1.00 + 2.00) 0.4 + monocular diplopia
Case 3
UCVA 0.2 (70°-3.00 + 2.25) 0.5 – pinhole 0.8 – monocular diplopia UCVA 0.6 (55º-0.75 + 0.50) 0.8 – no monocular diplopia
Case 4
UCVA 0.2- (25º-4.00 + 0.50) 0.3-blurred UCVA 0.4 (110º-2.00 + 1.25) 0.6-clear
We present the case of an Alport syndrome patient whose anterior lenticonus was detected by wavefront analysis and Scheimpflug imaging
technology. Patient’s lenticular abnormalities were too subtle to be detected by the initial slit-lamp examination. However, normal corneal
topography and elevation maps with high total eye aberrations pointed to internal optics as the source of aberrations. More specifically,
predominant negative spherical aberrations suggested anterior lenticonus, a diagnosis further confirmed by Scheimpflug images showing
central bulging of the anterior lens surface. Following diagnosis, patient underwent successful phacoemulsification and intraocular lens (IOL)
implantation. We recommend wavefront analysis and Scheimpflug imaging technology as effective tools in the detection of lens disorders,
especially those that are too subtle to be observed by other examination methods.
unremarkable. Patient had a history of renal failure and kidney that predominant spherical aberrations were suggestive of
transplant twenty-one years previously. His medications anterior lenticonus (AL).6
included prednisone, cyclosporine, magox, soriatune, The OCULUS Pentacam is also able to define the anterior
nexium, norvasc, atorvastatin calcium, warfarin sodium, curvature of the lens. Rotating Scheimpflug imaging with the
colchicines, niferex, atenolol, doxercalciferol, fenofibrate, Pentacam captures twenty-five image slices from the anterior
folic acid, duloxetine hydrochloride, foltx, allopurinol, and surface of the cornea to the posterior surface of the lens.5
digoxin. These images detailed the contour of the protrusion in our
On examination, uncorrected visual acuity was 20/50–1 OD patient’s dilated lens over a 360-degree circle. Scheimpflug
and 20/70 OS. BCVA and subjective manifest refraction was images in Figures 3A to C display the anterior lenticonus in
20/30–1 OD with –6.25 –1.00 × 155 and 20/40–2 OS with –7.25 our patient against that of a normal lens.
–2.50 × 170. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy revealed a clear and To characterize this Scheimpflug image of lenticonus
compact cornea with normal intraocular pressure and fundi. and compare it to the normal population, measurements
No significant cataract or other obvious anomalies of the lens were taken from the apex of the bulge to a 4 mm chord
and anterior segment were observed. length for fifteen refractive surgery candidates with normal
Corneal topographic and elevation maps were normal as lenses. Variability was minimized by including only dilated
computed by the OCULUS Pentacam software (OCULUS, lenses and candidates within 6 years of age from our patient.
Lynnwood WA, USA). Sagittal curvature and elevation maps Measurements yielded a 400 μm protrusion in the lenticonus
of the patient’s cornea front are shown in Figure 1. eye reported herein compared to a mean of 256.7 μm with
Wavefront analysis was performed with the Alcon 27.2 μm standard deviation for those without lenticular
LADARWave aberrometer (Alcon Labs, Fort Worth, Texas, abnormalities (Figs 3A to C).
USA). The device utilizes Hartmann-Shack principles to Since ocular symptoms were most severe in the left eye,
detect, measure, and display higher order aberrations of cataract extraction and IOL implantation were selected to be
the eye. Total-eye wavefront analysis revealed high negative performed first on the left eye. Following lens removal through
spherical aberration in both eyes with RMS values of –1.08 μm phacoemulsification, an ACRYSOF® IOL, manufactured by
and –1.43 μm for right and left eyes, respectively. Preoperative Alcon Labs, Fort Worth, Texas, was inserted into the eye.
wavefront maps with Zernike modes and aberration values
are shown in Figures 2A to C. Given normal corneal maps
and abnormal total-eye wavefront analysis, the internal
optics of the eye, thus, was likely the main source of vision This case highlights the role of wavefront analysis and
deficits. More specifically, previous literature indicated Scheimpflug imaging technology in detecting lenticular
Fig. 1: Normal left eye corneal front topographic maps of sagittal curvature and elevation
86 Clinical Cases
Figs 2A to C: Preoperative wavefront maps of (A) right and (B) left eyes reveal dominant spherical aberrations in both eyes, represented by a
highly negative center with positive ring; (C) Zernike modes, including coma and spherical, with patient’s total-eye aberration values are shown
below wavefront maps
abnormalities that first went undetected by other ophthalmic Wavefront maps define the deviation of an aberrated
examinations, including anterior segment slit-lamp. Eye wavefront from the ideal reference wavefront. The reference
aberrations can result from both lenticular and corneal shape used for comparison is a flat, circular plane which
imperfections since the cornea and lens contribute represents an emmetropic, or theoretically perfect, eye.
approximately two-thirds and one-third of the total focusing RMS values correspond to decreases in optical quality
power of the eye, respectively. The subtlety of the lenticular and are represented by deviations from the emmetropic
abnormality made it difficult to detect and was only observed plane as cooler or warmer colors. Evaluation of higher-
after wavefront analysis first pointed to it as a contributing order aberrations in our patient revealed predominant
factor in the patient’s vision loss. spherical aberration in both eyes (Figs 2A to C), suggesting
Wavefront Analysis and Scheimpflug Imagery in Diagnosis of Anterior Lenticonus 87
Figs 3A to C: Scheimpflug images distinguishing the dilated lens contour of anterior lenticonus (A) and that of a normal lens (B).
(C) 4 mm chord and lens protrusion values are indicated
that reflection patterns were produced by an anterior lens diagnosis with quantitative results. Lenticular protrusion at
surface bulge. In a study evaluating irregular astigmatism, 400 μm from a 4 mm chord was more than three standard
Ninomoya and associates6 found that astigmatism induced deviations away from the mean of fifteen normal patients
by anterior lenticonus produced such spherical-like at 256.7 μm. Given the patient’s medical history of Alport
aberrations. On the other hand, predominance of coma- syndrome and wavefront analysis results, Scheimpflug
like aberrations would have indicated keratoconus-induced imaging was sufficient to confirm the diagnosis.
irregular astigmatism. After cataract extraction and IOL implantation, total-
Further examination with the Scheimpflug camera eye aberrations were reduced from 2.64 μm to 1.38 μm. The
captured a complete picture of the anterior segment and improvements in optical quality are reflected in the post-
provided visual confirmation of AL. Measurements and operative wavefront map and aberration values (Figs 4A
calculations performed on the images supported the to C), which show a much greater resemblance to a flat,
88 Clinical Cases
Figs 4A to C: Postoperative wavefront maps (A and B) and Zernike modes (C) of left eye showing significant reduction of spherical and
other aberrations, resulting in a greater resemblance to the emmetropic eye
circular plane, representing the emmetropic eye. As most of Since optical disorders may be of various origins, such
the aberrations were due to lenticonus, surgical treatment as lenticular, corneal, retinal and/or neurological, a long
dramatically restored the patient’s left eye vision from 20/40–2 differential process of elimination may be required. However,
to a BCVA of 20/25. wavefront analysis can assist the diagnostic process by
Advanced imaging technologies are useful for diagnosing identifying subtle abnormalities through characteristic
a variety of optical disorders, including anterior lenticonus. clues such as spherical and coma aberrations. Finally, when
Wavefront Analysis and Scheimpflug Imagery in Diagnosis of Anterior Lenticonus 89
correlated with medical history and wavefront analysis, the treatment of a patient with bilateral anterior lenticonus due
Scheimpflug imaging can provide visual confirmation of to Alport syndrome. J Int Med Res. 2008;36:1440-4.
treatable pathology. 3. Lagona E, Tsartsali L, Kostaridou S, Skiathitou A, Georgaki E,
Sotsiou F. Skin biopsy for the diagnosis of Alport Syndrome.
Hippokratia. 2008;12:116-8.
REFERENCES 4. Amiraslanzadeh G. Is anterior lenticonus the most common
ocular finding in Alport syndrome? J Cataract Refract Surg.
1. Blaise P, Delanaye P, Martalo O, Pierard GE, Rorive G, Galand 2008;34:5.
A. Anterior lenticonus: diagnostic aid in Alport syndrome. J Fr 5. Grewal DS, Jain R, Brar GS, Grewal SP. Scheimpflug imaging
of pediatric posterior capsule rupture. Indian J Ophthalmol.
Ophtalmol. 2003;26:1075-82.
2. Liu YB, Tan SJ, Sun ZY, Li X, Huang BY, Hu QM. Clear 6. Ninomoya S, Maeda N, Kuroda T. Evaluation of lenticular
lens phacoemulsification with continuous curvilinear irregular astigmatism using wavefront analysis in patients with
capsulorhexis and foldable intraocular lens implantation for lenticonus. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002;120:1388-93.
CHAPTER 11 Roberto Pinelli
P-curveTM is an algorithm patented for correcting presbyopia Do not forget that, in any human being eye, accommodat-
through LASIK. ing, the negative spherical aberrations are growing in terms of
The cases show aberrations changes after P-curve number.
ablations. All the cases show presbyopia correction with J1 This means a simple thing negative spherical aberration is
OU in all the patients. a key for presbyopia correction in a presbyopic patient.
A short analysis of aberrations changes shows negative Enjoy those clinical cases and think about the negative
spherical aberrations augmentation in ALL cases. spherical aberration rule!
This probably means that negative spherical aberrations
have a rule in presbyopia correction.
Preoperative BCVA for Far
RE: 20/20 sph. +1.00
LE: 20/20 sph. + 0.75 cyl + 0.50 ax 85°
Autorefractometry Postoperative
RE: sph 0.00 cyl –0.50 ax 150°
LE: sph 0.00 cyl –0.75 ax 22°
Autorefractometry Postoperative
RE: sph 0.00 cyl –0.25 ax 65°
LE: sph +0.50 cyl +0.50 ax 15°
RE: 20/20 sph. + 0.00 cyl + 1.00 ax 90°
LE: 20/20 sph. + 0.00 cyl + 0.50 ax 90°
Autorefractometry Postoperative
RE: sph + 0.50 cyl –0.75 ax 30°
LE: sph –0.25 cyl –0.50 ax 160°
Autorefractometry Postoperative
RE: sph + 0.00 cyl –0.75 ax 40°
LE: sph + 0.25 cyl –0.75 ax 160°
RE: 20/20 sph. + 0.50 cyl + 0.75 ax 90°
LE: 20/20 sph. + 0.25 cyl + 0.75 ax 85°
Autorefractometry Postoperative
RE: sph –0.75 cyl –0.25 ax 50°
LE: sph –0.50 cyl –0.50 ax 50°
Aberrometer 53 Ferrara segments 68 Negative spherical aberration 37
sensors resolution 40
Aberrometric test 41f
Aberrometry limitations 40
Alió-Shabayeck classification 68 G O
Alport syndrome 84 Ghost image 80 Ocular disease 49
Application of Glaucoma 4 Ophthalmological
wavefront technology 50 evaluation 69, 72, 75
Asymmetric aberrations 37 Optical
Autorefractometry postoperative 91, 96, 101, basic functions 34
106, 111 H path
Hartmann-Shack difference method 45
aberrometer 46, 62f length 43
B technology 62f Society of America 34
High order aberrations 36-38, 52, 53, 67 transfer function 39, 49, 47
Basic wavefront optics Organization of Zernike polynomials in
and ocular aberrations 52 pyramid 35f
Biomicroscopy 69, 72, 75
Internal optics aberrations 45 P
C Intracorneal ring segment 67, 69
implantation 67 Peripheral
Chromatic aberration 40, 43 Intraocular lens design 50 aberration 35
Classification of nerve thickening 69
aberrations 44 Phase transfer function 40, 47
Constant aberrations 35 Point spread function 39, 47, 56
Contact lens CDVA 69, 75 K Positive spherical aberration 37
Cooperation with National and Postoperative
International Scientific Societies 11 Keratokonus preoperative 69f, 72f, 75f corneal topography and
Corneal aberrometry 69, 72, 75
aberrations 45 evaluation 69, 72, 75
aberrometers 42 L Preoperative corneal
pachymetry 69, 72, 75 aberrometry 69, 72, 75
refractive procedures 50 Left eye Primary spherical aberration 37
postoperative aberrations map 95, 100, Project of vision 1
105, 110, 115 Psychology of vision 14
Pupil size 40, 49
D preoperative aberrations map 94, 99,
104, 109, 114
Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty 75 Low order aberrations 35, 36f, 52
Diffraction 43 R
M Refraction 69, 72, 75
E error 49
Modulation transfer function 47, 56
Eye aberrations 29 Monocular diplopia 79, 81, 82 surgery 11f
124 Wavefront: A Text and Atlas