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Pipe - 2

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1. Air at atmospheric pressure and with a mean velocity of 0.

5 m/s, flows inside a square section

duct of side b=2.5 cm. If the air temperature is 350 K. Determine the Reynolds Number. (at
350K, viscosity = 20.76 x 10-6 m2/s)
a. 206
b. 302
c. 108
d. 602
2. A turbine is rated at 650 Hp when the flow of water through it is 0.85 m3/s. Assuming an
efficiency of 84%, what is the head acting on the turbine?
a. 58 m
b. 66 m
c. 160 m
d. 69 m
3. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of cross sectional of 20 cm2. At one section the cross
sectional area is 4 cm2. The pressure difference between the two sections is 29.4 psi. How many
cu. Meters of water will flow out of the pipe in 1 minute?
a. 1.208 m3
b. 0.0185 m3
c. 0.493 m3
d. 0.008 m3
4. A piece of silver weighing 600 grams in air weighs 500 grams when immersed in glycerine whose
specific gravity is 1.25. Find the volume of the cavity inside the silver.
a. 24.32 cc
b. 22.86 cc
c. 21.12 cc
d. 26.21 cc
5. A closed rigid tank has a capacity of 2.5 m3. It holds air at 400 kPa and 18oC. Heat is added until
the temperature I 350oC. Determine the heat added in kJ.
a. 1545
b. 1854
c. 2190
d. 2845
6. The compression ratio of an ideal otto cycle is 6:1. Initial conditions are 101.3 kPa and 20oC. Find
the pressure and temperature at the end of adiabatic compression.
a. 1244.5 kPa, 599.96 K
b. 144.5 kPa, 60oC
c. 1244.5, gage, 60oC
d. 1244.5 kPa, 599.96oC
7. In an air standard Otto cycle, the clearance volume is 18% of the displacement volume. Find the
compression ratio and thermal efficiency.
a. 0.52
b. 0.55
c. 0.53
d. 0.60
8. In an air standard diesel cycle, compression starts at 100 kPa and 300 K. The compression ratio I
16 to 1. The maximum cycle temperature is 2031 K. Determine the thermal efficiency.
a. 60.3%
b. 63.0%
c. 70.3%
d. 85.5%
9. The following data are the results on a test of an Otto cycle engine: torque = 1800 N-m,
indicated mean effective pressure = 750 kPa; fuel consumption = 0.006 kg/s; fuel heating value =
43,000 kJ/kg; bore x stroke = 25 cm x 35 cm; speed = 400 rpm. Calculate the brake mean
effective pressure.
a. 329.5
b. 456.9
c. 555.6
d. 658.4
10. Steam is admitted to the cylinder of an engine in such a manner that the average pressure is 10
psi. The diameter of the piston is 10 in and the length of the stroke is 12 in. What is the Hp of
the engine when it is making 300 rpm?
a. 171.5
b. 175
c. 173.2
d. 174.4
11. In a Rankine cycle, steam enters the turbine at 2.5 MPa and condenser pressure at 50 kPa, what
is the thermal efficiency?

At 2.5 MPa:

hg = 2803.1 kJ/kg sg = 6.2575 kJ/kgK

At 50 kPa:

hf = 340.49 kJ/kg sf = 1.091 kJ/kgK vf = 1.03 x 10-3 m3/kg

hfg = 2305.4 kJ/kg sfg = 6.5029 kJ/kgK

a. 18.9%
b. 21.4%
c. 25.6%
d. 26.5%
12. A liquid dominated geothermal power plant with a single flash separator receives water at
204oC. The separator pressure is 1.04 MPa. A direct contact condenser operates at 0.034 MPa.
The turbine has a polytropic efficiency of 0.75. For a cycle output of 50 MW, what is the mass
flow rate of the well-water in kg/s?

Steam properties:

At 204oC: hf = 870.51 kJ/kg

At 1.04 MPa: hf = 770.38 kJ/kg hg = 2779.6 kJ/kg

sg = 6.5729 kJ/kgK

At 0.034 MPa: hf = 301.40 kJ/kg hfg = 2328.8 kJ/kg

Sf = 0.9793 kJ/kgK sfg = 6.7463 kJ/kgK

a. 2871
b. 2100
c. 186
d. 2444
13. Air enters the compressor of a gas turbine at 100 kPa and 3000K with a volume flow rate of 5
m3/s. The compressor pressure ratio is 10 and its isentropic efficiency is 85%. At the inlet to the
turbine, the pressure is 950 kPa and the temperature is 1400K. The turbine has an isentropic
efficiency of 88% and the exit pressure is 100 kPa. On the basis of an air standard analysis, what
is the thermal efficiency of the cycle in percent?
a. 42.06
b. 60.20
c. 31.19
d. 25.15
14. A vertical draft turbine tube is installed on a Francis turbine and the total head to the center of
the spiral casing at the inlet is 38 meters and velocity of water at the inlet is 5 m/s. The
discharge is 2.1 m3/s. the hydraulic efficiency is 0.87 and overall efficiency is 0.84. The velocities
at the inlet and exit of the draft tube are 5m/s and 1.5m/s respectively. The top of the draft is
1m below the centerline of the spiral casing while the tailrace level is 3 meters from the top of
the draft tube. There is no velocity of whirl at either top or bottom of the draft tube and leakage
losses are negligible. What is the power output of the turbine in kW?
a. 746.9
b. 632.9
c. 901.3
d. 832.6

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