Mussolini PDF
Mussolini PDF
Mussolini PDF
3 Step-by-Step
SECTION Instruction
A New Leader: Mussolini
In the early 1920s, a new leader named Benito
Objectives Mussolini arose in Italy. The Italian people were
As you teach this section, keep students inspired by Mussolini’s promises to bring stability
focused on the following objectives to help and glory to Italy.
them answer the Section Focus Question
and master core content.
“ [Only joy at finding such a leader] can explain
the enthusiasm [Mussolini] evoked at gather-
ing after gathering, where his mere presence
■ Describe how conditions in Italy drew the people from all sides to greet him
favored the rise of Mussolini. An image from a with frenzied acclamations. Even the men who
■ Summarize how Mussolini changed magazine of Benito at first came out of mere curiosity and with
Mussolini leading his indifferent or even hostile feelings gradually
Italy. nation to war
felt themselves fired by his personal magnetic
■ Understand the values and goals of
fascist ideology. ”
influence. . . .
—Margherita G. Sarfatti, The Life of Benito
■ Compare and contrast fascism and Mussolini (tr. Frederic Whyte)
communism. Italian national flag Focus Question How and why did fascism rise
during Mussolini’s rule in Italy?
Prepare to Read
Fascism in Italy
Build Background Knowledge L3 Objectives “I hated politics and politicians,” said Italo Balbo. Like many Ital-
Remind students about the problems that • Describe how conditions in Italy favored the rise ian veterans of World War I, he had come home to a land of
followed World War I. Have students of Mussolini. economic chaos and political corruption. Italy’s constitutional gov-
speculate on how these problems could • Summarize how Mussolini changed Italy. ernment, he felt, “had betrayed the hopes of soldiers, reducing Italy
help pave the way for the rise of dictators, • Understand the values and goals of fascist to a shameful peace.” Disgusted and angry, Balbo rallied behind a
ideology. fiercely nationalist leader, Benito Mussolini. Mussolini’s rise to
such as Mussolini and Hitler.
• Compare and contrast fascism and communism. power in the 1920s served as a model for ambitious strongmen
elsewhere in Europe.
Set a Purpose L3
■ WITNESS HISTORY Read the selection Terms, People, and Places
aloud or play the audio. Benito Mussolini totalitarian state
Mussolini’s Rise to Power
Black Shirts fascism When Italy agreed to join the Allies in 1915, France and Britain
AUDIO Witness History Audio CD,
March on Rome secretly promised to give Italy certain Austro-Hungarian territo-
A New Leader: Mussolini
ries. When the Allies won, Italy received some of the promised ter-
Ask According to this description, ritories, but others became part of the new Yugoslavia. The broken
how did people react to Mussolini? Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas Find the promises outraged Italian nationalists.
(joy, enthusiasm) Ask students to pre- main points of the text under the first two Disorders within Italy multiplied. Inspired in part by the revo-
headings and record them in a flowchart like the lution in Russia, peasants seized land, and workers went on strike
dict the future of such a charismatic
one below. or seized factories. Amid the chaos, returning veterans faced
unemployment. Trade declined and taxes rose. The government,
■ Focus Point out the Section Focus Dissatisfaction Mussolini Mussolini
split into feuding factions, seemed powerless to end the crisis.
and Unrest Takes Power Changes Italy
Question and write it on the board.
• • •
Tell students to refer to this question • • • A Leader Emerges Into this turmoil stepped Benito Mussolini.
as they read. (Answer appears with • • • The son of a socialist blacksmith and a teacher, Mussolini had been a
Section 3 Assessment answers.) socialist in his youth. During the war, however, he rejected socialism
Mussolini’s Rule L3 party controlled industry, agriculture, and trade. Mussolini’s system
favored the upper classes and industrial leaders. Although production
Instruct increased, success came at the expense of workers. They were forbidden to
strike, and their wages were kept low.
n Introduce Ask students to preview
the headings and visuals in this sec- The Individual and the State In Mussolini’s new system, loyalty to
tion. Then ask students to recall how the state replaced conflicting individual goals. To Fascists, the glorious
Mussolini rose to power. Based on their state was all-important, and the individual was unimportant except as a
previous reading and visuals in this member of the state. Men, women, and children were bombarded with
section, have students predict what Vocabulary Builder slogans glorifying the state and Mussolini. “Believe! Obey! Fight!” loud-
kind of leader Mussolini will be. proclaimed—(proh KLAYMD) vt. speakers blared and posters proclaimed. Men were urged to be ruthless,
announced officially selfless warriors fighting for the glory of Italy. Women were pushed out of
n Teach Discuss the ways in which Mus- paying jobs. Instead, Mussolini called on women to “win the battle of
solini imposed a totalitarian regime in motherhood.” Those who bore more than 14 children were given a medal
Italy. Then ask Why is control of the by Il Duce himself.
media important in a totalitarian Shaping the young was a major Fascist goal. Fascist youth groups
state? (It enables the state to censor toughened children and taught them to obey strict military discipline.
information and spread propaganda.) Boys and girls learned about the glories of ancient Rome. Young Fascists
What was Fascist policy regarding marched in torchlight parades, singing patriotic hymns and chanting,
children? (Fascist youth groups taught “Mussolini is always right.” By the 1930s, a generation of young soldiers
strict discipline and children learned stood ready to back Il Duce’s drive to expand Italian power.
about the glories of ancient Rome.) How did the Fascist party transform Italy’s government
n Quick Activity Display Color Trans- and economy?
parency 170: The Triumph of Mus-
solini. Use the lesson suggested in the
transparency book to guide a discus-
sion on the political cartoon satirizing
Mussolini. INFOGRAPHIC As part of a propaganda
Color Transparencies, 170 drive, German mothers
received medals for
bearing several children. 䉴
Independent Practice
Link to Literature To help students
understand how fascism was integrated In totalitarian Italy, Mussolinis government tried to dominate every part of
into the school day, have them read the the lives of Italians. Mussolini’s totalitarian state became a model for others,
selection from “The Sound of the Cica- although his rule in Italy was not as absolute as that of Stalin in the Soviet
das”, by Arturo Vivante and complete the Union or Adolf Hitler in Germany. Still, all three governments shared the
worksheet. following basic features: (1) a single-party dictatorship with blind obedience
to a single leader, (2) state control of the economy, (3) use of police spies and
Teaching Resources, Unit 6, p. 53 terror to enforce the will of the state, (4) government control of the media
to indoctrinate and mobilize citizens through propaganda, (5) use of schools
Monitor Progress and youth organizations to spread ideology to children, and (6) strict
To review this section, ask students to censorship of artists and intellectuals with dissenting opinions.
summarize how Mussolini ruled Italy.
䉳 The dictators built cults of personality
around themselves. At left, a statue of
Stalin in a heroic pose, and (inset)
Mussolini depicted working alongside
Italian builders.
History Background
All in the Family One of Mussolini’s most promi- ever, as Italy’s position in World War II worsened,
nent supporters and assistants was his son-in-law, Ciano joined with others on the Fascist Grand Council
Galeazzo Ciano. Ciano married Mussolini’s favorite to call on Mussolini to resign. Caught by Mussolini’s
daughter, Edda, in 1930. He then served as a diplomat government in northern Italy, he was tried for treason
Answer in China before leading a bomber squadron in the and executed by a shot in the back in January 1944—
Fascist rule changed Italy’s government to a Ethiopian War. When Ciano returned to Italy, he despite his close relationship with Mussolini. Ciano’s
dictatorship upheld by terror, brought the climbed high in the Fascist hierarchy, eventually secret diaries, published in 1946, provide a window
economy under state control, and altered becoming foreign minister in 1936. Many thought into behind-the-scenes maneuvering in Fascist Italy.
domestic life. that Ciano was Mussolini’s natural successor. How-
Independent Practice
Have students fill in the table
recording information about fascism.
Reading and Note Taking
Study Guide, p. 257
Monitor Progress
n As students fill in their tables, circulate
to make sure they understand the val-
ues and characteristics of fascism. For
a completed version of the table, see
Thinking Critically
Note Taking Transparencies, 168B
1. Draw Inferences Why did totalitarian n Check Reading and Note Taking Study
governments try to win the loyalty of Guide entries for student understanding.
their nations’ young people?
2. Recognize Ideologies Why did leaders
honor women for having many children?
Link to Economics
Fascist Enterprises Mussolini started a large- wheat production by about 30 percent. Mussolini also
scale public works program that included agricultural directed the construction of a network of highways.
and architectural restoration projects. Roads, schools, With the help of private businesses, the first one was
and train stations were built, trees planted, and completed in 1924. Answers
archaeological sites financed. One of Mussolini’s most However, not all end results matched Mussolini’s Thinking Critically
successful projects was the drainage of several hun- grand initial claims. Many projects were left unfin- 1. to create a constant flow of people willing to
dred thousand acres of marshland to help Italy win ished, and huge sums of money lined the pockets of serve the government
“the battle for wheat” and end its dependence on corrupt officials in charge of overseeing the programs. 2. to reinforce traditional roles and to create as
imported grain. The increase in farmland boosted Still, few people blamed Mussolini. many new soldiers and loyal citizens as possible
solini’s Italy, and find an image that illus-
trates it. Ask them to present their Progress Monitoring Online
findings to the class. For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice
Web Code: naa-2831
Terms, People, and Places 4. Summarize Describe one of Musso- Quick Write: Write a Thesis Statement
1. For each term listed at the beginning of lini’s economic or social goals, and A compare-and-contrast thesis statement
Answer the section, write a sentence explaining explain the actions he took to achieve it. should introduce the items you are compar-
its significance. 5. Compare and Contrast List two simi- ing and the point you intend to make.
intense loyalty to government or leader, use of larities and two differences between Which of the following thesis statements
terror, promotion of social change fascism and communism. would work best for a compare-and-
2. Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas 6. Identify Point of View Mussolini contrast essay?
Use your completed flowchart and table said, “Machines and women are the • Fascism and communism are very differ-
to answer the section Focus Question: two main causes of unemployment.” ent ideologies, but they both led to the
How and why did fascism rise in Italy? (a) What do you think he meant? imposition of totalitarian governments.
(b) How did Mussolini’s policies reflect • Fascism led to a totalitarian government
Comprehension and Critical Thinking his attitude toward women? in Italy.
3. Recognize Cause and Effect What
problems did Italy face after World
● Writing About History
War I? How did these problems help
Mussolini win power?
4. He wanted economic growth and an end to employed women of taking jobs away from
Section 3 Assessment workplace conflicts. He brought the economy men. (b) He rewarded women who reared
1. Sentences should reflect an understanding under state control and made strikes illegal. many children, but not those who worked.
of each term, person, or place listed at the 5. Similarities: Both promoted social change, ● Writing About History
beginning of the section. imposed totalitarian governments, and The first statement is the best thesis, as it
2. The fascists, led by Mussolini, took advan- claimed to rule in the national interest; allows for both comparison and contrast.
tage of Italy’s postwar turmoil to seize Differences: Communists sought world
control of the nation. revolution a classless society, while fas-
3. anger at the loss of promised territories, cists pursued nationalism and a society For additional assessment, have students
unemployment, labor disorder, and weak with defined classes. access Progress Monitoring Online at
governments; Mussolini exploited these 6. (a) Mussolini blamed machines for reduc- Web Code naa-2831.
problems in order to unite Italians. ing the number of jobs, and accused