Family Nursing Care Plan Hangil Kang KGC SN 2A Submitted To: Ms. Luz B. Ubana
Family Nursing Care Plan Hangil Kang KGC SN 2A Submitted To: Ms. Luz B. Ubana
Family Nursing Care Plan Hangil Kang KGC SN 2A Submitted To: Ms. Luz B. Ubana
Hangil Kang
Health Family nursing problems Goal of care Objectives of care Intervention plan
problem Nursing Method of Resources required
intervention nurse-family
Within several 1. Teach proper hand 1.Assess the degree Home visit Materials needed for hand
minutes of washing technique of awareness of the washing.
nursing before and after family with regards
interventions, eating food. to the Time and effort of the nurse
the family will existing health and family members.
be able to 2. Teach family problem
identify about diseases
hygienic they can get infect 2.Teach the client
measures such from improper how to perform
as proper hygine. handwashing
handwashing correctly
and its
Health Family nursing problems Goal of care Objectives of care Intervention plan
Nursing Method of Resources required
intervention nurse-family
Malnutritio 1. Inability to recognize After nursing After nursing 1. discuss Home visit Examples of food stuffs for
n the resence of intervention, intervention, the the implications of demonstrating preparation
malnutrition in a Ma’am Adalya’s family will be able to the signs and of low-cost menus, supplies
dependent member due nutritional state plan and prepare symptoms of and equipment for cooking
to lack of knowledge will improve in balanced meals which malnutrition demonstrations.
six months. are within the family’s observed in her
2. Inability to provide budget. and the Time and effort of the nurse
adequate nursing care consequences of and family member.
to a member suffering malnutrition.
from malnutrition due Expenses for teaching aids
to 2. Discuss with and transportation of the
family the reasons nurse.
a. Lack of knowledge for Ma’am
about the health Adalya’s
condition; malnutrition;
b. Lack of inquire about and
knowledge on the nature observe the
and extent of nursing care family’s food
needed selection and
preparation and the
habits/practice of
Health Family nursing problems Goal of care Objectives of care Intervention plan
problem Nursing intervention Method of nurse- Resources required
family contact
Improper Inability to decide about Within a hour of 1.recognize the risk 1.Assess the family Home visit Time & effort of the nurse
food taking appropriate actions nursing factors that will concerning their and the family
handling due to failure to interventions, contribute to the practices on
comprehend the identified the family will identified problems; handling and
problem as a health threat be able to preparing food
practice the 2.identify the different 2. Discuss with the
proper ways on measures to prevent family the
handling food the arousal of the risk health problems that
and recognize factors of the problem will occur if
the importance improper food
of proper food 3.determine the handling will
handling importance of persist and lead to
preparing and undesirable
handling the food illnesses such as
properly; diarrhea
4.practice and apply
the techniques of food 3.Teach the family to
handling and do proper
preparation; handwashing and
5.keep their kitchen encourage
clean and free from them to perform it
insects an rodents. before and
after handling foods